
Integration.Steps <-
function (sfptl, variableStep = TRUE, from.t0 = FALSE, to.T = FALSE, 
    n = 250, p = 0.2, alpha = 1) 
    Call <- match.call()
    if (!is.summary.fptl(sfptl)) 
        stop(paste(sQuote("sfptl"), " object is not of class ", 
            shQuote("summary.fptl"), ".", sep = ""))
    if (n <= 0) 
        stop("n <= 0.")
    if (variableStep) {
        if ((p <= 0) | (p > 1)) 
            stop("p is not in (0,1].")
        if ((alpha <= 0) | (alpha > 1)) 
            stop("alpha is not in (0,1].")
        cotes <- c(n = 50, p = 0.1, alpha = 0.75)
        logic <- (c(n, p, alpha) < cotes)
        if (any(logic)) {
            text <- paste(names(cotes)[logic], cotes[logic], 
                sep = " >= ")
            if (length(text) > 1) 
                text <- paste(paste(text[-length(text)], collapse = ", "), 
                  text[length(text)], sep = " and ")
            text <- paste(text, "is recommended. If not, some integration steps can be too large.")
            cat(text, "\n")
            repeat {
                answer <- readline("Do you want to continue? (y/n) ")
                if ((answer == "n") | (answer == "y")) 
            if (answer == "n") 
            else cat("\n")
    else {
        if (missing(p)) {
            if (!missing(alpha)) 
                cat("alpha argument is ignored.\n")
        else {
            if (missing(alpha)) 
                cat("p argument is ignored.\n")
            else cat("p and alpha arguments are ignored.\n")
    if (length(sfptl) == 1L) {
        t0 <- attr(sfptl, "FPTLCall")[[1]]$t0
        T <- attr(sfptl, "FPTLCall")[[1]]$T
        SFPTL <- sfptl[[1]]$instants
        e <- c(t(SFPTL[, c(2, 5)]))
        m <- 2 * nrow(SFPTL) - 1
        skip <- rep(c(FALSE, TRUE), len = m)
        A <- diff(e)
        a <- rep(SFPTL[, 3] - SFPTL[, 2], each = 2, len = m)
        q <- A/a
        if (any(skip)) 
            q[skip] <- p * ifelse(q[skip] > 1, q[skip]^alpha, 
        H <- matrix(, nrow = m, ncol = 3)
        H[, 1] <- e[-length(e)]
        H[, 2] <- e[-1]
        H[, 3] <- A/ceiling(n * q)
        if (any(skip)) {
            index <- which(skip)
            logic <- H[index, 3] < H[index - 1L, 3]
            if (any(logic)) {
                J1 <- index[logic]
                J2 <- J1 - 1L
                H[J2, 2] <- H[J1, 2]
                w <- H[J2, 2] - H[J2, 1]
                H[J2, 3] <- w/ceiling(w/H[J2, 3])
                H <- H[-J1, ]
                e <- e[-J1]
                skip <- skip[-J1]
        if (from.t0 & (t0 < e[1])) {
            A <- e[1] - t0
            q <- A/a[1]
            h <- A/ceiling(n * p * ifelse(q > 1, q^alpha, q))
            if (h >= H[1, 3]) {
                H <- rbind(c(t0, e[1], h), H)
                skip <- c(FALSE, skip)
                e <- c(t0, e)
            else {
                e[1] <- t0
                H[1, 1] <- t0
                w <- e[2] - t0
                H[1, 3] <- w/ceiling(n * w/a[1])
        if (to.T & (e[length(e)] < T)) {
            A <- T - e[length(e)]
            q <- A/a[length(a)]
            h <- A/ceiling(n * p * ifelse(q > 1, q^alpha, q))
            if (h >= H[nrow(H), 3]) {
                H <- rbind(H, c(e[length(e)], T, h))
                skip <- c(skip, FALSE)
                e <- c(e, T)
            else {
                e[length(e)] <- T
                H[nrow(H), 2] <- T
                w <- T - e[length(e) - 1L]
                H[1, 3] <- w/ceiling(n * w/a[length(a)])
        skip <- as.list(skip)
    else {
        t0 <- attr(sfptl, "FPTLCall")[[1]]$t0
        T <- attr(sfptl, "FPTLCall")[[1]]$T
        SFPTL <- lapply(sfptl, "[[", "instants")
        m <- sapply(SFPTL, nrow)
        S <- lapply(2 * m - 1, rep_len, x = c(FALSE, TRUE))
        E <- lapply(SFPTL, function(x) c(t(x[, c(2, 5)])))
        a <- lapply(SFPTL, function(x) rep(x[, 3] - x[, 2], each = 2, 
            len = 2 * nrow(x) - 1))
        e <- sort(unique(unlist(E)))
        from.t0 <- from.t0 & (t0 < e[1])
        to.T <- to.T & (e[length(e)] < T)
        if (from.t0) 
            e <- c(t0, e)
        if (to.T) 
            e <- c(e, T)
        l1 <- (sapply(E, head, n = 1L) > t0)
