#' Internal function for creating or retrieving iteration data
#' @param file_paths Set of paths to relevant files and directories.
#' @param data Data set as loaded using the `.load_data` function.
#' @param experiment_setup data.table with subsampler information at different
#' levels of the experimental design.
#' @param settings List of parameter settings. Some of these parameters are
#' relevant to creating iterations.
#' @param message_indent Indenting of messages.
#' @param verbose Sets verbosity.
#' @return A list with the following elements:
#' * `iter_list`: A list containing iteration data at the different levels of
#' the experiment.
#' * `project_id`: The unique project identifier.
#' * `experiment_setup`: data.table with subsampler information at different
#' levels of the experimental design.
#' @md
#' @keywords internal
.get_iteration_data <- function(
message_indent = 0L,
verbose = TRUE) {
# Get project iterations and project id
if (.experimental_design_is_file(
file_dir = file_paths$iterations_dir,
experimental_design = settings$data$exp_design)) {
# Load list from user-provided file.
iteration_list <- .load_iterations(
file_dir = file_paths$iterations_dir,
iteration_file = settings$data$exp_design)
# Extract iterations, project id and experiment setup from the file.
new_iteration_list <- iteration_list$iteration_list
project_id <- iteration_list$project_id
experiment_setup <- iteration_list$experiment_setup
} else {
# Check whether iter_list already exists as a file
iteration_list <- .load_iterations(file_dir = file_paths$iterations_dir)
if (iteration_list$iteration_file_exists) {
# Update iterations to check for new external validation data
new_iteration_list <- .create_iterations(
data = data,
experiment_setup = experiment_setup,
settings = settings,
override_external_validation = TRUE,
iteration_list = iteration_list$iteration_list,
message_indent = message_indent,
verbose = verbose)
# Save to file and without generating new project id
project_id <- .save_iterations(
file_paths = file_paths,
iteration_list = new_iteration_list,
project_id = iteration_list$project_id,
experiment_setup = experiment_setup,
message_indent = message_indent,
verbose = verbose)
} else {
# Create training and validation data iterations
new_iteration_list <- .create_iterations(
data = data,
experiment_setup = experiment_setup,
settings = settings,
message_indent = message_indent,
verbose = verbose)
# Save to file and generate project id
project_id <- .save_iterations(
file_paths = file_paths,
iteration_list = new_iteration_list,
experiment_setup = experiment_setup,
message_indent = message_indent,
verbose = verbose)
"iter_list" = new_iteration_list,
"project_id" = project_id,
"experiment_setup" = experiment_setup))
.get_iteration_file_name <- function(
project_id) {
paste0(project_id, "_iterations.RDS")))
#' Internal function for loading iteration data from the file system
#' Loads iterations generated by `.create_iterations` that were created in a
#' previous session. If these are not available, this is indicated by setting a
#' return flag.
#' @param file_dir Path to directory where iteration files are stored.
#' @return List containing:
#' * `iteration_file_exists`: An indicator whether an iteration file was found.
#' * `iteration_list`: The list of iterations (if available).
#' * `project_id`: The unique project identifier (if available).
#' @md
#' @keywords internal
.load_iterations <- function(file_dir, iteration_file = NULL) {
# Loads data iterations
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
file_name <- file_prefix_num <- NULL
if (is.null(iteration_file)) {
# Find files in directory
iter_files <- list.files(
path = file_dir,
pattern = "_iterations.RDS",
full.names = FALSE)
# If no files match the iteration files, return a FALSE
if (length(iter_files) == 0) {
return(list("iteration_file_exists" = FALSE))
# Extract date strings from file name
file_table <- data.table::data.table("file_name" = iter_files)
file_table[, "file_prefix_num" := strsplit(x = file_name, split = "_", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1], by = file_name]
file_table <- file_table[!, ]
# If no date strings were found (i.e. backup files), return a FALSE
if (nrow(file_table) == 0) {
return(list("iteration_file_exists" = FALSE))
# Select most recent file
file_table[, "file_prefix_num" := as.numeric(file_prefix_num)]
# From list of iteration files present in the data.
select_file <- file_table[file_prefix_num == max(file_prefix_num), ]$file_name[1]
project_id <- file_table[file_prefix_num == max(file_prefix_num), ]$file_prefix_num[1]
# Ask whether a new file should be used
input_answer <- "dummy"
while (!tolower(input_answer) %in% c("y", "n")) {
input_answer <- readline(prompt = paste0(
"Latest iteration file found is: ", select_file,
". Do you wish to create a new iterations file [y/n]?: "))
if (!tolower(input_answer) %in% c("y", "n")) {
message("Only y (yes) or n (no) are valid entries. Please retry.")
# If the answer is yes, create a new iterations while
if (input_answer == "y") {
return(list("iteration_file_exists" = FALSE))
} else {
# If the answer is no: load file
iteration_list <- readRDS(file = file.path(file_dir, select_file))
# For backward compatibility: iteration_list only contains an
# iteration_list, but the latter is not nested.
if (is.null(iteration_list$iteration_list)) {
"iteration_file_exists" = TRUE,
"iteration_list" = iteration_list,
"project_id" = project_id))
} else {
"iteration_file_exists" = TRUE,
"iteration_list" = iteration_list$iteration_list,
"project_id" = project_id))
} else {
# From user-provided iteration file
select_file <- basename(iteration_file)
project_id <- as.numeric(strsplit(x = select_file, split = "_", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1])
# Attempt to load the user-provided iteration file.
if (file.exists(iteration_file)) {
# From an absolute path.
iteration_list <- readRDS(file = iteration_file)
} else if (file.exists(file.path(file_dir, select_file))) {
# From a path relative to the current (experiment/iteration) directory.
iteration_list <- readRDS(file = file.path(file_dir, select_file))
} else {
stop(paste0("External iteration file could not be found: ", iteration_file))
if (is.null(iteration_list$experiment_setup)) {
"The provided external iteration file lacks an experiment setup table ",
"and cannot be used. The most likely cause is that the iteration file ",
"was generated with familiar version <"))
"iteration_file_exists" = TRUE,
"iteration_list" = iteration_list$iteration_list,
"project_id" = project_id,
"experiment_setup" = iteration_list$experiment_setup))
.create_iterations <- function(
override_external_validation = FALSE,
iteration_list = NULL,
message_indent = 0L,
verbose = TRUE) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
main_data_id <- batch_id <- NULL
# Get unique main data ids
main_data_ids <- unique(experiment_setup$main_data_id)
# Get names of the standard id columns
id_columns <- get_id_columns(id_depth = "series")
batch_id_column <- get_id_columns(id_depth = "batch")
# Generate new iterations ----------------------------------------------------
if (is.null(iteration_list)) {
iteration_list <- list()
"Creating iterations: Starting creation of iterations.",
indent = message_indent,
verbose = verbose)
while (length(iteration_list) < length(main_data_ids)) {
for (curr_main_data_id in main_data_ids) {
# Set up the subset_table
subset_table <- experiment_setup[main_data_id == curr_main_data_id, ]
# Check if the current data has already been processed
if (!is.null(iteration_list[[as.character(curr_main_data_id)]])) next
# Check if the required reference data exists
curr_ref_data_id <- subset_table$ref_data_id[1]
curr_pert_method <- subset_table$perturb_method[1]
if (is.null(iteration_list[[as.character(curr_ref_data_id)]]) &&
curr_pert_method != "main") {
# Determine number of reference iterations
ref_run_list <- .get_run_list(
iteration_list = iteration_list,
data_id = curr_ref_data_id)
# Create an empty run list
run_list <- list()
# Check if the current perturbation method is "main"
if (curr_pert_method == "main") {
## New main data -----------------------------------------------------
# Determine if external validation is required
external_validation_required <- subset_table$external_validation[1]
# In case of external validation, find cohorts matching the
# train_cohorts.
all_cohorts <- unique(data[[batch_id_column]])
# Check whether the requested train cohorts are provided
if (is.null(settings$data$train_cohorts) && external_validation_required) {
"Creating iterations: Training cohorts were not provided, ",
"but are required for external validation."))
