
Defines functions map_view_color rgl_pop pan_view pan3d triangulate_surfaces triangulate_geoms add_surface_hole_vertices pair_line_vertex viewpoint_rotate_matrix get_viewpoint_matrix get_viewpoint_rotation rgl_snapshot rgl_view_ground rgl_view_axis rgl_view_point rgl_view_wireframe rgl_view_surface_oneside_quad rgl_view_surface_oneside_tri rgl_view_surface_twoside_quad rgl_view_surface_twoside_tri rgl_view_surface rgl_viewpoint rgl_vertice_trans_to_eplus rgl_vertice_trans_to_opengl

# rgl_vertice_trans {{{
# transform geometry from EnergyPlus to OpenGL coordinate system
# Energyplus --> OpenGL
#          x -->      x
#          y -->     -z
#          z -->      y
rgl_vertice_trans_to_opengl <- function(vertices) {
    if (!NROW(vertices)) {

    set(vertices, NULL, c("y", "z"), list(vertices$z, -vertices$y))
# transform geometry from OpenGL to EnergyPlus coordinate system
# OpenGL --> EnergyPlus
#      x -->          x
#      y -->          z
#      z -->         -y
rgl_vertice_trans_to_eplus <- function(vertices) {
    if (!NROW(vertices)) {

    set(vertices, NULL, c("y", "z"), list(-vertices$z, vertices$y))
# }}}

# rgl_viewpoint {{{
rgl_viewpoint <- function(dev, look_at = "iso", theta = NULL, phi = NULL, fov = NULL, zoom = NULL, scale = NULL) {
    assert_choice(look_at, c("iso", "top", "bottom", "front", "back", "left", "right"), null.ok = TRUE)
    assert_number(phi, lower = -90, upper = 90, null.ok = TRUE)
    assert_number(fov, lower = 0, upper = 179, null.ok = TRUE)

    if (is.null(fov)) fov <- rgl::par3d(dev = dev, "FOV")
    if (is.null(zoom)) zoom <- rgl::par3d(dev = dev, "zoom")
    if (is.null(scale)) scale <- rgl::par3d(dev = dev, "scale")

    if (!is.null(theta) || !is.null(phi)) {
        rot <- get_viewpoint_rotation(dev)

        if (!is.null(theta)) rot[2L] <- theta
        if (!is.null(phi)) rot[1L] <- phi
    } else if (!is.null(look_at)) {
        rot <- switch(look_at,
            top = c(90, 0, 0),
            bottom = c(-90, 180, 0),
            front = c(0, 0, 0),
            back = c(-180, 0, -180),
            left = c(90, 90, -90),
            right = c(90, -90, 90),
            iso = c(15, -30, 0)
    } else {
        # do nothing
        return(list(userMatrix = rgl::par3d(dev = dev, "userMatrix"), fov = fov, zoom = zoom, scale = scale))

    m <- get_viewpoint_matrix(rot[1], rot[2], rot[3])

    rgl::view3d(fov = fov, zoom = zoom, scale = scale, userMatrix = m)

    list(userMatrix = m, fov = fov, zoom = zoom, scale = scale)
# }}}

# rgl_view_surface {{{
rgl_view_surface <- function(dev, geoms, type = "surface_type", x_ray = FALSE, wireframe = TRUE, width = 1.5) {
    assert_choice(type, c("surface_type", "boundary", "construction", "zone", "space", "normal"))
    # should contain vertices after triangulation
    assert_names(names(geoms), must.include = "vertices2")

    # make sure all vertices are in the OpenGL coordinate system
    if (!isTRUE(geoms$in_opengl)) {
        on.exit(rgl_vertice_trans_to_eplus(geoms$vertices2), add = TRUE)


    geoms <- map_view_color(geoms, type = type, x_ray = x_ray)

    # init
    id <- integer()

    # split by vertex number
    num_vert <- geoms$vertices2[, by = "id", list(num = .N)]
    id_tri <- num_vert[num == 3L | num > 4L, id]
    id_quad <- num_vert[num == 4L, id]

    # plot wireframe
    if (wireframe) id <- c(id, rgl_view_wireframe(dev, geoms, width = width))

    # plot 2 sides
    if (type %chin% c("normal", "surface_type")) {
        id_coinc <- integer()
        # add colors to vertices table
        if (nrow(geoms$surface)) {
            # for objects that are adjacent, only show the inside face
            id_coinc <- geoms$surface[J("Surface"), on = "outside_boundary_condition",
                id[name %chin% intersect(name, outside_boundary_condition_object)]]

            geoms$vertices2[geoms$surface, on = "id", `:=`(color_ext = i.color_ext, color_int = i.color_int, alpha = i.alpha)]
            on.exit(set(geoms$surface, NULL, c("color_ext", "color_int", "alpha"), NULL), add = TRUE)
        if (nrow(geoms$subsurface)) {
            geoms$vertices2[geoms$subsurface, on = "id", `:=`(color_ext = i.color_ext, color_int = i.color_int, alpha = i.alpha)]
            on.exit(set(geoms$subsurface, NULL, c("color_ext", "color_int", "alpha"), NULL), add = TRUE)