        l2 <- (sapply(E, tail, n = 1L) < T)
        if (any(l1)) {
            S[l1] <- lapply(S[l1], function(x) c(TRUE, x))
            E[l1] <- lapply(E[l1], function(x, y) c(y, x), y = t0)
            a[l1] <- lapply(a[l1], function(x) c(x[1], x))
        if (any(l2)) {
            S[l2] <- lapply(S[l2], function(x) c(x, TRUE))
            E[l2] <- lapply(E[l2], function(x, y) c(x, y), y = T)
            a[l2] <- lapply(a[l2], function(x) c(x, x[length(x)]))
        A <- lapply(E, diff)
        Q <- mapply("/", A, a, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
        logic <- sapply(S, any)
        if (any(logic)) 
            Q[logic] <- mapply(function(q, s, P, Alpha) {
                q[s] <- P * ifelse(q[s] > 1, q[s]^Alpha, q[s])
            }, Q[logic], S[logic], MoreArgs = list(P = p, Alpha = alpha), 
                SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
        Q <- lapply(lapply(Q, "*", n), ceiling)
        P <- mapply("/", A, Q, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
        J <- mapply(function(h, s) if (any(s)) {
            i <- setdiff(which(s), 1L)
            i[h[i] < h[i - 1]]
        else integer(0), P, S, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
        logic <- (sapply(J, length) > 0L)
        if (any(logic)) {
            J <- J[logic]
            P[logic] <- mapply(function(e, h, b, j, N) {
                k <- j - 1L
                w <- e[j + 1L] - e[k]
                h[k] <- w/ceiling(N * w/b[j])
                h <- h[-j]
            }, E[logic], P[logic], a[logic], J, MoreArgs = list(N = n), 
                SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
            E[logic] <- mapply(function(e, j) e[-j], E[logic], 
                J, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
            S[logic] <- mapply(function(s, j) s[-j], S[logic], 
                J, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
            e <- intersect(e, sort(unique(unlist(E))))
        if (any(l1)) {
            logic <- sapply(P[l1], function(h) h[1] < h[2])
            if (any(logic)) {
                J <- which(l1)[logic]
                P[J] <- mapply(function(e, h, b, N) {
                  w <- e[3] - e[1]
                  h[1] <- w/ceiling(N * w/b[1])
                  h <- h[-2]
                }, E[J], P[J], a[J], MoreArgs = list(N = n), 
                  SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
                E[J] <- lapply(E[J], function(e) e[-2])
                S[J] <- lapply(S[J], function(s) s[-2])
                e <- intersect(e, sort(unique(unlist(E))))
        H <- matrix(, nrow = length(e) - 1, ncol = 3)
        H[, 1] <- e[-length(e)]
        H[, 2] <- e[-1]
        index <- lapply(E, findInterval, x = H[, 1])
        skip <- as.list(as.data.frame(t(mapply("[", S, index))))
        P <- mapply("[", P, index)
        H[, 3] <- apply(P, 1, min, na.rm = TRUE)
        if (from.t0) 
            skip[[1]] <- rep(FALSE, length(SFPTL))
        if (to.T) 
            skip[[length(skip)]] <- rep(FALSE, length(SFPTL))
        d <- rev(which(c(0, diff(H[, 3])) == 0)[-1])
        for (i in d) {
            if (all(skip[[i - 1]] == skip[[i]])) {
                H[i - 1, 2] <- H[i, 2]
                H <- H[-i, ]
                skip <- skip[-i]
    w <- H[, 2] - H[, 1]
    H[, 3] <- w/ceiling(w/H[, 3])
    if (!variableStep) {
        l1 <- sapply(skip, all)
        l2 <- !l1
        h <- min(H[l2, 3])
        w <- H[nrow(H), 2] - H[1, 1]
        h <- w/ceiling(w/h)
        upper <- e[-1]
        upper[l2] <- e[1] + h * ceiling((upper[l2] - e[1])/h)
        upper[l1] <- e[1] + h * floor((upper[l1] - e[1])/h)
        lower <- c(e[1], upper[-length(upper)])
        H[, 1] <- lower
        H[, 2] <- upper
        H[, 3] <- h
        l1 <- (upper == lower)
        if (any(l1)) {
            H <- H[!l1, ]
            skip <- skip[!l1]
    colnames(H) <- c("lower end", "upper end", "integration step")
    rownames(H) <- paste("Subinterval", 1:nrow(H))
    if (length(skip) > 1L) 
        names(skip) <- rownames(H)
    out <- list(H = H, skip = skip)

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