
Defines functions freqavg freqbump sf caic goodman cr ft glmselect aovtab loglinear presmoothing.formula presmoothing.default presmoothing

Documented in freqavg freqbump loglinear presmoothing presmoothing.default presmoothing.formula

#' Frequency Distribution Presmoothing
#' These functions are used to smooth frequency distributions.
#' Loglinear smoothing is a flexible procedure for reducing irregularities in a
#' frequency distribution prior to equating, where the degree of each
#' polynomial term determines the specific moment of the observed distribution
#' that is preserved in the fitted distribution (see below for examples). The
#' \code{loglinear} function is a wrapper for \code{\link{glm}}, and is used to
#' simplify the creation of polynomial score functions and the fitting and
#' comparing of multiple loglinear models.
#' \code{scorefun}, if supplied, must contain at least one score function of
#' the scale score values. Specifying a list to \code{degrees} is an
#' alternative to supplying \code{scorefun}. Each list element in
#' \code{degrees} should be a vector equal in length to the number of variables
#' contained in \code{x}; there should also be one such vector for each
#' possible level of interaction between the variables in \code{x}.
#' For example, the default \code{degrees = list(4, 2, 2)} is recycled to
#' produce \code{list(c(4, 4, 4), c(2, 2, 2), c(2, 2, 2))}, resulting in
#' polynomials to the fourth power for each univariate distribution, to the
#' second power for each two-way interaction, and to the second power for the
#' three-way interaction.
#' Terms can also be specified with \code{grid}, which is a matrix with each
#' row containing integers specifying the powers for each variable at each
#' interaction term, including main effects. For example, the main effect to
#' the first power for the total score in a bivariate distribution would be
#' \code{c(1, 0)}; the interaction to the second power would be \code{c(2, 2)}.
#' \code{stepup} is used to run nested models based on subsets of the columns
#' in \code{scorefun}. Output will correspond to models based on columns 1 and
#' 2, 1 through 3, 1 through 4, to 1 through \code{ncol(scorefun)}. This list
#' of polynomial terms is then used to create a \code{grid} using
#' \code{expand.grid}. The \code{grid} can also be supplied directly, in which
#' case \code{degrees} will be ignored.
#' \code{compare} returns output as an \code{anova} table, comparing model fit
#' for all the models run with \code{stepup = TRUE}, or by specifying more than
#' one model in \code{models}. When \code{choose = TRUE}, the arguments
#' \code{choosemethod} and \code{chip} are used to automatically select the
#' best-fitting model based on the \code{anova} table from running
#' \code{compare}.
#' The remaining smoothing methods make adjustments to scores with low or zero
#' frequencies. \code{smoothmethod = "bump"} adds the proportion \code{jmin} to
#' each score point and then adjusts the probabilities to sum to 1.
#' \code{smoothmethod = "average"} replaces frequencies falling below the
#' minimum \code{jmin} with averages of adjacent values.
#' @param x either an object of class \dQuote{\code{freqtab}} specifying a
#' univariate or multivariate score distribution, or a \dQuote{\code{formula}}
#' object.
#' @param smoothmethod character string indicating the smoothing method to be
#' used by \code{presmoothing}. \code{"none"} returns unsmoothed frequencies,
#' \code{"bump"} adds a small frequency to each score value, \code{"average"}
#' imputes small frequencies with average values, and \code{"loglinear"} fits
#' loglinear models. See below for details.
#' @param jmin for \code{smoothmethod = "average"}, the minimum frequency, as
