
Defines functions print.confint_dgaps plot.confint_dgaps print.confint_kgaps plot.confint_kgaps print.confint_spm plot.confint_spm

Documented in plot.confint_dgaps plot.confint_kgaps plot.confint_spm print.confint_dgaps print.confint_kgaps print.confint_spm

#' Confidence intervals for the extremal index \eqn{\theta} for \code{"spm"}
#' objects
#' @name spm_confint

#' Confidence intervals for the extremal index \eqn{\theta} for \code{"kgaps"}
#' objects
#' @name kgaps_confint

#' Confidence intervals for the extremal index \eqn{\theta} for \code{"dgaps"}
#' objects
#' @name dgaps_confint

# =============================== confint.spm =============================== #

#' Confidence intervals for the extremal index \eqn{\theta}
#' \code{confint} method for objects of class \code{c("spm", "exdex")}.
#' Computes confidence intervals for \eqn{\theta} based on an object returned
#' from \code{\link{spm}}.  Two types of interval may be returned:
#' (a) intervals that are based on approximate large-sample normality of the
#' estimators of \eqn{\theta} (or of \eqn{\log\theta}{log\theta} if
#' \code{conf_scale = "log"}), and which are symmetric about the respective
#' point estimates, and (b) likelihood-based intervals based on an adjustment
#' of a naive (pseudo-) loglikelihood, using the
#' \code{\link[chandwich]{adjust_loglik}} function in the
#' \code{\link[chandwich]{chandwich}} package. The \code{plot} method plots the
#' log-likelihood for \eqn{\theta}, with the required confidence interval(s)
#' indicated on the plot.
#' @param object An object of class \code{c("spm", "exdex")}, returned by
#'   \code{\link{spm}}.
#' @param parm Specifies which parameter is to be given a confidence interval.
#'   Here there is only one option: the extremal index \eqn{\theta}.
#' @param level A numeric scalar in (0, 1). The confidence level required.
#' @param maxima A character scalar specifying whether to estimate
#'   confidence intervals based on sliding maxima or disjoint maxima.
#' @param interval_type A character scalar: \code{"norm"} for intervals of
#'   type (a), \code{"lik"} for intervals of type (b).
#' @param conf_scale A character scalar.  If \code{interval_type = "norm"} then
#'   \code{conf_scale} determines the scale on which we use approximate
#'   large-sample normality of the estimators to estimate confidence intervals
#'   of type (a).
#'   If \code{conf_scale = "theta"}
#'   then confidence intervals are estimated for \eqn{\theta} directly.
#'   If \code{conf_scale = "log"} then confidence intervals are first
#'   estimated for \eqn{\log\theta}{log\theta} and then transformed back
#'   to the \eqn{\theta}-scale.
#'   Any bias-adjustment requested in the original call to \code{\link{spm}},
#'   using it's \code{bias_adjust} argument, is automatically applied here.
#' @param constrain A logical scalar.  If \code{constrain = TRUE} then
#'   any confidence limits that are greater than 1 are set to 1,
#'   that is, they are constrained to lie in (0, 1].  Otherwise,
#'   limits that are greater than 1 may be obtained.
#'   If \code{constrain = TRUE} then any lower confidence limits that are
#'   less than 0 are set to 0.
#' @param bias_adjust A logical scalar.  If \code{bias_adjust = TRUE} then,
#'   if appropriate, bias-adjustment is also applied to the loglikelihood
#'   before it is adjusted using \code{\link[chandwich]{adjust_loglik}}.
#'   This is performed only if, in the call to
#'   \code{\link{spm}}, \code{bias_adjust = "BB3"} or
#'   \code{"BB1"} was specified, that is, we have
#'   \code{object$bias_adjust = "BB3"}
#'   or \code{"BB1"}.  In these cases the relevant
#'   component of \code{object$bias_sl} or \code{object$bias_dj}
#'   is used to scale \eqn{\theta} so
#'   that the location of the maximum of the loglikelihood lies at the
#'   bias-adjusted estimate of \eqn{\theta}.
#'   If \code{bias_adjust = FALSE} or \code{object$bias_adjust = "none"}
#'   or \code{"N"} then no bias-adjustment of the
#'   intervals is performed.  In the latter case this is because the
#'   bias-adjustment is applied in the creation of the data in
#'   \code{object$N2015_data} and \code{object$BB2018_data}, on which the
#'   naive likelihood is based.
#' @param type A character scalar.  The argument \code{type} to be passed to
#'   \code{\link[chandwich]{conf_intervals}} in the
#'   \code{\link[chandwich]{chandwich}} package in order to estimate the
#'   likelihood-based intervals.
#'   Using \code{type = "none"} is \emph{not} advised because then the
#'   intervals are based on naive estimated standard errors.  In particular,
#'   if (the default) \code{sliding = TRUE} was used in the call to
#'   \code{\link{spm}} then the unadjusted likelihood-based confidence
#'   intervals provide \emph{vast} underestimates of uncertainty.
#' @param ...
#'   \code{plot.confint_spm}: further arguments passed to
#'   \code{\link[chandwich]{plot.confint}}.
#'   \code{print.confint_spm}: further arguments passed to
#'   \code{\link{print.default}}.
#' @details The likelihood-based intervals are estimated using the
#'   \code{\link[chandwich]{adjust_loglik}} function in the
#'   \code{\link[chandwich]{chandwich}} package, followed by a call to
#'   \code{\link[chandwich]{conf_intervals}}.
#'   This adjusts the naive (pseudo-)loglikelihood so that the curvature of
#'   the adjust loglikelihood agrees with the estimated standard errors of
#'   the estimators.  The option \code{type = "none"} should not be used in
#'   practice because the resulting confidence intervals will be wrong.
