
# FRACTAL funtionality for long memory models
#   lmACF
#   lmConfidence
#   lmConvert
#   lmModel
#   lmSDF
#   lmSimulate

# lmACF

"lmACF" <- function(x, lag.max=32, type="correlation")
  if (!is(x,"lmModel"))
    stop("x must be an object of class \"lmModel\"")
  if (x$model == "dfbm")
    stop("FBM model not supported in ACF estimator")


  type    <- match.arg(lowerCase(type),c("correlation","covariance","partial"))
  partial <- is.element(type,"partial")

  if (x$model == "ppl"){

    # define local functions
    "Bm" <- function(m, alpha){
	  q <- 4 * m + 1
	  (pi^(alpha + q) * ((q + 1) * q * (alpha + q + 2) -
	    (alpha + q) * pi^2))/((alpha + q) * (alpha + q + 2) * gamma(q + 2))

    "DeltaTau" <- function(tau, alpha, dterms){
      x0 <- pi * tau + pi/2
      result <- 0

      # compute values for n=1 case to get going
      an <- alpha * x0^(alpha - 1)
      An <- 2

      for(n in seq(from=1, by=2, length=dterms)){

        result <- result + an * An
        An <- 2 * (n + 2) * (pi/2)^(n + 1) - (n + 2) * (n + 1) * An
          an <- (an * (alpha - n) * (alpha - n - 1))/((n + 2) * (n + 1) * x0^2)

      result * (-1)^(tau + 1)

    temp    <- 0:lag.max
    temp[1] <- x$variance

    if (lag.max > 0){

      IandDeltaTau    <- 1:lag.max
      IandDeltaTau[1] <- sum(sapply(x$bterms:0, Bm, x$alpha))

      if(lag.max > 1){
        lags <- 2:lag.max
        IandDeltaTau[lags] <- sapply(lags - 1, DeltaTau, x$alpha, x$dterms)

      temp[2:(lag.max + 1)] <- (2 * x$Cs * cumsum(IandDeltaTau))/(2 * pi * (1:lag.max))^(x$alpha + 1)

    exponent <- x$alpha
  else if (x$model == "fdp"){

  	temp    <- seq(0,lag.max)
    temp[1] <- x$variance

      positive.lags <- seq(lag.max)
      temp[2:(lag.max + 1)] <- (positive.lags + x$delta - 1) / (positive.lags - x$delta)
      temp <- cumprod(temp)

    exponent <- x$delta

  else if (x$model == "fgn"){

    temp <- 0:lag.max
    temp <- (x$variance * (abs(temp + 1)^(2 * x$HG) -
      2 * abs(temp)^(2 * x$HG) + abs(temp - 1)^(2 * x$HG)))/2
    exponent <- x$HG

  if (type == "partial"){
  	data <- ACVStoPACS(temp)
  	tag  <- "PACS"
  else if (type == "correlation"){
  	data <- temp / temp[1]
  	tag  <- "ACF"
  	data <- temp
  	tag  <- "ACVF"

    position=list(from=ifelse1(partial,1,0), by=1, length=length(data), units="lag"),
    title.data=paste(upperCase(x$model), "(", exponent, ") ", tag, sep=""),
    documentation=paste(tag, " for ", upperCase(x$model), "(", exponent, ") process", sep=""),

# lmConfidence

"lmConfidence" <- function(x, model, conf.level=0.95, parm.known=FALSE, n.rep=100000)
  if (!is(model,"lmModel"))
    stop("model must be an object of class \"lmModel\"")
  if (model$model == "dfbm")
    stop("FBM model not supported")