#' an integer, below which frequencies will be replaced (default is 1). for
#' \code{smoothmethod = "bump"}, the value to be added to each score point (as
#' a probability, with default 1e-6).
#' @param asfreqtab logical, with default \code{TRUE}, indicating whether or
#' not a frequency table should be returned. For \code{smoothmethod =
#' "average"} and \code{smoothmethod = "bump"}, the alternative is a vector of
#' frequencies. For \code{loglinear}, there are other options.
#' @param data an object of class \dQuote{\code{freqtab}}.
#' @param scorefun matrix of score functions used in loglinear presmoothing,
#' where each column includes a transformation of the score scale or
#' interactions between score scales. If missing, \code{degrees} and
#' \code{xdegree} will be used to construct polynomial score functions.
#' @param degrees list of integer vectors, each one indicating the maximum
#' polynomial score transformations to be computed for each variable at a given
#' order of interactions. Defaults (\code{degrees = list(4, 2, 2)}) are
#' provided for up to trivariate interactions. \code{degrees} are ignored if
#' \code{scorefun} or \code{grid} are provided. See below for details.
#' @param grid matrix with one column per margin in \code{x} and one row per
#' term in the model. See below for details.
#' @param rmimpossible integer vector indicating columns in \code{x} to be used
#' in removing impossible scores before smoothing, assuming internal anchor
#' variables. Impossible scores are kept by default. See below.
#' @param models integer vector indicating which model terms should be grouped
#' together when fitting multiple nested models. E.g., \code{models = c(1, 1,
#' 2, 3)} will compare three models, with the first two terms in model one, the
#' third term added in model two, and the fourth in model three.
#' @param stepup logical, with default \code{FALSE}, indicating whether or not
#' multiple nested models should be automatically fit. If \code{TRUE} and
#' \code{models} is missing, an attempt will be made to create it using
#' \code{grid} and/or \code{degrees}. Otherwise, in the absence of
#' \code{models}, each column in \code{scorefun} will define a new sequential
#' model.
#' @param compare logical, with default \code{FALSE}, indicating whether or not
#' fit for nested models should be compared. If \code{TRUE}, \code{stepup} is
#' also set to \code{TRUE} and only results from the model fit comparison are
#' returned, that is, \code{verbose} is ignored.
#' @param choose logical, with default \code{FALSE}, indicating whether or not
#' the best-fitting model should be returned after comparing fit of nested
#' models. Useful for automating model selection in simulations.
#' @param choosemethod string, indicating the method for selecting a
#' best-fitting model when \code{choose = TRUE}. \code{"chi"}
#' selects the most complex model with chi-square p-value below the criterion
#' in \code{chip}. Remaining methods choose the model with lowest value.
#' @param chip proportion specifying the type-I error rate for model selection
#' based on \code{choosemethod = "chi"}.
#' @param verbose logical, with default \code{FALSE}, indicating whether or not
#' full \code{glm} output should be returned.
#' @param \dots further arguments passed to other methods. For
#' \code{presmoothing}, these are passed to \code{loglinear} and include those
#' listed above.
#' @return When \code{smoothmethod = "average"} or \code{smoothmethod =
#' "bump"}, either a smoothed frequency vector or table is returned. Otherwise,
#' \code{loglinear} returns the following: \itemize{\item{when \code{compare = TRUE},
#' an anova table for model fit} \item{when \code{asfreqtab = TRUE}, a
#' smoothed frequency table} \item{when \code{choose = TRUE}, a smoothed
