
Defines functions condensefMRI expandfMRI extractData write.NIFTI complete.fmriHeader read.NIFTI read.NIFTI.header read.DICOM write.AFNI read.AFNI write.ANALYZE read.ANALYZE write.ANALYZE.volume write.ANALYZE.header read.ANALYZE.volume read.ANALYZE.header

Documented in condensefMRI expandfMRI extractData read.AFNI read.ANALYZE read.DICOM read.NIFTI write.AFNI write.ANALYZE write.NIFTI

read.ANALYZE.header <- function(filename) {
  if (is.na(file.info(filename)$size) | (file.info(filename)$size != 348))
    stop("Hmmm! This does not seem to be an ANALYZE header! Wrong size or does not exist!");

  con <- file(filename,"rb")

  header <- list()

  # read 4 bytes and get the endianess by comparing filesize with 348
  endian <- if ((sizeofhdr <- readBin(con,"int",1,4,endian="little")) == 348) "little" else "big"
  header$sizeofhdr <- 348
  header$endian <- endian

  header$datatype1 <- readChar(con,10, TRUE)
  header$dbname <- readChar(con,18, TRUE)
  header$extents <- readBin(con,"int",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$sessionerror <- readBin(con,"int",1,2,endian=endian)
  header$regular <- readChar(con,1, TRUE)
  header$hkey <- readChar(con,1, TRUE)
  header$dimension <- readBin(con,"int",8,2,endian=endian)
  header$unused <- readBin(con,"int",7,2,endian=endian)
  header$datatype <- readBin(con,"int",1,2,endian=endian)
  header$bitpix <- readBin(con,"int",1,2,endian=endian)
  header$dimun0 <- readBin(con,"int",1,2,endian=endian)
  header$pixdim <- readBin(con,"double",8,4,endian=endian)
  header$voxoffset <- readBin(con,"double",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$funused <- readBin(con,"double",3,4,endian=endian)
  header$calmax <- readBin(con,"double",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$calmin <- readBin(con,"double",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$compressed <- readBin(con,"double",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$verified <- readBin(con,"double",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$glmax <- readBin(con,"int",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$glmin <- readBin(con,"int",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$describ <- readChar(con,80, TRUE)
  header$auxfile<- readChar(con,24, TRUE)
  header$orient <- readChar(con,1, TRUE) # is this really a character?
  header$originator <- readBin(con,"int",5,2,endian=endian) # documented as 10 byte character!!
  header$generated <- readChar(con,10, TRUE)
  header$scannum <- readChar(con,10, TRUE)
  header$patientid <- readChar(con,10, TRUE)
  header$expdate <- readChar(con,10, TRUE)
  header$exptime <- readChar(con,10, TRUE)
  header$histun0 <- readChar(con,3, TRUE)
  header$views <- readBin(con,"int",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$voladded<- readBin(con,"int",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$startfield <- readBin(con,"int",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$fieldskip <- readBin(con,"int",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$omax <- readBin(con,"int",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$omin <- readBin(con,"int",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$smax <- readBin(con,"int",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$smin <- readBin(con,"int",1,4,endian=endian)



read.ANALYZE.volume <- function(filename) {
  file.name <- substring(filename, 1, nchar(filename) - 4)
  file.hdr <- paste(file.name, ".hdr", sep = "")
  file.img <- paste(file.name, ".img", sep = "")

  header <- read.ANALYZE.header(file.hdr)
  (dx <- header$dimension[2]) || (dx <- 1)
  (dy <- header$dimension[3]) || (dy <- 1)
  (dz <- header$dimension[4]) || (dz <- 1)
  (dt <- header$dimension[5]) || (dt <- 1)
  endian <- header$endian
  if (header$datatype == 1) { # logical
    what <- "raw"
    signed <- TRUE
    size <- 1
  } else if (header$datatype == 2) { # unsigned int 1-byte
    what <- "int"
    signed <- FALSE
    size <- if (header$bitpix) header$bitpix/8 else 1
  } else if (header$datatype == 4) { # signed short
    what <- "int"
    signed <- TRUE
    size <- if (header$bitpix) header$bitpix/8 else 2
  } else if (header$datatype == 8) { # signed integer
    what <- "int"
    signed <- TRUE
    size <- if (header$bitpix) header$bitpix/8 else 4
  } else if (header$datatype == 16) { # float
    what <- "double"
    signed <- TRUE
    size <- if (header$bitpix) header$bitpix/8 else 4
  } else if (header$datatype == 32) { # complex
    what <- "complex"
    signed <- TRUE
    size <- if (header$bitpix) header$bitpix/8 else 8
  } else if (header$datatype == 64) { # double
    what <- "double"
    signed <- TRUE
    size <- if (header$bitpix) header$bitpix/8 else 8
  } else { # all other
    what <- "raw"
    signed <- TRUE
    size <- 1

  con <- file(filename,"rb")
  ttt <- readBin(con, what, n=dx*dy*dz*dt*size, size=size, signed=signed, endian=endian)

  dim(ttt) <- c(dx,dy,dz,dt)


write.ANALYZE.header <- function(header,filename) {
  con <- file(paste(filename, ".hdr", sep=""), "wb")

  writeBin(as.integer(348), con, 4)
  writeChar(header$datatype1, con, 10, NULL)
  writeChar(header$dbname, con, 18, NULL)
  writeBin(as.integer(header$extents), con, 4)
  writeBin(as.integer(header$sessionerror), con, 2)
  writeChar(header$regular, con, 1, NULL)
  writeChar(header$hkey, con, 1, NULL)
  writeBin(as.integer(header$dimension), con, 2)
  writeBin(as.integer(header$unused), con, 2)
  writeBin(as.integer(header$datatype), con, 2)
  writeBin(as.integer(header$bitpix), con, 2)
  writeBin(as.integer(header$dimun0), con, 2)
  writeBin(header$pixdim, con, 4)
  writeBin(header$voxoffset, con, 4)
  writeBin(header$funused, con, 4)
  writeBin(header$calmax, con, 4)
  writeBin(header$calmin, con, 4)
  writeBin(header$compressed, con, 4)
  writeBin(header$verified, con, 4)
  writeBin(as.integer(header$glmax), con, 4)
  writeBin(as.integer(header$glmin), con, 4)
  writeChar(header$describ, con, 80, NULL)
  writeChar(header$auxfile, con, 24, NULL)
  writeChar(header$orient, con, 1, NULL) # is this really a character?
  writeBin(as.integer(header$originator), con, 2) # documented as 10 byte character!!
  writeChar(header$generated, con, 10, NULL)
  writeChar(header$scannum, con, 10, NULL)
  writeChar(header$patientid, con, 10, NULL)
  writeChar(header$expdate, con, 10, NULL)
  writeChar(header$exptime, con, 10, NULL)
  writeChar(header$histun0, con, 3, NULL)
  writeBin(as.integer(header$views), con, 4)
  writeBin(as.integer(header$voladded), con, 4)
  writeBin(as.integer(header$startfield), con, 4)
  writeBin(as.integer(header$fieldskip), con, 4)
  writeBin(as.integer(header$omax), con, 4)
  writeBin(as.integer(header$omin), con, 4)
  writeBin(as.integer(header$smax), con, 4)
  writeBin(as.integer(header$smin), con, 4)


write.ANALYZE.volume <- function(ttt,filename,size) {
  con <- file(paste(filename, ".img", sep=""), "wb")
  dim(ttt) <- NULL
  writeBin(as.integer(ttt), con, size)

read.ANALYZE <- function(prefix = c(""), numbered = FALSE, postfix = "",
              picstart = 1, numbpic = 1, level=0.75, mask=NULL, setmask=TRUE) {
  counter <- c(paste("00", 1:9, sep=""), paste("0", 10:99, sep=""),paste(100:999,sep=""));

  prefix <- strsplit(prefix,".img")
  filename <- character(length(prefix))
  if (numbered) {
    for (i in picstart:(picstart+numbpic-1)) {
      filename[i-picstart+1] <- paste(prefix[[1]][1], counter[i], postfix, ".img", sep="")
  } else {
    for (i in 1:length(prefix)) {
      if (length(prefix[[i]]) > 1)
        warning("filename",paste(prefix[[i]],collapse=""),"probably misinterpreted due to extension-like .img in name!")
      filename[i] <- paste(prefix[[i]][1], ".img", sep="")

  if (!is.na(file.info(filename[1])$size)) {
    analyze <- read.ANALYZE.volume(filename[1]);
    ttt <- analyze$ttt
    ddim <- dim(ttt)
    header <- analyze$header;

