
Defines functions vandermonde_matrix rinvgamma inner_product l2_norm st qtocurve Enorm Qt.matrix circshift interp1_flat simul_gam simul_reparam_segment simul_reparam match_ext extrema_1s arclength simul_align repmat zero_crossing cumtrapzmid diffop cov_samp f_K_fold resample.f gradient.spline pvecnorm2 pvecnorm cumtraps simpson cumint3 trapz cumtrapz gradient2 meshgrid ndims

ndims <- function(x){

meshgrid <- function(x, y = x) {
  if (!is.numeric(x) || !is.numeric(y))
    stop("Arguments 'x' and 'y' must be numeric vectors.")

  x <- c(x); y <- c(y)
  n <- length(x)
  m <- length(y)

  X <- matrix(rep(x, each = m),  nrow = m, ncol = n)
  Y <- matrix(rep(y, times = n), nrow = m, ncol = n)

  return(list(X = X, Y = Y))

gradient2 <- function(a,dx=1,dy=1){
  m = dim(a)[1]
  n = dim(a)[2]
  dxdu = matrix(0,m,n)
  dydv = matrix(0,m,n)

  for (i in 1:m) {
    dxdu[i,] = gradient(as.vector(a[i,]), dx)

  for (i in 1:m) {
    dydv[,i] = gradient(as.vector(a[,i]), dy)


cumtrapz <- function(x,y,dims=1){
  if ((dims-1)>0){
    perm = c(dims:max(ndims(y),dims), 1:(dims-1))
  } else {
    perm = c(dims:max(ndims(y),dims))

  if (ndims(y) == 0){
    n = 1
    m = length(y)
  } else {
    if (length(x) != dim(y)[dims])
      stop('Dimension Mismatch')
    y = aperm(y, perm)
    m = nrow(y)
    n = ncol(y)

  if (n==1){
    dt = diff(x)/2.0
    z = c(0, cumsum(dt*(y[1:(m-1)] + y[2:m])))
    dim(z) = c(m,1)
  } else {
    tmp = diff(x)
    dim(tmp) = c(m-1,1)
    dt = repmat(tmp/2.0,1,n)
    z = rbind(rep(0,n), apply(dt*(y[1:(m-1),] + y[2:m,]),2,cumsum))
    perm2 = rep(0, length(perm))
    perm2[perm] = 1:length(perm)
    z = aperm(z, perm2)


trapz <- function(x,y,dims=1){
  if ((dims-1)>0){
    perm = c(dims:max(ndims(y),dims), 1:(dims-1))
  } else {
    perm = c(dims:max(ndims(y),dims))

  if (ndims(y) == 0){
    m = 1
  } else {
    if (length(x) != dim(y)[dims])
      stop('Dimension Mismatch')
    y = aperm(y, perm)
    m = nrow(y)

  if (m==1){
    M = length(y)
    out = sum(diff(x)*(y[-M]+y[-1])/2)
  } else {
    slice1 = y[as.vector(outer(1:(m-1), dim(y)[1]*( 1:prod(dim(y)[-1])-1 ), '+')) ]
    dim(slice1) = c(m-1, length(slice1)/(m-1))
    slice2 = y[as.vector(outer(2:m, dim(y)[1]*( 1:prod(dim(y)[-1])-1 ), '+'))]
    dim(slice2) = c(m-1, length(slice2)/(m-1))
    out = t(diff(x)) %*% (slice1+slice2)/2.
    siz = dim(y)
    siz[1] = 1
    out = array(out, siz)
    perm2 = rep(0, length(perm))
    perm2[perm] = 1:length(perm)
    out = aperm(out, perm2)
    ind = which(dim(out) != 1)
    out = array(out, dim(out)[ind])


