
Defines functions compute_annual_frequencies

Documented in compute_annual_frequencies

# Copyright 2019 Province of British Columbia
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

#' @title Perform an annual low or high-flow frequency analysis
#' @description Performs a flow volume frequency analysis on annual statistics from a daily streamflow data set. Defaults to a low 
#'    flow frequency analysis using annual minimums. Set \code{use_max = TRUE} for annual high flow frequency analyses. Calculates 
#'    statistics from all values, unless specified. Function will calculate using all values in 'Values' column (no grouped analysis). 
#'    Analysis methodology replicates that from \href{https://www.hec.usace.army.mil/software/hec-ssp/}{HEC-SSP}. Returns a list of
#'    tibbles and plots.
#' @inheritParams calc_annual_stats
#' @inheritParams compute_frequency_analysis
#' @param data A data frame of daily data that contains columns of dates and flow values. Groupings and the \code{groups} argument
#'    are not used for this function (i.e. station numbers). Leave blank or set to \code{NULL} if using \code{station_number} argument.
#' @return A list with the following elements:
#'   \item{Freq_Analysis_Data}{Data frame with computed annual summary statistics used in analysis.}
#'   \item{Freq_Plot_Data}{Data frame with co-ordinates used in frequency plot.}
#'   \item{Freq_Plot}{ggplot2 object with frequency plot.}
#'   \item{Freq_Fitting}{List of fitted objects from fitdistrplus.}
#'   \item{Freq_Fitted_Quantiles}{Data frame with fitted quantiles.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{compute_frequency_analysis}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Working examples (see arguments for further analysis options):
#' # Compute an annual frequency analysis using default arguments
#' results <- compute_annual_frequencies(station_number = "08NM116",
#'                                       start_year = 1980,
#'                                       end_year = 2010)
#' # Compute an annual frequency analysis using default arguments (as listed)
#' results <- compute_annual_frequencies(station_number = "08NM116",
#'                                       roll_days = c(1,3,7,30),
#'                                       start_year = 1980,
#'                                       end_year = 2010,
#'                                       prob_plot_position = "weibull",
#'                                       prob_scale_points = c(.9999, .999, .99, .9, .5, 
#'                                       .2, .1, .02, .01, .001, .0001),
#'                                       fit_distr = "PIII",
#'                                       fit_distr_method = "MOM")
#' # Compute a 7-day annual frequency analysis with "median" plotting positions
#' # and fitting the data to a weibull distribution (not default PIII)
#' results <- compute_annual_frequencies(station_number = "08NM116",
#'                                       roll_days = 7,
#'                                       start_year = 1980,
#'                                       end_year = 2010,
#'                                       prob_plot_position = "median",
#'                                       fit_distr = "weibull")
#' }            
#' @export