        if (nrow(geoms$shading)) {
            geoms$vertices2[geoms$shading, on = "id", `:=`(color_ext = i.color_ext, color_int = i.color_int, alpha = i.alpha)]
            on.exit(set(geoms$shading, NULL, c("color_ext", "color_int", "alpha"), NULL), add = TRUE)

        id_tri <- num_vert[num == 3L | num > 4L, id]
        id_quad <- num_vert[num == 4L, id]
        if (length(id_tri)) {
            if (length(id_coinc)) {
                # all adjacent
                if (!length(id_two <- setdiff(id_tri, id_coinc))) {
                    id <- c(id, rgl_view_surface_oneside_tri(geoms$vertices2[J(id_coinc), on = "id", nomatch = NULL]))
                # split
                } else {
                    id <- c(id, rgl_view_surface_twoside_tri(geoms$vertices2[J(id_two), on = "id", nomatch = NULL]))
                    id <- c(id, rgl_view_surface_oneside_tri(geoms$vertices2[J(intersect(id_tri, id_coinc)), on = "id", nomatch = NULL]))
            } else {
                id <- c(id, rgl_view_surface_twoside_tri(geoms$vertices2[J(id_tri), on = "id", nomatch = NULL]))
        if (length(id_quad)) {
            if (length(id_coinc)) {
                # all adjacent
                if (!length(id_two <- setdiff(id_quad, id_coinc))) {
                    id <- c(id, rgl_view_surface_oneside_quad(geoms$vertices2[J(id_coinc), on = "id", nomatch = NULL]))
                # split
                } else {
                    id <- c(id, rgl_view_surface_twoside_quad(geoms$vertices2[J(id_two), on = "id", nomatch = NULL]))
                    id <- c(id, rgl_view_surface_oneside_quad(geoms$vertices2[J(intersect(id_quad, id_coinc)), on = "id", nomatch = NULL]))
            } else {
                id <- c(id, rgl_view_surface_twoside_quad(geoms$vertices2[J(id_quad), on = "id", nomatch = NULL]))
        if (length(id)) on.exit(set(geoms$vertices2, NULL, c("color_ext", "color_int", "alpha"), NULL), add = TRUE)
    # plot 1 side
    } else {
        # add colors to vertice table
        if (nrow(geoms$surface)) {
            geoms$vertices2[geoms$surface, on = "id", `:=`(color = i.color, alpha = i.alpha)]
            on.exit(set(geoms$surface, NULL, c("color", "alpha"), NULL), add = TRUE)
        if (nrow(geoms$subsurface)) {
            geoms$vertices2[geoms$subsurface, on = "id", `:=`(color = i.color, alpha = i.alpha)]
            on.exit(set(geoms$subsurface, NULL, c("color", "alpha"), NULL), add = TRUE)
        if (nrow(geoms$shading)) {
            geoms$vertices2[geoms$shading, on = "id", `:=`(color = i.color, alpha = i.alpha)]
            on.exit(set(geoms$shading, NULL, c("color", "alpha"), NULL), add = TRUE)

        # plot
        if (length(id_tri)) {
            id <- c(id, rgl_view_surface_oneside_tri(geoms$vertices2[J(id_tri), on = "id", nomatch = NULL]))
        if (length(id_quad)) {
            id <- c(id, rgl_view_surface_oneside_quad(geoms$vertices2[J(id_quad), on = "id", nomatch = NULL]))
        if (length(id)) on.exit(set(geoms$vertices2, NULL, c("color", "alpha"), NULL), add = TRUE)

# }}}

# rgl_view_surface_twoside_tri {{{
rgl_view_surface_twoside_tri <- function(vertices) {
    if (!nrow(vertices)) return(integer())
    ext <- rgl::triangles3d(
        x = as.matrix(fast_subset(vertices, c("x", "y", "z"))),
        color = as.matrix(fast_subset(vertices, rep("color_ext", 3L))),
        alpha = as.matrix(fast_subset(vertices, rep("alpha", 3L))),
        front = "filled", back = "culled", lit = FALSE
    int <- rgl::triangles3d(
        x = as.matrix(fast_subset(vertices, c("x", "y", "z"))),
        color = as.matrix(fast_subset(vertices, rep("color_int", 3L))),
        alpha = as.matrix(fast_subset(vertices, rep("alpha", 3L))),
        front = "culled", back = "filled", lit = FALSE
    as.integer(c(ext, int))
# }}}

# rgl_view_surface_twoside_quad {{{
rgl_view_surface_twoside_quad <- function(vertices) {
    if (!nrow(vertices)) return(integer())
    ext <- rgl::quads3d(
        x = as.matrix(fast_subset(vertices, c("x", "y", "z"))),
        color = as.matrix(fast_subset(vertices, rep("color_ext", 3L))),
        alpha = as.matrix(fast_subset(vertices, rep("alpha", 3L))),
        front = "filled", back = "culled", lit = FALSE
    int <- rgl::quads3d(
        x = as.matrix(fast_subset(vertices, c("x", "y", "z"))),
        color = as.matrix(fast_subset(vertices, rep("color_int", 3L))),
        alpha = as.matrix(fast_subset(vertices, rep("alpha", 3L))),
        front = "culled", back = "filled", lit = FALSE
    as.integer(c(ext, int))
# }}}

