
Defines functions fuzzifier rulebase inference defuzzifier data.gen3d create.fuzzyTerm calc.implFunc ch.unique.fuzz

Documented in data.gen3d defuzzifier fuzzifier inference rulebase

#  This file is a part of the R package "frbs".
#  Author: Lala Septem Riza
#  Co-author: Christoph Bergmeir
#  Supervisors: Francisco Herrera Triguero and Jose Manuel Benitez
#  Copyright (c) DiCITS Lab, Sci2s group, DECSAI, University of Granada.
#  This package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
#  the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
#  Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
#  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
#  A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
#' Fuzzification refers to the process of transforming a crisp set into linguistic terms. 
#' In this function, there are five shapes of membership functions implemented, 
#' namely \code{TRIANGLE}, \code{TRAPEZOID}, \code{GAUSSIAN}, \code{SIGMOID}, and \code{BELL}. 
#' They are represented by a matrix that the dimension is (\eqn{5, n}) where \eqn{n} is 
#' a multiplication the number of linguistic terms/labels and the number of input variables.
#' The rows of the matrix represent:
#' The first row is the type of membership function, where 1 means \code{TRIANGLE}, 
#' 2 means \code{TRAPEZOID} in left side, 
#' 3 means \code{TRAPEZOID} in right side, 4 means \code{TRAPEZOID} in the middle, 
#' 5 means \code{GAUSSIAN}, 
#' 6 means \code{SIGMOID}, and 7 means \code{BELL}. And, the second up to fifth row indicate 
#' the corner points to construct the functions. 
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{TRIANGLE} has three parameters (\eqn{a, b, c}), where \eqn{b} is the center point of the \code{TRIANGLE},
#' and \eqn{a} and \eqn{c} are the left and right points, respectively.
#' \item \code{TRAPEZOID} has four parameters (\eqn{a, b, c, d}).
#' \item \code{GAUSSIAN} has two parameters (\eqn{mean} and \eqn{variance}).
#' \item \code{SIGMOID} has two parameters (\eqn{\gamma} and \eqn{c}) for representing steepness of the function and distance from the origin, respectively. 
#' \item \code{BELL} has three parameters (\eqn{a, b, c}).
#' }
#' For example:
#' \code{varinp.mf <- matrix(c(2,1,3,2,3,0,30,60,0,40,20,50,80,}
#'    \code{30,80,40,70,100,60,100,0,0,100,0,100), nrow=5, byrow=TRUE)}
#' @title Transforming from crisp set into linguistic terms
#' @param data a matrix of data containing numerical elements.
#' @param num.varinput number of input variables.
#' @param num.labels.input the number of labels of the input variables.
#' @param varinp.mf a matrix containing the parameters to form the membership functions. See the Detail section.
#' @seealso \code{\link{defuzzifier}}, \code{\link{rulebase}}, and \code{\link{inference}}
#' @return A matrix of the degree of each linguistic terms based on the shape of 
#' the membership functions 
#' @export
fuzzifier <- function(data, num.varinput, num.labels.input, varinp.mf){

##count number of column of data
ncol.data <- ncol(data)

##count number of column of varinp.mf (matrix used to build membership function) 
ncol.var <- ncol(varinp.mf)

##Inisialitation matrix of Membership function
MF <- matrix(nrow = nrow(data), ncol = ncol.var)

if (ncol.data != num.varinput)
	stop("Data is not the same as the number of input variables")
if (ncol.var != sum(num.labels.input))
	stop("the parameter of membership function is not the same with variable")

##h is index equal to number of data
##i is index for numbering variable
##j is index equal to number of varinp.mf column
##ii is used for counting how many iteration has been done in the following loop
##jj is used for keeping the iteration continueing to next index in varinp.mf

##iterate as along number of data
for (h in 1 : nrow(data)){
	jj <- 1
	##iterate for each crisp value on each data 
	for (i in 1: ncol(data)){

		##counter for break
		ii <- 1
		##loop all column on varinp.mf
		for (j in jj : ncol(varinp.mf)){		
			##checking for type 1: Triangular, if varinp.mf[1,] == 1 
			##parameter=(a,b,c), where a < b < c
			if (varinp.mf[1, j] == 1){
				if (data[h, i] <= varinp.mf[2, j]) temp <- 0
				else if (data[h, i] <= varinp.mf[3, j]) temp <- (data[h, i] - varinp.mf[2, j]) / (varinp.mf[3, j] - varinp.mf[2, j])
				else if (data[h, i] < varinp.mf[4, j]) temp <- (data[h, i] - varinp.mf[4, j]) / (varinp.mf[3, j] - varinp.mf[4, j])
				else temp <- 0

			##checking for type 2: Trapezoid_1a, if varinp.mf[1,] ==2
			##Trapezoid_1a is the edge on the left: vertical
			else if (varinp.mf[1, j] == 2){
				if (data[h, i] <= varinp.mf[3, j]) temp <- 1
				else if (data[h, i] <= varinp.mf[4, j]) temp <- (data[h, i] - varinp.mf[4, j]) / (varinp.mf[3, j] - varinp.mf[4, j])
				else temp <- 0				

			##checking for type 3: Trapezoid_1b, if varinp.mf[1,] == 3
			##Trapezoid_1b is the edge on the right: vertical
			else if (varinp.mf[1, j] == 3){
				if (data[h, i] <= varinp.mf[2, j]) temp <- 0
				else if (data[h, i] < varinp.mf[3, j]) temp <- (data[h, i] - varinp.mf[2, j]) / (varinp.mf[3, j] - varinp.mf[2, j])
				else temp <- 1

