
Defines functions fm_int.inla.mesh fm_int.inla.mesh.1d fm_int.inla.mesh.lattice fm_int_mesh_2d.Spatial fm_int_mesh_2d.sfc_GEOMETRY fm_int_mesh_2d.sfc_MULTIPOLYGON fm_int_mesh_2d.sfc_POLYGON fm_int_mesh_2d_polygon fm_int_mesh_2d_core fm_int_mesh_2d.sfc_MULTILINESTRING fm_int_mesh_2d.sfc_LINESTRING fm_int_mesh_2d_lines fm_int_mesh_2d.sfc_MULTIPOINT fm_int_mesh_2d.sfc_POINT fm_int_mesh_2d.sf fm_int_mesh_2d_NULL fm_int_mesh_2d fm_vertex_projection fm_int.fm_mesh_2d fm_int.fm_mesh_1d fm_int.fm_lattice_2d fm_int.SpatRaster fm_int.factor fm_int.character fm_int.numeric fm_int.list fm_int_multi_sampler fm_int fm_cprod

Documented in fm_cprod fm_int fm_int.character fm_int.factor fm_int.fm_lattice_2d fm_int.fm_mesh_1d fm_int.fm_mesh_2d fm_int.inla.mesh fm_int.inla.mesh.1d fm_int.inla.mesh.lattice fm_int.list fm_int_mesh_2d fm_int_mesh_2d_core fm_int_mesh_2d_NULL fm_int_mesh_2d.sf fm_int_mesh_2d.sfc_GEOMETRY fm_int_mesh_2d.sfc_LINESTRING fm_int_mesh_2d.sfc_MULTILINESTRING fm_int_mesh_2d.sfc_MULTIPOINT fm_int_mesh_2d.sfc_MULTIPOLYGON fm_int_mesh_2d.sfc_POINT fm_int_mesh_2d.sfc_POLYGON fm_int_mesh_2d.Spatial fm_int_multi_sampler fm_int.numeric fm_int.SpatRaster fm_vertex_projection

#' @include deprecated.R

#' @title (Blockwise) cross product of integration points
#' @description
#' Calculates the groupwise cross product of integration points in different
#' dimensions and multiplies their weights accordingly.
#' If the object defining points in a particular dimension has no
#' weights attached to it all weights are assumed to be 1.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @param ... `data.frame`, `sf`, or `SpatialPointsDataFrame` objects, each one
#' usually obtained by a call to an [fm_int()] method.
#' @param na.rm logical; if `TRUE`, the rows with weight `NA` from the
#' non-overlapping full_join will be removed; if `FALSE`, set the undefined weights to `NA`.
#' If `NULL` (default), act as `TRUE`, but warn if any elements needed removing.
#' @param .blockwise logical; if `FALSE`, computes full tensor product integration.
#' If `TRUE`, computes within-block tensor product integration (used internally
#' by [fm_int()]).
#' Default `FALSE`
#' @return A `data.frame`, `sf`, or `SpatialPointsDataFrame` of multidimensional
#' integration points and their weights
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # fm_int needs INLA
#' if (TRUE &&
#'   require("ggplot2")) {
#'   # Create integration points in dimension 'myDim' and 'myDiscreteDim'
#'   ips1 <- fm_int(fm_mesh_1d(1:20),
#'     rbind(c(0, 3), c(3, 8)),
#'     name = "myDim"
#'   )
#'   ips2 <- fm_int(domain = c(1, 2, 4), name = "myDiscreteDim")
#'   # Calculate the cross product
#'   ips <- fm_cprod(ips1, ips2)
#'   # Plot the integration points
#'   ggplot(ips) +
#'     geom_point(aes(myDim, myDiscreteDim, size = weight)) +
#'     scale_size_area()
#' }
#' }
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
fm_cprod <- function(..., na.rm = NULL, .blockwise = FALSE) {
  ipl <- list(...)

  # Transform sp to sf
  # TODO make a test. and give a warning for NA non-overlapping outcome?
  # check for each element, or on the subset, change only for sp anonymous function on lapply
  ipl_sp <- vapply(ipl, function(x) inherits(x, "Spatial"), TRUE)
  ipl_sf <- vapply(ipl, function(x) inherits(x, c("sf", "sfc")), TRUE)
  ipl[ipl_sp] <- lapply(ipl[ipl_sp], sf::st_as_sf)

  ipl <- ipl[!vapply(ipl, is.null, TRUE)]
  if (length(ipl) == 0) {

  if (length(ipl) == 1) {
    ips <- ipl[[1]]
  } else {
    ips1 <- ipl[[1]]
    if (length(ipl) > 2) {
      ips2 <- do.call(fm_cprod, ipl[2:length(ipl)])
    } else {
      ips2 <- ipl[[2]]
    if (!"weight" %in% names(ips1)) {
      ips1$weight <- 1
    if (!"weight" %in% names(ips2)) {
      ips2$weight <- 1
    if (!".block" %in% names(ips1)) {
      ips1$.block <- seq_len(NROW(ips1))
    if (!".block" %in% names(ips2)) {
      ips2$.block <- seq_len(NROW(ips2))

    by <- setdiff(intersect(names(ips1), names(ips2)), "weight")
    if (!.blockwise) {
      by <- setdiff(by, ".block")