#'   In particular, in the intervals based on sliding maxima will provide
#'   \emph{vast} underestimates of uncertainty.
#'   If \code{object$se} contains \code{NA}s, because the block size \code{b}
#'   was too small or too large in the call to \code{\link{spm}} then
#'   confidence intervals cannot be estimated.  A matrix of \code{NA}s
#'   will be returned.  See the \strong{Details} section of the
#'   \code{\link{spm}} documentation for more information.
#' @return A list of class c("confint_spm", "exdex") containing the
#'   following components.
#'   \item{cis}{A matrix with columns giving the lower and upper confidence
#'   limits. These are labelled as (1 - level)/2 and 1 - (1 - level)/2 in
#'   \% (by default 2.5\% and 97.5\%).
#'   The row names are a concatenation of the variant of the estimator
#'   (\code{N2015} for Northrop (2015), \code{BB2018} for
#'   Berghaus and Bucher (2018)), \code{BB2018b} for the modified
#'   (by subtracting \code{1 / b}) Berghaus and Bucher (2018)
#'   and the type of interval (\code{norm} for symmetric and \code{lik} for
#'   likelihood-based).}
#'   \item{ciN}{The object returned from
#'     \code{\link[chandwich]{conf_intervals}} that contains information about
#'     the adjusted loglikelihood for the Northrop (2015) variant of the
#'     estimator.}
#'   \item{ciBB}{The object returned from
#'     \code{\link[chandwich]{conf_intervals}} that contains information about
#'     the adjusted loglikelihood for the Berghaus and Bucher (2018) variant of
#'     the estimator.}
#'   \item{ciBBb}{The object returned from
#'     \code{\link[chandwich]{conf_intervals}} that contains information about
#'     the adjusted loglikelihood for the modified Berghaus and Bucher (2018)
#'     variant of the estimator.}
#'   \item{call}{The call to \code{spm}.}
#'   \item{object}{The input \code{object}.}
#'   \item{maxima}{The input \code{maxima}.}
#'   \item{theta}{The relevant estimates of \eqn{\theta} returned from
#'     \code{\link[chandwich]{adjust_loglik}}.  These are equal to
#'     \code{object$theta_sl} if \code{maxima = "sliding"},
#'     \code{object$theta_dj} if \code{maxima = "disjoint"},
#'     which provides a check that the results are correct.}
#'   \item{level}{The input \code{level}.}
#' @references Northrop, P. J. (2015) An efficient semiparametric maxima
#' estimator of the extremal index. \emph{Extremes} \strong{18}(4), 585-603.
#'   \doi{10.1007/s10687-015-0221-5}
#' @references Berghaus, B., Bucher, A. (2018) Weak convergence of a pseudo
#'   maximum likelihood estimator for the extremal index. \emph{Ann. Statist.}
#'   \strong{46}(5), 2307-2335. \doi{10.1214/17-AOS1621}
#' @examples
#' # Newlyn sea surges
#' theta <- spm(newlyn, 20)
#' confint(theta)
#' cis <- confint(theta, interval_type = "lik")
#' cis
#' plot(cis)
#' # S&P 500 index
#' theta <- spm(sp500, 100)
#' confint(theta)
#' cis <- confint(theta, interval_type = "lik")
#' cis
#' plot(cis)
#' @rdname spm_confint
#' @export
confint.spm <- function (object, parm = "theta", level = 0.95,
                         maxima = c("sliding", "disjoint"),
                         interval_type = c("norm", "lik", "both"),
                         conf_scale = c("theta", "log"),
                         constrain = TRUE,
                         bias_adjust = TRUE,
                         type = c("vertical", "cholesky", "spectral",
                                  "none"), ...) {
  if (!inherits(object, "exdex")) {
    stop("use only with \"exdex\" objects")
  Call <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
  parm <- match.arg(parm)
  if (level <= 0 || level >= 1) {
    stop("''level'' must be in (0, 1)")
  maxima <- match.arg(maxima)
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if (maxima == "sliding" && type == "none") {
    warning("The likelihood-based CIs are vast underestimates of uncertainty!")
  interval_type <- match.arg(interval_type)
  conf_scale <- match.arg(conf_scale)
  # Set the components that we need, based on argument maxima
  theta <- coef(object, maxima = maxima, estimator = "all")
  uncon <- coef(object, maxima = maxima, estimator = "all", constrain = TRUE)
  se <- sqrt(vcov(object, maxima = maxima, estimator = "all"))
  if (maxima == "sliding") {
    yz_data <- object$data_sl
    bias_val <- object$bias_sl
  } else {
    yz_data <- object$data_dj
    bias_val <- object$bias_dj
  if (interval_type == "norm" || interval_type == "both") {
    # Symmetric confidence intervals, based on large sample normal theory
    # The intervals are (initially) centred on the unconstrained estimate of
    # theta, which may be greater than 1
    z_val <- stats::qnorm(1 - (1 - level) / 2)
    if (conf_scale == "theta") {
      lower <- uncon - z_val * se
      upper <- uncon + z_val * se
    } else {
      lower <- exp(log(uncon) - z_val * se / theta)
      upper <- exp(log(uncon) + z_val * se / theta)
    names(lower) <- paste0(names(lower), "norm")
    names(upper) <- paste0(names(upper), "norm")
    # Constrain the intervals to (0, 1] if required
    if (constrain) {
      lower <- pmin(lower, 1)
      lower <- pmax(lower, 0)
      upper <- pmin(upper, 1)
    temp <- cbind(lower, upper)
    a <- (1 - level) / 2
    a <- c(a, 1 - a)
    pct <- paste(round(100 * a, 1), "%")
    colnames(temp) <- pct
    temp <- list(cis = temp, call = Call, maxima = maxima,
                 interval_type = interval_type, theta = theta, level = level)
    class(temp) <- c("confint_spm", "exdex")
    if (interval_type == "norm") {
  } else {
    lower <- upper <- NULL
  if (interval_type == "lik" || interval_type == "both") {