} else if (is.null(settings$data$train_cohorts)) {
# Assume that all data is used for training when external validation
# is not required, but no specific cohorts are specified.
train_cohorts <- unique(data[[batch_id_column]])
} else {
# This is the ideal situation: training cohort names are provided.
train_cohorts <- settings$data$train_cohorts
# Check if all training cohorts actually exist.
if (!all(train_cohorts %in% all_cohorts)) {
..warning_missing_cohorts(x = train_cohorts[!train_cohorts %in% all_cohorts])
# Handle validation cohorts
if (external_validation_required == TRUE) {
# Check whether validation cohorts are provided.
if (!is.null(settings$data$valid_cohorts)) {
# Extract validation cohorts from settings.
validation_cohorts <- settings$data$valid_cohorts
# Check if all validation cohorts actually exist.
if (!all(validation_cohorts %in% all_cohorts)) {
..warning_missing_cohorts(x = validation_cohorts[!validation_cohorts %in% all_cohorts])
} else {
# Extract validation cohorts from data
validation_cohorts <- all_cohorts[!all_cohorts %in% train_cohorts]
if (length(validation_cohorts) == 0) {
logger_warning("Creating iterations: No validation cohorts could be found.")
} else {
# Don't use validation cohorts if only training data is available
validation_cohorts <- character()
# Extract lists of training and validation subjects
train_samples <- list()
valid_samples <- list()
# Add training cohort subjects to train_samples
train_samples[[1]] <- unique(data[batch_id %in% train_cohorts, mget(id_columns)])
# Add validation cohort subjects to valid_samples (if present)
if (length(validation_cohorts) > 0) {
valid_samples[[1]] <- unique(data[batch_id %in% validation_cohorts, mget(id_columns)])
# Generate a run list for the "main" data perturbation
run_list <- .create_iteration_run_list(
data_id = curr_main_data_id,
train_samples = train_samples,
valid_samples = valid_samples,
can_pre_process = TRUE,
perturbation = curr_pert_method)
# Clean variables
rm(external_validation_required, train_cohorts, train_samples,
validation_cohorts, valid_samples)
# Check if the current perturbation method is "imbalance part"
if (curr_pert_method == "imbalance_partition") {
## New imbalance partitions ------------------------------------------
# Iterate over runs of the reference data
for (run in ref_run_list) {
# Generate partitions for generating balanced data sets. Note that
# these partitions do not generate any validation data.
partition <- .create_balanced_partitions(
sample_identifiers = .get_sample_identifiers(
run = run,
train_or_validate = "train"),
settings = settings,
data = data)
# Append runs to the run list
run_list <- c(
data_id = curr_main_data_id,
run_id_offset = length(run_list),
train_samples = partition,
valid_samples = list(),
can_pre_process = TRUE,
perturbation = curr_pert_method))
# Clean variables
rm(partition, run)
# Check if the current perturbation method is "limited_bootstrap" or
# "full_bootstrap".
if (curr_pert_method %in% c("limited_bootstrap", "full_bootstrap")) {
## New bootstrap data ------------------------------------------------
# Determine number of bootstrap iterations
n_iter <- subset_table$perturb_n_rep[1]
# Iterate over runs of the reference data
for (run in ref_run_list) {
# Create bootstraps. Bootstraps contain both training and validation
# data. However, they are not separately pre-processed.
bt_iter_list <- .create_bootstraps(
sample_identifiers = .get_sample_identifiers(
run = run,
train_or_validate = "train"),
n_iter = n_iter,
settings = settings,
data = data)
# Append runs to the run list
run_list <- c(
data_id = curr_main_data_id,
run_id_offset = length(run_list),
train_samples = bt_iter_list$train_list,
valid_samples = bt_iter_list$valid_list,
can_pre_process = curr_pert_method == "full_bootstrap",
perturbation = curr_pert_method))
# Clean variables
rm(bt_iter_list, run, n_iter)
# Check if the current perturbation method is "cross_val"
if (curr_pert_method == "cross_val") {
## New cross-validation data -----------------------------------------
# Determine number of cross-validation repetitions and folds
n_rep <- subset_table$perturb_n_rep[1]
n_folds <- subset_table$perturb_n_folds[1]
# Iterate over runs of the reference data
for (run in ref_run_list) {
# Create repeated cross-validations
cv_iter_list <- .create_repeated_cv(
sample_identifiers = .get_sample_identifiers(
run = run,
train_or_validate = "train"),
n_rep = n_rep,
n_folds = n_folds,
settings = settings,
data = data)
# Append runs to the run list
run_list <- c(
data_id = curr_main_data_id,
run_id_offset = length(run_list),
train_samples = cv_iter_list$train_list,
valid_samples = cv_iter_list$valid_list,
can_pre_process = TRUE,
perturbation = curr_pert_method))
# Clean variables
rm(cv_iter_list, run, n_rep, n_folds)
# Check if the current perturbation method is "loocv"
if (curr_pert_method == "loocv") {
## New leave-one-out cross-validation data ---------------------------
# Iterate over runs of the reference data
for (run in ref_run_list) {
# Find the available samples.
sample_identifiers <- .get_sample_identifiers(
run = run,
train_or_validate = "train")
# Create leave-one-out cross-validation.
cv_iter_list <- .create_loocv(
sample_identifiers = sample_identifiers,
settings = settings,
data = data)
# Append runs to the run list
run_list <- c(
data_id = curr_main_data_id,
run_id_offset = length(run_list),
train_samples = cv_iter_list$train_list,
valid_samples = cv_iter_list$valid_list,
can_pre_process = TRUE,
perturbation = curr_pert_method))
# Clean variables
rm(cv_iter_list, sample_identifiers)
# Add to iteration list
iteration_list[[as.character(curr_main_data_id)]] <- list(
"run" = run_list,
"main_data_id" = curr_main_data_id)
# Clean variables
rm(run_list, ref_run_list, curr_main_data_id)
"Creating iterations: Finished creation of iterations.",
indent = message_indent,
verbose = verbose)
} else if (override_external_validation) {
if (is.null(iteration_list)) stop("iteration_list should be provided.")
# Update external validation iterations ------------------------------------
# Update external validation
# Determine if external validation is required and skip otherwise
external_validation_required <- experiment_setup[main_data_id == 1, ]$external_validation[1]
if (external_validation_required) {
# In case of external validation, find cohorts matching the train_cohorts
all_cohorts <- unique(data[[batch_id_column]])
# Check whether validation cohorts are provided
if (!is.null(settings$data$valid_cohorts)) {
# Extract validation cohorts from settings
validation_cohorts <- settings$data$valid_cohorts
if (!all(validation_cohorts %in% all_cohorts)) {
x = validation_cohorts[!validation_cohorts %in% all_cohorts])
} else {
# Extract validation cohorts from data by selecting all non-training
# cohorts
if (is.null(settings$data$train_cohorts)) {
logger_stop("Creating iterations: Training cohorts were not provided.")
# Extract train cohorts from settings
train_cohorts <- settings$data$train_cohorts
if (!all(train_cohorts %in% all_cohorts)) {
..warning_missing_cohorts(x = train_cohorts[!train_cohorts %in% all_cohorts])
# Extract validation cohorts from data
validation_cohorts <- all_cohorts[!all_cohorts %in% train_cohorts]
if (length(validation_cohorts) == 0) {
logger_warning("Creating iterations: No validation cohorts could be found.")