#' frequency table with attribute "anova" containing the model fit table for
#' all models compared} \item{when \code{verbose = TRUE}, full \code{glm}
#' output, for all nested models when \code{stepup = TRUE}} \item{when
#' \code{stepup = TRUE} and \code{verbose = FALSE}, a \code{data.frame} of
#' fitted frequencies, with one column per model}}
#' @author Anthony Albano \email{tony.d.albano@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link{glm}}, \code{\link{loglin}}
#' @references Holland, P. W., and Thayer, D. T. (1987). \emph{Notes on the use
#' of log-linear models for fitting discrete probability distributions} (PSR
#' Technical Rep. No. 87-79; ETS RR-87-31). Princeton, NJ: ETS.
#' Holland, P. W., and Thayer, D. T. (2000). Univariate and bivariate loglinear
#' models for discrete test score distributions. \emph{Journal of Educational
#' and Behavioral Statistics, 25}, 133--183.
#' Moses, T., and Holland, P. W. (2008). \emph{Notes on a general framework for
#' observed score equating} (ETS Research Rep. No. RR-08-59). Princeton, NJ:
#' ETS.
#' Moses, T., and Holland, P. W. (2009). Selection strategies for
#' univariate loglinear smoothing models and their effect on
#' equating function accuracy. \emph{Journal of Educational Measurement, 46}, 159--176.
#' ETS.
#' Wang, T. (2009). Standard errors of equating for the percentile rank-based
#' equipercentile equating with log-linear presmoothing. \emph{Journal of
#' Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 34}, 7--23.
#' @keywords smooth models
#' @examples
#' set.seed(2010)
#' x <- round(rnorm(1000, 100, 15))
#' xscale <- 50:150
#' xtab <- freqtab(x, scales = xscale)
#' # Adjust frequencies
#' plot(xtab, y = cbind(average = freqavg(xtab),
#'   bump = freqbump(xtab)))
#' # Smooth x up to 8 degrees and choose best fitting model
#' # based on aic minimization
#' xlog1 <- loglinear(xtab, degrees = 8,
#'   choose = TRUE, choosemethod = "aic")
#' plot(xtab, as.data.frame(xlog1)[, 2],
#'   legendtext = "degree = 3")
#' # Add "teeth" and "gaps" to x
#' # Smooth with formula interface
#' teeth <- c(.5, rep(c(1, 1, 1, 1, .5), 20))
#' xttab <- as.freqtab(cbind(xscale, c(xtab) * teeth))
#' xlog2 <- presmoothing(~ poly(total, 3, raw = TRUE),
#'   xttab, showWarnings = FALSE)
#' # Smooth xt using score functions that preserve 
#' # the teeth structure (also 3 moments)
#' teeth2 <- c(1, rep(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 1), 20))
#' xt.fun <- cbind(xscale, xscale^2, xscale^3)
#' xt.fun <- cbind(xt.fun, teeth2, xt.fun * teeth2)
#' xlog3 <- loglinear(xttab, xt.fun, showWarnings = FALSE)
#' # Plot to compare teeth versus no teeth
#' op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
#' par(mfrow = c(3, 1))
#' plot(xttab, main = "unsmoothed", ylim = c(0, 30))
#' plot(xlog2, main = "ignoring teeth", ylim = c(0, 30))
#' plot(xlog3, main = "preserving teeth", ylim = c(0, 30))
#' par(op)
#' # Bivariate example, preserving first 3 moments of total
#' # and anchor for x and y, and the covariance
#' # between anchor and total
#' # see equated scores in Wang (2009), Table 4
#' xvtab <- freqtab(KBneat$x, scales = list(0:36, 0:12))
#' yvtab <- freqtab(KBneat$y, scales = list(0:36, 0:12))
#' Y <- as.data.frame(yvtab)[, 1]
#' V <- as.data.frame(yvtab)[, 2]
#' scorefun <- cbind(Y, Y^2, Y^3, V, V^2, V^3, V*Y)
#' wang09 <- equate(xvtab, yvtab, type = "equip",
#'   method = "chained", smooth = "loglin",
#'   scorefun = scorefun)
#' wang09$concordance
#' # Removing impossible scores has essentially no impact
#' xvlog1 <- loglinear(xvtab, scorefun, asfreqtab = FALSE)
#' xvlog2 <- loglinear(xvtab, scorefun, rmimpossible = 1:2)
#' plot(xvtab, cbind(xvlog1,
#' 	xvlog2 = as.data.frame(xvlog2)[, 3]))
#' @export
presmoothing <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("presmoothing")

