
Defines functions genfrail

Documented in genfrail

genfrail <- function(# Number of clusters and cluster sizes
                     N = 300,
                     # If K is int, then fixed cluster sizes
                     # If K is numeric vector, then sizes provided
                     # Otherwise draw random
                     # can be one of: "poisson", "pareto", "uniform"
                     K = 2, 
                     # cluster size distributian params:
                     # K-truncated Poisson: c(lambda, truncated value)
                     # Discrete Pareto: c(alpha, max value inclusive)
                     # Uniform: c(lower, upper) inclusive
                     K.param = c(2, 0), 
                     # Covariate coefficients
                     beta = c(log(2)),
                     # Frailty distribution and parameter vector
                     # Can be one of: "gamma", "pvf", "lognormal", 
                     # "invgauss", "posstab", "none"
                     frailty = "gamma",
                     # Frailty distribution parameter vector
                     theta = c(2), 
                     # Covariate distribution and params
                     # covar.distr can be one of: "normal", "uniform", "zero"
                     covar.distr = "normal", 
                     covar.param = c(0,1),
                     covar.matrix = NULL,
                     # Censoring distribution and parameters vector
                     # censor.distr can be one of: "normal", "lognormal", 
                     # "uniform", "none"
                     censor.distr = "normal",
                     censor.param = c(130,15),
                     censor.rate = NULL, # If specified, overrides censor.mu
                     censor.time = NULL, # If specified, overrides all other censor params
                     # Only one of these needs to be specified
                     # Order of preference is: Lambda_0_inv, Lambda_0, lambda_0
                     lambda_0 = NULL, #i.e. function(t, c=0.01, d=4.6) (d*(c*t)^d)/t,
                     Lambda_0 = NULL, #i.e. function(t, c=0.01, d=4.6) (c*t)^d,
                     Lambda_0_inv = NULL, #i.e. function(t, c=0.01, d=4.6) (t^(1/d))/c,
                     # Round time to nearest round.base
                     round.base = NULL,
                     # Control parameters, mostly for numeric integration
) {
  Call <- match.call()
  # Match any ... args to genfrail.control
  extraargs <- list(...)
  if (length(extraargs)) {
    controlargs <- names(formals(genfrail.control)) #legal arg names
    indx <- pmatch(names(extraargs), controlargs, nomatch=0L)
    if (any(indx==0L))
      stop(gettextf("Argument %s not matched", names(extraargs)[indx==0L]),
           domain = NA)
  if (missing(control)) control <- genfrail.control(...)
  # Determine cluster sizes
  if (is.numeric(K) && length(K) == 1) {
    cluster.sizes <- c(rep(K, N));
  } else if (is.numeric(K) && length(K) > 1) {
    if (length(K) != N)
      stop("length(K) must equal N when providing cluster sizes")
    cluster.sizes <- K
  } else if (K == "poisson") {
    cluster.sizes <- rtpois(N, K.param[1], K.param[2])
  } else if (K == "pareto") {
    cluster.sizes <- rtzeta(N, K.param[1], K.param[2], K.param[3])
  } else if (K == "uniform") {
    cluster.sizes <- round(runif(N, K.param[1], K.param[2]))
  } else {
    stop("Wrong value for K. Must be int, string, or numeric vector")
  NK <- sum(cluster.sizes)
  # Generate the covariates
  p <- length(beta)
  Z <- matrix(0, nrow=NK, ncol=p)
  if (!is.null(covar.matrix)) {
    if (nrow(covar.matrix) != NK || ncol(covar.matrix) != p) {
      stop("covar.matrix must have N*K rows and length(beta) columns")
    Z <- covar.matrix
  } else {
    Z <- matrix(0, nrow=NK, ncol=p)
    for (j in 1:p) {
      if (covar.distr == "normal") {
        Z[, j] <- rnorm(NK, covar.param[1], covar.param[2])
      } else if (covar.distr == "uniform") {
        Z[, j] <- runif(NK, covar.param[1], covar.param[2])
      } else if (covar.distr == "zero") {
        Z[, j] <- rep(0, NK)
        covar.param <- NULL
  # Generate the frailty for each cluster
  if (frailty %in% names(rfrailty)) {
    if (!all((theta > lb.hard.frailty[[frailty]])&(theta < ub.hard.frailty[[frailty]])))
        stop(frailty, " frailty distribution parameters must be in the range (",
             lb.hard.frailty[[frailty]], ",", ub.hard.frailty[[frailty]], ")")
    cluster.frailty <- rfrailty[[frailty]](N, theta)
  } else if (frailty == "none") {
    cluster.frailty <- rep(1, N)
  } else {
    stop("Wrong value for frailty: ", frailty)
  w = rep(cluster.frailty, cluster.sizes)
  rate <- w*exp(Z%*%beta)
  if (sum(c(!is.null(lambda_0), !is.null(Lambda_0), !is.null(Lambda_0_inv)) > 1))
    stop("Must specify only one of: lambda_0, Lambda_0, or Lambda_0_inv")
  # Generate uniform random samples for the survival times
  u <- runif(NK)
  # With the inverse cumulative hazard, apply Bender's method
  if (!is.null(Lambda_0_inv)) {
    fail.time <- Lambda_0_inv(-log(u)/rate)
    # hazard attribute, for summary
    hazard <- list(Lambda_0_inv=Lambda_0_inv)