    # `sf::st_join` performs spatial join/filter; `dplyr::*_join` expects `x` of
    # class `sf` and `y` of class `data.frame`. The trick `as.tibble(sf_obj)` allows
    # `dplyr::full_join` and turn it back to `sf` with active geometry as the ips1.
    # Z <- full_join(as_tibble(X), as_tibble(Y), by = "group")
    # st_as_sf(Z)
    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64365792/dplyr-full-join-on-geometry-columns-of-sf-objects
    if (inherits(ips1, c("sf", "sfc")) ||
      inherits(ips2, c("sf", "sfc"))) {
      if (length(by) == 0) {
        ips <-
      } else {
        ips <-
            by = by,
            relationship = "many-to-many"
    } else {
      # equivalent to base::merge(ips1, ips2, by = by, all = TRUE)
      if (length(by) == 0) {
        ips <-
          dplyr::cross_join(ips1, ips2)
      } else {
        ips <-
          dplyr::full_join(ips1, ips2,
            by = by,
            relationship = "many-to-many"

    ips$weight <- ips$weight.x * ips$weight.y
    ips[["weight.x"]] <- NULL
    ips[["weight.y"]] <- NULL

    if (!.blockwise) {
      ips$.block <- paste0(ips$.block.x, ",", ips$.block.y)
      ips[[".block.x"]] <- NULL
      ips[[".block.y"]] <- NULL
  if (any(is.na(ips$weight)) && !isFALSE(na.rm)) {
    if (is.null(na.rm)) {
          "Block information mismatch resulting in NA weights, and 'na.rm' was not supplied.",
          " These rows will be removed."
    ips <- na.omit(ips)

  # TODO Transform back to sp only if they are required. ips is a tibble sf tbl data.frame.
  # It does not make sense to revert certain indices back after merging. Hence, I revert the entire object back to sp.
  if (any(ipl_sp)) {
    ips <- sf::as_Spatial(ips)
    if (any(ipl_sf)) {
        when = "0.0.1",
        what = "fm_cprod('...'='should not mix `sp` and `sf` objects')",
        details = c("Converting to `sp` since there was at least one `sp` input object.")

#' @title Multi-domain integration
#' @description Construct integration points on tensor product spaces
#' @param domain Functional space specification; single domain or a named list
#' of domains
#' @param samplers For single domain `fm_int` methods, an object specifying one or more
#' subsets of the domain, and optional weighting in a `weight` variable.
#' For `fm_int.list`, a list of sampling definitions, where data frame elements
#' may contain information for multiple domains, in which case each row represent
#' a separate tensor product integration subspace.
#' @param name For single-domain methods, the variable name to use for the
#' integration points. Default 'x'
#' @param \dots Additional arguments passed on to other methods
#' @returns A `data.frame`, `tibble`, `sf`, or `SpatialPointsDataFrame` of 1D and
#' 2D integration points, including a `weight` column and `.block` column.

#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Integration on the interval (2, 3.5) with Simpson's rule
#' ips <- fm_int(fm_mesh_1d(0:4), samplers = cbind(2, 3.5))
#' plot(ips$x, ips$weight)
#' # Create integration points for the two intervals [0,3] and [5,10]
#' ips <- fm_int(
#'   fm_mesh_1d(0:10),
#'   matrix(c(0, 3, 5, 10), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
#' )
#' plot(ips$x, ips$weight)
#' # Convert a 1D mesh into integration points
#' mesh <- fm_mesh_1d(seq(0, 10, by = 1))
#' ips <- fm_int(mesh, name = "time")
#' plot(ips$time, ips$weight)
#' if (require("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   #' Integrate on a 2D mesh with polygon boundary subset
#'   ips <- fm_int(fmexample$mesh, fmexample$boundary_sf[[1]])
#'   ggplot() +
#'     geom_sf(data = fm_as_sfc(fmexample$mesh, multi = TRUE), alpha = 0.5) +
#'     geom_sf(data = fmexample$boundary_sf[[1]], fill = "red", alpha = 0.5) +
#'     geom_sf(data = ips, aes(size = weight)) +
#'     scale_size_area()
#' }
fm_int <- function(domain, samplers = NULL, ...) {

#' Multi-domain sampler integration
#' Combine integration over different domains
#' @param domain A list of named domains
#' @param samplers A named list of samplers
#' @param ... Passed on to each [fm_int()] call.
#' @returns An object with integration points and weights
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' fm_int_multi_sampler(
#'   domain = list(x = fm_mesh_1d(1:4), y = 11:12),
#'   samplers = tibble::tibble(
#'     x = rbind(c(1, 3), c(2, 4)),
#'     y = c(12, 11)
#'   )
#' )
fm_int_multi_sampler <- function(domain, samplers, ...) {
  if (is.null(names(domain))) {
    stop("For 'fm_int_multi_sampler', the domain must be a named list.")

  names_domain <- names(domain)
  names_samplers <- names(samplers)
  names_reserved <- c("weight", ".block")

  if (length(intersect(names_domain, names_reserved)) > 0) {
      "The reserved name(s) ",
        intersect(names_domain, names_reserved),
        collapse = ", "
      " cannot be used as domain names."

  names_intersect <- intersect(names(samplers), names(domain))
  ips_list <- lapply(
    function(nm) {
        domain = domain[[nm]],
        samplers = samplers[[nm]],
        name = nm,
  ips <- do.call(fm_cprod, c(ips_list, list(.blockwise = TRUE)))

  if ("weight" %in% names(samplers)) {
    ips$weight <- ips$weight * samplers$weight[ips$.block]


#' @export
#' @describeIn fm_int Multi-domain integration
fm_int.list <- function(domain, samplers = NULL, ...) {
  weight_name <- "weight"

  if (is.null(names(domain))) {
    stop("For 'fm_int.list', the domain must be a named list.")

  if (!is.null(samplers) && !inherits(samplers, "list")) {
    samplers <- list(samplers)

  # Change a mix of sp, sfc, and sf objects to sf
  sfc_samplers <- unlist(lapply(samplers, function(x) inherits(x, "sfc")))
  samplers[sfc_samplers] <- lapply(samplers[sfc_samplers], sf::st_as_sf)
  sf_samplers <- unlist(lapply(samplers, function(x) inherits(x, "sf")))
  sp_samplers <- unlist(lapply(samplers, function(x) inherits(x, "Spatial")))
  if (any(sp_samplers)) {
    if (any(sf_samplers)) {
      warning("Both `sf` and `sp` objects in the samplers are detected. Output will be `sf`.")
    samplers[sp_samplers] <- lapply(samplers[sp_samplers], sf::st_as_sf)
    if (!("coordinates" %in% names(domain))) {
      stop("`sp` input detected but no `coordinates` domain present.")
    names(domain)[names(domain) %in% "coordinates"] <- "geometry"