# Update validation subjects to iter list
iteration_list[[as.character(1)]]$run[[as.character(1)]]$valid_samples <- unique(
data[batch_id %in% validation_cohorts, mget(id_columns)])
} else {
# Remove external validation subject
iteration_list[[as.character(1)]]$run[[as.character(1)]]$valid_samples <- NULL
.save_iterations <- function(
project_id = NULL,
message_indent = 0L,
verbose = TRUE) {
# Check if an existing project identifier is provided, otherwise generate a
# new one.
if (is.null(project_id)) {
# Generate project id from system time
project_id <- as.numeric(format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))
# Message project identifier
paste0("Creating iterations: New project id is: \'", project_id, "\'."),
indent = message_indent,
verbose = verbose)
# Set file name
file_name <- .get_iteration_file_name(
file_paths = file_paths,
project_id = project_id)
# Attach both iteration list and experiment setup.
save_iteration_list <- list(
"iteration_list" = iteration_list,
"experiment_setup" = experiment_setup)
# Save both files to the folder
saveRDS(save_iteration_list, file = file_name)
.create_iteration_run_list <- function(
perturbation) {
# Start an empty run list
run_list <- list()
for (ii in seq_len(length(train_samples))) {
# Create new run table
run_table <- data.table::data.table(
"data_id" = data_id,
"run_id" = ii,
"can_pre_process" = can_pre_process,
"perturbation" = perturbation,
"perturb_level" = 1)
# Add run_table to the list.
run_list[[as.character(ii)]]$run_table <- run_table
# Add samples for model development to the list.
run_list[[as.character(ii)]]$train_samples <- train_samples[[ii]]
# Add validation samples to the list.
if (length(valid_samples) >= ii) {
run_list[[as.character(ii)]]$valid_samples <- valid_samples[[ii]]
} else {
run_list[[as.character(ii)]]$valid_samples <- NULL
.add_iteration_to_run <- function(
data_id = NULL,
run_id_offset = 0,
perturbation) {
# Determine the number of runs
n_iter <- length(train_samples)
# Start an empty run list
run_list <- list()
# If data_id is not provided, the run_list will be treated a custom run, and
# will receive a data_id of -1
if (is.null(data_id)) data_id <- -1
# Find the current perturbation level based on the input run
curr_perturb_level <- max(run$run_table$perturb_level) + 1
for (ii in seq_len(n_iter)) {
# Update run_id
run_id <- run_id_offset + ii
# Add run to existing run table.
run_table <- rbind(
"data_id" = data_id,
"run_id" = run_id,
"can_pre_process" = can_pre_process,
"perturbation" = perturbation,
"perturb_level" = curr_perturb_level))
# Add run_table to the list.
run_list[[as.character(run_id)]]$run_table <- run_table
# Add samples for model development to the list.
run_list[[as.character(run_id)]]$train_samples <- train_samples[[ii]]
# Add validation samples to the list.
if (length(valid_samples) >= ii) {
run_list[[as.character(run_id)]]$valid_samples <- valid_samples[[ii]]
} else {
run_list[[as.character(run_id)]]$valid_samples <- NULL
.create_repeated_cv <- function(
sample_identifiers = NULL,
settings = NULL,
outcome_type = NULL,
stratify = TRUE,
rstream_object = NULL) {
# This function wraps the .create_cv function
# Initiate lists for training and validation data
train_list <- list()
valid_list <- list()
# Iterate over iterations
for (ii in 1:n_rep) {
# Create cross-validation subsets.
cv_iter_list <- .create_cv(
sample_identifiers = sample_identifiers,
n_folds = n_folds,
settings = settings,
outcome_type = outcome_type,
data = data,
stratify = stratify,
rstream_object = rstream_object)
# Add new subsets to the list.
train_list <- c(train_list, cv_iter_list$train_list)
valid_list <- c(valid_list, cv_iter_list$valid_list)
"train_list" = train_list,
"valid_list" = valid_list))
.create_loocv <- function(
sample_identifiers = NULL,
settings = NULL,
outcome_type = NULL,
rstream_object = NULL) {
# Determine the number of samples.
if (is.null(sample_identifiers)) {
# Obtain id columns
id_columns <- get_id_columns(id_depth = "series")
# Identify unique sample identifiers.
sample_identifiers <- unique(data[, mget(id_columns)])
# Determine sample-id columns
sample_id_columns <- get_id_columns(id_depth = "sample")
# Determine the number of samples.
n_samples <- data.table::uniqueN(sample_identifiers, by = sample_id_columns)
# Create iterations.
loocv_iter_list <- .create_cv(
sample_identifiers = sample_identifiers,
data = data,
n_folds = n_samples,
settings = settings,
outcome_type = outcome_type,
stratify = FALSE,
rstream_object = rstream_object)
.create_cv <- function(
sample_identifiers = NULL,
settings = NULL,
outcome_type = NULL,
stratify = TRUE,
return_fold_id = FALSE,
rstream_object = NULL) {
# Cross-validation
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
outcome <- fold_id <- sample_order_id <- NULL
n <- i.n <- assign_to_training <- .NATURAL <- NULL
# Obtain id columns
id_columns <- get_id_columns(id_depth = "series")
# Set outcome_type from settings
if (is.null(outcome_type)) outcome_type <- settings$data$outcome_type
# Check stratification for continuous data
if (outcome_type %in% c("continuous", "count")) stratify <- FALSE
# Do not stratify absent data
if (is_empty(data)) stratify <- FALSE
# Set sample identifiers, if not provided. Note that is only the case during
# unit testing.
if (is.null(sample_identifiers)) {
sample_identifiers <- unique(data[, mget(id_columns)])
if (outcome_type %in% c("count", "continuous")) {
# Select data based on sample id - note that even if duplicate
# sample_identifiers exist, only unique sample_identifiers are maintained -
# this is intentional.
subset_table <- merge(
x = unique(data[, mget(id_columns)]),
y = sample_identifiers,
by = id_columns,
all = FALSE)
} else if (outcome_type == "survival") {
# For stratifying survival data we require the event status.
# Event status (including NA) are transcoded.
subset_table <- merge(
x = unique(data[, mget(c(id_columns, "outcome_event"))]),
y = sample_identifiers,
by = id_columns,
all = FALSE)
x = subset_table,
old = "outcome_event",
new = "outcome")
# Transcode event status
subset_table[, "outcome" := factor(outcome)]
subset_table$outcome <- addNA(subset_table$outcome, ifany = TRUE)
subset_table$outcome <- as.numeric(subset_table$outcome)
} else if (outcome_type %in% c("binomial", "multinomial")) {
# For stratifying categorical data we require the outcome data as is.
# Redundant factors are dropped and remaining factors (including NA) are
# transcoded
subset_table <- merge(
x = unique(data[, mget(c(id_columns, "outcome"))]),
y = sample_identifiers,
by = id_columns,
all = FALSE)
# Transcode classes
subset_table$outcome <- addNA(subset_table$outcome, ifany = TRUE)
subset_table$outcome <- droplevels(subset_table$outcome)
subset_table$outcome <- as.numeric(subset_table$outcome)
} else if (outcome_type %in% c("competing_risk", "multi_label")) {
# Determine sample-id columns
sample_id_columns <- get_id_columns(id_depth = "sample")
# Determine the number of samples.
n_samples <- data.table::uniqueN(subset_table, by = sample_id_columns)
if (n_folds < 2) {
stop("The number of cross-validation folds should be at least 2.")
# Check if the number of folds exceeds the number of data points
if (n_folds > n_samples) {
"The number of cross-validation folds (",
") exceeds the number of available data points (",
} else if (stratify) {
# Determine levels in stratified data
if (n_folds > n_samples - data.table::uniqueN(subset_table$outcome) + 1) {
warning("Cannot perform stratified cross-validation as the number of folds is too high.")