  # convert lmModel exponent to alpha
  alpha <- lmConvert(model, to="alpha")

  if (alpha <= -1 || alpha > 0)
    stop("alpha must be on (-1,0],",
      "delta on [0, 0.5), ",
      "or HG on [0.5, 1)")

  x  <- wmtsa::create.signalSeries(x)
  N  <- length(x)
  a  <- N^(1 + alpha)
  sd <- sqrt((variance(as.numeric(x), unbiased=FALSE) * a)/(a - 1))

  q <- if (parm.known || N >= 40000)
    qnorm(1 - (1 - conf.level) / 2)
    Ns <- c(50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700,
      800, 900, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000,
      8000, 9000, 10000, 20000, 30000, 40000)
    if (conf.level == 0.9)
      approx(Ns, c(1.9124, 1.8922, 1.8726, 1.8555, 1.8438,
        1.8287, 1.7686, 1.7433, 1.7238, 1.7122, 1.703,
        1.6987, 1.6911, 1.6915, 1.6863, 1.667, 1.6639,
        1.6603, 1.6542, 1.6558, 1.6543, 1.655, 1.6528,
        1.652, 1.644854, 1.644854, 1.644854), N)$y
    else if (conf.level == 0.95)
      approx(Ns, c(2.476, 2.4335, 2.3909, 2.3623, 2.3362,
        2.3189, 2.2035, 2.1429, 2.1139, 2.0893, 2.073,
        2.063, 2.0508, 2.0506, 2.0395, 2.0113, 2.0013,
        1.9879, 1.9877, 1.9827, 1.9776, 1.9756, 1.9797,
        1.9764, 1.9695, 1.967, 1.959964), N)$y
    else if (conf.level == 0.99)
      approx(Ns, c(3.8463, 3.7429, 3.6501, 3.5771, 3.5152,
        3.4515, 3.1702, 3.035, 2.96, 2.9017, 2.8719,
        2.8462, 2.8192, 2.7948, 2.7804, 2.6976, 2.6684,
        2.6516, 2.643, 2.6275, 2.6219, 2.615, 2.6143,
        2.6112, 2.5933, 2.5885, 2.575829), N)$y
      ps <- c((1 - conf.level)/2, 1 - (1 - conf.level)/2)
      mean(abs(quantile(rnorm(n.rep) * N^((rnorm(n.rep) *
        sqrt(6))/(pi * sqrt(N))), ps)))

  half.width <- (q * sd) / N^(0.5 + 0.5 * alpha)
  xbar <- mean(x)
  c(xbar - half.width, xbar + half.width)

# lmConvert

"lmConvert" <- function(x, to="delta")
  alpha.to.beta <- function(alpha)
    if(alpha <= -1 || alpha >= 0)
        "\n-1 < x < 0 required to convert alpha to beta"
 - alpha - 1
  alpha.to.delta <- function(alpha)
 - alpha/2
  alpha.to.HB <- function(alpha)
    if(alpha <= -3 || alpha >= -1)
        "\n-3 < x < -1 required to convert alpha to HB"
    -0.5 - alpha/2.
  alpha.to.HG <- function(alpha)
    if(alpha <= -1 || alpha >= 1)
        "\n-1 < x < 1 required to convert alpha to HG")
    0.5 - alpha/2.
  beta.to.alpha <- function(beta)
    if(beta <= -1 || beta >= 0)
      stop(paste("\n-1 < x < 0 required for beta"))
 - beta - 1
  beta.to.delta <- function(beta)
    if(beta <= -1 || beta >= 0)
      stop(paste("\n-1 < x < 0 required for beta"))
    0.5 * (beta + 1)
  beta.to.HG <- function(beta)
    if(beta <= -1 || beta >= 0)
      stop(paste("\n-1 < x < 0 required for beta"))
    0.5 * beta + 1
  delta.to.alpha <- function(delta)
  -2 * delta
  delta.to.beta <- function(delta)
    if(delta <= 0 || delta >= 0.5)
        "\n0.0 < x < 0.5 required to convert delta to beta"
    2 * delta - 1
  delta.to.HB <- function(delta)
    if(delta <= 0.5 || delta >= 1.5)
        "\n0.5 < x < 1.5 required to convert delta to HB"
    -0.5 + delta
  delta.to.HG <- function(delta)
    if(delta <= -0.5 || delta >= 0.5)
        "\n-0.5 < x < 0.5 required to convert delta to HG"
    0.5 + delta
  HB.to.alpha <- function(HB)
    if(HB <= 0 || HB >= 1)
      stop(paste("\n0 < x < 1 required for HB"))
    -1 - 2 * HB
  HB.to.delta <- function(HB)
    if(HB <= 0 || HB >= 1)
      stop(paste("\n0 < x < 1 required for HB"))
    0.5 + HB
  HG.to.alpha <- function(HG)
    if(HG <= 0 || HG >= 1)
      stop(paste("\n0 < x < 1 required for HG"))
    1 - 2 * HG
  HG.to.beta <- function(HG)
    if(HG <= 0.5 || HG >= 1)
        "\n0.5 < x < 1 required to convert HG to beta")
    2 * HG - 2
  HG.to.delta <- function(HG)
    if(HG <= 0 || HG >= 1)
      stop(paste("\n0 < x < 1 required for HG"))
    -0.5 + HG