cumint3 <- function(x,y){
  # This returns a vector z the same size as x and y
  # which is the cumulative integral of y with respect
  # to x, with the lower integration limit set to x(1) and
  # the upper limit ranging from x(1) to x(n). The
  # successive intervals in x need not be of equal lengths,
  # though none should be of zero length. A third order
  # approximation is made so that for up to cubic polynomials
  # the values will be exact except for rounding.
  # x and y must be column vectors of the same length
  # and have at least four elements. Note that with only
  # z = b*g below, this would be computing
  # 'cumtrapz' trapezoidal integration, the rest of the
  # expression in z serving to carry out the additional
  # third order approximation.
  n <- length(x)
  xe <- c(x[4],x,x[n-3])
  ye <- c(y[4],y,y[n-3])
  x0 <- xe[1:(n-1)]
  x1 <- xe[2:n]
  x2 <- xe[3:(n+1)]
  x3 <- xe[4:(n+2)]
  y0 <- ye[1:(n-1)]
  y1 <- ye[2:n]
  y2 <- ye[3:(n+1)]
  y3 <- ye[4:(n+2)]
  a <- x1-x0
  b <- x2-x1
  c <- x3-x2
  d <- y1-y0
  e <- y2-y1
  f <- y3-y2
  g = (y1+y2)/2

  # Each z value will be the integral from x1 to x2 of a cubic
  # polynomial running through (x0,y0),(x1,y1),(x2,y2),(x3,y3).
  z <- b*g+1/12*b^2*(+c*b*(2*c+b)*(c+b)*d-a*c*(c-a)*(2*c+2*a+3*b)*e-a*b*(2*a+b)*(a+b)*f)/(a*c*(a+b)*(c+b)*(c+a+b))

  # Obtain cumulative integral values
  z <- c(0,cumsum(z))

simpson <- function(x,y){
  M = nrow(y)
  if (is.null(M)){
    M = length(y)
    if (M < 3){
      out = trapz(x,y)
      dx = diff(x)
      dx1 = dx[1:(length(dx)-1)]
      dx2 = dx[2:length(dx)]
      alpha = (dx1+dx2)/dx1/6
      a0 = alpha*(2*dx1-dx2)
      a1 = alpha*(dx1+dx2)^2/dx2
      a2 = alpha*dx1/dx2*(2*dx2-dx1)

      out = sum(a0[seq(1,length(a0),2)]*y[seq(1,M-2,2)] + a1[seq(1,length(a1),2)]*y[seq(2,M-1,2)]+a2[seq(1,length(a2),2)]*y[seq(3,M,2)])
      if (M %% 2 == 0){
        A = vandermonde_matrix(x[(length(x)-2):length(x)],3)
        C = solve(A[,3:1],y[(length(y)-2):length(y)])
        out = out + C[1]*(x[length(x)]^3-x[(length(x)-1)]^3)/3 + C[2]*(x[length(x)]^2-x[(length(x)-1)]^2)/2 + C[3]*dx[length(dx)]
    M = nrow(y)
    N = ncol(y)

    # use  trapz if M < 3
    if (M < 3){
      out = trapz(x,y)
      out = rep(0,N)
      dx = diff(x)
      dx1 = dx[1:(length(dx)-1)]
      dx2 = dx[2:length(dx)]
      alpha = (dx1+dx2)/dx1/6
      a0 = alpha*(2*dx1-dx2)
      a1 = alpha*(dx1+dx2)^2/dx2
      a2 = alpha*dx1/dx2*(2*dx2-dx1)
      for (i in 1:N){
        out[i] = sum(a0[seq(1,length(a0),2)]*y[seq(1,M-2,2),i] + a1[seq(1,length(a1),2)]*y[seq(2,M-1,2),i]+a2[seq(1,length(a2),2)]*y[seq(3,M,2),i])
        if (M %% 2 == 0){
          A = vandermonde_matrix(x[(length(x)-2):length(x)],3)
          C = solve(A[,3:1],y[(length(y)-2):length(y)])
          out[i] = out[i] + C[1]*(x[length(x)]^3-x[(length(x)-1)]^3)/3 + C[2]*(x[length(x)]^3-x[(length(x)-1)]^2)/2 + C[3]*dx[length(dx)]


cumtraps <- function(x,y){
  M = length(y)
  dx = diff(x)
  dx1 = dx[1:(length(dx)-1)]
  dx2 = dx[2:length(dx)]
  alpha = (dx1+dx2)/dx1/6
  a0 = alpha*(2*dx1-dx2)
  a1 = alpha*(dx1+dx2)^2/dx2
  a2 = alpha*dx1/dx2*(2*dx2-dx1)

