
Defines functions elastic_shooting karcher_calc rot_mat parallel_translate scale_curve project_tangent gram_schmidt inverse_exp inverse_exp_coord pre_proc_curve project_curve group_action_by_gamma_coord group_action_by_gamma find_rotation_and_seed_q find_rotation_seed_unqiue find_rotation_seed_coord shift_f calc_j find_basis_normal psi calculate_variance find_best_rotation innerprod_q2 calculatecentroid

calculatecentroid <- function(beta,returnlength = F){
  n = nrow(beta)
  T1 = ncol(beta)

  betadot = apply(beta,1,gradient,1.0/(T1-1))
  betadot = t(betadot)

  normbetadot = apply(betadot,2,pvecnorm,2)
  integrand = matrix(0, n, T1)
  for (i in 1:T1){
    integrand[,i] = beta[,i] * normbetadot[i]

  scale = trapz(seq(0,1,length.out=T1), normbetadot)
  centroid = apply(integrand,1,trapz,x = seq(0,1,length.out=T1))/scale
  if(returnlength)  return(list("length" = scale,"centroid" = centroid))

innerprod_q2 <- function(q1, q2){
    T1 = ncol(q1)
    val = sum(q1*q2)/T1

find_best_rotation <- function(q1, q2){
    eps = .Machine$double.eps
    n = nrow(q1)
    T1 = ncol(q1)
    A = q1%*%t(q2)
    out = svd(A)
    s = out$d
    U = out$u
    V = out$v
    if (det(A)>0){
        S = diag(1,n)
    } else {
        S = diag(1,n)
        S[,n] = -S[,n]
    R = U%*%S%*%t(V)
    q2new = R%*%q2

    return(list(q2new=q2new, R=R))

calculate_variance <- function(beta){
    n = nrow(beta)
    T1 = ncol(beta)
    betadot = apply(beta,1,gradient,1.0/(T1-1))
    betadot = t(betadot)

    normbetadot = rep(0,T)
    centroid = calculatecentroid(beta)
    integrand = array(0, c(n,n,T1))
    time = seq(0,1,length.out=T1)
    for (i in 1:T1){
        normbetadot[i] = pvecnorm(betadot[,i],2)
        a1 = beta[,i] - centroid
        integrand[,,i] = a1 %*% t(a1) * normbetadot[i]
    l = trapz(time, normbetadot)
    variance = trapz(time, integrand, 3)
    varaince = variance / l


psi <- function(x, a, q){
    T1 = ncol(q)
    dim(a) = c(length(a),1)
    covmat = calculate_variance(x+repmat(a,1,T1))
    psi1 = covmat[1,1] - covmat[2,2]
    psi2 = covmat[1,2]
    psi3 = x[1,T1]
    psi4 = x[2,T1]


find_basis_normal <- function(q){
    n = nrow(q)
    T1 = ncol(q)

    f1 = matrix(0,n,T1)
    f2 = matrix(0,n,T1)
    for (i in 1:T1){
        f1[,i] = q[1,i]*q[,i]/pvecnorm(q[,i])+c(pvecnorm(q[,i]),0)
        f2[,i] = q[2,i]*q[,i]/pvecnorm(q[,i])+c(0,pvecnorm(q[,i]))
    h3 = f1
    h4 = f2
    integrandb3 = rep(0,T1)
    integrandb4 = rep(0,T1)
    for (i in 1:T1){
        integrandb3[i] = t(q[,i])%*%h3[,i]
        integrandb4[i] = t(q[,i])%*%h4[,i]
    b3 = h3 - q*trapz(seq(0,1,length.out=T1),integrandb3)
    b4 = h4 - q*trapz(seq(0,1,length.out=T1),integrandb4)

    basis = list(b3,b4)


calc_j <- function(basis){
    b1 = basis[[1]]
    b2 = basis[[2]]
    T1 = ncol(b1)

    integrand11 = rep(0,T1)
    integrand12 = rep(0,T1)
    integrand22 = rep(0,T1)

    for (i in 1:T1){
        integrand11[i] = t(b1[,i])%*%b1[,i]
        integrand12[i] = t(b1[,i])%*%b2[,i]
        integrand12[i] = t(b2[,i])%*%b2[,i]

    j = matrix(0,2,2)
    j[1,1] = trapz(seq(0,1,length.out=T1), integrand11)
    j[1,2] = trapz(seq(0,1,length.out=T1), integrand12)
    j[2,2] = trapz(seq(0,1,length.out=T1), integrand22)
    j[2,1] = j[1,2]


