
#' @title Simulate Count Data from Poisson NMF Model
#' @description Simulate a counts matrix \code{X} such that
#'   \code{X[i,j]} is Poisson with rate (mean) \code{Y[i,j]}, where
#'   \code{Y = tcrossprod(L,F)}, \code{L} is an n x k loadings
#'   (\dQuote{activations}) matrix, and \code{F} is an m x k factors
#'   (\dQuote{basis vectors}) matrix. The entries of matrix \code{L} are
#'   drawn uniformly at random between zero and \code{lmax}, and the
#'   entries of matrix \code{F} are drawn uniformly at random between 0
#'   and \code{fmax}.
#' @details Note that only minimal argument checking is performed. This
#'   function is mainly used to simulate small data sets for the examples
#'   and package tests.
#' @param n Number of rows in simulated count matrix. The number of
#'   rows should be at least 2.
#' @param m Number of columns in simulated count matrix. The number of
#'   columns should be at least 2.
#' @param k Number of factors, or \dQuote{topics}, used to determine
#'   Poisson rates. The number of topics should be 1 or more.
#' @param fmax Factors are drawn uniformly at random between zero and
#'   \code{fmax}.
#' @param lmax Loadings are drawn uniformly at random between zero and
#'   \code{lmax}.
#' @param sparse If \code{sparse = TRUE}, convert the counts matrix to
#'   a sparse matrix in compressed, column-oriented format; see
#'   \code{\link[Matrix]{sparseMatrix}}.
#' @return The return value is a list containing the counts matrix
#'   \code{X} and the factorization, \code{F} and \code{L}, used to
#'   generate the counts.
#' @import Matrix
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @export
simulate_count_data <- function (n, m, k, fmax = 1, lmax = 1, sparse = FALSE) {

  # Check inputs.
  if (!(is.scalar(n) & all(n >= 2)))
    stop("Input argument \"n\" should be 2 or more")
  if (!(is.scalar(m) & all(m >= 2)))
    stop("Input argument \"m\" should be 2 or more")
  if (!(is.scalar(k) & all(k >= 1)))
    stop("Input argument \"k\" should be 1 or more")
  if (!(is.scalar(fmax) & all(fmax > 0)))
    stop("Input argument \"fmax\" should be a positive number")
  if (!(is.scalar(lmax) & all(lmax > 0)))
    stop("Input argument \"lmax\" should be a positive number")
  # Simulate the data.
  F <- rand(m,k,0,fmax)
  L <- rand(n,k,0,lmax)
  X <- generate_poisson_nmf_counts(F,L)
  if (sparse)
    X <- as(X,"CsparseMatrix")

  # Add row and column names to outputs.
  rownames(X) <- paste0("i",1:n)
  rownames(L) <- paste0("i",1:n)
  colnames(X) <- paste0("j",1:m)
  rownames(F) <- paste0("j",1:m)
  colnames(F) <- paste0("k",1:k)
  colnames(L) <- paste0("k",1:k)
  # Return a list containing: (1) the data matrix, X; (2) the factors
  # matrix, F; and (3) the loadings matrix, L.
  return(list(X = X,F = F,L = L))

#' @title Simulate Toy Gene Expression Data
#' @description Simulate gene expression data (UMI counts) under a
#'   toy expression model. Samples (expression profiles) are drawn
#'   from a multinomial topic model in which topics are "gene programs".
#' @details The mixture proportions are generated as follows. With
#' probability 0.9, one proportion is one, or close to one, and the
#' remaining are zero, or close to zero; that is, the counts are
#' primarily generated from a single gene program. Otherwise (wtth
#' probability 0.1), the mixture proportions are roughly equal.
#' Gene frequencies are drawn uniformly at random from [0,1].
#' @param n The number of samples (gene expression profiles) to
#'   simulate.
#' @param m The number of counts (genes) to simulate.
#' @param k The number of topics ("gene programs") used to simulate
#'   the data.
#' @param s A scalar specifying the total expression of each sample;
#'   it specifies the "size" parameter in the calls to
#'   \code{\link[stats]{rmultinom}}.
#' @return The return value is a list containing the counts matrix
#'   \code{X}, and the gene frequencies \code{F} and mixture proportions
#'   \code{L} used to generate the counts.
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @importFrom stats rmultinom
#' @export
simulate_toy_gene_data <- function (n, m, k, s) {

  # Generate the "gene programs"; that is, the m x k matrix of gene
  # frequencies.
  F <- matrix(runif(m*k),m,k)

  # Generate the mixture proportions.
  L <- matrix(0,n,k)
  for (i in 1:n) {
    if (runif(1) < 0.9) {
      x <- rep(0,k)
      x[sample(k,1)] <- 1
    } else
      x <- rep(1/k,k)
    x     <- x + abs(rnorm(k,0,0.15))
    L[i,] <- x/sum(x)

  # Simulate the n x m counts matrix from the multinomial topic model.
  X <- matrix(0,n,m)
  P <- tcrossprod(L,F)
  for (i in 1:n)
    X[i,] <- rmultinom(1,s,P[i,])

