
Defines functions loop_run_issues update_dep_task update_alerts_task update_languages_task update_geonames_task in_requested_status in_pending_status detect_loop save_tasks get_task_day_slots plan_tasks get_tasks get_running_task_pid is_detect_running stop_if_no_fs is_fs_running is_search_running kill_task stop_runner_task register_runner_task stop_fs_runner_task register_fs_runner_task stop_detect_runner_task register_detect_runner_task stop_search_runner_task register_search_runner_task register_runner register_fs_monitor register_detect_runner register_fs_runner register_search_runner

Documented in detect_loop get_tasks is_detect_running is_fs_running is_search_running register_detect_runner_task register_fs_monitor register_fs_runner_task register_search_runner_task stop_detect_runner_task stop_fs_runner_task stop_search_runner_task

# registers the tweet collection task (by writing search.PID file) for the current process or stops if no configuration has been set or if it is already running
register_search_runner <- function() {
  stop_if_no_config(paste("Cannot check running status for search without configuration setup")) 

# registers the fs_monitor (by writing fs.PID file) for the current process or stops if no configuration has been set or if it is already running
register_fs_runner <- function() {
  stop_if_no_config(paste("Cannot check running status for fs without configuration setup")) 

# registers the detect_runner (by writing detect.PID file) for the current process or stops if no configuration has been set or if it is already running
register_detect_runner <- function() {
  stop_if_no_config(paste("Cannot check running status for fs without configuration setup")) 
#' @title Registers the fs_monitor for the current process or exits
#' @description registers the fs_monitor (by writing fs.monitor.PID file) for the current process or stops if no configuration has been set or if it is already running
#' @return Nothing
#' @details Registers the fs_monitor (by writing fs.monitor.PID file) for the current process or stops if no configuration has been set or if it is already running
#' This function has been exported so it can be properly called from the future package on the database runner, but it is not intended to be directly called by end users. 
#' @examples 
#' if(FALSE){
#'    #getting tasks statuses
#'    library(epitweetr)
#'    message('Please choose the epitweetr data directory')
#'    setup_config(file.choose())
#'    register_fs_monitor()
#' }
#' @rdname register_fs_monitor
#' @export 
register_fs_monitor <- function() {
  stop_if_no_config(paste("Cannot check running status for fs monitor without configuration setup")) 

# Registers the a task runner (by writing "name".PID file) for the current process 
# or stops if no configuration has been set or if it is already running
register_runner <- function(name) {
  stop_if_no_config(paste("Cannot register ", name ," without configuration setup")) 
  # getting current pid
  pid <- Sys.getpid()
  # getting last running PID
  last_pid <- get_running_task_pid(name)
  if(last_pid >= 0 && last_pid != pid) {
     stop(paste("Runner ", name ,"PID:", last_pid, "is already running"))
  # If here means that the current process has to register as the runner service
  pid_path <- paste(conf$data_dir, "/",name, ".PID", sep = "")
  write(pid, file = pid_path, append = FALSE)

#' @title Registers the tweet collection task
#' @description registers the tweet collection task or stops if no configuration has been set or if it is already running
#' @return Nothing
#' @details Registers the tweet collextion task or stops if no configuration has been set or if it is already running.
#' Twitter authentication needs to be previously set on the shiny app or by calling set_twitter_app_auth(). 
#' You can test if authentication is working on the shiny app troubleshot page or by calling (with dplyr): epitweetr::check_all() %>% filter(check == 'twitter_auth') 
#' This function will use the task scheduler on windows and will fall back to launching the runner as a separate process (attached to this session) on Linux.
#' @examples 
#' if(FALSE){
#'    #getting tasks statuses
#'    library(epitweetr)
#'    message('Please choose the epitweetr data directory')
#'    setup_config(file.choose())
#'    register_search_runner_task()
#' }
#' @rdname register_search_runner_task
#' @export 
register_search_runner_task <- function() {

#' @title Stops the tweet collection task
#' @description stops the tweet collection task 
#' @return Nothing
#' @details Stops the tweet collection task if it is already running
#' This function will try also deactivate the respective scheduled task on Windows.
#' @examples 
#' if(FALSE){
#'    #getting tasks statuses
#'    library(epitweetr)
#'    message('Please choose the epitweetr data directory')
#'    setup_config(file.choose())
#'    stop_search_runner_task()
#' }
#' @rdname stop_search_runner_task
#' @export 
stop_search_runner_task <- function() {