  A = vandermonde_matrix(x[1:3],3)
  C = solve(A[,3:1],y[1:3])
  z = rep(0,M)
  z[2] = C[1]*(x[2]^3-x[1]^3)/3 + C[2]*(x[2]^2-x[1]^2)/2 + C[3]*dx[1]
  z[seq(3,length(z),2)] = cumsum(a0[seq(1,length(a0),2)]*y[seq(1,M-2,2)] + a1[seq(1,length(a1),2)]*y[seq(2,M-1,2)] + a2[seq(1,length(a1),2)]*y[seq(3,M,2)])
  z[seq(4,length(z),2)] = cumsum(a0[seq(2,length(a0),2)]*y[seq(2,M-2,2)] + a1[seq(2,length(a1),2)]*y[seq(3,M-1,2)] + a2[seq(2,length(a1),2)]*y[seq(4,M,2)])+z[2]


pvecnorm <- function(v, p = 2) {
  sum(abs(v) ^ p) ^ (1 / p)

pvecnorm2 <-function(dt,x){

gradient.spline <- function(f, binsize, smooth_data = FALSE) {
  if (smooth_data) {
    n <- nrow(f)
    if (is.null(n)) {
      N <- 1
      tmp.spline <- stats::smooth.spline(f)
      f.out <- tmp.spline$y
      g <- stats::predict(tmp.spline, deriv = 1)$y / binsize
    } else {
      N <- ncol(f)
      f.out <- matrix(0, nrow(f), ncol(f))
      g <- matrix(0, nrow(f), ncol(f))
      for (jj in 1:N) {
        tmp.spline <- stats::smooth.spline(f[, jj])
        f.out[, jj] <- tmp.spline$y
        g[, jj] <- stats::predict(tmp.spline, deriv = 1)$y / binsize
  } else {
    g <- gradient(f, binsize)
    f.out <- f

  list(g = g, f = f.out)

resample.f <- function(f, timet, N=100){
  T1 = length(f)

  newdel = seq(timet[1],timet[T1],length.out=N)

  fn = stats::spline(timet,f,xout=newdel)$y


f_K_fold <- function(Nobs,K=5){
  rs <- stats::runif(Nobs)
  id <- seq(Nobs)[order(rs)]
  k <- as.integer(Nobs*seq(1,K-1)/K)
  k <- matrix(c(0,rep(k,each=2),Nobs),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
  k[,1] <- k[,1]+1
  l <- lapply(seq.int(K),function(x,k,d)
    list(train=d[!(seq(d) %in% seq(k[x,1],k[x,2]))],

cov_samp <- function(x,y=NULL){
  x = scale(x,scale=F)
  N = dim(x)[1]
  if (length(y) == 0){
    sigma = 1/N * t(x) %*% x
    y = scale(y,scale=F)
    sigma = 1/N * t(x) %*% y


diffop <- function(n,binsize = 1){
  m = matrix(0,nrow=n,ncol=n)
  diag(m[-1,]) <- 1
  diag(m) <- -2
  diag(m[,-1]) <- 1
  m = t(m) %*% m
  m[1,1] = 6
  m[n,n] = 6
  m = m/(binsize^4)