			##checking for type 4: Trapezoid_2
			else if (varinp.mf[1, j] == 4){
				if (data[h,i] <= varinp.mf[2, j] || data[h,i] > varinp.mf[5, j]) temp <- 0
				else if (data[h, i] > varinp.mf[3, j] && data[h, i] <= varinp.mf[4, j]) temp <- 1
				else if (data[h, i] > varinp.mf[2, j] && data[h, i] <= varinp.mf[3, j]) temp <- (data[h, i] - varinp.mf[2, j]) / (varinp.mf[3, j] - varinp.mf[2, j])
				else if (data[h,i] > varinp.mf[4, j] && data[h,i] <= varinp.mf[5,j]) temp <- (data[h, i] - varinp.mf[5, j]) / (varinp.mf[4, j] - varinp.mf[5, j])

			##checking for type 5: Gaussian
			##parameter=(mean a, standard deviation b)
			else if (varinp.mf[1, j] == 5){
				temp <- exp(- 0.5 * (data[h, i] - varinp.mf[2, j])^2 / varinp.mf[3, j]^2)

			##checking for type 6: Sigmoid/logistic
			else if (varinp.mf[1, j] == 6) {
				temp <- 1/(1 + exp(- varinp.mf[2, j] * (data[h, i] - varinp.mf[3, j])))

			##checking for type 7: Generalized Bell
			else if (varinp.mf[1, j] == 7) {
				temp <- 1/(1 + abs((data[h, i] - varinp.mf[4, j])/varinp.mf[2, j]) ^ (2 * varinp.mf[3, j]))   

			##save membership function on MF for each data		
			MF[h, j] <- temp
			ii <- ii + 1
			jj <- jj + 1
			##this checking is used for control the number of linguistic value for each variable
			if (ii > num.labels.input[1, i])



#' This function checks the consistency of a rule definition (given by the user).
#' The rulebase consists of several fuzzy IF-THEN rules. The rules could be in 
#' a list or matrix type. Generally, there are three types of rule structures which are
#' rules based on Mamdani, Takagi Sugeno Kang and fuzzy rule-based classification systems (FRBCS).
#' For rules of the Mamdani model, there are 2 parts in each rule, the antecedent and 
#' the consequent part, which are separated by "->". 
#' For example:  \code{r1 <- c("a1","and","b1","->", "c1")}
#' It means that "IF input.variable1 is a1 and input.variable2 is b1 THEN output.variable is c1"
#' Here, ("a1", "and", "b1") is the antecedent, with "a1" and "b1" being linguistic terms, 
#' and ("c1") is the consequent part. 
#' A fuzzy IF-THEN rule base with several rules is defined in the following way:
#' \code{r1 <- c("not a1","and","b1", "->", "c1")}
#' \code{r2 <- c("a2","or","b2", "->", "c2")}
#' \code{r3 <- c("a3","or","b2", "->", "c3")}
#' \code{rule <- list(r1,r2,r3)}
#' For rules of the Takagi Sugeno Kang model, the rules are at first defined without the consequent part, e.g.: 
#' \code{r1 <- c("a1",1,"b1","->")}
#' \code{r2 <- c("a2",2,"b2", "->")}
#' \code{r3 <- c("a3","2","b2", "->")}
#' \code{rule <- list(r1,r2,r3)}
#' The consequences are defined then as a matrix \code{fun_tsk}, which contains the linear equations of the consequences of the rules.
#' The dimension of this matrix is [<number_of_rules>, <number_of_variables> + 1]. The matrix has one extra column for the constants. 
#' If there is no constant, a zero is put.
#' So, for example, if we have 3 rules and 2 linguistic variables (A, B), the matrix \code{fun_tsk} has dim(3,3), as in: 
#' \code{func.tsk <- matrix(c(1, 1, 5, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 2), nrow=3, ncol=3, byrow = TRUE)}
#' Furthermore, we can represent linguistic hedges within the rules. The kinds of hedges used are
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"extremely"} reduces the truth value. For example, \code{"extremely a1"} means membership function \eqn{a1 = \mu(a1)^3}.
#' \item \code{"very"} reduces the truth value. For example, \code{"very a1"} means membership function \eqn{a1 = \mu(a1)^2}.
#' \item \code{"somewhat"} increases the truth value. For example, \code{"somewhat a1"} means membership function 
#' \eqn{a1 = \mu(a1)^0.5}.
#' \item \code{"slightly"} increases the truth value. For example, \code{"slightly a1"} means membership function 
#' \eqn{a1 = \mu(a1)^0.33}
#' }
#' An example of fuzzy IF-THEN rules using linguistic hedge is: 
#' \code{r1 <- c("very a1","and","b1","->","c1")}
#' \code{r2 <- c("a2",2,"b2", "->", "c2")}
#' \code{r3 <- c("a3","2","slightly b2", "->", "c3")}
#' \code{rule <- list(r1,r2,r3)} 
#' Furthermore, the following is an example in order to give names to the linguistic terms in the input and output variables.
#' \code{varinput.1 <- c("a1", "a2", "a3")}
#' \code{varinput.2 <- c("b1", "b2")}
#' \code{names.varinput <- c(varinput.1, varinput.2)}
#' \code{names.varoutput <- c("c1", "c2", "c3")}
#' In case of FRBCS model, the structure of rules are quite similar with Takagi Sugeno Kang model. But, instead of using 
#' linear equation in consequent part, consequent parts in FRBCS are represented by class. For example,
#' Take into account that consequent parts expresses classes. 
#' \code{rule<-matrix(c("v.1_a.2","and","v.2_a.2","and","v.3_a.3","and","v.4_a.2","->","3",}
#'               \code{"v.1_a.2","and","v.2_a.3","and","v.3_a.1","and","v.4_a.3","->","1",}
#'               \code{"v.1_a.2","and","v.2_a.2","and","v.3_a.2","and","v.4_a.2","->","2"),} 
#'               \code{nrow=3, byrow=TRUE)} 
#' Where, \code{"1"}, \code{"2"}, \code{"3"} represent class \code{1}, \code{2}, and \code{3}.
#' Noted that all rules included in rule base must have the same length as many as the number of variables. 
#' However, we can ignore some input variables by defining the "dont_care" value. 
#' For example, the rule ("not a1","and","dont_care", "->", "c1") refers to the rule ("not a1" "->", "c1"). 
#' Furthermore, if we are using the learning methods, the fuzzy IF-THEN rules will be generated automatically 
#' as the outputs of \code{\link{frbs.learn}}.
#' @title The rule checking function
#' @param type.model a value determining the type of model to use. 
#'         Here, \code{MAMDANI} and \code{TSK} mean Mamdani and Takagi Sugeno Kang model, respectively. 
#' @param rule a matrix or list of rules.
#' @param func.tsk a matrix representing the consequent parts of rules in Takagi Sugeno Kang formulation.
#' @seealso \code{\link{defuzzifier}}, \code{\link{inference}}, and \code{\link{fuzzifier}}
#' @return fuzzy IF-THEN rule base
#' @export 
rulebase <- function(type.model, rule, func.tsk = NULL){
if (inherits(rule, "matrix")){
	rule.list <- list() 
	for (i in 1 : nrow(rule)){
		rule.list[i] <- list(rule[i, ])
	rule <- rule.list	

