
Defines functions write_json_atomic get_known_users add_config_language remove_config_language get_available_languages setup_config_if_not_already stop_if_no_config get_topics_k_decays get_topics_alpha_outliers get_topics_alphas get_topics_labels get_topics_df merge_configs set_twitter_app_auth save_config copy_plans_from setup_config get_empty_config get_secret is_secret_set set_secret get_key_ring get_package_name

Documented in save_config set_twitter_app_auth setup_config

# Environment for storing configuration
conf <- new.env()

# Get package name
get_package_name <- function() environmentName(environment(setup_config))

# Get the keyring for the provided backend or a platform dependent default if backend is null
# this function is used to save the twitter and smtp credentials on a secure store when saving properties
# this function uses the keyring R package which provides a common interface for accessing system dependent keyring
# backend: backend name to use it will be guessed based on user OS if not defined.
get_key_ring <- function(backend = NULL) {
  if(!is.null(backend)) {
    Sys.setenv(kr_backend = backend)
  Sys.setenv(kr_name = "ecdc_wtitter_tool_kr_name")
  Sys.setenv(kr_service = "kr_service")
  keyring = Sys.getenv("kr_backend")
  if(keyring == "secret_service") {
    kb <- keyring::backend_secret_service$new()
  } else if(keyring == "wincred") {
    kb <- keyring::backend_wincred$new()
  } else if(keyring == "macos") {
    kb <- keyring::backend_macos$new()
  } else if(keyring == "file") {
    kb <- keyring::backend_file$new()
  } else {
    kb <- keyring::backend_env$new()
  kr_name <- NULL
  # creating the file keyring if requested and not existent
  if(keyring == "file" ) {
     kr_name <- Sys.getenv("kr_name") 
     krs <- kb$keyring_list()
     if(nrow(krs[krs$keyring == kr_name,]) == 0) {

  # unlocking keyring if unlocked using environment variable to get the password
  if(kb$keyring_is_locked(keyring = kr_name) && Sys.getenv("ecdc_wtitter_tool_kr_password") != "") {
    kb$keyring_unlock(keyring = kr_name, password =  Sys.getenv("ecdc_wtitter_tool_kr_password"))
  # unlocking keyring if unlocked using password prompt
  } else if(kb$keyring_is_locked(keyring = kr_name)) {
    kb$keyring_unlock(keyring = kr_name)
  return (kb)

# Set a secret from the chosen secret management backend
set_secret <- function(secret, value) {
  get_key_ring()$set_with_value(service = Sys.getenv("kr_service"), username = secret, password = value)

# Checks whether a secret is set on the secret management backend
is_secret_set <- function(secret) {
 secrets <- get_key_ring()$list(service =  Sys.getenv("kr_service")) 
 return(nrow(secrets[secrets$username == secret, ])>0) 

# Get a secret from the chosen secret management backend
get_secret <- function(secret) {
  get_key_ring()$get(service =  Sys.getenv("kr_service"), username = secret)

