
Defines functions .mselect

#' @importFrom stats AIC logLik anova lm
#' @importFrom drc modelFit
.mselect <- function(object, fctList = NULL, nested = FALSE,
                    sorted = c("IC", "Res var", "Lack of fit", "no"),
                    linreg = FALSE, icfct = AIC) {
  sorted <- match.arg(sorted)
    stop("'nested' argument takes only the values: FALSE, TRUE", call. = F)
  contData <- identical(object$type, "continuous")
  nestedInd <- 3 + contData + nested
  mc <- match.call()
  lenFL <- length(fctList)
  retMat <- matrix(0, lenFL + 1, 3 + contData + nested)
  retMat[1, 1] <- logLik(object)
  retMat[1, 2] <- icfct(object)
  retMat[1, 3] <- modelFit(object)[2, 5]
  if(contData) {
    tryRV <- try(summary(object)$resVar, silent = TRUE)
    if(!inherits("tryRV", "try-error")) {
      retMat[1, 4] <- tryRV
    else {
      retMat[1, 4] <- NA
  if(nested) {
    retMat[1, nestedInd] <- NA
  fctList2 <- rep("", lenFL + 1)
  fctList2[1] <- object$fct$name
  if(!is.null(fctList)) {
    prevObj <- object
    for(i in 1:lenFL) {
      tempObj <- try(drm(object$call$formula, data = object$data,
                         fct = fctList[[i]]), 
                     silent = TRUE)
      fctList2[i + 1] <- fctList[[i]]$name
      if(!inherits(tempObj, "try-error")) {
        retMat[i + 1, 1] <- logLik(tempObj)
        retMat[i + 1, 2] <- icfct(tempObj)
        retMat[i + 1, 3] <- modelFit(tempObj)[2, 5]
        if(contData) {
          tryRV2 <- try(summary(tempObj)$resVar, silent = TRUE)
          if(!inherits("tryRV2", "try-error")) {
            retMat[i + 1, 4] <- tryRV2
          else {
            retMat[i + 1, 4] <- NA
        if(nested) {
          retMat[i + 1, nestedInd] <- 
            anova(prevObj, tempObj, details = FALSE)[2, 5]
      else {
        retMat[i + 1, ] <- NA
      prevObj <- tempObj
  rownames(retMat) <- as.vector(unlist(fctList2))
  cnames <- c("logLik", "IC", "Lack of fit")
  if(contData) cnames <- c(cnames, "Res var")
  if(nested) cnames <- c(cnames, "Nested F test")
  colnames(retMat) <- cnames
  if(linreg) {
    drcData <- as.data.frame(object$data[, c(2, 1)])
    names(drcData) <- c("yVec", "xVec")
    linFitList <- list(lm(yVec ~ xVec, data = drcData),
                       lm(yVec ~ xVec + I(xVec * xVec), data = drcData),
                       lm(yVec ~ xVec + I(xVec * xVec) + I(xVec * xVec * xVec),
                          data = drcData))
    linModMat <- matrix(unlist(lapply(linFitList, function(listObj) {
      c(logLik(listObj), icfct(listObj), NA, (summary(listObj)$sigma)^2)
    })), 3, 4, byrow = TRUE)
    rownames(linModMat) <- c("Lin", "Quad", "Cubic")
    colnames(linModMat) <- cnames[1:4]
    if(nested) {
      retMat <- retMat[, 1:4]
    retMat <- rbind(retMat, linModMat)
  if(sorted != "no") {
    return(retMat[order(retMat[, sorted]), ])
  else {

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envalysis documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:47 a.m.