
Defines functions curve_dist

Documented in curve_dist

#' Distance Matrix Computation
#' Computes the pairwise distance matrix between a set of curves using the
#' elastic shape distance as computed by [`calc_shape_dist()`].
#' @inherit calc_shape_dist details
#' @param beta A numeric array of shape \eqn{L \times M \times N} specifying the
#'   set of \eqn{N} curves of length \eqn{M} in \eqn{L}-dimensional space.
#' @inheritParams calc_shape_dist
#' @param ncores An integer value specifying the number of cores to use for
#'   parallel computation. If `ncores` is greater than the number of available
#'   cores, a warning is issued and the maximum number of available cores is
#'   used. Defaults to `1L`.
#' @return A list of two objects, `Da` and `Dp`, each of class `dist` containing
#'   the amplitude and phase distances, respectively.
#' @export
#' @keywords distances
#' @references Srivastava, A., Klassen, E., Joshi, S., Jermyn, I., (2011). Shape
#'   analysis of elastic curves in euclidean spaces. Pattern Analysis and
#'   Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on 33 (7), 1415-1428.
#' @references Kurtek, S., Srivastava, A., Klassen, E., and Ding, Z. (2012),
#'   “Statistical Modeling of Curves Using Shapes and Related Features,” Journal
#'   of the American Statistical Association, 107, 1152–1165.
#' @references Srivastava, A., Klassen, E. P. (2016). Functional and shape
#'   data analysis, 1. New York: Springer.
#' @examples
#' out <- curve_dist(beta[, , 1, 1:4])
curve_dist <- function(beta,
                       mode = "O",
                       alignment = TRUE,
                       rotation = FALSE,
                       scale = FALSE,
                       include.length = FALSE,
                       lambda = 0.0,
                       ncores = 1L) {
  if (mode == "C" && !scale)
    cli::cli_abort("Closed curves are currently handled only on the L2
                   hypersphere. Please set `scale = TRUE`.")

  navail <- max(parallel::detectCores() - 1, 1)

  if (ncores > navail) {
      "The number of requested cores ({ncores}) is larger than the number of
      available cores ({navail}). Using the maximum number of available cores..."
    ncores <- navail

  if (ncores > 1L) {
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncores)
  } else

  dims <- dim(beta)
  L <- dims[1]
  M <- dims[2]
  N <- dims[3]

  srvfs <- lapply(1:N, \(n) curve_to_srvf(beta[, , n], scale = scale))
  for (n in 1:N)
    beta[ , , n] <- srvfs[[n]]$q

  K <- N * (N - 1) / 2

  k <- NULL
  out <- foreach::foreach(k = 0:(K - 1), .combine = cbind, .packages = "fdasrvf") %dopar% {
    # Compute indices i and j of distance matrix from linear index k
    i <- N - 2 - floor(sqrt(-8 * k + 4 * N * (N - 1) - 7) / 2.0 - 0.5)
    j <- k + i + 1 - N * (N - 1) / 2 + (N - i) * ((N - i) - 1) / 2

    # Increment indices as previous ones are 0-based while R expects 1-based
    q1 <- beta[, , i + 1]
    q2 <- beta[, , j + 1]

    norm_ratio <- 1
    if (scale)
      norm_ratio <- srvfs[[i + 1]]$qnorm / srvfs[[j + 1]]$qnorm

    res12 <- find_rotation_seed_unique(
      q1, q2,
      mode = mode,
      alignment = alignment,
      rotation = rotation,
      scale = scale,
      norm_ratio = norm_ratio,
      lambda = lambda

    res21 <- find_rotation_seed_unique(
      q2, q1,
      mode = mode,
      alignment = alignment,
      rotation = rotation,
      scale = scale,
      norm_ratio = norm_ratio,
      lambda = lambda

    if (res12$d < res21$d)
      res <- res12
      res <- res21

    if (alignment)
      dx <- phase_distance(res$gambest)
      dx <- 0

    matrix(c(res$d, dx), ncol = 1)

  Da <- out[1, ]
  attributes(Da) <- NULL
  attr(Da, "Labels") <- 1:N
  attr(Da, "Size") <- N
  attr(Da, "Diag") <- FALSE
  attr(Da, "Upper") <- FALSE
  attr(Da, "call") <- match.call()
  attr(Da, "method") <- "calc_shape_dist (amplitude)"
  class(Da) <- "dist"

  Dp <- out[2, ]
  attributes(Dp) <- NULL
  attr(Dp, "Labels") <- 1:N
  attr(Dp, "Size") <- N
  attr(Dp, "Diag") <- FALSE
  attr(Dp, "Upper") <- FALSE
  attr(Dp, "call") <- match.call()
  attr(Dp, "method") <- "calc_shape_dist (phase)"
  class(Dp) <- "dist"

  list(Da = Da, Dp = Dp)

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fdasrvf documentation built on Oct. 5, 2024, 1:08 a.m.