  # TODO 20220126 lapply to extract the names, the current one is not sufficient
  # TODO Sort multidomain samplers, single domain samplers
  # TODO Multidomain samplers happens when a sampler across several domains. How to detect that?
  # TODO we should then do the name check for domain and samplers here
  # TODO remove sampler domains and full domain samplers
  # TODO some thoughts for S3 methods, there should be an extra layer ie function to sort samplers and domain arguments and difine multidomain, singledomain and full domain s3 class
  names_domain <- names(domain)
  names_lsamplers <- names(samplers)
  if (is.null(names_lsamplers)) {
    names_lsamplers <- rep("", length(samplers))
  index_single_samplers <- which(names_lsamplers != "")
  index_multi_samplers <- which(names_lsamplers == "")
  names_samplers <- as.list(names_lsamplers)
  names_samplers[index_multi_samplers] <-
      function(x) {
        if (inherits(x, "fm_segm")) {
              "Unnamed sampler in the samplers is an 'fm_segm' object.\n",
              "Use an 'sf' object or other supported multi-sampler class instead."
        } else {
  names_reserved <- c("weight", ".block") # coordinate and geometry is not required here

  if (length(intersect(names_domain, names_reserved)) > 0) {
      "The reserved names ",
      paste0(intersect(names_domain, names_reserved), collapse = ", "),
      " cannot be used as domain names."

  lips_samplers <- list()

  # multidomain samplers, ie unnamed element(s) in samplers, for each sampler and then for each domain(lapply)
  # TODO still have to deal with secondary geometry
  for (i in index_multi_samplers) {
    if (is.null(names_samplers[[i]])) {
      stop(paste0("The unnamed sampler #", i, " in the samplers has no sub-names."))
    lips_samplers[[i]] <-
        domain = domain,
        samplers = samplers[[i]],

  # singledomain samplers, ie named element(s) in samplers
  for (i in index_single_samplers) {
    nm <- intersect(names_samplers[[i]], names_domain)
    if (length(nm) == 0) {
      stop(paste0("The named sampler '", names_lsamplers[[i]], "' in the samplers has no corresponding domain."))
    lips_samplers[[i]] <-
        domain = domain[[nm]],
        samplers = samplers[[i]],
        name = nm,

  # Full domain samplers
  names_full_domain_samplers <- setdiff(names_domain, unlist(names_samplers))
  lips_full_domain_samplers <-
      function(nm) {
          domain = domain[[nm]],
          name = nm,

  ips <- do.call(fm_cprod, c(
    list(.blockwise = FALSE)

  if (any(sp_samplers) && !any(sf_samplers)) {
    ips <- sf::as_Spatial(ips)
    cnames <- sp::coordnames(ips)
    sp::coordnames(ips) <- c("x", "y", "z")[seq_along(cnames)]


#' @export
#' @describeIn fm_int Discrete double or integer space integration
fm_int.numeric <- function(domain, samplers = NULL, name = "x", ...) {
  if (is.null(samplers)) {
    ips <- data.frame(
      x = as.vector(domain),
      weight = 1,
      .block = 1L
    colnames(ips)[1] <- name

  if (!is.data.frame(samplers)) {
    samplers <- data.frame(
      x = samplers,
      weight = 1,
      .block = seq_len(NROW(samplers))
    colnames(samplers)[1] <- name
  } else {
    if (is.null(samplers[["weight"]])) {
      samplers[["weight"]] <- 1
    samplers[[".block"]] <- seq_len(NROW(samplers))

  storage.mode(samplers[[name]]) <- storage.mode(domain)

  ok <- samplers[[name]] %in% domain
  ips <- samplers[ok, , drop = FALSE]

#' @export
#' @describeIn fm_int Discrete character space integration
fm_int.character <- function(domain, samplers = NULL, name = "x", ...) {
  if (is.null(samplers)) {
    ips <- data.frame(
      x = as.vector(domain),
      weight = 1,
      .block = 1L
    colnames(ips)[1] <- name

  if (!is.data.frame(samplers)) {
    samplers <- data.frame(
      x = samplers,
      weight = 1,
      .block = seq_len(NROW(samplers))
    colnames(samplers)[1] <- name
  } else {
    if (is.null(samplers[["weight"]])) {
      samplers[["weight"]] <- 1
    samplers[[".block"]] <- seq_len(NROW(samplers))

  storage.mode(samplers[[name]]) <- storage.mode(domain)

  ok <- samplers[[name]] %in% domain
  ips <- samplers[ok, , drop = FALSE]

#' @export
#' @describeIn fm_int Discrete factor space integration
fm_int.factor <- function(domain, samplers = NULL, name = "x", ...) {
  if (is.null(samplers)) {
    ips <- data.frame(
      x = as.vector(domain),
      weight = 1,
      .block = 1L
    colnames(ips)[1] <- name

  if (!is.data.frame(samplers)) {
    samplers <- data.frame(
      x = factor(as.vector(samplers), levels = levels(domain)),
      weight = 1,
      .block = seq_len(NROW(samplers))
    colnames(samplers)[1] <- name
  } else {
    if (is.null(samplers[["weight"]])) {
      samplers[["weight"]] <- 1
    samplers[[".block"]] <- seq_len(NROW(samplers))

  ok <- samplers[[name]] %in% domain
  ips <- samplers[ok, , drop = FALSE]

#' @export
#' @describeIn fm_int `SpatRaster` integration. Not yet implemented.
fm_int.SpatRaster <- function(domain, samplers = NULL, name = "x", ...) {
  stop("'SpatRaster' integration is not yet implemented.")