# rgl_view_surface_oneside_tri {{{
rgl_view_surface_oneside_tri <- function(vertices) {
    if (!nrow(vertices)) return(integer())
    col <- if (has_names(vertices, "color_int")) "color_int" else "color"

        x = as.matrix(fast_subset(vertices, c("x", "y", "z"))),
        color = as.matrix(fast_subset(vertices, rep(col, 3L))),
        alpha = as.matrix(fast_subset(vertices, rep("alpha", 3L))),
        lit = FALSE
# }}}

# rgl_view_surface_oneside_quad {{{
rgl_view_surface_oneside_quad <- function(vertices) {
    if (!nrow(vertices)) return(integer())
    col <- if (has_names(vertices, "color_int")) "color_int" else "color"

        x = as.matrix(fast_subset(vertices, c("x", "y", "z"))),
        color = as.matrix(fast_subset(vertices, rep(col, 3L))),
        alpha = as.matrix(fast_subset(vertices, rep("alpha", 3L))),
        lit = FALSE
# }}}

# rgl_view_wireframe {{{
rgl_view_wireframe <- function(dev, geoms, color = "black", width = 1.5, alpha = 1.0, ...) {
    if (!nrow(geoms$vertices)) return(integer())

    # make sure all vertices are in the OpenGL coordinate system
    if (!isTRUE(geoms$in_opengl)) {
        on.exit(rgl_vertice_trans_to_eplus(geoms$vertices), add = TRUE)

    l <- pair_line_vertex(geoms$vertices)
    as.integer(rgl::segments3d(l$x, l$y, l$z, color = color, lwd = width, lit = FALSE, alpha = alpha, ...))
# }}}

# rgl_view_point {{{
rgl_view_point <- function(dev, geoms, color = "red", size = 8.0, lit = TRUE, ...) {
    if (!nrow(geoms$vertices)) return(integer())
    if (!nrow(geoms$daylighting_point)) return(integer())

    # make sure all vertices are in the OpenGL coordinate system
    if (!isTRUE(geoms$in_opengl)) {
        on.exit(rgl_vertice_trans_to_eplus(geoms$vertices), add = TRUE)

    v <- geoms$vertices[J(geoms$daylighting_point$id), on = "id", nomatch = NULL]

    as.integer(rgl::points3d(v$x, v$y, v$z, color = color, size = size, lit = lit, ...))
# }}}

# rgl_view_axis {{{
rgl_view_axis <- function(dev, geoms, expand = 2.0, width = 1.5, color = c("red", "green", "blue", "orange"), alpha = 1.0) {
    assert_number(expand, finite = TRUE, lower = 1.0)
    assert_number(width, lower = 1E-5, finite = TRUE)
    assert_number(alpha, lower = 0, upper = 1)
    assert_character(color, len = 4L, any.missing = FALSE)

    # change to EnergyPlus coordinate system in order to get the axis line
    # length
    if (isTRUE(geoms$in_opengl)) {
        on.exit(rgl_vertice_trans_to_opengl(geoms$vertices), add = TRUE)

    x <- y <- z <- 0.0
    if (nrow(geoms$vertices)) {
        x <- max(c(geoms$vertices$x, x), na.rm = TRUE)
        y <- max(c(geoms$vertices$y, y), na.rm = TRUE)
        z <- max(c(geoms$vertices$z, z), na.rm = TRUE)

    if (x == y && y == z && x == 0.0) return(list(north = integer(), axis = integer()))

    val <- max(c(x, y, z))

    # add north axis
    id_north <- integer()
    if (!is.na(geoms$building$north_axis) && geoms$building$north_axis != 0.0) {
        v <- matrix(c(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, val * expand, 0, 1), ncol = 4L, byrow = TRUE)
        v <- rgl::rotate3d(v, deg_to_rad(-geoms$building$north_axis), 0, 0, 1)
        v <- set(setnames(as.data.table(v[, 1:3]), c("x", "y", "z")), NULL, c("id", "index"), list(1L, 1:2))

        id_north <- rgl_view_wireframe(dev, list(in_opengl = FALSE, vertices = v), color = color[4L], width = width * 2)

    vert <- data.table(
        id = 1L, index = 1:6,
        x = c(0.0, val * expand, rep(0.0, 4L)),
        y = c(rep(0.0, 2L), 0.0, val * expand, rep(0.0, 2L)),
        z = c(rep(0.0, 4L), 0.0, val * max(c(1.25, expand / 2)))

    c(north = id_north,
      axis = rgl_view_wireframe(dev, list(in_opengl = FALSE, vertices = vert), width = width,
            alpha = alpha, color = rep(c(color[[1L]], color[[3L]], color[[2L]]), each = 2L))
# }}}