    if ((numbpic > 1) && numbered) {
      for (i in 2:numbpic) {
        a <- read.ANALYZE.volume(filename[i])$ttt
        if (sum() != 0)
          cat("Error: wrong spatial dimension in picture",i)
        ttt <- c(ttt,a);
        ddim[4] <- ddim[4] + dim(a)[4]

    dim(ttt) <- ddim

    if (min(abs(header$pixdim[2:4])) != 0) {
      weights <-
    } else {
      weights <- NULL
    delta <- header$pixdim[2:4]
    mask0 <- array(TRUE,ddim[1:3])
    if (setmask) {
      mask0[ttt[,,,1] < quantile(ttt[,,,1],level,na.rm = TRUE)] <- FALSE
      dim(ttt) <- c(prod(dim(ttt)[1:3]),dim(ttt)[4])
      na <- ttt %*% rep(1,dim(ttt)[2])
      mask0[is.na(na)] <- FALSE
      ttt[is.na(na),] <- 0
      dim(mask0) <- ddim[1:3]
      mask0 <- connect.mask(mask0)
    z <- list(ttt=writeBin(as.numeric(ttt),raw(),4),
  } else {
    warning(paste("Error: file",filename[1],"does not exist!"))
    z <- list(ttt=NULL,

  z <- complete.fmriHeader(z)
  class(z) <- "fmridata"

  if (length(filename) > 1) {
    attr(z,"file") <- paste(filename[1], "...",
  } else {
    attr(z,"file") <- paste(filename[1], sep="")
  if(!is.null(mask)) z <- setmask(z,mask)

write.ANALYZE <- function(ttt, header=NULL, filename) {
  if (is.null(header)) header <- list()

  if (!("datatype1" %in% names(header))) header$datatype1 <- paste(rep(" ",10),collapse="")
  if (!("dbname" %in% names(header))) header$dbname <- paste(rep(" ",18),collapse="")
  if (!("extents" %in% names(header))) header$extents <- c(0)
  if (!("sessionerror" %in% names(header))) header$sessionerror <- c(0)
  if (!("regular" %in% names(header))) header$regular <- "r"
  if (!("hkey" %in% names(header))) header$hkey <- " "
  if (!("dimension" %in% names(header))) {header$dimension <- rep(0,8); header$dimension <- c(length(dim(ttt)),dim(ttt))}
  if (length(header$dimension) < 8) header$dimension[(length(header$dimension)+1):8] <- 0
  if (!("unused" %in% names(header))) header$unused <- rep(0,7)
  if (length(header$unused) < 7) header$unused[(length(header$unused)+1):7] <- 0
  if (!("datatype" %in% names(header))) header$datatype <- c(4)
  if (!("bitpix" %in% names(header))) header$bitpix <- c(0)
  if (!("dimun0" %in% names(header))) header$dimun0 <- c(0)
  if (!("pixdim" %in% names(header))) header$pixdim <- c(0,4,4,4,rep(0,4))
  if (length(header$pixdim) < 8) header$pixdim[(length(header$pixdim)+1):8] <- 0
  if (!("voxoffset" %in% names(header))) header$voxoffset <- c(0)
  if (!("funused" %in% names(header))) header$funused <- rep(0,3)
  if (length(header$funused) < 3) header$funused[(length(header$funused)+1):3] <- 0
  if (!("calmax" %in% names(header))) header$calmax <- c(0)
  if (!("calmin" %in% names(header))) header$calmin <- c(0)
  if (!("compressed" %in% names(header))) header$compressed <- c(0)
  if (!("verified" %in% names(header))) header$verified <- c(0)
  if (!("glmax" %in% names(header))) header$glmax <- c(0)
  if (!("glmin" %in% names(header))) header$glmin <- c(0)
  if (!("describ" %in% names(header))) header$describ <- paste(rep(" ",80),collapse="")
  if (!("auxfile" %in% names(header))) header$auxfile <- paste(rep(" ",24),collapse="")
  if (!("orient" %in% names(header))) header$orient <- " "
  if (!("originator" %in% names(header))) header$originator <- rep(0,5)
  if (length(header$originator) < 5) header$originator[(length(header$originator)+1):8] <- 0
  if (!("generated" %in% names(header))) header$generated <- paste(rep(" ",10),collapse="")
  if (!("scannum" %in% names(header))) header$scannum <- paste(rep(" ",10),collapse="")
  if (!("patientid" %in% names(header))) header$patientid <- paste(rep(" ",10),collapse="")
  if (!("expdate" %in% names(header))) header$expdate <- paste(rep(" ",10),collapse="")
  if (!("exptime" %in% names(header))) header$exptime <- paste(rep(" ",10),collapse="")
  if (!("histun0" %in% names(header))) header$histun0 <- paste(rep(" ",3),collapse="")
  if (!("views" %in% names(header))) header$views <- c(0)
  if (!("voladded" %in% names(header))) header$voladded <- c(0)
  if (!("startfield" %in% names(header))) header$startfield <- c(0)
  if (!("fieldskip" %in% names(header))) header$fieldskip <- c(0)
  if (!("omax" %in% names(header))) header$omax <- c(0)
  if (!("omin" %in% names(header))) header$omin <- c(0)
  if (!("smax" %in% names(header))) header$smax <- c(0)
  if (!("smin" %in% names(header))) header$smin <- c(0)

  if (header$datatype == 1) { # logical
    what <- "raw"
    signed <- TRUE
    size <- 1
  } else if (header$datatype == 2) { # unsigned char????
    what <- "int"
    signed <- FALSE
    size <- if (header$bitpix) header$bitpix/8 else 2
  } else if (header$datatype == 4) { # signed short
    what <- "int"
    signed <- TRUE
    size <- if (header$bitpix) header$bitpix/8 else 2
  } else if (header$datatype == 8) { # signed integer
    what <- "int"
    signed <- TRUE
    size <- if (header$bitpix) header$bitpix/8 else 4
  } else if (header$datatype == 16) { # float
    what <- "double"
    signed <- TRUE
    size <- if (header$bitpix) header$bitpix/8 else 4
  } else if (header$datatype == 32) { # complex
    what <- "complex"
    signed <- TRUE
    size <- if (header$bitpix) header$bitpix/8 else 8
  } else if (header$datatype == 64) { # double
    what <- "double"
    signed <- TRUE
    size <- if (header$bitpix) header$bitpix/8 else 8
  } else { # all other
    what <- "raw"
    signed <- TRUE
    size <- 1


  write.ANALYZE.volume(ttt, filename,size)

read.AFNI <- function(filename, vol=NULL, level=0.75, mask=NULL, setmask=TRUE){
  fileparts <- strsplit(filename,"\\.")[[1]]

  if (length(fileparts) == 1) {
    filename.head <- paste(fileparts[1],"HEAD",sep=".")
    filename.brik <- paste(fileparts[1],"BRIK",sep=".")
  } else {
    ext <- tolower(fileparts[length(fileparts)])
    if (ext == "head") {
      filename.head <- filename
      filename.brik <- paste(c(fileparts[-length(fileparts)],"BRIK"),collapse=".")
    } else if (ext == "brik") {
      filename.head <- paste(c(fileparts[-length(fileparts)],"HEAD"),collapse=".")
      filename.brik <- filename
    } else if (ext == "") {
      filename.head <- paste(c(fileparts,"HEAD"),collapse=".")
      filename.brik <- paste(c(fileparts,"BRIK"),collapse=".")

