#' Internal exdex functions
#' Internal exdex functions
#' @details
#' These functions are not intended to be called by the user.
#' @name exdex-internal
#' @keywords internal
# =============================== To check spm() ============================ #
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname exdex-internal
spm_check <- function(data, b, sliding = TRUE,
bias_adjust = c("BB3", "BB1", "N", "none"),
constrain = TRUE, varN = TRUE,
which_dj = c("last", "first")) {
Call <- = TRUE)
bias_adjust <- match.arg(bias_adjust)
# We don't check inputs here because this function is only used for
# testing cases where I have ensured that the input are OK
which_dj <- match.arg(which_dj)
# Check that the value of b satisfies the inequality in Proposition 4.1
# of Berghaus and Bucher (2018)
k_n <- floor(length(data) / b)
if (k_n < 1) {
stop("b is too large: it is larger than length(data)")
# Assume that the value of b is OK (for variances to be estimated)
b_ok <- TRUE
# If we want the last set of disjoint maxima then reverse the data vector
if (which_dj == "last") {
pass_data <- rev(data)
} else {
pass_data <- data
# A function that returns N2015 and BB2018 estimates of theta
# (constrained to (0, 1] if constrain = TRUE))
spm_estimates <- function(data) {
# Calculate the block maxima
if (sliding) {
temp <- sliding_maxima(data, b)
} else{
temp <- disjoint_maxima(data, b)
# Extract x ~ F (only xs contributing to y are included) and y ~ G
x <- temp$x
y <- temp$y
# Empirical c.d.f. of raw (`daily') values
Fhat <- stats::ecdf(x)
# Evaluate Fx at y
Fhaty <- Fhat(y)
if (bias_adjust == "N") {
# `Bias-adjust' the empirical c.d.f. of Y based on the Xs: by subtracting
# b in numerator and denominator we remove Xs that are in the same block
# as Y. We use m-b in the denominator rather than the m-b+1 in
# Northrop (2015)
m <- length(x)
Fhaty <- (m * Fhaty - b) / (m - b)
# In the unlikely event that an element of Fhaty is equal to zero,
# i.e. a block maximum is less than all the data from outside that
# block, we force Fhaty to be positive
Fhaty[Fhaty == 0] <- 1 / (m - b + length(y))
# Calculate the estimate of theta:
# theta_N: Northrop (2015) and theta_BB: Berghaus and Bucher (2018)
theta_N <- -1 / mean(b * log(Fhaty))
theta_BB <- 1 / (b * mean(1 - Fhaty))
# Estimate sigma2_dj based on Section 4 of Berghaus and Bucher (2018)
# We require the disjoint maxima to do this.
# Only do this if b_ok = TRUE
if (b_ok) {
if (sliding) {
sigma2hat_dj <- spm_sigmahat_dj(data = data, b = b)
} else {
sigma2hat_dj <- spm_sigmahat_dj(data = data, b = b)
# If sliding = TRUE then estimate sigma2hat_sl
# Otherwise use sigma2hat_dj
indexN <- ifelse(varN, 2, 1)
if (sliding) {
sigma2hat_N <- sigma2hat_dj[indexN] - (3 - 4 * log(2)) / theta_N ^ 2
sigma2hat_BB <- sigma2hat_dj[1] - (3 - 4 * log(2)) / theta_BB ^ 2
} else {
sigma2hat_N <- sigma2hat_dj[indexN + 2]
sigma2hat_BB <- sigma2hat_dj[1 + 2]
# Estimate the sampling variances of the estimators
theta <- c(theta_N, theta_BB)
if (b_ok) {
vars <- theta ^ 4 * c(sigma2hat_N, sigma2hat_BB) / k_n
# Perform BB2018 bias-adjustment if required
bias_N <- bias_BB <- 0
if (bias_adjust == "BB3") {
bias_N <- theta_N / k_n + theta_N ^ 3 * sigma2hat_N / k_n
theta_N <- theta_N * (1 - 1 / k_n) - theta_N ^ 3 * sigma2hat_N / k_n
bias_BB <- theta_BB / k_n + theta_BB ^ 3 * sigma2hat_BB / k_n
theta_BB <- theta_BB * (1 - 1 / k_n) - theta_BB ^ 3 * sigma2hat_BB / k_n
theta <- c(theta_N, theta_BB)
} else if (bias_adjust == "BB1") {
bias_N <- theta_N / k_n
theta_N <- theta_N * (1 - 1 / k_n)
bias_BB <- theta_BB / k_n