#' @title Registers the alert detection task
#' @description registers the alert detection task or stops if no configuration has been set or if it is already running
#' @return Nothing
#' @details Registers the alert detection task or stops if no configuration has been set or if it is already running.
#' To generate alerts, this task needs the tweet collection to had successfully run since the last time it ran.
#' This function will use the task scheduler on windows and will fall back to launching the runner as a separate process (attached to this session) on Linux.
#' @examples 
#' if(FALSE){
#'    #getting tasks statuses
#'    library(epitweetr)
#'    message('Please choose the epitweetr data directory')
#'    setup_config(file.choose())
#'    register_detect_runner_task()
#' }
#' @rdname register_detect_runner_task
#' @export 
register_detect_runner_task <- function() {

#' @title Stops the alert detection task
#' @description stops the alert detection task 
#' @return Nothing
#' @details Stops the alert detection task if it is already running
#' This function will try also deactivate the respective scheduled task on Windows.
#' @examples 
#' if(FALSE){
#'    #getting tasks statuses
#'    library(epitweetr)
#'    message('Please choose the epitweetr data directory')
#'    setup_config(file.choose())
#'    stop_detect_runner_task()
#' }
#' @rdname stop_detect_runner_task
#' @export 
stop_detect_runner_task <- function() {

#' @title Registers the epitweetr database task
#' @description registers the epitweetr database task or stops if no configuration has been set or if it is already running
#' @return Nothing
#' @details Registers the epitweetr database task or stops if no configuration has been set or if it is already running.
#' This task need the dependencies, geonames and languages steps to have been successfully ran. This can be done on the shiny app configuration page or by manually running the detect_runner_task.
#' This function will try to use the task scheduler on windows and will fall back to launching the runner as a separate process (attached to this session) on Linux.
#' @examples 
#' if(FALSE){
#'    #getting tasks statuses
#'    library(epitweetr)
#'    message('Please choose the epitweetr data directory')
#'    setup_config(file.choose())
#'    register_fs_runner_task()
#' }
#' @rdname register_fs_runner_task
#' @export 
register_fs_runner_task <- function() {

#' @title Stops the epitweetr database task
#' @description stops the epitweetr database task 
#' @return Nothing
#' @details Stops the epitweetr database task if it is already running
#' This function will try also deactivate the respective scheduled task on Windows.
#' @examples 
#' if(FALSE){
#'    #getting tasks statuses
#'    library(epitweetr)
#'    message('Please choose the epitweetr data directory')
#'    setup_config(file.choose())
#'    stop_fs_runner_task()
#' }
#' @rdname stop_fs_runner_task
#' @export 
stop_fs_runner_task <- function() {

# This task is currently Windows only
register_runner_task <- function(task_name) {
  # Making sure configuration has been set
  stop_if_no_config(paste("Cannot register scheduled task without configuration setup")) 
  # Getting the embedded script name to be called in order to make the script run
  script_name <- paste(task_name, "R", sep = ".")

  run_attached <- FALSE
  # Filtering by OS, currently only Windows is supported
  # Getting source script
  script_base <- system.file("extdata", script_name, package = get_package_name())
  # Getting destination folder which is going to be on user c:/Users/user/epitweetr or ~/epitweetr
  script_folder <- (
    if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
      paste(gsub("\\\\", "/", Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE")), "epitweetr", sep = "/")
      file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME"), "/epitweetr")
    dir.create(script_folder, showWarnings = FALSE)
  script <- paste(script_folder, script_name, sep = "/")
  # Copying the script 
  file.copy(from = script_base, to = script, overwrite = TRUE)
  taskname = paste("epitweetr", task_name, "loop", sep = "_")
  rscript_args = paste("\"", conf$data_dir,"\"", sep = "")
  if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
    # testing if taskscheduleR can be loaded
    if(requireNamespace("taskscheduleR", quietly = TRUE)) {

      # Registering the task as a schedule task using taskscheduleR
      # Note that the date format is being guess using %DATE% shell variable
      # This value can be overridden by conf$fore_date_format setting
        , rscript = script
        , rscript_args = rscript_args
        , schedule = "HOUR"
        , startdate =  
          if(conf$force_date_format == "")
            tail(strsplit(shell("echo %DATE%", intern= TRUE), " ")[[1]], 1)
            strftime(Sys.time(), conf$force_date_format)
        , schtasks_extra="/F"
    else {
      run_attached <- TRUE
      warning("Please install taskscheduleR package in order to permanently activate the task. This will run the task attached to this process and will end when you close this session.")
  } else {
     run_attached <- TRUE
     warning("Task scheduling is not implemented yet on this OS. You can still schedule it manually. Please refer to package vignette. Running the task attached to this process, it will end when you close this session")

  if(run_attached) {
    # running the requested task as a separate thread. This is useful for testing epitweetr from the shiny app but it does not permanently schedule the task.
    # calculating alerts per topic
    message(paste("Running task", task_name, "attached. Use this only for testing epitweetr, you will need to find a permanent way to schedule it on production environments"))
    cm <- paste(script, rscript_args)
    script_log <- paste(task_name, "log", sep = ".")
    log <- file.path(script_folder, script_log)
    system2("Rscript", args = c(script, conf$data_dir), stdout = log, stderr = log , wait = FALSE)