    # Likelihood-based confidence intervals.  We use the chandwich package
    # to adjust the independence loglikelihood so that its curvature at its
    # maximum corresponds to the estimated standard errors that result from
    # the theory in Berghaus and Bucher (2018). Note that:
    # 1. we must use raw MLEs, not the bias-adjusted versions, because these
    #    give the location of the maximum of the independence loglikelihood
    # 2. we give the option, via the argument bias_adjust, to bias-adjust
    #    the intervals based on the bias_adjust argument supplied in the
    #    original call to spm():
    #    if bias_adjust = "BB3" or "BB1" then bias-adjustment is performed here
    #    if bias_adjust = "N" then no adjustment in performed here because this
    #    bias-adjustment is applied in the creation of the data in
    #    object$N2015_data and object$BB2018_data.
    exponential_loglik <- function(theta, data) {
      if (theta <= 0) return(-Inf)
      return(log(theta) - theta * data)
    # Bias-adjust, if requested and if appropriate
    # We can achieve this by scaling the data by the ratio of the naive MLE
    # to the bias-adjusted MLE
    mleN <- 1 / mean(yz_data[, "N2015"])
    mleBB <- mleBBb <- 1 / mean(yz_data[, "BB2018"])
    if (bias_adjust && object$bias_adjust %in% c("BB3", "BB1")) {
      scaleN <- mleN / (mleN - bias_val["N2015"])
      scaleBB <- mleBB / (mleBB - bias_val["BB2018"])
      scaleBBb <- mleBBb / (mleBBb - bias_val["BB2018b"])
    } else {
      scaleN <- scaleBB <- scaleBBb <- 1
    n <- nobs(object, maxima = maxima)
    # If a standard error is missing then make the confidence limits missing
    # Northrop (2015)
    if (is.na(se["N2015"])) {
      tempN <- NA
      lower <- c(lower, N2015lik = NA)
      upper <- c(upper, N2015lik = NA)
    } else {
      H <- as.matrix(-n / mleN ^ 2)
      V <- as.matrix(H ^ 2 * se["N2015"] ^ 2)
      # Note the multiplication of the data by scaleN and the division of the
      # naive estimate by scaleN, to obtain the bias_adjusted estimate
      adjN <- chandwich::adjust_loglik(loglik = exponential_loglik,
                                       data = yz_data[, "N2015"] * scaleN,
                                       p = 1, par_names = "theta",
                                       mle = mleN / scaleN, H = H, V = V)
      # Avoid chandwich::conf_intervals()'s profiling messages
      tempN <- suppressMessages(chandwich::conf_intervals(adjN, conf = 100 *
                                                           level, type = type,
                                                          lower = 0))
      # Add the likelihood-based interval to the symmetric ones
      lower <- c(lower, N2015lik = tempN$prof_CI[1])
      upper <- c(upper, N2015lik = tempN$prof_CI[2])
    # Berghaus and Bucher (2018)
    if (is.na(se["BB2018"])) {
      tempBB <- NA
      lower <- c(lower, BB2018lik = NA)
      upper <- c(upper, BB2018lik = NA)
    } else {
      H <- as.matrix(-n / mleBB ^ 2)
      V <- as.matrix(H ^ 2 * se["BB2018"] ^ 2)
      # Note the multiplication of the data by scaleBB and the division of the
      # naive estimate by scaleBB, to obtain the bias_adjusted estimate
      adjBB <- chandwich::adjust_loglik(loglik = exponential_loglik,
                                        data = yz_data[, "BB2018"] * scaleBB,
                                        p = 1, par_names = "theta",
                                        mle = mleBB / scaleBB, H = H, V = V)
      tempBB <- suppressMessages(chandwich::conf_intervals(adjBB, conf = 100 *
                                                            level, type = type,
                                                           lower = 0))
      lower <- c(lower, BB2018lik = tempBB$prof_CI[1])
      upper <- c(upper, BB2018lik = tempBB$prof_CI[2])
    # Berghaus and Bucher (2018) - 1 / b
    if (is.na(se["BB2018b"])) {
      tempBBb <- NA
      lower <- c(lower, BB2018blik = NA)
      upper <- c(upper, BB2018blik = NA)
    } else {
      H <- as.matrix(-n / mleBBb ^ 2)
      V <- as.matrix(H ^ 2 * se["BB2018b"] ^ 2)
      # Note the multiplication of the data by scaleBB and the division of the
      # naive estimate by scaleBB, to obtain the bias_adjusted estimate
      adjBBb <- chandwich::adjust_loglik(loglik = exponential_loglik,
                                         data = yz_data[, "BB2018"] * scaleBBb,
                                         p = 1, par_names = "theta",
                                         mle = mleBBb / scaleBBb, H = H, V = V)
      tempBBb <- suppressMessages(chandwich::conf_intervals(adjBBb,
                                                            conf = 100 *
                                                            level, type = type,
                                                            lower = 0))
      lower <- c(lower, BB2018blik = tempBBb$prof_CI[1])
      upper <- c(upper, BB2018blik = tempBBb$prof_CI[2])
  # Constrain the intervals to (0, 1] if required
  if (constrain) {
    lower <- pmin(lower, 1)
    lower <- pmax(lower, 0)
    upper <- pmin(upper, 1)
  temp <- cbind(lower, upper)
  a <- (1 - level) / 2
  a <- c(a, 1 - a)
  pct <- paste(round(100 * a, 1), "%")
  colnames(temp) <- pct
  names(theta) <- c("N2015", "BB2018", "BB2018b")
  temp <- list(cis = temp, ciN = tempN, ciBB = tempBB, ciBBb = tempBBb,
               call = Call, object = object, maxima = maxima,
               interval_type = interval_type, theta = theta, level = level)
  class(temp) <- c("confint_spm", "exdex")

