#' @include FamiliarS4Generics.R
#' @include FamiliarS4Classes.R
# familiarDataElementCalibrationData object ------------------------------------
contains = "familiarDataElement")
# familiarDataElementCalibrationLinearFit object -------------------------------
contains = "familiarDataElement")
# familiarDataElementCalibrationGoodnessOfFit object ---------------------------
contains = "familiarDataElement")
# familiarDataElementCalibrationDensity object ---------------------------------
contains = "familiarDataElement")
# extract_calibration_data (generic) -------------------------------------------
#'@title Internal function to extract calibration data.
#'@description Computes calibration data from a `familiarEnsemble` object.
#' Calibration tests are performed based on expected (predicted) and observed
#' outcomes. For all outcomes, calibration-at-the-large and calibration slopes
#' are determined. Furthermore, for all but survival outcomes, a repeated,
#' randomised grouping Hosmer-Lemeshow test is performed. For survival
#' outcomes, the Nam-D'Agostino and Greenwood-Nam-D'Agostino tests are
#' performed.
#'@inheritParams extract_data
#'@return A list with data.tables containing calibration test information for
#' the ensemble model.
#'@keywords internal
cl = NULL,
ensemble_method = waiver(),
evaluation_times = waiver(),
detail_level = waiver(),
estimation_type = waiver(),
aggregate_results = waiver(),
confidence_level = waiver(),
bootstrap_ci_method = waiver(),
is_pre_processed = FALSE,
message_indent = 0L,
verbose = FALSE,
...) {
#### extract_calibration_data --------------------------------------------------
signature(object = "familiarEnsemble"),
cl = NULL,
ensemble_method = waiver(),
evaluation_times = waiver(),
detail_level = waiver(),
estimation_type = waiver(),
aggregate_results = waiver(),
confidence_level = waiver(),
bootstrap_ci_method = waiver(),
is_pre_processed = FALSE,
message_indent = 0L,
verbose = FALSE,
...) {
# Message extraction start
paste0("Assessing model calibration."),
indent = message_indent,
verbose = verbose)
# Load evaluation_times from the object settings attribute, if it is not
# provided.
if (is.waive(evaluation_times)) evaluation_times <- object@settings$eval_times
# Check evaluation_times argument
if (object@outcome_type %in% c("survival")) {
var_name = "evaluation_times",
range = c(0.0, Inf),
closed = c(FALSE, TRUE))
# Obtain ensemble method from stored settings, if required.
if (is.waive(ensemble_method)) ensemble_method <- object@settings$ensemble_method
# Check ensemble_method argument
x = ensemble_method,
var_name = "ensemble_method",
values = .get_available_ensemble_prediction_methods())
# Load confidence alpha from object settings attribute if not provided
# externally.
if (is.waive(confidence_level)) confidence_level <- object@settings$confidence_level
# Check confidence_level input argument
x = confidence_level,
var_name = "confidence_level",
range = c(0.0, 1.0),
closed = c(FALSE, FALSE))
# Load the bootstrap method
if (is.waive(bootstrap_ci_method)) bootstrap_ci_method <- object@settings$bootstrap_ci_method
x = bootstrap_ci_method,
var_name = "bootstrap_ci_method",
values = .get_available_bootstrap_confidence_interval_methods())
# Check the level detail.
detail_level <- .parse_detail_level(
x = detail_level,
object = object,
default = "hybrid",
data_element = "calibration_data")
# Check the estimation type.
estimation_type <- .parse_estimation_type(
x = estimation_type,
object = object,
default = "bootstrap_confidence_interval",
data_element = "calibration_data",
detail_level = detail_level,
has_internal_bootstrap = TRUE)
# Check whether results should be aggregated.
aggregate_results <- .parse_aggregate_results(
x = aggregate_results,
object = object,
default = TRUE,
data_element = "calibration_data")
# Test if models are properly loaded
if (!is_model_loaded(object = object)) ..error_ensemble_models_not_loaded()
# Test if any model in the ensemble was successfully trained.
if (!model_is_trained(object = object)) return(NULL)
x = "harmonicmeanp",
purpose = "to compute p-values for model calibration tests",
message_type = "warning")
# Generate a prototype data element.
proto_data_element <- new(
detail_level = detail_level,
estimation_type = estimation_type,
confidence_level = confidence_level,
bootstrap_ci_method = bootstrap_ci_method)
# Generate elements to send to dispatch.
calibration_data <- extract_dispatcher(
FUN = .extract_calibration_data,
has_internal_bootstrap = TRUE,
cl = cl,
object = object,
data = data,
proto_data_element = proto_data_element,
is_pre_processed = is_pre_processed,
ensemble_method = ensemble_method,
evaluation_times = evaluation_times,
aggregate_results = aggregate_results,
message_indent = message_indent + 1L,
verbose = verbose)
.extract_calibration_data <- function(
evaluation_times = NULL,
...) {
# Ensure that the object is loaded
object <- load_familiar_object(object)
# Add model name.
proto_data_element <- add_model_name(
object = object)