theta_BB <- theta_BB * (1 - 1 / k_n)
theta <- c(theta_N, theta_BB)
# Save the unconstrained estimates, so that they can be returned
unconstrained_theta <- theta
# Constrain to (0, 1] if required
if (constrain) {
theta <- pmin(theta, 1)
se <- sqrt(vars)
return(list(theta = theta, se = se,
unconstrained_theta = unconstrained_theta,
N2015_data = -b * log(Fhaty),
BB2018_data = b * (1 - Fhaty),
bias_val = c(bias_N, bias_BB)))
# End of function spm_estimates() ----------
# Find the point estimate of theta and the raw data that contribute to it
res <- spm_estimates(data = pass_data)
estimator_names <- c("N2015", "BB2018")
names(res$theta) <- estimator_names
names(res$se) <- estimator_names
names(res$unconstrained_theta) <- estimator_names
names(res$bias_val) <- estimator_names
res$bias_adjust <- bias_adjust
res$b <- b
res$sliding <- sliding
res$call <- Call
class(res) <- c("spm", "exdex")
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname exdex-internal
spm_sigmahat_dj <- function(data, b, check = FALSE){
all_dj_maxima <- all_disjoint_maxima(data, b)
# The number of blocks and the number of raw observations that contribute
k_n <- nrow(all_dj_maxima$y)
m <- nrow(all_dj_maxima$x)
lenxx <- m - b
const <- -log(m - b + k_n)
# block indicator
block <- rep(1:k_n, each = b)
# Set up some functions
# BB2018_fn <- function(x, y) {
# return(mean(1 - ecdf2(x, y)))
# }
BB2018_fn <- function(x, y) {
return(1 - sum(ecdf2(x, y)) / k_n)
# loobBB2018_fn <- function(x, block, xvec, y) {
# xx <- xvec[block != x]
# return(mean(1 - ecdf2(xx, y)))
# }
loobBB2018_fn <- function(x, block, xvec, y) {
xx <- xvec[block != x]
return(1 - sum(ecdf2(xx, y)) / k_n)
# In the unlikely event that an element of Fhaty is equal to zero,
# i.e. a block maximum is less than all the data from outside that
# block, we force Fhaty to be positive
# loobN2015_fn <- function(x, block, xvec, y) {
# xx <- xvec[block != x]
# return(mean(-log0const(ecdf2(xx, y), const)))
# }
loobN2015_fn <- function(x, block, xvec, y) {
xx <- xvec[block != x]
return(sum(-log0const(ecdf2(xx, y), const)) / k_n)
ests_fn <- function(i) {
# y: disjoint block maxima, x: (only) the raw values that contribute to y
x <- all_dj_maxima$x[, i]
y <- all_dj_maxima$y[, i]
# The ecdf of the data evaluated at the block maxima
Nhat <- ecdf2(x, y)
# BB2018
Zhat <- b * (1 - Nhat)
That <- mean(Zhat)
# N2015
ZhatN <- -b * log(Nhat)
ThatN <- mean(ZhatN)
Usum <- b * tapply(x, block, BB2018_fn, y = y)
UsumN <- b * vapply(1:k_n, loobN2015_fn, 0, block = block, xvec = x, y = y)
UsumN <- k_n * ThatN - (k_n - 1) * UsumN
Bhat <- Zhat + Usum - 2 * That
BhatN <- ZhatN + UsumN - 2 * ThatN
# Bhat is mean-centred, but BhatN isn't (quite)
BhatN <- BhatN - mean(BhatN)
sigmahat2_dj <- mean(Bhat ^ 2)
sigmahat2_djN <- mean(BhatN ^ 2)
return(c(sigmahat2_dj, sigmahat2_djN))
if (!check) {
temp <- vapply(1:ncol(all_dj_maxima$y), ests_fn, c(0, 0))
ests <- rowMeans(temp)
# For dj maxima add the first values. This is the case because, if
# which_dj = "last" we used rev(data) to reverse the data
ests <- c(ests, temp[, 1])
# 4 (effectively 3) other ways to calculate Usum
# (Usum1 is commented out because it incurs rounding error from
# Nhat -> Zhat -> Nhat that can be non-negligible)
x <- all_dj_maxima$x[, 1]
y <- all_dj_maxima$y[, 1]
# Fhat <- stats::ecdf(x)
# Nhat <- Fhat(y)
Nhat <- ecdf2(x, y)
Zhat <- b * (1 - Nhat)
That <- mean(Zhat)
Usum <- b * tapply(x, block, BB2018_fn, y = y)
# Uhats <- Fhat(x)
Uhats <- ecdf2(x, x)
# Usum1 <- colSums(vapply(Uhats, function(x) x > 1 - Zhat / b, rep(0, k_n)))
Usum2 <- colSums(vapply(Uhats, function(x) x > Nhat, rep(0, k_n)))