# ========================= Methods for confint_spm ========================= #

# ---------------------------- plot.confint_spm ----------------------------- #

#' Plot diagnostics for a confint_spm object
#' @param x an object of class \code{c("confint_spm", "exdex")}, a result of
#'   a call to \code{\link{confint.spm}}.
#' @param estimator A character vector specifying which of the three variants
#'   of the semiparametric maxima estimator to include in the plot:
#'   \code{"N2015", "BB2018"} or \code{"BB2018b"}.  See \code{\link{spm}} for
#'   details. If \code{estimator = "all"} then all three are included.
#' @param ndec An integer scalar.  The legend (if included on the plot)
#'   contains the confidence limits rounded to \code{ndec} decimal places.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to
#'   \code{\link[chandwich]{plot.confint}}.
#' @return \code{plot.confint_spm}: nothing is returned.
#' @rdname spm_confint
#' @export
plot.confint_spm <- function(x, estimator = "all", ndec = 2, ...) {
  if (!inherits(x, "exdex")) {
    stop("use only with \"exdex\" objects")
  if (x$interval_type == "norm"){
    stop("Plot method not available when interval_type = ''norm''")
  if (is.na(x$cis["N2015lik", 1]) && is.na(x$cis["BB2018lik", 1]) &&
      is.na(x$cis["BB2018blik", 1])) {
    stop("There is no adjusted log-likelihood to plot: SEs were missing")
  if ("all" %in% estimator) {
    estimator <- c("N2015", "BB2018", "BB2018b")
  if (!all(estimator %in% c("N2015", "BB2018", "BB2018b"))) {
    stop("estimator must be a subset of c(''N2015'', ''BB2018'', ''BB2018b'')")
  n_estimator <- length(estimator)
  temp <- x$cis
  # Produce a plot of the adjusted loglikelihood, if requested
  # Owing to the different scales of the loglikelihoods for N2015 and BB2018 we
  # shoof them to have a maximum of 0, so that we can display them on one plot
  x_obj <- y_obj <- y2_obj <- NULL
  my_leg <- NULL
  # Round confidence limits for inclusion in the legend
  fmt <- paste0("%.", ndec, "f")
  if ("N2015" %in% estimator && !is.na(x$cis["N2015lik", 1])) {
    tempN <- x$ciN
    shoofN <- max(tempN$prof_loglik_vals, na.rm = TRUE)
    tempN$prof_loglik_vals <- tempN$prof_loglik_vals - shoofN
    tempN$max_loglik <- tempN$max_loglik - shoofN
    x_obj <- tempN
    roundN <- sprintf(fmt, round(temp["N2015lik", ], ndec))
    my_leg[1] <- paste("N2015:      (", roundN[1], ",", roundN[2], ")")
  if ("BB2018" %in% estimator && !is.na(x$cis["BB2018lik", 1])) {
    tempBB <- x$ciBB
    shoofBB <- max(tempBB$prof_loglik_vals, na.rm = TRUE)
    tempBB$prof_loglik_vals <- tempBB$prof_loglik_vals - shoofBB
    tempBB$max_loglik <- tempBB$max_loglik - shoofBB
    roundBB <- sprintf(fmt, round(temp["BB2018lik", ], ndec))
    if ("N2015" %in% estimator) {
      y_obj <- tempBB
      my_leg[2] <- paste("BB2018:   (", roundBB[1], ",", roundBB[2], ")")
    } else {
      x_obj <- tempBB
      my_leg[1] <- paste("BB2018:   (", roundBB[1], ",", roundBB[2], ")")
  if ("BB2018b" %in% estimator && !is.na(x$cis["BB2018blik", 1])) {
    tempBBb <- x$ciBBb
    shoofBBb <- max(tempBBb$prof_loglik_vals, na.rm = TRUE)
    tempBBb$prof_loglik_vals <- tempBBb$prof_loglik_vals - shoofBBb
    tempBBb$max_loglik <- tempBBb$max_loglik - shoofBBb
    roundBBb <- sprintf(fmt, round(temp["BB2018blik", ], ndec))
    if (n_estimator == 3) {
      y2_obj <- tempBBb
      my_leg[3] <- paste("BB2018b: (", roundBBb[1], ",", roundBBb[2], ")")
    } else if (n_estimator == 2) {
      y_obj <- tempBBb
      my_leg[2] <- paste("BB2018b: (", roundBBb[1], ",", roundBBb[2], ")")
    } else {
      x_obj <- tempBBb
      my_leg[1] <- paste("BB2018b: (", roundBBb[1], ",", roundBBb[2], ")")
  # A clunky way to avoid conflict between my choice of legend and
  # (legend) title and those that the user might supply via ...
  user_args <- list(...)
  leg_title <- paste0("estimator: ", 100*x$level, "% CI")
  if (is.null(user_args$legend_pos)) {
    if (is.null(user_args$legend) && is.null(user_args$title)) {
      plot(x = x_obj, y = y_obj, y2 = y2_obj, legend = my_leg,
           title = leg_title, legend_pos = "bottom", ...)
    } else if (is.null(user_args$legend) && !is.null(user_args$title)) {
      plot(x = x_obj, y = y_obj, y2 = y2_obj, legend = my_leg,
           legend_pos = "bottom", ...)
    } else if (!is.null(user_args$legend) && is.null(user_args$title)) {
      plot(x = x_obj, y = y_obj, y2 = y2_obj, title = leg_title,
           legend_pos = "bottom", ...)
    } else {
      plot(x = x_obj, y = y_obj,  y2 = y2_obj, legend_pos = "bottom", ...)
  } else {
    # Make user_args$legend_pos NULL because otherwise
    # is.null(user_args$legend) returns FALSE
    user_args$legend_pos <- NULL
    if (is.null(user_args$legend) && is.null(user_args$title)) {
      plot(x = x_obj, y = y_obj, y2 = y2_obj, legend = my_leg,
           title = leg_title, ...)
    } else if (is.null(user_args$legend) && !is.null(user_args$title)) {
      plot(x = x_obj, y = y_obj, y2 = y2_obj, legend = my_leg, ...)
    } else if (!is.null(user_args$legend) && is.null(user_args$title)) {
      plot(x = x_obj, y = y_obj, y2 = y2_obj, title = leg_title, ...)
    } else {
      plot(x = x_obj, y = y_obj, y2 = y2_obj, ...)
  # Check visually the estimates and the intervals
#  abline(v = temp["N2015lik", ])
#  abline(v = temp["BB2018lik", ], lty = 2)
#  abline(v = temp["BB2018blik", ], lty = 3)
#  if (x$maxima == "sliding") {
#    abline(v = x$object$theta_sl, lty = 1:3)
#  } else {
#    abline(v = x$object$theta_dj, lty = 1:3)
#  }