  if (!is(x,"lmModel"))
    stop("x must be an object of class \"lmModel\"")

  #TODO: what model is beta?
  from <- switch(x$model,
    ppl = "alpha",
    foo = "beta",
    fdp = "delta",
    fgn = "HG",
    dfbm = "HB")

  valid.parm <- c("alpha", "beta", "delta", "HB", "HG")

  to <- match.arg(to, valid.parm)

  from.i <- charmatch(from, valid.parm, nomatch=0)
  if(from.i == 0)
    stop(paste("\n\"from\" argument is", from,
      "but should match one of the following:\n", paste(
      valid.parm, collapse=", ")))
  to.i <- charmatch(to, valid.parm, nomatch=0)
  if(to.i == 0)
    stop(paste("\n\"to\" argument is", to,
      "but should match one of the following:\n", paste(
      valid.parm, collapse=", ")))

  x <- x[[from]]

      stop(paste("\ncannot convert beta to HB")),
      stop(paste("\ncannot convert HB to beta")),
      stop(paste("\ncannot convert HB to HG"))),
      stop(paste("\ncannot convert HG to HB")),

# lmModel

"lmModel" <- function(model, variance.=1.0, delta=0.45, alpha= -0.9, HG=0.95, HB=0.95,
  innovations.var=NULL, Cs=NULL, bterms=10, dterms=10, M=100)
  # For a stationary process, the variance parameter is interpreted as
  # the process variance; for a nonstationary process whose dth order
  # differences are stationary, it is interpreted as the variance of
  # the stationary dth order difference process.  There are two ways
  # of indirectly setting the variance parameter for FD and PPL
  # processes.  The first way is to specify the innovations variance
  # by setting innovations.var (if the user does so, this specification
  # takes precedence over any setting (default or user-specified) of
  # the variance parameter.  The second way (valid only for PPL processes)
  # is to specify the Cs parameter (if the user does so, this takes
  # precedence over any settings of the variance and innovations.var
  # parameters).

  # define local functions
  fdp.var.to.ivar <- function(var,delta) {
   del.s <- if(delta < 0.5) delta else delta - floor(delta+0.5)
   var * (gamma(1-del.s))^2 / gamma(1-2*del.s)}

  fdp.ivar.to.var <- function(ivar,delta) {
   del.s <- if(delta < 0.5) delta else delta - floor(delta+0.5)
   ivar * gamma(1-2*del.s)/(gamma(1-del.s))^2}