shift_f <- function(f, tau){
    n = nrow(f)
    T1 = ncol(f)
    fn = matrix(0, n, T1)
    if (tau > 0){
        fn[,1:(T1-tau)] = f[,(tau+1):T1]
        fn[,(T1-tau+1):T1] = f[,1:tau]
    } else if (tau ==0) {
      fn = f
    } else {
        t = abs(tau)+1
        fn[,1:(T1-t+1)] = f[,(t):T1]
        fn[,(T1-t+2):T1] = f[,1:(t-1)]

find_rotation_seed_coord <- function(beta1, beta2, mode="O"){
    n = nrow(beta1)
    T1 = ncol(beta1)
    q1 = curve_to_q(beta1)$q

    scl = 4
    minE = 1000
    if (mode=="C"){
        end_idx = floor(T1/scl)
    } else {
        end_idx = 0

    for (ctr in 0:end_idx){
        if (mode=="C"){
            if ((scl*ctr) <= end_idx){
              beta2n = shift_f(beta2, scl*ctr)
            } else {
        } else {
            beta2n = beta2
        out = find_best_rotation(beta1, beta2n)
        beta2n = out$q2new
        q2n = curve_to_q(beta2n)$q

        if (norm(q1-q2n,'F') > 0.0001){
            q1 = q1/sqrt(innerprod_q2(q1, q1))
            q2n = q2n/sqrt(innerprod_q2(q2n, q2n))
            q1i = q1
            dim(q1i) = c(T1*n)
            q2i = q2n
            dim(q2i) = c(T1*n)
            gam0 = .Call('DPQ', PACKAGE = 'fdasrvf', q1i, q2i, n, T1, 0, 1, 0, rep(0,T1))
            gamI = invertGamma(gam0)
            gam = (gamI-gamI[1])/(gamI[length(gamI)]-gamI[1])
            beta2n = q_to_curve(q2n)
            beta2new = group_action_by_gamma_coord(beta2n, gam)
            q2new = curve_to_q(beta2new)$q
            if (mode=="C"){
                q2new = project_curve(q2new)
        } else{
            q2new = q2n
            beta2new = beta2n
            gam = seq(0,1,length.out=T1)
        dist = innerprod_q2(q1,q2new)
        if (dist < -1){
            dist = -1
        if (dist > 1){
            dist = 1
        Ec = acos(dist)
        if (Ec < minE){
            Rbest = out$R
            beta2best = beta2new
            q2best = q2new
            gambest = gam
            minE = Ec
            tau = scl*ctr


find_rotation_seed_unqiue <- function(q1, q2, mode="O", lam=0.0){
    n1 = nrow(q1)
    T1 = ncol(q1)
    scl = 4
    minE = 1000
    if (mode=="C"){
        end_idx = floor(T1/scl)
    } else {
        end_idx = 0

    for (ctr in 0:end_idx){
        if (mode=="C"){
            q2n = shift_f(q2, scl*ctr)
        } else {
            q2n = q2
        out = find_best_rotation(q1, q2n)
        q2n = out$q2new

        if (norm(q1-q2n,'F') > 0.0001){
            q1 = q1/sqrt(innerprod_q2(q1, q1))
            q2n = q2n/sqrt(innerprod_q2(q2n, q2n))
            q1i = q1
            dim(q1i) = c(T1*n1)
            q2i = q2n
            dim(q2i) = c(T1*n1)
            gam0 = .Call('DPQ', PACKAGE = 'fdasrvf', q1i, q2i, n1, T1, lam, 1, 0, rep(0,T1))
            gamI = invertGamma(gam0)
            gam = (gamI-gamI[1])/(gamI[length(gamI)]-gamI[1])
            beta2n = q_to_curve(q2n)
            beta2new = group_action_by_gamma_coord(beta2n, gam)
            q2new = curve_to_q(beta2new)$q
            if (mode=="C"){
                q2new = project_curve(q2new)
        } else{
            q2new = q2n
            gam = seq(0,1,length.out=T1)
        dist = innerprod_q2(q1,q2new)
        if (dist < -1){
            dist = -1
        if (dist > 1){
            dist = 1
        Ec = acos(dist)
        if (Ec < minE){
            Rbest = out$R
            q2best = q2new
            gambest = gam
            minE = Ec