# ---------------------------- print.confint_spm ---------------------------- #

#' Print method for a confint_spm object
#' @param x an object of class \code{c("confint_spm", "exdex")}, a result of
#'   a call to \code{\link{confint.spm}}.
#' @param ... Additional optional arguments to be passed to
#'   \code{\link{print.default}}
#' @details \code{print.confint_spm} prints the matrix of confidence
#'   intervals for \eqn{\theta}.
#' @return \code{print.confint_spm}: the argument \code{x}, invisibly.
#' @seealso \code{\link{spm}} for estimation of the extremal index
#'   \eqn{\theta} using a semiparametric maxima method.
#' @rdname spm_confint
#' @export
print.confint_spm <- function(x, ...) {
  if (!inherits(x, "exdex")) {
    stop("use only with \"exdex\" objects")
  print(x$cis, ...)

# ============================== confint.kgaps ============================== #

#' Confidence intervals for the extremal index \eqn{\theta}
#' \code{confint} method for objects of class \code{c("kgaps", "exdex")}.
#' Computes confidence intervals for \eqn{\theta} based on an object returned
#' from \code{\link{kgaps}}.  Two types of interval may be returned:
#' (a) intervals based on approximate large-sample normality of the estimator
#' of \eqn{\theta}, which are symmetric about the point estimate,
#' and (b) likelihood-based intervals. The \code{plot} method plots the
#' log-likelihood for \eqn{\theta}, with the required confidence interval
#' indicated on the plot.
#' @param object An object of class \code{c("kgaps", "exdex")}, returned by
#'   \code{\link{kgaps}}.
#' @param parm Specifies which parameter is to be given a confidence interval.
#'   Here there is only one option: the extremal index \eqn{\theta}.
#' @param level The confidence level required.  A numeric scalar in (0, 1).
#' @param interval_type A character scalar: \code{"norm"} for intervals of
#'   type (a), \code{"lik"} for intervals of type (b).
#' @param conf_scale A character scalar.  If \code{interval_type = "norm"} then
#'   \code{conf_scale} determines the scale on which we use approximate
#'   large-sample normality of the estimator to estimate confidence intervals.
#'   If \code{conf_scale = "theta"}
#'   then confidence intervals are estimated for \eqn{\theta} directly.
#'   If \code{conf_scale = "log"} then confidence intervals are first
#'   estimated for \eqn{\log\theta}{log\theta} and then transformed back
#'   to the \eqn{\theta}-scale.
#' @param constrain A logical scalar.  If \code{constrain = TRUE} then
#'   any confidence limits that are greater than 1 are set to 1,
#'   that is, they are constrained to lie in (0, 1].  Otherwise,
#'   limits that are greater than 1 may be obtained.
#'   If \code{constrain = TRUE} then any lower confidence limits that are
#'   less than 0 are set to 0.
#' @param se_type A character scalar. Should the confidence intervals for the
#'   \code{interval_type  = "norm"} use the estimated standard error based on
#'   the observed information or based on the expected information?
#' @param ...
#'   \code{plot.confint_kgaps}: further arguments passed to
#'   \code{\link[chandwich]{plot.confint}}.
#'   \code{print.confint_kgaps}: further arguments passed to
#'   \code{\link{print.default}}.
#' @details Two type of interval are calculated: (a) an interval based on the
#'   approximate large sample normality of the estimator of \eqn{\theta}
#'   (if \code{conf_scale = "theta"}) or of \eqn{\log\theta}{log\theta}
#'   (if \code{conf_scale = "log"}) and (b) a likelihood-based interval,
#'   based on the approximate large sample chi-squared, with 1 degree of
#'   freedom, distribution of the log-likelihood ratio statistic.
#' @return A list of class c("confint_kgaps", "exdex") containing the
#'   following components.
#'   \item{cis}{A matrix with columns giving the lower and upper confidence
#'   limits. These are labelled as (1 - level)/2 and 1 - (1 - level)/2 in
#'   \% (by default 2.5\% and 97.5\%).
#'   The row names indicate the type of interval:
#'   \code{norm} for intervals based on large sample normality and \code{lik}
#'   for likelihood-based intervals.
#'   If \code{object$k = 0} then both confidence limits are returned as being
#'   equal to the point estimate of \eqn{\theta}.}
#'   \item{call}{The call to \code{spm}.}
#'   \item{object}{The input object \code{object}.}
#'   \item{level}{The input \code{level}.}
#' @references Suveges, M. and Davison, A. C. (2010) Model
#'   misspecification in peaks over threshold analysis, \emph{Annals of
#'   Applied Statistics}, \strong{4}(1), 203-221.
#'   \doi{10.1214/09-AOAS292}
#' @examples
#' u <- quantile(newlyn, probs = 0.90)
#' theta <- kgaps(newlyn, u)
#' cis <- confint(theta)
#' cis
#' plot(cis)
#' @rdname kgaps_confint
#' @export
confint.kgaps <- function (object, parm = "theta", level = 0.95,
                           interval_type = c("both", "norm", "lik"),
                           conf_scale = c("theta", "log"), constrain = TRUE,
                           se_type = c("observed", "expected"), ...) {
  if (!inherits(object, "exdex")) {
    stop("use only with \"exdex\" objects")
  Call <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
  parm <- match.arg(parm)
  se_type <- match.arg(se_type)
  if (level <= 0 || level >= 1) {
    stop("''level'' must be in (0, 1)")
  interval_type <- match.arg(interval_type)
  conf_scale <- match.arg(conf_scale)
  theta <- coef(object)
  if (interval_type == "norm" || interval_type == "both") {
    # Symmetric confidence intervals, based on large sample normal theory
    # The intervals are (initially) centred on the unconstrained estimate of
    # theta, which may be greater than 1
    z_val <- stats::qnorm(1 - (1 - level) / 2)
    if (se_type == "observed") {
      se <- object$se
    } else {
      se <- object$se_exp
    if (conf_scale == "theta") {
      lower <- theta - z_val * se
      upper <- theta + z_val * se
    } else {
      lower <- exp(log(theta) - z_val * se / theta)
      upper <- exp(log(theta) + z_val * se / theta)
  } else {
    lower <- upper <- NULL
  if (interval_type == "lik" || interval_type == "both") {
    # Likelihood-based confidence intervals
    # If K = 0 then return equal interval limits
    if (object$k == 0) {
      temp <- c(theta, theta)
    } else {
      temp <- kgaps_conf_int(theta_mle = theta, ss = object$ss,
                             conf = 100 * level)
    lower <- c(lower, temp[1])
    upper <- c(upper, temp[2])
  # Constrain the intervals to (0, 1] if required
  if (constrain) {
    lower <- pmin(lower, 1)
    lower <- pmax(lower, 0)
    upper <- pmin(upper, 1)
  temp <- cbind(lower, upper)
  a <- (1 - level) / 2
  a <- c(a, 1 - a)
  pct <- paste(round(100 * a, 1), "%")
  colnames(temp) <- pct
  row_names <- interval_type
  if (row_names == "both") {
    row_names <- c("norm", "lik")
  rownames(temp) <- row_names
  temp <- list(cis = temp, call = Call, object = object, level = level)
  class(temp) <- c("confint_kgaps", "exdex")