stratify <- FALSE
# Add fold id to each entry
subset_table[, "fold_id" := 0L]
# Determine fold size
fold_size <- n_samples %/% n_folds
# Initiate training and validation lists
train_list <- valid_list <- list()
# Make sure that any rare outcome levels are always assigned to the training
# folds, not validation folds. This concerns all samples where an outcome
# level appears so rarely that all instances of it could be assigned to a
# single fold. In practice this means the training folds should be
# pre-assigned at least one instance of every outcome level. This is done
# below.
# Note that the number of formable folds may be affected.
if (outcome_type %in% c("binomial", "multinomial", "survival", "multi_label")) {
# Iterate, because by hard-assigning samples to the training set and
# decreasing the fold size, we may actually encounter other outcome levels
# that are at risk. We break from the loop if there are no such outcome
# levels.
while (TRUE) {
# Determine the frequency samples with each outcome, leaving out any
# pre-assigned samples (fold-id equal to -1).
level_frequency <- subset_table[
fold_id == 0L,
list("n" = .N > 0L),
by = c(id_columns, "outcome")]
level_frequency <- level_frequency[, list("n" = sum(n)), by = c("outcome")][order(n)]
# Determine which outcome levels occur in the same number or fewer samples
# than the fold size, and could therefore be entirely assigned to a single
# (validation) fold.
level_frequency[, "assign_to_training" := n <= fold_size]
# Ensure that these outcomes have not been pre-assigned (fold-id equal to
# -1)
subset_table[fold_id == -1L],
"assign_to_training" := FALSE,
on = .NATURAL]
# Break from loop if no samples need to be selected.
if (all(level_frequency$assign_to_training == FALSE)) break
# Select the first outcome at risk. This is the minority outcome class on
# the first iteration.
outcome_level_training <- level_frequency[assign_to_training == TRUE]$outcome[1]
# Randomly select one sample with the given outcome.
sample_training <- fam_sample(
subset_table[fold_id == 0L & outcome == outcome_level_training],
size = 1L,
rstream_object = rstream_object)
# Pre-assign the selected sample.
"fold_id" := -1L,
on = .NATURAL]
# Update n_samples and n_folds
n_samples <- n_samples - 1
# Check that if n_folds is now larger than n_samples (e.g. LOOCV), that
# n_folds is equalised again so that there is always one validation
# sample.
if (n_samples < n_folds) n_folds <- n_samples
# Update fold size.
fold_size <- n_samples %/% n_folds
if (!stratify) {
# Iterate over the folds.
for (ii in 1:n_folds) {
# Choose subject id for current fold
current_train_id <- fam_sample(
x = subset_table[fold_id == 0L],
size = fold_size,
replace = FALSE,
rstream_object = rstream_object)
# Join subset-table based on selected samples, and set the fold id.
"fold_id" := ii,
on = .NATURAL]
# Update remaining samples by random assignment to a fold.
unassigned_data <- unique(subset_table[
fold_id == 0, mget(sample_id_columns)],
by = sample_id_columns)
if (nrow(unassigned_data) > 0) {
# Randomly assign fold identifier.
unassigned_data[, "fold_id" :=
size = nrow(unassigned_data),
replace = FALSE)]
# Merge back the series identifier back into unassigned_data, and keep the
# updated fold identifier.
unassigned_data <- merge(
x = unassigned_data,
y = subset_table[fold_id == 0, mget(id_columns)],
by = sample_id_columns,
all = FALSE)
# Add unassigned samples to the subset table.
subset_table <- data.table::rbindlist(list(
subset_table[fold_id != 0, mget(c("fold_id", id_columns))],
use.names = TRUE)
# Assign training and validation folds
for (ii in 1:n_folds) {
train_id <- subset_table[fold_id != ii, mget(id_columns)]
valid_id <- subset_table[fold_id == ii, mget(id_columns)]
train_list[[ii]] <- train_id
valid_list[[ii]] <- valid_id
} else {
# Determine the frequency of sample outcomes per fold.
level_frequency <- subset_table[
fold_id == 0L,
list("n" = .N %/% n_folds),
by = "outcome"]
# Iterate over folds
for (ii in seq_len(n_folds)) {
# Copy the fold_level frequency.
fold_level_frequency <- data.table::copy(level_frequency)
# Get all available data.
available_data <- subset_table[fold_id == 0L]
# Check that any data are available.
if (nrow(available_data) == 0) next()
# Determine the frequency of outcome levels for each sample.
available_data <- available_data[, list("n" = .N), by = c(sample_id_columns, "outcome")]
# Order available data randomly.
sample_order <- fam_sample(
x = available_data,
replace = FALSE,
rstream_object = rstream_object)
# Set sample_order_id. This will be used to order available_data.
sample_order[, "sample_order_id" := .I]
# Merge with available_data
available_data <- merge(
x = available_data,
y = sample_order,
by = sample_id_columns
# Iterate over samples. For each sample we check whether it can be added
# to the fold.
for (current_sample in split(available_data, by = "sample_order_id")) {
# Determine if the sample can be added.
safe_to_add <- all(fold_level_frequency[
list("n" = n - i.n),
on = "outcome"]$n >= 0)
if (!safe_to_add) next
# If the check passes, we need to add the sample to the fold, and update
# level_frequency_fold.
"n" := n - i.n,
on = "outcome"]
# Add to fold.
current_sample <- unique(current_sample[, mget(sample_id_columns)])
"fold_id" := ii,
on = .NATURAL]
# Skip further samples if no more samples need to be added to the fold.
if (all(fold_level_frequency$n == 0)) break
# Determine if all data was assigned.
unassigned_data <- unique(
subset_table[fold_id == 0, mget(sample_id_columns)],
by = sample_id_columns)
if (nrow(unassigned_data) > 0) {
# Randomly order unassigned data.
unassigned_data <- fam_sample(unassigned_data,
replace = FALSE,
rstream_object = rstream_object)
# Assign fold id.
unassigned_data[, "fold_id" := rep_len(
x = seq_len(n_folds),
length.out = nrow(unassigned_data))]
# Merge back the series identifier back into unassigned_data, and keep the
# updated fold identifier.
unassigned_data <- merge(
x = unassigned_data,
y = subset_table[fold_id == 0, mget(id_columns)],
by = sample_id_columns,
all = FALSE)
# Add unassigned samples to the subset table.
subset_table <- data.table::rbindlist(list(
subset_table[fold_id != 0, mget(c(id_columns, "fold_id"))],
use.names = TRUE)
# Assign to training and validation sets. Note that any unassigned samples
# are assigned to the training folds.
for (ii in 1:n_folds) {
train_list[[ii]] <- subset_table[fold_id != ii, mget(id_columns)]
valid_list[[ii]] <- subset_table[fold_id == ii, mget(id_columns)]
if (return_fold_id) {
# Assign any instances with fold_id == -1 to the first fold to prevent very
# small folds from being formed.
subset_table[fold_id == -1L, "fold_id" := 1L]
return(subset_table[, mget(c(id_columns, "fold_id"))])
} else {
"train_list" = train_list,
"valid_list" = valid_list))
.create_bootstraps <- function(
sample_identifiers = NULL,
settings = NULL,
outcome_type = NULL,
stratify = TRUE,
rstream_object = NULL) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
outcome <- outcome_present <- .NATURAL <- NULL
keep <- sample_order_id <- cumulative_n <- i.n <- n <- NULL
# Obtain id columns
id_columns <- get_id_columns(id_depth = "series")
# Set outcome_type from settings
if (is.null(outcome_type)) outcome_type <- settings$data$outcome_type
# Set sample identifiers, if not provided. Note that is only the case during
# unit testing.
if (is.null(sample_identifiers)) {
sample_identifiers <- unique(data[, mget(id_columns)])
# Check stratification for continuous data
if (outcome_type %in% c("continuous", "count")) stratify <- FALSE
# Check stratification for absent data
if (is_empty(data)) stratify <- FALSE
if (outcome_type %in% c("continuous", "count")) {
# Select data based on sample id - note that even if duplicate
# sample_identifiers exist, only unique sample_identifiers are maintained -
# this is intentional.
subset_table <- merge(
x = unique(data[, mget(c(id_columns, "outcome"))]),
y = sample_identifiers,
by = id_columns,
all = FALSE)
} else if (outcome_type == "survival") {
# For stratifying survival data we require the event status. Event status
# (including NA) are transcoded.
subset_table <- merge(
x = unique(data[, mget(c(id_columns, "outcome_event"))]),
y = sample_identifiers,
by = id_columns,
all = FALSE)
x = subset_table,
old = "outcome_event",
new = "outcome")
# Transcode event status
subset_table[, "outcome" := factor(outcome)]
subset_table$outcome <- addNA(subset_table$outcome, ifany = TRUE)
