
test_that("matrix_form works with and without indentation", {
  iris_output <- iris %>%
    group_by(Species) %>%
    summarize("all obs" = round(mean(Petal.Length), 2)) %>%
    mutate("Petal.Length" = "Mean")
  mf <- basic_matrix_form(iris_output,
    indent_rownames = TRUE,
    split_labels = "Species", data_labels = "Petal.Length"
  mf_no_indent <- basic_matrix_form(iris_output,
    indent_rownames = FALSE,
    split_labels = "Species", data_labels = "Petal.Length"

  expect_equal(mf$formats[, 2], c("", "-", "xx", "-", "xx", "-", "xx"))
  expect_equal(mf_no_indent$formats[, 2], mf$formats[, 2])
  expect_equal(mf_no_indent$formats[, 1], rep("", nrow(mf_no_indent$formats)))
  expect_equal(strwrap(mf$strings[, 1]), mf_no_indent$strings[, 1])
  expect_equal(grepl("\\s{2,}", mf$strings[-1, 1]), mf_rinfo(mf)$node_class == "DataRow")
  expect_equal(grepl("\\s{2,}", mf$formats[-1, 1]), mf_rinfo(mf)$node_class == "DataRow")
    mf$row_info[!colnames(mf$row_info) == "indent"],
    mf_no_indent$row_info[!colnames(mf_no_indent$row_info) == "indent"]
  expect_equal(mf_no_indent$row_info$indent, rep(0, nrow(mf$row_info)))
  expect_equal(mf$row_info$indent, c(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1))

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formatters documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:42 a.m.