# rgl_view_ground {{{
rgl_view_ground <- function(dev, geoms, expand = 1.02, color = "#EDEDEB", alpha = 1.0) {
    assert_number(expand, finite = TRUE, lower = 1.0)
    assert_number(alpha, lower = 0.0, upper = 1.0)

    # change to EnergyPlus coordinate system in order to get the axis line
    # length
    if (isTRUE(geoms$in_opengl)) {
        on.exit(rgl_vertice_trans_to_opengl(geoms$vertices), add = TRUE)

    x <- y <- c(0.0, 0.0)
    if (nrow(geoms$vertices)) {
        x <- range(c(geoms$vertices$x, x), na.rm = TRUE)
        y <- range(c(geoms$vertices$y, y), na.rm = TRUE)

    if (all(x == y) && all(x == c(0.0, 0.0))) return(integer())

    dis_x <- x[2L] - x[1L]
    dis_y <- y[2L] - y[1L]
    expand <- expand - 1.0

    vert <- data.table(
        x = c(
            x[[1L]] - dis_x * expand,
            x[[1L]] - dis_x * expand,
            x[[2L]] + dis_x * expand,
            x[[2L]] + dis_x * expand),
        y = c(
            y[[1L]] - dis_y * expand,
            y[[2L]] + dis_y * expand,
            y[[2L]] + dis_y * expand,
            y[[1L]] - dis_y * expand),
        z = 0

    # transform geometry from EnergyPlus to OpenGL coordinate system
    vert <- rgl_vertice_trans_to_opengl(vert)

        vert$x, vert$y, vert$z,
        color = color, lit = FALSE, alpha = alpha
# }}}

# rgl_snapshot {{{
rgl_snapshot <- function(dev, filename, webshot = FALSE, ...) {

    # set the last plot device as active
    if (!rgl::rgl.useNULL()) rgl::set3d(dev)

    if (!dir.exists(dirname(filename))) dir.create(dirname(filename), recursive = TRUE)

    if (has_ext(filename, "png")) {
        rgl::snapshot3d(filename, "png", top = FALSE, webshot = webshot, ...)
    } else if (has_ext(filename, c("ps", "eps", "tex", "pdf", "svg", "pgf"))) {
        rgl::rgl.postscript(filename, tools::file_ext(filename))
    } else {
        abort(paste0("Not supported export format ", surround(tools::file_ext(filename)), ". ",
            "Current supported: ", collapse(c("png", "ps", "eps", "tex", "pdf", "svg", "pgf"), max_num = 10)

# }}}

# get_viewpoint_rotation {{{
get_viewpoint_rotation <- function(dev) {
    m <- rgl::par3d(dev = dev, "userMatrix")

    x <- atan2(-m[2L, 3L], m[3L, 3L])
    y <- -asin(m[1L, 3L])

    sin_z <- cos(x) * m[2L, 1L] + sin(x) * m[3L, 1L]
    cos_z <- cos(x) * m[2L, 2L] + sin(x) * m[3L, 2L]
    z <- atan2(sin_z, cos_z)

    if (x * 180 / pi < -90) x <- x + pi

    if (x * 180 / pi > 90) x <- x - pi

    c(x, y, z) * 180 / pi
# }}}

# get_viewpoint_matrix {{{
get_viewpoint_matrix <- function(deg_x, deg_y, deg_z) {
    viewpoint_rotate_matrix("x", deg_x) %*%
    viewpoint_rotate_matrix("y", deg_y) %*%
    viewpoint_rotate_matrix("z", deg_z)
# }}}

# viewpoint_rotate_matrix {{{
viewpoint_rotate_matrix <- function(axis, degree) {
    rad <- deg_to_rad(degree)
    s <- sin(rad)
    c <- cos(rad)

    m <- diag(4L)

    if (axis == "x") {
        m[2L, 2L] <- c
        m[2L, 3L] <- -s
        m[3L, 2L] <- s
        m[3L, 3L] <- c
    } else if (axis == "y") {
        m[1L, 1L] <- c
        m[1L, 3L] <- s
        m[3L, 1L] <- -s
        m[3L, 3L] <- c
    } else if (axis == "z") {
        m[1L, 1L] <- c
        m[1L, 2L] <- -s
        m[2L, 1L] <- s
        m[2L, 2L] <- c

# }}}

# pair_line_vertex {{{
pair_line_vertex <- function(vertices) {
    # for lines, vertices should be provided in pairs
    vertices[, by = "id", {
        idx <- c(index[[1L]], rep(index[-1L], each = 2L), index[[1L]])
        list(x = x[idx], y = y[idx], z = z[idx])
# }}}

# add_surface_hole_vertices {{{
add_surface_hole_vertices <- function(surface, subsurface, vertices) {
    if (!nrow(surface) || !nrow(subsurface)) return(vertices)

    subsurface[surface, on = c("building_surface_name" = "name"), `:=`(id_surface = i.id)]
    on.exit(set(subsurface, NULL, "id_surface", NULL), add = TRUE)

    holes <- vertices[fast_subset(subsurface, c("id", "id_surface")), on = "id", nomatch = NULL]

    if (!nrow(holes)) return(vertices)

    set(holes, NULL, c("id", "id_surface", "index"), list(holes$id_surface, NULL, -holes$index))
    # add windows as holes
    setorderv(rbindlist(list(vertices, holes)), "id")
# }}}