##condition for Mamdani model
if (type.model == 1 || type.model == 2 || type.model == "MAMDANI" || type.model == "FRBCS" || type.model == "TSK") {
	##Checking the sign of separating between antecedent and consequence 
	for (i in 1 : length(rule)){
		equal <- unlist(rule[i])
		equal <- as.matrix(equal)
		check <- any(equal == "->")
		if (check == FALSE )
			stop("rule must contain \"->\" as separating between antecendent and consequence") 			

#condition for Takagi Sugeno Kang model
if (type.model == 2 || type.model == "TSK") {	
	if (is.null(func.tsk))
		stop("You are using Takagi Sugeno Kang model, so the consequent part must be linear equations, please insert their values")


#' Inference refers to the process of fuzzy reasoning. 
#' In this function, fuzzy reasoning is conducted based on Mamdani and Takagi Sugeno Kang model. 
#' Furthermore, there are some formula for conjunction and disjunction operators. 
#' \bold{The Mamdani model:}
#' A fuzzy system with, e.g., two inputs \eqn{x1} and \eqn{x2} (antecedents) and a single output \eqn{y} (consequent)
#' is described by the following fuzzy IF-THEN rule:
#' \code{IF x1 is A1 and x2 is A2 THEN y is B}
#' where \eqn{A1} and \eqn{A2} are the fuzzy sets representing the antecent pairs and
#' \eqn{B} is the fuzzy set representing the consequent.
#' \bold{The Takagi Sugeno Kang model:}
#' Suppose we have two inputs \eqn{x1} and \eqn{x2} and output \eqn{y}, then the fuzzy IF-THEN rule is as follows:
#' \code{IF x1 is A1 and x2 is A2 THEN y is y = f(x1, x2)}
#' where \eqn{y = f(x1, x2)} is a crisp function in the consequent part which is usually a polynomial function,
#' and \eqn{A1} and \eqn{A2} are the fuzzy sets representing the antecent pairs.
#' Futhermore, this function has the following capabilities: 
#' \itemize{ 
#' \item It supports unary operators (not) and binary operators (\code{AND} and \code{OR}).
#' \item It provides linguistic hedge (\code{extremely}, \code{very}, \code{somewhat}, and \code{slightly}).
#' \item there are several methods for the t-norm and s-norm.
#' }
#' @title The process of fuzzy reasoning
#' @param MF a matrix of the degrees of membership functions which is a result of the \code{\link{fuzzifier}}.
#' @param rule a matrix or list of fuzzy IF-THEN rules. See \code{\link{rulebase}}.
#' @param names.varinput a list of names of the input variables. 
#' @param type.tnorm a value which represents the type of t-norm to be used: 
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{1} or \code{MIN} means standard t-norm: \eqn{min(x1, x2)}.
#' \item \code{2} or \code{HAMACHER} means Hamacher product: \eqn{(x1 * x2)/(x1 + x2 - x1 * x2)}.
#' \item \code{3} or \code{YAGER} means Yager class: \eqn{1- min(1, ((1 - x1) + (1 - x2)))}.
#' \item \code{4} or \code{PRODUCT} means product: \eqn{(x1 * x2)}.
#' \item \code{5} or \code{BOUNDED} means bounded product: \eqn{max(0, x1 + x2 - 1)}.
#' }
#' @param type.snorm a value which represents the type of s-norm to be used: 
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{1} or \code{MAX} means standard s-norm: \eqn{max(x1, x2)}.
#' \item \code{2} or \code{HAMACHER} means Hamacher sum: \eqn{(x1 + x2 - 2x1 * x2) / 1 - x1 * x2}.
#' \item \code{3} or \code{YAGER} means Yager class: \eqn{min(1, (x1 + x2))}.
#' \item \code{4} or \code{SUM} means sum: \eqn{(x1 + x2 - x1 * x2)}.
#' \item \code{5} or \code{BOUNDED} means bounded sum: \eqn{min(1, x1 + x2)}.
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{defuzzifier}}, \code{\link{rulebase}}, and \code{\link{fuzzifier}}.
#' @return a matrix of the degrees of the rules. 
#' @export
inference<-function(MF, rule, names.varinput, type.tnorm, type.snorm){

