
Defines functions plot.thetaModel print.summ summary.thetaModel print.thetaModel otm.arxiv expSmoot stm otm dstm dotm twoTL

Documented in dotm dstm expSmoot otm otm.arxiv plot.thetaModel stm

## par = c(ell0, alpha, theta)
twoTL <- function(y, h, level, s, par_ini, estimation, lower, upper, opt.method, dynamic, xreg=NULL){

	if(!is.ts(y)){ stop("ERROR in twoTL function: y must be a object of time series class."); }
	if(!is.numeric(h)){	stop("ERROR in twoTL function: h must be a positive integer number.");}
	if( any(par_ini < lower) ||  any(par_ini > upper) ){stop("ERROR in twoTL function: par_ini out of range.");}

	n = length(y)
	fq = frequency(y)
	time_y = time(y)
	s_type = 'multiplicative'

		if(s=='additive'){s=TRUE; s_type='additive';}


		if(nrow(xreg) != n+h)
			stop("ERROR: xreg must be a matrix with nrow(xreg) == length(y)+h");

		nreg <- ncol(xreg)

			par_ini <- c(par_ini,rep(0, nreg))
			lower <- c(lower,rep(-1e+100, nreg))
			upper <- c(upper,rep(1e+100, nreg))

			stop("ERROR: error in the length of vector par_ini");
			stop("ERROR: error in the length of vector lower");
			stop("ERROR: error in the length of vector upper");

	#### seasonal test and decomposition ###
	if(is.null(s) && fq >= 4){
		xacf = acf(y, lag.max=fq+1, plot = FALSE)$acf[-1, 1, 1]
		clim = 1.64/sqrt(length(y)) * sqrt(cumsum(c(1, 2 * xacf^2)))
		s = abs(xacf[fq]) > clim[fq]
			s = FALSE

		y_decomp = decompose(y, type = s_type)$seasonal
		if((s_type == 'additive')||(s_type=='multiplicative' && any(y_decomp < 0.01))){
			s_type = 'additive'
			y_decomp = decompose(y, type = "additive")$seasonal
			y = y - y_decomp
			y = y/y_decomp

	tnnTest.pvalue = terasvirta.test(y)$p.value

	mu = ell = A = B = meanY = numeric(n+h)

	Bn = 6*( 2*mean( (1:n)*y ) - (1+n)*mean(y) )/(n^2 -1)
	An = mean(y) - (n+1)*Bn/2

	new_y = as.numeric(y)

	SSM = function(par, computeForec=FALSE){
		ell0 = par[1]
		alpha = par[2]
		theta = par[3]

			reg = par[-(1:3)]
			y_reg  = as.numeric(xreg %*% reg)
			new_y = as.numeric(y) - y_reg[1:n]

		ell[1] = alpha*new_y[1] + (1-alpha)*ell0
		meanY[1] = new_y[1]
			A[1] = new_y[1]
			B[1] = 0
			mu[1] = new_y[1]
			A[1] = An
			B[1] = Bn
			mu[1] = ell0 + (1-1/theta)*( An + Bn)

		limit = n
			limit = n+h
			new_y = c(new_y, rep(NA,h))

		for(i in 1:(limit-1)){

			mu[i+1] = ell[i] + (1-1/theta)*( A[i]*((1-alpha)^i) + B[i]*(1-(1-alpha)^(i+1))/alpha )
			if(i >= n){
				new_y[i+1] = mu[i+1]
			ell[i+1] = alpha*new_y[i+1] + (1-alpha)*ell[i]
			meanY[i+1] = (i*meanY[i] + new_y[i+1])/(i+1)
				B[i+1] = ((i-1)*B[i] +6*(new_y[i+1] -meanY[i])/(i+1) )/(i+2)
				A[i+1] = meanY[i+1] - B[i+1]*(i+2)/2
				A[i+1] = An
				B[i+1] = Bn

				mu = mu + y_reg
				mu[1:n] = mu[1:n] + y_reg[1:n]

		return( list(mu=mu, ell=ell, A=A, B=B, meanY=meanY) )

	cte = mean(abs(y))

	sse = function(par){
		if( any(par < lower) ||  any(par > upper) ){return(1e+300);}
		mu = SSM(par)$mu
		errors = (y[1:n] - mu[1:n]) / cte
			return( sum(errors[3:n]^2) )
			return( sum(errors^2) )