# Add evaluation time as a identifier to the data element.
if (length(evaluation_times) > 0 && object@outcome_type == "survival") {
data_elements <- add_data_element_identifier(
x = proto_data_element,
evaluation_time = evaluation_times)
} else {
data_elements <- list(proto_data_element)
# Iterate over data elements.
calibration_data <- lapply(
object = object,
aggregate_results = aggregate_results,
cl = cl,
..extract_calibration_data <- function(
cl = NULL,
progress_bar = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE,
...) {
# Message the user concerning the time at which metrics are computed. This is
# only relevant for survival analysis.
if (length(data_element@identifiers$evaluation_time) > 0 && progress_bar) {
"Assessing model calibration at time ",
data_element@identifiers$evaluation_time, "."),
indent = message_indent,
verbose = verbose)
# Aggregate data.
data <- aggregate_data(data)
if (object@outcome_type %in% c("survival", "competing_risk")) {
# Predict class probabilities or regression values.
prediction_data <- .predict(
object = object,
data = data,
type = "survival_probability",
time = data_element@identifiers$evaluation_time,
ensemble_method = ensemble_method,
is_pre_processed = is_pre_processed)
} else {
# Predict class probabilities or regression values.
prediction_data <- .predict(
object = object,
data = data,
ensemble_method = ensemble_method,
is_pre_processed = is_pre_processed)
# Check if any predictions are valid.
if (!all_predictions_valid(prediction_data, outcome_type = object@outcome_type)) return(NULL)
# Remove data with missing outcomes.
prediction_data <- remove_missing_outcomes(
data = prediction_data,
outcome_type = object@outcome_type)
# Check that any prediction data remain.
if (is_empty(prediction_data)) return(NULL)
# Add positive class as an identifier.
if (object@outcome_type %in% c("binomial")) {
data_element <- add_data_element_identifier(
x = data_element,
positive_class = get_outcome_class_levels(object)[2])
} else if (object@outcome_type %in% c("multinomial")) {
data_element <- add_data_element_identifier(
x = data_element,
positive_class = get_outcome_class_levels(object))
# Add bootstrap data.
bootstrap_data <- add_data_element_bootstrap(
x = data_element,
# Add distribution data.
if (!is.list(data_element)) data_element <- list(data_element)
density_data <- lapply(
data = prediction_data,
object = object)
# Iterate over elements.
data_elements <- fam_mapply(
cl = cl,
assign = NULL,
FUN = .compute_calibration_data,
data_element = bootstrap_data$data_element,
bootstrap = bootstrap_data$bootstrap,
bootstrap_seed = bootstrap_data$seed,
MoreArgs = list(
"object" = object,
"data" = prediction_data),
progress_bar = progress_bar,
chopchop = TRUE)
# Flatten list of data elements.
data_elements <- unlist(data_elements)
if (!is.list(data_elements)) data_elements <- list(data_elements)
# Add in density data elements.
data_elements <- c(data_elements, density_data)
# Merge data elements
data_elements <- merge_data_elements(data_elements)
if (aggregate_results) data_elements <- .compute_data_element_estimates(x = data_elements)
.compute_calibration_data <- function(
bootstrap_seed) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
observed <- NULL
# Bootstrap the data.
if (bootstrap) {
data <- get_bootstrap_sample(
data = data,
seed = bootstrap_seed)
# Extract data
if (object@outcome_type %in% c("survival")) {
# Calibration grouping data for survival outcomes.
calibration_data <- .compute_calibration_data_survival(
data = data,
time = data_element@identifiers$evaluation_time,
n_groups = ifelse(data_element@estimation_type == "point", 20L, 1L))
# Calibration-in-the-large and calibration slope
calibration_at_large <- .compute_calibration_linear_fit(
calibration_data = calibration_data,
outcome_type = object@outcome_type)
# Nam-D'Agostino tests
calibration_gof_test <- .compute_calibration_nam_dagostino(
calibration_data = calibration_data)
} else if (object@outcome_type %in% c("binomial", "multinomial")) {
# Calibration grouping data for categorical outcomes.
calibration_data <- .compute_calibration_data_categorical(
data = data,
positive_class = data_element@identifiers$positive_class,
n_groups = ifelse(data_element@estimation_type == "point", 20L, 1L))
# Calibration-in-the-large and calibration slope
calibration_at_large <- .compute_calibration_linear_fit(
calibration_data = calibration_data,
outcome_type = object@outcome_type)
# Hosmer-Lemeshow tests
calibration_gof_test <- .compute_calibration_hosmer_lemeshow(
calibration_data = calibration_data)
} else if (object@outcome_type %in% c("count", "continuous")) {
# Calibration grouping data for numerical outcomes.
calibration_data <- .compute_calibration_data_regression(
object = object,
data = data,
n_groups = ifelse(data_element@estimation_type == "point", 20L, 1L))
# Calibration-in-the-large and calibration slope
calibration_at_large <- .compute_calibration_linear_fit(
calibration_data = calibration_data,
outcome_type = object@outcome_type)
# Hosmer-Lemeshow tests
calibration_gof_test <- .compute_calibration_hosmer_lemeshow(
calibration_data = calibration_data)