# currently not used:
#  ppl.ivar.to.var <- function(ivar,alpha){ # function valid for all alpha
#   ppl.Cs.to.ivar(ivar * (4 * exp(1))^alpha,alpha)}

  ppl.Cs.to.var <- function(Cs,alpha){ # function requires alpha > - 5

    # define local functions
    ppl.term.m1.to.m3 <- function(n, alpha){
     tn <- 2*n

    ppl.term.m3.to.m5 <- function(n){
     tn <- 2*n

     if(alpha > -1) Cs/((2^alpha) * (alpha + 1))
     {if(alpha==-1) Cs * 6.593110554818031
      {if(alpha > -3){Cs*(1.0+0.5*(sum(ppl.term.m1.to.m3(seq(1,15,2),alpha))+sum(ppl.term.m1.to.m3(seq(2,16,2),alpha))))/((2^(alpha-2))*(alpha+1))}
       {if(alpha==-3) Cs * 185.3064454167528
        {if(alpha > -5) {Cs*(1 - (pi^2/((alpha+2)*(alpha+3))) + (sum(ppl.term.m3.to.m5(seq(1,15,2)))+sum(ppl.term.m3.to.m5(seq(2,16,2))))/(2*(alpha+2)*(alpha+3)))/((2^(alpha-4))*(alpha+1))}
    	{if(alpha==-5) Cs * 5508.610242714385
         	else stop("sorry - cannot currently handle alpha < -5")}}}}}

  if (variance. <= 0.0)
    stop("variance must be positive")

  model <- match.arg(model,c("ppl","fdp","fgn","dfbm"))

  # check model parameter range
  if (model == "fgn" && (HG >= 1 || HG <= 0))
    stop("HG must be on the interval (0,1)")
  if (model == "dfbm" && (HB >= 1 || HB <= 0))
    stop("HB must be on the interval (0,1)")

  # if the model is ppl, check to see if user has supplied a value
  # for Cs and if Cs is positive; if so, use Cs to set variance.
  # and innovations.var; if not, check to see if use has supplied
  # a value for innovations.var and if innovations.var is positive;
  # if so, use innovations.var to set variance. and Cs; otherwise,
  # use variance. to set innovations.var and Cs
  if (model == "ppl")
	 {# user has specified Cs, so check that it is OK
          if (Cs <= 0.0) stop("Cs must be positive")
          variance. <- ppl.Cs.to.var(Cs,alpha)
          innovations.var <- Cs/(2*exp(1))^alpha}
          {# user has innovations.var, so check that it is OK
           if (innovations.var <= 0.0) stop("innovations.var must be positive")
           Cs <- ((2*exp(1))^alpha)*innovations.var
           variance. <- ppl.Cs.to.var(Cs,alpha)}
          {# neither Cs nor innovations.var has been set, so use variance.
           # to set both of these
           Cs <- variance./ppl.Cs.to.var(1.0,alpha)
           innovations.var <- Cs/(2*exp(1))^alpha}}}

  # if the model is fdp, check to see if user has supplied a value
  # for innovations.var and, if so, use it to set variance if all is OK
  if ((model == "fdp") && !is.null(innovations.var)) {

    # innovations.var has been specified, so check that it is OK
    if (innovations.var <= 0.0)
      stop("innovations.var must be positive")

    # since the innovations variance has been supplied, we need to calculate
    # variance rather than use its default or user-supplied value
    variance. <- fdp.ivar.to.var(innovations.var,delta)
   innovations.var <- fdp.var.to.ivar(variance., delta)

  z <- c(list(model=model),
      ppl=list(alpha=alpha, Cs=Cs, bterms=bterms, dterms=dterms, innovations.var=innovations.var, variance=variance.),
      fdp=list(delta=delta, innovations.var=innovations.var, variance=variance.),
      fgn=list(HG=HG,M=M, variance=variance.),
      dfbm=list(HB=HB,M=M, variance=variance.)))

  oldClass(z) <- "lmModel"