#' @export
#' @describeIn fm_int `fm_lattice_2d` integration. Not yet implemented.
fm_int.fm_lattice_2d <- function(domain, samplers = NULL, name = "x", ...) {
  stop("'inla.mesh.lattice' integration is not yet implemented.")

# fm_mesh_1d integration ####

#' @param int.args List of arguments passed to line and integration methods.
#' * `method`: "stable" (to aggregate integration weights onto mesh nodes)
#'   or "direct" (to construct a within triangle/segment integration scheme
#'   without aggregating onto mesh nodes)
#' * `nsub1`, `nsub2`: integers controlling the number of internal integration
#'   points before aggregation. Points per triangle: `(nsub2+1)^2`.
#'   Points per knot segment: `nsub1`
#' @export
#' @describeIn fm_int `fm_mesh_1d` integration. Supported samplers:
#' * `NULL` for integration over the entire domain;
#' * A length 2 vector defining an interval;
#' * A 2-column matrix with a single interval in each row;
#' * A tibble with a named column containing a matrix, and optionally a
#'  `weight` column.
#' @examples
#' ips <- fm_int(
#'   fm_mesh_1d(0:10, boundary = "cyclic"),
#'   rbind(c(0, 3), c(5, 10))
#' )
#' plot(ips$x, ips$weight)
fm_int.fm_mesh_1d <- function(domain, samplers = NULL, name = "x", int.args = NULL, ...) {
  int.args.default <- list(method = "stable", nsub1 = 30, nsub2 = 9)
  if (is.null(int.args)) {
    int.args <- list()
  missing.args <- setdiff(names(int.args.default), names(int.args))
  int.args[missing.args] <- int.args.default[missing.args]
  if (!is.null(int.args[["nsub"]])) {
    int.args[["nsub1"]] <- int.args[["nsub"]]

  if (is.null(samplers)) {
    samplers <- tibble::tibble(
      x = cbind(domain$interval[1], domain$interval[2]),
      weight = 1,
      .block = 1L
    colnames(samplers)[1] <- name
  } else if (is.null(dim(samplers))) {
    samplers <- tibble::tibble(
      x = cbind(samplers[1], samplers[2]),
      weight = 1,
      .block = 1L
    colnames(samplers)[1] <- name
  } else if (is.matrix(samplers)) {
    samplers <- tibble::tibble(
      x = samplers,
      weight = 1,
      .block = seq_len(NROW(samplers))
    colnames(samplers)[1] <- name
  } else {
    samplers <- tibble::as_tibble(samplers)
    if (!(name %in% colnames(samplers))) {
      stop(paste0("Domain name '", name, "' missing from sampler."))
    if (!("weight" %in% colnames(samplers))) {
      samplers$weight <- 1
    samplers$.block <- seq_len(NROW(samplers))

  ips <- list()
  for (j in seq_len(nrow(samplers))) {
    subsampler <- samplers[[name]][j, , drop = TRUE]
    theweight <- samplers[j, "weight", drop = TRUE]
    the.block <- samplers[j, ".block", drop = TRUE]

    if (isTRUE(domain$cyclic)) {
      if (diff(subsampler) >= diff(domain$interval)) {
        subsampler <- domain$interval
      } else {
        subsampler[1] <- domain$interval[1] +
          (subsampler[1] - domain$interval[1]) %% diff(domain$interval)
        subsampler[2] <- subsampler[1] + diff(subsampler) %% diff(domain$interval)
        if (diff(subsampler) == 0.0) {
          subsampler <- domain$interval
        } else if (subsampler[2] > domain$interval[2]) {
          subsampler[2] <- domain$interval[1] +
            (subsampler[2] - domain$interval[1]) %% diff(domain$interval)
    } else if (diff(subsampler) <= 0.0) {
      # Empty interval, skip to next subsampler

    if (identical(int.args[["method"]], "stable")) {
      if (isTRUE(domain$cyclic)) {
        loc_trap <- sort(unique(pmin(
      } else {
        ## Old code required integration only over the main interval:
        #        loc_trap <- sort(unique(pmin(
        #          domain$interval[2],
        #          pmax(
        #            domain$interval[1],
        #            c(domain$loc,
        #              as.vector(subsampler)
        #              )))))
        ## New code allows extrapolated integration:
        loc_trap <- sort(unique(c(

      # Simpson's rule integration
      loc_mid <- (loc_trap[-1] + loc_trap[-length(loc_trap)]) / 2
      # Detect mid-points inside the samplers
      if (isTRUE(domain$cyclic) && (subsampler[1] > subsampler[2])) {
        inside <- (loc_mid < min(subsampler)) |
          (loc_mid > max(subsampler))
      } else {
        inside <- (loc_mid >= min(subsampler)) &
          (loc_mid <= max(subsampler))
      weight_mid <- diff(loc_trap)
      weight_mid[!inside] <- 0.0

      weight_trap <- c(weight_mid / 2, 0) + c(0, weight_mid / 2)
      loc_simpson <- c(loc_trap, loc_mid)
      weight_simpson <- c(weight_trap / 3, weight_mid * 2 / 3)

      ips[[j]] <- data.frame(
        x = loc_simpson[(weight_simpson > 0)],
        weight = weight_simpson[(weight_simpson > 0)] * theweight,
        .block = the.block
      colnames(ips[[j]])[1] <- name
    } else {
      nsub <- int.args[["nsub1"]]
      u <- rep(
        (seq_len(nsub) - 0.5) / nsub,
        domain$n - 1
      int_loc <-
        domain$loc[rep(seq_len(domain$n - 1), each = nsub)] * (1 - u) +
        domain$loc[rep(seq_len(domain$n - 1) + 1, each = nsub)] * u
      int_w <-
        (domain$loc[rep(seq_len(domain$n - 1) + 1, each = nsub)] -
          domain$loc[rep(seq_len(domain$n - 1), each = nsub)]) /

      if (isTRUE(domain$cyclic) && (subsampler[1] > subsampler[2])) {
        inside <- (int_loc < min(subsampler)) |
          (int_loc > max(subsampler))
      } else {
        inside <- (int_loc >= min(subsampler)) &
          (int_loc <= max(subsampler))

      ips[[j]] <- data.frame(
        loc = int_loc[inside],
        weight = int_w[inside] * theweight,
        .block = the.block
    colnames(ips[[j]])[1] <- name

  ips <- do.call(rbind, ips)

  if (NROW(ips) == 0) {
    ips <- data.frame(x = numeric(0), weight = numeric(0), .block = integer(0))
    colnames(ips)[1] <- name