} else if (outcome_type %in% c("binomial", "multinomial")) {
# For stratifying categorical data we require the outcome data as is.
# Redundant factors are dropped and remaining factors (including NA) are
# transcoded
subset_table <- merge(
x = unique(data[, mget(c(id_columns, "outcome"))]),
y = sample_identifiers,
by = id_columns,
all = FALSE)
# Transcode classes
subset_table$outcome <- addNA(subset_table$outcome, ifany = TRUE)
subset_table$outcome <- droplevels(subset_table$outcome)
} else if (outcome_type %in% c("competing_risk", "multi_label")) {
# Determine sample-id columns
sample_id_columns <- get_id_columns(id_depth = "sample")
# Initiate training and validation lists
train_list <- valid_list <- list()
# Iterate over iterations
ii <- jj <- 1
while (ii <= n_iter && jj <= 2 * n_iter) {
if (!stratify) {
# Sample training data with replacement
train_id <- fam_sample(
x = subset_table,
replace = TRUE,
rstream_object = rstream_object)
# Merge train_id with subset_table.
train_id <- merge(
x = train_id,
y = subset_table,
by = sample_id_columns,
all = FALSE,
allow.cartesian = TRUE)
# Check that any rare outcome classes are actually present in the training
# data. This prevents issues with modelling and model evaluation later on.
if (outcome_type %in% c("binomial", "multinomial", "survival")) {
# Check if all outcome data are presents.
missing_levels <- setdiff(
levels(subset_table$outcome), unique(train_id$outcome))
if (length(missing_levels) > 0) {
# Integrate outcome levels in a table to keep track.
missing_level_data <- data.table::data.table(
"outcome" = levels(subset_table$outcome),
"outcome_present" = TRUE)
# Flag outcome levels as not present if they are missing.
missing_level_data[outcome %in% missing_levels, "outcome_present" := FALSE]
# Iterate over missing levels and remove them by adding a sample that
# contains an outcome of the level.
while (any(missing_level_data$outcome_present == FALSE)) {
# Select the missing outcome level.
missing_level <- missing_level_data[outcome_present == FALSE]$outcome[1]
# Select an additional sample that contains the missing level.
additional_data <- fam_sample(
subset_table[outcome == missing_level],
size = 1L,
rstream_object = rstream_object)
# Select the data corresponding to the sample.
additional_data <- merge(
x = additional_data,
y = subset_table,
by = sample_id_columns,
all = FALSE,
allow.cartesian = TRUE)
# Flag any missing levels that are now included in the data as
# present.
additional_data[, "outcome"],
"outcome_present" := TRUE,
on = .NATURAL]
# Update train_id.
train_id <- data.table::rbindlist(
list(train_id, additional_data))
# Select only relevant columns.
train_id <- train_id[, mget(id_columns)]
# Determine the out-of-bag data.
valid_id <- data.table::fsetdiff(
x = subset_table[, mget(id_columns)],
y = train_id)
# Check for empty out-of-bag sets and re-run experiment if this happens.
if (nrow(valid_id) == 0) {
jj <- jj + 1
# Store to list
train_list[[ii]] <- train_id
valid_list[[ii]] <- valid_id
} else {
# From here on we select the samples by iterating over classes, from minor
# to major. In each iteration we do the following.
# * Select all samples that contain the currently selected class.
# * Remove all samples that would not fit the current partition, because
# adding the sample would increase the frequency of any class beyond what
# is required.
# * Resample with replacement. The order is fixed by setting a
# sample_order_id column.
# * Select those samples that are valid in the sense that they would not
# cause the number of instances for any outcome to be exceeded. This is
# done in the order established above according to the sample_order_id.
# These samples are assigned to the in-bag partition.
# * Update the frequency for each class that should still be obtained to
# complete the outcome stratfication.
# * Use the updated frequency to remove all samples that were not
# previously selected and that would not fit the current partition any
# more.
# * Iterate over any remaining samples to add them to the partition.
# * Repeat the above for the next smallest class. We start with the
# smallest classes so that there can be no out-of-bag data that contains a
# "new" class.
# Determine the frequency of sample outcomes, and order by increasing
# frequency.
level_frequency <- subset_table[, list("n" = .N), by = "outcome"][order(n)]
class_order <- level_frequency$outcome
# Initially mark all data as available.
available_data <- data.table::copy(subset_table)
# Create list to store data in.
partition_train_list <- list()
# Iterate over majority classes.
for (current_class in class_order) {
# Skip if the number of required samples for the outcome class is 0.
if (level_frequency[outcome == current_class]$n == 0) next
# Select only data where the current class is present.
partition_data <- available_data[
unique(available_data[outcome == current_class, mget(sample_id_columns)]),
on = .NATURAL]
# Determine the frequency of outcome levels for each sample.
partition_data <- partition_data[, list("n" = .N), by = c(sample_id_columns, "outcome")]
# Remove any samples that would exceed the required total instances for
# each level. First mark the instances that do not exceed the required
# number of samples.
partition_data[level_frequency, "keep" := n <= i.n, on = "outcome"]
partition_data[, "keep" := all(keep), by = c(sample_id_columns)]
partition_data <- partition_data[keep == TRUE]
if (is_empty(partition_data)) next
# Randomly order samples. Note that we cannot directly select and insert
# samples by outcome level, because a sample may contain multiple series
# with different outcomes.
# Order available data randomly, with replacement.
sample_order <- fam_sample(
x = partition_data,
size = level_frequency[outcome == current_class]$n,
replace = TRUE,
rstream_object = rstream_object)
# Set sample_order_id. This will be used to order partition_data.
sample_order[, "sample_order_id" := .I]
# Order the samples in partition data.
partition_data <- merge(
x = partition_data,
y = sample_order,
by = sample_id_columns,
allow.cartesian = TRUE
# Now, we select those samples which will surely be included. First,
# determine the cumulative sum for each outcome.
partition_data[, "cumulative_n" := cumsum(n), by = "outcome"]
# Mark the samples where the cumulative sum of outcomes would not exceed
# the required number.
partition_data[level_frequency, "keep" := cumulative_n <= i.n, on = "outcome"]
# Mark the corresponding samples.
partition_data[, "keep" := all(keep), by = c(sample_id_columns, "sample_order_id")]
# Add the selected data to the list. Note that the partition_data can
# have multiple rows for the same sample_order_id, and we therefore
# first select unique rows for each selected sample_order_id and from
# this dataset then select the sample identifier columns.
partition_train_list <- c(
keep == TRUE,
mget(c(sample_id_columns, "sample_order_id"))
])[, mget(sample_id_columns)]))
# Update partition level frequency
keep == TRUE,
list("n" = sum(n)),
by = "outcome"],
"n" := n - i.n,
on = "outcome"]
# Determine if the outcome level was filled to the required level.
if (level_frequency[outcome == current_class]$n == 0) next
# Select remaining data to complete
partition_data <- partition_data[keep == FALSE]
# Check that any data actually has been selected.
if (nrow(partition_data) == 0) next
# Remove any samples that would exceed the required total instances for
# each level. First mark the instances that do not exceed the required
# number of samples.
"keep" := n <= i.n,
on = "outcome"]
# Then mark the corresponding samples, and only keep those.
partition_data[, "keep" := all(keep), by = c(sample_id_columns, "sample_order_id")]
partition_data <- partition_data[keep == TRUE, ]
# Check that any data actually has been selected.
if (nrow(partition_data) == 0) next
# Iterate over the remaining samples. For each sample we check whether
# it can be added to the partition.
for (current_sample in split(partition_data, by = "sample_order_id")) {
# Determine if the sample can be added.
safe_to_add <- all(level_frequency[
list("n" = n - i.n),
on = "outcome"
]$n >= 0)
# Skip to next sample, if the current sample cannot be added due to
# constraints.
if (!safe_to_add) next
# If the check passes, we need to add the sample to the fold, and the
# update level frequency.
"n" := n - i.n,
on = "outcome"]
# Add the selected sample to the list.
partition_train_list <- c(
list(unique(current_sample[, mget(sample_id_columns)])))
# Skip further samples if no more samples need to be added to the fold.
if (any(level_frequency$n == 0)) break
# Mark all samples that lack the current outcome as available; or rather
# mark all samples that have the current outcome as unavailable.
available_data[, "is_available" := !any(outcome == current_class), by = c(sample_id_columns)]
# Select samples.
train_id <- data.table::rbindlist(partition_train_list)
# Merge train_id with subset_table.
train_id <- merge(
x = train_id,
y = subset_table,
by = sample_id_columns,
all = FALSE,
allow.cartesian = TRUE)
# Select only relevant columns.
train_id <- train_id[, mget(id_columns)]
# Determine the out-of-bag data.
valid_id <- data.table::fsetdiff(
x = subset_table[, mget(id_columns)],
y = train_id)
# Check for empty out-of-bag sets and re-run sampling if this happens.
if (nrow(valid_id) == 0) {
jj <- jj + 1
# Store to list
train_list[[ii]] <- train_id
valid_list[[ii]] <- valid_id
# Update iterators
ii <- ii + 1
jj <- jj + 1
if (ii != n_iter + 1) {
"Could not form ", n_iter, " bootstraps with out-of-bag data. ",
"The data set may be too small."))
