
Defines functions create_experiment_data load_experiment_data

#' @include FamiliarS4Generics.R
#' @include FamiliarS4Classes.R

load_experiment_data <- function(x, file_paths) {
  # This function restores the content of the experimentData object to file
  # system - basically allowing for a reproducible hot start.
  # Attempt to load from file.
  project_id <- NULL
  if (is.character(x)) {
    project_id <- gsub(
      x = basename(x),
      pattern = "[[:alpha:]]|[.]RDS$|[_]",
      replacement = "")
    # Read from file system.
    x <- readRDS(x)
  # Users may have added a configuration
  if (is.list(x)) {
    if (all(c("iteration_list", "experiment_setup") %in% names(x))) {
      x <- methods::new(
        iteration_list = x$iteration_list,
        experiment_setup = x$experiment_setup,
        project_id = project_id)
  # Expect that the file is an experimentData object.
  if (!is(x, "experimentData")) {
      "An experimentData object was expected. Found: a ",
      paste_s(class(x)), " object."))
  # Update the experimentData object.
  x <- update_object(x)
  # Start writing the contents of the object to the working directory to deploy
  # from there.
  if (!is.null(x@experiment_setup) && !is.null(x@iteration_list)) {
    # Set file name
    file_name <- .get_iteration_file_name(
      file_paths = file_paths,
      project_id = x@project_id)
    # Check if the directory exists, and create it otherwise.
    if (!dir.exists(file_paths$iterations_dir)) {
      dir.create(file_paths$iterations_dir, recursive = TRUE)
    # Save both files to the expected location.
      "iteration_list" = x@iteration_list,
      "experiment_setup" = x@experiment_setup),
      file = file_name)
  # Start writing feature information.
  if (!is.null(x@feature_info)) {
    # Set file name
    file_name <- .get_feature_info_file_name(
      file_paths = file_paths,
      project_id = x@project_id)
    # Check if the directory exists, and create it otherwise.
    if (!dir.exists(dirname(file_name))) {
      dir.create(dirname(file_name), recursive = TRUE)
    # Write to file.
    saveRDS(x@feature_info, file = file_name)
  # Write variable importance information.
  if (!is.null(x@vimp_table_list)) {
    for (vimp_method in names(x@vimp_table_list)) {
      # Set file name
      file_name <- .get_feature_selection_data_filename(
        project_id = x@project_id,
        fs_method = vimp_method,
        file_paths = file_paths)
      # Check if the directory exists, and create it otherwise.
      if (!dir.exists(dirname(file_name))) {
        dir.create(dirname(file_name), recursive = TRUE)
      # Write to file.
      saveRDS(x@vimp_table_list[[vimp_method]], file = file_name)

create_experiment_data <- function(
    feature_info = NULL,
    vimp_table_list = NULL) {
  # Create new object.
  x <- methods::new(
    experiment_setup = experiment_setup,
    iteration_list = iteration_list,
    project_id = project_id)
  # Add package version
  x <- add_package_version(x)
  # Attach feature info, if present.
  if (is.null(feature_info)) return(x)
  x@feature_info <- feature_info
  # Attach variable importance tables, if present.
  if (is.null(vimp_table_list)) return(x)
  x@vimp_table_list <- vimp_table_list

# show (experimentData) --------------------------------------------------------
  signature(object = "experimentData"),
  function(object) {
    # Make sure the model object is updated.
    object <- update_object(object = object)
    # Experiment data is always present.
    content_str <- c("experiment data")
    # Check if feature info is present.
    if (!is.null(object@feature_info)) {
      if (length(object@feature_info) > 1) {
        content_str <- c(
          "basic and extended feature information")
      } else {
        content_str <- c(
          "basic feature information")
    # Check if variable importance information is present.
    if (!is.null(object@vimp_table_list)) {
      content_str <- c(
        paste0("variable importance (", paste_s(names(object@vimp_table_list)), ")"))
      "Experiment data object (", .familiar_version_string(object), ") with project id ",
      object@project_id, " containing ", paste_s(content_str), ".\n"))

# add_package_version (experiment data) ----------------------------------------
  signature(object = "experimentData"),
  function(object) {
    # Set version of familiar
    return(.add_package_version(object = object))

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familiar documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 9:18 a.m.