} else {
if (!is_empty(calibration_data) && data_element@estimation_type != "point") {
# Interpolate data to regular expected values, unless point data is used.
calibration_data <- calibration_data[
, ..compute_calibration_data_interpolated(.SD),
by = c("rep_id"),
.SDcols = c("expected", "observed")]
# Keep only finite predictions,
calibration_data <- calibration_data[is.finite(observed)]
# Create additional data elements to contain linear fit data and GoF test
# data.
linear_fit_data_element <- methods::new(
gof_data_element <- methods::new(
# Set for calibration data.
data_element@data <- calibration_data
data_element@value_column <- "observed"
data_element@grouping_column <- "expected"
# Set linear fit data, i.e. calibration-in-the-large and calibration slope.
linear_fit_data_element@data <- calibration_at_large
linear_fit_data_element@value_column <- "value"
linear_fit_data_element@grouping_column <- "type"
# Set goodness of fit data.
gof_data_element@data <- calibration_gof_test
gof_data_element@value_column <- "p_value"
gof_data_element@grouping_column <- "type"
.compute_calibration_data_density <- function(
object) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
predicted_outcome <- NULL
# Copy data element.
data_element <- methods::new(
# Copy data
data <- data.table::copy(data)
if (object@outcome_type %in% c("survival", "competing_risk")) {
# Rename the survival column to standard name.
old = "survival_probability",
new = "expected")
} else if (object@outcome_type %in% c("binomial", "multinomial")) {
# Rename class probability columns to standard names.
old = get_class_probability_name(x = data_element@identifiers$positive_class),
new = "expected")
} else if (object@outcome_type %in% c("count", "continuous")) {
# Determine the outcome range
outcome_range <- range(object@outcome_info@distribution$fivenum)
# Get the shift and scale parameters.
norm_shift <- outcome_range[1]
norm_scale <- diff(outcome_range)
# Set scale parameters equal to 0.0 to 1.0 to avoid division by 0.
if (norm_scale == 0.0) norm_scale <- 1.0
# Apply normalisation.
data[, ":="("expected" = (predicted_outcome - norm_shift) / norm_scale)]
} else {
# Get expected values.
expected <- data$expected
# Set interpolation range for expected values. This allows for aggregating
# observed values based on the expected value.
expected_interpolated <- seq(
from = 0.000,
to = 1.000,
by = 0.005)
# Determine the bin for expected.
n <- length(expected_interpolated)
# Discretise bins.
group_bin <- floor((n - 1) * expected) + 1
# Check if the group_bin still falls within the valid range.
group_bin <- ifelse(group_bin > n, n, group_bin)
group_bin <- ifelse(group_bin < 1, 1, group_bin)
# Compute the frequency of each entry.
data <- data.table::data.table("expected" = expected_interpolated[group_bin])
data <- data[, list("frequency" = .N / length(group_bin)), by = "expected"]
# Set linear fit data, i.e. calibration-in-the-large and calibration slope.
data_element@data <- data
data_element@value_column <- "frequency"
data_element@grouping_column <- "expected"
.compute_calibration_data_survival <- function(
n_groups = 1L) {
# Generate baseline calibration data for survival models from an input table
# (data) containing survival probabilities for each sample and
# corresponding time and event status.
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
exp_prob <- NULL
# Rename the survival column to standard name.
old = c("outcome_time", "outcome_event", "survival_probability"),
new = c("time", "event", "exp_prob"))
# Sort by survival probability.
data <- data[order(exp_prob)]
# Repeatedly split into groups. The number of groups is determined using
# sturges rule.
repeated_groups <- lapply(
function(ii, x, y, sample_identifiers) {
x = x,
y = y,
sample_identifiers = sample_identifiers,
n_min_y_in_group = 4))
x = data$exp_prob,
y = data$event,
sample_identifiers = data[, mget(get_id_columns(id_depth = "series"))])
# Iterate over groups and add details by comparing the kaplan-meier survival
# curve within each group at time with the mean survival probability in
# the group.
calibration_table <- lapply(
function(ii, groups, data, time) {
data = data,
groups = groups[[ii]],
time = time,
ii = ii))
groups = repeated_groups,
data = data,
time = time)
# Concatenate to table.
calibration_table <- data.table::rbindlist(
use.names = TRUE)
# Prevent processing of empty tables.
if (is_empty(calibration_table)) return(NULL)
# Set column order.
x = calibration_table,
neworder = c("expected", "observed", "km_var", "n_g", "rep_id"))
..compute_calibration_data_survival <- function(
ii) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
# Placeholder variables
obs_prob <- exp_prob <- n_g <- km_var <- numeric(length(groups))
# Check that the groups list contains at least one entry.
if (is_empty(groups)) return(NULL)
# Get observed and expected probabilities over the groups
for (jj in seq_along(groups)) {
# Find data for the current group
group_data <- data[unique(groups[[jj]]), on = .NATURAL]
if (nrow(group_data) >= 2) {
# Fit a Kaplan-Meier curve for the current group
km_fit <- survival::survfit(Surv(time, event) ~ 1, data = group_data)
if (length(km_fit$time) >= 2) {
# Get observed probability
obs_prob[jj] <- stats::approx(
x = km_fit$time,
y = km_fit$surv,
xout = time,
method = "linear",
rule = 2)$y
# Get expected probability
exp_prob[jj] <- mean(group_data$exp_prob)
# Get group size
n_g[jj] <- length(groups[[jj]])
