
Defines functions update_forced_geo_codes update_forced_geo update_topic_keywords retrain_languages update_geotraining_df updated_geotraining_df get_geotraining_df geolocate_text update_languages update_geonames get_country_index_map get_regions_df get_country_codes_by_name get_country_code_map get_country_items get_raw_countries get_todays_sample_tweets get_user_location_columns get_user_location_var get_tweet_location_columns get_tweet_location_var

Documented in geolocate_text get_todays_sample_tweets update_geonames update_languages

# Get the SQL-like expression to extract tweet geolocation variables and apply prioritisation
# This function is used on aggregate tweets for translating variables names into SQL valid columns of geotag tweets
get_tweet_location_var <- function(varname) {
  if(varname == "longitude" || varname == "latitude")
      , "text_loc.geo_", varname
      , ", linked_text_loc.geo_", varname
      , ")"
      , sep = ""
      , "text_loc.", varname
      , ", linked_text_loc.", varname
      , ")"
      , sep = ""

# It gets used columns for tweet geolocation. This is used for limiting columns to extract from json files
get_tweet_location_columns <- function(table) {
  if(table == "tweet")
# Get the SQL like expression to extract user geolocation variables and applying prioritisation
# This function is used on aggregate tweets for translating variables names into SQL valid columns of geotag tweets
get_user_location_var <- function(varname) {
  if(varname == "longitude" || varname == "latitude")
      , "tweet_", varname
      , ", place_", varname
      , ", place_full_name_loc.geo_",varname
      , ", linked_place_", varname
      , ", linked_place_full_name_loc.geo_",varname
      , ", user_location_loc.geo_", varname
      , ", user_description_loc.geo_", varname
      , ")"
      , sep = ""
      , "place_full_name_loc.",varname
      , ", linked_place_full_name_loc.",varname
      , ", user_location_loc.", varname
      , ", user_description_loc.", varname
      , ")"
      , sep = ""

# Get used columns for user geolocation. This is used for limiting columns to extract from json files
get_user_location_columns <- function(table) {
  if(table == "tweet")
      , "tweet_latitude"
      , "place_longitude"
      , "place_latitude"
      , "linked_place_longitude"
      , "linked_place_latitude"
      , "user_description_loc"
      , "place_full_name_loc"
      , "linked_place_full_name_loc"
      , "place_full_name_loc"
      , "linked_place_full_name_loc"

#' @title Get a sample of latest tweet geolocations (deprecated)
#' @description This function was removed from epitweetr v1.0.1. Please use search_tweets instead
#' @param limit Size of the sample, default: 100
#' @param text_col Name of the tweet field to geolocate it should be one of the following ("text", "linked_text", "user_description", "user_location", "place_full_name", "linked_place_full_name"),
#' default: 'text'
#' @param lang_col Name of the tweet variable containing the language to evaluate. It should be one of the following ("lang", "linked_lang", NA), default: "lang"
#' @return Data frame containing the sampled tweets and the geolocation metrics
#' @details This function was removed from epitweetr v1.0.1. Please use search_tweets instead.
#' @examples 
#' if(FALSE){
#'    library(epitweetr)
#'    # setting up the data folder
#'    message('Please choose the epitweetr data directory')
#'    setup_config(file.choose())
#'    # geolocating today's tweets
#'    show(get_todays_sample_tweets())
#' }
#' @rdname get_todays_sample_tweets
#' @seealso
#'  \code{\link{download_dependencies}}
#'  \code{\link{update_geonames}}
#'  \code{\link{update_languages}}
#' @export 
get_todays_sample_tweets <- function(limit = 1000, text_col = "text", lang_col = "lang") {
  lifecycle::deprecate_stop("1.0.1", "get_todays_sample_tweets()", "search_tweets()")

# Get raw countries data frame from Excel file
get_raw_countries <- function() {
  # obtained from https://gist.github.com/AdrianBinDC/621321d6083b176b3a3215c0b75f8146#file-country-bounding-boxes-md but it had been manually updated
  df <- readxl::read_excel(get_countries_path()) 
  names(df)<-make.names(names(df),unique = TRUE)
  df$minLat <- as.numeric(df$minLat)
  df$maxLat <- as.numeric(df$maxLat)
  df$minLong <- as.numeric(df$minLong)
  df$maxLong <- as.numeric(df$maxLong)

# Getting a list of regions, sub regions and countries for using as a select
get_country_items <- function(order = "level") {
  `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
  #If countries are already on cache we return them otherwise we calculate them
  if(exists(paste("country_items", order, sep = ""), where = cached)) {
    return (cached[["country_items", order, sep = ""]])
  else {
    # Getting country data from package embedded excel, ignoring Antarctica
    countries <- get_raw_countries() %>% dplyr::filter(.data$region != "")

