## ----options, include=FALSE---------------------------------------------------
knitr::opts_chunk$set(eval = nzchar(Sys.getenv('hydat_eval')))
## ----eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------
# # Check if data is provided and import it
# flow_data <- flowdata_import(data = data,
# station_number = station_number)
# # Save the original columns (to check for STATION_NUMBER col at end) and ungroup if necessary
# orig_cols <- names(flow_data)
# flow_data <- dplyr::ungroup(flow_data)
# # Check and rename columns
# flow_data <- format_all_cols(data = flow_data,
# dates = as.character(substitute(dates)),
# values = as.character(substitute(values)),
# groups = as.character(substitute(groups)),
# rm_other_cols = TRUE)
## ----eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------
# suppressWarnings(flow_data <- add_basin_area(flow_data, basin_area = basin_area))
# flow_data$Basin_Area_sqkm_temp <- flow_data$Basin_Area_sqkm
# flow_data <- dplyr::mutate(flow_data, Yield_mm = Value * 86400 / (Basin_Area_sqkm_temp * 1000))
# # Return the original names of the Date and Value columns
# names(flow_data)[names(flow_data) == 'Value'] <- as.character(substitute(values))
# names(flow_data)[names(flow_data) == 'STATION_NUMBER'] <- as.character(substitute(groups))
# ## Reformat to original names and groups
# ## -------------------------------------
# # Return columns to original order plus new column
# if('Yield_mm' %in% orig_cols){
# flow_data <- flow_data[, c(orig_cols)]
# } else {
# flow_data <- flow_data[, c(orig_cols, paste('Yield_mm'))]
# }
# dplyr::as_tibble(flow_data)
## ----eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------
# # Fill missing dates, add date variables
# flow_data <- analysis_prep(data = flow_data,
# water_year_start = water_year_start)
# # Add rolling means to end of dataframe
# flow_data <- add_rolling_means(data = flow_data, roll_days = roll_days, roll_align = roll_align)
# colnames(flow_data)[ncol(flow_data)] <- 'RollingValue'
## ----eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------
# # Filter for the selected year (remove excluded years after)
# flow_data <- dplyr::filter(flow_data, WaterYear >= start_year & WaterYear <= end_year)
# flow_data <- dplyr::filter(flow_data, Month %in% months)
## ----eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------
# # Calculate basic stats
# annual_stats <- dplyr::summarize(dplyr::group_by(flow_data, STATION_NUMBER, WaterYear),
# Mean = mean(RollingValue, na.rm = ignore_missing),
# Median = stats::median(RollingValue, na.rm = ignore_missing),
# Maximum = max (RollingValue, na.rm = ignore_missing),
# Minimum = min (RollingValue, na.rm = ignore_missing))
# annual_stats <- dplyr::ungroup(annual_stats)
# #Remove Nans and Infs
# annual_stats$Mean[is.nan(annual_stats$Mean)] <- NA
# annual_stats$Maximum[is.infinite(annual_stats$Maximum)] <- NA
# annual_stats$Minimum[is.infinite(annual_stats$Minimum)] <- NA
# # Calculate annual percentiles
# if(!all( {
# for (ptile in percentiles) {
# # Calculate percentiles
# annual_stats_ptile <- dplyr::summarise(dplyr::group_by(flow_data, STATION_NUMBER, WaterYear),
# Percentile = stats::quantile(RollingValue, ptile / 100, na.rm = TRUE))
# annual_stats_ptile <- dplyr::ungroup(annual_stats_ptile)
# names(annual_stats_ptile)[names(annual_stats_ptile) == 'Percentile'] <- paste0('P', ptile)
# # Merge with stats
# annual_stats <- merge(annual_stats, annual_stats_ptile, by = c('STATION_NUMBER', 'WaterYear'))
# # Remove percentile if mean is NA (workaround for na.rm=FALSE in quantile)
# annual_stats[, ncol(annual_stats)] <- ifelse($Mean), NA, annual_stats[, ncol(annual_stats)])
# }
# }
## ----eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------
# # Rename year column
# annual_stats <- dplyr::rename(annual_stats, Year = WaterYear)
# # Remove selected excluded years
# annual_stats[annual_stats$Year %in% exclude_years, -(1:2)] <- NA
# # If transpose if selected
# if (transpose) {
# # Get list of columns to order the Statistic column after transposing
# stat_levels <- names(annual_stats[-(1:2)])
# # Transpose the columns for rows
# annual_stats <- tidyr::gather(annual_stats, Statistic, Value, -STATION_NUMBER, -Year)
# annual_stats <- tidyr::spread(annual_stats, Year, Value)
# # Order the columns
# annual_stats$Statistic <- factor(annual_stats$Statistic, levels = stat_levels)
# annual_stats <- dplyr::arrange(annual_stats, STATION_NUMBER, Statistic)
# }
# # Give warning if any NA values
# missing_values_warning(annual_stats[, 3:ncol(annual_stats)])
# # Recheck if station_number/grouping was in original data and rename or remove as necessary
# if(as.character(substitute(groups)) %in% orig_cols) {
# names(annual_stats)[names(annual_stats) == 'STATION_NUMBER'] <- as.character(substitute(groups))
# } else {
# annual_stats <- dplyr::select(annual_stats, -STATION_NUMBER)
# }
# dplyr::as_tibble(annual_stats)
## ----fig.height = 3, fig.width = 7, comment=NA--------------------------------
# Calculate the statistics
annual_stats <- calc_annual_stats(station_number = c('08NM116', '08NM240'),
start_year = 1985, end_year = 2015)
# Wrangle statistics for plotting
annual_stats <- tidyr::gather(annual_stats, Statistic, Value, -Year, -STATION_NUMBER)
# Group data by grouping
tidy_plots <- dplyr::group_by(annual_stats, STATION_NUMBER)
# Create a tibble with a column of STATION_NUMBERs and a column of data for each STATION_NUMBER
tidy_plots <- tidyr::nest(tidy_plots)
# Create a new column of plots using mutate and purrr::map2
tidy_plots <- dplyr::mutate(tidy_plots,
plot = purrr::map2(data, STATION_NUMBER,
~ggplot2::ggplot(data = ., ggplot2::aes(x = Year, y = Value, color = Statistic)) +
ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
ggplot2::geom_line(alpha = 0.5, na.rm = TRUE) +
ggplot2::geom_point(na.rm = TRUE) +
ggplot2::ylab('Discharge (cms)')
# Create a list of named plots extracted from the tibble
plots <- tidy_plots$plot
if (nrow(tidy_plots) == 1) {
names(plots) <- 'Annual_Statistics'
} else {
names(plots) <- paste0(tidy_plots$STATION_NUMBER, '_Annual_Statistics')
# Return the plots
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