# fm_mesh_2d integration ####

#' @export
#' @describeIn fm_int `fm_mesh_2d` integration. Any sampler class with an
#' associated [fm_int_mesh_2d()] method is supported.
#' @param format character; determines the output format, as either "sf"
#'   (default when the sampler is `NULL`) or "sp". When `NULL`, determined by
#'   the sampler type.
fm_int.fm_mesh_2d <- function(domain,
                              samplers = NULL,
                              name = NULL,
                              int.args = NULL,
                              format = NULL,
                              ...) {
  int.args.default <- list(method = "stable", nsub1 = 30, nsub2 = 9)
  if (is.null(int.args)) {
    int.args <- list()
  missing.args <- setdiff(names(int.args.default), names(int.args))
  int.args[missing.args] <- int.args.default[missing.args]
  if (!is.null(int.args[["nsub"]])) {
    int.args[["nsub2"]] <- int.args[["nsub"]]

  ips <- fm_int_mesh_2d(
    domain = domain,
    name = name,
    int.args = int.args,

  if (is.null(format) && inherits(samplers, "Spatial")) {
    format <- "sp"
  if (!is.null(format)) {
    if ((format == "sf") && !inherits(ips, "sf")) {
      ips <- sf::st_as_sf(ips)
      if (!is.null(name) && (name != attr(ips, "sf_column"))) {
        ips <- dplyr::rename(ips, "{name}" := attr(ips, "sf_column"))
    } else if ((format == "sp") && !inherits(ips, "Spatial")) {
      ips <- as(ips, "Spatial")
      cnames <- sp::coordnames(ips)
      sp::coordnames(ips) <- c("x", "y", "z")[seq_along(cnames)]


#' @title Project integration points to mesh vertices
#' @description
#' Compute information for assigning points to the vertices of the covering triangle
#' @param points A `SpatialPointsDataFrame`, `sf`, or `list` object
#' @param mesh An `fm_mesh_2d` or `inla.mesh` object
#' @return `SpatialPointsDataFrame`, `sf`, or `list` of mesh vertices with
#' projected data attached
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' head(fm_vertex_projection(list(loc = fmexample$loc), fmexample$mesh))
#' head(fm_vertex_projection(fmexample$loc_sf, fmexample$mesh))
fm_vertex_projection <- function(points, mesh) {
  if (inherits(points, c("sf", "sfc")) ||
    inherits(points, "Spatial")) {
    n_points <- NROW(points)
    res <- fm_evaluator(mesh, points)
  } else {
    n_points <- NROW(points$loc)
    res <- fm_evaluator(mesh, points$loc)
  tri <- res$proj$t
  bary <- res$proj$bary

  if (is.null(points$weight)) {
    points$weight <- rep(1L, n_points)
  if (is.null(points$.block)) {
    points$.block <- rep(1L, n_points)

  ok <- !is.na(tri)
  ok[ok] <- (tri[ok] > 0)
  if (any(!ok)) {
    warning("Some integration points were outside the mesh; check your coordinate systems.")

  data <-
      .vertex = as.vector(mesh$graph$tv[tri[ok], ]),
      weight = as.vector(points$weight[ok] * bary[ok, ]),
      .block = rep(points$.block[ok], times = 3)

  data <-
      dplyr::group_by(data, .data$.vertex, .data$.block),
      weight = sum(.data$weight),
      .groups = "drop"
  coords <- mesh$loc[data$.vertex, , drop = FALSE]
  data <- dplyr::select(data, c("weight", ".block", ".vertex"))

  if (inherits(points, "Spatial")) {
    ret <- sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(
      coords[, seq_len(min(
      )), drop = FALSE],
      proj4string = fm_CRS(mesh),
      data = data,
      match.ID = FALSE
    sp::coordnames(ret) <- sp::coordnames(points)
  } else if (inherits(points, "sf")) {
    colnames(coords) <- c("X", "Y", "Z")[seq_len(ncol(coords))]
    d <- min(ncol(coords), length(intersect(colnames(sf::st_coordinates(points)), c("X", "Y", "Z"))))
    data <- cbind(
      tibble::as_tibble(coords[, seq_len(d), drop = FALSE]),
    ret <- sf::st_as_sf(
      coords = seq_len(d),
      crs = fm_crs(mesh)
  } else {
    colnames(coords) <- c("X", "Y", "Z")[seq_len(ncol(coords))]
    data$loc <- coords
    ret <- data


#' Subset integration on a mesh
#' Integration methods for spatial samplers on `fm_mesh_2d` meshes.
#' @returns A `list`, `sf`, or `Spatial` object with
#' point coordinate information and additional columns `weight` and `.block`
#' @inheritParams fm_int
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' str(fm_int_mesh_2d(samplers = NULL, domain = fmexample$mesh))
fm_int_mesh_2d <- function(samplers,
                           name = NULL,
                           int.args = NULL,
                           ...) {
  stopifnot(inherits(domain, c("fm_mesh_2d", "inla.mesh")))

  if (missing(samplers) || is.null(samplers)) {
        samplers = NULL,
        domain = domain,
        name = name,
        int.args = int.args,