    # using intermediate region when available
    countries$sub.region <- mapply(function(int, sub) {if(is.na(int)) sub else int}, countries$intermediate.region, countries$sub.region)
    #getting regions and subregions
    regions <- (
        %>% dplyr::group_by(.data$region) 
        %>% dplyr::summarize(minLat = min(.data$minLat), minLong = min(.data$minLong), maxLat = max(.data$maxLat), maxLong = max(.data$maxLong))
        %>% dplyr::ungroup()
    subregions <- (
        %>% dplyr::group_by(.data$region, .data$sub.region) 
        %>% dplyr::summarize(minLat = min(.data$minLat), minLong = min(.data$minLong), maxLat = max(.data$maxLat), maxLong = max(.data$maxLong))
        %>% dplyr::ungroup()

    # creating list containing results
    items <- list()
    # adding hardcoded world items  
    row <- 1
    items[[row]] <- list(name = "World (all)", codes = list(), level = 0, minLat = -90, maxLat = 90, minLong = -180, maxLong = 180 )
    row <- 2
    items[[row]] <- list(name = "World (geolocated)", codes = as.list(countries$alpha.2), level = 0, minLat = -90, maxLat = 90, minLong = -180, maxLong = 180 )
    for(r in 1:nrow(regions)) {
      row <- row + 1
      region <- regions$region[[r]]
      items[[row]] = list(name = region, codes = list(), level = 1, minLat = 90, maxLat = -90, minLong = 180, maxLong = -180)
      # filling region item
      for(c in 1:nrow(countries)) {
        if(countries$region[[c]] == region) {
          # adding country codes for region
          items[[row]]$codes[[length(items[[row]]$codes)+1]] <- countries$alpha.2[[c]]
          # calculating region bounding box 
          if(countries$minLat[[c]] < items[[row]]$minLat) items[[row]]$minLat <- countries$minLat[[c]]
          if(countries$maxLat[[c]] > items[[row]]$maxLat) items[[row]]$maxLat <- countries$maxLat[[c]]
          if(countries$minLong[[c]] < items[[row]]$minLong) items[[row]]$minLong <- countries$minLong[[c]]
          if(countries$maxLong[[c]] > items[[row]]$maxLong) items[[row]]$maxLong <- countries$maxLong[[c]]
      # Adding elements for subregions
      for(s in 1:nrow(subregions)) {
        if(subregions$region[[s]] == region ) {       
          row <- row + 1
          subregion <- subregions$sub.region[[s]]
          items[[row]] = list(name = subregion, codes = list(), level = 2, minLat = 90, maxLat = -90, minLong = 180, maxLong = -180)
          # filling sub region item
          for(c in 1:nrow(countries)) {
            if(countries$region[[c]] == region && countries$sub.region[[c]] == subregion) {
              # adding country codes for region
              items[[row]]$codes[[length(items[[row]]$codes)+1]] <- countries$alpha.2[[c]]
              # calculating region bounding box 
              if(countries$minLat[[c]] < items[[row]]$minLat) items[[row]]$minLat <- countries$minLat[[c]]
              if(countries$maxLat[[c]] > items[[row]]$maxLat) items[[row]]$maxLat <- countries$maxLat[[c]]
              if(countries$minLong[[c]] < items[[row]]$minLong) items[[row]]$minLong <- countries$minLong[[c]]
              if(countries$maxLong[[c]] > items[[row]]$maxLong) items[[row]]$maxLong <- countries$maxLong[[c]]
          # adding country items
          for(c in 1:nrow(countries)) {
            if(countries$region[[c]] == region && countries$sub.region[[c]] == subregion) {
              row <- row + 1
              country <- countries$name[[c]]
              items[[row]] <- list(
                name = country
                , codes = list(countries$alpha.2[[c]])
                , level = 3
                , minLat = countries$minLat[[c]]
                , maxLat = countries$maxLat[[c]]
                , minLong = countries$minLong[[c]]
                , maxLong = countries$maxLong[[c]]
    # Getting EU classification
    eu_zones <- countries$EU.EEA[!is.na(countries$EU.EEA)] %>% unique
    eu_codes <- lapply(eu_zones, function(r) {list(name = r, codes = countries$alpha.2[!is.na(countries$EU.EEA) & countries$EU.EEA == r], level = 0.5)}) 
    eu_codes <- (
      if(length(eu_codes)==0) eu_codes
      else c(eu_codes, list(list(name = paste(eu_zones, collapse = "+"), codes = countries$alpha.2[!is.na(countries$EU.EEA)], level = 0.5)))