# triangulate_geoms {{{
triangulate_geoms <- function(geoms) {
    # In case there is no surface to triangulate and the original vertice
    # data.table is directly returned. See #479
    if (!nrow(geoms$vertices)) return(copy(geoms$vertices))
    if (nrow(geoms$subsurface)) {
        geoms$vertices <- add_surface_hole_vertices(geoms$surface, geoms$subsurface, geoms$vertices)
    num_vert <- geoms$vertices[, by = "id", list(num = .N)]

    if (!any(num_vert$num > 4L)) return(copy(geoms$vertices))

        copy(geoms$vertices[J(num_vert$id[num_vert$num <= 4L]), on = "id"]),
        triangulate_surfaces(geoms$vertices[J(num_vert$id[num_vert$num > 4L]), on = "id"])
# }}}

# triangulate_surfaces {{{
triangulate_surfaces <- function(vertices) {
    # tweaked for speed and avoid grouping computation as long as possible
    trans <- align_face(vertices)

    dt_trans <- rbindlist(lapply(trans$trans, as.list))
    dt_inv_trans <- rbindlist(lapply(trans$trans, function(x) as.list(solve.default(x))))

    set(dt_trans, NULL, "id", trans$id)
    set(dt_inv_trans, NULL, "id", trans$id)

    add_joined_cols(dt_inv_trans, vertices, "id", sprintf("V%i", 1:16))
    vertices[, `:=`(
        inv_x = x * V1 + y * V5 + z * V9 + V13,
        inv_y = x * V2 + y * V6 + z * V10 + V14,
        inv_z = x * V3 + y * V7 + z * V11 + V15

    vert <- vertices[, by = "id", {
        hole <- which(index == -1L)
        if (!length(hole)) hole <- 0L
        tri <- decido::earcut(list(inv_x, inv_y), hole)
        list(index = seq_along(tri), x = inv_x[tri], y = inv_y[tri], z = inv_z[tri])

    # clean
    set(vertices, NULL, setdiff(names(vertices), c("id", "index", "x", "y", "z")), NULL)

    add_joined_cols(dt_trans, vert, "id", sprintf("V%i", 1:16))
    vert[, `:=`(
        x = x * V1 + y * V5 + z * V9 + V13,
        y = x * V2 + y * V6 + z * V10 + V14,
        z = x * V3 + y * V7 + z * V11 + V15
    # clean
    set(vert, NULL, setdiff(names(vert), c("id", "index", "x", "y", "z")), NULL)
# }}}

# pan3d {{{
# adapted from rgl examples
pan3d <- function(button, dev = rgl::cur3d(), subscene = rgl::currentSubscene3d(dev)) {
    start <- list()

    begin <- function(x, y) {
        activeSubscene <- rgl::par3d("activeSubscene", dev = dev)
        start$listeners <<- rgl::par3d("listeners", dev = dev, subscene = activeSubscene)
        for (sub in start$listeners) {
            init <- rgl::par3d(c("userProjection", "viewport"), dev = dev, subscene = sub)
            init$pos <- c(x/init$viewport[3], 1 - y/init$viewport[4], 0.5)
            start[[as.character(sub)]] <<- init

    update <- function(x, y) {
        for (sub in start$listeners) {
            init <- start[[as.character(sub)]]
            xlat <- 2*(c(x/init$viewport[3], 1 - y/init$viewport[4], 0.5) - init$pos)
            mouseMatrix <- rgl::translationMatrix(xlat[1], xlat[2], xlat[3])
            rgl::par3d(userProjection = mouseMatrix %*% init$userProjection, dev = dev, subscene = sub)
    rgl::rgl.setMouseCallbacks(button, begin, update, dev = dev, subscene = subscene)
# }}}

# pan_view {{{
pan_view <- function(dev, x, y, z) {
    init <- rgl::par3d(c("userProjection", "viewport"), dev = dev)
    init$pos <- c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)

    xlat <- 2 * (c(x, y, z) - init$pos)
    mouseMatrix <- rgl::translationMatrix(xlat[1], xlat[2], xlat[3])
    rgl::par3d(userProjection = mouseMatrix %*% init$userProjection, dev = dev)
# }}}

# rgl_pop {{{
rgl_pop <- function(id, type = "shapes") {
    try(as.integer(rgl::pop3d(id = id, type = "shapes")), silent = TRUE)
# }}}

