
Defines functions predict.evgam

Documented in predict.evgam

#' Predictions from a fitted \code{evgam} object
#' @param object a fitted \code{evgam} object
#' @param newdata a data frame
#' @param type a character string giving the type of prediction sought; see Details. Defaults to \code{"link"}
#' @param prob a scalar or vector of probabilities for quantiles to be estimated if \code{type == "quantile"}; defaults to 0.5
#' @param se.fit a logical: should estimated standard errors be returned? Defaults to \code{FALSE}
#' @param marginal a logical: should uncertainty estimates integrate out smoothing parameter uncertainty? Defaults to \code{TRUE}
#' @param exi a logical: if a dependent GEV is fitted should the independent parameters be returned? Defaults to \code{FALSE}
#' @param trace an integer where higher values give more output. -1 suppresses everything. Defaults to 0
#' @param ... unused
#' @details
#' There are five options for \code{type}: 1) \code{"link"} distribution parameters 
#' transformed to their model fitting scale; 2) \code{"response"} as 1), but on their 
#' original scale; 3) "lpmatrix" a list of design matrices; 4) "quantile"
#' estimates of distribution quantile(s); and 5) "qqplot" a quantile-quantile
#' plot.
#' @references 
#' Youngman, B. D. (2022). evgam: An R Package for Generalized Additive Extreme
#' Value Modules. Journal of Statistical Software. To appear. \doi{10.18637/jss.v103.i03}
#' @return A data frame or list of predictions, or a plot if \code{type == "qqplot"}
#' @examples
#' data(fremantle)
#' fmla_gev <- list(SeaLevel ~ s(Year, k=5, bs="cr"), ~ 1, ~ 1)
#' m_gev <- evgam(fmla_gev, fremantle, family = "gev")
#' # prediction of link GEV parameter for fremantle data
#' predict(m_gev)
#' # predictions for Year 1989
#' y1989 <- data.frame(Year = 1989)
#' # link GEV parameter predictions
#' predict(m_gev, y1989)
#' # GEV parameter predictions
#' predict(m_gev, y1989, type= "response")
#' # 10-year return level predictions
#' predict(m_gev, y1989, type= "quantile", prob = .9)
#' # 10- and 100-year return level predictions
#' predict(m_gev, y1989, type= "quantile", prob = c(.9, .99))
#' @export
predict.evgam <- function(object, newdata, type="link", prob=NULL, se.fit=FALSE, marginal=TRUE, 
exi = FALSE, trace = 0, ...) {

## a few checks

family <- object$family

if (type == "qqplot" & !(family %in% c("gev", "gpd", "weibull")))
  stop(paste("`type = 'qqplot'' not yet available for family '", family, "'", sep=""))

if (family == "pp") {
  family <- "gev"
  if (missing(newdata)) {
    newdata <- object$data
    if (trace >= 0)
      message("Predictions for point process model given for quadrature points, not original data frame")

if (!is.null(prob)) 
  type <- "quantile"
if (type == "quantile" & is.null(prob)) 
  stop("non-NULL `prob' required if `type = quantile'")

## end checks

## a few things to set aside

if (se.fit) {

if (marginal) {
  V.type <- "Vc" 
} else {
  V.type <- "Vp"

conf.pars <- list(object$coefficients, object[[V.type]], object$idpars)


if (type == "qqplot")
  response.name <- object$response.name
if (family == "exi")
  linkfn <- object$linkfn
got.newdata <- !missing(newdata)

if (got.newdata) {
  pred.vars <- object$predictor.names
  missing.vars <- pred.vars[!(pred.vars %in% names(newdata))]
  if (length(missing.vars) > 0)
    stop(paste("Variable(s) '", paste(missing.vars, collapse=", "), "' not supplied to `newdata'.", sep=""))

if (got.newdata) {
  ndat <- nrow(newdata)
} else {
  if (is.null(object$data)) 
    stop("Supply `evgam' with `removeData = FALSE' if not supplying `newdata'.")
  ndat <- nrow(object$data)

## end stuff to set aside

## X creation starts

X <- .X.evgam(object, newdata)
nX <- length(X)
nms <- names(object)[seq_len(nX)]

## X creation ends

if (type == "lpmatrix") {


} else { ## start links

out <- lapply(seq_len(nX), function(i) X[[i]] %*% object[[i]]$coefficients)
names(out) <- names(X)
out <- as.data.frame(lapply(out, function(x) x[,1]))

if (se.fit) { ## start working with standard errors

if (type != "quantile") {
  std.err <- lapply(seq_len(nX), function(i) sqrt(rowSums(X[[i]] * (X[[i]] %*% object[[i]][[V.type]]))))
  std.err <- as.data.frame(std.err)
  names(std.err) <- nms