    # Getting WHO classification
    who_zones <- countries$WHO.Region[!is.na(countries$WHO.Region)] %>% unique
    who_codes <- lapply(who_zones, function(r) {list(name = r, codes = countries$alpha.2[!is.na(countries$WHO.Region) & countries$WHO.Region == r], level = 0.6)}) 
    specials <- c(eu_codes, who_codes)
    for(s in 1:length(specials)) {
      row <- row + 1
      items[[row]] = list(name = specials[[s]]$name, codes = list(), level = specials[[s]]$level, minLat = 90, maxLat = -90, minLong = 180, maxLong = -180) 
      for(c in 1:nrow(countries)) {
        if(countries$alpha.2[[c]] %in% specials[[s]]$codes) {
          # adding country codes for region
          items[[row]]$codes[[length(items[[row]]$codes)+1]] <- countries$alpha.2[[c]]
          # calculating region bounding box 
          if(countries$minLat[[c]] < items[[row]]$minLat) items[[row]]$minLat <- countries$minLat[[c]]
          if(countries$maxLat[[c]] > items[[row]]$maxLat) items[[row]]$maxLat <- countries$maxLat[[c]]
          if(countries$minLong[[c]] < items[[row]]$minLong) items[[row]]$minLong <- countries$minLong[[c]]
          if(countries$maxLong[[c]] > items[[row]]$maxLong) items[[row]]$maxLong <- countries$maxLong[[c]]

    # Items are natively ordered as a hierarchy, but default of this function is ordered by level and name
    if(order == "level")
      items <- items[order(sapply(items,function(i) {paste(i$level, i$name)}))]

    # Setting the cache
    cached[[paste("country_items", order, sep="_")]] <- items    

# Get country codes
# usage 
# map <- get_country_code_map()
# map[["FR"]] 
get_country_code_map <- function() {
  regions <- get_country_items()  
  countries <- regions[sapply(regions, function(i) i$level == 3)]
  return(setNames(sapply(countries, function(r) r$name), sapply(countries, function(r) r$code)))

# Get country codes by name
# usage 
# map <- get_country_codes_by_name()
# map[["Asia"]] 
get_country_codes_by_name <- function() {
  regions <- get_country_items()  
  return(setNames(sapply(regions, function(r) r$code), sapply(regions, function(r) r$name)))

# Get regions data as data frame
get_regions_df <- function() {
  regions <- get_country_items()
    Name = sapply(regions, function(r) r$name) , 
    Codes = sapply(regions, function(r) paste(r$codes, collapse = ", ")), 
    Level = sapply(regions, function(r) r$level), 
    MinLatitude = as.numeric(sapply(regions, function(r) r$minLat)), 
    MaxLatitude = as.numeric(sapply(regions, function(r) r$maxLat)), 
    MinLongitude = as.numeric(sapply(regions, function(r) r$minLong)), 
    MaxLingityde = as.numeric(sapply(regions, function(r) r$maxLong))

# Get country indexes
# usage 
# map <- get_country_index_map()
# map[["FR"]] 
get_country_index_map <- function() {
  regions <- get_country_items()
  all_index <- 1:length(regions) 
  indexes <- all_index[sapply(all_index, function(i) regions[[i]]$level == 3)]
  return(setNames(indexes, sapply(indexes, function(i) regions[[i]]$code)))