# get empty config for initialization, this represents default values for all configuration properties
get_empty_config <- function(data_dir) {
  ret <- list()
  ret$keyring <- 
   if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") "wincred"
   else if(Sys.info()[['sysname']] == "Darwin") "macos"
   else "file"
  ret$data_dir <- data_dir
  ret$collect_span <- 60
  ret$schedule_span <- 90
  ret$schedule_start_hour <- 8
  ret$languages <- list(
    list(code="en", name="English", vectors=paste(ret$data_dir, "languages/en.txt.gz", sep = "/"), modified_on=strftime(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")),
    list(code="fr", name="French", vectors=paste(ret$data_dir, "languages/fr.txt.gz", sep = "/"), modified_on=strftime(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")),
    list(code="es", name="Spanish", vectors=paste(ret$data_dir, "languages/es.txt.gz", sep = "/"), modified_on=strftime(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")),
    list(code="pt", name="Portuguese", vectors=paste(ret$data_dir, "languages/pt.txt.gz", sep = "/"), modified_on=strftime(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
  ret$lang_updated_on <- NA
  ret$geonames_updated_on <- NA
  ret$dep_updated_on <- NA
  ret$geotag_requested_on <- NA
  ret$aggregate_requested_on <- NA
  ret$alerts_requested_on <- NA
  ret$geonames_url <- "http://download.geonames.org/export/dump/allCountries.zip"
  ret$geolocation_threshold <- 5
  ret$known_users <- list()
  ret$spark_cores <- {
    all_cores <- floor(parallel::detectCores(all.tests = FALSE, logical = TRUE)*0.5)
    if(is.na(all_cores)) 1
    else if(all_cores <1) 1 
    else all_cores
  ret$spark_memory <- "4g"
  ret$onthefly_api <-  .Platform$OS.type != "windows"
  ret$topics <- list()
  ret$topics_md5 <- ""
  ret$alert_alpha <- 0.025
  ret$alert_alpha_outlier <- 0.05
  ret$alert_k_decay <- 4
  ret$alert_history <- 7
  ret$alert_same_weekday_baseline <- FALSE
  ret$alert_with_retweets <- FALSE
  ret$alert_with_bonferroni_correction <- TRUE
  ret$use_mkl <- FALSE
  ret$geonames_simplify <- TRUE
  ret$regions_disclaimer <- ""
  ret$smtp_host <- ""
  ret$smtp_port <- 25
  ret$smtp_from <- ""
  ret$smtp_login <- ""
  ret$smtp_password <- ""
  ret$smtp_insecure <- FALSE
  ret$force_date_format <- ""
  ret$twitter_auth_mode <- ""
  ret$maven_repo <- "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2"
  ret$winutils_url <- "https://github.com/steveloughran/winutils/raw/master/hadoop-3.0.0/bin/winutils.exe"
  ret$api_version <- "1.1"
  ret$fs_port <- 8080
  ret$fs_batch_timeout <- 60*60 
  ret$fs_query_timeout <- 60
  ret$admin_email <- ""
  ret$dismiss_past_request <- "1971-01-01 00:00:00"
  ret$dismiss_past_done <- "2000-01-01 00:00:00"

#' @title Load epitweetr application settings
#' @description Load epitweetr application settings from the designated data directory
#' @param data_dir Path to the directory containing the application settings (it must exist). 
#' If not provided it takes the value of the latest call to setup_config in the current session, or the value of the EPI_HOME environment variable or epitweetr subdirectory in the working directory, 
#' default: if (exists("data_dir", where = conf)) conf$data_dir else if (Sys.getenv("EPI_HOME") !=
#'    "") Sys.getenv("EPI_HOME") else file.path(getwd(), "epitweetr")
#' @param ignore_keyring Whether to skip loading settings from the keyring (Twitter and SMTP credentials), default: FALSE
#' @param ignore_properties Whether to skip loading settings managed by the Shiny app in properties.json file, Default: FALSE
#' @param ignore_topics Whether to skip loading settings defined in the topics.xlsx file and download plans from topics.json file, default: FALSE
#' @param save_first Whether to save current settings before loading new ones from disk, default: list()
#' @return Nothing
#' @details epitweetr relies on settings and data stored in a system folder, so before loading the dashboard, collecting tweets or detecting alerts the user has to designate this folder.
#' When a user wants to use epitweetr from the R console they will need to call this function for initialisation.
#' The 'data_folder' can also be given as a parameter for program launch functions \code{\link{epitweetr_app}}, \code{\link{search_loop}} or \code{\link{detect_loop}}, which will internally call this function.
#' This call will fill (or refresh) a package scoped environment 'conf' that will store the settings. Settings stored in conf are:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{General properties of the Shiny app (stored in properties.json)}
#'   \item{Download plans from the Twitter collection process (stored in topics.json merged with data from the topics.xlsx file}
#'   \item{Credentials for Twitter API and SMTP stored in the defined keyring}
#' }
#' When calling this function and the keyring is locked, a password will be prompted to unlock the keyring.
#' This behaviour can be changed by setting the environment variable 'ecdc_twitter_tool_kr_password' with the password.
#' Changes made to conf can be stored permanently (except for 'data_dir') using:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{\code{\link{save_config}}, or}
#'    \item{\code{\link{set_twitter_app_auth}}}
#' }
#' @examples
#' if(FALSE){
#'    library(epitweetr)
#'    #loading system settings
#'    message('Please choose the epitweetr data directory')
#'    setup_config(file.choose())
#' }
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{save_config}}
#' \code{\link{set_twitter_app_auth}}
#' \code{\link{epitweetr_app}}
#' \code{\link{search_loop}}
#' \code{\link{detect_loop}}
#' @rdname setup_config
#' @export
#' @importFrom jsonlite read_json
#' @importFrom tools md5sum
#' @importFrom readxl read_excel
setup_config <- function(
  data_dir = 
    if(exists("data_dir", where = conf)) 
    else if(Sys.getenv("EPI_HOME")!="") 
      file.path(getwd(), "epitweetr")
  , ignore_keyring = FALSE
  , ignore_properties = FALSE
  , ignore_topics = FALSE
  , save_first = list()
  #setting the data_dir which is a read only property
  conf$data_dir <- data_dir