#' @describeIn presmoothing Default method for frequency tables.
#' @export
presmoothing.default <- function(x, smoothmethod = c("none",
  "average", "bump", "loglinear"), jmin,
  asfreqtab = TRUE, ...) {
  smoothmethod <- match.arg(smoothmethod)
  if (smoothmethod == "none")
  else if (smoothmethod == "average")
    return(freqavg(x, jmin = jmin,
      asfreqtab = asfreqtab))
  else if (smoothmethod == "bump")
    return(freqbump(x, jmin = jmin,
      asfreqtab = asfreqtab))
  else if (smoothmethod == "loglinear")
    return(loglinear(x, asfreqtab = asfreqtab, ...))

# Formula method

#' @describeIn presmoothing Method for \dQuote{\code{formula}} objects.
#' @export
presmoothing.formula <- function(x, data, ...) {
  formula <- terms(as.formula(x))
  if (attr(formula, "response") == 0) {
    formula <- terms(reformulate(attr(formula,
      "term.labels"), "count"))
  if (attr(formula, "intercept") == 0) {
    attributes(formula)$intercept <- 1
    warning("an intercept has been added to the model")
  scorefun <- as.data.frame(model.matrix(formula,
    data = as.data.frame(data))[, -1])
  loglinear(data, scorefun, ...)

# Exported internal function for loglinear smoothing

#' @rdname presmoothing
#' @export
loglinear <- function(x, scorefun, degrees = list(4, 2, 2), grid,
  rmimpossible, asfreqtab = TRUE, models,
  stepup = !missing(models), compare = FALSE, choose = FALSE,
  choosemethod = c("chi", "aic", "bic"), chip,
  verbose = FALSE, ...) {
  # Powers in higher order interactions should never 
  # be larger than in lower - they will be ignored
  xd <- as.data.frame(x)
  nx <- ncol(xd) - 1
  # Remove impossible scores, assuming internal anchors
  if (!missing(rmimpossible) && is.numeric(rmimpossible)) {
    keepi <- apply(xd[, sort(rmimpossible)], 1,
      function(y) all(y[-1] <= y[1]))
    xd <- xd[keepi, ]
  } else
    keepi <- rep(TRUE, nrow(xd))
  if (choose) compare <- TRUE
  if (missing(scorefun)) {
    scorefun <- sf(xd, degrees, grid, stepup, compare)
    if (stepup | compare) {
      models <- attributes(scorefun)$models
      mnames <- attributes(scorefun)$mnames
  } else {
    scorefun <- scorefun[keepi, ]
    if (stepup | compare) {
      if (missing(models))
        models <- 1:ncol(scorefun)
      mnames <- unique(models)
  if (nrow(scorefun) != nrow(xd))
    stop("'scorefun' must contain the same ",
      "number of rows as 'x'")
  scorefun <- data.frame(f = xd[, nx + 1],
    scorefun, check.names = FALSE)
  if (stepup | compare) {
    if (ncol(scorefun) < 3)
      stop(paste("cannot run multiple models with only",
        ncol(scorefun) - 1, "model terms"))
    snames <- colnames(scorefun)[-1]
    out <- lapply(unique(models), function(i)
      glm(scorefun[, c("f", snames[models <= i])],
        family = poisson))
    names(out) <- mnames
  } else
    out <- glm(scorefun, family = poisson)
  if (compare) {
    atab <- aovtab(out, x)
    if (choose) {
      glmi <- glmselect(atab, choosemethod, chip)
      stab <- as.freqtab(cbind(xd[, 1:nx], out[[glmi]]$fitted),
        scales = scales(x, 1:nx))
      attr(stab, "anova") <- atab
      attr(stab, "model") <- glmi
    } else return(atab)
  } else if (verbose)
  else if (stepup)
    return(data.frame(lapply(out, fitted),
      check.names = FALSE))
  else if (asfreqtab)
    return(as.freqtab(cbind(xd[, 1:nx],
      out$fitted), scales = scales(x, 1:nx)))
  else return(out$fitted)