# Get greenwood variance estimate.
km_var[jj] <- stats::approx(
x = km_fit$time,
y = km_fit$std.err,
xout = time,
method = "linear",
rule = 2)$y^2
} else {
# Set NA values.
obs_prob[jj] <- exp_prob[jj] <- km_var[jj] <- NA_real_
n_g[jj] <- NA_integer_
} else {
# Set NA values.
obs_prob[jj] <- exp_prob[jj] <- km_var[jj] <- NA_real_
n_g[jj] <- NA_integer_
# Create table.
calibration_table <- data.table::data.table(
"expected" = exp_prob,
"observed" = obs_prob,
"n_g" = n_g,
"km_var" = km_var,
"rep_id" = ii)
.compute_calibration_data_categorical <- function(
n_groups = 1L) {
# For assessing the calibration of categorical outcomes, we require expected
# and observed probabilities for 1 (binomial) or all classes (multinomial).
# Expected probabilities are easy, as the model predicts them. Observed
# probabilities are however based on class proportion within a group. This
# means that we need to define groups, ordered by predicted probability. The
# same groups need to be defined for the Hosmer-Lemeshow test, so we might as
# well obtain all the data here.
# Groups are defined for each class level because the samples should be
# ordered according to predicted class probability to create the groups.
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
observed_class <- exp_prob <- NULL
# Determine outcome column
positive_class_column_name <- get_class_probability_name(x = positive_class)
# Identify the real outcome columns
outcome_column <- get_outcome_columns(x = "binomial")
# Find sample identifiers.
sample_identifiers <- get_id_columns(id_depth = "series")
# Create a local copy of the data table
data <- data.table::copy(data[, mget(c(sample_identifiers, outcome_column, positive_class_column_name))])
# Only select instances with known outcomes and probabilities
data <- data[!( |, ]
# Check that there is actually any data to work with
if (is_empty(data)) return(NULL)
# Rename columns to standard names
old = c(outcome_column, positive_class_column_name),
new = c("observed_class", "exp_prob"))
# Mask class so that positive outcomes are TRUE and the rest FALSE
data[, "observed_class" := observed_class == positive_class]
# Sort by probability
data <- data[order(exp_prob)]
# Repeatedly split into groups. The number of groups is determined using
# sturges rule.
repeated_groups <- lapply(
function(ii, x, sample_identifiers) {
x = x,
sample_identifiers = sample_identifiers))
x = data$exp_prob,
sample_identifiers = data[, mget(sample_identifiers)])
# Iterate over groups
calibration_table <- lapply(
function(ii, groups, data) {
data = data,
groups = groups[[ii]],
ii = ii))
data = data,
groups = repeated_groups)
# Combine to a single list.
calibration_table <- data.table::rbindlist(
use.names = TRUE)
# Check that any calibration data was generated.
if (is_empty(calibration_table)) return(NULL)
# Set column order
x = calibration_table,
neworder = c("expected", "observed", "n_g", "n_pos", "n_neg", "rep_id"))
..compute_calibration_data_categorical <- function(
ii) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
# Set placeholders.
obs_prob <- exp_prob <- n_g <- n_pos <- n_neg <- numeric(length(groups))
# Check that the groups list contains at least one entry.
if (is_empty(groups)) return(NULL)
# Get observed and expected probabilities over the groups
for (jj in seq_along(groups)) {
# Find data for the current group
group_data <- data[unique(groups[[jj]]), on = .NATURAL]
# Mean expected probability in a group.
exp_prob[jj] <- mean(group_data$exp_prob)
# Observed proportion of positive class in a group.
obs_prob[jj] <- mean(group_data$observed_class)
# Number of samples in the group
n_g[jj] <- nrow(group_data)
# Number of samples with the positive class in each group.
n_pos[jj] <- sum(group_data$observed_class)
# Number of samples with the negative class in each group.
n_neg[jj] <- sum(!group_data$observed_class)
# Create table
calibration_table <- data.table::data.table(
"expected" = exp_prob,
"observed" = obs_prob,
"n_g" = n_g,
"n_pos" = n_pos,
"n_neg" = n_neg,
"rep_id" = ii)
