
Defines functions .cov.nne.vectoM .cov.nne.Mtovec .cov.nne.splusNN .cov.nne.dDk .cov.nne.nclean.sub .cov.nnve

Documented in .cov.nnve

# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
# Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
# Free Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
# MA  02111-1307  USA

#  .cov.nnve             Builtin from Package 'covRobust'

# Rmetrics:
#   Note that covRobust is not available on Debian as of 2009-04-28. 
#   To run these functions under Debian/Rmetrics we have them    
#   implemented here as a builtin.
#   We also made modifications for tailored usage with Rmetrics. 

# Package: covRobust
# Title: Robust Covariance Estimation via Nearest Neighbor Cleaning
# Version: 1.0
# Author: Naisyin Wang <nwang@stat.tamu.edu> and
#     Adrian Raftery <raftery@stat.washington.edu>
#     with contributions from Chris Fraley <fraley@stat.washington.edu>
# Description: The cov.nnve() function for robust covariance estimation
#     by the nearest neighbor variance estimation (NNVE) method
#     of Wang and Raftery (2002,JASA)
# Maintainer: Naisyin Wang <nwang@stat.tamu.edu>
# License: GPL version 2 or newer
# Notes:
#     Wang and Raftery(2002), "Nearest neighbor variance estimation (NNVE):
#         Robust covariance estimation via nearest neighbor cleaning
#         (with discussion)", 
#         Journal of the American Statistical Association 97:994-1019
#     Available as Technical Report 368 (2000) from
#         http://www.stat.washington.edu/www/research/report

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.cov.nnve =
function(datamat, k = 12, pnoise = 0.05, emconv = 0.001, bound = 1.5, 
    extension = TRUE, devsm = 0.01)
    # A (modified) copy from coontributed R package covRobust

    # Description:
    #   Function to perform Nearest Neighbor Variance Estimation
    # Arguments:
    #   cov - robust covariance estimate
    #   mu - mean
    #   postprob - posterior probability
    #   classification - classification (0 = noise,  
    #       otherwise 1) (obtained by rounding postprob)
    #   innc - list of initial nearest-neighbor results (components 
    #       are the same as above)     
    # Settings:
    datamat = as.matrix(datamat)
    d = dim(datamat)[2]
    n = dim(datamat)[1]
    pd = dim(datamat)[2]
    S.mean = apply(datamat, 2, stats::median)
    S.sd = apply(datamat, 2, mad)

    #  NNC based on original data
    orgNNC = .cov.nne.nclean.sub(datamat, k, convergence = 0.001, 
        S.mean = S.mean, S.sd = S.sd)
    nnoise = min(c(sum(1 - orgNNC$z), round(pnoise * n)))
    knnd = orgNNC$kthNND
    ord = (n + 1) - rank(knnd)
    muT = orgNNC$mu1
    SigT = orgNNC$Sig1
    SigT = (SigT + t(SigT))/2.
    SigTN = diag(orgNNC$sd1^2)
    if (nnoise > 6) {
        ncho = nnoise
        ncho1 = floor(ncho/2)
        ncho2 = ncho - ncho1
        cho = (1:n)[ord <= ncho1]
        xcho = datamat[cho, ]
        ev = eigen(SigT)
        evv = ev$values
        minv = max((1:d)[evv > 9.9999999999999998e-13])
        if (minv > 2) {
            vv1 = ev$vectors[, (minv - 1)]
            vv2 = ev$vectors[, minv]
        } else {
            vv1 = ev$vectors[, 1]
            vv2 = ev$vectors[, 2]
        ot = acos(sum(vv1 * vv2)/(sum(vv1^2) * sum(vv2^2))^0.5)
        for (kk1 in 1:(ncho2)) {
            pseg = 1/(ncho2 + 1) * kk1 * ot
            xcho = rbind(xcho, (sin(pseg) * vv1 + cos(pseg) * vv2 + muT))
    } else {
        nnoise = 3
        cho = (1:n)[ord <= nnoise]
        xcho = datamat[cho, ]
    n2 = (dim(xcho))[1]
    schox = mahalanobis(xcho, muT, SigTN)
    Nc = matrix(rep(muT, n2), nrow = n2, byrow = TRUE)
    Ndir = (xcho - Nc)/(schox^0.5)