  # paths contains two files storing configuration data: 
  # props which contains properties set on the Shiny App is stored on data_dir/properties.json
  # and data_dir/topics.json which stores search progress and is updated by the search loop
  paths <- list(props = get_properties_path(), topics = get_plans_path())
  #topics_path is the path to the excel file containing the topics provided by the user or epitweetr default ones
  topics_path <- get_topics_path(data_dir)

  # save_first may be used by a function which is responsible for a part of the configuration to save changes on its perimeter before refreshing
  if(length(save_first) > 0) {
    save_config(data_dir = data_dir, properties = "props" %in% save_first, "topics" %in% save_first)
  #Loading last created configuration from json file on temp variable if exists or load default empty conf instead, this will ensure new settings are loaded with default values if missing
  temp <- get_empty_config(data_dir)
  if(!ignore_properties && exists("props", where = paths)) {
    # refreshing properties (if requested)
    if(file.exists(paths$props)) {
      #merging default values with those stored in the properties.json file
      temp = merge_configs(list(temp, jsonlite::read_json(paths$props, simplifyVector = FALSE, auto_unbox = TRUE)))
    #Setting config  variables filled only from json file  
    conf$keyring <- temp$keyring
    conf$collect_span <- temp$collect_span
    conf$schedule_span <- temp$schedule_span
    conf$schedule_start_hour <- temp$schedule_start_hour
    conf$languages <- temp$languages
    for(i in 1:length(conf$languages)) {conf$languages[[i]]$vectors <- file.path(conf$data_dir, "languages", paste(conf$languages[[i]]$code, "txt", "gz", sep = "."))} 
    conf$lang_updated_on <- temp$lang_updated_on
    conf$geonames_updated_on <- temp$geonames_updated_on
    conf$dep_updated_on <- temp$dep_updated_on
    conf$geotag_requested_on <- temp$geotag_requested_on
    conf$aggregate_requested_on <- temp$aggregate_requested_on
    conf$alerts_requested_on <- temp$alerts_requested_on
    conf$geonames_url <- temp$geonames_url
    conf$known_users <- temp$known_users
    conf$spark_cores <- temp$spark_cores
    conf$spark_memory <- temp$spark_memory
    conf$onthefly_api <- temp$onthefly_api
    conf$geolocation_threshold <- temp$geolocation_threshold
    conf$alert_alpha <- temp$alert_alpha
    conf$alert_alpha_outlier <- temp$alert_alpha_outlier
    conf$alert_k_decay <- temp$alert_k_decay
    conf$alert_history <- temp$alert_history
    conf$alert_same_weekday_baseline <- temp$alert_same_weekday_baseline
    conf$alert_with_retweets <- temp$alert_with_retweets
    conf$alert_with_bonferroni_correction <- temp$alert_with_bonferroni_correction
    conf$use_mkl <- temp$use_mkl
    conf$geonames_simplify <- temp$geonames_simplify
    conf$regions_disclaimer <- temp$regions_disclaimer
    conf$smtp_host <- temp$smtp_host
    conf$smtp_port <- temp$smtp_port
    conf$smtp_from <- temp$smtp_from
    conf$smtp_login <- temp$smtp_login
    conf$smtp_insecure <- temp$smtp_insecure
    conf$force_date_format <- temp$force_date_format
    conf$twitter_auth_mode <- temp$twitter_auth_mode
    conf$maven_repo <- temp$maven_repo
    conf$winutils_url <- temp$winutils_url
    conf$api_version <- temp$api_version
    conf$fs_port <- temp$fs_port
    conf$fs_batch_timeout <- temp$fs_batch_timeout
    conf$fs_query_timeout <- temp$fs_query_timeout
    conf$admin_email <- temp$admin_email
    conf$dismiss_past_request <- temp$dismiss_past_request