#Stopping a running epitweetr task
stop_runner_task <- function(task_name) {
  stop_if_no_config(paste("Cannot stop scheduled task without configuration setup")) 
  message(paste("Stopping", task_name))
  # Filtering by OS, currently only Windows is supported
  if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
    # Stopping the task if running
    taskname = paste("epitweetr", task_name, "loop", sep = "_")
    cmd <- sprintf("schtasks /End /TN %s", shQuote(taskname, type = "cmd"))
    system(cmd, intern = FALSE)
    # Disabling the task
    cmd <- sprintf("schtasks /Change /TN %s /Disable", shQuote(taskname, type = "cmd"))
    system(cmd, intern = FALSE)

  # If processes are still running then forcing stop by killing the processes
  if(task_name == "fs") {
    kill_task("fs", "R")
    kill_task("fs.java", "java")
    kill_task("fs_mon", "R")
  } else if (task_name == "search") {
    kill_task("search", "R")
  } else if (task_name == "detect") {
    kill_task("detect", "R")
    kill_task("detect.java", "java")

# Forcing the stop of a PID file by killing the underlying process
kill_task <- function(pidfile, type = "R") {
  path = file.path(conf$data_dir, paste0(pidfile, ".PID"))
  if(file.exists(path)) {
    f = file(description = path, open="r")
    last_pid = readLines(f)
    if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
      if(type == "R")
        image = "R\\.exe|Rscript\\.exe|rsession\\.exe|Rterm\\.exe"
      else if (type == "java")
        image = "java.exe"
        stop("Unsupported type of process")
      if(length(grep(image, system(paste('tasklist /nh /fi "pid eq ',last_pid,'"'), intern = TRUE))) > 0) {
        message(paste("Forcing process", last_pid, "to stop"))
        system(paste('taskkill /F /pid', last_pid), intern = TRUE)
      } else {
        message(paste("registered pid ", last_pid , "not running anymore"))
    } else {
      if(type == "R")
        image = "R\\|rsession"
      else if (type == "java")
        image = "java"
        stop("Unsupported type of process")
      if(system(paste("ps -cax | grep ", paste0("'",image,"'")," | grep ", last_pid), ignore.stdout = TRUE) == 0) {
        message(paste("Forcing process", last_pid, "to stop"))
        system(paste('kill ', last_pid), intern = TRUE)
      } else {
        message(paste("registered pid ", last_pid , "not running anymore"))



#' @title Check whether the tweet collection task is running
#' @description gets the tweet collection execution status  
#' @return logical Whether the tweet collection is running
#' @details returns a logical value being TRUE if the tweet collection is running
#' @examples 
#' if(FALSE){
#'    library(epitweetr)
#'    message('Please choose the epitweetr data directory')
#'    setup_config(file.choose())
#'    is_search_running()
#' }
#' @rdname is_search_running
#' @export 
is_search_running <- function() {
  stop_if_no_config(paste("Cannot check running status for search without configuration setup")) 

#' @title Check whether the database is running
#' @description gets the database runner execution status  
#' @return logical Whether the database is running
#' @details returns a logical value being TRUE if the database runner is actually running
#' @examples 
#' if(FALSE){
#'    library(epitweetr)
#'    message('Please choose the epitweetr data directory')
#'    setup_config(file.choose())
#'    is_fs_running()
#' }
#' @rdname is_fs_running
#' @export 
is_fs_running <- function() {
  stop_if_no_config(paste("Cannot check running status for fs without configuration setup")) 
  tryCatch(httr::GET(url=get_scala_ping_url(), httr::timeout(0.2))$status_code == 200, error = function(e) FALSE, warning = function(w) FALSE)

stop_if_no_fs <- function(msg = NULL) {
  if(!is_fs_running()) {
      stop("This function needs the epitweetr database to be running.\nYou can activate it for this session with the command register_fs_runner_task() or on a separate session with fs_loop().\nBe aware that for data to be displayed, the collect task must have ran previously")

#' @title Check whether the alert detection task is running
#' @description gets the alert detection runner execution status  
#' @return logical Whether the alert detection task is running
#' @details returns a logical value being TRUE if the alert detection task is actually running
#' @examples 
#' if(FALSE){
#'    library(epitweetr)
#'    message('Please choose the epitweetr data directory')
#'    setup_config(file.choose())
#'    is_detect_running()
#' }
#' @rdname is_detect_running
#' @export 
is_detect_running <- function() {
  stop_if_no_config(paste("Cannot check detect batch status for search without configuration setup")) 