geigen <- function (Amat, Bmat, Cmat)
  Bdim <- dim(Bmat)
  Cdim <- dim(Cmat)
  if (Bdim[1] != Bdim[2])
    stop("BMAT is not square")
  if (Cdim[1] != Cdim[2])
    stop("CMAT is not square")
  p <- Bdim[1]
  q <- Cdim[1]
  s <- min(c(p, q))
  if (max(abs(Bmat - t(Bmat)))/max(abs(Bmat)) > 1e-10)
    stop("BMAT not symmetric.")
  if (max(abs(Cmat - t(Cmat)))/max(abs(Cmat)) > 1e-10)
    stop("CMAT not symmetric.")
  Bmat <- (Bmat + t(Bmat))/2
  Cmat <- (Cmat + t(Cmat))/2
  Bfac <- chol(Bmat)
  Cfac <- chol(Cmat)
  Bfacinv <- solve(Bfac)
  Cfacinv <- solve(Cfac)
  Dmat <- t(Bfacinv) %*% Amat %*% Cfacinv
  if (p >= q) {
    result <- svd2(Dmat)
    values <- result$d
    Lmat <- Bfacinv %*% result$u
    Mmat <- Cfacinv %*% result$v
  else {
    result <- svd2(t(Dmat))
    values <- result$d
    Lmat <- Bfacinv %*% result$v
    Mmat <- Cfacinv %*% result$u
  geigenlist <- list(values, Lmat, Mmat)
  names(geigenlist) <- c("values", "Lmat", "Mmat")

svd2 <- function (x, nu = min(n, p), nv = min(n, p), LINPACK = FALSE)
  dx <- dim(x)
  n <- dx[1]
  p <- dx[2]
  svd.x <- try(svd(x, nu, nv))
  if (inherits(svd.x, "try-error")) {
    nNA <- sum(is.na(x))
    nInf <- sum(abs(x) == Inf)
    if ((nNA > 0) || (nInf > 0)) {
      msg <- paste("sum(is.na(x)) = ", nNA, "; sum(abs(x)==Inf) = ",
                   nInf, ".  'x stored in .svd.x.NA.Inf'", sep = "")
    attr(x, "n") <- n
    attr(x, "p") <- p
    attr(x, "LINPACK") <- LINPACK
    .x2 <- c(".svd.LAPACK.error.matrix", ".svd.LINPACK.error.matrix")
    .x <- .x2[1 + LINPACK]
    msg <- paste("svd failed using LINPACK = ", LINPACK,
                 " with n = ", n, " and p = ", p, ";", sep = "")
    svd.x <- try(svd(x, nu, nv))
    if (inherits(svd.x, "try-error")) {
      .xc <- .x2[1 + (!LINPACK)]
      stop("svd also failed using LINPACK = ", !LINPACK)

cumtrapzmid <- function(x,y,c,mid){
  a = length(x)

  # case < mid
  fn = rep(0,a)
  tmpx = x[seq(mid-1,1,-1)]
  tmpy = y[seq(mid-1,1,-1)]
  tmp = c + cumtrapz(tmpx,tmpy)
  fn[1:(mid-1)] = rev(tmp)

  # case >= mid
  fn[mid:a] = c + cumtrapz(x[mid:a],y[mid:a])


zero_crossing <- function(Y, q, bt, time, y_max, y_min, gmax, gmin){
  # finds zero-crossing of optimal gamma, gam = s*gmax + (1-s)*gmin
  # from elastic regression model
  max_itr = 100
  a = rep(0, max_itr)
  a[1] = 1
  f = rep(0, max_itr)
  f[1] = y_max - Y
  f[2] = y_min - Y
  mrp = f[1]
  mrn = f[2]
  mrp_ind = 1  # most recent positive index
  mrn_ind = 2  # most recent negative index

  for (ii in 3:max_itr){
    x1 = a[mrp_ind]
    x2 = a[mrn_ind]
    y1 = mrp
    y2 = mrn
    a[ii] = (x1 *y2 - x2 * y1) / (y2-y1)
    gam_m = a[ii] * gmax + (1-a[ii]) * gmin
    qtmp = warp_q_gamma(time, q, gam_m)
    f[ii] = trapz(time, qtmp*bt) - Y