Usum3 <- colSums(vapply(x, function(x) x > y, rep(0, k_n)))
# Usum4 is the analogous calculation to UsumN
Usum4 <- b * vapply(1:k_n, loobBB2018_fn, 0, block = block, xvec = x, y = y)
Usum4 <- k_n * That - (k_n - 1) * Usum4
# Aggregate the first 3
# Usum1 <- tapply(Usum1, block, sum) / k_n
Usum2 <- tapply(Usum2, block, sum) / k_n
Usum3 <- tapply(Usum3, block, sum) / k_n
return(cbind(Usum, Usum2, Usum3, Usum4))
# ============================== spm_R_quick() ============================== #
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname exdex-internal
spm_R_quick <- function(data, b, bias_adjust = c("BB3", "BB1", "N", "none"),
constrain = TRUE, varN = TRUE,
which_dj = c("last", "first")) {
Call <- = TRUE)
# Check inputs
if (missing(data) || length(data) == 0L || mode(data) != "numeric") {
stop("'data' must be a non-empty numeric vector")
if (any(!is.finite(data))) {
stop("'data' contains missing or infinite values")
if (is.matrix(data)) {
stop("'data' must be a vector")
data <- as.vector(data)
if (!is.numeric(b) || length(b) != 1) {
stop("'b' must be a numeric scalar (specifically, a positive integer)")
if (b < 1) {
stop("'b' must be no smaller than 1")
bias_adjust <- match.arg(bias_adjust)
if (!is.logical(constrain) || length(constrain) != 1) {
stop("'constrain' must be a logical scalar")
if (!is.logical(varN) || length(varN) != 1) {
stop("'varN' must be a logical scalar")
which_dj <- match.arg(which_dj)
# Find the number of (disjoint) blocks
k_n <- floor(length(data) / b)
if (k_n < 1) {
stop("b is too large: it is larger than length(data)")
# Estimate sigma2_dj based on Section 4 of Berghaus and Bucher (2018)
# We require the disjoint maxima to do this. If sliding = TRUE then
# pass these to spm_sigmahat_dj using the dj_maxima argument
# Only do this is b_ok = TRUE.
# Otherwise, just calculate point estimates of theta
# At this point these estimates have not been bias-adjusted, unless
# bias_adjust = "N".
# Find all sets of maxima of disjoint blocks of length b
all_max <- all_maxima(data, b)
res <- ests_sigmahat_dj(all_max, b, which_dj, bias_adjust)
# Sliding maxima
Fhaty <- ecdf2(all_max$xs, all_max$ys)
# Avoid over-writing the `disjoint' sample size k_n: it is needed later
k_n_sl <- length(all_max$ys)
m <- length(all_max$xs)
const <- -log(m - b + k_n_sl)
if (bias_adjust == "N") {
Fhaty <- (m * Fhaty - b) / (m - b)
res$theta_sl <- c(-1 / mean(b * log0const(Fhaty, const)),
1 / (b * mean(1 - Fhaty)))
names(res$theta_sl) <- c("N2015", "BB2018")
# Add the values of the Y-data and the Z-data to the output
res$data_sl <- cbind(N2015 = -b * log(Fhaty), BB2018 = b * (1 - Fhaty))
# Estimate the sampling variances of the estimators
res$sigma2sl <- res$sigma2dj_for_sl - (3 - 4 * log(2)) / res$theta_sl ^ 2
# res$sigma2sl could contain non-positive values
# If it does then replace them with NA
res$sigma2sl[res$sigma2sl <= 0] <- NA
indexN <- ifelse(varN, 2, 1)
if (varN) {
index <- 1:2
} else {
index <- c(2, 2)
res$se_dj <- res$theta_dj ^ 2 * sqrt(res$sigma2dj[index] / k_n)
res$se_sl <- res$theta_sl ^ 2 * sqrt(res$sigma2sl[index] / k_n)
# Perform BB2018 bias-adjustment if required
if (bias_adjust == "BB3") {
res$bias_dj <- res$theta_dj / k_n + res$theta_dj ^ 3 * res$sigma2dj / k_n
res$theta_dj <- res$theta_dj - res$bias_dj
BB3adj_sl <- res$theta_sl / k_n + res$theta_sl ^ 3 * res$sigma2sl / k_n
BB1adj_sl <- res$theta_sl / k_n
res$bias_sl <- ifelse($se_sl), BB1adj_sl, BB3adj_sl)
res$theta_sl <- res$theta_sl - res$bias_sl
if ($se_sl[1])) {