  conhead <- file(filename.head,"r")
  header <- readLines(conhead)

  types <- NULL
  args <- NULL
  counts <- NULL
  values <- NULL

  for (i in 1:length(header)) {
    if (regexpr("^type *= *", header[i]) != -1) {
      tmptype <- strsplit(header[i]," *= *")[[1]][2]
      types <- c(types,tmptype)
      args <- c(args,strsplit(header[i+1]," *= *")[[1]][2])
      tmpcounts <- as.numeric(strsplit(header[i+2]," *= *")[[1]][2])
      counts <- c(counts,tmpcounts)
      i <- i+3
      tmpvalue <- ""
      while ((regexpr("^$", header[i]) == -1) && (i <= length(header))) {
        tmpvalue <- paste(tmpvalue,header[i])
        i <- i+1
      tmpvalue <- sub("^ +","",tmpvalue)
      if ((tmptype == "integer-attribute") || (tmptype == "float-attribute")) {
        tmpvalue <- as.numeric(strsplit(tmpvalue," +")[[1]])
      } else {
        tmpvalue <- sub("~$","",sub("^\'","",tmpvalue))
      values <- c(values,list(value=tmpvalue))

  names(values) <- args

  dx <- values$DATASET_DIMENSIONS[1]
  dy <- values$DATASET_DIMENSIONS[2]
  dz <- values$DATASET_DIMENSIONS[3]
  ddim <- c(dx,dy,dz)
  dt <- values$DATASET_RANK[2]
  scale <- values$BRICK_FLOAT_FACS
  size <- file.info(filename.brik)$size/(dx*dy*dz*dt)
  bricktypes <- values$BRICK_TYPES[1]
#  orientation <- values$ORIENT_SPECIFIC
#  if (any(sort((orientation)%/%2) != 0:2)) stop("invalid orientation",orientation,"found! \n")
  delta <- values$DELTA

  if (is.null(bricktypes)) {
    if (size == 2) { what <- "int" }
    else if (size == 4) { what <- "double" }
    else if (size == 16) { what <- "complex" }
    else { what <- "int" }
  } else {
    if (bricktypes == 1) { what <- "int" }
    else if (bricktypes == 3) { what <- "double" }
    else if (bricktypes == 5) { what <- "complex" }
    else { what <- "int" }

  if (regexpr("MSB",values$BYTEORDER_STRING[1]) != -1) {
    endian <- "big"
  } else {
    endian <- "little"

  if (min(abs(delta)) != 0) {
    weights <-
  } else {
    weights <- NULL

  if (is.null(vol)) vol <- 1:dt

  if ((as.integer(size) == size) && (length(vol) > 0)) {
    myttt <- array(0,dim=c(ddim,length(vol)))
    kk <- 1
    conbrik <- file(filename.brik,"rb")
    for (k in 1:dt) {
      if (k %in% vol) {
        temp <- readBin(conbrik, what, n=prod(ddim), size=size,
                        signed=TRUE, endian=endian)
        dim(temp) <- c(dx,dy,dz)
        myttt[,,,kk] <- temp
        if (scale[k] != 0) {
          myttt[,,,kk] <- scale[k] * myttt[,,,kk]
        kk <- kk + 1
      } else {
        readBin(conbrik, what, n=dx*dy*dz, size=size, signed=TRUE, endian=endian)

#   set correct orientation
#   DO IT IN plot.fmridata()
#    xyz <- (orientation)%/%2+1
#    swap <- orientation-2*(orientation%/%2)
#    if(any(xyz!=1:3)) {
#      abc <- 1:3
#      abc[xyz] <- abc
#      myttt <- aperm(myttt,c(abc,4))
#      swap[xyz] <- swap
#      delta[xyz] <- delta
#      weights[xyz] <- weights
#      ddim[xyz]<- ddim
#    }
#    if(swap[1]==1) {
#      myttt <- myttt[ddim[1]:1,,,,drop=FALSE]
#    }
#    if(swap[2]==1) {
#      myttt <- myttt[,ddim[2]:1,,,drop=FALSE]
#    }
#    if(swap[3]==0) {
#      myttt <- myttt[,,ddim[3]:1,,drop=FALSE]
#    }

    mask0 <- array(TRUE,ddim)
    if (setmask) {
      mask0[myttt[,,,1] < quantile(myttt[,,,1],level,na.rm = TRUE)] <- FALSE
      dim(myttt) <- c(prod(ddim),dim(myttt)[4])
      na <- myttt %*% rep(1,dim(myttt)[2])
      mask0[is.na(na)] <- FALSE
      myttt[is.na(na),] <- 0
      dim(mask0) <- ddim
      mask0 <- connect.mask(mask0)
    z <-
  } else {
    warning("Error reading file: Could not detect size per voxel\n")
    z <- list(ttt=NULL,

  z <- complete.fmriHeader(z)
  class(z) <- "fmridata"
  attr(z,"file") <- paste(filename,".HEAD/BRIK",sep="")
  if(!is.null(mask)) z <- setmask(z,mask)

write.AFNI <- function(filename, ttt, label=NULL, note=NULL, origin=NULL, delta=NULL, idcode=NULL, header=NULL, taxis = FALSE) {

  afni.header <- list()
  # afni.header$NAME <- c("NAME", "type", category, count, reserved-count, multiple)
  # "NAME"         : Attribute name (string)
  # "type"         : Attribute type (one of "string", "integer", "float")
  # category       : according to AFNI Doc. 0 is mandatory, 1 only for time series
  # count          : number of parameters (used), 0 is unknown, or not implemented
  # reserved-count : number of parameters (reserved), 0 is unknown, or not implemented
  # multiple       : is this a multiple argument like NOTE_NUMBER_001

  # Mandatory Attributes
  afni.header$DATASET_RANK <- c("DATASET_RANK", "integer", 0, 2, 8, FALSE)
  afni.header$DATASET_DIMENSIONS <- c("DATASET_DIMENSION", "integer", 0, 3, 5, FALSE)
  afni.header$TYPESTRING <- c("TYPESTRING", "string", 0, 1, 1, FALSE)
  afni.header$SCENE_DATA <- c("SCENE_DATA", "integer", 0, 3, 8, FALSE)
  afni.header$ORIENT_SPECIFIC <- c("ORIENT_SPECIFIC", "integer", 0, 3, 3, FALSE)
  afni.header$ORIGIN <- c("ORIGIN", "float", 0, 3, 3, FALSE)
  afni.header$DELTA <- c("DELTA", "float", 0, 3, 3, FALSE)

  # Time-dependent Dataset Attributes
  afni.header$TAXIS_NUMS <- c("TAXIS_NUMS", "integer", 1, 3, 8, FALSE)
  afni.header$TAXIS_FLOATS <- c("TAXIS_FLOATS", "float", 1, 5, 8, FALSE)
  afni.header$TAXIS_OFFSETS <- c("TAXIS_OFFSETS", "float", 1, 0, 0, FALSE)

  # Almost Mandatory Attributes
  afni.header$IDCODE_STRING <- c("IDCODE_STRING", "string", 2, 1, 1, FALSE)
  afni.header$IDCODE_DATE <- c("IDCODE_DATE", "string", 2, 1, 1, FALSE)
  afni.header$BYTEORDER_STRING <- c("BYTEORDER_STRING", "string", 2, 1, 1, FALSE)
  afni.header$BRICK_STATS <- c("BRICK_STATS", "float", 2, 0, 0, FALSE)
  afni.header$BRICK_TYPES <- c("BRICK_TYPES", "integer", 2, 0, 0, FALSE)
  afni.header$BRICK_FLOAT_FACS <- c("BRICK_FLOAT_FACS", "float", 2, 0, 0, FALSE)
  afni.header$BRICK_LABS <- c("BRICK_LABS", "string", 2, 0, 0, FALSE)
  afni.header$BRICK_STATAUX <- c("BRICK_STATAUX", "float", 2, 0, 0, FALSE)
  afni.header$STAT_AUX <- c("STAT_AUX", "float", 2, 0, 0, FALSE) # depreciated

  # Note Attributes
  afni.header$HISTORY_NOTE <- c("HISTORY_NOTE", "string", 3, 1, 1, FALSE)
  afni.header$NOTES_COUNT <- c("NOTES_COUNT", "integer", 3, 1, 1, FALSE)
  afni.header$NOTE_NUMBER <- c("NOTE_NUMBER", "string", 3, 0, 0, TRUE) # more than one!!!