##calculate number of data
nMF <- nrow(MF)

##calculate number of rule
nrule <- length(rule)
##allocate memory for membership function on antecedent
miu.rule <- matrix(nrow = nMF, ncol = nrule)

##give names on each column for detecting which rule will be fired
colnames(MF) <- c(names.varinput)

##Iteration for n data
for(k in 1 : nMF){
	i <- 1
	##Iteration for each rule
	for(i in 1 : nrule){
		##change list of rule into matrix
		temp <- unlist(rule[i])

		##detect location of "->" sign as separation between antecedent and consequence
		loc <- which(temp == "->")
		##Inisialization for calculating MF of antecendet
		temp.fvalue <- strsplit(temp[1], split=" ")
		Mtemp.fvalue <- unlist(temp.fvalue)	
		length.MtempValue <- length(Mtemp.fvalue)
		#if (Mtemp.fvalue[1] == "dont_care"){
		if (grepl("dont_care", Mtemp.fvalue[1])){
				val.antecedent <- 1
		} else {	
			##check that the linguistic value has unary operator ("not" and linguistic hedge)
			if (length.MtempValue > 1){
				if (Mtemp.fvalue[1] == "not"){
					if (Mtemp.fvalue[2] == "extremely") {
						val.antecedent.temp <- (MF[k, Mtemp.fvalue[3]])^3
						val.antecedent <- 1 - val.antecedent.temp
					else if (Mtemp.fvalue[2] == "very"){
						val.antecedent.temp <- (MF[k, Mtemp.fvalue[3]])^2
						val.antecedent <- 1 - val.antecedent.temp
					else if (Mtemp.fvalue[2] == "somewhat"){
						val.antecedent.temp <- (MF[k, Mtemp.fvalue[3]])^0.5
						val.antecedent <- 1 - val.antecedent.temp
					else if (Mtemp.fvalue[2] == "slightly"){
						val.antecedent.temp <- (MF[k, Mtemp.fvalue[3]])^0.333
						val.antecedent <- 1 - val.antecedent.temp
					} else {
						val.antecedent <- 1 - MF[k, Mtemp.fvalue[2]]
				else {
					if (Mtemp.fvalue[1] == "extremely")
						val.antecedent <- (MF[k, Mtemp.fvalue[2]])^3
					else if (Mtemp.fvalue[1] == "very")
						val.antecedent <- (MF[k, Mtemp.fvalue[2]])^2
					else if (Mtemp.fvalue[1] == "somewhat")
						val.antecedent <- (MF[k, Mtemp.fvalue[2]])^0.5
					else if (Mtemp.fvalue[1] == "slightly")
						val.antecedent <- (MF[k, Mtemp.fvalue[2]])^0.333
					else if (Mtemp.fvalue[1] == "not")
						val.antecedent <- 1 - (MF[k, Mtemp.fvalue[2]])
			} else {
				val.antecedent <- MF[k, temp[1]]	
		## iterate to calculate degree of MF until find "->" sign (equals to loc)
		seqq <- seq(from = 1, to = loc, by = 2)
		for (j in seqq) {
			temp.split <- strsplit(temp[j + 2], split = " ")
			Mtemp.fvalue <- unlist(temp.split)
			length.MtempValue <- length(Mtemp.fvalue)
			#if (Mtemp.fvalue[1] == "dont_care"){
			if (grepl("dont_care", Mtemp.fvalue[1])){
					val.antecedent.b <- 1
			} else {
				if (length.MtempValue > 1) {
					if (Mtemp.fvalue[1] == "not"){
						if (Mtemp.fvalue[2] == "extremely") {
							val.antecedent.temp <- (MF[k, Mtemp.fvalue[3]])^3
							val.antecedent.b <- 1 - val.antecedent.temp
						else if (Mtemp.fvalue[2] == "very"){
							val.antecedent.temp <- (MF[k, Mtemp.fvalue[3]])^2
							val.antecedent.b <- 1 - val.antecedent.temp
						else if (Mtemp.fvalue[2] == "somewhat"){
							val.antecedent.temp <- (MF[k, Mtemp.fvalue[3]])^0.5
							val.antecedent.b <- 1 - val.antecedent.temp
						else if (Mtemp.fvalue[2] == "slightly"){
							val.antecedent.temp <- (MF[k, Mtemp.fvalue[3]])^0.333
							val.antecedent.b <- 1 - val.antecedent.temp
							val.antecedent.b <- 1 - MF[k, Mtemp.fvalue[2]]
					else {
						if (Mtemp.fvalue[1] == "extremely")
						val.antecedent.b <- (MF[k, Mtemp.fvalue[2]])^3
						else if (Mtemp.fvalue[1] == "very")
						val.antecedent.b <- (MF[k, Mtemp.fvalue[2]])^2
						else if (Mtemp.fvalue[1] == "somewhat")
						val.antecedent.b <- (MF[k, Mtemp.fvalue[2]])^0.5
						else if (Mtemp.fvalue[1] == "slightly")
						val.antecedent.b <- (MF[k, Mtemp.fvalue[2]])^0.333
						else if (Mtemp.fvalue[1] == "not")
						val.antecedent.b <- 1 - (MF[k, Mtemp.fvalue[2]])
					val.antecedent.b <- MF[k, temp[j + 2]]
			##condition for conjunction operator (AND)
			if ((temp[j + 1] == "1") || (temp[j + 1] == "and")){
				##condition for type.tnorm used is standard type(min)
				if (type.tnorm == 1 || type.tnorm == "MIN"){								
					if (val.antecedent.b < val.antecedent)
					val.antecedent <- val.antecedent.b
				##condition for type.tnorm used is Hamacher product
				else if (type.tnorm == 2 || type.tnorm == "HAMACHER") {									
					val.antecedent <- (val.antecedent * val.antecedent.b) / (val.antecedent + val.antecedent.b - val.antecedent * val.antecedent.b)
				##condition for type.tnorm used is yager class (with tao = 1)
				else if (type.tnorm == 3 || type.tnorm == "YAGER") {										
					temp.val.ante <- (1 - val.antecedent) + (1 - val.antecedent.b)
					if (temp.val.ante <= 1){
						val.antecedent <- temp.val.ante
					} else {
						val.antecedent <- 1
				##condition for type.tnorm used is product
				else if (type.tnorm == 4 || type.tnorm == "PRODUCT") {				
					val.antecedent <- val.antecedent * val.antecedent.b
				##condition for type.tnorm used is bounded product
				else if (type.tnorm == 5 || type.tnorm == "BOUNDED"){
					temp.val.ante <- (val.antecedent * val.antecedent.b - 1)
					if (temp.val.ante > 0){
						val.antecedent <- temp.val.ante
					} else {
						val.antecedent <- 0