"train_list" = train_list,
"valid_list" = valid_list))
.create_balanced_partitions <- function(
sample_identifiers = NULL,
settings = NULL,
outcome_type = NULL,
imbalance_method = NULL,
imbalance_n_partitions = NULL,
rstream_object = NULL) {
# Methods to address class imbalance
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
outcome <- n <- partition <- i.n <- sample_order_id <- NULL
keep <- cumulative_n <- .NATURAL <- NULL
if (is.null(outcome_type)) outcome_type <- settings$data$outcome_type
if (is.null(imbalance_method)) imbalance_method <- settings$data$imbalance_method
if (is.null(imbalance_n_partitions)) imbalance_n_partitions <- settings$data$imbalance_n_partitions
# Class imbalance should only be addressed if the outcome data is categorical.
if (!outcome_type %in% c("binomial", "multinomial")) {
"Creating iterations: Imbalance partitions (ip) are only available ",
"for binomial and multinomial outcomes."))
# Obtain id columns
id_columns <- get_id_columns(id_depth = "series")
sample_id_columns <- get_id_columns(id_depth = "sample")
# Set sample identifiers, if not provided. Note that is only the case during
# unit testing.
if (is.null(sample_identifiers)) {
sample_identifiers <- unique(data[, mget(id_columns)])
# For creating imbalance partitions based on categorical data we require the
# outcome data as is. Redundant factors are dropped and remaining factors
# (including NA) are transcoded.
subset_table <- merge(
x = unique(data[, mget(c(id_columns, "outcome"))]),
y = sample_identifiers,
by = id_columns,
all = FALSE)
# Transcode classes
subset_table$outcome <- addNA(subset_table$outcome, ifany = TRUE)
subset_table$outcome <- droplevels(subset_table$outcome)
# Determine the frequency of sample outcomes, and order by frequency.
level_frequency <- subset_table[, list("n" = .N), by = "outcome"][order(n)]
class_order <- level_frequency$outcome
if (imbalance_method %in% c("full_undersampling", "random_undersampling")) {
# Create empty train_list
train_list <- list()
# Get the number of each class and identify the number of partitions.
n_small <- min(level_frequency$n)
n_large <- max(level_frequency$n)
if (n_small / (n_large + n_small) > 0.3) {
"Imbalance partitions are not required as data ",
"are not severely imbalanced."))
# Set up the basic partition by selecting all data that are required for the
# minority class. First determine the smallest class(es) and then the
# majority classes (if any).
minority_class <- level_frequency[n == n_small]$outcome
majority_class <- setdiff(class_order, minority_class)
# Update subset_table by assigning all samples that contain the minority
# class to the base partition.
subset_table[outcome %in% minority_class, mget(sample_id_columns)],
"partition" := "base",
on = .NATURAL]
# Determine the number of partitions while allowing the majority class to
# be up to 10% bigger. This should leave sufficient margin for a slight
# discrepancy in class levels, when adding any remaining random elements.
class_ratio <- n_large / n_small
n_partitions <- ceiling(class_ratio - floor(class_ratio) * 0.1)
# Determine the number of partitions.
if (imbalance_method == "random_undersampling") {
# Set randomisation flag.
randomise <- n_partitions > 1
if (n_partitions > 1) {
# Use setting provided by the user.
n_partitions <- imbalance_n_partitions
} else if (n_partitions != imbalance_n_partitions) {
# In case the number of unique partitions is 1, and the user-provided
# setting is not 1, create only one partition and warn the user.
warning("Only one unique partition can be created.")
} else {
# Set randomise to FALSE.
randomise <- FALSE
# Determine how much of the levels are occupied by the base partition, and
# how many levels remain to be set.
level_frequency[, "n" := n_small]
partition == "base",
list("n" = .N),
by = "outcome"],
"n" := n - i.n,
on = "outcome"]
level_frequency[n < 0, "n" := 0L]
# Throw an error if no further partitions can be formed aside from the base.
# This basically means that the minority class is too small.
if (all(level_frequency$n == 0L) && any($partition))) {
"The minority class may contain too few instances (", n_small,
") to allow for balanced partitioning. ",
"This error occurs when all samples containing the minority class ",
"also completely fill out the allowed space for majority classes. ",
"Thus, no other samples that contain a non-minority class could be ",
"selected. We would recommend to either increase the data available, ",
"or remove all instances of the minority class."))
# Initialise iterator.
ii <- 0
while (TRUE) {
# Update the iterator
ii <- ii + 1L
# Set a warning flag that tracks classes for which no samples were
# assigned.
no_class_assigned <- NULL
# Copy the fold_level frequency.
partition_level_frequency <- data.table::copy(level_frequency)
# Get all available data.
# Undersampling should use any data not assigned to the base minority
# class dataset. This includes samples that may have been assigned to
# other partitions. Such assigned samples will be treated at the same
# priority for random partitions, and a lower priority for full
# partitions.
available_data <- subset_table[ | partition != "base"]
# Break if partitions have been exhausted.
if (imbalance_method == "random_undersampling" && ii > n_partitions) break
# Check that any data are available, or that we can create a meaningful
# partition using additional data.
if (nrow(available_data) == 0 ||
all(partition_level_frequency$n == 0) ||
length(majority_class) == 0) {
# If no data are available in the first iteration, copy the dataset that
# was based on the minority class(es), and break from the loop.
if (ii <- 1) {
train_list[[ii]] <- subset_table[partition == "base", mget(id_columns)]
# Break if all data have been assigned.
if (imbalance_method == "full_undersampling" &&
all(!$partition))) {
# Iterate over majority classes.
for (current_class in majority_class) {
# Select only data where the current class is present.
partition_data <- available_data[
unique(available_data[outcome == current_class, mget(sample_id_columns)]),
on = .NATURAL]