#' @describeIn fm_int_mesh_2d Full domain integration
fm_int_mesh_2d_NULL <- function(samplers,
                                name = NULL,
                                int.args = NULL,
                                ...) {

  ips <- fm_int_mesh_2d_polygon(
    domain = domain,
    samplers = NULL,
    int.args = int.args

  if (!is.null(name) && (name != attr(ips, "sf_column"))) {
    ips <- dplyr::rename(ips, "{name}" := "geometry")


#' @export
#' @describeIn fm_int_mesh_2d `sf` integration
fm_int_mesh_2d.sf <- function(samplers,
                              name = NULL,
                              int.args = NULL,
                              ...) {
  if (is.null(name)) {
    name <- attr(samplers, "sf_column")
  if (!("weight" %in% names(samplers))) {
    weight <- rep(1, NROW(samplers))
  } else {
    weight <- samplers$weight

    name = name,
    int.args = int.args,
    .weight = weight,

#' @export
#' @describeIn fm_int_mesh_2d `sfc_POINT` integration
fm_int_mesh_2d.sfc_POINT <- function(samplers,
                                     name = NULL,
                                     int.args = NULL,
                                     .weight = rep(1, NROW(samplers)),
                                     ...) {
  if (is.null(name)) {
    name <- "geometry"
  ips <- tibble::tibble(
    "{name}" := samplers,
    weight = .weight,
    .block = seq_len(NROW(samplers))
  ips <- sf::st_as_sf(ips, sf_column_name = name)

  # TODO: remove points outside the domain


#' @export
#' @describeIn fm_int_mesh_2d `sfc_MULTIPOINT` integration
#' @importFrom rlang :=
fm_int_mesh_2d.sfc_MULTIPOINT <- function(samplers,
                                          name = NULL,
                                          int.args = NULL,
                                          .weight = rep(1, NROW(samplers)),
                                          ...) {
  coords <- tibble::as_tibble(sf::st_coordinates(samplers))
  coords <- dplyr::rename(coords, .block = "L1")
  coords$weight <- .weight[coords$.block]
  ips <- sf::st_as_sf(
    coords = intersect(names(coords), c("X", "Y", "Z", "M")),
    crs = fm_crs(samplers)

  # TODO: remove points outside the domain

  if (!is.null(name) && (name != attr(ips, "sf_column"))) {
    ips <- dplyr::rename(ips, "{name}" := "geometry")

fm_int_mesh_2d_lines <- function(samplers,
                                 name = NULL,
                                 int.args = NULL,
                                 .weight = rep(1, NROW(samplers)),
                                 ...) {
  project <- identical(int.args$method, "stable")

  weight <- .weight
  .block <- seq_len(NROW(samplers))

  # Extract start and end coordinates
  coords <- sf::st_coordinates(samplers)
  if ("L2" %in% colnames(coords)) {
    feature <- coords[, "L2"]
    part <- coords[, "L1"]
    L_idx <- which(colnames(coords) %in% c("L1", "L2"))
  } else {
    feature <- coords[, "L1"]
    part <- rep(1, nrow(coords))
    L_idx <- which(colnames(coords) %in% "L1")

  segment <- which((diff(part) > 0) | (diff(feature) > 0))
  coordnames <- intersect(colnames(coords), c("X", "Y", "Z", "M"))

  sp <- coords[-c(segment, nrow(coords)), coordnames, drop = FALSE]
  ep <- coords[-c(1L, 1L + segment), coordnames, drop = FALSE]
  origin <- feature[-c(segment, nrow(coords))]
  segm <- fm_segm(
    rbind(sp, ep),
    idx = cbind(seq_len(nrow(sp)), seq_len(nrow(sp)) + nrow(sp)),
    grp = origin,
    crs = fm_crs(samplers)

  sampler_crs <- fm_crs(samplers)
  target_crs <- fm_crs(domain)
  if (!fm_crs_is_null(sampler_crs) &&
    fm_crs_is_null(target_crs)) {
    target_crs <- sampler_crs

  # Filter out points outside the mesh...
  segm <- fm_transform(segm, crs = target_crs, passthrough = TRUE)

  # Split at mesh edges
  segm <- fm_split_lines(domain, segm)
  origin <- origin[segm$origin]

  # At this point, segm is in the target_crs

  # Determine integration points along lines

  if (fm_crs_is_null(sampler_crs) || !fm_crs_is_geocent(fm_crs(domain))) {
    sp <- segm$loc[segm$idx[, 1], , drop = FALSE]
    ep <- segm$loc[segm$idx[, 2], , drop = FALSE]
    if (fm_manifold(domain, "S2")) {
      sp <- sp / rowSums(sp^2)^0.5
      ep <- ep / rowSums(ep^2)^0.5
      ips <- (sp + ep) / 2
      w <- rowSums((ep - sp)^2)^0.5

      radius <- mean(rowSums(domain$loc^2)^0.5)
      w <- asin(pmin(1, pmax(-1, w / 2))) * radius
      ips <- ips * (radius / rowSums(ips^2)^0.5)
    } else {
      ips <- (sp + ep) / 2
      w <- rowSums((ep - sp)^2)^0.5
  } else {
    # Has CRS
    longlat.crs <- fm_crs("longlat_globe")
    geocentric.crs <- fm_crs("sphere")
    segm3d <- fm_transform(segm, crs = geocentric.crs, crs0 = target_crs)
    sp3d <- segm$loc[segm$idx[, 1], , drop = FALSE]
    ep3d <- segm$loc[segm$idx[, 2], , drop = FALSE]
    mp3d <- (sp3d + ep3d) / rowSums((sp3d + ep3d)^2)^0.5

    ips <- fm_transform(mp3d, crs = target_crs, crs0 = geocentric.crs)
    w <- sp::spDists(
      fm_transform(sp3d, crs = longlat.crs, crs0 = geocentric.crs)[, 1:2, drop = FALSE],
      fm_transform(ep3d, crs = longlat.crs, crs0 = geocentric.crs)[, 1:2, drop = FALSE],
      diagonal = TRUE, longlat = TRUE