			##condition for disjunction operator (OR)
			else if ((temp[j + 1] == "2") || (temp[j + 1] == "or")){
					##condition for type.snorm used is standard type (max)
					if (type.snorm == 1 || type.snorm == "MAX"){						
						if (val.antecedent.b > val.antecedent)
						val.antecedent <- val.antecedent.b
					##condition for type.snorm used is Hamacher sum
					else if (type.snorm == 2 || type.snorm == "HAMACHER") {							
						val.antecedent <- (val.antecedent + val.antecedent.b - 2 * val.antecedent * val.antecedent.b) / (1 - val.antecedent * val.antecedent.b)
					##condition for type.snorm used is yager class (with tao = 1)
					else if (type.snorm == 3 || type.snorm == "YAGER"){							
						temp.val.ante <- (val.antecedent + val.antecedent.b)
						if (temp.val.ante <= 1){
							val.antecedent <- temp.val.ante
						} else {
							val.antecedent <- 1						
					##condition for type.snorm used is sum
					else if (type.snorm == 4 || type.snorm == "SUM"){
						val.antecedent <- (val.antecedent + val.antecedent.b - val.antecedent * val.antecedent.b)
					##condition for type.snorm used is bounded sum
					else if (type.snorm == 5 || type.snorm == "BOUNDED"){
						temp.val.ante <- (val.antecedent + val.antecedent.b)
						if (temp.val.ante <= 1){
							val.antecedent <- temp.val.ante
						} else {
							val.antecedent <- 1					
			j <- j + 2			
			if (j == loc - 1)
		##save value of MF on each rule			
		miu.rule[k, i] <- c(val.antecedent)		
## result 
## number of row is based on number of data.
## number of column is based on number of rule.

#' Defuzzification is a transformation that extracts the crisp values from the linguistic terms. 
#' In this function, there exist two kinds of models which are based on the Mamdani and 
#' Takagi Sugeno Kang model. 
#' For the Mamdani model there are five methods for defuzzifying a linguistic term \eqn{A} of a universe 
#' of discourse \eqn{Z}. 
#' They are as follows:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item weighted average method (\code{WAM}).
#' \item first of maxima (\code{FIRST.MAX}).
#' \item last of maxima (\code{LAST.MAX})
#' \item mean of maxima (\code{MEAN.MAX}).
#' \item modified center of gravity (\code{COG}).
#' }
#' @title Defuzzifier to transform from linguistic terms to crisp values
#' @param data a matrix (\eqn{m \times n}) of data, where \eqn{m} is the number of instances and 
#' \eqn{n} is the number of variables.
#' @param rule a list or matrix of fuzzy IF-THEN rules, as discussed in \code{\link{rulebase}}.
#' @param range.output a matrix (\eqn{2 \times n}) containing the range of the output data. 
#' @param names.varoutput a list for giving names to the linguistic terms. See \code{\link{rulebase}}.
#' @param varout.mf a matrix constructing the membership function of the output variable. 
#'        See \code{\link{fuzzifier}}.
#' @param miu.rule the results of the inference module. See \code{\link{inference}}.
#' @param type.defuz the type of defuzzification to be used as follows. 
#'        \itemize{
#'        \item \code{1} or \code{WAM} means weighted average method, 
#'        \item \code{2} or \code{FIRST.MAX} means first maxima,
#'        \item \code{3} or \code{LAST.MAX} means last maxima,
#'        \item \code{4} or \code{MEAN.MAX} means mean maxima,
#'        \item \code{5} or \code{COG} means modified center of gravity (COG).
#'        }
#' @param type.model the type of the model that will be used in the simulation. 
#'         Here, \code{1} or \code{MAMDANI} and \code{2} or \code{TSK} 
#'         means we use Mamdani or Takagi Sugeno Kang model, respectively.
#' @param func.tsk a matrix used to build the linear equation for the consequent part 
#'         if we are using Takagi Sugeno Kang. See also \code{\link{rulebase}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{fuzzifier}}, \code{\link{rulebase}}, and \code{\link{inference}}
#' @return A matrix of crisp values
#' @export
defuzzifier <- function(data, rule = NULL, range.output = NULL, names.varoutput = NULL, varout.mf = NULL, miu.rule, type.defuz = NULL, type.model = "TSK", func.tsk = NULL){

## Inisialitation
def <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(data), ncol = 1)
def.temp <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(data), ncol = 1)

## Mamdani type
if (type.model == 1 || type.model == "MAMDANI"){
	## copy rule
	rule.temp <- matrix(unlist(rule), nrow = length(rule), byrow= TRUE)
	## check names.varoutput
	if (is.null(names.varoutput)){
		stop("Please define the names of the output variable.")