find_rotation_and_seed_q <- function(q1,q2){
    n = nrow(q1)
    T1 = ncol(q1)
    Ltwo = rep(0,T1)
    Rlist = array(0,c(n,n,T1))
    for (ctr in 1:T1){
        q2n = shift_f(q2,ctr)
        out = find_best_rotation(q1,q2n)
        Ltwo[ctr] = innerprod_q2(q1-out$q2new,q1-out$q2new)
        Rlist[,,ctr] = out$R

    tau = which.min(Ltwo)
    O_hat = Rlist[,,tau]
    q2new = shift_f(q2,tau)
    q2new = O_hat %*% q2new


group_action_by_gamma <- function(q, gamma){
    n = nrow(q)
    T1 = ncol(q)
    gammadot = gradient(gamma, 1.0/T1)
    qn = matrix(0, n, T1)
    timet = seq(0, 1, length.out = T1)

    for (j in 1:n){
        qn[j,] = stats::spline(timet, q[j,], xout=gamma)$y * sqrt(gammadot)

    qn = qn/sqrt(innerprod_q2(qn,qn))


group_action_by_gamma_coord <- function(f, gamma){
    n = nrow(f)
    T1 = ncol(f)
    fn = matrix(0, n, T1)
    timet = seq(0, 1, length.out = T1)

    for (j in 1:n){
        fn[j,] = stats::spline(timet, f[j,], xout=gamma)$y


project_curve <- function(q){
    T1 = ncol(q)
    n = nrow(q)
    if (n==2){
      dt = 0.35

    if (n==3) {
      dt = 0.2

    epsilon =- 1e-6

    e = diag(1,n)
    iter = 1
    res = rep(1,n)
    J = matrix(0,n,n)
    s = seq(0,1,length.out=T1)
    qnorm = rep(0,T1)
    G = rep(0,n)
    C = rep(0,301)

    qnew = q
    qnew = qnew / sqrt(innerprod_q2(qnew,qnew))

    while (pvecnorm(res) > epsilon){
        if (iter > 300){

        # Compute Jacobian
        for (i in 1:n){
            for (j in 1:n){
              J[i,j]  = 3 * trapz(s, qnew[i,]*qnew[j,])
        J = J + diag(1,n)

        for (i in 1:T1){
            qnorm[i] = pvecnorm(qnew[,i])

        # Compute the residue
        for (i in 1:n){
            G[i] = trapz(s,qnew[i,]*qnorm)

        res = -1*G

        if (pvecnorm(res)<epsilon)

        x = solve(J,res)
        C[iter] = pvecnorm(res)

        delG = find_basis_normal(qnew)
        tmp = 0
        for (i in 1:n){
            tmp = tmp + x[i]*delG[[i]]*dt
        qnew = qnew + tmp

        iter = iter + 1

    qnew = qnew / sqrt(innerprod_q2(qnew,qnew))


pre_proc_curve <- function(beta, T1=100){
    beta = resamplecurve(beta,T1)
    q = curve_to_q(beta)$q
    qnew = project_curve(q)
    x = q_to_curve(qnew)
    a = -1*calculatecentroid(x)
    dim(a) = c(length(a),1)
    betanew = x + repmat(a,1,T1)
    A = diag(1,2)


inverse_exp_coord <- function(beta1, beta2, mode="O", rotated=T){
    T1 = ncol(beta1)
    centroid1 = calculatecentroid(beta1)
    dim(centroid1) = c(length(centroid1),1)
    beta1 = beta1 - repmat(centroid1, 1, T1)
    centroid2 = calculatecentroid(beta2)
    dim(centroid2) = c(length(centroid2),1)
    beta2 = beta2 - repmat(centroid2, 1, T1)

    q1 = curve_to_q(beta1)$q

    if (mode=="C"){
      isclosed = TRUE
    } else {
      isclosed = FALSE

    # Iteratively optimize over SO(n) x Gamma using old DP
    out = reparam_curve(beta1, beta2, rotated=rotated, isclosed=isclosed, mode=mode)
    if (mode=="C")
      beta2 = shift_f(beta2, out$tau)

    beta2 = out$R %*% beta2
    gamI = invertGamma(out$gam)
    beta2 = group_action_by_gamma_coord(beta2, gamI)
    if (rotated){
      out = find_rotation_seed_coord(beta1, beta2, mode)
      q2n = curve_to_q(out$beta2new)$q
    } else {
      q2n = curve_to_q(beta2)$q

    if (mode=="C"){
      q2n = project_curve(q2n)