  # Registration Attributes
  afni.header$TAGALIGN_MATVEC <- c("TAGALIGN_MATVEC", "float", 4, 12, 12, FALSE)
  afni.header$VOLREG_MATVEC <- c("VOLREG_MATVEC", "float", 4, 12, 12, TRUE) # more than one!!!
  afni.header$VOLREG_ROTCOM <- c("VOLREG_ROTCOM", "string", 4, 1, 1, TRUE) # more than one!!!
  afni.header$VOLREG_CENTER_OLD <- c("VOLREG_CENTER_OLD", "float", 4, 3, 3, FALSE)
  afni.header$VOLREG_CENTER_BASE <- c("VOLREG_CENTER_BASE", "float", 4, 3, 3, FALSE)
  afni.header$VOLREG_ROTPARENT_IDCODE <- c("VOLREG_ROTPARENT_IDCODE", "string", 4, 1, 1, FALSE)
  afni.header$VOLREG_ROTPARENT_NAME <- c("VOLREG_ROTPARENT_NAME", "string", 4, 1, 1, FALSE)
  afni.header$VOLREG_GRIDPARENT_NAME <- c("VOLREG_GRIDPARENT_NAME", "string", 4, 1, 1, FALSE)
  afni.header$VOLREG_INPUT_IDCODE <- c("VOLREG_INPUT_IDCODE", "string", 4, 1, 1, FALSE)
  afni.header$VOLREG_INPUT_NAME <- c("VOLREG_INPUT_NAME", "string", 4, 1, 1, FALSE)
  afni.header$VOLREG_BASE_IDCODE <- c("VOLREG_BASE_IDCODE", "string", 4, 1, 1, FALSE)
  afni.header$VOLREG_BASE_NAME <- c("VOLREG_BASE_NAME", "string", 4, 1, 1, FALSE)
  afni.header$VOLREG_ROTCOM_NUM <- c("VOLREG_ROTCOM_NUM", "integer", 4, 1, 1, FALSE)

  # Miscellaneous Attributes
  afni.header$IDCOE_ANAT_PARENT <- c("IDCOE_ANAT_PARENT", "string", 5, 1, 1, FALSE)
  afni.header$TO3D_ZPAD <- c("TO3D_ZPAD", "integer", 5, 3, 3, FALSE)

  # Warping Attributes
  afni.header$IDCOE_WARP_PARENT <- c("IDCOE_WARP_PARENT", "string", 6, 1, 1, FALSE)
  afni.header$WARP_TYPE <- c("WARP_TYPE", "integer", 6, 2, 2, FALSE)
  afni.header$WARP_DATA <- c("WARP_DATA", "float", 6, 0, 0, FALSE)

  # Talairach Markers Attributes
  afni.header$MARKS_XYZ <- c("MARKS_XYZ", "float", 7, 30, 30, FALSE)
  afni.header$MARKS_LAB <- c("MARKS_LAB", "string", 7, 1, 1, FALSE)
  afni.header$MARKS_HELP <- c("MARKS_HELP", "string", 7, 1, 1, FALSE)
  afni.header$MARKS_FLAGS <- c("MARKS_FLAGS", "integer", 7, 2, 2, FALSE)

  # Attributes for User-Defined Tags
  afni.header$TAGSET_NUM <- c("TAGSET_NUM", "integer", 8, 2, 2, FALSE)
  afni.header$TAGSET_FLOATS <- c("TAGSET_FLOATS", "floats", 8, 0, 0, FALSE)
  afni.header$TAGSET_LABELS <- c("TAGSET_LABELS", "string", 8, 1, 1, FALSE)

  # Nearly Useless Attributes
  afni.header$LABEL_1 <- c("LABEL_1", "string", 9, 1, 1, FALSE)
  afni.header$LABEL_2 <- c("LABEL_2", "string", 9, 1, 1, FALSE)
  afni.header$DATASET_NAME <- c("DATASET_NAME", "string", 9, 1, 1, FALSE)
  afni.header$DATASET_KEYWORDS <- c("DATASET_KEYWORDS", "string", 9, 1, 1, FALSE)
  afni.header$BRICK_KEYWORDS <- c("BRICK_KEYWORDS", "string", 9, 1, 1, FALSE)

  AFNIheaderpart <- function(name, value, conhead, check=NULL) {
    if (regexpr("_[0-9]*$", name)) if (!is.null(afni.header[[sub("_[0-9]*$","", name)]])) {
      if (as.logical(afni.header[[sub("_[0-9]*$","", name)]][6])) {
        header.entry <- afni.header[[sub("_[0-9]*$","", name)]]
      } else {
        header.entry <- afni.header[[name]]
    } else {
      header.entry <- afni.header[[name]]
    if (!(is.null(header.entry[2]))) {
      # now we know, that entry "name" is valid attribute
      a <- "\n"
      type <- header.entry[2]
      a <- paste(a, "type = ", type, "-attribute\n", sep="")
      a <- paste(a, "name = ", name, "\n", sep="")
      if (is.null(value)) {
        if (header.entry[3] == 0) {
          stop("not found mandatory attribute ",name," in header", call.=FALSE)
        } else if ((header.entry[3] == 1) && taxis) {
          stop("not found mandatory attribute ",name," in header", call.=FALSE)
        } else {
          stop("attempt to write attribute ",name,", which was not found", call.=FALSE)

      if (regexpr("string",type) == 1) {
        if (!is.null(check)) if (!(value %in% check))
          warning("value ", value, " for attribute ", name," does not seem to be valid! Please check!", call.=FALSE)
        value <- paste("'", value, "~", sep="")                         # make syntax highlightening work:'
        a <- paste(a, "count = ", nchar(value) - 1, "\n", sep ="")
        a <- paste(a, value, "\n", sep="")
      } else {
        if (header.entry[4] != 0) {
          if (length(value) < header.entry[4]) {
            warning("too few values for ",name,", expecting ", header.entry[4] ," values, filling with zeros!\n", call.=FALSE)
          length(value) <- as.integer(header.entry[5])
          value[is.na(value)] <- 0
          if (!is.null(check)) {
            length(check) <- as.integer(header.entry[5])
            check[is.na(check)] <- 0
            if (!as.logical(prod((value[1:as.integer(header.entry[4])] == check[1:as.integer(header.entry[4])]))))
              warning("value ", value, " for attribute ", name," does not seem to be valid or match dataset! Please check!", call.=FALSE)
        a <- paste(a, "count = ", length(value), "\n", sep ="")
        j <- 0
        while (j<length(value)) {
          left <- length(value) - j
          if (left>4) left <- 5
          a <- paste(a, paste(value[(j+1):(j+left)],collapse="  "), "\n", sep="  ")
          j <- j+5
    } else {
      warning("attempt to write unknown attribute ",name," ...skipping!", call.=FALSE)

  if (!is.null(c(label, note, origin, delta, idcode))) warning("The use of any of the arguments label, note, origin, delta, idcode is depreciated. Please use header and taxis argument, see documentation. THEY WILL VANISH IN SOME FUTURE RELAESE OF THIS SOFTWARE!", call.=FALSE)

  # checking dataset!!!
  if ((length(dim(ttt)) < 3) || (length(dim(ttt)) > 4) || any(dim(ttt)[1:3] == 1)) stop("bad dimension",dim(ttt) ,"for dataset!")
  if (length(dim(ttt)) == 3) dim(ttt) <- c(dim(ttt),1)

  if (is.null(header)) header <- list()

  conhead <- file(paste(filename, ".HEAD", sep=""), "w")
  # write mandatory attributes
  if (is.null(header$DATASET_RANK)) header$DATASET_RANK <- c(3,dim(ttt)[4])
  AFNIheaderpart("DATASET_RANK",header$DATASET_RANK, conhead,c(3,dim(ttt)[4]))
  if (is.null(header$DATASET_DIMENSIONS)) header$DATASET_DIMENSIONS <- c(dim(ttt)[1:3])
  AFNIheaderpart("DATASET_DIMENSIONS",header$DATASET_DIMENSIONS, conhead,c(dim(ttt)[1:3]))
  if (is.null(header$TYPESTRING)) {header$TYPESTRING <- "3DIM_HEAD_FUNC";
          warning("TYPESTRING not given, setting to 3DIM_HEAD_FUNC for backward compatibility", call.=FALSE) }
  if (is.null(header$SCENE_DATA)) {header$SCENE_DATA <- c(0,11,1,-999,-999,-999,-999,-999);
           warning("SCENE_DATA not given, setting to c(0,11,1,-999,-999,-999,-999,-999) for backward compatibility", call.=FALSE) }
  AFNIheaderpart("SCENE_DATA",header$SCENE_DATA, conhead)
  header$SCENE_DATA <- NULL
  if (is.null(header$ORIENT_SPECIFIC)) {header$ORIENT_SPECIFIC <- c(0,3,4);
             warning("ORIENT_SPECIFIC not given, setting to c(0,3,4) for backward compatibility", call.=FALSE) }
  AFNIheaderpart("ORIENT_SPECIFIC",header$ORIENT_SPECIFIC, conhead)
  if (!is.null(origin)) header$ORIGIN <- origin
  if (is.null(header$ORIGIN)) { header$ORIGIN <- c(0,0,0);
             warning("ORIGIN not given, setting to c(0,0,0) for backward compatibility", call.=FALSE) }
  AFNIheaderpart("ORIGIN",header$ORIGIN, conhead)
  header$ORIGIN <- NULL
  if (!is.null(delta)) header$DELTA <- delta
  if (is.null(header$DELTA)) { header$DELTA <- c(4,4,4);
          warning("DELTA not given, setting to c(4,4,4) for backward compatibility", call.=FALSE) }
  AFNIheaderpart("DELTA",header$DELTA, conhead)
  header$DELTA <- NULL