		if(opt.method == 'Nelder-Mead')
			opt = optim( par=par_ini, fn=sse, method="Nelder-Mead" )
		if(opt.method == 'L-BFGS-B')
			opt = optim( par=par_ini, fn=sse, method="L-BFGS-B", lower=lower, upper=upper)
		if(opt.method == 'SANN')
			opt = optim( par=par_ini, fn=sse, method="SANN")

		par = opt$par
		par = par_ini

	out.SSM = SSM(par, computeForec=TRUE)
	mu = out.SSM$mu
	Y_fcast = ts(mu[(n+1):(n+h)], start = end(y) + c(0, 1), frequency = frequency(y))
	Y_fitted = mu[1:n]
	Y_residuals = y - Y_fitted

	shapTest.pvalue = shapiro.test(Y_residuals[tail(3:n,4999)])$p.value

		level = sort(level)
		alpha = par[2]
		theta = par[3]
		A = out.SSM$A[n]
		B = out.SSM$B[n]
		ell = out.SSM$ell[n]
		meanY = mean(y)
		sd.error = sd(Y_residuals[3:n])
		matForec.sample = matrix(NA,nrow=nSample,ncol=h)
		colnames(matForec.sample) = paste("h=",1:h,sep="")
		#matForec.sample[,1] = Y_fcast[1] + rnorm(nSample, 0, sd.error)
		for( i in n:(n+h-1) ){
			matForec.sample[,i+1-n] = ell + (1-1/theta)*( A*((1-alpha)^i) + B*(1-(1-alpha)^(i+1))/alpha ) + rnorm(nSample, 0, sd.error)
			ell = alpha*matForec.sample[,i+1-n] + (1-alpha)*ell
			meanY = (i*meanY + matForec.sample[,i+1-n])/(i+1)
			B = ( (i-1)*B +6*(matForec.sample[,i+1-n] -meanY)/(i+1) )/(i+2)
			A = meanY - B*(i+2)/2

		nn = length(level)
		qq = (1-0.01*level)/2
		probs = numeric(2*nn)
		probs[2*(1:nn)-1] = qq
		probs[2*(1:nn)] = 1-qq

		quantiles = t( apply(X=matForec.sample, MARGIN=2, FUN=quantile, probs=probs) )
			reg = par[-(1:3)]
			y_reg  = as.numeric(xreg[-(1:n),] %*% reg)
			quantiles = quantiles + y_reg
		quantiles = ts( quantiles, start = end(y) + c(0, 1), frequency = frequency(y))
		colnames(quantiles) = unlist( lapply(X=1:nn, FUN=function(X) paste(c('Lo','Hi'), level[X]) ) )

		if(s_type == 'multiplicative'){
			y = y * y_decomp
			Y_fitted = y_decomp * Y_fitted
			s_forec = snaive(y_decomp, h = h)$mean
			Y_fcast =  s_forec * Y_fcast
				for(i in 1:ncol(quantiles)){
					quantiles[,i] = quantiles[,i] * s_forec
			y = y + y_decomp
			Y_fitted = y_decomp + Y_fitted
			s_forec = snaive(y_decomp, h = h)$mean
			Y_fcast =  s_forec + Y_fcast
				for(i in 1:ncol(quantiles)){
					quantiles[,i] = quantiles[,i] + s_forec

		Y_residuals = y - Y_fitted

	out = list()
	out$method = "Two Theta Lines Model"
	out$y = y
	out$s = s
	if(s){out$type = s_type;}
	out$opt.method = ifelse(estimation, opt.method, 'none')
	out$par = matrix(par, ncol=1)
		rownames(out$par) = c('ell0','alpha','theta')
		rownames(out$par) =c('ell0','alpha','theta', paste0("p",1:ncol(xreg)))
	colnames(out$par) = 'MLE'
	omega = 1 - 1/par[3]
	out$weights = matrix( c(omega, 1-omega), ncol=1, nrow=2)
	rownames(out$weights) = c('omega_1', 'omega_2')
	colnames(out$weights) = 'Estimative'
	out$fitted = ts(Y_fitted, start = start(y), frequency = frequency(y))
	out$residuals = ts(Y_residuals, start = start(y), frequency = frequency(y))
	out$mean = Y_fcast
	out$level = level
		nn = length(level)
		out$lower = quantiles[, 2*(1:nn)-1, drop=F]
		out$upper = quantiles[, 2*(1:nn), drop=F]
		out$lower = out$upper = NULL