    if (abs(f[ii]) < 1e-5){
    } else if (f[ii]> 0){
      mrp = f[ii]
      mrp_ind = ii
    } else{
      mrn = f[ii]
      mrn_ind = ii

  gamma = a[ii] * gmax + (1-a[ii]) * gmin


repmat <- function(X,m,n){
  ##R equivalent of repmat (matlab)
  mx = dim(X)[1]
  if (is.null(mx)){
    mx = 1
    nx = length(X)
    mat = matrix(t(matrix(X,mx,nx*n)),mx*m,nx*n,byrow=T)
  }else {
    nx = dim(X)[2]
    mat = matrix(t(matrix(X,mx,nx*n)),mx*m,nx*n,byrow=T)


simul_align <- function(f1, f2){
  # parameterize by arc-length
  s1 = arclength(f1)
  s2 = arclength(f2)

  len1 = max(s1)
  len2 = max(s2)

  f1 = f1/len1
  s1 = s1/len1
  f2 = f2/len2
  s2 = s2/len2

  # get srvf (should be +/-1)
  q1 = diff(f1)/diff(s1)
  q1[diff(s1)==0] = 0;
  q2 = diff(f2)/diff(s2);
  q2[diff(s2)==0] = 0;

  # get extreme points
  out = extrema_1s(s1, q1);
  ext1 = out$ext2
  d1 = out$d
  out = extrema_1s(s2,q2);
  ext2 = out$ext2
  d2 = out$d

  out = match_ext(s1,ext1,d1,s2,ext2,d2)
  D = out$D
  P = out$P
  mpath = out$mpath

  te1 = s1[ext1]
  te2 = s2[ext2]

  fe1 = f1[ext1]
  fe2 = f2[ext2]

  out = simul_reparam(te1, te2, mpath)

  g1 = out$g1
  g2 = out$g2


arclength <- function(f){
  t1 = rep(0,length(f))
  t1[2:length(f)] = abs(diff(f))
  t1 = cumsum(t1)


extrema_1s <- function(t, q){
  q = round(q)

  if (q[1] != 0){
    d = -q[1]
  } else{
    d = q[q!=0]
    d = d[1]

  ext = which(diff(q) != 0) + 1
  ext2 = rep(0, length(ext)+2)
  ext2[1] = 1
  ext2[2:(length(ext2)-1)] = round(ext)
  ext2[length(ext2)] = length(t)


match_ext <- function(t1, ext1, d1, t2, ext2, d2){
  te1 = t1[ext1];
  te2 = t2[ext2];

  # We'll pad each sequence to start on a 'peak' and end on a 'valley'
  pad1 = rep(0, 2)
  pad2 = rep(0, 2)
  if (d1 == -1){
    te1a = rep(0, length(te1)+1)
    te1a[2:length(te1a)] = te1
    te1a[1] = te1a[2]
    te1 = te1a
    pad1[1] = 1

  if ((length(te1)%%2)==1){
    te1a = rep(0,length(te1)+1)
    te1a[1:length(te1a)-1] = te1
    te1a[length(te1a)] = te1[length(te1)]
    te1 = te1a
    pad1[2] = 1

  if (d2 == -1){
    te2a = rep(0, length(te2)+1)
    te2a[2:length(te2a)] = te2
    te2a[1] = te2a[2]
    te2 = te2a
    pad2[1] = 1

  if ((length(te2)%%2)==1){
    te2a = rep(0,length(te2)+1)
    te2a[1:length(te2a)-1] = te2
    te2a[length(te2a)] = te2[length(te2)]
    te2 = te2a
    pad2[2] = 1

  n1 = length(te1)
  n2 = length(te2)