  # Add row and column names to the outputs.
  rownames(X) <- paste0("s",1:n)
  rownames(L) <- paste0("s",1:n)
  colnames(X) <- paste0("g",1:m)
  rownames(F) <- paste0("g",1:m)
  colnames(L) <- paste0("k",1:k)
  colnames(F) <- paste0("k",1:k)
  # Outputs the n x m counts matrix (X), and the gene frequencies
  # (F) and mixture proportions (L) used to generate counts.
  return(list(X = X,F = F,L = L))

#' @rdname simulate_gene_data
#' @title Simulate Gene Expression Data from Poisson NMF or Multinomial
#'   Topic Model
#' @description Simulate count data from a Poisson NMF model or
#'   multinomial topic model, in which topics represent \dQuote{gene
#'   expression programs}, and gene expression programs are
#'   characterized by different rates of expression. The way in which
#'   the counts are simulated is modeled after gene expression studies
#'   in which expression is measured by single-cell RNA sequencing
#'   (\dQuote{RNA-seq}) techniques: each row of the counts matrix
#'   corresponds a gene expression profile, each column corresponds to a
#'   gene, and each matrix element is a \dQuote{read count}, or
#'   \dQuote{UMI count}, measuring expression level. Factors are
#'   simulated so as to capture realistic changes in gene expression
#'   across different cell types. See \dQuote{Details} for the procedure
#'   used to simulate factors, loadings and counts.
#' @details Here we describe the process for generating the n x k
#'   loadings matrix \code{L} and the m x k factors matrix \code{F}.
#'   Each row of the \code{L} matrix is generated in the following
#'   manner: (1) the number of nonzero mixture proportions is \eqn{1
#'   \le n \le k}, with probability proportional to \eqn{2^{-n}};
#'   (2) the indices of the nonzero mixture proportions are sampled
#'   uniformly at random; and (3) the nonzero mixture proportions are
#'   sampled from the Dirichlet distribution with \eqn{\alpha = 1} (so
#'   that all topics are equally likely).
#'   Each row of the factors matrix are generated according to the
#'   following procedure: (1) generate \eqn{u = |r| - 5}, where \eqn{r ~
#'   N(0,2)}; (2) for each topic \eqn{k}, generate the Poisson rates as
#'   \eqn{exp(max(t,-5))}, where \eqn{t ~ 0.95 * N(u,s/10) + 0.05 *
#'   N(u,s)}, and \eqn{s = exp(-u/8)}. Factors can be interpreted as
#'   Poisson rates or multinomial probabilities, so that individual
#'   counts can be viewed as being generated from a weighted mixture
#'   of \dQuote{topics} with different rates or probabilities.
#'   Once the loadings and factors have been generated, the counts are
#'   simulated from either the Poisson NMF or multinomial topic model:
#'   for the former, \code{X[i,j]} is Poisson with rate \code{Y[i,j]},
#'   where \code{Y = tcrossprod(L,F)}; for the latter, \code{X[i,]} is
#'   multinomial with size \code{s[i]} and with class probabilities
#'   \code{P[i,]}, where \code{P = tcrossprod(L,F)}. For the multinomial
#'   model only, the sizes \code{s} are randomly generated as \code{s =
#'   10^rnorm(n,3,0.2)}.
#'   Note that only minimal argument checking is performed;
#'   the function is mainly used to test implementation of the
#'   topic-model-based differential count analysis.
#' @param n Number of rows in the simulated count matrix. Should be at
#'   least 2.
#' @param m Number of columns in the simulated count matrix. Should be
#'   at least 2.
#' @param k Number of factors, or \dQuote{topics}, used to generate
#'   the data. Should be 2 or more.
#' @param s Vector of \dQuote{size factors}; each row of the loadings
#'   matrix \code{L} is scaled by the entries of \code{s} before
#'   generating the counts. This should be a vector of length n
#'   containing only positive values.
#' @param p Probability that \code{F[i,j]} is equal to the mean rate.
#'   Smaller values of \code{p} will result in more factors that are the
#'   same across topics.
#' @param sparse If \code{sparse = TRUE}, convert the counts matrix to
#'   a sparse matrix in compressed, column-oriented format; see
#'   \code{\link[Matrix]{sparseMatrix}}.
#' @return \code{simulate_poisson_gene_data} returns a list containing
#'   the counts matrix \code{X}, and the size factors \code{s} and
#'   factorization, \code{F}, \code{L}, used to generate the counts.
#'   \code{simulate_multinom_gene_data} returns a list containing the
#'   counts matrix \code{X}, and the mixture proportions \code{L} and
#'   factors (gene probabilities, or relative gene expression levels)
#'   \code{F} used to generate the counts.
#' @import Matrix
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @export
simulate_poisson_gene_data <- function (n, m, k, s, p = 1, sparse = FALSE) {