	out$tests = matrix(c(tnnTest.pvalue,shapTest.pvalue),nrow=2)
	rownames(out$tests) = c('tnn-test','shapiro-test')
	colnames(out$tests) = c('p.value')

	return(	structure(out,class="thetaModel") )

dotm <- function(y, h=5, level=c(80,90,95), s=NULL, par_ini=c(y[1]/2, 0.5, 2),
	estimation=TRUE, lower=c(-1e+10, 0.1, 1.0),
	upper=c(1e+10, 0.99, 1e+10), opt.method="Nelder-Mead", xreg=NULL ){

	out = twoTL(y=y, h=h, level=level, s=s, par_ini=par_ini, estimation=estimation, lower=lower,
		upper=upper, opt.method=opt.method, dynamic=TRUE, xreg=xreg)
	out$method = "Dynamic Optimised Theta Model"

dstm <- function(y, h=5, level=c(80,90,95), s=NULL, par_ini=c(y[1]/2, 0.5),
	estimation=TRUE, lower=c(-1e+10, 0.1), upper=c(1e+10, 0.99), opt.method="Nelder-Mead", xreg=NULL){

	out = twoTL(y=y, h=h, level=level, s=s, par_ini=c(par_ini,2.0), estimation=estimation, lower=c(lower, 1.99999), upper=c(upper, 2.00001),
		opt.method=opt.method, dynamic=TRUE, xreg=xreg)
	out$method = "Dynamic Standard Theta Model"
	out$par = as.matrix(out$par[c('ell0','alpha'),])
	colnames(out$par) = 'MLE'

otm <- function(y, h=5, level=c(80,90,95), s=NULL, par_ini=c(y[1]/2, 0.5, 2.0),
	estimation=TRUE, lower=c(-1e+10, 0.1, 1.0),
	upper=c(1e+10, 0.99, 1e+10), opt.method="Nelder-Mead", xreg=NULL){

	out = twoTL(y=y, h=h, level=level, s=s, par_ini=par_ini, estimation=estimation, lower=lower,
		upper=upper, opt.method=opt.method, dynamic=FALSE, xreg=xreg)
	out$method = "Optimised Theta Model"

stm <- function(y, h=5, level=c(80,90,95), s=NULL, par_ini=c(y[1]/2, 0.5), estimation=TRUE,
	lower=c(-1e+10, 0.1), upper=c(1e+10, 0.99), opt.method="Nelder-Mead", xreg=NULL){

	out = twoTL(y=y, h=h, level=level, s=s, par_ini=c(par_ini,2.0), estimation=estimation, lower=c(lower,1.99999),
		upper=c(upper,2.00001), opt.method=opt.method, dynamic=FALSE, xreg=xreg)
	out$method = "Standard Theta Model"
	out$par = as.matrix(out$par[c('ell0','alpha'),])
	colnames(out$par) = 'MLE'

############  SES  ################################
expSmoot <- function(y, h=5, ell0=NULL, alpha=NULL, lower = c(-1e+10, 0.1), upper = c(1e+10, 0.99)){
	n = length(y)

	mu = error = ell = numeric(n+h)

	#### state space model
	SSM <- function(ell0, alpha){

		mu[1] = ell0
		error[1] = y[1] - mu[1]
		ell[1] = ell0 + alpha*error[1]

		for(i in 2:(n+h)){
			mu[i] = ell[i-1]
			error[i] = ifelse(i<=n, y[i] - mu[i], 0.0)
			ell[i] = ell[i-1] + alpha*error[i]

		return( list(mean = mu[(n+1):(n+h)], fitted = mu[1:n], error = error[1:n], ell0=ell0, alpha=alpha)  )

	### sum of square error
	cte = mean(abs(y)) ## just to evoid optim errors of non finete values
	sse <- function(par){
		if( any(par < lower) ||  any(par > upper) ){return(Inf);}
		ell0=par[1]; alpha=par[2];
		error = SSM( ell0, alpha )$error / cte
		return( sum(  error^2  ) )

	par = c(ell0, alpha)

	if( is.null(ell0) || is.null(alpha) ){

		alpha_ini = 0.5
		maxn = min(10, n)
		fit1 = lsfit(1:maxn, y[1:maxn])
		ell0_ini = fit1$coef[1]

		par_ini = c( ell0_ini , alpha_ini )

		if(!is.null(ell0)){  par_ini[1] = ell0;  upper[1] = ell0 +0.00001; lower[1] = ell0 -0.00001; }
		if(!is.null(alpha)){ par_ini[2] = alpha; upper[2] = alpha+0.00001; lower[2] = alpha-0.00001; }

