
Defines functions print.fastverse_conflicts cat_line fastverse_conflict_message fastverse_conflicts confirm_conflict invert_simplify ls_env

Documented in fastverse_conflicts

# Conflict exceptions...
ls_env <- function(env) {
  x <- ls(pos = env)
         `package:data.table` = x[x != "fdroplevels"],
         `package:kit` = x[!x %in% c("funique", "fduplicated")], # !x %in% c("funique", "count")
         `package:collapse` = x[x != "D"],

# Significantly faster than what was previously there
invert_simplify <- function(x) {
  if (length(x) == 0L) return()
  stacked <- unclass(stack(x))
  dup <- stacked$values[duplicated(stacked$values)]
  if(!length(dup)) return()
  dup <- which(stacked$values %in% dup)
  stacked <- lapply(stacked, `[`, dup)
  split(as.character(stacked$ind), stacked$values)

confirm_conflict <- function(packages, name) { # packages <- conflicts[[3]]; name <- names(conflicts[3])
  # Only look at functions
  objs <- lapply(packages, get, x = name) 
  objs <- objs[vapply(objs, is.function, TRUE)]
  if (length(objs) <= 1L) return()
  # Remove identical functions
  if (sum(!duplicated(objs)) == 1L) return()

#' Conflicts between the fastverse and other packages
#' This function lists all the conflicts among \emph{fastverse} packages and between \emph{fastverse} packages and other attached packages.
#' It can also be used to check conflicts for any other attached packages.
#' There are 3 internal conflicts in the core \emph{fastverse} which are not displayed by \code{fastverse_conflicts()}:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{collapse::funique} and \code{collapse::fdupliacted} mask \code{kit::funique} and \code{kit::fduplicated}. If both packages are detached, \emph{collapse} is attached after \emph{kit}. In general, the 
#' \emph{collapse} versions are faster and a bit more versatile. The \emph{kit} versions are also very fast and additionally supports matrices!    
#' % \item \code{matrixStats::count} masks \code{kit::count}. The \emph{matrixStats} version is more flexible, supporting restricted search and missing value removal. The \emph{kit} version is nearly twice as fast. 
#' \item{collapse::fdroplevels} masks \code{data.table::fdroplevels}. The former is faster and supports arbitrary data structures, whereas the latter has options to exclude certain levels from being dropped. 
#' }
#' @param pkg character. A vector of packages to check conflicts for. The default is all \emph{fastverse} packages. 
#' @returns An object of class 'fastverse_conflicts': A named list of character vectors where the names are the conflicted objects, and the 
#' content are the names of the package namespaces containing the object, in the order they appear on the \code{\link{search}} path. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{fastverse}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Check conflicts between fastverse packages and all attached packages
#' fastverse_conflicts()
#' # Check conflicts among all attached packages
#' fastverse_conflicts(rm_stub(search()[-1], "package:"))
fastverse_conflicts <- function(pkg = fastverse_packages()) {
  envs <- grep("^package:", search(), value = TRUE)
  names(envs) <- envs
  conflicts <- invert_simplify(lapply(envs, ls_env)) # formerly objs
  # conflicts <- objs[as.logical(lengths(objs))] # Redundant: if envs is non empty, objs will also be
  tidy_names <- paste0("package:", pkg)
  conflicts <- conflicts[vapply(conflicts, function(x) any(x %in% tidy_names), TRUE)]
  conflict_funs <- Map(confirm_conflict, conflicts, names(conflicts))
  conflict_funs <- conflict_funs[lengths(conflict_funs) > 0L]
  structure(conflict_funs, class = "fastverse_conflicts")

fastverse_conflict_message <- function(x) {
  if (length(x) == 0L) return("")
  header <- text_col(rule(left = "Conflicts", style.left = bold, right = "fastverse_conflicts()"))
  pkgs <- lapply(x, gsub, pattern = "^package:", replacement = "")
  others <- lapply(pkgs, `[`, -1L)
  other_calls <- mapply(function(x, y) paste0(blue(x), text_col(paste0("::", y, "()")), collapse = ", "), others, names(others))

  winner <- vapply(pkgs, `[`, character(1L), 1L)
  funs <- format(paste0(blue(winner), text_col("::"), green(paste0(names(x), "()"))))
  bullets <- paste0(red("x"), " ", funs, text_col(" masks "), other_calls, collapse = "\n")
  paste0(header, "\n", bullets)

cat_line <- function(x) cat(x, "\n", sep = "", file = stdout(), append = TRUE)

#' @export
print.fastverse_conflicts <- function(x, ..., startup = FALSE) {
  if(length(x)) cat_line(fastverse_conflict_message(x))
  # fastverse_conflict_message(x) why cat_line ??

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fastverse documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:34 a.m.