} ## end of working with standard errors (for now)

if (type %in% c("response", "quantile", "qqplot")) {

if (type == "qqplot") se.fit <- FALSE

if (family != "exi") {

unlink <- which(substr(nms, 1, 3) == "log")
for (i in unlink) {
  out[, i] <- exp(out[, i])
  if (substr(nms[i], 1, 5) == "logit") {
    temp <- exp(-out[, i])
    out[, i] <- 1 / (1 + temp)
    if (se.fit & type == "response")
      std.err[, i] <- temp * out[, i] * std.err[, i] / (1 + temp)
  if (se.fit & type == "response")
    std.err[, i] <- out[, i] * std.err[, i]

if (exi & ncol(out) == 4) {
  out[, 4] <- out[, 4] ^ out[, 3]
  out[, 1] <- out[, 1] - out[, 2] * (1 - out[, 4]) / out[, 3]
  out[, 2] <- out[, 2] * out[, 4]
  out <- out[, 1:3, drop = FALSE]
  nms <- nms[1:3]

} else {

  if (se.fit) 
    std.err[, 1] <- attr(linkfn, "deriv")(out[, 1]) * std.err[, 1]
  out[, 1] <- linkfn(out[, 1])


nms <- gsub("cloglog", "", nms)
nms <- gsub("probit", "", nms)
nms <- gsub("logit", "", nms)
nms <- gsub("log", "", nms)
names(out) <- nms

if (type == "qqplot") { ## start qqplot

pit <- !all(apply(out, 2, function(x) all(diff(x) < 1e-12)))
x <- ppoints(ndat)
y <- newdata[, response.name]
if (is.null(y))
  stop("No response data.")
if (!pit) {
  if (!(family %in% c("gev", "gpd", "weibull")))
    stop("Unsuitable `family' for `type == 'qqplot''")
  if (family == "gev")
    x <- .qgev(x, out[,1], out[,2], out[,3])
  if (family == "gpd")
    x <- .qgpd(x, 0, out[,1], out[,2])
  if (family == "weibull") 
    x <- .qweibull(x, out[,1], out[,2])
} else {
  if (trace > 0)
    message("Margins converted to unit exponential by probability integral transformation.")
  x <- qexp(x)
  if (family == "gev")
    y <- .pgev(y, out[,1], out[,2], out[,3])
  if (family == "gpd")
    y <- .pgpd(y, 0, out[,1], out[,2], 0)
  if (family == "weibull") 
    y <- .pweibull(y, out[,1], out[,2])
  y <- qexp(y)

plot(x, sort(y), xlab = "Theoretical", ylab = "Empirical", main = "Quantile-quantile plot")
abline(0, 1)

} else { ## end qqplot

if (se.fit & type == "response") 
  names(std.err) <- nms

if (type == "quantile") { ## convert response to quantile predictions

pars <- out
nprob <- length(prob)
out <- matrix(NA, ndat, nprob)

for (j in seq_len(nprob)) {
  if (family == "gpd") {
    out[, j] <- .qgpd(prob[j], 0, pars[,1], pars[,2])
  } else {
    if (family == "gev") {
      out[, j] <- .qgev(prob[j], pars[,1], pars[,2], pars[,3])
    } else {
      if (family == "weibull") {
        out[, j] <- .qweibull(prob[j], scale=pars[,1], shape=pars[,2])
      } else {
        stop("invalid family")

if (se.fit) { ## standard errors for quantile predictions using Delta method

Sigma <- array(NA, dim=c(ndat, nX, nX))
idp <- conf.pars[[3]]
for (i in seq_len(ndat)) {
  # rather inefficient: wants vectorising or Rcpp-ising
  for (j in seq_len(nX)) {
    for (k in j:nX) {
      xj <- X[[j]][i,]
      xk <- X[[k]][i,]
      V <- conf.pars[[2]][idp == j, idp == k, drop=FALSE]
      Sigma[i, j, k] <- sum(xj * (V %*% xk))
      if (k != j) 
        Sigma[i, k, j] <- Sigma[i, j, k]

std.err <- matrix(NA, ndat, nprob)

for (j in seq_len(nprob)) {
  if (family == "gev") {
    jac <- .dqgev(prob[j], pars[,1], log(pars[,2]), pars[,3])
  if (family == "ggpd") {
    jac <- .dqgpd(prob[j], log(pars[,2]), pars[,3])
  if (family == "weibull") {
    jac <- .dqweibull(prob[j], log(pars[,2]), pars[,3])
  for (i in seq_len(ndat)) {
    std.err[i, j] <- sum(jac[i,] * (Sigma[i,,] %*% jac[i,]))

std.err <- as.data.frame(sqrt(std.err))
names(std.err) <- paste("q", round(prob, 3), sep=":")

} ## end std.err for quantile

out <- as.data.frame(out)
names(out) <- paste("q", round(prob, 3), sep=":")

} ## end of response to quantile

if (se.fit) {

out <- list(fitted = out, se.fit = std.err)


} ## end not qqplot

} ## end of not link

if (type != "qqplot") return(out)

} ## end of link


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evgam documentation built on June 28, 2022, 5:07 p.m.