#' @title Updates the local copy of the GeoNames database
#' @description Downloading and indexing a fresh version of the GeoNames database from the provided URL
#' @param tasks Tasks object for reporting progress and error messages, default: get_tasks()
#' @return The list of tasks updated with produced messages
#' @details Run a one shot task to download and index a local copy of the  \href{http://www.geonames.org/}{GeoNames database}. 
#' The GeoNames geographical database covers all countries and contains over eleven million place names that are available; Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. 
#' The URL to download the database from is set on the configuration tab of the Shiny app, in case it changes.
#' The indexing is developed in Spark and Lucene
#' A prerequisite to this function is that the \code{\link{search_loop}} must already have stored collected tweets in the search folder and that the task \code{\link{download_dependencies}}
#' has been successfully run.
#' Normally this function is not called directly by the user but from the \code{\link{detect_loop}} function.
#' @examples 
#' if(FALSE){
#'    library(epitweetr)
#'    # setting up the data folder
#'    message('Please choose the epitweetr data directory')
#'    setup_config(file.choose())
#'    # geolocating last tweets
#'    tasks <- update_geonames()
#' }
#' @rdname update_geonames
#' @seealso
#'  \code{\link{download_dependencies}}
#'  \code{\link{detect_loop}}
#'  \code{\link{get_tasks}}
#' @export 
#' @importFrom utils download.file unzip 
update_geonames <- function(tasks = get_tasks()) {
  tasks <- tryCatch({
    tasks <- update_geonames_task(tasks, "running", "downloading", start = TRUE)
    # Create geo folder if it does not exist
    if(!file.exists(file.path(conf$data_dir, "geo"))) {
      dir.create(file.path(conf$data_dir, "geo"))   
    # Downloading GeoNames
    temp <- tempfile()
    temp_dir <- tempdir()
    download.file(tasks$geonames$url, temp, mode="wb")
    # Decompressing file
    tasks <- update_geonames_task(tasks, "running", "decompressing")
    unzip(zipfile = temp, files = "allCountries.txt", exdir = temp_dir)
    file.rename(from = file.path(temp_dir, "allCountries.txt"), to = get_geonames_txt_path())
    # Assembling GeoNames datasets 
    # using Spark job with entry point updateGeonames part 'ASSEMBLE'
    tasks <- update_geonames_task(tasks, "running", "assembling")
        , conf_geonames_as_arg()
        , "assemble", paste("\"TRUE\"",sep="") 
        , "index", paste("\"FALSE\"",sep="") 
        , "parallelism", conf$spark_cores 
    # Indexing GeoNames datasets
    tasks <- update_geonames_task(tasks, "running", "indexing")
    # using spark job with entry point updateGeonames part 'INDEX'
        , conf_geonames_as_arg()
        , "assemble", paste("\"FALSE\"",sep="") 
        , "index", paste("\"TRUE\"",sep="") 
        , "parallelism", conf$spark_cores 
    # Setting status to success
    tasks <- update_geonames_task(tasks, "success", "", end = TRUE)
  }, warning = function(error_condition) {
    # Setting status to failed
    tasks <- update_geonames_task(tasks, "failed", paste("failed while", tasks$geonames$message," geonames", error_condition))
  }, error = function(error_condition) {
    # Setting status to failed
    tasks <- update_geonames_task(tasks, "failed", paste("failed while", tasks$geonames$message," geonames", error_condition))

#' @title Updates local copies of languages
#' @description Downloading and indexing a fresh version of language models tagged for update on the Shiny app configuration tab
#' @param tasks Tasks object for reporting progress and error messages, default: get_tasks()
#' @return The list of tasks updated with produced messages
#' @details Run a one shot task to download and index a local fasttext \href{https://fasttext.cc/docs/en/crawl-vectors.html}{pretrained models}. 
#' A fasttext model is a collection of vectors for a language automatically produced scrolling a big corpus of text that can be used to capture the semantic of a word.
#' The URL to download the vectors from are set on the configuration tab of the Shiny app.
#' This task will also update SVM models to predict whether a word is a location that will be used in the geolocation process.
#' The indexing is developed in SPARK and Lucene.
#' A prerequisite to this function is that the \code{\link{search_loop}} must already have stored collected tweets in the search folder and that the tasks \code{\link{download_dependencies}}
#' and \code{\link{update_geonames}} has been run successfully.
#' Normally this function is not called directly by the user but from the \code{\link{detect_loop}} function.
#' @examples 
#' if(FALSE){
#'    library(epitweetr)
#'    # setting up the data folder
#'    message('Please choose the epitweetr data directory')
#'    setup_config(file.choose())
#'    # updating language tasks
#'    tasks <- update_languages()
#' }
#' @rdname update_languages
#' @seealso
#'  \code{\link{download_dependencies}}
#'  \code{\link{update_geonames}}
#'  \code{\link{detect_loop}}
#'  \code{\link{get_tasks}}
#' @export 
#' @importFrom utils download.file 
update_languages <- function(tasks = get_tasks()) {
  tasks <- tryCatch({
    tasks <- update_languages_task(tasks, "running", "downloading", start = TRUE)

    # Create languages folder if it does not exist
    if(!file.exists(file.path(conf$data_dir, "languages"))) {
      dir.create(file.path(conf$data_dir, "languages"))   