		#opt = optim( par=par_ini, fn=sse, method="L-BFGS-B", lower=lower, upper=upper )
		opt = optim( par=par_ini, fn=sse, method="Nelder-Mead" )
		par = opt$par

	out = SSM(ell0=par[1], alpha=par[2])

	Y_fcast = ts(out$mean, start = end(y) + c(0, 1), frequency = frequency(y))
	Y_fitted = out$fitted

	Y_residuals = y - Y_fitted

	fit = list()
	fit$par = matrix(par, ncol=1, nrow=2)
	rownames(fit$par) = c('ell0','alpha')
	fit$mean = Y_fcast
	fit$fitted = ts(Y_fitted, start = start(y), frequency = frequency(y))
	fit$residuals = Y_residuals



otm.arxiv <- function( y, h=5, s=NULL, theta=NULL, tLineExtrap=expSmoot, g="sAPE",
		n1=NULL, m=NULL, H=NULL, p=NULL,

	if(!is.ts(y)){ stop("ERROR in otm.arxiv function: y must be a object of time series class.") }
	if(!is.numeric(h)){	stop("ERROR in otm.arxiv function: h must be a positive integer number.")	}
	if(!is.null(theta) && !is.numeric(theta)){ stop("ERROR in otm.arxiv function: theta must be a numeric value higher or equal to 1 or NULL.")}
	if(is.numeric(theta) && theta < 1){	stop("ERROR in otm.arxiv function: theta must be a numeric value higher or equal to 1 or NULL.")}
	if( !is.null(approach) && !is.null(c(n1,m,H,p)) ){stop("ERROR in otm.arxiv function: do approach=NULL if you want to set a new approach for groe parameters.")}
	n = length(y)
	if(is.null(theta) && !is.null(approach)){
		if( any(approach == c('a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h')) ){
			if(approach == 'a'){n1=n-h; m=h; H=h;p=1;}
			if(approach == 'b'){n1=n-h; m=floor(h/2); H=h; p=2;}
			if(approach == 'c'){n1=n-h; m=floor(h/3); H=h; p=3;}
			if(approach == 'd'){n1=n-h; m=1; H=h; p=h;}
			if(approach == 'e'){n1=n-2*h; m=h; H=h; p=2;}
			if(approach == 'f'){n1=n-2*h; m=floor(h/2); H=h; p=4;}
			if(approach == 'g'){n1=n-2*h; m=floor(h/3); H=h; p=6;}
			if(approach == 'h'){n1=n-2*h; m=1; H=h; p=h;}
			if(n1 < 4){n1=4;}
			stop("ERROR in otm function: the argument 'approach' must lie between 'a' and 'h')")
	if(is.null(theta) && n1 < 4) stop("ERROR in otm function: n1 < 4)")
	if(is.null(theta) && p > 1+floor((length(y)-n1)/m)){ stop("ERROR in otm function: p > 1+floor((length(y)-n1)/m)") }

	fq = frequency(y)
	time_y = time(y)

	if( is.null(s) && any(fq == c(4,12)) ){
		xacf = acf(y,plot=FALSE)$acf[-1,1,1]
		clim = 1.64/sqrt(length(y))*sqrt(cumsum(c(1,2*xacf^2)))
		s = abs(xacf[fq]) > clim[fq]
			s = FALSE

        y_decomp = decompose(y, type = "multiplicative")$seasonal
        y = y/y_decomp


		lossFunctionList = as.numeric(
			mclapply( X=thetaList, FUN=function(theta) groe( y=y, forecFunction=otm.arxiv, g=g,
														n1=n1, m=m, H=H, p=p, theta=theta, tLineExtrap=tLineExtrap,...),
						mc.cores = mc.cores )

		aux = which.min(lossFunctionList)
		theta = thetaList[aux]

	time_forec = n+(1:h) #time_y[n] + (1:h)/fq
	omega = 1 - 1/theta

	## linear method
	tt = 1:n
	l = lm(y ~ tt) ##lm(y ~ time_y)
	l$mean = l$coeff[1] + l$coeff[2]*time_forec ##l$coeff[1] + l$coeff[2]*time_forec