  if(!ignore_topics && exists("topics", where = paths)){
    # updating plans and topics if requested 
    if(file.exists(paths$topics)) {
      # merging initial + properties.json data with plans
      temp = merge_configs(list(temp, jsonlite::read_json(paths$topics, simplifyVector = FALSE, auto_unbox = TRUE)))
    #Getting topics from excel topics files if it has changed since last load this is identified by checking the md5 signature
    #If user has not overwritten 
    topics_changed <- FALSE
    topics <- {
      t <- list()
      t$md5 <- as.vector(tools::md5sum(topics_path))
      if(t$md5 != temp$topics_md5) { 
        t$df <- readxl::read_excel(topics_path)
        topics_changed <- TRUE
    #Merging topics from config json and topic excel topics if this last one has changed
    #Each time a topic is found on file, all its occurrences will be processed at the same time, to ensure consistent multi query topics updates based on position
    if(exists("df", where = topics)) {
      distinct_topics <- as.list(unique(topics$df$Topic))
      adjusted_topics <- list()
      i_adjusted <- 1
      #For each distinct topic on Excel file
      for(i_topic in 1:length(distinct_topics)) {
        topic <- distinct_topics[[i_topic]]
        if(!grepl("^[A-Za-z_0-9][A-Za-z_0-9 \\-]*$", topic)) {
          stop(paste("topic name", topic, "is invalid, it must contains only by alphanumeric letters, digits spaces '-' and '_' and not start with spaces, '-' or '_'", sep = " "))
        i_tmp <- 1
        queries <- topics$df[topics$df$Topic == topic, ]
        #For each distinct query on Excel file on current topic
        for(i_query in 1:nrow(queries)) {
          #Looking for the next matching entry in json file
          while(i_tmp <= length(temp$topics) && temp$topics[[i_tmp]]$topic != topic) { i_tmp <- i_tmp + 1 }
          if(i_tmp <= length(temp$topics)) {
            #reusing an existing query
            adjusted_topics[[i_adjusted]] <- temp$topics[[i_tmp]]
            adjusted_topics[[i_adjusted]]$query <- queries$Query[[i_query]]
            adjusted_topics[[i_adjusted]]$label <- queries$Label[[i_query]]
            adjusted_topics[[i_adjusted]]$alpha <-  if(!is.null(queries$Alpha[[i_query]]) && !is.na(queries$Alpha[[i_query]])) queries$Alpha[[i_query]] else conf$alert_alpha
            adjusted_topics[[i_adjusted]]$alpha_outlier <-  (
              if(!is.null(queries$`Outliers Alpha`[[i_query]]) && !is.na(queries$`Outliers Alpha`[[i_query]])) 
                queries$`Outliers Alpha`[[i_query]] 
          } else {
            #creating a new query  
            adjusted_topics[[i_adjusted]] <- list()
            adjusted_topics[[i_adjusted]]$query <- queries$Query[[i_query]]
            adjusted_topics[[i_adjusted]]$topic <- queries$Topic[[i_query]]
            adjusted_topics[[i_adjusted]]$label <- queries$Label[[i_query]]
            adjusted_topics[[i_adjusted]]$alpha <- if(!is.null(queries$Alpha[[i_query]]) && !is.na(queries$Alpha[[i_query]])) queries$Alpha[[i_query]] else conf$alert_alpha
            adjusted_topics[[i_adjusted]]$alpha_outlier <- (
              if(!is.null(queries$`Outliers Alpha`[[i_query]]) && !is.na(queries$`Outliers Alpha`[[i_query]])) 
                queries$`Outliers Alpha`[[i_query]] 
          i_adjusted <- i_adjusted + 1
          i_tmp <- i_tmp + 1
      temp$topics <- adjusted_topics
      temp$topics_md5 <- topics$md5
    #Loading topic related information on config file 
    conf$topics_md5 <- temp$topics_md5 
    conf$topics <- temp$topics
    conf$dismiss_past_done <- temp$dismiss_past_done
  #Getting variables stored on keyring
  #Setting up keyring
  if(!ignore_keyring) {
    kr <- get_key_ring(conf$keyring)
    conf$twitter_auth <- list()
    # Fetching and updating variables from keyring
    for(v in c("app", "access_token", "access_token_secret", "api_key", "api_secret", "bearer")) {
      if(is_secret_set(v)) {
        conf$twitter_auth[[v]] <- get_secret(v)
    if(is_secret_set("smtp_password")) {
      conf$smtp_password <- get_secret("smtp_password")