# ========================= Method for confint_kgaps ======================== #

# ---------------------------- plot.confint_kgaps --------------------------- #

#' Plot diagnostics for a confint_kgaps object
#' @param x an object of class \code{c("confint_kgaps", "exdex")}, a result of
#'   a call to \code{\link{confint.kgaps}}.
#' @return \code{plot.confint_kgaps}: nothing is returned.  If
#'   \code{x$object$k = 0} then no plot is produced.
#' @rdname kgaps_confint
#' @export
plot.confint_kgaps <- function(x, ...) {
  if (!inherits(x, "exdex")) {
    stop("use only with \"exdex\" objects")
  # If K = 0 then do not produce a plot
  if (x$object$k == 0) {
    stop("No plot is produced if K = 0 because confidence limits are equal")
  if (!("lik" %in% rownames(x$cis))) {
    stop("Plot method not available when interval_type = ''norm''")
  prof_ci <- x$cis[rownames(x$cis) == "lik"]
  theta <- seq(0.99 * prof_ci[1], 1.01 * prof_ci[2], length = 100)
  kloglik <- function(theta) {
    do.call(kgaps_loglik, c(list(theta = theta), x$object$ss))
  prof_lik <- vapply(theta, kloglik, 0.0)
  my_plot <- function(xx, y, ..., type = "l", xlab = expression(theta),
                      ylab = "log-likelihood",
                      main = paste0(100 * x$level, "% confidence interval")) {
    graphics::plot(xx, y, ..., type = type, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
                   main = main)
  my_plot(theta, prof_lik, ...)
  cutoff <- x$object$max_loglik - stats::qchisq(x$level, 1) / 2
  graphics::abline(h = cutoff)
  graphics::axis(1, at = prof_ci,  labels = round(prof_ci, 3), tick = FALSE,
                 mgp = c(3, 0.15, 0))

# --------------------------- print.confint_kgaps --------------------------- #

#' Print method for a confint_kgaps object
#' @param x an object of class \code{c("confint_kgaps", "exdex")}, a result of
#'   a call to \code{\link{confint.kgaps}}.
#' @details \code{print.confint_kgaps} prints the matrix of confidence
#'   intervals for \eqn{\theta}.
#' @return \code{print.confint_kgaps}: the argument \code{x}, invisibly.
#' @seealso \code{\link{kgaps}} for estimation of the extremal index
#'   \eqn{\theta} using a semiparametric maxima method.
#' @rdname kgaps_confint
#' @export
print.confint_kgaps <- function(x, ...) {
  if (!inherits(x, "exdex")) {
    stop("use only with \"exdex\" objects")
  print(x$cis, ...)

# ============================== confint.dgaps ============================== #

#' Confidence intervals for the extremal index \eqn{\theta}
#' \code{confint} method for objects of class \code{c("dgaps", "exdex")}.
#' Computes confidence intervals for \eqn{\theta} based on an object returned
#' from \code{\link{dgaps}}.  Two types of interval may be returned:
#' (a) intervals based on approximate large-sample normality of the estimator
#' of \eqn{\theta}, which are symmetric about the point estimate,
#' and (b) likelihood-based intervals. The \code{plot} method plots the
#' log-likelihood for \eqn{\theta}, with the required confidence interval
#' indicated on the plot.
#' @param object An object of class \code{c("dgaps", "exdex")}, returned by
#'   \code{\link{dgaps}}.
#' @param parm Specifies which parameter is to be given a confidence interval.
#'   Here there is only one option: the extremal index \eqn{\theta}.
#' @param level The confidence level required.  A numeric scalar in (0, 1).
#' @param interval_type A character scalar: \code{"norm"} for intervals of
#'   type (a), \code{"lik"} for intervals of type (b).
#' @param conf_scale A character scalar.  If \code{interval_type = "norm"} then
#'   \code{conf_scale} determines the scale on which we use approximate
#'   large-sample normality of the estimator to estimate confidence intervals.
#'   If \code{conf_scale = "theta"}
#'   then confidence intervals are estimated for \eqn{\theta} directly.
#'   If \code{conf_scale = "log"} then confidence intervals are first
#'   estimated for \eqn{\log\theta}{log\theta} and then transformed back
#'   to the \eqn{\theta}-scale.
#' @param constrain A logical scalar.  If \code{constrain = TRUE} then
#'   any confidence limits that are greater than 1 are set to 1,