    # Executing actions per language
    i <- 1
    while(i <= length(tasks$languages$statuses)) {
      # downloading when necessary
      if(tasks$languages$statuses[[i]] %in% c("to add", "to update")) {
        tasks <- update_languages_task(tasks, "running", paste("downloading", tasks$languages$name[[i]]), lang_code = tasks$languages$codes[[i]], lang_start = TRUE)
        temp <- tempfile()
        # downloading the file
        file.rename(from = file.path(temp), to = tasks$languages$vectors[[i]])
        tasks <- update_languages_task(tasks, "running", paste("downloaded", tasks$languages$name[[i]]), lang_code = tasks$languages$codes[[i]], lang_done = TRUE)
      } else if(tasks$languages$statuses[[i]] %in% c("to remove")) {
        # requesting to delete language data
        # deleting language files
        code <- tasks$languages$codes[[i]] 
        if(file.exists(get_lang_vectors_path(code))) file.remove(get_lang_vectors_path(code))
        if(dir.exists(get_lang_model_path(code))) unlink(get_lang_model_path(code))
        if(file.exists(get_lang_stamp_path(code))) file.remove(get_lang_stamp_path(code))
        tasks <- update_languages_task(tasks, "running", paste("deleted", tasks$languages$name[[i]]), lang_code = code, lang_removed = TRUE)
        i <- i - 1
      i <- i + 1
    # Indexing languages after changes
    # using the Spark job with entry point updateLanguages 
    update_languages_task(tasks, "running", "updating training set & indexing")

    # Setting status to success
    tasks <- update_languages_task(tasks, "success", "", end = TRUE)
  }, warning = function(error_condition) {
    # Setting status to failed
    tasks <- update_languages_task(tasks, "failed", paste("failed while", tasks$languages$message," languages", error_condition))
  }, error = function(error_condition) {
    # Setting status to failed
    tasks <- update_languages_task(tasks, "failed", paste("failed while", tasks$languages$message," languages", error_condition))

#' @title geolocate text in a data frame given a text column and optionally a language column
#' @description extracts geolocaion information on text on a column of the provided data frame and returns a new data frame with geolocation information
#' @param df A data frame containing at least character column with text, a column with the language name can be provided to improve geolocation quality
#' @param text_col character, name of the column on the data frame containing the text to geolocalize, default:text
#' @param lang_col character, name of the column on the data frame containing the language of texts, default: NULL
#' @param min_score, numeric, the minimum score obtained on the Lucene scoring function to accept matches on GeoNames. It has to be empirically set default: NULL
#' @return A new data frame containing the following geolocation columns: geo_code, geo_country_code, geo_country, geo_name, tags
#' @details This function perform a call to the epitweetr database which includes functionality for geolocating for languages activated and successfully processed on the shiny app.
#' The geolocation process tries to find the best match in GeoNames database \url{https://www.geonames.org/} including all local aliases for words.
#' If no language is associated to the text, all tokens will be sent as a query to the indexed GeoNames database.
#' If a language code is associated to the text and this language is trained on epitweetr, entity recognition techniques will be used to identify the best candidate in text to contain a location
#' and only these tokens will be sent to the GeoNames query.
#' A custom scoring function is implemented to grant more weight to cities increasing with population to try to perform disambiguation.
#' Rules for forcing the geolocation choices of the algorithms and for tuning performance with manual annotations can be performed on the geotag tab of the Shiny app.
#' A prerequisite to this function is that the tasks \code{\link{download_dependencies}} \code{\link{update_geonames}} and \code{\link{update_languages}} has been run successfully.
#' This function is called from the Shiny app on geolocation evaluation tab but can also be used for manually evaluating the epitweetr geolocation algorithm.
#' @examples 
#' if(FALSE) {
#'    library(epitweetr)
#'    # setting up the data folder
#'    message('Please choose the epitweetr data directory')
#'    setup_config(file.choose())
#'    # creating a test dataframe
#'    df <- data.frame(text = c("Me gusta Santiago de Chile es una linda ciudad"), lang = c("es"))
#'    geo <- geolocate_text(df = df, text_col = "text", lang_col="lang") 
#' }
#' @rdname geolocate_text
#' @seealso
#'  \code{\link{download_dependencies}}
#'  \code{\link{update_geonames}}
#'  \code{\link{detect_loop}}
#' @export 
#' @importFrom utils download.file 
geolocate_text <- function(df, text_col = "text", lang_col=NULL, min_score = NULL) {
  `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
  if(is.null(lang_col)) df[[lang_col]] <- NA
  to_geolocate = df %>% 
    dplyr::transmute(id = as.character(dplyr::row_number()), text = .data[[text_col]], lang =.data[[lang_col]] ) %>%
  geo_uri = paste(get_scala_geolocate_text_url(), "?jsonnl=true", sep = "")
  if(!is.null(min_score)) {
    geo_uri <- paste(geo_uri,"&minScore=", min_score, sep = "")
  ret = stream_post(uri = geo_uri, body = to_geolocate) %>%
  for(col in c("geo_code", "geo_country_code", "geo_country", "geo_name", "tags"))
    if(!exists(col, where = ret))
      ret[[col]] <- NA
  dplyr::select(ret, -which(names(ret) %in% c("text", "id", "lang")))