warning("'bias_adjust' has been changed to ''BB1'' for estimator N2015")
if ($se_sl[2])) {
warning("'bias_adjust' has been changed to ''BB1'' for estimator BB2018")
} else if (bias_adjust == "BB1") {
res$bias_dj <- res$theta_dj / k_n
res$theta_dj <- res$theta_dj - res$bias_dj
res$bias_sl <- res$theta_sl / k_n
res$theta_sl <- res$theta_sl - res$bias_sl
} else {
res$bias_dj <- res$bias_sl <- c(N2015 = 0, BB2018 = 0)
# Save the unconstrained estimates, so that they can be returned
res$uncon_theta_dj <- res$theta_dj
res$uncon_theta_sl <- res$theta_sl
# Constrain to (0, 1] if required
if (constrain) {
res$theta_dj <- pmin(res$theta_dj, 1)
res$theta_sl <- pmin(res$theta_sl, 1)
res$bias_adjust <- bias_adjust
res$b <- b
res$call <- Call
class(res) <- c("spm", "exdex")
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname exdex-internal
ests_sigmahat_dj <- function(all_max, b, which_dj, bias_adjust){
# Which of the raw values in x are <= each of the values in y?
# For each of the block maxima in y calculate the numbers of the raw
# values in each block that are <= the block maximum
# k_n is the number of blocks
k_n <- nrow(all_max$yd)
# m is the number of raw observations
m <- nrow(all_max$xd)
# Value to replace log(0), in the unlikely event that this happens
const <- -log(m - b + k_n)
block <- rep(1:k_n, each = b)
sum_fun <- function(x, y) {
return(vapply(y, function(y) sum(x <= y), 0))
# This returns a list with k_n elements. The ith element of the list
# (a of length vector k_n) contains the numbers of values in the ith block
# that are <= each of the block maxima in y
# Function to calculate Fhaty and UsumN for each set of disjoint block maxima
UsumN_fn <- function(i) {
y <- all_max$yd[, i]
x <- all_max$xd[, i]
nums_list <- tapply(x, block, sum_fun, y = y)
# Make this into a matrix
# Column j contains the numbers of values in the ith block that are <= each
# of the block maxima in y
# Row i contains the numbers of values in each block that are <=
# block maximum i in y
nums_mat <-, nums_list)
# Therefore, the row sums contain the total number of values that are <=
# each block maximum in y
# The corresponding proportion is Fhaty in spm(): ecdf of x evaluated at y,
# in the disjoint (sliding = FALSE) case
Fhaty <- rowSums(nums_mat) / m
# For each block, we want an equivalent vector obtained when we delete that
# block
fun <- function(i, x) {
rowSums(x[, -i, drop = FALSE])
# Column j contains the numbers of values outside of block j that are <= each
# of the block maxima in y
# Row i contains the number of values that are outside block 1, ..., k_n
# and <= block maximum i in y
# The proportions are Fhat_{-j}(M_{ni}), i, j = 1, ..., k_n
FhatjMni <- vapply(1:k_n, fun, numeric(k_n), x = nums_mat) / (m - b)
# Column j enables us to calculate Yhatni(j) and/or Zhatni(j)
UsumN <- -b * colMeans(log0const(FhatjMni, const))
Usum <- b * (1 - colMeans(FhatjMni))
return(list(Nhat = Fhaty, UsumN = UsumN, Usum = Usum))
fun_value <- list(numeric(k_n), numeric(k_n), numeric(k_n))
# Use all sets of disjoint maxima to estimate sigmahat2_dj for sliding maxima
which_vals <- 1:ncol(all_max$yd)
temp <- vapply(which_vals, UsumN_fn, fun_value)
Nhat <-, temp[1, ])
# BB2018
Zhat <- b * (1 - Nhat)
That <- colMeans(Zhat)
Usum <-, temp[3, ])
Usum <- t(k_n * That - (k_n - 1) * t(Usum))
Bhat <- t(t(Zhat + Usum) - 2 * That)
# N2015
ZhatN <- -b * log(Nhat)
ThatN <- colMeans(ZhatN)
UsumN <-, temp[2, ])
UsumN <- t(k_n * ThatN - (k_n - 1) * t(UsumN))
# Bhat was mean-centred, but BhatN isn't (quite)
BhatN <- t(t(ZhatN + UsumN) - 2 * ThatN)
BhatN <- t(t(BhatN) - colMeans(BhatN))