  # initialize weight and path matrices
  D = matrix(0,n1,n2)
  P = array(0,c(n1,n2,2))

  for (i in 1:n1){
    for (j in 1:n2){
      if (((i+j)%%2)==0){
        if ((i-1)>=(1+(i%%2))){
          for (ib in seq(i-1,1+(i%%2),by=-2)){
            if ((j-1)>=(1+(j%%2))){
              for (jb in seq(j-1,1+(j%%2),by=-2)){
                icurr = seq(ib+1,i,2)
                jcurr = seq(jb+1,j,2)
                W = sqrt(sum(te1[icurr]-te1[icurr-1])) *
                Dcurr = D[ib,jb] + W
                if (Dcurr > D[i,j]){
                  D[i,j] = Dcurr
                  P[i,j,] = c(ib,jb)



  D = D[(1+pad1[1]):(n1-pad1[2]), (1+pad2[1]):(n2-pad2[2])]
  P = P[(1+pad1[1]):(n1-pad1[2]), (1+pad2[1]):(n2-pad2[2]),]
  P[,,1] = P[,,1]-pad1[1]
  P[,,2] = P[,,2]-pad2[1]

  # Retrieve Best Path
  if (pad1[2] == pad2[2]){
    mpath = dim(D)
  } else if (D[nrow(D)-1,ncol(D)] > D[nrow(D),ncol(D)-1]){
    mpath = dim(D) - c(1,0)
  } else {
    mpath = dim(D) - c(0,1)
  mpath = round(mpath)
  P = round(P)
  prev_vert = P[mpath[1],mpath[2],]

  while (any(prev_vert>0)){
    mpath = rbind(prev_vert,mpath,deparse.level=0)
    prev_vert = P[mpath[1,1],mpath[1,2],]


simul_reparam <- function(te1, te2, mpath){
  g1 = 0
  g2 = 0

  if (mpath[1,2] == 2){
    g1 = c(g1,0)
    g2 = c(g2,te2[2])
  }else if (mpath[1,1] == 2){
    g1 = c(g1, te1[2])
    g2 = c(g2,0)

  m = nrow(mpath)
  for (ii in 1:(m-1)){
    out = simul_reparam_segment(mpath[ii,], mpath[ii+1,],te1,te2)

    g1 = c(g1,out$gg1)
    g2 = c(g2,out$gg2)

  n1 = length(te1)
  n2 = length(te2)

  if ((mpath[nrow(mpath),1]==(n1-1)) || (mpath[nrow(mpath),2] == (n2-1))){
    g1 = c(g1,1)
    g2 = c(g2,1)


simul_reparam_segment <- function(src, tgt, te1, te2){
  i1 = seq(src[1]+1,tgt[1],2)
  i2 = seq(src[2]+1,tgt[2],2)

  v1 = sum(te1[i1]-te1[i1-1])
  v2 = sum(te2[i2]-te2[i2-1])
  R = v2/v1

  a1 = src[1]
  a2 = src[2]
  t1 = te1[a1]
  t2 = te2[a2]
  u1 = 0.
  u2 = 0.

  gg1 = vector()
  gg2 = vector()

  while ((a1<tgt[1]) && (a2<tgt[2])){
    if ((a1==(tgt[1]-1)) && (a2==(tgt[2]-1))){
      a1 = tgt[1]
      a2 = tgt[2]
      gg1 = c(gg1, te1[a1])
      gg2 = c(gg2, te2[a2])
    } else {
      p1 = (u1+te1[a1+1]-t1)/v1
      p2 = (u2+te2[a2+1]-t2)/v2
      if (p1<p2){
        lam = t2+R*(te1[a1+1]-t1)
        gg1 = c(gg1,te1[a1+1],te1[a1+2])
        gg2 = c(gg2, lam, lam)
        u1 = u1 + te1[a1+1] - t1
        u2 = u2 + lam - t2
        t1 = te1[a1+2]
        t2 = lam
        a1 = a1 + 2
      } else {
        lam = t1 + (1./R)*(te2[a2+1]-t2)
        gg1 = c(gg1,lam,lam)
        gg2 = c(gg2, te2[a2+1], te2[a2+2])
        u1 = u1 + lam - t1
        u2 = u2 + te2[a2+1] - t2
        t1 = lam
        t2 = te2[a2+2]
        a2 = a2 + 2