# lmSDF

"lmSDF" <- function(x, sampling.interval=1, n.freq=NULL,
  n.sample=NULL, with.Nyquist=NULL)
  # deparse model and model parameters
  if (!is(x,"lmModel"))
    stop("x must be an object of class \"lmModel\"")
  checkScalarType(sampling.interval, "numeric")

  #TODO: much of this seems much to complicated for a simple idea
  #ask Don how he wants this to be reformulated

  if (is.null(n.freq)){
    if (!is.null(n.sample))
      n.freq <- n.sample %/% 2
      n.freq <- 32

  if (is.null(with.Nyquist)){
    if (!is.null(n.sample))
      with.Nyquist <- (n.sample %% 2L) == 0L
      with.Nyquist <- TRUE

  delta.f <- 1 / (2 * n.freq + ifelse(with.Nyquist, 0, 1))
  freqs   <- seq(n.freq) * delta.f

  ####### end region to fix

  if (x$model == "ppl"){

    sdf <- x$Cs * sampling.interval * freqs^x$alpha
    exponent <- x$alpha
  else if (x$model == "fdp"){

    sdf <- (x$innovations.var * sampling.interval) / (2 * sin(pi * freqs))^(2 * x$delta)
    exponent <- x$delta
  else if (is.element(x$model, c("fgn","dfbm"))){

    exponent <- ifelse1(x$model == "fgn", x$HG, x$HB)

  	"first.sum" <- function(f, H, M){
      sum(abs(f + ((-M):M))^(-2 * H - 1))

    "second.sum" <- function(f, H, M){
      tH   <- 2 * H
      tHp1 <- tH + 1
      tHp2 <- tH + 2
      tHp3 <- tH + 3
      tHp4 <- tH + 4
      return(1/(tH * (- f + M + 1)^tH) + 1/(tH * (f + M + 1)^tH) - (tHp1 *
		tHp2 * tHp3)/(720 * (- f + M + 1)^tHp4) - (tHp1 * tHp2 *
		tHp3)/(720 * (f + M + 1)^tHp4) + tHp1/(12 * (- f +
		M + 1)^tHp2) + tHp1/(12 * (f + M + 1)^tHp2) + 1/(2 *
		(- f + M + 1)^tHp1) + 1/(2 * (f + M + 1)^tHp1))

    CH <- (gamma(2 * exponent + 1) * sin(pi * exponent))/(2 * pi)^(2 * exponent + 1)

    if (x$model == "fgn"){
      sdf <- 4 * sampling.interval * x$variance * CH * sin(pi * freqs)^2 *
        (sapply(freqs, first.sum, exponent, x$M) + sapply(freqs, second.sum, exponent, x$M))
      sdf <- sampling.interval * x$variance * CH * (sapply(freqs, first.sum, exponent, x$M) +
        sapply(freqs, second.sum, exponent, x$M))

  by  <- from  <- delta.f / sampling.interval
  tag <- upperCase(x$model)

  if (!as.logical(length(sdf)))
    stop("SDF length is zero. Check model parameters.")

    position=list(from=from, by=by, units="frequency"),
    title.data=paste(tag, "(", exponent, ") SDF", sep=""),
    documentation=paste("SDF for ", tag, "(", exponent, ") process", sep=""),

# lmSimulate

"lmSimulate" <- function(x, sampling.interval=1,
  mean=0, n.sample=128, generate.Sj=FALSE, Sj=NULL, rn=NULL)
  if (is(x,"DaviesHarte"))
    Sj <- x

  if (is.null(Sj)){
    if (!is(x,"lmModel"))
      stop("x must be an object of class \"lmModel\"")

    if (n.sample <= 0)
      stop("number of samples must be a positive number")
  else if (!is(x,"DaviesHarte"))

  if (sampling.interval <= 0)
      stop("sampling interval must be a positive number")
  if (!is.null(Sj) && generate.Sj)