# Estimate sigma2_dj.
# First calculate an estimate for each set of disjoint block maxima
sigmahat2_dj <- apply(Bhat, 2, function(x) sum(x ^ 2) / length(x))
sigmahat2_djN <- apply(BhatN, 2, function(x) sum(x ^ 2) / length(x))
# Then, for sliding maxima, take the mean value over all sets of maxima
sigmahat2_dj_for_sl <- sum(sigmahat2_dj) / length(sigmahat2_dj)
sigmahat2_dj_for_slN <- sum(sigmahat2_djN) / length(sigmahat2_djN)
sigma2dj_for_sl <- c(sigmahat2_dj_for_slN, sigmahat2_dj_for_sl)
# For disjoint maxima pick either the first or last value, based on which_dj
which_dj <- switch(which_dj, first = 1, last = length(sigmahat2_dj))
sigma2dj <- c(sigmahat2_djN[which_dj], sigmahat2_dj[which_dj])
# Point estimates: disjoint maxima. Component i of ThatN (N) and That (BB)
# contains (the reciprocal of) point estimates of theta based on set of
# disjoint maxima i. Use the mean of these estimates as an overall estimate.
# Perform the Northrop (2015) `bias-adjustment' of Fhaty (Nhat here) if
# requested and recalculate That and ThatN
if (bias_adjust == "N") {
Nhat <- (m * Nhat - b) / (m - b)
That <- colMeans(b * (1 - Nhat))
ThatN <- colMeans(-b * log0const(Nhat, const))
theta_dj <- 1 / c(ThatN[which_dj], That[which_dj])
names(theta_dj) <- names(sigma2dj) <- names(sigma2dj_for_sl) <-
c("N2015", "BB2018")
return(list(sigma2dj = sigma2dj, sigma2dj_for_sl = sigma2dj_for_sl,
theta_dj = theta_dj,
data_dj = cbind(N2015 = -b * log(Nhat[, which_dj]),
BB2018 = b * (1 - Nhat[, which_dj]))))
# ================= Functions used in spm() and spm_R_quick() =============== #
# log(x), but return a constant const for an x = 0
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname exdex-internal
log0const_slow <- function(x, const) {
ifelse(x == 0, const, log(x))
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname exdex-internal
log0const <- function(x, const) {
return(log(x + !x) + const * !x)
# =================== Empirical c.d.f. of x, evaluated at y ================= #
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname exdex-internal
ecdf3 <- function(x, y) {
return(vapply(y, function(y) mean(x <= y), 0))
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname exdex-internal
ecdf2 <- function(x, y) {
return(vapply(y, function(y) sum(x <= y) / length(x), 0))
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname exdex-internal
ecdf1 <- function(x, y, lenx) {
return(vapply(y, function(y) sum(x <= y) / lenx, 0))
# ======== Functions to calculate block maxima, used only in testing ======== #
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname exdex-internal
sliding_maxima <- function(x, b = 1){
y <- as.numeric(zoo::rollapply(data = zoo::zoo(x), width = b, FUN = max,
na.rm = TRUE))
return(list(y = y, x = x))
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname exdex-internal
disjoint_maxima <- function(x, b = 1, which_dj = c("first", "last")){
which_dj <- match.arg(which_dj)
if (which_dj == "last") {
x <- rev(x)
n <- length(x)
# number of maxima of blocks of length b
n_max <- floor(n / b)
# take only the first 1 to n_max*b observations
x <- x[1:(n_max * b)]
# block indicator: 1, ..., 1, ..., n_max, ..., n_max
ind <- rep(1:n_max, each = b)
# calculate block maxima
y <- as.numeric(tapply(x, ind, max, na.rm = TRUE))
if (which_dj == "last") {
x <- rev(x)
y <- rev(y)
return(list(y = y, x = x))
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname exdex-internal
all_disjoint_maxima <- function(x, b = 1,
which_dj = c("all", "first", "last")){
which_dj <- match.arg(which_dj)
n <- length(x)
# The number of maxima of blocks of length b
n_max <- floor(n / b)
# Set the possible first indices
first_value <- switch(which_dj,
all = 1:(n - n_max * b + 1),
first = 1,
last = n - n_max * b + 1)
# block indicator: 1, ..., 1, ..., n_max, ..., n_max
ind <- rep(1:n_max, each = b)
get_maxima <- function(first) {
last <- first + n_max * b - 1
# take only the first_value to n_max * b + first_value - 1 observations
xx <- x[first:last]