    # initial set up
    ch1 = c(qchisq(0.99, pd), qchisq(1 - 10^(-4), pd))
    Xa = seq(ch1[1], ch1[2], length = 6)
    gap = Xa[2] - Xa[1]
    initv = diag(orgNNC$Sig1)
    xa = Xa[1]
    SaveM = c(xa, orgNNC$mu1, .cov.nne.Mtovec(orgNNC$Sig1))
    OldP = orgNNC$probs
    SaveP = OldP
    Np = Nc - Ndir * (xa^0.5)
    updNNC = .cov.nne.nclean.sub(rbind(datamat, Np), k, convergence = 0.001, 
        S.mean = S.mean, S.sd = S.sd)
    SaveM = rbind(SaveM, c(xa, updNNC$mu1, .cov.nne.Mtovec(updNNC$Sig1)))
    SaveP = rbind(SaveP, (updNNC$probs)[1:n])
    # sda = .cov.nne.Mtovec(orgNNC$Sig1)  
    # sda save the results corresponding to xa = qchisq(.99, pd)
    stopv = diag(updNNC$Sig1)
    time1 = 2

    while ((time1 <= 6) && (all(stopv < (1 + bound) * initv))) {
        xa = Xa[time1]
        Np = Nc - Ndir * (xa^0.5)
        updNNC = .cov.nne.nclean.sub(rbind(datamat, Np), k, convergence = 0.001, 
            S.mean =  S.mean, S.sd = S.sd)
        SaveM = rbind(SaveM, c(xa, updNNC$mu1, .cov.nne.Mtovec(updNNC$Sig1)))
        SaveP = rbind(SaveP[2, ], (updNNC$probs)[1:n])
        time1 = time1 + 1
        stopv = diag(updNNC$Sig1)

    # Procedure stop if the added noise cause a "surge" within 
    # the range sdb save the results within the given "range"
    if (all(stopv < (1 + bound) * initv)) {
        dSaveM = dim(SaveM)[1]
        ans = SaveM[dSaveM, ]
        sdb = SaveM[dSaveM, ]
        NewP = SaveP[2, ]

        #  adding extension
        if (extension) {
            time2 = 1
            Fstop = FALSE
            tpv = stopv
            while ((time2 < 2) && (all(stopv < (1 + bound) * initv))) {
                xa = xa + gap
                startv = stopv
                Np = Nc - Ndir * (xa^0.5)
                updNNC = .cov.nne.nclean.sub(rbind(datamat, Np), k, 
                    convergence = 0.001, S.mean = S.mean, S.sd = S.sd)
                SaveM = rbind(SaveM, c(xa, updNNC$mu1, .cov.nne.Mtovec(
                SaveP = rbind(SaveP[2, ], (updNNC$probs)[
                stopv = apply(rbind((startv * 2 - tpv), diag(
                    updNNC$Sig1)), 2, mean)
                tpv = diag(updNNC$Sig1)
                Fstop = all((abs(stopv - startv) <= ((1+abs(startv)) *
                if (Fstop)
                    time2 = time2 + 1
                else time2 = 1
            # Checking the stop criterior at the end of extension
            if (all(stopv < (1 + bound) * initv)) {
                dSaveM = dim(SaveM)[1]
                ans = SaveM[dSaveM, ]
                NewP = SaveP[2, ]
            } else {
                dSaveM = dim(SaveM)[1]
                ans = SaveM[dSaveM - 1, ]
                NewP = SaveP[1, ]
    } else {
        dSaveM = dim(SaveM)[1]
        ans = SaveM[dSaveM - 1, ]
        sdb = ans[-1]
        NewP = SaveP[1, ]
    nncvar = .cov.nne.vectoM(ans[ - (1:(1 + pd))], pd)
    mu = ans[2:(1 + pd)]
    # Return Value:
    list(cov = nncvar, mu = mu, postprob = NewP, classification = round(NewP), 
        innc = list(cov = orgNNC$Sig1, mu = orgNNC$mu1, postprob = OldP, 
        classification = round(OldP)))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.cov.nne.nclean.sub <-  
function(datamat, k, distances = NULL, convergence = 0.001, S.mean = NULL, 
    S.sd = NULL) 
    # A (modified) copy from coontributed R package covRobust