# map_view_color {{{
map_view_color <- function(geoms, type = "surface_type", x_ray = FALSE) {
    assert_choice(type, c("surface_type", "boundary", "construction", "zone", "space", "normal"))
    alpha <- if (x_ray) 0.4 else 1.0


    if (type == "normal") {
        # add surface
        if (nrow(geoms$surface)) {
            set(geoms$surface, NULL, c("color_ext", "color_int", "alpha"),
        if (nrow(geoms$subsurface)) {
            set(geoms$subsurface, NULL, c("color_ext", "color_int", "alpha"),
        if (nrow(geoms$shading)) {
            set(geoms$shading, NULL, c("color_ext", "color_int", "alpha"),
    } else if (type == "surface_type") {
        map <- data.table(
            surface_type = names(COLOR_MAP$surface_type),
            color = COLOR_MAP$surface_type
        )[!J("Undefined"), on = "surface_type"]
        map <- map[
          !(seq_len(nrow(map)) %% 3L == 1L)][
          , `:=`(surface_type = gsub("_.+", "", surface_type),
                 type = rep(c("ext", "int"), .N/2)
        map <- dcast.data.table(map, surface_type ~ type, value.var = "color")

        # add surface
        if (nrow(geoms$surface)) {
            set(geoms$surface, NULL, c("color_ext", "color_int", "alpha"),
            geoms$surface[map, on = "surface_type", `:=`(color_ext = i.ext, color_int = i.int)]
        if (nrow(geoms$subsurface)) {
            set(geoms$subsurface, NULL, c("color_ext", "color_int", "alpha"),
            geoms$subsurface[map, on = "surface_type", `:=`(color_ext = i.ext, color_int = i.int)]
            geoms$subsurface[J(c("Window", "GlassDoor")), on = "surface_type", `:=`(alpha = 0.6)]
        if (nrow(geoms$shading)) {
            set(geoms$shading, NULL, c("color_ext", "color_int", "alpha"),
            geoms$shading[map, on = "surface_type", `:=`(color_ext = i.ext, color_int = i.int)]
    } else if (type == "boundary") {
        map <- data.table(
            boundary = names(COLOR_MAP$boundary),
            color = COLOR_MAP$boundary

        # add surface
        if (nrow(geoms$surface)) {
            set(geoms$surface, NULL, c("color", "alpha"),
                list(COLOR_MAP$surface_type["Undefined"], alpha)
            geoms$surface[map, on = c("outside_boundary_condition" = "boundary"), `:=`(color = i.color)]
            geoms$surface[J("Outdoors", "SunExposed", "NoWind"),
                on = c("outside_boundary_condition", "sun_exposure", "wind_exposure"),
                `:=`(color = COLOR_MAP$boundary["Outdoors_Sun"])]
            geoms$surface[J("Outdoors", "NoSun", "WindExposed"),
                on = c("outside_boundary_condition", "sun_exposure", "wind_exposure"),
                `:=`(color = COLOR_MAP$boundary["Outdoors_Wind"])]
            geoms$surface[J("Outdoors", "SunExposed", "WindExposed"),
                on = c("outside_boundary_condition", "sun_exposure", "wind_exposure"),
                `:=`(color = COLOR_MAP$boundary["Outdoors_Sunwind"])]
        if (nrow(geoms$subsurface)) {
            set(geoms$subsurface, NULL, c("color", "alpha"),
                list(COLOR_MAP$surface_type["Undefined"], alpha)
        if (nrow(geoms$shading)) {
            set(geoms$shading, NULL, c("color", "alpha"),
                list(COLOR_MAP$surface_type["Undefined"], alpha)
    } else if (type == "construction") {
        const <- unique(c(
        map <- data.table(
            construction_name = const,
            color = sample(COLOR_MAP$color, length(const), replace = TRUE)

        # add surface
        if (nrow(geoms$surface)) {
            set(geoms$surface, NULL, "alpha", list(alpha))
            geoms$surface[map, on = "construction_name", `:=`(color = i.color)]
        if (nrow(geoms$subsurface)) {
            set(geoms$subsurface, NULL, "alpha", list(alpha))
            geoms$subsurface[map, on = "construction_name", `:=`(color = i.color)]
        if (nrow(geoms$shading)) {
            set(geoms$shading, NULL, c("color", "alpha"),
                list(COLOR_MAP$surface_type["Undefined"], alpha)
    } else if (type == "zone") {
        set(geoms$zone, NULL, c("color", "alpha"), list(sample(COLOR_MAP$color, nrow(geoms$zone), replace = TRUE), alpha))
        # add surface
        if (nrow(geoms$surface)) {
            set(geoms$surface, NULL, c("color", "alpha"), list(COLOR_MAP$surface_type["Undefined"], alpha))
            geoms$surface[geoms$zone, on = c("zone_name" = "name"), `:=`(color = i.color, alpha = i.alpha)]

            if (nrow(geoms$subsurface)) {
                set(geoms$subsurface, NULL, c("color", "alpha"), list(COLOR_MAP$surface_type["Undefined"], alpha))
                geoms$subsurface[geoms$surface, on = c("building_surface_name" = "name"),
                    `:=`(color = i.color, alpha = i.alpha)]
            if (nrow(geoms$shading)) {
                set(geoms$shading, NULL, c("color", "alpha"), list(COLOR_MAP$surface_type["Undefined"], alpha))
                geoms$shading[geoms$surface, on = c("base_surface_name" = "name"),
                    `:=`(color = i.color, alpha = i.alpha)]
    } else if (type == "space") {
        set(geoms$space, NULL, c("color", "alpha"), list(sample(COLOR_MAP$color, nrow(geoms$space), replace = TRUE), alpha))
        # add surface
        if (nrow(geoms$surface)) {
            # NOTE: It is possible that the space name is left empty.
            set(geoms$surface, NULL, c("color", "alpha"), list(COLOR_MAP$surface_type["Undefined"], alpha))
            geoms$surface[geoms$space, on = c("space_name" = "name"), `:=`(color = i.color, alpha = i.alpha)]