    # Inverse to get the original CBH
    Lambda_0 <- Vectorize(function(y) uniroot(function(x) 
      Lambda_0_inv(x) - y, lower=0, upper=100, extendInt="yes")$root)
  # Otherwise, use the method described by Crowther
  } else {
    if (is.null(Lambda_0) && !is.null(lambda_0)) {
      # numeric integral nested in the root finding
      Lambda_0 <- Vectorize(function(t) {
        if (t <= 0) {
        integrate(lambda_0, 0, t, 
      hazard <- list(lambda_0=lambda_0)
    } else if (!is.null(Lambda_0)) {
      hazard <- list(Lambda_0=Lambda_0)
    } else {
      warning("Using a default baseline hazard. Did you forget to pass Lambda_0?")
      Lambda_0 <- function(t, c=0.01, d=4.6) (c*t)^d
      hazard <- list(Lambda_0=Lambda_0)
    # TODO: first try to invert the function analytically, maybe using Ryacas?
    # if inversion fails, then need to find root for each t
    # Similar to the method described by Crowther, 
    # except solve: log(S(t)) - log(u) = 0
    fail.time <- sapply(1:(NK), function(ij) {
      fn <- function(t) {
        (-Lambda_0(t)*rate[ij]) - log(u[ij])
      # nleqslv(100, fn, global="dbldog", control=list(allowSingular=TRUE))$x
      uniroot(fn, lower=0, upper=100, extendInt="yes")$root
  if (!is.null(censor.time)) {
    if (length(censor.time) != NK) {
      stop("censor.time must have length N*K")
  } else {
    if (censor.distr == "normal") {
      censor.density <- dnorm
      censor.random <- rnorm
      censor.quantile <- qnorm
      censor.mu <- censor.param[1]
      censor.sigma <- censor.param[2]
    } else if (censor.distr == "lognormal") {
      censor.density <- dlnorm
      censor.random <- rlnorm
      censor.quantile <- qlnorm
      censor.sigma <- sqrt(log(1 + censor.param[2]^2/censor.param[1]^2))
      censor.mu <- log(censor.param[1]) - censor.sigma^2/2
    } else if (censor.distr == "uniform") {
      censor.density <- dunif
      censor.random <- runif
      censor.quantile <- qunif
      censor.lower <- censor.param[1]
      censor.upper <- censor.param[2]
      stopifnot(censor.lower < censor.upper)
    } else if (censor.distr == "none") {
      warning("Censoring distribution is set to none")
    } else {
      stop("Censoring distribution must be normal or lognormal")
    if (censor.distr == "none") {
      censor.time <- rep(max(fail.time), NK)
    } else {
      if (!is.null(censor.rate)) {
        stopifnot(0 <= censor.rate && censor.rate <= 1)
        # Empirical survivor and hazard functions
        esurv <- ecdf(fail.time)
        efail <- function(t) 1 - esurv(t)
        if (censor.distr == "uniform") {
          interval <- censor.upper - censor.lower
          # Split the integral up into 2 parts since it may actually be ~0 for 
          # most of the interval. Make this split at the 50th percentile
          mu <- uniroot(function(mu) {
              lower <- mu - interval/2
              upper <- mu + interval/2
              censor.rate - 
                (integrate(function(t) efail(t)*censor.density(t, lower, upper), 
                           -Inf, censor.quantile(0.5, lower, upper), 
                           rel.tol=control$censor.reltol)$value +
                 integrate(function(t) efail(t)*censor.density(t, lower, upper), 
                           censor.quantile(0.5, lower, upper), Inf, 
            }, lower=0, upper=100, extendInt="up")$root
          censor.lower <- mu - interval/2
          censor.upper <- mu + interval/2
        } else {
          # Split the integral up into 2 parts since it may actually be ~0 for 
          # most of the interval. Make this split at the 50th percentile
          censor.mu <- uniroot(function(mu) 
            censor.rate - 
              (integrate(function(t) efail(t)*censor.density(t, mu, censor.sigma), 
                         -Inf, censor.quantile(0.5, mu, censor.sigma), 
                         rel.tol=control$censor.reltol)$value +
                 integrate(function(t) efail(t)*censor.density(t, mu, censor.sigma), 
                           censor.quantile(0.5, mu, censor.sigma), Inf, 
            lower=0, upper=100, extendInt="up")$root
      # Non-informative right censoring
      if (censor.distr == "uniform") {
        censor.time <- censor.random(NK, censor.lower, censor.upper)
      } else {
        censor.time <- censor.random(NK, censor.mu, censor.sigma)
  obs.status <- sign(fail.time <= censor.time)
  obs.time <- pmin(fail.time, censor.time)
  if (is.numeric(round.base)) {
    obs.time <- round.base*floor(obs.time/round.base + 0.5)
  # Covariates are named Z1, Z2, ...
  colnames(Z) <- paste("Z", 1:p, sep="")
  dat <- data.frame(family=rep(1:N, cluster.sizes),
                    rep=unlist(lapply(cluster.sizes, function(m) rep(1:m))), 
  class(dat) <- append("genfrail", class(dat))
  # These are mostly needed for printing the summary and simulations
  attributes(dat) <- append(attributes(dat), list(
    beta=setNames(beta, paste("beta.", 1:length(beta), sep="")),
    theta=setNames(theta, paste("theta.", 1:length(theta), sep="")),

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frailtySurv documentation built on Aug. 14, 2023, 1:06 a.m.