  # Wrap everything up and perform projection according to distance and given .block argument
  ips <- data.frame(ips)
  d_ips <- ncol(ips)
  # Temporary names
  colnames(ips) <- c("x", "y", "z")[seq_len(d_ips)]

  # Weights
  ips <- cbind(ips, weight = w)
  ips$weight <- ips$weight * weight[origin]
  ips$.block <- .block[origin]

  ips <- sf::st_as_sf(as.data.frame(ips),
    coords = seq_len(d_ips),
    crs = target_crs

  # Project to mesh vertices
  if (project) {
    ips <- fm_vertex_projection(ips, domain)

  if (!is.null(name) && (name != attr(ips, "sf_column"))) {
    ips <- dplyr::rename(ips, "{name}" := "geometry")


#' @export
#' @describeIn fm_int_mesh_2d `sfc_LINESTRING` integration
fm_int_mesh_2d.sfc_LINESTRING <- function(samplers,
                                          name = NULL,
                                          int.args = NULL,
                                          .weight = rep(1, NROW(samplers)),
                                          ...) {
  ips <- fm_int_mesh_2d_lines(samplers, domain, name, int.args, .weight, ...)

  if (!is.null(name) && (name != attr(ips, "sf_column"))) {
    ips <- dplyr::rename(ips, "{name}" := "geometry")


#' @export
#' @describeIn fm_int_mesh_2d `sfc_MULTILINESTRING` integration
fm_int_mesh_2d.sfc_MULTILINESTRING <- function(samplers,
                                               name = NULL,
                                               int.args = NULL,
                                               .weight = rep(1, NROW(samplers)),
                                               ...) {
  ips <- fm_int_mesh_2d_lines(samplers, domain, name, int.args, .weight, ...)

  if (!is.null(name) && (name != attr(ips, "sf_column"))) {
    ips <- dplyr::rename(ips, "{name}" := "geometry")


#' Integration scheme for mesh triangle interiors
#' @param mesh Mesh on which to integrate
#' @param tri_subset Optional triangle index vector for integration on a subset
#' of the mesh triangles (Default `NULL`)
#' @param nsub number of subdivision points along each triangle edge, giving
#'    `(nsub + 1)^2` proto-integration points used to compute
#'   the vertex weights
#'   (default `nsub=9`, giving 100 integration points for each triangle)
#' @return `list` with elements `loc` and `weight` with
#'   integration points for the mesh
#' @author Finn Lindgren \email{finn.lindgren@@gmail.com}
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' str(fm_int_mesh_2d_core(fmexample$mesh))
fm_int_mesh_2d_core <- function(mesh, tri_subset = NULL, nsub = NULL) {
  # Construct a barycentric grid of subdivision triangle midpoints
  if (is.null(nsub)) {
    nsub <- 9
  stopifnot(nsub >= 0)
  nB <- (nsub + 1)^2

  nT <- nrow(mesh$graph$tv)
  if (is.null(tri_subset)) {
    tri_subset <- seq_len(nT)

  is_spherical <- fm_manifold(mesh, "S2")

  # Barycentric integration coordinates
  b <- seq(1 / 3, 1 / 3 + nsub, length.out = nsub + 1) / (nsub + 1)
  bb <- as.matrix(expand.grid(b, b))
  # Points above the diagonal should be reflected into the lower triangle:
  refl <- rowSums(bb) > 1
  if (any(refl)) {
    bb[refl, ] <- cbind(1 - bb[refl, 2], 1 - bb[refl, 1])
  # Construct complete barycentric coordinates:
  barycentric_grid <- cbind(1 - rowSums(bb), bb)

  # Construct integration points
  loc <- matrix(0.0, length(tri_subset) * nB, ncol(mesh$loc))
  idx_end <- 0
  for (tri in tri_subset) {
    idx_start <- idx_end + 1
    idx_end <- idx_start + nB - 1
    loc[seq(idx_start, idx_end, length.out = nB), ] <-
      as.matrix(barycentric_grid %*%
        mesh$loc[mesh$graph$tv[tri, ], , drop = FALSE])

  if (is_spherical) {
    # Normalise
    radius <- sum(mesh$loc[1, ]^2)^0.5
    mesh$loc <- mesh$loc / radius
    loc <- loc / rowSums(loc^2)^0.5

  # Construct integration weights
  tri_area <- fm_fem(mesh, order = 1)$ta[tri_subset]

  if (is_spherical) {
    tri_area <- tri_area * radius^2
    loc <- loc * radius

    loc = loc,
    weight = rep(tri_area / nB, each = nB)

fm_int_mesh_2d_polygon <- function(samplers,
                                   name = NULL,
                                   int.args = NULL,
                                   .weight = rep(1, NROW(samplers)),
                                   ...) {
  method <- match.arg(int.args[["method"]], c("stable", "direct"))

  ipsl <- list()

  # Compute direct integration points
  # TODO: Allow blockwise construction to avoid
  # overly large temporary coordinate matrices (via tri_subset)
  integ <- fm_int_mesh_2d_core(domain, nsub = int.args[["nsub2"]])