# calculate block maxima
y <- as.numeric(tapply(xx, ind, max, na.rm = TRUE))
return(c(y, xx))
temp <- vapply(first_value, FUN = get_maxima, numeric(n_max * (b + 1)))
y_mat <- temp[1:n_max, , drop = FALSE]
x_mat <- temp[-(1:n_max), , drop = FALSE]
return(list(y_mat = y_mat, x_mat = x_mat))
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname exdex-internal
all_maxima <- function(x, b = 1, which_dj = c("all", "first", "last")){
which_dj <- match.arg(which_dj)
# First calculate the sliding block maxima. All the disjoint maxima that
# we need are contained in s_max, and we need the sliding maxima anyway
s_max <- sliding_maxima(x = x, b = b)
# The number of maxima of blocks of length b
n <- length(x)
n_max <- floor(n / b)
# Set the possible first indices
first_value <- switch(which_dj,
all = 1:(n - n_max * b + 1),
first = 1,
last = n - n_max * b + 1)
# A function to return block maxima and contributing values starting from
# the first value first
get_maxima <- function(first) {
s_ind <- = first, by = b, length.out = n_max)
return(c(s_max$y[s_ind], x[first:(first + n_max * b - 1)]))
temp <- vapply(first_value, FUN = get_maxima, numeric(n_max * (b + 1)))
yd <- temp[1:n_max, , drop = FALSE]
xd <- temp[-(1:n_max), , drop = FALSE]
return(list(ys = s_max$y, xs = s_max$x, yd = yd, xd = xd))
# ============== Functions used by kgaps() and confint.kgaps() ============== #
# =============================== kgaps_loglik ================================
# The argument n_kgaps is not used here but it is included because it is
# included in the list returned by kgaps_stat()
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname exdex-internal
kgaps_loglik <- function(theta, N0, N1, sum_qs, n_kgaps) {
if (theta < 0 || theta > 1) {
loglik <- 0
if (N1 > 0) {
loglik <- loglik + 2 * N1 * log(theta) - sum_qs * theta
if (N0 > 0) {
loglik <- loglik + N0 * log(1 - theta)
# ============================== kgaps_conf_int ===============================
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname exdex-internal
kgaps_conf_int <- function(theta_mle, ss, conf = 95) {
cutoff <- stats::qchisq(conf / 100, df = 1)
theta_list <- c(list(theta = theta_mle), ss)
max_loglik <-, theta_list)
ob_fn <- function(theta) {
theta_list$theta <- theta
loglik <-, theta_list)
return(2 * (max_loglik - loglik) - cutoff)
ci_low <- 0
ci_up <- 1
# If ob_fn(0) <= 0 then the log-likelihood does not fall to the cutoff in
# (0, theta_mle) so we set the lower limit of the confidence interval to 0
if (ss$N1 > 0 && ob_fn(0) > 0) {
ci_low <- stats::uniroot(ob_fn, c(0, theta_mle))$root
# If ob_fn(1) <= 0 then the log-likelihood does not fall to the cutoff in
# (theta_mle, 1) so we set the upper limit of the confidence interval to 1
if (ss$N0 > 0 && ob_fn(1) > 0) {
ci_up <- stats::uniroot(ob_fn, c(theta_mle, 1))$root
return(c(ci_low, ci_up))
# ============================== kgaps_quad_solve =============================
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname exdex-internal
kgaps_quad_solve <- function(N0, N1, sum_qs) {
aa <- sum_qs
bb <- -(N0 + 2 * N1 + sum_qs)
cc <- 2 * N1
qq <- -(bb - sqrt(bb ^ 2 - 4 * aa * cc)) / 2
theta_mle <- cc / qq
# =============================== kgaps_imt_old ============================= #
# Retained to check the new version of kgaps_imt()
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname exdex-internal
kgaps_imt_old <- function(data, u, k = 1) {
# Function to return only the MLE of theta
mle_only <- function(k, data, u) {
return(kgaps(data, u, k, inc_cens = FALSE)$theta)
theta <- T_mat <- p_mat <- NULL
n_u <- length(u)
n_k <- length(k)
# Beginning of loop over all thresholds ----------
for (iu in 1:n_u) {
the_u <- u[iu]
# Calculate the MLE of theta for each value of k
thetahat <- vapply(k, mle_only, 0, data = data, u = the_u)
# sample size of x
nx <- length(data)
# positions of exceedances of u
exc_u <- (1:nx)[data > the_u]
# number of exceedances
n_u <- length(exc_u)
# proportion of values that exceed u
q_u <- n_u / nx
# inter-exceedance times
T_u <- diff(exc_u)