# Copying plans from temporary file (non typed) to conf, making sure plans have the right type
copy_plans_from <- function(temp) {
  #Copying plans
  if(length(temp$topics)>0) {
    for(i in 1:length(temp$topics)) {
      if(!exists("plan", where = temp$topics[[i]]) || length(temp$topics[[i]]$plan) == 0) {
        conf$topics[[i]]$plan <- list()
      else {
        conf$topics[[i]]$plan <- ( 
          function(j) get_plan(
            expected_end = temp$topics[[i]]$plan[[j]]$expected_end
            , scheduled_for = temp$topics[[i]]$plan[[j]]$scheduled_for
            , start_on = temp$topics[[i]]$plan[[j]]$start_on
            , end_on = temp$topics[[i]]$plan[[j]]$end_on
            , max_id = temp$topics[[i]]$plan[[j]]$max_id
            , since_id = temp$topics[[i]]$plan[[j]]$since_id
            , since_target = temp$topics[[i]]$plan[[j]]$since_target
            , results_span = temp$topics[[i]]$plan[[j]]$results_span
            , requests = temp$topics[[i]]$plan[[j]]$requests
            , progress = temp$topics[[i]]$plan[[j]]$progress

#' @title Save the configuration changes 
#' @description Permanently saves configuration changes to the data folder (excluding Twitter credentials, but not SMTP credentials)
#' @param data_dir Path to a directory to save configuration settings, Default: conf$data_dir
#' @param properties Whether to save the general properties to the properties.json file, default: TRUE
#' @param topics Whether to save topic download plans to the topics.json file, default: TRUE
#' @return Nothing
#' @details Permanently saves configuration changes to the data folder (excluding Twitter credentials, but not SMTP credentials)
#' to save Twitter credentials please use \code{\link{set_twitter_app_auth}}
#' @examples 
#' if(FALSE){
#'    library(epitweetr)
#'    #load configuration
#'    message('Please choose the epitweetr data directory')
#'    setup_config(file.choose())
#'    #make some changes
#'    #conf$collect_span = 90
#'    #saving changes    
#'    save_config()
#' }
#' @rdname save_config
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{setup_config}}
#' \code{\link{set_twitter_app_auth}}
#' @export 
save_config <- function(data_dir = conf$data_dir, properties= TRUE, topics = TRUE) {
  # creating data directory if it does not exists
    dir.create(conf$data_dir, showWarnings = FALSE)