# Randomly order samples.
# In case of random partitioning, all available samples are randomly
# ordered. Otherwise, for full partitioning, we first randomly order any
# unassigned samples (if any), and then order any previously assigned
# samples (if any). This is done in order that any intermediate classes
# will be sufficiently represented in the data.
# Note that we cannot directly select and insert samples by outcome level,
# because a sample may contain multiple series with different outcomes.
if (randomise) {
# For random partitioning.
# Order available data randomly.
sample_order <- fam_sample(
x = partition_data,
replace = FALSE,
rstream_object = rstream_object)
# Set sample_order_id. This will be used to order partition_data.
sample_order[, "sample_order_id" := .I]
} else {
# For full partitioning.
unassigned_partition_data <- partition_data[]
assigned_partition_data <- data.table::fsetdiff(
partition_data, unassigned_partition_data)
# Initial sample order offset.
sample_order_offset <- 0L
# Initialise datasets.
assigned_sample_order <- unassigned_sample_order <- NULL
if (nrow(unassigned_partition_data) > 0) {
# Order available data randomly.
unassigned_sample_order <- fam_sample(
x = unassigned_partition_data,
replace = FALSE,
rstream_object = rstream_object)
# Set sample_order_id. This will be used to order available_data.
unassigned_sample_order[, "sample_order_id" := .I]
# Update the sample order offset.
sample_order_offset <- nrow(unassigned_sample_order)
if (nrow(assigned_partition_data) > 0) {
# Order available data randomly.
assigned_sample_order <- fam_sample(
x = assigned_partition_data,
replace = FALSE,
rstream_object = rstream_object)
# Set sample_order_id. This will be used to order available_data.
assigned_sample_order[, "sample_order_id" := .I + sample_order_offset]
# Determine sample order.
sample_order <- data.table::rbindlist(
list(unassigned_sample_order, assigned_sample_order))
# Merge with available_data
partition_data <- merge(
x = partition_data,
y = sample_order,
by = sample_id_columns
# Determine the frequency of outcome levels for each sample.
partition_data <- partition_data[
, list("n" = .N),
by = c(sample_id_columns, "outcome", "sample_order_id")]
# From here on we select the samples and add them to the partition. This
# proceeds according to the following steps:
# * Remove all samples that would not fit the current partition, because
# adding the sample would increase the frequency of any class beyond
# what is required.
# * Select those samples that are valid in the sense that they would not
# cause the number of instances for any outcome to be exceeded. This is
# done in the order established above according to the sample_order_id.
# These samples are assigned to the partition.
# * Update the frequency for each class that should still be obtained to
# complete the outcome.
# * Use the updated frequency to remove all samples that were not
# previously selected and that would not fit the current partition any
# more.
# * Iterate over any remaining samples to add them to the partition.
# Remove any samples that would exceed the required total instances for
# each level. First mark the instances that do not exceed the required
# number of samples.
"keep" := n <= i.n,
on = "outcome"]
# Then mark the corresponding samples, and only keep those.
partition_data[, "keep" := all(keep), by = c(sample_id_columns, "sample_order_id")]
partition_data <- partition_data[keep == TRUE]
if (nrow(partition_data) == 0) {
# At this point none of the samples with the current class have been
# assigned. If partition_data is empty, that means that the samples
# with this class were skipped, perhaps because samples selected from
# previous classes already created a balanced set.
no_class_assigned <- c(no_class_assigned, current_class)
# Now, we select those samples which will surely be included. First,
# determine the cumulative sum for each outcome.
partition_data[, "cumulative_n" := cumsum(n), by = "outcome"]
# Mark the samples where the cumulative sum of outcomes would not exceed
# the required number.
"keep" := cumulative_n <= i.n,
on = "outcome"]
# Mark the corresponding samples.
partition_data[, "keep" := all(keep), by = c(sample_id_columns, "sample_order_id")]
# Mark the data in the subset table.
partition_data[keep == TRUE, mget(sample_id_columns)],
"partition" := as.character(ii),
on = .NATURAL]
# Update partition level frequency
keep == TRUE,
list("n" = sum(n)),
by = "outcome"],
"n" := n - i.n,
on = "outcome"]
# Determine if the outcome level was filled to the required level.
if (partition_level_frequency[outcome == current_class]$n == 0) next
# Select remaining data to complete
partition_data <- partition_data[keep == FALSE]
# Check that any data actually has been selected.
if (nrow(partition_data) == 0) next
# Remove any samples that would exceed the required total instances for
# each level. First mark the instances that do not exceed the required
# number of samples.
"keep" := n <= i.n,
on = "outcome"]
# Then mark the corresponding samples, and only keep those.
partition_data[, "keep" := all(keep), by = c(sample_id_columns, "sample_order_id")]
partition_data <- partition_data[keep == TRUE, ]
# Check that any data actually has been selected.
if (nrow(partition_data) == 0) next()
# Iterate over the remaining samples. For each sample we check whether
# it can be added to the partition.
for (current_sample in split(partition_data, by = "sample_order_id")) {
# Determine if the sample can be added.
safe_to_add <- all(partition_level_frequency[
list("n" = n - i.n),
on = "outcome"]$n >= 0)
# Skip to next sample, if the current sample cannot be added due to
# constraints.
if (!safe_to_add) next()
# If the check passes, we need to add the sample to the fold, and
# update level_frequency_fold.
partition_level_frequency[current_sample, "n" := n - i.n, on = "outcome"]
# Mark the sample as being assigned. Note that randomised
# undersampling ignores this.
unique(current_sample[, mget(sample_id_columns)]),
"partition" := as.character(ii),
on = .NATURAL]
# Skip further samples if no more samples need to be added to the fold.
if (all(partition_level_frequency$n == 0)) break
# Select samples.
train_list[[ii]] <- subset_table[
partition %in% c("base", as.character(ii)),
# Check that any unassigned samples are not completely covered by
# no_class_assigned.
if (!is.null(no_class_assigned) && imbalance_method == "full_undersampling") {
if (any($partition))) {
if (all(subset_table[]$outcome %in% no_class_assigned)) {
# Determine the number of samples that cannot be assigned.
n_samples_not_assigned <- data.table::uniqueN(
subset_table[, mget(sample_id_columns)])
# Throw warning.
ifelse(n_samples_not_assigned > 1, " samples", " sample"),
" could not be assigned during undersampling for balance correction."))
} else if (ii > 1) {
# Check if the generated dataset is actually unique.
flag_infinite_loop <- FALSE
for (jj in seq_len(ii - 1)) {
if (data.table::fsetequal(train_list[[ii]], train_list[[jj]])) {
# Remove non-unique dataset from train_list and break from the
# loop.
train_list[[ii]] <- NULL
flag_infinite_loop <- TRUE
if (flag_infinite_loop) {
# Determine the number of samples that cannot be assigned.
n_samples_not_assigned <- data.table::uniqueN(
subset_table[, mget(sample_id_columns)])
# Throw warning.
ifelse(n_samples_not_assigned > 1, " samples", " sample"),
" could not be assigned during undersampling for balance correction."))
# Update the number of partitions to the actual number of partitions.
n_partitions <- length(train_list)
# Return list with partitions
.create_subsample <- function(
size = NULL,
n_iter = 1L,
sample_identifiers = NULL,
settings = NULL,
outcome_type = NULL,
stratify = TRUE,
tolerance = 0.05,
rstream_object = NULL) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
outcome <- frequency <- n <- .NATURAL <- NULL
i.frequency <- i.n <- order_id <- cum_n <- frequency_diff <- NULL
# Obtain id columns
id_columns <- get_id_columns(id_depth = "series")
# Set outcome_type from settings
if (is.null(outcome_type)) outcome_type <- settings$data$outcome_type
# Set sample identifiers, if not provided. Note that is only the case during
# unit testing.
if (is.null(sample_identifiers)) {
sample_identifiers <- unique(data[, mget(id_columns)])
# Check stratification for continuous data
if (outcome_type %in% c("continuous", "count")) stratify <- FALSE
# Check stratification for absent data
if (is_empty(data)) stratify <- FALSE
if (outcome_type %in% c("continuous", "count")) {
# Select data based on sample id - note that even if duplicate
# sample_identifiers exist, only unique sample_identifiers are maintained -
# this is intentional.
subset_table <- merge(
x = unique(data[, mget(c(id_columns, "outcome"))]),
y = sample_identifiers,
by = id_columns,
all = FALSE)
} else if (outcome_type == "survival") {
# For stratifying survival data we require the event status.
# Event status (including NA) are transcoded.
subset_table <- merge(
x = unique(data[, mget(c(id_columns, "outcome_event"))]),
y = sample_identifiers,
by = id_columns,
all = FALSE)
x = subset_table,
old = "outcome_event",
new = "outcome")
# Transcode event status
subset_table[, "outcome" := factor(outcome)]
subset_table$outcome <- addNA(subset_table$outcome, ifany = TRUE)