# Create a length(T) by length(k) matrix with column i containing
# the values of S_k for k=k[i] ...
# One column for each value of k
S_k <- sapply(k, function(k) pmax(T_u - k, 0))
c_mat <- q_u * S_k
theta_mat <- matrix(thetahat, ncol = n_k, nrow = nrow(S_k), byrow = TRUE)
ld <- ifelse(c_mat == 0, -1 / (1 - theta_mat), 2 / theta_mat) - c_mat
neg_ldd <- ifelse(c_mat == 0, 1 / (1 - theta_mat) ^ 2, 2 / theta_mat ^ 2)
In <- colMeans(neg_ldd)
Jn <- colMeans(ld ^ 2)
Dn <- Jn - In
dc <- ld ^ 2 - neg_ldd
dcd <- 4 * c_mat / theta_mat ^ 2 + ifelse(c_mat == 0, 0, -4 / theta_mat ^ 3)
# Force NA, rather than NaN, in cases where thetahat = 0
dcd[is.nan(dcd)] <- NA
Dnd <- colMeans(dcd)
# Multiply the columns of ld by the corresponding elements of Dnd / In
temp <- ld * rep(Dnd / In, rep(nrow(ld), ncol(ld)))
Vn <- colMeans((dc - temp) ^ 2)
test_stats <- (n_u - 1) * Dn ^ 2 / Vn
pvals <- stats::pchisq(test_stats, df = 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
theta <- rbind(theta, thetahat)
T_mat <- rbind(T_mat, test_stats)
p_mat <- rbind(p_mat, pvals)
# End of loop over thresholds ----------
colnames(T_mat) <- colnames(p_mat) <- colnames(theta) <- k
if (is.null(names(u))) {
u_ps <- round(100 * sapply(u, function(x) mean(data < x)))
} else {
u_ps <- as.numeric(substr(names(u), 1, nchar(names(u), type = "c") - 1))
rownames(T_mat) <- rownames(p_mat) <- rownames(theta) <- u_ps
res <- list(imt = T_mat, p = p_mat, theta = theta, u = u, k = k)
class(res) <- c("kgaps_imt", "exdex")
# ============================== kgaps_exp_info ============================= #
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname exdex-internal
kgaps_exp_info <- function(theta, ss, inc_cens) {
# How many observations are not right-censored?
# Note: if inc_cens = TRUE then ss$N1 and ss$n_dgaps are inflated by
# right-censored observations. ss$n_dgaps is inflated by 1 for each
# right-censored observation and ss$N1 by 1/2.
# Subtract the excess from N0 + N1 to get the total number of observations
# that are not right-censored
not_right_censored <- ss$N0 + ss$N1 - (ss$n_kgaps - ss$N0 - ss$N1)
term1 <- 1 / (1 - theta)
term2 <- 2 / theta
# Add expected contributions from right-censored inter-exceedance times that
# are not left-censored
if (inc_cens) {
term3 <- 2 / theta
} else {
term3 <- 0
val <- not_right_censored * (term1 + term2) + term3
# ============== Functions used by dgaps() and confint.dgaps() ============== #
# =============================== dgaps_loglik ================================
# The argument n_dgaps is not used here but it is included because it is
# included in the list returned by dgaps_stat()
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname exdex-internal
dgaps_loglik <- function(theta, N0, N1, sum_qtd, n_dgaps, q_u, D) {
# if (theta < 0 || theta > 1) {
# return(-Inf)
# }
loglik <- 0
if (N1 > 0) {
loglik <- loglik + 2 * N1 * log(theta) - sum_qtd * theta
if (N0 > 0) {
loglik <- loglik + N0 * log(1 - theta * exp(-theta * q_u * D))
# ========================= g(theta) and its derivatives ==================== #
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname exdex-internal
g_theta <- function(theta, q_u, D) {
d <- q_u * D
return(log(1 - theta * exp(-theta * d)))
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname exdex-internal
gd_theta <- function(theta, q_u, D) {
d <- q_u * D
td <- theta * d
val <- (td - 1) / (exp(td) - theta)
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname exdex-internal
gdd_theta <- function(theta, q_u, D) {
d <- q_u * D
etd <- exp(theta * d)
val <- -(theta * d ^ 2 * etd - 2 * d * etd + 1) / (etd - theta) ^ 2
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname exdex-internal
gddd_theta <- function(theta, q_u, D) {
d <- q_u * D
etd <- exp(theta * d)
