
Defines functions setup_geometry

Documented in setup_geometry

#' Compute geometries and label locations
#' @param fills fills
#' @param edges edges
#' @param labels labels
#' @param quantities quantities
#' @param n number of sets
#' @param id identity matrix
#' @param merged_sets which sets have been merged?
#' @param x an object of class 'euler'
#' @return a list object with slots for the various objects
#' @keywords internal
setup_geometry <- function(x,
                           merged_sets) {
  dd <- x$ellipses
  empty_sets <- is.na(dd[, 1L]) & !merged_sets
  empty_subsets <- rowSums(id[, empty_sets, drop = FALSE]) > 0

  orig <- x$original.values[!empty_subsets]
  fitted <- x$fitted.values[!empty_subsets]
  dd <- dd[!empty_sets, , drop = FALSE]

  # avoid plotting very small intersections
  nonzero <- nonzero_fit(fitted)
  nonzero <- ifelse(is.na(nonzero), FALSE, nonzero)

  do_fills <- !is.null(fills)
  do_edges <- !is.null(edges)
  do_labels <- !is.null(labels)
  do_quantities <- !is.null(quantities)

  id <- id[!empty_subsets, !empty_sets, drop = FALSE]

  h <- dd$h
  k <- dd$k
  a <- dd$a
  b <- dd$b
  phi <- dd$phi

  n_e <- NROW(dd)
  n_id <- 2L^n_e - 1L

  e <- ellipse(h, k, a, b, phi, n)
  e_x <- c(lapply(e, "[[", "x"), recursive = TRUE)
  e_y <- c(lapply(e, "[[", "y"), recursive = TRUE)

  limits <- get_bounding_box(h, k, a, b, phi)

  # setup edges
  if (do_edges)
    edges <- list(x = e_x, y = e_y, id.lengths = rep.int(n, n_e))

  if (do_fills || do_labels || do_quantities) {
    # decompose ellipse polygons into intersections
    pieces <- fills <- vector("list", n_id)
    for (i in rev(seq_len(n_id))) {
      if (nonzero[i]) {
        idx <- which(id[i, ])
        n_idx <- length(idx)

        if (n_idx == 1L) {
          pieces[[i]] <- list(e[[idx[1]]])
        } else {
          pieces[[i]] <- poly_clip(e[[idx[1L]]], e[[idx[2L]]], "intersection")
          if (n_idx > 2L) {
            for (j in 3L:n_idx) {
              pieces[[i]] <- poly_clip(pieces[[i]], e[[idx[j]]], "intersection")

        for (j in which(!id[i, ])) {
          pieces[[i]] <- poly_clip(pieces[[i]], e[[j]], "minus")

    for (i in seq_along(pieces)) {
      x0 <- lapply(pieces[[i]], "[[", "x")
      y0 <- lapply(pieces[[i]], "[[", "y")

      if (length(x0) > 0L) {
        fills[[i]]$x <- c(x0, recursive = TRUE)
        fills[[i]]$y <- c(y0, recursive = TRUE)
        fills[[i]]$id.lengths <- lengths(x0)

  if (do_labels || do_quantities) {
    n_singles <- sum(rowSums(id) == 1)
    empty <- !nonzero_fit(fitted)

    width <- abs(limits$xlim[1] - limits$xlim[2])
    height <- abs(limits$ylim[1] - limits$ylim[2])

    prec <- max(width, height)/100

    centers <- lapply(pieces, locate_centers, precision = prec)

    centers_x <- vapply(centers, "[[", "x", FUN.VALUE = double(1))
    centers_y <- vapply(centers, "[[", "y", FUN.VALUE = double(1))
    centers_id <- seq_len(n_id)

    centers <- data.frame(x = centers_x,
                          y = centers_y,
                          id = centers_id,
                          labels = NA_character_,
                          quantities = NA,
                          labels_par_id = NA_integer_,
                          quantities_par_id = NA_integer_,
                          row.names = names(orig),
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    has_center <- !is.na(centers$x) & !is.na(centers$y)

    if (do_labels) {
      labels <- list(labels = labels$labels[which(!empty_sets)])

    singles <- logical(NROW(centers))

    for (i in seq_len(n_singles)) {
      ind <- which((id[, i] & !empty & has_center))[1]

      if (do_labels) {
        centers$labels[ind] <- labels$labels[i]

        centers$labels_par_id[ind] <- i

      singles[ind] <- TRUE

    others <- has_center & !singles & !empty

    if (do_quantities) {
      digits <- options("digits")$digits

      num <- orig[centers$id[singles | others]]

      if (is.null(quantities$labels)) {
        type <- quantities$type

        if ("percent" %in% type) {
          perc <- num/sum(num, na.rm = TRUE)*100
          perc <- ifelse(perc >= 1, as.character(round(perc)), "< 1")
          perc <- sapply(perc[!is.na(perc)], function(x) paste0(x, " %"))

        if (length(type) == 2) {
          if (type[1] == "counts") {
            qnt <- paste0(signif(num, digits), " (", perc, ")")
          } else {
            qnt <- paste0(perc, " (", num, ")")
          centers$quantities[singles | others] <- qnt
        } else {
          if ("percent" %in% type) {
            centers$quantities[singles | others] <- perc
          } else {
            centers$quantities[singles | others] <- signif(num, digits)

      } else {
        centers$quantities[singles | others] <-
          quantities$labels[which(!empty_subsets)][centers$id[singles | others]]

    centers <- centers[has_center, , drop = FALSE]

    centers$quantities_par_id[!is.na(centers$quantities)] <-
      seq_len(sum(others | singles))

    naornull <- function(x)
      is.na(x) | is.null(x)

    has_tag <- !naornull(centers$quantities) | !naornull(centers$labels)

    centers <- centers[has_tag, , drop = FALSE]
  } else {
    centers <- NULL

  list(ellipses = dd,
       fitted.values = fitted,
       original.values = orig,
       fills = fills,
       edges = edges,
       labels = labels,
       quantities = quantities,
       centers = centers,
       empty_sets = empty_sets,
       empty_subsets = empty_subsets,
       xlim = limits$xlim,
       ylim = limits$ylim)

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eulerr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:35 a.m.