} else if (outcome_type %in% c("binomial", "multinomial")) {
# For stratifying categorical data we require the outcome data as is.
# Redundant factors are dropped and remaining factors (including NA) are
# transcoded
subset_table <- merge(
x = unique(data[, mget(c(id_columns, "outcome"))]),
y = sample_identifiers,
by = id_columns,
all = FALSE)
# Transcode classes
subset_table$outcome <- addNA(subset_table$outcome, ifany = TRUE)
subset_table$outcome <- droplevels(subset_table$outcome)
} else if (outcome_type %in% c("competing_risk", "multi_label")) {
# Determine sample-id columns
sample_id_columns <- get_id_columns(id_depth = "sample")
# Get the number of samples.
n_samples <- data.table::uniqueN(subset_table[, mget(sample_id_columns)])
# Check size
if (is.null(size)) size <- n_samples
if (size > n_samples) size <- n_samples
# Initiate training and validation lists
train_list <- valid_list <- list()
# Iterate
for (ii in seq_len(n_iter)) {
# Set initial size. This will decrease when assigning samples.
size_remaining <- size
# Make a copy of the data.
available_data <- data.table::copy(subset_table)
# Set availability status.
available_data[, "is_available" := TRUE]
if (outcome_type %in% c("survival", "binomial", "multinomial")) {
# Determine the frequency of sample outcomes, and order by increasing
# frequency.
level_frequency <- subset_table[, list("n" = .N), by = "outcome"][order(n)]
level_frequency[, "frequency" := n / sum(n)]
class_order <- level_frequency$outcome
# Pick initial samples.
for (current_class in class_order) {
# Check if any samples can be selected.
if (size_remaining == 0) break
# Check if the class has already been selected.
if (any(available_data[is_available == FALSE]$outcome == current_class)) next
# Select data that contains the current data.
partition_data <- available_data[
outcome == current_class & is_available == TRUE,
on = .NATURAL]
# Select a single sample from the potential datasets.
train_id <- fam_sample(partition_data,
size = 1L,
replace = FALSE,
rstream_object = rstream_object)
# Mark as being selected.
available_data[train_id, "is_available" := FALSE, on = .NATURAL]
# Reduce size.
size_remaining <- size_remaining - 1L
if (!stratify && size_remaining > 0) {
# Unstratified assignment.
# Select a samples from the remaining available samples.
train_id <- fam_sample(
available_data[is_available == TRUE, mget(sample_id_columns)],
size = size_remaining,
replace = FALSE,
rstream_object = rstream_object)
# Mark as being selected.
available_data[train_id, "is_available" := FALSE, on = .NATURAL]
# Reduce size.
size_remaining <- 0L
} else if (stratify && size_remaining > 0) {
# Stratified assignment. This is more complex. First we attempt to
# randomly assign samples, for which we check tolerance with the expected
# stratification. Starting with the largest randomly selected sample set
# for which class frequencies were acceptable, we then statically add any
# suitable samples that are within tolerance, or improve the situation,
# until we collected all the required samples.
# Correct for already selected samples.
selected_frequency <- available_data[
is_available == FALSE,
list("n" = .N),
by = "outcome"][order(n)]
# Select samples that have not been selected previously.
partition_data <- available_data[
is_available == TRUE,
on = .NATURAL]
# Set null data.
null_data <- data.table::data.table(expand.grid(
"order_id" = seq_len(size_remaining),
"outcome" = levels(subset_table$outcome),
"n" = 0L))
# Randomly selected samples.
random_data <- fam_sample(partition_data,
size = size_remaining,
replace = FALSE,
rstream_object = rstream_object)
# Add in indices.
random_data[, "order_id" := .I]
# Update null data.
null_data <- null_data[random_data, on = .NATURAL]
# Compute the number of outcomes in random data
random_data <- partition_data[random_data, on = .NATURAL]
random_data <- random_data[, list("n" = .N), by = c("order_id", sample_id_columns, "outcome")]
# Update missing levels.
random_data <- data.table::rbindlist(
list(random_data, null_data),
use.names = TRUE)
random_data <- random_data[, list("n" = max(n)), by = c("order_id", sample_id_columns, "outcome")]
random_data <- random_data[order(order_id)]
# Compute the cumulative number of outcomes.
random_data[, "cum_n" := cumsum(n), by = "outcome"]
# Add previously selected frequencies.
random_data[selected_frequency, "cum_n" := cum_n + i.n, on = "outcome"]
# Compute the frequency.
random_data[, "frequency" := cum_n / sum(cum_n), by = "order_id"]
# Compare with the required frequency.
"frequency_diff" := abs(frequency - i.frequency),
on = "outcome"]
# Check where the random assignment was reasonably ok.
frequency_check <- random_data[, list(
"difference_ok" = all(frequency_diff <= tolerance)),
by = "order_id"]
last_ok_sample <- tail(which(frequency_check$difference_ok), n = 1L)
if (length(last_ok_sample) > 0) {
# Mark data.
unique(random_data[order_id <= last_ok_sample, mget(sample_id_columns)]),
"is_available" := FALSE,
on = .NATURAL]
# Update remaining.
size_remaining <- size_remaining - last_ok_sample
# Determine selected_frequency for already selected samples.
selected_frequency <- available_data[
is_available == FALSE,
list("n" = .N),
by = "outcome"][order(n)]
selected_frequency[, "frequency" := n / sum(n)]
"frequency_diff" := abs(frequency - i.frequency),
on = "outcome"]
# Static selection.
while (size_remaining > 0) {
# Select available data.
partition_data <- available_data[
is_available == TRUE,
on = .NATURAL]
# Shuffle partition_data.
partition_data <- fam_sample(
size = data.table::uniqueN(partition_data[, mget(sample_id_columns)]),
replace = FALSE,
rstream_object = rstream_object)
# Add in outcome data to the number of outcomes in random data
partition_data <- available_data[partition_data, on = .NATURAL]
# Compute the number of outcomes.
partition_data <- partition_data[, list("n" = .N), by = c(sample_id_columns, "outcome")]
# Flag to check if any samples were added.
any_samples_added <- FALSE
for (current_sample in split(partition_data, by = sample_id_columns)) {
# Check if adding the sample would improve the frequency, or at least
# not reduce it too much.
new_frequency <- data.table::copy(selected_frequency)
new_frequency[current_sample, "n" := n + i.n, on = "outcome"]
new_frequency[, "frequency" := n / sum(n)]
"frequency_diff" := abs(frequency - i.frequency),
on = "outcome"]
# Check difference of previously selected
previous_diff <- sum(selected_frequency$frequency_diff)
new_diff <- sum(new_frequency$frequency_diff)
# Check if difference was previously ok.
previous_diff_ok <- all(selected_frequency$frequency_diff <= tolerance)
new_diff_ok <- all(new_frequency$frequency_diff <= tolerance)
assign_sample <- FALSE
if (new_diff_ok) {
# Assign sample if the new difference is still ok.
assign_sample <- TRUE
} else if (!previous_diff_ok && !new_diff_ok && new_diff <= previous_diff) {
# Assign sample if the both the previous difference and new
# difference are not ok, but the new difference is better.
assign_sample <- TRUE
if (assign_sample) {
# Assign the current sample.
current_sample[, mget(sample_id_columns)],
"is_available" := FALSE,
on = .NATURAL]
# Update remaining.
size_remaining <- size_remaining - 1L
# Flag that samples were in fact added.
any_samples_added <- TRUE
# Use the new frequency as the selected frequency.
selected_frequency <- data.table::copy(new_frequency)
if (size_remaining == 0) break
# Check if any new samples were added. If not, simply draw from the
# dataset.
if (!any_samples_added) {
# Select a single sample from the potential datasets.
train_id <- fam_sample(
size = size_remaining,
replace = FALSE,
rstream_object = rstream_object)
# Mark as being selected.
available_data[train_id, "is_available" := FALSE, on = .NATURAL]
# Reduce size.
size_remaining <- 0L
# Select only relevant columns from selected samples.
train_id <- unique(available_data[is_available == FALSE, mget(id_columns)])
# Determine the out-of-bag data.
valid_id <- data.table::fsetdiff(
x = subset_table[, mget(id_columns)],
y = train_id)
# Store to list
train_list[[ii]] <- train_id
valid_list[[ii]] <- valid_id
# Update iterators
ii <- ii + 1
"train_list" = train_list,
"valid_list" = valid_list))
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