num <- theta * d ^ 3 * etd * (etd + theta) -
3 * d ^ 2 * etd * (etd + theta) + 6 * d * etd - 2
den <- (etd - theta) ^ 3
val <- num / den
# ============================== dgaps_exp_info ============================= #
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname exdex-internal
dgaps_exp_info <- function(theta, ss, inc_cens) {
# How many observations are not right-censored?
# Note: if inc_cens = TRUE then ss$N1 and ss$n_dgaps are inflated by
# right-censored observations. ss$n_dgaps is inflated by 1 for each
# right-censored observation and ss$N1 by 1/2.
# Subtract the excess from N0 + N1 to get the total number of observations
# that are not right-censored
not_right_censored <- ss$N0 + ss$N1 - (ss$n_dgaps - ss$N0 - ss$N1)
# Following eqn (11) on page 202 of Holesovsky and Fusek (2020)
d <- ss$q_u * ss$D
emtd <- exp(-theta * d)
term1 <- (theta * d ^ 2 - 2 * d + emtd) / (1 - theta * emtd)
term2 <- 2 / theta
# Add expected contributions from right-censored inter-exceedance times that
# are not left-censored
if (inc_cens) {
term3 <- 2 * emtd / theta
} else {
term3 <- 0
val <- not_right_censored * emtd * (term1 + term2) + term3
# ============================== dgaps_conf_int ===============================
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname exdex-internal
dgaps_conf_int <- function(theta_mle, ss, conf = 95) {
cutoff <- stats::qchisq(conf / 100, df = 1)
theta_list <- c(list(theta = theta_mle), ss)
max_loglik <-, theta_list)
ob_fn <- function(theta) {
theta_list$theta <- theta
loglik <-, theta_list)
return(2 * (max_loglik - loglik) - cutoff)
x <- seq(0.001, 0.999, len = 100)
ci_low <- 0
ci_up <- 1
# If ob_fn(0) <= 0 then the log-likelihood does not fall to the cutoff in
# (0, theta_mle) so we set the lower limit of the confidence interval to 0
if (ss$N1 > 0 && ob_fn(0) > 0) {
ci_low <- stats::uniroot(ob_fn, c(0, theta_mle))$root
# If ob_fn(1) <= 0 then the log-likelihood does not fall to the cutoff in
# (theta_mle, 1) so we set the upper limit of the confidence interval to 1
if (ss$N0 > 0 && ob_fn(1) > 0) {
ci_up <- stats::uniroot(ob_fn, c(theta_mle, 1))$root
return(c(ci_low, ci_up))
# ========================= Function used by iwls() ========================= #
# ================================== iwls_fun =================================
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname exdex-internal
iwls_fun <- function(n_wls, N, S_1_sort, exp_qs, ws, nx) {
# This function implements the algorithm on page 46 of Suveges (2007).
# [In step (1) there is a typo in the paper: in x_i the N_C+1 should be N.]
# Args:
# n_wls : A numeric scalar. The number of the largest 1-gaps to include
# in the weighted least squares estimation.
# N : A numeric scalar. The number of threshold excesses.
# S_1_sort : A numeric N-vector. Sorted (largest to smallest) scaled 1-gaps.
# The scaling multiplies the raw 1-gaps by the sample proportion
# of values that exceed u.
# exp_qs : A numeric N-vector. Standard exponential quantiles (order
# statistics) for a sample of size N.
# ws : A numeric N-vector. Weights for the least squares fit.
# nx : A numeric scalar. The number of raw observations.
# Returns: A list with components
# theta : A numeric scalar. The new estimate of theta.
# n_wls : A numeric scalar. The new value of n_wls.
# Extract the values corresponding to the largest n_wls 1-gaps
# Extract the largest n_wls scaled 1-gaps (ordered largest to smallest)
chi_i <- S_1_sort[1:n_wls]
# Standard exponential quantiles, based on N 1-gaps (largest to smallest)
x_i <- exp_qs[1:n_wls]
# Extract the weights for the values in chi_i
ws <- ws[1:n_wls]
# Weighted least squares for (chi_i, x_i)
temp <- stats::lm(chi_i ~ x_i, weights = ws)
ab <- temp$coefficients
# Estimate theta
theta <- min(exp(ab[1] / ab[2]), 1)
# Update n_wls
n_wls <- floor(theta * (N - 1))
return(list(theta = theta, n_wls = n_wls))
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