	## check parameters of membership functions on output variables
	if (is.null(varout.mf)){
		stop("Please define the parameters of membership functions on the output variable.")

	## Inisialitation
	cum <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(data), ncol = ncol(varout.mf)) 
	div <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(data), ncol = ncol(varout.mf))

	for (k in 1 : nrow(data)){
		##Check not zero on miu.rule
		chck <- which(miu.rule[k, ] != 0)
		l.chck <- length(chck)
		cum <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(data), ncol = l.chck) 
		div <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(data), ncol = l.chck)
		## initialize
		temp <- 0
		temp.d <- 0
		temp1 <- 0
		temp2 <- 0
		#if there are some no zero element on miu rule
		if (l.chck != 0) {
			indx <- matrix(nrow = l.chck, ncol = 2)
			temp.indx <- matrix(nrow = 1, ncol = 2)
			## along number of not zero on miu.rule, check and save string related on names.varoutput and its value
			for (ii in 1 : l.chck){
				#get the names of output value on each rule
				strg <- c(rule.temp[chck[ii], ncol(rule.temp)])
				aaa <- which(strg == names.varoutput)
				if (length(aaa) != 0) {
				indx[ii, 1] <- aaa
				indx[ii, 2] <- miu.rule[k, chck[ii]]
			if (nrow(indx) > 1) {
				## check duplication on indx, choose with has a max of degree
				indx <- indx[order(indx[,c(2)], decreasing = TRUE),]
				indx.nondup <- which(duplicated(indx[, 1]) == FALSE, arr.ind = TRUE)
				indx <- indx[indx.nondup, ,drop = FALSE] 
			#defuzzification procedure for  Centroid
			if (type.defuz == 1 || type.defuz == "WAM") {								
				for (i in 1 : nrow(indx)){										
					#calculate modified centroid
					# update for gaussian
					if (any(varout.mf[1, indx[i, 1]] == c(5, 6, 7))) {
						## center point
						av.point <- varout.mf[2, indx[i, 1]]											
					else {						
						av.point <- varout.mf[3, indx[i, 1]] 							
					## indx is fired miu.rule/rule
					temp1 <- indx[i, 2] * av.point 
					temp2 <- indx[i, 2] 
					temp <- temp + temp1
					temp.d <- temp.d + temp2
					cum[k, i] <- temp
					div[k, i] <- temp.d   					
				if (sum(div[k, ]) == 0){
					def[k, 1] <- (min(range.output, na.rm=TRUE) + max(range.output, na.rm = TRUE))/2
					def.temp[k, 1] <- sum(cum[k, ]) / sum(div[k, ])
					if (def.temp[k, 1] <= min(range.output, na.rm=TRUE)){
						#def[k, 1] <- (min(range.output, na.rm=TRUE) + max(range.output, na.rm = TRUE))/2
						def[k, 1] <- min(range.output, na.rm=TRUE)
					else if (def.temp[k, 1] >= max(range.output, na.rm=TRUE)){
						#def[k, 1] <- (min(range.output, na.rm=TRUE) + max(range.output, na.rm = TRUE))/2
						def[k, 1] <- max(range.output, na.rm = TRUE)
					else {
						def[k, 1] <- def.temp[k, 1]
			## procedure for type.defuz == 2 (fisrt of Maxima) and type.defuz == 3 (last of maxima)
			else if (any(type.defuz == c(2, 3)) || any(type.defuz == c("FIRST.MAX", "LAST.MAX"))){
				max.temp <- max(indx[, 2], na.rm = TRUE)
				max.indx <- which(indx[, 2] == max.temp)			
				aa <- varout.mf[2, indx[max.indx[1], 1]]
				bb <- varout.mf[3, indx[max.indx[1], 1]]
				cc <- varout.mf[4, indx[max.indx[1], 1]]
				dd <- varout.mf[5, indx[max.indx[1], 1]]
				# check shape of membership function
				if (varout.mf[1, indx[max.indx[1], 1]] == 1){
					seqq <- seq(from = varout.mf[2, indx[max.indx[1], 1]], to = varout.mf[4, indx[max.indx[1], 1]], by = (varout.mf[4, indx[max.indx[1], 1]] - varout.mf[2, indx[max.indx[1], 1]]) / 10)
					for (j in 1:length(seqq)){
						if (seqq[j] < aa){
							temp.miu <- 1
						else if (seqq[j] >= aa & seqq[j] < bb){
							temp.miu <- (seqq[j] - aa) / (bb - aa)
						else if (seqq[j] >= bb & seqq[j] < cc) {
							temp.miu <- (seqq[j] - cc) / (bb - cc)
							temp.miu <- 1
						if (temp.miu >= indx[max.indx[1], 2]) {
							def[k, 1] <- seqq[j]
							if (type.defuz == 2 || type.defuz == "FIRST.MAX"){
				else if (varout.mf[1, indx[max.indx[1], 1]] == 2){