  # define local functions
  "DHMgenSj" <- function(acvf)
  	acvf <- acvf@data
    MM <- length(acvf) - 1
    if(!(MM == nextDyadic(MM)))
      stop("Length of acvf must be 1 greater than a power of 2")
    Sj <- Re(fft(c(acvf, rev(acvf[2:MM]))))[1:(MM + 1)]
    if(!(all(Sj >= 0)))
      stop("some of the S_j's are negative")

  "DHMgenSim" <- function(Sj, rn=NULL)
  	if (is.null(rn))
  	  rn <- rnorm(2 * length(Sj) - 2)

    M         <- 2 * length(Sj) - 2
    N         <- M/2
    Yj        <- 0:N
    Yj[1]     <- sqrt(Sj[1]) * rn[1]
    Yj[N + 1] <- sqrt(Sj[N + 1]) * rn[M]
    js        <- 2:N
    Yj[js] <- sqrt(0.5 * Sj[js]) * complex(real=rn[2 * (1:(N - 1))],
      imaginary=rn[2 * (1:(N - 1)) + 1])
    Re(fft(c(Yj, Conj(rev(Yj[js])))))[1:N]/sqrt(M)

  if (is.null(Sj)){

    if (x$model == "ppl"){

      if (x$alpha <= -1)
        stop("alpha must be greater than -1")
      exponent <- x$alpha
      Sj <- DHMgenSj(lmACF(x, nextDyadic(n.sample), type="covariance"))
    else if (x$model == "fdp"){

      "FDsimGenSj" <- function(func, x, n.sample=1024){

        # migrate delta to stationary region
        # NOTE: this doesn't work if delta <= -1, in which case we need
        #       to difference a simulated process a certain number of times
        #       (as a result, the undifferenced process will have to be longer)
         x$delta <- if(x$delta < 0.5) x$delta else x$delta - floor(x$delta+0.5)

        func(lmACF(x, nextDyadic(n.sample), type="covariance"))

  	  Sj <- FDsimGenSj(DHMgenSj, x, n.sample)
  	  exponent <- x$delta
    else if (is.element(x$model, c("fgn","dfbm"))){

      # Force FGN model on ACF since FBM ACF is not supported.
      # In this case, A cumulative summation over the Sj's is
      # performed at the end of this function to migrate the
      # FGN result to FBM
      model <- ifelse1(x$model == "dfbm", lmModel("fgn", HG=x$HB, M=x$M), x)
      Sj <- DHMgenSj(lmACF(model, nextDyadic(n.sample), type="covariance"))

      exponent <- ifelse1(x$model == "fgn", x$HG, x$HB)

    oldClass(Sj) <- "DaviesHarte"
    attr(Sj, "n.sample") <- n.sample
    attr(Sj, "model")    <- x
    attr(Sj, "exponent") <- exponent

  if (generate.Sj)

  	# unpack Sj attributes
  	Sj.attr  <- attributes(Sj)
  	n.sample <- Sj.attr$n.sample
  	model    <- Sj.attr$model
  	exponent <- Sj.attr$exponent

  	from <- 0
  	tag  <- upperCase(model$model)

  	if (model$model == "fdp"){

      data <- DHMgenSim(Sj, rn=rn)[1:n.sample]

	    if (exponent >= 0.5){

        data <- cumsum(data)
        remaining.order <- floor(exponent + 0.5) - 1

        if (remaining.order == 1)
          data <- cumsum(data)
        else if(remaining.order > 1)
          for(i in 1:remaining.order)
            data <- cumsum(data)
  	else if (model$model == "dfbm"){
  	  data <- cumsum(DHMgenSim(Sj, rn=rn)[1:n.sample]) + mean
  	  data <- DHMgenSim(Sj, rn=rn)[1:n.sample] + mean

      position=list(from=from, by=sampling.interval, units="time"),
      title.data=paste(tag, "(", exponent, ") ", "simulation", sep=""),
      documentation=paste("simulation of ", tag, "(", exponent, ") process", sep=""))

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