# Internal function for constructing anova table from list of
# fitted model objects

aovtab <- function(x, obs) {
  nm <- length(x)
  resdfs <- as.numeric(lapply(x, df.residual))
  resdevs <- as.numeric(lapply(x, deviance))
  aics = as.numeric(lapply(x, AIC))
  bics = as.numeric(lapply(x, BIC))
  dfs = c(NA, -diff(resdfs))
  devs = c(NA, -diff(resdevs))
  devs[dfs == 0] <- NA
  devs[!is.na(devs) & devs < 0] <- NA
  chips <- pchisq(devs * sign(dfs), abs(dfs), lower.tail = FALSE)
  caics <- as.numeric(lapply(x, caic, obs))
  crs <- as.numeric(lapply(x, cr, obs))
  fts <- as.numeric(lapply(x, ft, obs))
  gms <- as.numeric(lapply(x, goodman, obs))
  out <- data.frame(resdfs, resdevs, aics, bics, dfs, devs,
    chips, caics, crs, fts, gms)
  dimnames(out) <- list(1:nm, c("Resid. Df", "Resid. Dev",
    "AIC", "BIC", "Df", "Deviance", "Pr(>Chi)", "CAIC",
    "CR", "FT", "GM"))
  vars <- lapply(x, function(y) paste(deparse(formula(y)),
    collapse = "\n"))
  return(structure(out, heading = c("Analysis of Deviance Table\n",
    paste("Model ", format(1:nm), ": ", vars, sep = "",
      collapse = "\n")), class = c("anova", "data.frame")))

# Internal function for selecting model from stats in anova table

glmselect <- function(x, choosemethod = c("chi", "g2", "aic",
  "bic", "caic", "ft", "cr", "gm"), chip) {
  nm <- nrow(x)
  choosemethod <- match.arg(choosemethod)
  if (choosemethod == "chi") {
    if (missing(chip)) chip <-  1 - (1 - .05)^(1/(nm - 1))
    chib <- x[, "Pr(>Chi)"] < chip
    out <- ifelse(any(chib, na.rm = T), max(which(chib)), 1)
  } else {
    choosecol <- ifelse(choosemethod == "g2", "Resid. Df",
    out <- which.min(x[, choosecol])

# Internal functions for model selection
# object is model output, obs observed frequencies
ft <- function(object, obs, ...) {
  fit <- fitted(object)
  out <- sum((sqrt(obs) + sqrt(obs + 1) - sqrt(4 * fit + 1))^2)

cr <- function(object, obs, ...) {
  fit <- fitted(object)
  out <- 1.8 * sum (obs * (obs/fit)^(2/3) - 1)

goodman <- function(object, ...) {
  out <- abs((deviance(object)/nobs(object) - 1) - 1)

caic <- function(object, obs, ...) {
  out <- deviance(object) + (1 + log(sum(obs))) * (object$rank + 1)

# Internal function for creating score function and models

sf <- function(x, degrees, grid, stepup = FALSE, compare = stepup) {
  x <- as.data.frame(x)
  nx <- ncol(x) - 1
  if (missing(grid)) {
    if (length(degrees) < nx) # must be at least 0 for higher orders
      degrees[(length(degrees) + 1):nx] <- 0
    degrees <- lapply(degrees, function(y)
      rep(y, nx)[1:nx])
    # Start grid without intercept
    grid <- cbind(expand.grid(lapply(degrees[[1]],
      function(y) 0:y))[-1, ])
    # Remove higher order interactions as necessary
    if (nx > 1) {
      for(i in 2:nx) {
        # Make sure higher orders don't contain larger powers
        # They're already excluded in grid
        #degrees[[i]] <- pmin(degrees[[i - 1]],
        #	degrees[[i]])
        rm1 <- apply(grid, 1, function(y)
          sum(y == 0) == (nx - i))
        rm2 <- apply(sapply(1:nx, function(j)
          grid[, j] > degrees[[i]][j]), 1, any)
        grid <- grid[!(rm1 & rm2), ]
      # Sort grid by orders
      grid <- cbind(grid[order(apply(grid, 1, function(y)
        sum(y == 0)), decreasing = T), ])
      os <- factor(nx - apply(grid, 1, function(y)
        sum(y == 0)))
      grid <- do.call("rbind", by(grid, os,
        function(y) y[order(apply(y, 1, max)), ]))
    } else
      os <- factor(nx - apply(grid, 1, function(y)
        sum(y == 0)))
  scorefun <- NULL
  for(j in 1:nrow(grid)) {
    tempfun <- sapply(1:nx, function(k)
      x[, k]^grid[j, k])
    scorefun <- cbind(scorefun,
      apply(tempfun, 1, prod))
  dimnames(scorefun) <- NULL
  colnames(scorefun) <- apply(grid, 1, paste,
    collapse = ".")
  if (stepup | compare) {
    # Create model index
    mnames <- unique(paste(os, apply(grid, 1, max), sep = "."))
    attr(scorefun, "mnames") <- mnames
    attr(scorefun, "models") <- match(paste(os,
      apply(grid, 1, max), sep = "."), mnames)