compute_annual_frequencies <- function(data,
                                       dates = Date,
                                       values = Value,
                                       roll_days = c(1,3,7,30),
                                       roll_align = "right",
                                       use_max = FALSE,
                                       use_log = FALSE,
                                       prob_plot_position = c("weibull", "median", "hazen"),
                                       prob_scale_points = c(.9999, .999, .99, .9, .5, .2, .1, .02, .01, .001, .0001),
                                       fit_distr = c("PIII", "weibull"),
                                       fit_distr_method = ifelse(fit_distr == "PIII", "MOM", "MLE"),
                                       fit_quantiles = c(.975, .99, .98, .95, .90, .80, .50, .20, .10, .05, .01),
                                       plot_curve = TRUE,
                                       water_year_start = 1,
                                       months = 1:12,
                                       complete_years = FALSE,
                                       ignore_missing = FALSE,
                                       allowed_missing = ifelse(ignore_missing,100,0)){
  # replicate the frequency analysis of the HEC-SSP program
  # refer to Chapter 7 of the user manual
  ## ---------------
  if (missing(data)) {
    data <- NULL
  if (missing(station_number)) {
    station_number <- NULL
  if (missing(start_year)) {
    start_year <- 0
  if (missing(end_year)) {
    end_year <- 9999
  if (missing(exclude_years)) {
    exclude_years <- NULL
  rolling_days_checks(roll_days, roll_align, multiple = TRUE)
  years_checks(start_year, end_year, exclude_years)
  allowed_missing_checks(allowed_missing, ignore_missing)
  if (complete_years) {
    if (ignore_missing | allowed_missing > 0) {
      ignore_missing <- FALSE
      allowed_missing <- 0
      message("complete_years argument overrides ignore_missing and allowed_missing arguments.")
  if (!is.logical(use_log))        
    stop("use_log must be logical (TRUE/FALSE).", call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.logical(use_max))         
    stop("use_max must be logical (TRUE/FALSE).", call. = FALSE)
  if (!all(prob_plot_position %in% c("weibull","median","hazen")))  
    stop("prob_plot_position must be one of weibull, median, or hazen.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.numeric(prob_scale_points)) 
    stop("prob_scale_points must be numeric and between 0 and 1 (not inclusive).", call. = FALSE)
  if (!all(prob_scale_points > 0 & prob_scale_points < 1))
    stop("prob_scale_points must be numeric and between 0 and 1 (not inclusive).", call. = FALSE)
  if (!all(fit_distr %in% c("weibull", "PIII")))          
    stop("fit_distr must be one of weibull or PIII.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.numeric(fit_quantiles))                         
    stop("fit_quantiles must be numeric and between 0 and 1 (not inclusive).", call. = FALSE)
  if (!all(fit_quantiles > 0 & fit_quantiles < 1))        
    stop("fit_quantiles must be numeric and between 0 and 1 (not inclusive).", call. = FALSE)
  if (fit_distr[1] == 'weibull' & use_log)                
    stop("Cannot fit Weibull distribution on log-scale.", call. = FALSE)
  if (fit_distr[1] != "PIII" & fit_distr_method[1] == "MOM") 
    stop('MOM only can be used with PIII distribution.', call. = FALSE)
  ## -------------------------------
  if (!is.null(station_number) & length(station_number) != 1) 
    stop("Only one station_number can be provided for this function.", call. = FALSE)
  # Check if data is provided and import it
  flow_data <- flowdata_import(data = data, 
                               station_number = station_number)
  # Save the original columns (to check for STATION_NUMBER col at end) and ungroup if necessary
  orig_cols <- names(flow_data)
  flow_data <- dplyr::ungroup(flow_data)
  # Check and rename columns
  flow_data <- format_dates_col(flow_data, dates = as.character(substitute(dates)))
  flow_data <- format_values_col(flow_data, values = as.character(substitute(values)))
  flow_data <- dplyr::select(flow_data, Date, Value)
  ## -----------------
  # Fill missing dates, add date variables, and add WaterYear
  flow_data <- analysis_prep(data = flow_data, 
                             water_year_start = water_year_start)
  # Loop through each roll_days and add customized names of rolling means to flow_data
  for (day in roll_days) {
    flow_data_temp <- dplyr::select(flow_data, Date, Value)
    flow_data_temp <- add_rolling_means(flow_data_temp, roll_days = day, roll_align = roll_align)
    # names(flow_data_temp)[names(flow_data_temp) == paste0("Q", day, "Day")] <- paste("Q", formatC(day, width = 3, format = "d",
    #                                                                                               flag = "0"), "-day-avg", sep = "")
    names(flow_data_temp)[names(flow_data_temp) == paste0("Q", day, "Day")] <- paste0(day, "-Day")
    flow_data_temp <- dplyr::select(flow_data_temp, -Value)
    flow_data <- merge(flow_data, flow_data_temp, by = "Date", all = TRUE)
  # Filter for the selected year
  flow_data <- dplyr::filter(flow_data, WaterYear >= start_year & WaterYear <= end_year)
  flow_data <- dplyr::filter(flow_data, !(WaterYear %in% exclude_years))
  flow_data <- dplyr::filter(flow_data, Month %in% months)
  # Calculate the min or max of the rolling means for each year
  flow_data <- dplyr::select(flow_data, -Date, -Value, -CalendarYear, -Month, -MonthName, -DayofYear)
  flow_data <- tidyr::gather(flow_data, Measure, Value, -WaterYear)
  flow_data$Measure <- factor(flow_data$Measure, levels = unique(flow_data$Measure))
  Q_stat <- dplyr::summarise(dplyr::group_by(flow_data, WaterYear, Measure),
                             Value = ifelse(use_max,
                                            max(Value, na.rm = allowed_narm(Value, allowed_missing)),
                                            min(Value, na.rm = allowed_narm(Value, allowed_missing))))
  Q_stat <- dplyr::rename(Q_stat, Year = WaterYear)
  # remove any Inf Values
  Q_stat$Value[is.infinite(Q_stat$Value)] <- NA
  # Data checks
  if (nrow(Q_stat) < 3) stop(paste0("Need at least 3 years of observations for analysis. There are only ", 
                                    " years available."), call. = FALSE)
  ## -------------------------------
  analysis <- compute_frequency_analysis(data = Q_stat,
                                         events = "Year",
                                         values = "Value",
                                         measures = "Measure",
                                         use_max = use_max,
                                         use_log = use_log,
                                         prob_plot_position = prob_plot_position,
                                         prob_scale_points = prob_scale_points,
                                         fit_distr = fit_distr,
                                         fit_distr_method = fit_distr_method,
                                         fit_quantiles = fit_quantiles,
                                         plot_curve = plot_curve)
  analysis$Freq_Plot$labels$y <- ifelse(as.character(substitute(values)) == "Volume_m3", "Volume (cubic metres)",
                                        ifelse(as.character(substitute(values)) == "Yield_mm", "Yield (mm)",
                                               "Discharge (cms)"))

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fasstr documentation built on March 31, 2023, 10:25 p.m.