  # write mandatory attributes for time series
  if (taxis) {
    if (is.null(header$TAXIS_NUMS)) stop("TAXIS_NUMS not given")
    AFNIheaderpart("TAXIS_NUMS",header$TAXIS_NUMS, conhead)
    if (is.null(header$TAXIS_FLOATS)) stop("TAXIS_FLOATS not given")
    AFNIheaderpart("TAXIS_FLOATS",header$TAXIS_FLOATS, conhead)
    header$TAXIS_FLOATS <- NULL
    if (!is.null(header$TAXIS_NUMS[2])) if (header$TAXIS_NUMS[2] != 0) if (is.null(header$TAXIS_OFFSETS)) {
      stop("TAXIS_OFFSETS not given", call.=FALSE) } else { AFNIheaderpart("TAXIS_OFFSETS",header$TAXIS_OFFSETS, conhead); header$TAXIS_OFFSETS <- NULL }
    header$TAXIS_NUMS <- NULL

  # almost mandatory attributes
  if (!is.null(idcode)) header$IDCODE_STRING <- idcode
  if (is.null(header$IDCODE_STRING)) {header$IDCODE_STRING <- "WIAS_noid"; warning("IDCODE_STRING not given, setting to WIAS_noid", call.=FALSE) }
  AFNIheaderpart("IDCODE_STRING",header$IDCODE_STRING, conhead)
  header$IDCODE_DATE <- date()
  AFNIheaderpart("IDCODE_DATE",header$IDCODE_DATE, conhead)
  header$IDCODE_DATE <- NULL
  if (is.null(header$BYTEORDER_STRING)) {
    endian <- .Platform$endian
    header$BYTEORDER_STRING <- switch(endian, "little" = "LSB_FIRST",
                                       "big" = "MSB_FIRST")
  } else {
    if (!(header$BYTEORDER_STRING%in% c("MSB_FIRST","LSB_FIRST"))) header$BYTEORDER <- "MSB_FIRST"
    endian <- switch(header$BYTEORDER_STRING, "MSB_FIRST" = "big",
                                       "LSB_FIRST" = "little")
  if (is.null(header$BRICK_STATS)) header$BRICK_STATS <- apply(ttt,4,range)
  dim(header$BRICK_STATS) <- NULL
  AFNIheaderpart("BRICK_STATS",header$BRICK_STATS, conhead)
  if (is.null(header$BRICK_TYPES)) {
    warning("no BRICK_TYPES given, assuming short", call.=FALSE)
    header$BRICK_TYPES <- rep(1,dim(ttt)[4])
  bricktypes <- header$BRICK_TYPES[1]
  if ((bricktypes == 1) && (max(abs(header$BRICK_STATS)) > 32767)) {
    for (k in 1:dim(ttt)[4]) {
      header$BRICK_FLOAT_FACS[k] <- max(abs(header$BRICK_STATS[2*k-1]),abs(header$BRICK_STATS[2*k]))/32767
      ttt[,,,k] <- ttt[,,,k] / header$BRICK_FLOAT_FACS[k]
  header$BRICK_STATS <- NULL
  AFNIheaderpart("BRICK_TYPES",header$BRICK_TYPES, conhead)
  header$BRICK_TYPES <- NULL
  if (is.null(header$BRICK_FLOAT_FACS)) header$BRICK_FLOAT_FACS <- rep(0,dim(ttt)[4])
  AFNIheaderpart("BRICK_FLOAT_FACS",header$BRICK_FLOAT_FACS, conhead)
  if (!is.null(label)) header$BRICK_LABS <- paste(label,collapse="~")
  if (!is.null(header$BRICK_LABS)) AFNIheaderpart("BRICK_LABS",header$BRICK_LABS, conhead)
  header$BRICK_LABS <- NULL

  # note attributes
  if (!(is.null(note))) header$HISTORY_NOTE <- paste(header$HISTORY_NOTE,note)
  if (is.null(header$HISTORY_NOTE)) header$HISTORY_NOTE <- ""
  AFNIheaderpart("HISTORY_NOTE",header$HISTORY_NOTE, conhead)

  for (name in names(header)) {
    AFNIheaderpart(name,header[[name]], conhead)
    header[[name]] <- NULL

  if (!(bricktypes %in% c(1,3,5))) stop("Sorry, cannot write this BRICK_TYPES.", call.=FALSE)
  conbrik <- file(paste(filename, ".BRIK", sep=""), "wb")
  dim(ttt) <- NULL
  switch(as.character(bricktypes), "1" = writeBin(as.integer(ttt), conbrik, size=2, endian=endian),
                                   "3" = writeBin(as.numeric(ttt), conbrik, size=4, endian=endian),
                                   "5" = writeBin(as.complex(ttt), conbrik, size=16, endian=endian))

read.DICOM <- function(filename, includedata=TRUE) {
  read.DICOM.groupelement <- function(con,endian="little") {
    if (endian == "little") {
    } else {

  con <- file(filename,"rb")

  endian <- "little"

  headerdetails <- list()
  bytes <- 0

  empty <- paste(readBin(con,"character",128,1),collapse="")
  bytes <- bytes + 128
  if (empty != "") {
    warning("This does not seem to be a DICOM file\n")
  dicom <- readChar(con, 4, TRUE)
  bytes <- bytes + 4
  if (dicom != "DICM") {
    warning("This does not seem to be a DICOM file\n")

  groupelement <- 0
  while (TRUE) {
    groupelement <- read.DICOM.groupelement(con)
    bytes <- bytes + 4
    if (groupelement == "7fe0,0010") break
    vr <- readChar(con, 2, TRUE)
    bytes <- bytes + 2

    if (vr %in% c("OB","OW","OF","SQ","UT","UN")) {
      reserved <- readBin(con,"raw",2)
      bytes <- bytes + 2
      length <- readBin(con,"integer",1,4,signed=FALSE,endian=endian)
      bytes <- bytes + 4
      if (length == -1) {
	while (TRUE) {
          groupelement <- read.DICOM.groupelement(con)
          bytes <- bytes + 4
          if (groupelement == "fffe,e0dd") break
          length <- readBin(con,"integer",1,4,signed=FALSE,endian=endian)
          bytes <- bytes + 4
          if (length == -1) {
            sqv <- readBin(con,"raw",4,1)
            bytes <- bytes + 4
            while (TRUE) {
              if (endian == "little") {
                testelement <- paste(paste(rev(sqv[(length(sqv)-3):(length(sqv)-2)]),collapse=""),
              } else {
                testelement <- paste(paste(sqv[(length(sqv)-3):(length(sqv)-2)],collapse=""),
              if (testelement == "fffe,e00d") {
                length <- readBin(con,"integer",1,4,signed=FALSE,endian=endian)
                bytes <- bytes + 4
                if (length != 0) warning("no valid delimiter in data sequence")
              sqv <- c(sqv,readBin(con,"raw",1,1))
              bytes <- bytes + 1
          } else {
            value <- readBin(con,"raw",length,1)
            bytes <- bytes + length
        length <- readBin(con,"integer",1,4,signed=FALSE,endian=endian)
        bytes <- bytes + 4
        value <- "undecoded sequence"
    } else {
      length <- readBin(con,"integer",1,2,signed=FALSE,endian=endian)
      bytes <- bytes + 2

    if (length != 0) {
      if (vr %in% c("UI","DS","SH","IS")) {
        value <- readChar(con, length, TRUE)
        bytes <- bytes + length
      } else if (vr %in% c("US")) {
        total <- 0
        value <- ""
        while (total < length) {
          value <- paste(value,readBin(con,"integer",1,2,signed=FALSE,endian=endian),sep="")
          bytes <- bytes + 2
          total <- total + 2
      } else {
        value <- readBin(con,"raw",length,1)
        bytes <- bytes + length
#    cat(groupelement,vr,length,paste(value,collapse=""),"\n")
    if (groupelement %in% c("0002,0010",
                            "0028,1053")) {
      headerdetails[[groupelement]] <- value

