
Defines functions manageparam

# checkparam function checks start.arg and fix.arg that parameters are named correctly

# start.arg : starting values for optimization or the function to compute them from data or NULL
# fix.arg : fixed values of paramaters or the function to compute them from data or NULL
# obs : the full dataset
# distname : name of the distribution

# two named list with untested components
manageparam <- function(start.arg, fix.arg, obs, distname)
  #if clause with 3 different cases:
  #start.arg : NULL | named list | a function
    trystart <- try(startargdefault(obs, distname), silent = TRUE)
    if(inherits(trystart, "try-error"))
      cat("Error in computing default starting values.\n")
    lstart <- trystart
    #lstart should be a named list but check it
    hasnoname <- is.null(names(lstart)) || !is.list(lstart)
      stop("Starting values must be a named list, error in default starting value.")
  }else if(is.list(start.arg))
    hasnoname <- is.null(names(start.arg))
      stop("Starting values must be a named list (or a function returning a named list).")
    lstart <- start.arg
  }else if(is.function(start.arg))
    trystart <- try(start.arg(obs), silent = TRUE)
    if(inherits(trystart, "try-error"))
      cat("Error in computing starting values with your function.\n")
    lstart <- trystart
    hasnoname <- is.null(names(lstart)) || !is.list(lstart)
      stop("Starting values must be a named list, your function does not return that.")
    stop("Wrong type of argument for start")
  #if clause with 3 different cases:
  #fix.arg : NULL | named list | a function
    lfix <- NULL
  }else if(is.list(fix.arg))
    hasnoname <- is.null(names(fix.arg))
      stop("Fixed parameter values must be a named list (or a function returning a named list).")
    lfix <- fix.arg
  }else if(is.function(fix.arg))
    tryfix <- try(fix.arg(obs), silent = TRUE)
    if(inherits(tryfix, "try-error"))
      cat("Error in computing fixed parameter values with your function.\n")
    lfix <- tryfix
    hasnoname <- is.null(names(lfix)) || !is.list(lfix)
      stop("Fixed parameter values must be a named list, your function does not return that.")
    stop("Wrong type of argument for fix.arg")
  #eliminate arguments both in lstart and lfix (when start.arg was NULL)
  if(is.null(start.arg) && !is.null(lfix))
    lstart <- lstart[!names(lstart) %in% names(lfix)]
    if(length(lstart) == 0)
      stop("Don't need to use fitdist() if all parameters have fixed values")
  list("start.arg"=lstart, "fix.arg"=lfix)

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fitdistrplus documentation built on April 25, 2023, 5:09 p.m.