
Defines functions power2x2

Documented in power2x2

power2x2 <-

    if (p0>1 | p1>1 | p0<0 | p1<0) stop("p0 and p1 should be between 0 and 1")
    if (is.null(n1)) n1<-n0
    #if (paired & any(n0 != n1)) stop("n0 must equal n1 when paired=TRUE")

    if (paired) stop("paired argument not allowed anymore, use powerPaired2x2") 
    #warning("Assumes independent binomials for power calculations, may not be a good assumption for paired=TRUE (McNemar's) tests")
    # use same argument names as in exact2x2, but do not want double naming when calling
    ## SIG.LEVEL and ALT are values that will be used in calculation
    ## not output
    if (!strict & ALT=="two.sided"){
        # for two.sided (strict==FALSE) you want to calculate power on one-sided p-values at alpha/2
        # so you do not count rejections in the wrong direction
    if (ALT=="one.sided"){
        if (p1<p0){ ALT<-"less"
        } else { ALT<-"greater" } 
    if (approx){
        #if (paired==TRUE) stop("no approximate method written for McNemar's test yet")
        ## see e.g., Chow, Shao and Wang, 2008,p.89. SS Calcs in CLin Research, 2nd edition
        #prob.reject<- pnorm( abs(delta)/sqrt(V0+V1) -  qnorm(1-SIG.LEVEL) )

        ## see Fleiss, 1981, p. 44
        ## or Fleiss, Levin, and Paik (2003) Statistical Methods for Rates and Proportions, 3rd edition, p. 76
        r<- n1/n0
        pbar<- (p0 + r*p1)/(r+1)
        se<- sqrt( pbar*(1-pbar)*(r+1)/(m*r) )
        # use continuity correction
        z<- (abs(p1-p0) - (1/(2*m))*((r+1)/r)  )/se
        if (ALT!="two.sided"){
          # strict=F & ALT="two.sided" changed above to ALT="less" or ALT="greater" and SIG.LEVEL<-SIG.LEVEL/2
          Crit<- qnorm(1-SIG.LEVEL)
          prob.reject<- pnorm( z - Crit )
        } else {
          # strict=T & ALT="two.sided"
          Crit<- qnorm(1-SIG.LEVEL/2)
          prob.reject<- pnorm( z-Crit) + pnorm(-Crit - z)

    } else {
        for (i in ilow:ihigh){
            for (j in jlow:jhigh){
                # it would be slightly faster not put data in matrix form, but to keep from making programming errors,
                # just call exact2x2
                pval<-exact2x2(x,or=nullOddsRatio, alternative=ALT, tsmethod=TSMETHOD, conf.int=FALSE, paired=FALSE, plot=FALSE)$p.value
                if (pval<=SIG.LEVEL){ 
                    prob.reject<-prob.reject+ dbinom(i,n0,p0)*dbinom(j,n1,p1) 
    ## create pretty output using power.htest class
    if (is.null(TSMETHOD)) TSMETHOD<-"NULL (see exact2x2 help)"
    if (paired==FALSE & strict==FALSE){
        METHOD<-"Power for Fisher's Exact Test"
    }  else if (paired==FALSE & strict){
        METHOD<-paste("Power for exact conditional test including power to reject in the wrong direction, tsmethod=",TSMETHOD)
    #else if (paired==TRUE & strict==FALSE){
    # METHOD<-"Power for McNemar's Exact Test"
    #} else if (paired==TRUE & strict){
    #    METHOD<-"Power for McNemar's Exact Test, including power to reject in the wrong direction"

    if (approx) METHOD<- paste("Approximate",METHOD)

    ## NOTE: output original sig.level NOT SIG.LEVEL
    ##    e.g., two.sided sig.level=0.05 should be calculated (when strict=FALSE)
    ##    at level SIG.LEVEL=0.025 
    output<-list(power=prob.reject, n0 =n0, n1=n1, 
        p0=p0,p1=p1, sig.level = sig.level, 
        alternative =alt, nullOddsRatio=nullOddsRatio, note =paste("errbound=",errbound), 
        method = METHOD)

    structure(output,class = "power.htest")


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exact2x2 documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:51 a.m.