# Frequency adjustment
# Bump frequencies upward by a small amount

#' @rdname presmoothing
#' @export
freqbump <- function(x, jmin = 1e-6, asfreqtab = FALSE, ...) {
  x <- as.data.frame(x)
  nc <- ncol(x)
  f <- x[, nc]/sum(x[, nc])
  out <- (f + jmin)/(1 + (max(x[, 1]) + 1)*jmin)
  out <- ((f + jmin)/sum(f + jmin))*sum(x[, nc])
  if (asfreqtab)
    return(as.freqtab(cbind(x[, -nc], out)))

# Frequency averaging

#' @rdname presmoothing
#' @export
freqavg <- function(x, jmin = 1, asfreqtab = FALSE, ...) {
  xtab <- x <- as.data.frame(x)
  nc <- ncol(xtab)
  if (nc > 2)
    stop("frequency averaging only supported ",
      "for univariate 'x'")
  x <- cbind(x, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
  ks <- 1
  while(ks <= nrow(x) & x[ks, 2] < jmin)
    ks <- ks + 1
  x[1:ks, 3] <- 1
  x[1:ks, 4] <- ks
  lls <- nrow(x)
  while(lls >= 0 & x[lls, 2] < jmin)
    lls <- lls - 1
  x[lls:nrow(x), 3] <- lls
  x[lls:nrow(x), 4] <- nrow(x)
  ss <- ks + 1
  tts <- lls - 1
  for(j in ss:tts) {
    if (x[j, 2] < jmin) {
      lls <- j
      ks <- j
      while(lls >= 1 & x[lls, 2] < jmin)
        lls <- lls - 1
      while(ks <= nrow(x) & x[ks, 2] < jmin)
        ks <- ks + 1
      x[lls:ks, 3] <- lls
      x[lls:ks, 4] <- ks
  for(p in 1:(nrow(x) - 1)) {
    if (x[p, 4] > 0 & x[p, 4] == x[p + 1, 3]) {
      if (x[p, 3] > 0)
        lls <- x[p, 3]
      if (x[p + 1, 4] > 0)
        ks <- x[p + 1, 4]
      x[lls:ks, 3] <- lls
      x[lls:ks, 4] <- ks
  for(j in 1:nrow(x)) {
    lls <- x[j, 3]
    if (lls == 0)
      lls <- j
    ks <- x[j, 4]
    if (ks == 0)
      ks <- j
    sumit <- 0
    sumit <- sumit + sum(x[lls:ks, 2])
    for(i in lls:ks) {
      x[i, 5] <- sumit
      x[i, 6] <- x[j, 4] - x[j, 3] + 1
      x[i, 7] <- x[i, 5]/x[i, 6]
    j <- j + x[j, 4] - x[j, 3]
  colnames(x)[c(1, 2, 6, 7)] <-
    c("score", "count", "b", "acount")
  if (asfreqtab)
    return(as.freqtab(cbind(xtab[, -nc],
      x[, 7])))
    return(x[, 7])

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