# Get runner active PID this function will return -1 if no process was detected
get_running_task_pid <- function(name) {
  # Getting PID file name based on task name which stored the PID of last time this task was running
  pid_path <- paste(conf$data_dir, "/",name, ".PID", sep = "")
  if(file.exists(pid_path)) {
    # Getting last runner pid from PID file if exists
    last_pid <- as.integer(readChar(pid_path, file.info(pid_path)$size))
    # Checking if last_pid is still running 
    # this check makes a system dependent call to get running processes launch by R* or rsession binaries
    # if the last_pid is found on the list of processes returned then we assume is running
    pid_running <- ( 
      if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
        length(grep("R\\.exe|Rscript\\.exe|rsession\\.exe|Rterm\\.exe", system(paste('tasklist /nh /fi "pid eq ',last_pid,'"'), intern = TRUE))) > 0
      else if(.Platform$OS.type == "mac") 
        system(paste("ps -cax | grep 'R\\|rsession' | grep ", last_pid), ignore.stdout = TRUE)==0 
        system(paste("ps -cax | grep 'R\\|rsession' | grep ", last_pid), ignore.stdout = TRUE)==0
  else -1

#' @title Get the \code{\link{detect_loop}} task status
#' @description Reads the status of the \code{\link{detect_loop}} tasks and updates it with changes requested by the Shiny app
#' @param statuses Character vector for limiting the status of the returned tasks, default: list()
#' @return A named list containing all necessary information to run and monitor the detect loop tasks.
#' @details After reading the tasks.json file and parsing it with jsonlite, this function will update the necessary fields in the 
#' tasks for executing and monitoring them.
#' @examples 
#' if(FALSE){
#'    #getting tasks statuses
#'    library(epitweetr)
#'    message('Please choose the epitweetr data directory')
#'    setup_config(file.choose())
#'    tasks <- get_tasks()
#' }
#' @seealso 
#'  \code{\link{download_dependencies}}
#'  \code{\link{update_geonames}}
#'  \code{\link{update_languages}}
#'  \code{\link{detect_loop}}
#'  \code{\link{generate_alerts}}
#' @rdname get_tasks
#' @export 
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
get_tasks <- function(statuses = list()) {
  # get the task path which should be data_folder/tasks.json
  # this file is only written by the detect loop process and read by all (shiny, search) 
  tasks_path <- get_tasks_path()

  #Loading tasks from file if exists 
  tasks <- if(file.exists(tasks_path)) {
    #if tasks files exists getting tasks from disk
    t <- tryCatch( 
      jsonlite::fromJSON(tasks_path, simplifyVector = FALSE, auto_unbox = TRUE)
      ,error = function(e) {
        message("recovering from error on reading tasks")
        jsonlite::fromJSON(tasks_path, simplifyVector = FALSE, auto_unbox = TRUE)
    # casting date time values (they are interpreted as character by jsonlite)
    for(i in 1:length(t)) {
      t[[i]]$scheduled_for <- if(inherits(t[[i]]$scheduled_for, "numeric"))  as.POSIXlt(t[[i]]$scheduled_for/1000,  origin="1970-01-01") else NA
      t[[i]]$started_on <- if(inherits(t[[i]]$started_on, "numeric"))  as.POSIXlt(t[[i]]$started_on/1000,  origin="1970-01-01") else NA
      t[[i]]$end_on <- if(inherits(t[[i]]$end_on, "numeric"))  as.POSIXlt(t[[i]]$end_on/1000,  origin="1970-01-01") else NA
      t[[i]]$status <- if(inherits(t[[i]]$status, "character"))  t[[i]]$status else NA
  } else {
    # If no tasks file is setup a default is built based on configuration
  # Setting default dependencies task status if not set
  if(!exists("dependencies", where = tasks)) {
    #get Java & Scala dependencies
    tasks$dependencies <- list(
      task = "dependencies",
      order = 0,
      started_on = NA,
      end_on = NA,
      status = NA,
      scheduled_for = NA
  # Setting default GeoNames task status if not set
  if(!exists("geonames", where = tasks)) {
    #get geonames
    tasks$geonames <- list(
        task = "geonames",
      order = 1,
      started_on = NA,
      end_on = NA,
      status = NA,
      scheduled_for = NA
  # Setting default languages task status if not set
  if(!exists("languages", where = tasks)) {
    #get geonames
    tasks$languages <- list(
      task = "languages",
      order = 2,
      started_on = NA,
      end_on = NA,
      status = NA,
      scheduled_for = NA
  # Setting default languages task status if not set
  if(exists("geotag", where = tasks)) {
    tasks$geotag <- NULL
  # Setting default aggregate task status if not set
  if(exists("aggregate", where = tasks)) {
    tasks$aggregate <- NULL