    # Compute geodesic distance
    q1dotq2 = innerprod_q2(q1/sqrt(innerprod_q2(q1, q1)), q2n/sqrt(innerprod_q2(q2n, q2n)))
    if (q1dotq2>1){
      q1dotq2 = 1.

    dist = acos(q1dotq2)

    u = q2n - q1dotq2 * q1
    normu = sqrt(innerprod_q2(u,u))

    if (normu > 1e-4){
        v = u*acos(q1dotq2)/normu
    } else {
        v = matrix(0, nrow(beta1), T1)


inverse_exp <- function(q1, q2, beta2){
    T1 = ncol(q1)
    centroid1 = calculatecentroid(beta2)
    dim(centroid1) = c(length(centroid1),1)
    beta2 = beta2 - repmat(centroid1, 1, T1)

    # Optimize over SO(n) x Gamma
    beta1 = q_to_curve(q1)
    out = reparam_curve(beta1, beta2)
    gamI = invertGamma(out$gam)
    if (mode=="C")
      beta2 = shift_f(beta2, out$tau)

    beta2 = out$R %*% beta2

    # Applying optimal re-parameterization to the second curve
    beta2 = group_action_by_gamma_coord(beta2, gamI)
    q2 = curve_to_q(beta2)$q

    # Optimize over SO(n)
    out = find_rotation_and_seed_q(q1, q2)
    q2 = out$q2new

    # compute geodesic distance
    q1dotq2 = innerprod_q2(q1, q2)
    if (q1dotq2>1){
        q1dotq2 = 1.

    dist = acos(q1dotq2)

    u = q2 - q1dotq2 * q1
    normu = sqrt(innerprod_q2(u,u))

    if (normu > 1e-4){
        v = u*acos(q1dotq2)/normu
    } else {
        v = matrix(0, 2, T1)


gram_schmidt <- function(basis){
    b1 = basis[[1]]
    b2 = basis[[2]]

    basis1 = b1 / sqrt(innerprod_q2(b1,b1))
    b2 = b2 - innerprod_q2(basis1,b2)*basis1
    basis2 = b2 / sqrt(innerprod_q2(b2,b2))

    basis_o = list(basis1, basis2)


project_tangent <- function(w, q, basis){
    w = w - innerprod_q2(w,q)*q
    bo = gram_schmidt(basis)

    wproj = w - innerprod_q2(w, bo[[1]])*bo[[1]] - innerprod_q2(w,bo[[2]])*bo[[2]]


scale_curve <- function(beta){
    n = nrow(beta)
    T1 = ncol(beta)
    normbetadot = rep(0,T1)
    betadot = matrix(0, n, T1)
    for (i in 1:n){
        betadot[i,] = gradient(beta[i,], 1.0/T1)
    for (i in 1:T1){
        normbetadot[i] = pvecnorm(betadot[,i])
    scale = trapz(seq(0,1,length.out=T1), normbetadot)
    beta_scaled = beta / scale

    return(list(beta_scaled=beta_scaled, scale=scale))

parallel_translate <- function(w, q1, q2, basis, mode='O'){
    wtilde = w - 2*innerprod_q2(w,q2) / innerprod_q2(q1+q2,q1+q2) * (q1+q2)
    l = sqrt(innerprod_q2(wtilde, wtilde))

    if (mode == 'C'){
        wbar = project_tangent(wtilde, q2, basis)
        normwbar = sqrt(innerprod_q2(wbar, wbar))
        if (normwbar>1e-4){
            wbar = wbar * l / normwbar
    } else {
        wbar = wtilde


rot_mat <- function(theta){
    O = matrix(0,2,2)
    O[1,1] = cos(theta)
    O[1,2] = -1*sin(theta)
    O[2,1] = sin(theta)
    O[2,2] = cos(theta)


karcher_calc <- function(beta, q, betamean, mu, rotated=T, mode="O"){
    if (mode=="C"){
        basis = find_basis_normal(mu)
    # Compute shooting vector form mu to q_i
    out = inverse_exp_coord(betamean, beta, mode, rotated)

    # Project to tangent space of manifold to obtain v_i
    if (mode=="O"){
        v = out$v
    } else {
        v = project_tangent(out$v, q, basis)


elastic_shooting <- function(q1, v,mode="O"){
    d = sqrt(innerprod_q2(v,v))
    if (d < 0.00001){
        q2n = q1
    } else {
        q2n = cos(d)*q1 + (sin(d)/d)*v
        if (mode == "C"){
        q2n = project_curve(q2n)


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