					seqq <- seq(from = varout.mf[2, indx[max.indx[1], 1]], to = varout.mf[4, indx[max.indx[1], 1]], by = (varout.mf[4, indx[max.indx[1], 1]] - varout.mf[2, indx[max.indx[1], 1]]) / 10)
					for (j in 1:length(seqq)){
						if (seqq[j] < bb){
							temp.miu <- 1
						else if (seqq[j] >= bb & seqq[j] < cc){
							temp.miu <- (seqq[j] - cc) / (bb - cc)
						else if (seqq[j] > cc) {
							temp.miu <- 1
						if (temp.miu >= indx[max.indx[1], 2]) {
							def[k, 1] <- seqq[j]
							if (type.defuz == 2 || type.defuz == "FIRST.MAX"){
				else if (varout.mf[1, indx[max.indx[1], 1]] == 3){
					seqq <- seq(from = varout.mf[2, indx[max.indx[1], 1]], to = varout.mf[4, indx[max.indx[1], 1]], by = (varout.mf[4, indx[max.indx[1], 1]] - varout.mf[2, indx[max.indx[1], 1]]) / 10)
					for (j in 1:length(seqq)){
						if (seqq[j] < aa){
							temp.miu <- 0
						else if (seqq[j] >= aa & seqq[j] < bb){
							temp.miu <- (seqq[j] - aa) / (bb - aa)
						else if (seqq[j] > cc) {
							temp.miu <- 1
						if (temp.miu >= indx[max.indx[1], 2]) {
							def[k, 1] <- seqq[j]
							if (type.defuz == 2 || type.defuz == "FIRST.MAX"){
				else if (varout.mf[1, indx[max.indx[1], 1]] == 4) {
					seqq <- seq(from = varout.mf[2, indx[max.indx[1], 1]], to = varout.mf[4, indx[max.indx[1], 1]], by = (varout.mf[4, indx[max.indx[1], 1]] - varout.mf[2, indx[max.indx[1], 1]]) / 10)
					for (j in 1:length(seqq)){
						if (seqq[j] < aa){
							temp.miu <- 0
						else if (seqq[j] >= aa & seqq[j] < bb){
							temp.miu <- (seqq[j] - aa) / (bb - aa)
						else if (seqq[j] >= bb & seqq[j] < cc) {
							temp.miu <- 1
						else if (seqq[j] >= cc & seqq[j] < dd) {
							temp.miu <- (seqq[j] - dd) / (cc - dd)
						else {
							temp.miu <- 0
						if (temp.miu >= indx[max.indx[1], 2]) {
							def[k, 1] <- seqq[j]
							if (type.defuz == 2 || type.defuz == "FIRST.MAX"){
				else if (varout.mf[1, indx[max.indx[1], 1]] == 5) {
					seqq <- seq(from = min(range.output) , to = max(range.output), by = (max(range.output) - min(range.output)) / 100)
					for (j in 1:length(seqq)){
						temp.miu <- exp(- 0.5 * (seqq[j] - aa) ^ 2 / bb ^ 2)
						if (temp.miu >= indx[max.indx[1], 2]) {
							def[k, 1] <- seqq[j]
							if (type.defuz == 2 || type.defuz == "FIRST.MAX"){
						else {
							def[k, 1] <- (min(range.output, na.rm=TRUE) + max(range.output, na.rm = TRUE))/2
				else if (varout.mf[1, indx[max.indx[1], 1]] == 6) {
					seqq <- seq(from = min(range.output) , to = max(range.output), by = (max(range.output) - min(range.output)) / 10)
					for (j in 1:length(seqq)){
						temp.miu <- 1 / (1 + exp(- aa * (seqq[j] - bb)))
						if (temp.miu >= indx[max.indx[1], 2]) {
							def[k, 1] <- seqq[j]
							if (type.defuz == 2 || type.defuz == "FIRST.MAX"){
						else {
							def[k, 1] <- (min(range.output, na.rm=TRUE) + max(range.output, na.rm = TRUE))/2
				else if (varout.mf[1, indx[max.indx[1], 1]] == 7) {
					seqq <- seq(from = min(range.output) , to = max(range.output), by = (max(range.output) - min(range.output)) / 10)
					for (j in 1:length(seqq)){
						temp.miu <- 1 / (1 + abs((seqq[j] - cc)/aa) ^ (2 * bb))
						if (temp.miu >= indx[max.indx[1], 2]) {
							def[k, 1] <- seqq[j]
							if (type.defuz == 2 || type.defuz == "FIRST.MAX"){
						else {
							def[k, 1] <- (min(range.output, na.rm=TRUE) + max(range.output, na.rm = TRUE))/2
			## procedure for type.defuz == 4 (mean of maxima)
			else if (type.defuz == 4 || type.defuz == "MEAN.MAX") {
				max.temp <- max(indx[, 2], na.rm = TRUE)
				max.indx <- which(indx[, 2] == max.temp)			
				def[k, 1] <- 0.5 * (max(varout.mf[2:5, indx[max.indx[1], 1]], na.rm = TRUE) + (varout.mf[2, indx[max.indx[1], 1]]))
			else if (type.defuz == 5 || type.defuz == "COG") {
				for (i in 1 : nrow(indx)){										
					#calculate modified centroid
					# update for gaussian
					if (any(varout.mf[1, indx[i, 1]] == c(5, 6,7))) {
						## center point
						av.point <- varout.mf[2, indx[i, 1]]
						## indx is fired miu.rule/rule
						temp1 <- indx[i, 2] * av.point * varout.mf[3, indx[i, 1]]
						temp2 <- indx[i, 2] * varout.mf[3, indx[i, 1]]