  # Check inputs.
  if (!(is.scalar(n) & all(n >= 2)))
    stop("Input argument \"n\" should be 2 or greater")
  if (!(is.scalar(m) & all(m >= 2)))
    stop("Input argument \"m\" should be 2 or greater")
  if (!(is.scalar(k) & all(k >= 2)))
    stop("Input argument \"k\" should be 2 or greater")

  # If the "size factors" (s) are missing, set them to 1.
  if (missing(s))
    s <- rep(1,n)
  # Simulate the data.
  F <- generate_poisson_rates(m,k,p)
  L <- generate_mixture_proportions(n,k)
  X <- generate_poisson_nmf_counts(F,s*L)
  if (sparse)
    X <- as(X,"CsparseMatrix")

  # Add row and column names to outputs.
  rownames(X) <- paste0("i",1:n)
  rownames(L) <- paste0("i",1:n)
  colnames(X) <- paste0("j",1:m)
  rownames(F) <- paste0("j",1:m)
  colnames(F) <- paste0("k",1:k)
  colnames(L) <- paste0("k",1:k)
  # Return a list containing: (1) the data matrix, X; (2) the factors
  # matrix, F; (3) the loadings matrix, L; and (4) the "size factors", s.
  return(list(X = X,F = F,L = L,s = s))

#' @rdname simulate_gene_data
#' @import Matrix
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @export
simulate_multinom_gene_data <- function (n, m, k, sparse = FALSE) {

  # Check inputs.
  if (!(is.scalar(n) & all(n >= 2)))
    stop("Input argument \"n\" should be 2 or greater")
  if (!(is.scalar(m) & all(m >= 2)))
    stop("Input argument \"m\" should be 2 or greater")
  if (!(is.scalar(k) & all(k >= 2)))
    stop("Input argument \"k\" should be 2 or greater")
  # Simulate the data.
  s <- ceiling(10^rnorm(n,3,0.2))
  L <- generate_mixture_proportions(n,k)
  F <- normalize.cols(generate_poisson_rates(m,k))
  X <- generate_multinom_topic_model_counts(F,L,s)
  if (sparse)
    X <- as(X,"CsparseMatrix")
  # Add row and column names to outputs.
  rownames(X) <- paste0("i",1:n)
  rownames(L) <- paste0("i",1:n)
  colnames(X) <- paste0("j",1:m)
  rownames(F) <- paste0("j",1:m)
  colnames(F) <- paste0("k",1:k)
  colnames(L) <- paste0("k",1:k)
  # Return a list containing: (1) the data matrix, X; (2) the factors
  # matrix, F; and (3) the loadings matrix, L.
  return(list(X = X,F = F,L = L))

# Generate an n x m counts matrix X such that X[i,j] is Poisson with
# rate Y[i,j], where Y = tcrossprod(L,F).
#' @importFrom stats rpois
generate_poisson_nmf_counts <- function (F, L) {
  n <- nrow(L)
  m <- nrow(F)

# Generate an n x m counts matrix X such that X[i,j] is multinomial
# with size = s[i] and multinomial probabilities P[i,], where P =
# tcrossprod(L,F).
#' @importFrom stats rmultinom
generate_multinom_topic_model_counts <- function (F, L, s) {
  n <- nrow(L)
  m <- nrow(F)
  X <- matrix(0,n,m)
  P <- tcrossprod(L,F)
  for (i in 1:n)
    X[i,] <- rmultinom(1,s[i],P[i,])

# For each sample (row), generate the mixture proportions according to
# the following procedure: (1) the number of nonzero mixture proportions
# is 1 <= n <= k with probability proportional to 2^(-n); (2) sample
# the indices of the nonzero mixture proportions uniformly at random;
# (3) sample the nonzero mixture proportions from the Dirichlet
# distribution with shape parameter alpha.
#' @importFrom gtools rdirichlet
generate_mixture_proportions <- function (n, k, alpha = rep(1,k)) {
  L  <- matrix(0,n,k)
  k1 <- sample(k,n,replace = TRUE,prob = 2^(-seq(1,k)))
  for (i in 1:n) {
    j <- sample(k,k1[i])
    if (length(j) == 1)
      L[i,j] <- 1
      L[i,j] <- rdirichlet(1,alpha[j])

# Simulate the Poisson rates (these are the factors in the Poisson NMF
# model) according to the following procedure. For each count: (1)
# generate u = abs(r) - 5, where r ~ N(0,2); (2) for each topic k,
# generate the Poisson rate as exp(max(t,-5)), where t ~ 0.95 *
# N(u,s/10) + 0.05 * N(u,s) with probability p, t = u with
# probability 1-p, and s = exp(-u/8).
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
generate_poisson_rates <- function (m, k, p = 1) {
  F <- matrix(0,m,k)
  for (j in 1:m) {
    u <- abs(rnorm(1,0,2)) - 5
    s <- exp(-u/8)
    a <- runif(k)
    z <- (a >= 0.05) * rnorm(k,u,s/10) +
         (a < 0.05)  * rnorm(k,u,s)
    if (p < 1)
      z[runif(k) < 1-p] <- u
    F[j,] <- exp(pmax(-5,z))

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