  # belongs to last groupelement "7fe0,0010"
  vr <- readChar(con, 2, TRUE)
  bytes <- bytes + 2
  if (vr %in% c("OB","OW","OF","SQ","UT","UN")) {
    reserved <- readBin(con,"raw",2)
    bytes <- bytes + 2
    length <- readBin(con,"integer",1,4,signed=FALSE,endian=endian)
    bytes <- bytes + 4
  } else {
    length <- readBin(con,"integer",1,2,signed=FALSE,endian=endian)
    bytes <- bytes + 2
  headerdetails[[groupelement]] <- length
#  cat("Bytes for Header:",bytes,"\n")


  if (!is.null(headerdetails[["0028,0010"]])) {
    xdim <- as.integer(headerdetails[["0028,0010"]])
  } else {
    xdim <- NULL
  if (!is.null(headerdetails[["0028,0011"]])) {
    ydim <- as.integer(headerdetails[["0028,0011"]])
  } else {
    ydim <- NULL
  if (!is.null(headerdetails[["0028,0100"]])) {
    if (headerdetails[["0028,0100"]] == 16) {
      depth <- 2
    } else {
      depth <- 1
  } else {
    depth <- 1
  if (!is.null(headerdetails[["0028,0030"]])) {
    delta <- as.numeric(strsplit(headerdetails[["0028,0030"]],"\\",fixed=TRUE)[[1]])
    if (!is.null(headerdetails[["0018,0050"]])) {
      delta <- c(delta,as.numeric(headerdetails[["0018,0050"]]))
  } else {
    delta <- NULL
  if (!is.null(headerdetails[["0020,0011"]])) {
    series <- as.integer(headerdetails[["0020,0011"]])
  } else {
    series <- NULL
  if (!is.null(headerdetails[["0020,0013"]])) {
    image <- as.integer(headerdetails[["0020,0013"]])
  } else {
    image <- NULL

  # read again
  con <- file(filename,"rb")

  header <- readBin(con,"raw",bytes)

  if (includedata) {
    if (is.null(xdim) || is.null(ydim)) {
      ttt <- readBin(con,"integer",length/depth,depth,signed=FALSE,endian=endian)
      warning("Cannot assign dimension to image because information was not found!")
    } else {
      ttt <- array(readBin(con,"integer",length/depth,depth,signed=FALSE,endian=endian),c(xdim,ydim))

    z <- list(header=headerdetails,ttt=writeBin(as.numeric(ttt),raw(),4),format="DICOM",delta=delta,series=series,image=image,dim=c(xdim,ydim))
  } else {
    z <- list(header=headerdetails,format="DICOM",delta=delta,series=series,image=image,dim=c(xdim,ydim))
#  class(z) <- "fmridata"
#  z <- complete.fmriHeader(z)

  attr(z,"file") <- filename

read.NIFTI.header <- function(con) {
  header <- list()

  # read 4 bytes and get the endianess by comparing filesize with 348
  endian <- if ((sizeofhdr <- readBin(con,"int",1,4,endian="little")) == 348) "little" else "big"
  header$sizeofhdr <- 348
  header$endian <- endian

  header$datatype1 <- readChar(con,10, TRUE)
  header$dbname <- readChar(con,18, TRUE)
  header$extents <- readBin(con,"int",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$sessionerror <- readBin(con,"int",1,2,endian=endian)
  header$regular <- readChar(con,1, TRUE)
  header$diminfo <- readChar(con,1, TRUE)
  header$dimension <- readBin(con,"int",8,2,endian=endian)
  header$intentp1 <- readBin(con,"double",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$intentp2 <- readBin(con,"double",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$intentp3 <- readBin(con,"double",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$intentcode <- readBin(con,"int",1,2,endian=endian)
  header$datatype <- readBin(con,"int",1,2,endian=endian)
  header$bitpix <- readBin(con,"int",1,2,endian=endian)
  header$slicestart <- readBin(con,"int",1,2,endian=endian)
  header$pixdim <- readBin(con,"double",8,4,endian=endian)
  header$voxoffset <- readBin(con,"double",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$sclslope <- readBin(con,"double",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$sclinter <- readBin(con,"double",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$sliceend <- readBin(con,"int",1,2,endian=endian)
  header$slicecode <- readChar(con,1, TRUE)
  header$xyztunits <- readChar(con,1, TRUE)
  header$calmax <- readBin(con,"double",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$calmin <- readBin(con,"double",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$sliceduration <- readBin(con,"double",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$toffset <- readBin(con,"double",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$glmax <- readBin(con,"int",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$glmin <- readBin(con,"int",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$describ <- readChar(con,80, TRUE)
  header$auxfile <- readChar(con,24, TRUE)
  header$qform <- readBin(con,"int",1,2,endian=endian)
  header$sform <- readBin(con,"int",1,2,endian=endian)
  header$quaternb <- readBin(con,"double",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$quaternc <- readBin(con,"double",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$quaternd <- readBin(con,"double",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$qoffsetx <- readBin(con,"double",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$qoffsety <- readBin(con,"double",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$qoffsetz <- readBin(con,"double",1,4,endian=endian)
  header$srowx <- readBin(con,"double",4,4,endian=endian)
  header$srowy <- readBin(con,"double",4,4,endian=endian)
  header$srowz <- readBin(con,"double",4,4,endian=endian)
  header$intentname <- readChar(con,16, TRUE)
  header$magic <- readChar(con,4, TRUE)


read.NIFTI <- function(filename, level=0.75, mask=NULL, setmask=TRUE) {
  fileparts <- strsplit(filename,"\\.")[[1]]
  ext <- tolower(fileparts[length(fileparts)])

  if (ext == "nii") {
    filename.nii <- filename
    filename.hdr <- paste(c(fileparts[-length(fileparts)],"hdr"),collapse=".")
    filename.img <- paste(c(fileparts[-length(fileparts)],"img"),collapse=".")
  } else if (ext == "hdr") {
    filename.hdr <- filename
    filename.img <- paste(c(fileparts[-length(fileparts)],"img"),collapse=".")
  } else if (ext == "img") {
    filename.hdr <- paste(c(fileparts[-length(fileparts)],"hdr"),collapse=".")
    filename.img <- filename
  } else {
    filename.nii <- paste(filename,".nii",sep="")
    filename.hdr <- paste(filename,".hdr",sep="")
    filename.img <- paste(filename,".img",sep="")

  if ((ext != "hdr") && (ext != "img") && (!is.na(file.info(filename.nii)$size))) {
    con <- file(filename.nii,"rb")
    header <- read.NIFTI.header(con)
    if (!(header$magic == "n+1") && !(header$magic == "ni1"))
      warning("Hmmm! Dont see the magic NIFTI string! Try to proceed, but maybe some weird results will occur!");
    bytes <- header$voxoffset - 348
    header$extension <- readBin(con,"raw",bytes)
  } else {
    if (is.na(file.info(filename.hdr)$size) | (file.info(filename.hdr)$size < 348))
      stop("Hmmm! This does not seem to be a NIFTI header (hdr/img-pair)! Wrong size or does not exist!");
    con <- file(filename.hdr,"rb")
    header <- read.NIFTI.header(con)
    header$extension <- NULL
    if (is.na(file.info(filename.img)$size))
      stop("Hmmm! This does not seem to be a NIFTI header (hdr/img-pair)! img-file not found!");
    con <- file(filename.img,"rb")

  dx <- header$dimension[2]
  dy <- header$dimension[3]
  dz <- header$dimension[4]
  dt <- header$dimension[5]
  dd <- if (header$dimension[1] == 5) header$dimension[6] else 1

  endian <- header$endian
  if (header$datatype == 1) { # logical
    what <- "raw"
    signed <- TRUE
    size <- 1
  } else if (header$datatype == 2) { # unsigned char????
    what <- "int"
    signed <- FALSE
    size <- if (header$bitpix) header$bitpix/8/dd else 2
  } else if (header$datatype == 4) { # signed short
    what <- "int"
    signed <- TRUE
    size <- if (header$bitpix) header$bitpix/8/dd else 2
  } else if (header$datatype == 8) { # signed integer
    what <- "int"
    signed <- TRUE
    size <- if (header$bitpix) header$bitpix/8/dd else 4
  } else if (header$datatype == 16) { # float
    what <- "double"
    signed <- TRUE
    size <- if (header$bitpix) header$bitpix/8/dd else 4
  } else if (header$datatype == 32) { # complex
    what <- "complex"
    signed <- TRUE
    size <- if (header$bitpix) header$bitpix/8/dd else 8
  } else if (header$datatype == 64) { # double
    what <- "double"
    signed <- TRUE
    size <- if (header$bitpix) header$bitpix/8/dd else 8
  } else { # all other
    what <- "raw"
    signed <- TRUE
    size <- 1
  ttt <- readBin(con, what, n=dx*dy*dz*dt*dd, size=size, signed=signed, endian=endian)

  if (min(abs(header$pixdim[2:4])) != 0) {
    weights <-
  } else {
    weights <- NULL
  dim(ttt) <- if (dd == 1) c(dx,dy,dz,dt) else if (dt == 1) c(dx,dy,dz,dd) else c(dx,dy,dz,dt,dd)