#'   that is, they are constrained to lie in (0, 1].  Otherwise,
#'   limits that are greater than 1 may be obtained.
#'   If \code{constrain = TRUE} then any lower confidence limits that are
#'   less than 0 are set to 0.
#' @param se_type A character scalar. Should the confidence intervals for the
#'   \code{interval_type  = "norm"} use the estimated standard error based on
#'   the observed information or based on the expected information?
#' @param ...
#'   \code{plot.confint_dgaps}: further arguments passed to
#'   \code{\link[chandwich]{plot.confint}}.
#'   \code{print.confint_dgaps}: further arguments passed to
#'   \code{\link{print.default}}.
#' @details Two type of interval are calculated: (a) an interval based on the
#'   approximate large sample normality of the estimator of \eqn{\theta}
#'   (if \code{conf_scale = "theta"}) or of \eqn{\log\theta}{log\theta}
#'   (if \code{conf_scale = "log"}) and (b) a likelihood-based interval,
#'   based on the approximate large sample chi-squared, with 1 degree of
#'   freedom, distribution of the log-likelihood ratio statistic.
#' @return A list of class c("confint_dgaps", "exdex") containing the
#'   following components.
#'   \item{cis}{A matrix with columns giving the lower and upper confidence
#'   limits. These are labelled as (1 - level)/2 and 1 - (1 - level)/2 in
#'   \% (by default 2.5\% and 97.5\%).
#'   The row names indicate the type of interval:
#'   \code{norm} for intervals based on large sample normality and \code{lik}
#'   for likelihood-based intervals.}
#'   \item{call}{The call to \code{spm}.}
#'   \item{object}{The input object \code{object}.}
#'   \item{level}{The input \code{level}.}
#' @references Holesovsky, J. and Fusek, M. Estimation of the extremal index
#'   using censored distributions. Extremes 23, 197-213 (2020).
#'   \doi{10.1007/s10687-020-00374-3}
#' @examples
#' u <- quantile(newlyn, probs = 0.90)
#' theta <- dgaps(newlyn, u)
#' cis <- confint(theta)
#' cis
#' plot(cis)
#' @rdname dgaps_confint
#' @export
confint.dgaps <- function (object, parm = "theta", level = 0.95,
                           interval_type = c("both", "norm", "lik"),
                           conf_scale = c("theta", "log"), constrain = TRUE,
                           se_type = c("observed", "expected"), ...) {
  if (!inherits(object, "exdex")) {
    stop("use only with \"exdex\" objects")
  Call <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
  parm <- match.arg(parm)
  se_type <- match.arg(se_type)
  if (level <= 0 || level >= 1) {
    stop("''level'' must be in (0, 1)")
  interval_type <- match.arg(interval_type)
  conf_scale <- match.arg(conf_scale)
  theta <- coef(object)
  if (interval_type == "norm" || interval_type == "both") {
    # Symmetric confidence intervals, based on large sample normal theory
    # The intervals are (initially) centred on the unconstrained estimate of
    # theta, which may be greater than 1
    z_val <- stats::qnorm(1 - (1 - level) / 2)
    if (se_type == "observed") {
      se <- object$se
    } else {
      se <- object$se_exp
    if (conf_scale == "theta") {
      lower <- theta - z_val * se
      upper <- theta + z_val * se
    } else {
      lower <- exp(log(theta) - z_val * se / theta)
      upper <- exp(log(theta) + z_val * se / theta)
  } else {
    lower <- upper <- NULL
  if (interval_type == "lik" || interval_type == "both") {
    # Likelihood-based confidence intervals.
    temp <- dgaps_conf_int(theta_mle = theta, ss = object$ss,
                           conf = 100 * level)
    lower <- c(lower, temp[1])
    upper <- c(upper, temp[2])
  # Constrain the intervals to (0, 1] if required
  if (constrain) {
    lower <- pmin(lower, 1)
    lower <- pmax(lower, 0)
    upper <- pmin(upper, 1)
  temp <- cbind(lower, upper)
  a <- (1 - level) / 2
  a <- c(a, 1 - a)
  pct <- paste(round(100 * a, 1), "%")
  colnames(temp) <- pct
  row_names <- interval_type
  if (row_names == "both") {
    row_names <- c("norm", "lik")
  rownames(temp) <- row_names
  temp <- list(cis = temp, call = Call, object = object, level = level)
  class(temp) <- c("confint_dgaps", "exdex")