# returns the current geotraining annotations as a data frame
get_geotraining_df <- function() {
  `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
  data_types<-c("text","text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text")
  current <- readxl::read_excel(get_geotraining_path(), col_types = data_types)
  current$Text <- stringr::str_trim(current$Text)
  current <- current %>% dplyr::distinct(.data$`Text`, .data$Lang, .data$`Location in text`, .keep_all = T)

# returns the current geotraining annotation augmented of tweets_to_add tweets to annotate
updated_geotraining_df <- function(tweets_to_add = 100, progress = function(a, b) {}) {
  `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
  progress(0.1, "getting current training file")
  current <- get_geotraining_df()
  locations <- current %>% dplyr::filter(.data$Type == "Location" & .data$`Location yes/no` %in% c("yes", "OK"))
  add_locations <- if(nrow(locations) == 0) "&locationSamples=true" else "&locationSamples=false" 
  non_locations <- current %>% dplyr::filter(.data$Type == "Location" & .data$`Location yes/no` %in% c("KO", "no"))
  non_location_langs <- unique(non_locations$Lang)
  excl_langs <- if(length(non_location_langs) > 0) paste("&excludedLangs=", paste(non_location_langs, collapse = "&excludedLangs="), sep = "") else "" 

  progress(0.3, "obtaining locations from downloaded models and geonames")
  geo_training_uri <- paste(get_scala_geotraining_url(), "?jsonnl=true", add_locations, excl_langs, sep = "")
  geo_training_url <- url(geo_training_uri)
  geo_training <- jsonlite::stream_in(geo_training_url) 
  if(nrow(geo_training) > 0) {
    geo_training <- geo_training %>%
        Type = "Location", 
        `Text` = .data$word, 
        `Location in text` = NA, 
        `Location yes/no` = ifelse(.data$isLocation, "yes", "no"), 
        `Associate country code` = NA, 
        `Associate with`=NA, 
        `Source` = "Epitweetr model", 
        `Tweet Id` = NA, 
        `Lang` = .data$lang,
        `Tweet part` = NA, 
        `Epitweetr match` = NA,
        `Epitweetr country match` = NA,
        `Epitweetr country code match` = NA
    geo_training$Text <- stringr::str_trim(geo_training$Text)
    geo_training <- geo_training %>%  dplyr::distinct(.data$`Text`, .data$Lang, .keep_all = T)
  # Adding new tweets
  untagged <- unique(length((current %>% dplyr::filter(.data$`Tweet part` == 'text' & .data$`Location yes/no` == '?'))$`Tweet Id`))
  to_add <- if(tweets_to_add > untagged) tweets_to_add else 0

  progress(0.6, "adding new tweets")
  to_tag <- search_tweets(query = paste("lang:", lapply(conf$languages, function(l) l$code), collapse = " ", sep = ""), max = to_add)
  if(nrow(to_tag) > 0) {
    to_tag$text <- stringr::str_trim(to_tag$text)
    to_tag$user_description <- stringr::str_trim(to_tag$user_description)
    to_tag$user_location <- stringr::str_trim(to_tag$user_location)
    texts <- to_tag %>%
        Type = "Text", 
        `Location in text` = NA, 
        `Location yes/no` = "?", 
        `Associate country code` = NA, 
        `Associate with`=NA, 
        `Source` = "Tweet", 
        `Tweet Id` = .data$tweet_id, 
        `Lang` = .data$lang,
        `Tweet part` = "text", 
        `Epitweetr match` = NA,
        `Epitweetr country match` = NA,
        `Epitweetr country code match` = NA
      ) %>%
      dplyr::filter(!.data$`Text` %in% current$`Text`) %>%
      dplyr::distinct(.data$`Text`, .data$Lang, .keep_all = T)
    user_desc <- to_tag %>%
      dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$user_description)) %>%
        Type = "Text", 
        `Location in text` = NA, 
        `Location yes/no` = "?", 
        `Associate country code` = NA, 
        `Associate with`= NA, 
        `Source` = "Tweet", 
        `Tweet Id` = .data$tweet_id, 
        `Lang` = .data$lang,
        `Tweet part` = "user description", 
        `Epitweetr match` = NA,
        `Epitweetr country match` = NA,
        `Epitweetr country code match` = NA,
      ) %>%
      dplyr::filter(!.data$`Text` %in% current$`Text`) %>%
      dplyr::distinct(.data$`Text`, .data$Lang, .keep_all = T)
    user_loc <- to_tag %>%
      dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$user_location)) %>%
        Type = "Location",
        `Location in text` = NA, 
        `Location yes/no` = "?", 
        `Associate country code` = NA, 
        `Associate with`=NA, 
        `Source` = "Tweet", 
        `Tweet Id` = .data$tweet_id, 
        `Lang` = .data$lang,
        `Tweet part` = "user location", 
        `Epitweetr match` = NA,
        `Epitweetr country match` = NA,
        `Epitweetr country code match` = NA,
      ) %>%
      dplyr::filter(!.data$`Text` %in% current$`Text`) %>%
      dplyr::distinct(.data$`Text`, .data$Lang, .keep_all = TRUE)