	## other extrapolation method
	Z = l$fitted.values  +   theta * l$residuals
    X = tLineExtrap(Z, h=h, ...)

	Y_fitted = as.numeric( omega*l$fitted.values + (1-omega)*X$fitted )
	Y_fitted = ts(Y_fitted, start = start(y), frequency = frequency(y))
    Y_fcast = as.numeric( omega*l$mean + (1-omega)*X$mean )
	Y_fcast = ts(Y_fcast, start = end(y)+c(0,1), frequency = frequency(y))
    Y_residuals = y - Y_fitted

		y = y*y_decomp
        Y_fitted = y_decomp * Y_fitted
        Y_fcast = snaive(y_decomp, h = h)$mean * Y_fcast
        Y_residuals = y - Y_fitted

    out = list()
	out$y = x
	out$s = s
    out$mean = Y_fcast
    out$fitted = Y_fitted
    out$residuals = Y_residuals
	out$theta = theta
		out$tLineExtrap_par = X$model$par
	out$weights = c(omega, 1-omega)


stheta <- function (y, h=5, s=NULL) #, ell0=NULL, alpha=NULL)
	if(!is.ts(y)){ stop("ERROR in stheta function: y must be a object of time series class."); }
	if(!is.numeric(h)){	stop("ERROR in stheta function: h must be a positive integer number.");}

	n = length(y)
	fq = frequency(y)
	time_y = time(y)
	time_forec = time_y[n] + (1:h)/fq


	s_type = 'multiplicative'
		if(s=='additive'){s=TRUE; s_type='additive';}

	#### seasonal test and decomposition ###
	if(is.null(s) && fq >= 4){
		xacf = acf(y, lag.max=fq+1, plot = FALSE)$acf[-1, 1, 1]
		clim = 1.64/sqrt(length(y)) * sqrt(cumsum(c(1, 2 * xacf^2)))
		s = abs(xacf[fq]) > clim[fq]
			s = FALSE

		# y_decomp = decompose(y, type = s_type)$seasonal
		# if(any(y_decomp < 10^(-3))){
		# #if(any(y <= 0)){
			# s_type = 'additive'
			# y_decomp = decompose(y, type = "additive")$seasonal
			# y = y - y_decomp
		# }else{
			# y = y/y_decomp
		# }

		y_decomp = decompose(y, type = s_type)$seasonal
		if((s_type == 'additive')||(s_type=='multiplicative' && any(y_decomp < 0.01))){
			s_type = 'additive'
			y_decomp = decompose(y, type = "additive")$seasonal
			y = y - y_decomp
			y = y/y_decomp


	l = lm(y ~ time_y)
	l$mean = l$coeff[1] + l$coeff[2] * time_forec
	Z <- l$fitted.values + 2 * l$residuals
	X <- expSmoot(y=Z, h=h)

	if(s_type == 'additive'){s='additive';}
	out = stm(y=x, h=h, level=NULL, s=s, par_ini=c(X$par[1]/2, X$par[2]), estimation=FALSE)
	out$method = 'Standard Theta Method (STheta)'
	out$opt.method = 'Nelder-Mead'
	out$par = as.matrix(c(out$par[1]*2, out$par[2]))
	rownames(out$par) = c('ell0^*','alpha')
	colnames(out$par) = 'MLE'

print.thetaModel <- function(x,...){

	cat(paste("Forecast method:", x$method, "\n\n"))

		cat(paste("Seasonal decomposition type:", x$type, "\n\n"))
		cat(paste("Seasonal decomposition: no \n\n"))

	cat(paste("Optimisation method:", x$opt.method,"\n\n") )

	cat(paste("Number of theta lines:", 2, "\n\n"))

	cat("Weights for theta lines:\n")

	cat("\nEstimative of parameters:\n")

		cat("\nForecasting points and prediction intervals\n")
		mm = cbind(x$mean,x$lower,x$upper)
		colnames(mm) = c('Mean', colnames(x$lower), colnames(x$upper) )
		level = x$level
		nn = length(level)
		sortNames = c('Mean', unlist( lapply(X=1:nn, FUN=function(X) paste(c('Lo','Hi'), level[X]) ) ) )
		mm = mm[,sortNames,drop=F]
		cat("\nForecasting points\n")
		mm = x$mean

	print( round(mm, 4 ) )