# ========================= Method for confint_dgaps ======================== #

# ---------------------------- plot.confint_dgaps --------------------------- #

#' Plot diagnostics for a confint_dgaps object
#' @param x an object of class \code{c("confint_dgaps", "exdex")}, a result of
#'   a call to \code{\link{confint.dgaps}}.
#' @return \code{plot.confint_dgaps}: nothing is returned.
#' @rdname dgaps_confint
#' @export
plot.confint_dgaps <- function(x, ...) {
  if (!inherits(x, "exdex")) {
    stop("use only with \"exdex\" objects")
  if (!("lik" %in% rownames(x$cis))) {
    stop("Plot method not available when interval_type = ''norm''")
  prof_ci <- x$cis[rownames(x$cis) == "lik"]
  theta <- seq(0.99 * prof_ci[1], 1.01 * prof_ci[2], length = 100)
  dloglik <- function(theta) {
    do.call(dgaps_loglik, c(list(theta = theta), x$object$ss))
  prof_lik <- vapply(theta, dloglik, 0.0)
  my_plot <- function(xx, y, ..., type = "l", xlab = expression(theta),
                      ylab = "log-likelihood",
                      main = paste0(100 * x$level, "% confidence interval")) {
    graphics::plot(xx, y, ..., type = type, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
                   main = main)
  my_plot(theta, prof_lik, ...)
  cutoff <- x$object$max_loglik - stats::qchisq(x$level, 1) / 2
  graphics::abline(h = cutoff)
  graphics::axis(1, at = prof_ci,  labels = round(prof_ci, 3), tick = FALSE,
                 mgp = c(3, 0.15, 0))

# --------------------------- print.confint_dgaps --------------------------- #

#' Print method for a confint_dgaps object
#' @param x an object of class \code{c("confint_dgaps", "exdex")}, a result of
#'   a call to \code{\link{confint.dgaps}}.
#' @details \code{print.confint_dgaps} prints the matrix of confidence
#'   intervals for \eqn{\theta}.
#' @return \code{print.confint_dgaps}: the argument \code{x}, invisibly.
#' @seealso \code{\link{dgaps}} for estimation of the extremal index
#'   \eqn{\theta} using a semiparametric maxima method.
#' @rdname dgaps_confint
#' @export
print.confint_dgaps <- function(x, ...) {
  if (!inherits(x, "exdex")) {
    stop("use only with \"exdex\" objects")
  print(x$cis, ...)

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