.compute_calibration_data_regression <- function(
n_groups = 1L) {
# Calibration for regression problems is pretty straightforward. However, for
# goodness-of-fit tests, we need to constrain expected and observed value
# ranges to [0, 1]. To do so, we use the range of outcome values from the
# development data, as stored in the calibration_info slot of the input
# object.
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
outcome <- predicted_outcome <- NULL
# Remove non-finite predicted values.
data <- data[is.finite(outcome) & is.finite(predicted_outcome), ]
# Check for empty required data.
if (is_empty(data)) return(NULL)
if (is.null(object@outcome_info)) return(NULL)
# Determine the outcome range
outcome_range <- range(object@outcome_info@distribution$fivenum)
# Get the shift and scale parameters.
norm_shift <- outcome_range[1]
norm_scale <- diff(outcome_range)
# Set scale parameters equal to 0.0 to 1.0 to avoid division by 0.
if (norm_scale == 0.0) norm_scale <- 1.0
# Apply normalisation.
data[, ":="(
"expected" = (predicted_outcome - norm_shift) / norm_scale,
"observed" = (outcome - norm_shift) / norm_scale)]
# Repeatedly split into groups. The number of groups is determined using
# sturges rule.
repeated_groups <- lapply(
function(ii, x, sample_identifiers) {
x = x,
sample_identifiers = sample_identifiers))
x = data$expected,
sample_identifiers = data[, mget(get_id_columns(id_depth = "series"))])
# Iterate over groups
calibration_table <- lapply(
function(ii, groups, data) {
data = data,
groups = groups[[ii]],
ii = ii))
data = data,
groups = repeated_groups)
# Concatenate to a single table
calibration_table <- data.table::rbindlist(
use.names = TRUE)
# Check if the resulting table contains data.
if (is_empty(calibration_table)) return(NULL)
# Make columns match the expected order
x = calibration_table,
neworder = c("expected", "observed", "n_g", "rep_id"))
..compute_calibration_data_regression <- function(
ii) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
# Set placeholders.
obs_prob <- exp_prob <- n_g <- numeric(length(groups))
# Check that the groups list contains at least one entry.
if (is_empty(groups)) return(NULL)
# Get observed and expected probabilities over the groups
for (jj in seq_along(groups)) {
# Find data for the current group
group_data <- data[unique(groups[[jj]]), on = .NATURAL]
# Mean expected probability in a group.
exp_prob[jj] <- mean(group_data$expected)
# Observed proportion of positive class in a group.
obs_prob[jj] <- mean(group_data$observed)
# Number of samples in the group
n_g[jj] <- nrow(group_data)
# Create table
calibration_table <- data.table::data.table(
"expected" = exp_prob,
"observed" = obs_prob,
"n_g" = n_g,
"rep_id" = ii)
.compute_calibration_linear_fit <- function(
outcome_type) {
# Tests calibration-at-the-large and calibration slope
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table.
expected <- observed <- p_value <- NULL
# Check that calibration data are not empty.
if (is_empty(calibration_data)) return(NULL)
# Filter out non-finite expected and observed values.
calibration_data <- calibration_data[is.finite(expected) & is.finite(observed)]
# Check if the input is empty or only contains one entry
if (nrow(calibration_data) < 2) return(NULL)
# Fit per repeated measurement.
fit_data <- lapply(
split(calibration_data, by = "rep_id"),
outcome_type = outcome_type)
# Concatenate to a single table.
fit_data <- data.table::rbindlist(
use.names = TRUE)
# Remove NaNs
fit_data <- fit_data[is.finite(p_value)]
if (is_empty(fit_data)) return(NULL)
..compute_calibration_fit <- function(
outcome_type) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table.
type <- value <- ci_low <- ci_up <- NULL
# Perform a linear fit. Note that the slope is offset by 1*expected to
# directly compare with the expected slope of 1.
fit <- stats::lm(
observed ~ expected + 1 + offset(expected),
data = calibration_data)
# Get coefficients for intercept and slope
fit_coef <- stats::coef(fit)
# Determine if there is no slope.
no_slope <-["expected"]) && data.table::uniqueN(calibration_data$expected)
if (no_slope) fit_coef["expected"] <- 0.0
# Get confidence intervals
fit_conf_int <- suppressWarnings(stats::confint(fit))
if (no_slope) fit_conf_int["expected", ] <- c(-Inf, Inf)
# Get summary
fit_summary <- suppressWarnings(stats::summary.lm(fit))$coefficients
if (no_slope) {
fit_summary <- rbind(
matrix(data = c(0.0, Inf, 0.0, 1.0), ncol = 4)
rownames(fit_summary) <- c("(Intercept)", "expected")
# Correct for having multiple overlapping groups in binomial and multinomial
# tests.
if (outcome_type %in% c("binomial", "multinomial", "survival")) {
# Determine the number of groups.
n_groups <- data.table::uniqueN(calibration_data, by = "rep_id")
# Recompute the standard deviation
fit_summary[, 2] <- fit_summary[, 2] * sqrt(n_groups)
# Recompute the t-score
fit_summary[, 3] <- fit_summary[, 1] / fit_summary[, 2]
fit_summary[, 3][fit_summary[, 2] == 0.0] <- Inf
# Recompute the p-value
fit_summary[, 4] <- 2.0 * stats::pt(abs(fit_summary[, 3]), fit$df.residual, lower.tail = FALSE)
# Adapt the confidence intervals
fit_conf_int[, 1] <- fit_summary[, 1] + fit_summary[, 2] * stats::qnorm(0.025)
fit_conf_int[, 2] <- fit_summary[, 1] + fit_summary[, 2] * stats::qnorm(0.975)
# Construct data table
calibration_at_large <- data.table::data.table(
"type" = c("offset", "slope"),
"value" = fit_coef,
"ci_low" = fit_conf_int[, 1],
"ci_up" = fit_conf_int[, 2],
"p_value" = fit_summary[, 4])
# Update the slope so that the expected slope (slope+1) is shown instead
type == "slope",
"value" = value + 1,
"ci_low" = ci_low + 1,
"ci_up" = ci_up + 1)]
.compute_calibration_hosmer_lemeshow <- function(calibration_data) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
observed <- expected <- n_g <- hm_group <- statistic <- n_groups <- NULL
# Check for empty calibration tables
if (is_empty(calibration_data)) return(NULL)