  # Keep points with positive weights (This should be all,
  # but if there's a degenerate triangle, this gets rid of it)
  ok <- (integ$weight > 0)
  integ$loc <- integ$loc[ok, , drop = FALSE]
  integ$weight <- integ$weight[ok]

  domain_crs <- fm_crs(domain)

  if (!is.null(samplers)) {
    samplers_crs <- fm_crs(samplers)
    integ_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(as.data.frame(integ$loc),
      coords = seq_len(ncol(integ$loc)),
      crs = domain_crs
    if (!identical(domain_crs, samplers_crs) &&
      !fm_crs_is_null(domain_crs) &&
      !fm_crs_is_null(samplers_crs)) {
      integ_sf <- fm_transform(integ_sf,
        crs = samplers_crs,
        passthrough = TRUE

    idx <- sf::st_contains(samplers, integ_sf, sparse = TRUE)

    for (g in seq_along(idx)) {
      if (length(idx[[g]]) > 0) {
        integ_ <- list(
          loc = integ$loc[idx[[g]], , drop = FALSE],
          weight = integ$weight[idx[[g]]]

        if (method %in% c("stable")) {
          # Project integration points and weights to mesh nodes
          integ_ <- fm_vertex_projection(integ_, domain)

        if (ncol(integ_$loc) > 2) {
          ips <- sf::st_as_sf(
              x = integ_$loc[, 1],
              y = integ_$loc[, 2],
              z = integ_$loc[, 3],
              weight = integ_$weight,
              .block = g
            coords = c("x", "y", "z"),
            crs = domain_crs
        } else {
          ips <- sf::st_as_sf(
              x = integ_$loc[, 1],
              y = integ_$loc[, 2],
              weight = integ_$weight,
              .block = g
            coords = c("x", "y"),
            crs = domain_crs

        ipsl <- c(ipsl, list(ips))
  } else {
    if (method %in% c("stable")) {
      # Project integration points and weights to mesh nodes
      integ <- fm_vertex_projection(integ, domain)

    if (ncol(integ$loc) > 2) {
      ipsl <- list(sf::st_as_sf(
          x = integ$loc[, 1],
          y = integ$loc[, 2],
          z = integ$loc[, 3],
          weight = integ$weight,
          .block = 1L
        coords = c("x", "y", "z"),
        crs = domain_crs
    } else {
      ipsl <- list(sf::st_as_sf(
          x = integ$loc[, 1],
          y = integ$loc[, 2],
          weight = integ$weight,
          .block = 1L
        coords = c("x", "y"),
        crs = domain_crs

  ips <- do.call(rbind, ipsl)

  if (!is.null(name) && (name != attr(ips, "sf_column"))) {
    ips <- dplyr::rename(ips, "{name}" := "geometry")


#' @export
#' @describeIn fm_int_mesh_2d `sfc_POLYGON` integration
fm_int_mesh_2d.sfc_POLYGON <- function(samplers,
                                       name = NULL,
                                       int.args = NULL,
                                       .weight = rep(1, NROW(samplers)),
                                       ...) {
  weight <- .weight
  .block <- seq_len(NROW(samplers))

  ips <- fm_int_mesh_2d_polygon(
    domain = domain,
    int.args = int.args,
    samplers = samplers

  ips$weight <- ips$weight * .weight[ips$.block]
  ips$.block <- .block[ips$.block]

  if (!is.null(name) && (name != attr(ips, "sf_column"))) {
    ips <- dplyr::rename(ips, "{name}" := "geometry")


#' @export
#' @describeIn fm_int_mesh_2d `sfc_MULTIPOLYGON` integration
fm_int_mesh_2d.sfc_MULTIPOLYGON <- function(samplers,
                                            name = NULL,
                                            int.args = NULL,
                                            .weight = rep(1, NROW(samplers)),
                                            ...) {
  weight <- .weight
  .block <- seq_len(NROW(samplers))

  ips <- fm_int_mesh_2d_polygon(
    domain = domain,
    int.args = int.args,
    samplers = samplers

  ips$weight <- ips$weight * .weight[ips$.block]
  ips$.block <- .block[ips$.block]

  if (!is.null(name) && (name != attr(ips, "sf_column"))) {
    ips <- dplyr::rename(ips, "{name}" := "geometry")


#' @export
#' @describeIn fm_int_mesh_2d `sfc_GEOMERY` integration
fm_int_mesh_2d.sfc_GEOMETRY <- function(samplers,
                                        name = NULL,
                                        int.args = NULL,
                                        .weight = rep(1, NROW(samplers)),
                                        ...) {
  geometry_class <- vapply(
    function(x) {
  .block <- seq_len(NROW(samplers))

  ips <- list()
  for (g_class in unique(geometry_class)) {
    subset <- geometry_class == g_class
    ips[[g_class]] <-
        domain = domain,
        name = name,
        int.args = int.args,
        .weight = .weight[subset]
    ips[[g_class]][[".block"]] <- .block[subset][ips[[g_class]][[".block"]]]
  ips <- do.call(dplyr::bind_rows, ips)

  if (!is.null(name) && (name != attr(ips, "sf_column"))) {
    ips <- dplyr::rename(ips, "{name}" := "geometry")


#' @export
#' @describeIn fm_int_mesh_2d `Spatial` integration
fm_int_mesh_2d.Spatial <- function(samplers,
                                   name = NULL,
                                   int.args = NULL,
                                   format = NULL,
                                   ...) {
  samplers <- sf::st_as_sf(samplers)

  ips <-
      domain = domain,
      name = name,
      int.args = int.args,


# Legacy class support ####

#' @export
#' @rdname fm_int
fm_int.inla.mesh.lattice <- function(domain, samplers = NULL, name = "x", ...) {
  stop("'inla.mesh.lattice' integration is not yet implemented.")

#' @rdname fm_int
#' @export
fm_int.inla.mesh.1d <- function(domain, samplers = NULL, name = "x", int.args = NULL, ...) {
    samplers = samplers,
    name = name,
    int.args = NULL,

#' @export
#' @rdname fm_int
fm_int.inla.mesh <- function(domain,
                             samplers = NULL,
                             name = NULL,
                             int.args = NULL,
                             format = NULL,
                             ...) {
    samplers = samplers,
    name = name,
    int.args = int.args,
    format = format,

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