simul_gam <- function(u,g1,g2,t,s1,s2,tt){
  gs1 = interp1_flat(u,g1,tt)
  gs2 = interp1_flat(u,g2,tt)

  gt1 = interp1_flat(s1,t,gs1)
  gt2 = interp1_flat(s2,t,gs2)

  gam = interp1_flat(gt1,gt2,tt)


interp1_flat <- function(x,y,xx){
  flat = which(diff(x) <=0)
  n = length(flat)

  if (n==0){
    yy = stats::approx(x,y,xx)$y
  } else {
    yy = rep(0,length(xx))
    i1 = 1
    if (flat[1] == 1){
      i2 = 1
      j = xx==x[i2]
      yy[j] = min(y[i2:i2+1])
    } else {
      i2 = flat[1]
      j = (xx>=x[i1]) & (xx<=x[i2])
      yy[j] = stats::approx(x[i1:i2],y[i1:i2],xx[j])$y
      i1 = i2
    if (n>1){
      for (k in 2:n){
        i2 = flat[k]
        if (i2 > (i1+1)){
          j = (xx>=x[i1]) & (xx<=x[i2])
          yy[j] = stats::approx(x[i1+1:i2],y[i1+1:i2],xx[j])$y
        j = xx == x[i2]
        yy[j] = min(y[i2:i2+1])
        i1 = i2

    i2 = length(x)
    j = (xx>=x[i1]) & (xx<=x[i2])
    if ((i1+1) == i2){
      yy[j] = y[i2]
    } else {
      yy[j] = stats::approx(x[i1+1:i2],y[i1+1:i2],xx[j])$y


circshift <- function(a, sz) {
  if (is.null(a)) return(a)

  if (is.vector(a) && length(sz) == 1) {
    n <- length(a)
    s <- sz %% n
    a <- a[(1:n-s-1) %% n + 1]

  } else if (is.matrix(a) && length(sz) == 2) {
    n <- nrow(a); m <- ncol(a)
    s1 <- sz[1] %% n
    s2 <- sz[2] %% m
    a <- a[(1:n-s1-1) %% n + 1, (1:m-s2-1) %% m + 1]
  } else
    stop("Length of 'sz' must be equal to the no. of dimensions of 'a'.")


Qt.matrix <- function(input, newt = seq(0,1,1/(dim(input)[1]-1))){
  Qt <- NULL
  Qt <- sign(c(diff(input)))*sqrt(abs(diff(input))/diff(newt))


  #finds Euclidean norm of real matrix X
  if(is.complex(X)) {
    n <- sqrt(Re(c(st(X) %*% X)))
  else {
    n <- sqrt(sum(diag(t(X) %*% X)))

qtocurve <- function(qt, t = seq(0,1,length = length(qt)+1)){
  m <- length(qt)
  curve <- rep(0,m+1)
  for(i in 2:(m+1)){curve[i] <- qt[i-1]*abs(qt[i-1])*(t[i]-t[i-1])+curve[i-1]}

  #input complex matrix
  #output transpose of the complex conjugate
  st <- t(Conj(zstar))

l2_norm<-function(psi, time=seq(0,1,length.out=length(psi))){
  l2norm <- sqrt(trapz(time,psi*psi))

inner_product<-function(psi1, psi2, time=seq(0,1,length.out=length(psi1))){
  ip <- trapz(time,psi1*psi2)

rinvgamma <- function(n, shape, scale = 1) {
  return(1 / stats::rgamma(n=n, shape=shape, rate=scale))

vandermonde_matrix <- function(alpha, n)  {
  res <- lapply(1:(n - 1), function(.p) alpha^.p)
  res <- do.call(cbind, res)
  res <- cbind(rep(1, length(alpha)), res)

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