# Make local copy of the calibration data.
calibration_data <- data.table::copy(calibration_data)
# Remove NA predictions.
calibration_data <- calibration_data[is.finite(expected)]
if (is_empty(calibration_data)) return(NULL)
# Compute test statistic for each group
, "hm_group" := ..compute_calibration_test_statistic(observed, expected, n_g),
by = seq_len(nrow(calibration_data))]
# Remove NA values in hm_group
calibration_data <- calibration_data[is.finite(hm_group)]
if (is_empty(calibration_data)) return(NULL)
# Compute test statistic for each time point
gof_table <- calibration_data[, list("statistic" = sum(hm_group, na.rm = TRUE), n_groups = .N),
by = "rep_id"]
# Remove all entries with n_groups < 3
gof_table <- gof_table[n_groups >= 3]
if (is_empty(gof_table)) return(NULL)
# Perform chi-square test
gof_table <- gof_table[, list(p_value = stats::pchisq(
q = statistic,
df = n_groups - 2,
lower.tail = FALSE)),
by = "rep_id"]
# Add type and drop rep_id.
gof_table[, "type" := "hosmer_lemeshow"]
gof_table[, "rep_id" := NULL]
# Reorder columns
data.table::setcolorder(gof_table, c("type", "p_value"))
..compute_calibration_test_statistic <- function(
method = "approximate") {
if (!method %in% c("exact", "approximate")) {
"..compute_hm_test_statistic: method should be exact or approximate")
# Check for infinite or NA values.
if (!is.finite(expected) || !is.finite(observed)) return(NA_real_)
if (method == "exact") {
# Use exact computation for comparison. Note that this has asymptotic
# behaviour for expected -> 0 and expected -> 1.
value <- (observed - expected)^2 * n_g / (expected * (1 - expected))
} else if (method == "approximate") {
# Use exact computation for comparison.
exact_value <- (observed - expected)^2 * n_g / (expected * (1 - expected))
if (!is.finite(exact_value)) exact_value <- Inf
if (expected <= 0.05) {
# Use Taylor series for 1/(x * (1-x)) to second order at 0.05.
value <- n_g * (expected - observed)^2 * 400 *
(1 / 19 - 360 / 361 * (expected - 1 / 20))
if (exact_value < value) value <- exact_value
if (value < 0.0) value <- 0.0
} else if (expected >= 0.95) {
# Use Taylor series for 1/(x * (1-x)) to second order at 0.95.
value <- n_g * (expected - observed)^2 * 400 *
(1 / 19 + 360 / 361 * (expected - 19 / 20))
if (exact_value < value) value <- exact_value
if (value < 0.0) value <- 0.0
} else {
# Use exact computation in between.
value <- exact_value
.compute_calibration_nam_dagostino <- function(calibration_data) {
# Nam-D'Agostino and Greenwood-Nam-D'Agostino tests. See Demler et al. 2015.
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
observed <- expected <- n_g <- km_var <- nd_group <- gnd_group <- n_groups <- NULL
nam_dagostino <- greenwood_nam_dagostino <- NULL
# Check for empty calibration tables
if (is_empty(calibration_data)) return(NULL)
# Make local copy of calibration_data to avoid updating the main copy by
# reference.
calibration_data <- data.table::copy(calibration_data)
# Remove NA predictions.
calibration_data <- calibration_data[is.finite(expected)]
if (is_empty(calibration_data)) return(NULL)
# Compute test statistic for each group.
, ":="(
"nd_group" = ..compute_calibration_test_statistic(observed, expected, n_g),
"gnd_group" = (observed - expected)^2 / km_var),
by = seq_len(nrow(calibration_data))]
# Remove NA values in hm_group
calibration_data <- calibration_data[is.finite(nd_group) & is.finite(gnd_group)]
if (is_empty(calibration_data)) return(NULL)
# Compute test statistic for each time point
gof_table <- calibration_data[
, list(
"nam_dagostino" = sum(nd_group, na.rm = TRUE),
"greenwood_nam_dagostino" = sum(gnd_group, na.rm = TRUE),
"n_groups" = .N),
by = "rep_id"]
# Compute test score for both test tests.
gof_table <- gof_table[
n_groups > 1,
"nam_dagostino" = stats::pchisq(
q = nam_dagostino,
df = n_groups - 1,
lower.tail = FALSE),
"greenwood_nam_dagostino" = stats::pchisq(
q = greenwood_nam_dagostino,
df = n_groups - 1,
lower.tail = FALSE)),
by = "rep_id"]
# Check for an empty goodness-of-fit table.
if (is_empty(gof_table)) return(NULL)
# Melt so that each test is on a separate row
gof_table <- data.table::melt(
id.vars = "rep_id", = "type", = "p_value",
variable.factor = FALSE)