  if(properties) {
    # saving properties on properties.json file
    temp <- list()
    temp$collect_span <- conf$collect_span
    temp$schedule_span <- conf$schedule_span
    temp$schedule_start_hour <- conf$schedule_start_hour
    temp$languages <- conf$languages
    temp$dep_updated_on <- conf$dep_updated_on
    temp$lang_updated_on <- conf$lang_updated_on
    temp$geonames_updated_on <- conf$geonames_updated_on
    temp$geotag_requested_on <- conf$geotag_requested_on
    temp$aggregate_requested_on <- conf$aggregate_requested_on
    temp$alerts_requested_on <- conf$alerts_requested_on
    temp$geonames_url <- conf$geonames_url
    temp$keyring <- conf$keyring
    temp$known_users <- conf$known_users
    temp$spark_cores <- conf$spark_cores
    temp$spark_memory <- conf$spark_memory
    temp$onthefly_api <- conf$onthefly_api
    temp$geolocation_threshold <- conf$geolocation_threshold
    temp$geolocation_threshold <- conf$geolocation_threshold
    temp$alert_alpha <- conf$alert_alpha
    temp$alert_alpha_outlier <- conf$alert_alpha_outlier
    temp$alert_k_decay <- conf$alert_k_decay
    temp$alert_history <- conf$alert_history
    temp$alert_same_weekday_baseline <- conf$alert_same_weekday_baseline
    temp$alert_with_retweets <- conf$alert_with_retweets
    temp$alert_with_bonferroni_correction <- conf$alert_with_bonferroni_correction
    temp$use_mkl <- conf$use_mkl
    temp$geonames_simplify <- conf$geonames_simplify
    temp$regions_disclaimer <- conf$regions_disclaimer
    temp$smtp_host <- conf$smtp_host
    temp$smtp_port <- conf$smtp_port
    temp$smtp_from <- conf$smtp_from
    temp$smtp_login <- conf$smtp_login
    if(!is.null(conf$smtp_password) && conf$smtp_password != "") set_secret("smtp_password", conf$smtp_password)
    temp$smtp_insecure <- conf$smtp_insecure
    temp$force_date_format <- conf$force_date_format
    temp$twitter_auth_mode <- conf$twitter_auth_mode
    temp$maven_repo <- conf$maven_repo
    temp$winutils_url <- conf$winutils_url
    temp$api_version <- conf$api_version
    temp$fs_port <- conf$fs_port
    temp$fs_batch_timeout <- conf$fs_batch_timeout
    temp$fs_query_timeout <- conf$fs_query_timeout
    temp$admin_email <- conf$admin_email
    temp$dismiss_past_request <- conf$dismiss_past_request
    # writing the json file
    write_json_atomic(temp, get_properties_path(), pretty = TRUE, force = TRUE, auto_unbox = TRUE)
  if(topics) {
    # saving topics on topics.json file 
    temp <- list()
    temp$topics <- conf$topics
    temp$topics_md5 <- conf$topics_md5
    temp$dismiss_past_done <- conf$dismiss_past_done
    # Transforming Int64 to string to ensure not losing precision on reading
    for(i in 1:length(conf$topics)) {         
      for(j in 1:length(conf$topics[[i]]$plan)) {
        temp$topics[[i]]$plan[[j]]$since_id = as.character(conf$topics[[i]]$plan[[j]]$since_id)
        temp$topics[[i]]$plan[[j]]$max_id = as.character(conf$topics[[i]]$plan[[j]]$max_id)
        temp$topics[[i]]$plan[[j]]$since_target = as.character(conf$topics[[i]]$plan[[j]]$since_target)
    # writing the json file
    write_json_atomic(temp, get_plans_path(), pretty = TRUE, force = TRUE, auto_unbox = TRUE)

#' @title Save Twitter App credentials
#' @description Update Twitter authentication tokens in a configuration object
#' @param app Application name
#' @param access_token Access token as provided by Twitter
#' @param access_token_secret Access token secret as provided by Twitter
#' @param api_key API key as provided by Twitter 
#' @param api_secret API secret as provided by Twitter
#' @param bearer the bearer token of the application
#' @return Nothing
#' @details Update Twitter authentication tokens in configuration object
#' @examples 
#' if(FALSE){
#'  #Setting the configuration values
#'    set_twitter_app_auth(
#'      app = "my super app", 
#'      access_token = "123456", 
#'      access_token_secret = "123456", 
#'      api_key = "123456", 
#'      api_secret = "123456"
#'    )
#'    set_twitter_app_auth(
#'      bearer = "123456"
#'    )
#' }
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{save_config}}
#' @rdname set_twitter_app_auth
#' @export 
set_twitter_app_auth <- function(app = "", access_token = "", access_token_secret = "", api_key = "", api_secret = "", bearer = "") {
  conf$twitter_auth$app <- app
  conf$twitter_auth$access_token <- access_token
  conf$twitter_auth$access_token_secret <- access_token_secret
  conf$twitter_auth$api_key <- api_key
  conf$twitter_auth$api_secret <- api_secret
  conf$twitter_auth$bearer <- bearer
  for(v in c("app", "access_token", "access_token_secret", "api_key", "api_secret", "bearer")) {
    set_secret(v, conf$twitter_auth[[v]])

# Merging two or more configuration files as a list, latest takes precedence over firsts
merge_configs <- function(configs) {
    stop("No configurations provided for merge")
  else if(length(configs)==1)
  else {
    first <- configs[[1]]
    rest <- merge_configs(configs[-1])
    keys <- unique(c(names(first), names(rest)))
    as.list(setNames(mapply(function(x, y) if(is.null(y)) x else y, first[keys], rest[keys]), keys))