    # Description:
    #   Internal Function called by .cov.nne()
    #  The Re-scale NNC function:
    d = dim(datamat)[2]
    n = dim(datamat)[1]
    kthNND = .cov.nne.splusNN(t((t(datamat) - S.mean)/S.sd), k = k)
    alpha.d = (2 * pi^(d/2))/(d * gamma(d/2))
    # Now use kthNND in E-M algorithm, first get starting guesses.
    delta = rep(0, n)
    delta[kthNND > (min(kthNND) + diff(range(kthNND))/3)] = 1
    p = 0.5
    lambda1 = k/(alpha.d * mean((kthNND[delta == 0])^d))
    lambda2 = k/(alpha.d * mean((kthNND[delta == 1])^d))
    loglik.old = 0
    loglik.new = 1
    # Iterator starts here ...
    while (abs(loglik.new - loglik.old)/(1+abs(loglik.new)) > convergence) 
        # E - step
        delta = (p * .cov.nne.dDk(kthNND, lambda1, k = k, d = d, 
            alpha.d = alpha.d)) / (p * .cov.nne.dDk(kthNND, lambda1,
            k = k, d = d, alpha.d = alpha.d) + (1 - p) *
            .cov.nne.dDk(kthNND, lambda2, k = k, d = d, alpha.d = alpha.d))
        # M - step
        p = sum(delta) / n
        lambda1 = (k * sum(delta))/(alpha.d * sum((kthNND^d) * delta))
        lambda2 = (k * sum((1 - delta)))/(alpha.d * 
            sum((kthNND^d) * (1 - delta)))
        loglik.old = loglik.new
        loglik.new = sum( - p * lambda1 * alpha.d * ((kthNND^d) * delta) - 
            (1 - p) * lambda2 * alpha.d * ((kthNND^d) * (1 - delta)) + 
            delta * k * log(lambda1 * alpha.d) + (1 - delta) * k * 
            log(lambda2 * alpha.d))

    # z will be the classifications. 1 = in cluster. 0 = in noise.
    probs = .cov.nne.dDk(kthNND, lambda1, k = k, d = d, alpha.d = alpha.d) /
        (.cov.nne.dDk(kthNND, lambda1, k = k, d = d, alpha.d = alpha.d) +
        .cov.nne.dDk(kthNND, lambda2, k = k, d = d, alpha.d = alpha.d))
    mprob = 1. - probs
    mu1 = apply((probs * datamat), 2, sum)/sum(probs)
    mu2 = apply((mprob * datamat), 2, sum)/sum(mprob)
    tpsig1 = t(datamat) - mu1
    tpsig2 = t(datamat) - mu2
    Sig1 = tpsig1 %*% (probs * t(tpsig1))/sum(probs)
    Sig2 = tpsig2 %*% (mprob * t(tpsig2))/sum(mprob)
    sd1 = sqrt(diag(Sig1))
    sd2 = sqrt(diag(Sig2))
    ans = rbind(mu1, sd1, mu2, sd2)
    zz = list(z = round(probs), kthNND = kthNND, probs = probs,
        p = p, mu1 = mu1, mu2 = mu2, sd1 = sd1, sd2 = sd2,
        lambda1 = lambda1, lambda2 = lambda2, Sig1 = Sig1,
        Sig2 = Sig2, ans = ans)
    # Return Value:   

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.cov.nne.dDk <-  
function(x, lambda, k, d, alpha.d) 
    # A (modified) copy from coontributed R package covRobust

    # Description:
    #   Internal Function called by .cov.nne()
    # Function to perform the Nearest Neighbour cleaning of
    # find the density of D_k
    ans = (exp( - lambda * alpha.d * x^d + log(2) + k * log(
        lambda * alpha.d) + log(x) * (d * k - 1) - log(
    # Return Value:    

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.cov.nne.splusNN <-  
function(datamat, k)
    # A (modified) copy from coontributed R package covRobust

    # Description:
    #   Internal Function called by .cov.nne()
    # Nearest-neighbor in S-PLUS
    n = nrow(datamat)
    distances = dist(datamat)
    #  This next part sorts through the Splus distance object 
    #  and forms kNNd, kth nearest neighbour distance, for each 
    #  point.
    kNNd = rep(0, n)
    N = (n - 1):0
    I = c(0, cumsum(N[-1]))
    J = c(0, I + n - 1)
    a = z = NULL
    for (j in 1:n) {
        if (j > 1)
            a = i + I[1:i]
        if (j < n)
            z = J[j] + 1:N[j]
        kNNd[j] = sort(distances[c(a, z)])[k]
        i = j
    # Return Value: 

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.cov.nne.Mtovec <-  
    # A (modified) copy from coontributed R package covRobust

    # Description:
    #   Internal Function called by .cov.nne()
    # Two procedures to link between a symmetric matrix and its vec(.)
    n = dim(M)[1]
    d = dim(M)[2]
    if (abs(n - d) > 0.01) {
        cat ("The input has to be a square matrix")
    } else {
        vec = rep(0, 0)
        for (i in (1:n)) {
            for (j in (i:d)) {
                vec = c(vec, M[i, j])

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.cov.nne.vectoM <-  
function(vec, d) 
{   # A (modified) copy from coontributed R package covRobust

    # Description:
    #   Internal Function called by .cov.nne()
    n = length(vec)
    M = matrix(rep(0, d * d), d, d)
    L = 1
    for (i in 1:d) {
        for (j in i:d) {
            M[i, j] = vec[L]
            L = L + 1
            M[j, i] = M[i, j]
    # Return Value: 


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