      ret <- jsonlite::rbind_pages(list(
    } else {
      ret <- jsonlite::rbind_pages(list(
	ret <- ret %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$Text) & !.data$Text == "") %>%
    dplyr::distinct(.data$`Text`, .data$Lang, .keep_all = TRUE)

  text_togeo <- ret %>% dplyr::transmute(
    Text = ifelse(!is.na(.data$`Associate with`), .data$`Associate with`, .data$Text), 
    Lang = ifelse(!is.na(.data$`Associate with`), "all", .data$Lang)
  #getting current geolocation evaluation
  progress(0.7, "geolocating all items")
      geoloc = geolocate_text(df = text_togeo, text_col="Text", lang_col = "Lang")
      ret$`Epitweetr match` <- geoloc$geo_name
      ret$`Epitweetr country match` <- geoloc$geo_country
      ret$`Epitweetr country code match` <- geoloc$geo_country_code
      ret$`Location in text` <- ifelse((is.na(ret$`Location yes/no`) | ret$`Location yes/no`=="?") & ret$Type == "Text", geoloc$tags, ret$`Location in text`)
    ,error = function(e) {
      message("Models are not trained, getting geotraining dataset without evaluation")
      ret$`Epitweetr match` <- NA
      ret$`Epitweetr country match` <- NA
      ret$`Epitweetr country code match` <- NA
  ret %>% arrange(dplyr::desc(.data$Type), .data$`Tweet part`)

# returns the current geotraining annotation augmented of tweets_to_add tweets to annotate and write the results to the geotraining spreadsheet 
update_geotraining_df <- function(tweets_to_add = 100, progress = function(a, b) {}) {
  `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
  training_df <- updated_geotraining_df(tweets_to_add = 100, progress = progress)
  if(is.function(progress)) progress(0.9, "writing result file")
  wb <- openxlsx::createWorkbook()
  openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb, "geolocation")
  # writing data to the worksheet
  openxlsx::writeDataTable(wb, sheet = "geolocation", training_df, colNames = TRUE, startRow = 1, startCol = "A")
  # setting some minimal formatting
  openxlsx::setColWidths(wb, "geolocation", cols = c(2), widths = c(70))
  openxlsx::setColWidths(wb, "geolocation", cols = c(3, 11, 12, 13), widths = c(25))
  openxlsx::setColWidths(wb, "geolocation", cols = c(4, 5, 6, 10), widths = c(17))
  openxlsx::setRowHeights(wb, "geolocation", rows = 1, heights = 20)
    sheet = "geolocation", 
    style = openxlsx:: createStyle(fontSize = 10, halign = "center", fgFill = "#ff860d", border = c("top", "bottom", "left", "right"), textDecoration="bold", wrapText = T, fontColour = "#222222"), 
    rows = 1, 
    cols = 1, 
    gridExpand = FALSE
    sheet = "geolocation", 
    style = openxlsx:: createStyle(fontSize = 10, halign = "center", fgFill = "#ffde59", border = c("top", "bottom", "left", "right"), textDecoration="bold", wrapText = T, fontColour = "#222222"), 
    rows = 1, 
    cols = 2:6, 
    gridExpand = FALSE
    sheet = "geolocation", 
    style = openxlsx:: createStyle(fontSize = 10, halign = "center", fgFill = "#f7d1d5", border = c("top", "bottom", "left", "right"), textDecoration="bold", wrapText = T, fontColour = "#222222"), 
    rows = 1, 
    cols = 7:10, 
    gridExpand = FALSE
    sheet = "geolocation", 
    style = openxlsx:: createStyle(fontSize = 10, halign = "center", fgFill = "#dedce6", border = c("top", "bottom", "left", "right"), textDecoration="bold", wrapText = T, fontColour = "#222222"), 
    rows = 1, 
    cols = 11:13, 
    gridExpand = FALSE
    sheet = "geolocation", 
    style = openxlsx:: createStyle(fontSize = 10, border = c("top", "bottom", "left", "right")), 
    rows = 1:nrow(training_df)+1, 
    cols = 1:13, 
    gridExpand = TRUE
    sheet = "geolocation", 
    style = openxlsx:: createStyle(fontSize = 10, border = c("top", "bottom", "left", "right"), wrapText=T), 
    rows = 2:nrow(training_df)+1, 
    cols = 2, 
    gridExpand = TRUE
  openxlsx::freezePane(wb, "geolocation",firstActiveRow = 2)
  openxlsx::saveWorkbook(wb, get_user_geotraining_path() ,overwrite = T) 