# Get topics data frame as displayed on the Shiny configuration tab
get_topics_df <- function() {
    Topics = sapply(conf$topics, function(t) t$topic), 
    Label = sapply(conf$topics, function(t) t$label), 
    Query = sapply(conf$topics, function(t) t$query), 
    QueryLength = sapply(conf$topics, function(t) nchar(t$query)), 
    ActivePlans = sapply(conf$topics, function(t) length(t$plan)), 
    Progress = sapply(conf$topics, function(t) {if(length(t$plan)>0) mean(unlist(lapply(t$plan, function(p) as.numeric(p$progress)))) else 0}), 
    Requests = sapply(conf$topics, function(t) {if(length(t$plan)>0) sum(unlist(lapply(t$plan, function(p) as.numeric(p$requests)))) else 0}),
    Alpha = sapply(conf$topics, function(t) t$alpha),
    OutliersAlpha = sapply(conf$topics, function(t) t$alpha_outlier),

#Get topic labels as named array that can be used for translation
get_topics_labels <- function() {
  `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
  t <- ( 
    get_topics_df() %>% 
      dplyr::group_by(.data$Topics) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(label = .data$Label[which(!is.na(.data$Label))[1]]) %>%
  setNames(t$label, t$Topics)

#Get topic alphas as named array that can be used for translation
get_topics_alphas <- function() {
  `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
  t <- ( 
    get_topics_df() %>% 
      dplyr::group_by(.data$Topics) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(alpha = .data$Alpha[which(!is.na(.data$Alpha))[1]]) %>%
  setNames(t$alpha, t$Topics)

#Get topic outliers alphas as named array that can be used for translation
get_topics_alpha_outliers <- function() {
  `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
  t <- ( 
    get_topics_df() %>% 
      dplyr::group_by(.data$Topics) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(alpha_outlier = .data$OutliersAlpha[which(!is.na(.data$OutliersAlpha))[1]]) %>%
  setNames(t$alpha_outlier, t$Topics)

#Get topic k_decay as named array that can be used for translation
get_topics_k_decays <- function() {
  `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
  t <- ( 
    get_topics_df() %>% 
      dplyr::group_by(.data$Topics) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(k_decay = conf$alert_k_decay) %>%
  setNames(t$k_decay, t$Topics)

# Check config setup before continue
stop_if_no_config <- function(error_message = "Cannot continue without setting up a configuration.") {
  if(!exists("data_dir", where = conf)) {
    stop(paste(error_message,  "Please call setup_config('your data directory here')", sep = "\n"))  

# Call config if necessary
setup_config_if_not_already <- function() {
  if(!exists("data_dir", where = conf)) {

# Get current available languages from the available language Excel file
get_available_languages <- function() {

# Remove language from the used languages on conf
remove_config_language <- function(code) {
  # Timestaming action 
  conf$lang_updated_on <- strftime(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
  # Removing the language
  conf$languages <- conf$languages[sapply(conf$languages, function(l) l$code != code)] 

# Add language on to the used languages on conf
add_config_language <- function(code, name) {
  # Timestamping action 
  conf$lang_updated_on <- strftime(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
  index <- (1:length(conf$languages))[sapply(conf$languages, function(l) l$code == code)]
  if(length(index)>0) {
    # Language code is already on the task list
    conf$languages[[index]]$code <- code
    conf$languages[[index]]$name <- name
    conf$languages[[index]]$vectors=paste(conf$data_dir, "/languages/", code, ".txt.gz", sep = "")
    conf$languages[[index]]$modified_on <- strftime(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
  } else {
    # Language code is not on the list
    conf$languages <- c(
        code = code,
        name = name,
        vectors = paste(conf$data_dir, "/languages/", code, ".txt.gz", sep = ""),
        modified_on = strftime(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

# Get current known users list from the important users files
get_known_users <- function() {
  gsub("@", "", readxl::read_excel(get_known_users_path())[[1]])

# Wrapper for jsonlite write_json ensuring atomic file write it replaces always the existing file. It ignores appends modifiers
write_json_atomic <- function(x, path, ...) {
  file_name <- tail(strsplit(path, "/|\\\\")[[1]], 1)
  dir_name <- substring(path, 1, nchar(path) - nchar(file_name) - 1)
  swap_file <- tempfile(pattern=paste("~", file_name, sep = ""), tmpdir=dir_name)
  jsonlite::write_json(x = x, path = swap_file, ...)
  file.rename(swap_file, path)

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epitweetr documentation built on Nov. 16, 2023, 5:07 p.m.