  if (dd == 1) {
    mask0 <- array(TRUE,c(dx,dy,dz))
    if (setmask) {
      mask0[ttt[,,,1] < quantile(ttt[,,,1],level,na.rm = TRUE)] <- FALSE
      dim(ttt) <- c(prod(dim(ttt)[1:3]),dim(ttt)[4])
      na <- ttt %*% rep(1,dim(ttt)[2])
      mask0[is.na(na)] <- FALSE
      ttt[is.na(na),] <- 0
      dim(mask0) <- c(dx,dy,dz)
      mask0 <- connect.mask(mask0)
    z <- list(ttt=writeBin(as.numeric(ttt),raw(),4),

    class(z) <- "fmridata"
  } else {
    z <- list(ttt=writeBin(as.numeric(ttt),raw(),4),

  attr(z,"file") <- paste(filename, sep="")
  z <- complete.fmriHeader(z)
  if(!is.null(mask)) z <- setmask(z,mask)

complete.fmriHeader <- function(fmriobj){
   header <- fmriobj$header
     if (is.null(header)) header <- list()

  if (!("datatype1" %in% names(header))) header$datatype1 <- paste(rep(" ",10),collapse="")
  if (!("dbname" %in% names(header))) header$dbname <- paste(rep(" ",18),collapse="")
  if (!("extents" %in% names(header))) header$extents <- c(0)
  if (!("sessionerror" %in% names(header))) header$sessionerror <- c(0)
  if (!("regular" %in% names(header))) header$regular <- "r"
  if (!("diminfo" %in% names(header))) header$diminfo <- " "
  if (!("dimension" %in% names(header))) {
    if (is.null(header$dim0))
      header$dimension <- rep(0,8)
      header$dimension <- header$dim0
  if (length(header$dimension) < 8) header$dimension[(length(header$dimension)+1):8] <- 0
  if (!("intentp1" %in% names(header))) header$intentp1 <- 0
  if (!("intentp2" %in% names(header))) header$intentp2 <- 0
  if (!("intentp3" %in% names(header))) header$intentp3 <- 0
  if (!("intentcode" %in% names(header))) header$intentcode <- 0
  if (!("datatype" %in% names(header))) header$datatype <- c(4)
  if (!("bitpix" %in% names(header))) header$bitpix <- c(0)
  if (!("slicestart" %in% names(header))) header$slicestart <- c(0)
  if (!("pixdim" %in% names(header))) header$pixdim <- c(0,4,4,4,rep(0,4))
  if (length(header$pixdim) < 8) header$pixdim[(length(header$pixdim)+1):8] <- 0
  if (!("voxoffset" %in% names(header))||header$voxoffset<348) header$voxoffset <- c(352)
### check if test should be for 348 or 352  ###
  if (!("sclslope" %in% names(header))) header$sclslope <- 0
  if (!("sclinter" %in% names(header))) header$sclinter <- 0
  if (!("sliceend" %in% names(header))) header$sliceend <- 0
  if (!("slicecode" %in% names(header))) header$slicecode <- " "
  if (!("xyztunits" %in% names(header))) header$xyztunits <- " "
  if (!("calmax" %in% names(header))) header$calmax <- c(0)
  if (!("calmin" %in% names(header))) header$calmin <- c(0)
  if (!("sliceduration" %in% names(header))) header$sliceduration <- c(0)
  if (!("toffset" %in% names(header))) header$toffset <- c(0)
  if (!("glmax" %in% names(header))) header$glmax <- c(0)
  if (!("glmin" %in% names(header))) header$glmin <- c(0)
  if (!("describ" %in% names(header))) header$describ <- paste(rep(" ",80),collapse="")
  if (!("auxfile" %in% names(header))) header$auxfile <- paste(rep(" ",24),collapse="")
  if (!("qform" %in% names(header))) header$qform <- 0
  if (!("sform" %in% names(header))) header$sform <- 0
  if (!("quaternb" %in% names(header))) header$quaternb <- 0
  if (!("quaternc" %in% names(header))) header$quaternc <- 0
  if (!("quaternd" %in% names(header))) header$quaternd <- 0
  if (!("qoffsetx" %in% names(header))) header$qoffsetx <- 0
  if (!("qoffsety" %in% names(header))) header$qoffsety <- 0
  if (!("qoffsetz" %in% names(header))) header$qoffsetz <- 0
  if (!("srowx" %in% names(header))) header$srowx <- c(0,0,0,0)
  if (!("srowy" %in% names(header))) header$srowy <- c(0,0,0,0)
  if (!("srowz" %in% names(header))) header$srowz <- c(0,0,0,0)
  if (!("intentname" %in% names(header))) header$intentname <- paste(rep(" ",16),collapse="")
  header$magic <- "n+1"
  if (!("extension" %in% names(header))) header$extension <- as.raw(rep(0,header$voxoffset-348))
  fmriobj$header <- header
write.NIFTI <- function(ttt, header=NULL, filename) {
  if (is.null(header)) header <- list()

  if (!("datatype1" %in% names(header))) header$datatype1 <- paste(rep(" ",10),collapse="")
  if (!("dbname" %in% names(header))) header$dbname <- paste(rep(" ",18),collapse="")
  if (!("extents" %in% names(header))) header$extents <- c(0)
  if (!("sessionerror" %in% names(header))) header$sessionerror <- c(0)
  if (!("regular" %in% names(header))) header$regular <- "r"
  if (!("diminfo" %in% names(header))) header$diminfo <- " "
  if (!("dimension" %in% names(header))) {header$dimension <- rep(0,8); header$dimension <- c(length(dim(ttt)),dim(ttt))}
  if (length(header$dimension) < 8) header$dimension[(length(header$dimension)+1):8] <- 0
  if (!("intentp1" %in% names(header))) header$intentp1 <- 0
  if (!("intentp2" %in% names(header))) header$intentp2 <- 0
  if (!("intentp3" %in% names(header))) header$intentp3 <- 0
  if (!("intentcode" %in% names(header))) header$intentcode <- 0
  if (!("datatype" %in% names(header))) header$datatype <- c(4)
  if (!("bitpix" %in% names(header))) header$bitpix <- c(0)
  if (!("slicestart" %in% names(header))) header$slicestart <- c(0)
  if (!("pixdim" %in% names(header))) header$pixdim <- c(0,4,4,4,rep(0,4))
  if (length(header$pixdim) < 8) header$pixdim[(length(header$pixdim)+1):8] <- 0
  if (!("voxoffset" %in% names(header))) header$voxoffset <- c(352)
  if (!("sclslope" %in% names(header))) header$sclslope <- 0
  if (!("sclinter" %in% names(header))) header$sclinter <- 0
  if (!("sliceend" %in% names(header))) header$sliceend <- 0
  if (!("slicecode" %in% names(header))) header$slicecode <- " "
  if (!("xyztunits" %in% names(header))) header$xyztunits <- " "
  if (!("calmax" %in% names(header))) header$calmax <- c(0)
  if (!("calmin" %in% names(header))) header$calmin <- c(0)
  if (!("sliceduration" %in% names(header))) header$sliceduration <- c(0)
  if (!("toffset" %in% names(header))) header$toffset <- c(0)
  if (!("glmax" %in% names(header))) header$glmax <- c(0)
  if (!("glmin" %in% names(header))) header$glmin <- c(0)
  if (!("describ" %in% names(header))) header$describ <- paste(rep(" ",80),collapse="")
  if (!("auxfile" %in% names(header))) header$auxfile <- paste(rep(" ",24),collapse="")
  if (!("qform" %in% names(header))) header$qform <- 0
  if (!("sform" %in% names(header))) header$sform <- 0
  if (!("quaternb" %in% names(header))) header$quaternb <- 0
  if (!("quaternc" %in% names(header))) header$quaternc <- 0
  if (!("quaternd" %in% names(header))) header$quaternd <- 0
  if (!("qoffsetx" %in% names(header))) header$qoffsetx <- 0
  if (!("qoffsety" %in% names(header))) header$qoffsety <- 0
  if (!("qoffsetz" %in% names(header))) header$qoffsetz <- 0
  if (!("srowx" %in% names(header))) header$srowx <- c(0,0,0,0)
  if (!("srowy" %in% names(header))) header$srowy <- c(0,0,0,0)
  if (!("srowz" %in% names(header))) header$srowz <- c(0,0,0,0)
  if (!("intentname" %in% names(header))) header$intentname <- paste(rep(" ",16),collapse="")
  header$magic <- "n+1"
  if (!("extension" %in% names(header))) header$extension <- as.raw(rep(0,header$voxoffset-348))