	#if(x$tests[1,1] < 0.02){cat("\nWarning: According with the Teraesvirta Neural Network test with 98% of confidence, the unseasoned time series is not linearity in mean. This model may not be adequate.\n")}
	if(x$tests[2,1] < 0.03){cat("\nWarning: According with the Shapiro-Wilk test with 97% of confidence, the unseasoned residuals do not follow the Normal distribution. The prediction intervals may not be adequate.\n")}

summary.thetaModel <- function(object,...){

	out = list()

	out$method = object$method

	out$s = object$s

		out$type =  object$type

	out$opt.method = object$opt.method

	out$par = object$par

		mm = cbind(object$mean,object$lower,object$upper)
		colnames(mm) = c('Mean', colnames(object$lower), colnames(object$upper) )
		level = object$level
		nn = length(level)
		sortNames = c('Mean', unlist( lapply(X=1:nn, FUN=function(X) paste(c('Lo','Hi'), level[X]) ) ) )
		mm = mm[,sortNames,drop=F]
		mm = object$mean

	out$statistics = mm

	n = length(object$y)
	out$sigma = sd(object$residuals[3:n])

	np = length(object$par)
	logLikelihoood = -0.5*n*( log(out$sigma^2) + 1 + log(2*pi) )
	aic = -2*logLikelihoood + 2*np
	aicc = aic + 2*np*(np+1)/(n-np-1)
	bic = -2*logLikelihoood + log(n)*np

	ic = matrix(c(aic,aicc,bic), nrow=3, ncol=1)
	rownames(ic) = c('AIC','AICc','BIC')
	colnames(ic) = 'Estimative'

	out$informationCriterions = ic

	out$tests = object$tests


print.summ <- function(x,...){
	cat(paste("Forecast method:", x$method, "\n\n"))

	#cat(paste("Seasonal test result:", x$s, "\n"))
		cat(paste("Seasonal decomposition type:", x$type, "\n\n"))
		cat(paste("Seasonal decomposition: none \n\n"))

	cat(paste("Optimisation method:", x$opt.method,"\n\n"))

	cat("Estimative of parameters:\n")

	cat("\nForecasting points and prediction intervals\n")

	cat("\nInformation Criterions\n")

	#if(x$tests[1,1] < 0.02){cat("\nWarning: According with the Teraesvirta Neural Network test with 98% of confidence, the unseasoned time series is not linearity in mean. This model may not be adequate.\n")}
	if(x$tests[2,1] < 0.03){cat("\nWarning: According with the Shapiro-Wilk test with 97% of confidence, the unseasoned residuals do not follow the Normal distribution. The prediction intervals may not be adequate.\n")}

plot.thetaModel <- function(x, ylim=NULL, xlim=NULL, ylab=NULL, xlab=NULL, main=NULL,...){
	h = length(x$mean)
	time_y = time(x$y)
	time_forec = time(x$mean)

	if(is.null(ylim)){ ylim=c( min(c(x$y,x$fitted,x$mean, x$lower)), max(c(x$y,x$fitted,x$mean, x$upper)));}
	if(is.null(xlim)){ xlim=c(time_y[1],time_forec[h]);}
	if(is.null(ylab)){ ylab="";}
	if(is.null(xlab)){ xlab="";}
	if(is.null(main)){ main=x$method;}

	plot(x$y, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, ylab=ylab, xlab=xlab, main=main, ...)

		nlev = length(x$level)
		for(i in nlev:1){
			yy = c(x$lower[1,i],x$upper[1:h,i],x$lower[h:1,i])
			xx = c(time_forec[1], time_forec[1:h], time_forec[h:1])
			polygon(y=yy, x=xx, col=paste('grey', 40+(i-1)*10,sep=''), border=FALSE)
			#points(x$lower[,i], type = "l", col="red")
			#points(x$upper[,i], type = "l", col="red")

		legend("topleft", legend=c('Forecasting', paste(x$level,'% Predict. Interv.', sep='')), lty=rep(1,nlev+1),
			lwd=c(3,rep(10,nlev)), col=c('blue',paste('grey', 40+((1:nlev) -1)*10,sep='') ), bty = "n" )

	points(x$mean, type = "l", col="blue", lwd=3)

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forecTheta documentation built on Nov. 12, 2022, 1:09 a.m.