  # Setting default alerts task status if not set
  if(!exists("alerts", where = tasks)) {
    tasks$alerts <- list(
      task = "alerts",
      order = 3,
      started_on = NA,
      end_on = NA,
      status = NA,
      scheduled_for = NA
  } else if(exists("alerts", where = tasks) && tasks$alerts$order != 3) { #dealing with bad order case after migration
    tasks$alerts$order = 3
  # The rest of the function code is to detect changes that has been requested by the shiny app
  # changes are detected by looking at xxx_updated_on or xxx_requested_on settings on the configuration saved from the shiny_app

  # Activating dependencies task if requested by the shiny app
  if(in_pending_status(tasks$dependencies)) {
     tasks$dependencies$maven_repo = conf$maven_repo 
     tasks$dependencies$winutils_url = conf$winutils_url 
     tasks$dependencies$status <- "pending" 
  # Activating geonames task if requested by the shiny app
  if(in_pending_status(tasks$geonames)) {
     tasks$geonames$url = conf$geonames_url  
     tasks$geonames$status <- "pending" 
  # Activating languages task if requested by the shiny app
    tasks$languages$status <- "pending"

  # Getting language information (used to detect id there is an action to perform on languages)
  # The tasks files contain the status of languages processed by the detect loop
  # The difference between the settings from the shiny app and the tasks will allow epitweetr to detect the actions to perform on languages
  langs <- get_available_languages() # All available languages for epitweetr
  lcodes <- langs$Code # available language codes
  lurls <- setNames(langs$Url, langs$Code) # available language URLs (to download models)
  lnames <- setNames(langs$Label, langs$Code) # available language names
  conf_codes <- sapply(conf$languages, function(l) l$code) # target languages to use in epitweetr as requested by setting (shiny app)
  task_codes <- tasks$languages$codes # code of languages already processed by the detect loop
  update_times <- setNames(sapply(conf$languages, function(l) l$modified_on), sapply(conf$languages, function(l) l$code)) # time where the change on languages was required by the shiny app

  # Calculating languages to add, update and remove by comparing configuration setting  with language information processed by the detect loop
  # remove: languages that are not anymore ion the settings
  to_remove <- lcodes[sapply(lcodes, function(c) c %in% task_codes && !(c %in% conf_codes))]
  # add: languages added on the settings
  to_add <- lcodes[sapply(lcodes, function(c) !(c %in% task_codes) && (c %in% conf_codes))]
  # update: languages with an update after the last time the language was update was started by the detect loop
  to_update <- lcodes[sapply(lcodes, function(c) (c %in% task_codes) && (c %in% conf_codes) 
    && ( is.na(tasks$languages$started_on)
       || is.na(tasks$languages$end_on)
       || (!is.null(update_times[[c]]) && strptime(update_times[[c]], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") > tasks$languages$started_on)
       || tasks$languages$started_on > tasks$languages$end_on
  # languages with no changes
  done <- lcodes[sapply(lcodes, function(c) (c %in% task_codes) && (c %in% conf_codes) 
    && (!is.na(tasks$languages$started_on)
      && ! is.na(tasks$languages$end_on)
      && (is.null(update_times[[c]]) || strptime(update_times[c], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") <= tasks$languages$started_on)
      && tasks$languages$started_on <= tasks$languages$end_on

  # merging four possible language cases to produce an updated version of what the detect loop should do
  tasks$languages$codes = as.list(c(to_remove, to_add, to_update, done))
  tasks$languages$statuses = as.list(c(
    sapply(to_remove, function(l) "to remove"), 
    sapply(to_add, function(l) "to add"), 
    sapply(to_update, function(l) "to update"), 
    sapply(done, function(l) "done") 
  tasks$languages$urls = lapply(tasks$languages$codes, function(c) lurls[c])
  tasks$languages$names = lapply(tasks$languages$codes, function(c) lnames[c])
  tasks$languages$vectors = lapply(tasks$languages$codes, function(c) {
    conf$tasks$languages = sapply(conf$languages[sapply(conf$languages, function(l) l$code == c)], function(l) l$vectors)  
  # updating the language status and showing it as pending if we detected work to do
  tasks$languages$status <- (
    if((!is.na(tasks$languages$status) && tasks$languages$status == "success") &&  length(to_remove) + length(to_add) + length(to_update) > 0) 

  #filtering tasks by status if required and return
    tasks[sapply(tasks, function(t) t$status %in% statuses)]

# Getting the scheduler task lists and plan execution by setting the scheduled_for times
# pan If tasks file exits it will read it, or get default tasks otherwise
plan_tasks <-function(statuses = list()) {
  tasks <- get_tasks(statuses)
  # Updating next execution time for each task
  now <- Sys.time()