            if (nrow(geoms$subsurface)) {
                set(geoms$subsurface, NULL, c("color", "alpha"), list(COLOR_MAP$surface_type["Undefined"], alpha))
                geoms$subsurface[geoms$surface, on = c("building_surface_name" = "name"),
                    `:=`(color = i.color, alpha = i.alpha)]
            if (nrow(geoms$shading)) {
                set(geoms$shading, NULL, c("color", "alpha"), list(COLOR_MAP$surface_type["Undefined"], alpha))
                geoms$shading[geoms$surface, on = c("base_surface_name" = "name"),
                    `:=`(color = i.color, alpha = i.alpha)]

# }}}

# Reference: 'openstudio\openstudiocore\ruby\openstudio\sketchup_plugin\lib\interfaces\MaterialsInterface.rb'
COLOR_MAP <- list(
    surface_type = c(
        Undefined = "#FFFFFFFF",
        NormalMaterial = "#FFFFFFFF",
        NormalMaterial_Ext = "#FFFFFFFF",
        NormalMaterial_Int = "#FF0000FF",
        Floor = "#808080FF",
        Floor_Ext = "#808080FF",
        Floor_Int = "#BFBFBFFF",
        Wall = "#CCB266FF",
        Wall_Ext = "#CCB266FF",
        Wall_Int = "#EBE2C5FF",
        Roof = "#994C4CFF",
        Roof_Ext = "#994C4CFF",
        Roof_Int = "#CA9595FF",
        Ceiling = "#994C4CFF",
        Ceiling_Ext = "#994C4CFF",
        Ceiling_Int = "#CA9595FF",
        Window = "#66B2CC99",
        Window_Ext = "#66B2CC99",
        Window_Int = "#C0E2EB99",
        Door = "#99854CFF",
        Door_Ext = "#99854CFF",
        Door_Int = "#CABC95FF",
        GlassDoor = "#66B2CC99",
        GlassDoor_Ext = "#66B2CC99",
        GlassDoor_Int = "#C0E2EB99",
        GlazedDoor = "#66B2CC99",
        GlazedDoor_Ext = "#66B2CC99",
        GlazedDoor_Int = "#C0E2EB99",
        SiteShading = "#4B7C95FF",
        SiteShading_Ext = "#4B7C95FF",
        SiteShading_Int = "#BBD1DCFF",
        BuildingShading = "#714C99FF",
        BuildingShading_Ext = "#714C99FF",
        BuildingShading_Int = "#D8CBE5FF",
        ZoneShading = "#4C6EB2FF",
        ZoneShading_Ext = "#4C6EB2FF",
        ZoneShading_Int = "#B7C5E0FF",
        InteriorPartitionSurface = "#9EBC8FFF",
        InteriorPartitionSurface_Ext = "#9EBC8FFF",
        InteriorPartitionSurface_Int = "#D5E2CFFF"
    boundary = c(
        Adiabatic = "#FF65B2",
        Surface = "#009900",
        Zone = "#FF0000",
        Outdoors = "#A3CCCC",
        Outdoors_Sun = "#28CCCC",
        Outdoors_Wind = "#099FA2",
        Outdoors_Sunwind = "#4477A1",
        Foundation = "#A600AF",
        Ground = "#CCB77A",
        GroundFCfactorMethod = "#997A1E",
        OtherSideCoefficients = "#3F3F3F",
        OtherSideConditionsModel = "#99004C",
        GroundSlabPreprocessorAverage = "#FFBF00",
        GroundSlabPreprocessorCore = "#FFB632",
        GroundSlabPreprocessorPerimeter = "#FFB265",
        GroundBasementPreprocessorAverageWall = "#CC3300",
        GroundBasementPreprocessorAverageFloor = "#CC5128",
        GroundBasementPreprocessorUpperWall = "#CC7051",
        GroundBasementPreprocessorLowerWall = "#CCADA3"
    color = c(
        AliceBlue = "#F0F8FF",
        AntiqueWhite = "#FAEBD7",
        Aqua = "#00FFFF",
        Aquamarine = "#7FFFD4",
        Azure = "#F0FFFF",
        Beige = "#F5F5DC",
        Bisque = "#FFE4C4",
        Black = "#000000",
        BlanchedAlmond = "#FFEBCD",
        Blue = "#0000FF",
        BlueViolet = "#8A2BE2",
        Brown = "#A52A2A",
        BurlyWood = "#DEB887",
        CadetBlue = "#5F9EA0",
        Chartreuse = "#7FFF00",
        Chocolate = "#D2691E",
        Coral = "#FF7F50",
        CornflowerBlue = "#6495ED",
        Cornsilk = "#FFF8DC",
        Crimson = "#DC143C",
        Cyan = "#00FFFF",
        DarkBlue = "#00008B",
        DarkCyan = "#008B8B",