# Drop rep_id.
gof_table[, "rep_id" := NULL]
# Reorder columns
x = gof_table,
neworder = c("type", "p_value"))
..compute_calibration_data_interpolated <- function(
method = "loess") {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
observed <- expected <- NULL
# Set interpolation range for expected values. This allows for aggregating
# observed values based on the expected value.
expected_interpolated <- seq(
from = 0.000,
to = 1.000,
by = 0.005)
# Select only unique entries.
data <- unique(data)
# Select only instances where expected and observed are finite values.
data <- data[is.finite(expected) & is.finite(observed)]
# Determine the number of unique expected values.
n_instances <- data.table::uniqueN(data, by = "expected")
# Switch interpolation method for small number of predictions.
if (method == "loess") {
if (n_instances >= 4) {
degree <- 2
} else if (n_instances == 3) {
degree <- 1
} else if (n_instances == 2) {
method <- "linear"
} else {
"expected" = NA_real_,
"observed" = NA_real_))
} else if (method == "linear") {
if (n_instances < 2) {
"expected" = NA_real_,
"observed" = NA_real_))
} else {
"..compute_calibration_data_interpolated: unexpected interpolation ",
"method encountered: ", method))
if (method == "linear") {
# Interpolate observed values. Return NA values outside the known expected
# range.
observed_interpolated <- suppressWarnings(stats::approx(
x = data$expected,
y = data$observed,
xout = expected_interpolated,
method = "linear",
rule = 1)$y)
} else if (method == "loess") {
# Set up the loess model.
loess_predictor <- suppressWarnings(
observed ~ expected,
data = data,
span = 1.0,
degree = degree,
normalize = FALSE,
control = stats::loess.control(surface = "direct")))
# Predicted interpolated values.
observed_interpolated <- suppressWarnings(predict(
newdata = expected_interpolated))
# Set expected values and the corresponding interpolated observed values.
"expected" = expected_interpolated,
"observed" = observed_interpolated))
# ..compute_data_element_estimates methods -------------------------------------
## ..compute_data_element_estimates (familiarDataElementCalibrationData) -------
signature(x = "familiarDataElementCalibrationData"),
function(x, x_list = NULL, ...) {
# It might be that x was only used to direct to this method.
if (!is.null(x_list)) x <- x_list
if (!is.list(x)) x <- list(x)
# Identify the estimation types of the current data elements.
estimation_type <- sapply(x, function(x) (x@estimation_type))
# Determine the bootstrap_ci_method and the aggregation function
if (any(estimation_type %in% c("bci", "bootstrap_confidence_interval"))) {
# Point estimates need to be for all expected probability values,
# which means that we have to compute it from the data.
x <- .add_point_estimate_from_elements(
x = x[estimation_type %in% c("bci", "bootstrap_confidence_interval")])
# Check that x is not empty.
if (is_empty(x)) return(NULL)
return(callNextMethod(x_list = x))
## ..compute_data_element_estimates (familiarDataElementCalibrationLinearFit) -----
signature(x = "familiarDataElementCalibrationLinearFit"),
function(x, x_list = NULL, ...) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
p_value <- NULL
# It might be that x was only used to direct to this method.
if (!is.null(x_list)) x <- x_list
if (!is.list(x)) x <- list(x)
# Process data normally.
y <- callNextMethod()
# Identify the estimation types of the current data elements.
estimation_type <- sapply(x, function(x) (x@estimation_type))
# Determine the bootstrap_ci_method and the aggregation function
if (any(estimation_type %in% c("bci", "bootstrap_confidence_interval"))) {
# Obtain data from bootstrapped data.
data <- x[estimation_type %in% c("bci", "bootstrap_confidence_interval")][[1]]@data
} else {
data <- x[[1]]@data
# Get the grouping column.
grouping_column <- x[[1]]@grouping_column
# Compute p-value by grouping column.
p_value <- data[
, list("p_value" = harmonic_p_value(p_value)),
by = c(grouping_column)]
# Merge data into
y@data <- merge(
x = y@data,
y = p_value,
by = grouping_column)
# Update value column
y@value_column <- setdiff(
## ..compute_data_element_estimates (familiarDataElementCalibrationGoodnessOfFit) -----
signature(x = "familiarDataElementCalibrationGoodnessOfFit"),
function(x, x_list = NULL, ...) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
p_value <- NULL
# It might be that x was only used to direct to this method.
if (!is.null(x_list)) x <- x_list
if (!is.list(x)) x <- list(x)
# Identify the estimation types of the current data elements.
estimation_type <- sapply(x, function(x) (x@estimation_type))
# Determine the bootstrap_ci_method and the aggregation function
if (any(estimation_type %in% c("bci", "bootstrap_confidence_interval"))) {
# Obtain data from bootstrapped data.
x <- x[estimation_type %in% c("bci", "bootstrap_confidence_interval")][[1]]
} else {
x <- x[[1]]