  #sorting tasks by normal execution order
  sorted_tasks <- order(sapply(tasks, function(l) l$order))
  change <- FALSE 
  for(i in sorted_tasks) {
    # Scheduling pending tasks one shot tasks (not recurrent) they will simply be executed in order when pending
    if(tasks[[i]]$task %in% c("dependencies", "geonames", "languages")) {
      if(is.na(tasks[[i]]$status) || tasks[[i]]$status == "pending") {
        tasks[[i]]$status <- "scheduled"
        tasks[[i]]$scheduled_for <- now + (i - 1)/1000 # The (i-1)/1000 is not needed anymore
        change <- TRUE
        break #Just the first pending task is set to scheduled status
    } else if (tasks[[i]]$task %in% c("alerts")) { 
      # dealing with recurrent tasks first if take in consideration the case when a manual request for execution has been performed
      if(in_requested_status(tasks[[i]])) {
        tasks[[i]]$status <- "scheduled"
        tasks[[i]]$scheduled_for <- now
        tasks[[i]]$failures <- 0
        change <- TRUE
        break # Just the first requested task is executed
      } else if(is.na(tasks[[i]]$status) || (  # dealing with normal recurrent scheduling. This is the case when status is not set (first time)
        tasks[[i]]$status %in% c("pending", "success", "scheduled") #or if status is pending success or scheduled (ready for next execution) 
        && { # this is the task ORDER after the last ended task base
          last_ended <- 
	            x = list(tasks$alerts), 
	            f = function(a, b) { 
               if(is.na(a$end_on) && is.na(b$end_on)) {
                 if(a$order > b$order) a else b
               } else if(is.na(a$end_on)) b 
                 else if(is.na(b$end_on)) a 
                 else if(a$end_on > b$end_on) a 
                 else b
          one_shot_task_count <- 3 #NUMBER OF ONE SHOT TASKS UPDATE IT ON CHANGE
          next_order <- if(last_ended$order +1  <= max(sapply(tasks, `[[`, "order"))) last_ended$order + 1 else one_shot_task_count 
          tasks[[i]]$order == next_order

      })) {
        # In this case this is the next task to be executed on normal scheduling
        tasks[[i]]$status <- "scheduled"
        if(is.na(tasks[[i]]$end_on)) { # If taks has never ended then schedule it straight away
          tasks[[i]]$scheduled_for <- now + (i - 1)/1000
        } else if(tasks[[i]]$end_on >= tasks[[i]]$scheduled_for) { #if the task has ended after the last schedule (which should always be the case)
          # the last schedule was already executed a new schedule has to be set
          day_slots <- get_task_day_slots(tasks[[i]]) #Getting all day slots (times when the detect loop can be executed
          next_slots <- day_slots[day_slots > tasks[[i]]$scheduled_for] #getting the future execution slots
          #if next slot is in future set it. If it is in past, set now
          tasks[[i]]$scheduled_for <- if(length(next_slots)>0 && next_slots[[1]] > now) next_slots[[1]] else now + (i - 1)/1000
        change <- TRUE
        break # only first task is set to scheduled
  # saving changes done on tasks

  # filtering the returned tasks by requested status
    tasks[sapply(tasks, function(t) t$status %in% statuses)]

# get detect loop day slots based on start hour
# detect loop recurrent tasks will only be executed on this times
get_task_day_slots <- function(task) {
  span <- conf$schedule_span
  start_hour <- conf$schedule_start_hour
  per_day <- as.integer(24 * 60/span)
  # calculating possible next slot for
  hour_slots <- sort((c(0:(per_day-1)) * (span/60) + start_hour) %% 24)
  hour_slots <- c(hour_slots, hour_slots[[1]] + 24) #This adding first slot of next day
  day_slots <- hour_slots * 60 * 60 + (as.POSIXlt(as.Date(task$scheduled_for)))

# saves the provided task lists to the data directory.
save_tasks <- function(tasks) {
  tasks_path <- get_tasks_path()
  write_json_atomic(tasks, tasks_path, pretty = TRUE, force = TRUE, auto_unbox = TRUE, POSIXt="epoch")