        DarkGoldenrod = "#B8860B",
        DarkGray = "#A9A9A9",
        DarkGreen = "#006400",
        DarkKhaki = "#BDB76B",
        DarkMagenta = "#8B008B",
        DarkOliveGreen = "#556B2F",
        DarkOrange = "#FF8C00",
        DarkOrchid = "#9932CC",
        DarkRed = "#8B0000",
        DarkSalmon = "#E9967A",
        DarkSeaGreen = "#8FBC8F",
        DarkSlateBlue = "#483D8B",
        DarkSlateGray = "#2F4F4F",
        DarkTurquoise = "#00CED1",
        DarkViolet = "#9400D3",
        DeepPink = "#FF1493",
        DeepSkyBlue = "#00BFFF",
        DimGray = "#696969",
        DodgerBlue = "#1E90FF",
        FireBrick = "#B22222",
        FloralWhite = "#FFFAF0",
        ForestGreen = "#228B22",
        Fuchsia = "#FF00FF",
        Gainsboro = "#DCDCDC",
        GhostWhite = "#F8F8FF",
        Gold = "#FFD700",
        Goldenrod = "#DAA520",
        Gray = "#808080",
        Green = "#008000",
        GreenYellow = "#ADFF2F",
        Honeydew = "#F0FFF0",
        HotPink = "#FF69B4",
        IndianRed = "#CD5C5C",
        Indigo = "#4B0082",
        Ivory = "#FFFFF0",
        Khaki = "#F0E68C",
        Lavender = "#E6E6FA",
        LavenderBlush = "#FFF0F5",
        LawnGreen = "#7CFC00",
        LemonChiffon = "#FFFACD",
        LightBlue = "#ADD8E6",
        LightCoral = "#F08080",
        LightCyan = "#E0FFFF",
        LightGoldenrodYellow = "#FAFAD2",
        LightGreen = "#90EE90",
        LightGrey = "#D3D3D3",
        LightPink = "#FFB6C1",
        LightSalmon = "#FFA07A",
        LightSeaGreen = "#20B2AA",
        LightSkyBlue = "#87CEFA",
        LightSlateGray = "#778899",
        LightSteelBlue = "#B0C4DE",
        LightYellow = "#FFFFE0",
        Lime = "#00FF00",
        LimeGreen = "#32CD32",
        Linen = "#FAF0E6",
        Magenta = "#FF00FF",
        Maroon = "#800000",
        MediumAquamarine = "#66CDAA",
        MediumBlue = "#0000CD",
        MediumOrchid = "#BA55D3",
        MediumPurple = "#9370DB",
        MediumSeaGreen = "#3CB371",
        MediumSlateBlue = "#7B68EE",
        MediumSpringGreen = "#00FA9A",
        MediumTurquoise = "#48D1CC",
        MediumVioletRed = "#C71585",
        MidnightBlue = "#191970",
        MintCream = "#F5FFFA",
        MistyRose = "#FFE4E1",
        Moccasin = "#FFE4B5",
        NavajoWhite = "#FFDEAD",
        Navy = "#000080",
        OldLace = "#FDF5E6",
        Olive = "#808000",
        OliveDrab = "#808000",
        Orange = "#FFA500",
        OrangeRed = "#FF4500",
        Orchid = "#DA70D6",
        PaleGoldenrod = "#EEE8AA",
        PaleGreen = "#98FB98",
        PaleTurquoise = "#AFEEEE",
        PaleVioletRed = "#DB7093",
        PapayaWhip = "#FFEFD5",
        PeachPuff = "#FFDAB9",
        Peru = "#CD853F",
        Pink = "#FFC0CB",
        Plum = "#DDA0DD",
        PowderBlue = "#B0E0E6",
        Purple = "#800080",
        Red = "#FF0000",
        RosyBrown = "#BC8F8F",
        RoyalBlue = "#4169E1",
        SaddleBrown = "#8B4513",
        Salmon = "#FA8072",
        SandyBrown = "#F4A460",
        SeaGreen = "#2E8B57",
        Seashell = "#FFF5EE",
        Sienna = "#A0522D",
        Silver = "#C0C0C0",
        SkyBlue = "#87CEEB",
        SlateBlue = "#6A5ACD",
        SlateGray = "#708090",
        Snow = "#FFFAFA",
        SpringGreen = "#00FF7F",
        SteelBlue = "#4682B4",
        Tan = "#D2B48C",
        Teal = "#D2B48C",
        Thistle = "#D8BFD8",
        Tomato = "#FF6347",
        Turquoise = "#40E0D0",
        Violet = "#EE82EE",
        Wheat = "#F5DEB3",
        WhiteSmoke = "#F5F5F5",
        Yellow = "#FFFF00",
        YellowGreen = "#9ACD32"
# }}}

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eplusr documentation built on Aug. 25, 2023, 5:18 p.m.