# Get the grouping column.
grouping_column <- x@grouping_column
# Since samples overlap, combination methods that assume independence cannot
# be used (e.g. Fisher's method). Hence we calculate a harmonic mean p value
# according to Wilson (2019), 10.1073/pnas.1814092116.
x@data <- x@data[
, list("p_value" = harmonic_p_value(p_value)),
by = c(grouping_column)]
# Update value column
x@value_column <- setdiff(
## ..compute_data_element_estimates (familiarDataElementCalibrationDensity) ----
signature(x = "familiarDataElementCalibrationDensity"),
function(x, x_list = NULL, ...) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
frequency <- expected <- NULL
# It might be that x was only used to direct to this method.
if (!is.null(x_list)) x <- x_list
if (!is.list(x)) x <- list(x)
# Identify the estimation types of the current data elements.
estimation_type <- sapply(x, function(x) (x@estimation_type))
# Determine the bootstrap_ci_method and the aggregation function
if (any(estimation_type %in% c("bci", "bootstrap_confidence_interval"))) {
# Obtain data from bootstrapped data.
x <- x[estimation_type %in% c("bci", "bootstrap_confidence_interval")][[1]]
} else {
x <- x[[1]]
# Get the grouping column.
grouping_column <- x@grouping_column
# Compute frequency by grouping column.
x@data <- x@data[
, list("frequency" = sum(frequency)),
by = c(grouping_column)]
# Normalise frequency by all grouping columns minus expected.
grouping_column <- setdiff(grouping_column, "expected")
if (length(grouping_column) > 0) {
x@data <- x@data[
, "frequency" := frequency / sum(frequency),
by = c(grouping_column)][order(expected)]
} else {
x@data <- x@data[, "frequency" := frequency / sum(frequency)][order(expected)]
# Update value column
x@value_column <- setdiff(
# export_calibration_data (generic) --------------------------------------------
#'@title Extract and export calibration and goodness-of-fit tests.
#'@description Extract and export calibration and goodness-of-fit tests for data
#' in a familiarCollection.
#'@inheritParams export_all
#'@inheritParams export_univariate_analysis_data
#'@inheritDotParams extract_calibration_data
#'@inheritDotParams as_familiar_collection
#'@details Data is usually collected from a `familiarCollection` object.
#' However, you can also provide one or more `familiarData` objects, that will
#' be internally converted to a `familiarCollection` object. It is also
#' possible to provide a `familiarEnsemble` or one or more `familiarModel`
#' objects together with the data from which data is computed prior to export.
#' Paths to the previous files can also be provided.
#' All parameters aside from `object` and `dir_path` are only used if `object`
#' is not a `familiarCollection` object, or a path to one.
#' Calibration tests are performed based on expected (predicted) and observed
#' outcomes. For all outcomes, calibration-at-the-large and calibration slopes
#' are determined. Furthermore, for all but survival outcomes, a repeated,
#' randomised grouping Hosmer-Lemeshow test is performed. For survival
#' outcomes, the Nam-D'Agostino and Greenwood-Nam-D'Agostino tests are
#' performed.
#'@return A list of data.tables (if `dir_path` is not provided), or nothing, as
#' all data is exported to `csv` files.
#'@exportMethod export_calibration_data
#'@rdname export_calibration_data-methods
dir_path = NULL,
aggregate_results = TRUE,
export_collection = FALSE,
...) {
# export_calibration_data (collection) -----------------------------------------
#'@rdname export_calibration_data-methods
signature(object = "familiarCollection"),
dir_path = NULL,
aggregate_results = TRUE,
export_collection = FALSE,
...) {
# Make sure the collection object is updated.
object <- update_object(object = object)
# Obtain calibration data.
calibration_data <- .export(
x = object,
data_slot = "calibration_data",
dir_path = dir_path,
aggregate_results = aggregate_results,
type = "calibration",
subtype = "data",
object_class = "familiarDataElementCalibrationData")
# Obtain linear fit data
linear_fit_data <- .export(
x = object,
data_slot = "calibration_data",
dir_path = dir_path,
aggregate_results = aggregate_results,
type = "calibration",
subtype = "at_large",
object_class = "familiarDataElementCalibrationLinearFit")
# Obtain goodness of fit data
gof_data <- .export(
x = object,
data_slot = "calibration_data",
dir_path = dir_path,
aggregate_results = aggregate_results,
type = "calibration",
subtype = "gof_test",
object_class = "familiarDataElementCalibrationGoodnessOfFit")
# Obtain density data
density_data <- .export(
x = object,
data_slot = "calibration_data",
dir_path = dir_path,
aggregate_results = aggregate_results,
type = "calibration",
subtype = "density",
object_class = "familiarDataElementCalibrationDensity")
# Set data list.
data_list <- list(
"data" = calibration_data,
"density" = density_data,
"linear_test" = linear_fit_data,
"gof_test" = gof_data)
if (!is.null(dir_path)) data_list <- NULL
if (export_collection) data_list <- c(data_list, list("collection" = object))
# export_calibration_data (general) --------------------------------------------
#'@rdname export_calibration_data-methods
signature(object = "ANY"),
dir_path = NULL,
aggregate_results = TRUE,
export_collection = FALSE,
...) {
# Attempt conversion to familiarCollection object.
object <-
args = c(
"object" = object,
"data_element" = "calibration_data",
"aggregate_results" = aggregate_results),
args = c(
"object" = object,
"dir_path" = dir_path,
"aggregate_results" = aggregate_results,
"export_collection" = export_collection),
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