#' @title Runs the detect loop
#' @description Infinite loop ensuring the daily signal detection and email alerts 
#' @param data_dir Path to the 'data directory' containing application settings, models and collected tweets.
#' If not provided the system will try to reuse the existing one from last session call of \code{\link{setup_config}} or use the EPI_HOME environment variable, default: NA
#' @return nothing
#' @details The detect loop is composed of three 'one shot tasks' \code{\link{download_dependencies}}, \code{\link{update_geonames}}, \code{\link{update_languages}} ensuring the system has
#' all necessary components and data to run the three recurrent tasks \code{\link{generate_alerts}}
#' The loop report progress on the 'tasks.json' file which is read or created by this function.
#' The recurrent tasks are scheduled to be executed each 'detect span' minutes, which is a parameter set on the Shiny app.
#' If any of these tasks fails it will be retried three times before going to abort status. Aborted tasks can be relaunched from the Shiny app. 
#' @examples 
#' if(FALSE){
#'    #Running the detect loop
#'    library(epitweetr)
#'    message('Please choose the epitweetr data directory')
#'    setup_config(file.choose())
#'    detect_loop()
#' }
#' @rdname detect_loop
#' @seealso
#'  \code{\link{download_dependencies}}
#'  \code{\link{update_geonames}}
#'  \code{\link{update_languages}}
#'  \code{\link{detect_loop}}
#'  \code{\link{generate_alerts}}
#'  \code{\link{get_tasks}}
#' @export 
detect_loop <- function(data_dir = NA) {
  # ensuring that config is set or using the one provided as a parameter
  if(is.na(data_dir) )
    setup_config(data_dir = data_dir)

  # registering the search runner (search.PID) or stopping if it is already running

  # lass_sleeping_message set to ensure it will be shown if all is done
  last_sleeping_message <- Sys.time() - (conf$schedule_span * 60)
  while(TRUE) {
    # getting tasks to execute with one scheduled 
    tasks <- plan_tasks()
    # seeing if there is something to do 
    # either there is a scheduled task
    # or a task is in an inconsistency state (running) or failed (failed or aborted) 
    # aborted tasks are being taken into consideration since they should stop further taks from being executed 
    if(length(tasks[sapply(tasks, function(t) 
	        && (
	          t$status %in% c("failed", "running", "aborted")
	          || (t$status %in% c("scheduled") && t$scheduled_for <= Sys.time())
      # getting the position of the task to execute (first in one of the active status)
      i_next <- order(sapply(tasks, function(t) if(!is.na(t$status) && t$status %in% c("aborted", "scheduled", "failed", "running")) t$order else 999))[[1]] 
      # proceeding if task is not already aborted (otherwise keep looping)
      if(tasks[[i_next]]$status != "aborted") {
        # increasing number of failures if failed of running
        if(tasks[[i_next]]$status %in% c("failed", "running")) { 
          tasks[[i_next]]$failures = (if(!exists("failures", where = tasks[[i_next]])) 1 else tasks[[i_next]]$failures + 1)
        # setting to aborted if the max number of retries has been reached
        if(tasks[[i_next]]$status %in% c("failed", "running") && tasks[[i_next]]$failures > 3) {
          tasks[[i_next]]$status = "aborted"
          tasks[[i_next]]$message = paste("Max number of retries reached", tasks[[i_next]]$message, sep = "\n")
          health_check(one_per_day = FALSE)
        else { 
          # if task is not aborted proceeding with execution
          message(paste(Sys.time(), ": Executing task", tasks[[i_next]]$task))
          if(tasks[[i_next]]$task == "dependencies") {
            tasks <- download_dependencies(tasks)  
          else if(tasks[[i_next]]$task == "geonames") {
            tasks <- update_geonames(tasks)  
          else if(tasks[[i_next]]$task == "languages") {
            tasks <- update_languages(tasks)  
          else if(tasks[[i_next]]$task == "alerts") {
            tasks <- generate_alerts(tasks)
          # resetting failures to zero if successfully executed
          if(tasks[[i_next]]$status == "success") tasks[[i_next]]$failures = 0

          # saving tasks 
    } else if(last_sleeping_message + (conf$schedule_span * 60) < Sys.time() && 
      length(tasks[sapply(tasks, function(t) 
	        && (t$status %in% c("scheduled") && t$scheduled_for >= Sys.time())
        )>0) { 
      #nothing to do (and not aborted tasks and 'nothing to do' message has not yet been shown for current detect slot
      i_next <- order(sapply(tasks, function(t) if(!is.na(t$status) && t$status %in% c("scheduled")) t$order else 999))[[1]] 
      message(paste(Sys.time(), ": Nothing else todo. Going to sleep each 5 seconds until ", format(tasks[[i_next]]$scheduled_for, tz=Sys.timezone(),usetz=TRUE)))
      last_sleeping_message <- Sys.time()
    # epitweetr sanity check and sending email in case of issues
    # updating config to capture changes coming from search loop or shiny app
    setup_config(data_dir = conf$data_dir)
    # sleep for 5 seconds


# Check if provided task is in pending status which means that a user has requested a manual run and the task is not already running or scheduled
in_pending_status <- function(task) {
    (is.na(task$status) || task$status %in% c("pending", "success", "failure", "aborted")) 
      (task$task == "dependencies" 
        && !is.na(conf$dep_updated_on)
        && (is.na(task$started_on) || task$started_on < strptime(conf$dep_updated_on, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
      ) || (
       task$task == "geonames" 
        && !is.na(conf$geonames_updated_on)
        && (is.na(task$started_on) || task$started_on < strptime(conf$geonames_updated_on, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
      ) || (
       task$task == "languages" 
        && !is.na(conf$lang_updated_on)
        && (is.na(task$started_on) || task$started_on < strptime(conf$lang_updated_on, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
      )  || (
       task$task == "alerts" 
        && !is.na(conf$alerts_requested_on)
        && (is.na(task$started_on) || task$started_on < strptime(conf$alerts_requested_on, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))