  dd <- if (header$dimension[1] == 5) header$dimension[6] else 1
  if (header$datatype == 1) { # logical
    what <- "raw"
    signed <- TRUE
    size <- 1
  } else if (header$datatype == 2) { # unsigned char????
    what <- "int"
    signed <- FALSE
    size <- if (header$bitpix) header$bitpix/8/dd else 2
  } else if (header$datatype == 4) { # signed short
    what <- "int"
    signed <- TRUE
    size <- if (header$bitpix) header$bitpix/8/dd else 2
  } else if (header$datatype == 8) { # signed integer
    what <- "int"
    signed <- TRUE
    size <- if (header$bitpix) header$bitpix/8/dd else 4
  } else if (header$datatype == 16) { # float
    what <- "double"
    signed <- TRUE
    size <- if (header$bitpix) header$bitpix/8/dd else 4
  } else if (header$datatype == 32) { # complex
    what <- "complex"
    signed <- TRUE
    size <- if (header$bitpix) header$bitpix/8/dd else 8
  } else if (header$datatype == 64) { # double
    what <- "double"
    signed <- TRUE
    size <- if (header$bitpix) header$bitpix/8/dd else 8
  } else { # all other
    what <- "raw"
    signed <- TRUE
    size <- 1

  fileparts <- strsplit(filename,"\\.")[[1]]

  if (length(fileparts) == 1) {
    filename <- paste(fileparts[1],"nii",sep=".")
  } else {
    ext <- tolower(fileparts[length(fileparts)])
    if (ext != "nii") filename <- paste(c(fileparts,"nii"),collapse=".")
  con <- file(filename, "wb")

  writeBin(as.integer(348), con, 4)
  writeChar(header$datatype1, con, 10, NULL)
  writeChar(header$dbname, con, 18, NULL)
  writeBin(as.integer(header$extents), con, 4)
  writeBin(as.integer(header$sessionerror), con, 2)
  writeChar(header$regular, con, 1, NULL)
  writeChar(header$diminfo, con, 1, NULL)
  writeBin(as.integer(header$dimension), con, 2)
  writeBin(header$intentp1, con, 4)
  writeBin(header$intentp2, con, 4)
  writeBin(header$intentp3, con, 4)
  writeBin(as.integer(header$intentcode), con, 2)
  writeBin(as.integer(header$datatype), con, 2)
  writeBin(as.integer(header$bitpix), con, 2)
  writeBin(as.integer(header$slicestart), con, 2)
  writeBin(header$pixdim, con, 4)
  writeBin(header$voxoffset, con, 4)
  writeBin(header$sclslope, con, 4)
  writeBin(header$sclinter, con, 4)
  writeBin(as.integer(header$sliceend), con, 2)
  writeChar(header$slicecode, con, 1, NULL)
  writeChar(header$xyztunits, con, 1, NULL)
  writeBin(header$calmax, con, 4)
  writeBin(header$calmin, con, 4)
  writeBin(header$sliceduration, con, 4)
  writeBin(header$toffset, con, 4)
  writeBin(as.integer(header$glmax), con, 4)
  writeBin(as.integer(header$glmin), con, 4)
  writeChar(header$describ, con, 80, NULL)
  writeChar(header$auxfile, con, 24, NULL)
  writeBin(as.integer(header$qform), con, 2)
  writeBin(as.integer(header$sform), con, 2)
  writeBin(header$quaternb, con, 4)
  writeBin(header$quaternc, con, 4)
  writeBin(header$quaternd, con, 4)
  writeBin(header$qoffsetx, con, 4)
  writeBin(header$qoffsety, con, 4)
  writeBin(header$qoffsetz, con, 4)
  writeBin(header$srowx, con, 4)
  writeBin(header$srowy, con, 4)
  writeBin(header$srowz, con, 4)
  writeChar(header$intentname, con, 16, NULL)
  writeChar(header$magic, con, 3)
  bytes <- header$voxoffset - 348
  if (bytes != length(header$extension)) warning("header$extension is not of expected size ",bytes," as given by header$voxoffset. cutting!")
  writeBin(header$extension[1:bytes], con)

  dim(ttt) <- NULL
  writeBin(ttt, con, size)

extractData <- function(z, what="data", maskOnly=FALSE){
  #  extract data or residuals in either compact (mask only) or expanded (full images) form
    if(is.null(z$maskOnly)) z$maskOnly <- FALSE
  # z$maskOnly was not set, i.e, we have complete data cubes
    expand <- z$maskOnly & !maskOnly
    condense <- !z$maskOnly & maskOnly
    if (z$maskOnly){
       mask <- as.logical(z$mask)
       nvoxel <- sum(mask)
    } else {
       nvoxel <- prod(z$dim[1:3])
       mask <- array(TRUE,z$dim[1:3])
    nt <- z$dim[4]
    n <- nt*nvoxel
    if (what == "residuals") {
        if (!is.null(z$resscale)) {
            ttt <- readBin(z$residuals, "integer", n, 2) * z$resscale
            dim(ttt) <- c(nt,nvoxel)
        else {
            warning("extractData: No residuals available, returning NULL")
            ttt <- NULL
    else {
        if (!is.null(z$ttt)) {
            if (is.null(z$datascale)) {
                ttt <- readBin(z$ttt, "numeric", n, 4)
            else {
                ttt <- readBin(z$ttt, "integer", n, 2) * z$datascale
            dim(ttt) <- c(nvoxel,nt)
        else {
            warning("extractData: No residuals available, returning NULL")
            ttt <- NULL
## now expand to full arrays if needed
      ttt0 <- ttt
         ttt <- matrix(0,n/nt,nt)
         ttt[mask,] <- ttt0
      } else {
        ttt <- matrix(0,nt,n/nt)
        ttt[,mask] <- ttt0
## now condense to mask if required
        ttt <- ttt[mask,]
      } else {
        ttt <- ttt[,mask]
      if(what=="data") ind <- 1:4 else ind <- c(4,1:3)
      dim(ttt) <- z$dim[ind]

expandfMRI <- function(z){
# expand fmridataobj to contain full images
  mask <- z$mask
  nvoxel <- sum(mask)
  nt <- z$dim[4]
  n <- nt*nvoxel
    ttt0 <- readBin(z$residuals, "integer", n, 2)
    ttt <- matrix(0L, nt, nvoxel)
    ttt[,mask] <- ttt
    z$residuals <- writeBin(as.integer(ttt),raw(),2)
#    object contains data
     if (is.null(z$datascale)) {
         ttt0 <- readBin(z$ttt, "numeric", n, 4)
     else {
         ttt0 <- readBin(z$ttt, "integer", n, 2) * z$datascale
     datascale <- max(abs(range(ttt)))/32767
     ttt <- matrix(0L, nvoxel, nt)
     ttt[mask,] <- ttt
     z$ttt <- writeBin(as.integer(ttt/datascale),raw(),2)
     z$datascale <- datascale
z$maskOnly <- FALSE

condensefMRI <- function(z, mask=NULL){
#  reduce size of fmri object to voxel in mask
#  can also be used to set a more restrictive mask
  if(is.null(z$maskOnly)) z$maskOnly <- FALSE
  if(is.null(z$mask)) z$mask <- array(TRUE, z$dim[1:3])
    warning("condensefMRI: nothing to do\n returning unchanged object")
  if(z$maskOnly) z <- expandfMRI(z)
    warning("condensefMRI: new mask is not a subset of old mask, using intesection")
    mask[!z$mask] <- FALSE
  if(is.null(mask)) mask <- z$mask
    warning("condensefMRI: no mask available\n returning unchanged object")
  z$mask <- mask
  nt <- z$dim[4]
  ncube <- prod(z$dim[1:3])
  n <- nt*ncube
  nvoxel <- sum(mask)
    ttt <- matrix(readBin(z$residuals, "integer", n, 2), nt, ncube)
    z$residuals <- writeBin(as.integer(ttt[,mask]),raw(),2)
#    object contains data
     if (is.null(z$datascale)) {
         ttt <- readBin(z$ttt, "numeric", n, 4)
     else {
         ttt <- readBin(z$ttt, "integer", n, 2) * z$datascale
     datascale <- max(abs(range(ttt)))/32767
     dim(ttt) <- c(ncube, nt)
     z$ttt <- writeBin(as.integer(ttt[mask,]/datascale),raw(),2)
     z$datascale <- datascale
  z$maskOnly <- TRUE

Try the fmri package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

fmri documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:58 p.m.