
test_that("Information criteria",{
  p <- 3
  n <- nrow(ovarian)
  fitg <- flexsurvreg(formula = Surv(ovarian$futime, ovarian$fustat) ~ 1, dist="gengamma")
  expect_equal(nobs(fitg), n)
  expect_equal(BIC(fitg), AIC(fitg, k=log(n)))
  nevent <- sum(ovarian$fustat)
  expect_equal(BIC(fitg, cens=FALSE), AIC(fitg, k=log(nevent)))
  expect_equal(BIC(fitg), BIC.flexsurvreg(fitg))
  expect_equal(BIC(fitg,cens=FALSE), BIC.flexsurvreg(fitg,cens=FALSE))
  expect_equal(AICc(fitg), AIC(fitg, k=(2*n) / (n - p - 1)))
  expect_equal(AICc(fitg,cens=FALSE), AIC(fitg, k=(2*nevent) / (nevent - p - 1)))
  expect_equal(AICC(fitg), AICc(fitg))
  expect_equal(AICc.flexsurvreg(fitg), AICc(fitg))
  expect_equal(AICC.flexsurvreg(fitg), AICc(fitg))

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flexsurv documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:08 a.m.