# Check if provided task is in requested status which means that a user has requested manual run
in_requested_status <- function(task) {
      (task$task == "dependencies" 
        && !is.na(conf$dep_updated_on)
        && (is.na(task$started_on) || task$started_on < strptime(conf$dep_updated_on, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
      ) || (
       task$task == "geonames" 
        && !is.na(conf$geonames_updated_on)
        && (is.na(task$started_on) || task$started_on < strptime(conf$geonames_updated_on, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
      ) || (
       task$task == "languages" 
        && !is.na(conf$lang_updated_on)
        && (is.na(task$started_on) || task$started_on < strptime(conf$lang_updated_on, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
      ) || (
       task$task == "alerts" 
        && !is.na(conf$alerts_requested_on)
        && (is.na(task$started_on) || task$started_on < strptime(conf$alerts_requested_on, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))

# Updating geonames task for reporting progress on geonames refresh
update_geonames_task <- function(tasks, status, message, start = FALSE, end = FALSE) {
  if(start) tasks$geonames$started_on = Sys.time() 
  if(end) tasks$geonames$end_on = Sys.time() 
  tasks$geonames$status =  status
  tasks$geonames$message = message

# Updating task for reporting progress on languages refresh
update_languages_task <- function(tasks, status, message, start = FALSE, end = FALSE, lang_code = character(0), lang_start = FALSE, lang_done = FALSE, lang_removed = FALSE) {
  if(start) tasks$languages$started_on = Sys.time() 
  if(end) tasks$languages$end_on = Sys.time()
  i <- 1
  while(i <= length(tasks$languages$code)) {
    if(tasks$languages$codes[[i]] == lang_code && lang_start) tasks$languages$statuses[[i]] = "running"
    if(tasks$languages$codes[[i]] == lang_code && lang_done) tasks$languages$statuses[[i]] = "done"
    if(tasks$languages$codes[[i]] == lang_code && lang_removed) {
      tasks$languages$codes <- tasks$languages$codes[-i]
      tasks$languages$statuses <- tasks$languages$statuses[-i]
      tasks$languages$urls <- tasks$languages$urls[-i]
      tasks$languages$names <- tasks$languages$names[-i]
      tasks$languages$vectors <- tasks$languages$vectors[-i]
      i <- i - 1
    i <- i + 1
  tasks$languages$status =  status
  tasks$languages$message = message

# Updating alert task for reporting progress on alert detection
update_alerts_task <- function(tasks, status, message, start = FALSE, end = FALSE) {
  if(start) tasks$alerts$started_on = Sys.time() 
  if(end) tasks$alerts$end_on = Sys.time() 
  tasks$alerts$status =  status
  tasks$alerts$message = message

# Updating dependencies task for reporting progress on downloading Java & Scala dependencies
update_dep_task <- function(tasks, status, message, start = FALSE, end = FALSE) {
  if(start) tasks$dependencies$started_on = Sys.time() 
  if(end) tasks$dependencies$end_on = Sys.time() 
  tasks$dependencies$status =  status
  tasks$dependencies$message = message

loop_run_issues <- function(loop_name) {
  t <- get_tasks()
  if(loop_name == "fs") {
    if(!is.na(t$dependencies$status) && t$dependencies$status %in% c("success", "running")) ""
    else "Please activate 'Requirement & alerts' task. To run the embedded database, the dependencies task needs to be running or have been completed successfully"
  } else if(loop_name == "search") {
    token <- tryCatch(get_token(request_new = FALSE), error = function(e) NULL, warning = function(e) NULL)
    token_ok <- "Token" %in% class(token) || "bearer" %in% class(token) || is.character(token)
    if(!is.na(t$dependencies$status) && t$dependencies$status == "success"
      && !is.na(t$geonames$status) && t$geonames$status == "success"
      && !is.na(t$languages$status) && t$languages$status == "success"
      && token_ok
    else "Please activate 'Requirement & alerts' task. To run 'Data collection & processing' task, you have to successfully complete the tasks for dependencies, GeoNames and languages. You also need to provide your Twitter credentials and click on 'Save settings'"
  } else if(loop_name == "detect") {
  } else
    stop(paste("Unlnown loop", loop_name))

Try the epitweetr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

epitweetr documentation built on Nov. 16, 2023, 5:07 p.m.