# retrain the language classifiers for entity recognition with the current set of annotations
retrain_languages <- function() {
  `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
  body <- get_geotraining_df() %>% jsonlite::toJSON()
  post_result <- httr::POST(url=get_scala_geotraining_url(), httr::content_type_json(), body=body, encode = "raw", encoding = "UTF-8")
  if(httr::status_code(post_result) != 200) {
    stop(paste("retrain web service failed with the following output: ", substring(httr::content(post_result, "text", encoding = "UTF-8"), 1, 100), sep  = "\n"))
  } else {
    fileConn<-file(get_geotraining_evaluation_path(), encoding = "UTF-8")
    writeLines(httr::content(post_result, "text", encoding = "UTF-8"), fileConn)

# update the topic keywords json file when several location entities are found, the one closest to a topic is chosen 
update_topic_keywords <- function() {
  `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
   keywords <- lapply(strsplit(gsub("\\-\\w*\\b|\"", "", unlist(lapply(conf$topics, function(t) t$query))), "OR|AND|NOT|\\(|\\)"), function(t) {x <- gsub("^ *| *$", "", t); x[x != ""]} )
   topicKeywords <- setNames(keywords, sapply(conf$topics, function(t) t$topic))
   ret <- list()
   for(i in 1:length(conf$topics)) 
     if(exists(conf$topics[[i]]$topic, where = ret)) ret[[conf$topics[[i]]$topic]] <- unique(c(ret[[conf$topics[[i]]$topic]], topicKeywords[[i]])) 
     else ret[[conf$topics[[i]]$topic]] <- unique(topicKeywords[[i]])
   write_json_atomic(ret, get_topic_keywords_path(), pretty = TRUE, force = TRUE, auto_unbox = TRUE)

# update the forced geo json file listing words that will be associated to particular location names ignoring the geolocation algorithm
update_forced_geo <- function() {
  `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
  df <- get_geotraining_df() %>% dplyr::transmute(from = ifelse(is.na(.data$`Location in text`), .data$`Text`, .data$`Location in text`), to = .data$`Associate with`) %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$to))
  ret <- list()
  if(nrow(df) > 0) {
    for(i in 1:nrow(df)) {
      toReplace <- sapply(strsplit(df$from[[i]], ",")[[1]], function(t) {x <- gsub("^ *| *$", "", t); x[x != ""]})
      for(j in 1:length(toReplace)) ret[[toReplace[[j]]]] <- df$to[[i]]
    write_json_atomic(ret, get_forced_geo_path(), pretty = TRUE, force = TRUE, auto_unbox = TRUE)
  } else {

# update the forced geo codes json file lisiting words that will be associated to particular location codes ignoring the geolocation algorithm
update_forced_geo_codes <- function() {
  `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
  df <- get_geotraining_df() %>% dplyr::transmute(from = ifelse(is.na(.data$`Location in text`), .data$`Text`, .data$`Location in text`), to = .data$`Associate country code`) %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$to))
  ret <- list()
  if(nrow(df) > 0) {
    for(i in 1:nrow(df)) {
      toReplace <- sapply(strsplit(df$from[[i]], ",")[[1]], function(t) {x <- gsub("^ *| *$", "", t); x[x != ""]})
      for(j in 1:length(toReplace)) ret[[toReplace[[j]]]] <- df$to[[i]]
    write_json_atomic(ret, get_forced_geo_codes_path(), pretty = TRUE, force = TRUE, auto_unbox = TRUE)
  } else {

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

epitweetr documentation built on Nov. 16, 2023, 5:07 p.m.