						temp <- temp + temp1
						temp.d <- temp.d + temp2
					else {				
						av.point <- varout.mf[3, indx[i, 1]]
						# check first which one greater between indx[i, 2] with the value of MF (for centroid)
						temp1 <- indx[i, 2] * av.point 
						temp2 <- indx[i, 2] 
						temp <- temp + temp1
						temp.d <- temp.d + temp2
					cum[k, i] <- temp
					div[k, i] <- temp.d   					
				if (sum(div[k, ]) == 0){
					def[k, 1] <- (min(range.output, na.rm=TRUE) + max(range.output, na.rm = TRUE))/2
					def.temp[k, 1] <- sum(cum[k, ]) / sum(div[k, ])
					if (def.temp[k, 1] <= min(range.output, na.rm=TRUE)){
						#def[k, 1] <- (min(range.output, na.rm=TRUE) + max(range.output, na.rm = TRUE))/2
						def[k, 1] <- min(range.output, na.rm=TRUE)
					else if (def.temp[k, 1] >= max(range.output, na.rm=TRUE)){
						#def[k, 1] <- (min(range.output, na.rm=TRUE) + max(range.output, na.rm = TRUE))/2
						def[k, 1] <- max(range.output, na.rm = TRUE)
					else {
						def[k, 1] <- def.temp[k, 1]
		else {
			def[k, 1] <- (min(range.output, na.rm=TRUE) + max(range.output, na.rm = TRUE))/2


#TSK type
else if (type.model == 2 || type.model == "TSK"){
	## check the linear equation on consequent part
	if (is.null(func.tsk)){
		stop("Please define the linear equations on the consequent parts of the fuzzy IF-THEN rules.")
	for (k in 1 : nrow(data)){
		data.m <- data[k, ,drop = FALSE]

		if (ncol(func.tsk) > 1){
			func.tsk.var <- func.tsk[, -ncol(func.tsk), drop = FALSE]
			func.tsk.cont <- func.tsk[, ncol(func.tsk), drop = FALSE]
			ff <- func.tsk.var %*% t(data.m) + func.tsk.cont
		else if (ncol(func.tsk) == 1){
			ff <- func.tsk 

		miu.rule.t <- miu.rule[k, ,drop = FALSE]
		cum <- miu.rule.t %*% ff
		div <- sum(miu.rule.t)
		def[k, 1] <- cum / div

		if (div == 0)
			def[k, 1] <- 0
			def[k, 1] <- cum / div
			if (def[k, 1] > max(range.output))
				def[k, 1] <- max(range.output)
			else if (def[k, 1] < min(range.output))
				def[k, 1] <- min(range.output)


#' The purpose of this function is to generate data, which contains 
#' two input variables and one output variable, automatically for all values on a plane. 
#' @title A data generator
#' @param range.input the range of the input variables, as a matrix (\eqn{2 \times n}). 
#' @param num.grid a number representing the size of the grid on the plane.
#' @return the data
#' @examples 
#' range.input <- matrix(c(0, 100, 0, 100), nrow=2)
#' num.grid <- 10
#' data.test <- data.gen3d(range.input, num.grid)
#' @export
data.gen3d <- function(range.input, num.grid = 10){

num.multiple <- num.grid
length.data <- num.multiple ^ 2
delta.x <- matrix(nrow = ncol(range.input), ncol = 1)
data <- matrix(nrow = length.data, ncol = ncol(range.input))

for (i in 1 : ncol(range.input)){
	delta.x[i] <- (max(range.input[, i]) - min(range.input[, i])) / num.multiple

for (i in 1 : ncol(range.input)){
	data[1, i] <- min(range.input[, i])

for (i in 2 : length.data){	
	for (j in 1 : ncol(range.input)){
		if (i %% num.multiple == 1){
			data[i, 1] <- data[i - 1, 1] + delta.x[j, ]
			data[i, 2] <- data[1, 2]
		else {
		data[i, 1] <- data[i - 1, 1]
		data[i, 2] <- data[i - 1, 2]  + delta.x[j, ] 		


# This function is used to create linguistic term on each variables
# @title A linguistic term creator 
# @param num.labels a matrix of number of linguistic labels
create.fuzzyTerm <- function(classification = FALSE, num.labels){
	num.inpvar <- (ncol(num.labels) - 1)
	if (num.labels[1,1] == 3){
		fuzzy.labels.inpvar <- rep(c("small", "medium", "large"), num.inpvar)			
	else if (num.labels[1,1] == 5){
		fuzzy.labels.inpvar <- rep(c("very.small", "small", "medium", "large", "very.large"), num.inpvar)		
	else if (num.labels[1,1] == 7){
		fuzzy.labels.inpvar <- rep(c("vv.small", "v.small", "small", "medium", "large", "v.large", "vv.large"), num.inpvar)		
	else {
		num.inp.var <- sum(num.labels[1, 1 : (ncol(num.labels) - 1)])
		seq.inp.num <- seq(from = 1, to = num.inp.var, by = 1)
		temp <- list()
		k <- 0
		for (i in 1 : num.inp.var){
			k <- k + 1
			j <- ((i - 1) %/% num.labels[1,1]) + 1
			var <- paste("v", j, sep = ".")
			fuz <- paste("a", k, sep = ".")				
			new <- paste(var, fuz, sep ="_")
			temp <- append(temp, new)
			if (i %% num.labels[1,1] == 0) {
				k <- 0
		fuzzy.labels.inpvar <- as.character(temp)
	if (classification == TRUE){
		num.out.var <- num.labels[1, ncol(num.labels)]
		seq.out.num <- seq(from = 1, to = num.out.var, by = 1)
		fuzzy.labels.outvar <- paste("c", seq.out.num, sep = ".")
	else {
		if (num.labels[1,ncol(num.labels)] == 3){
			fuzzy.labels.outvar <- c("small", "medium", "large")
		else if (num.labels[1,ncol(num.labels)] == 5){
			fuzzy.labels.outvar <- c("very.small", "small", "medium", "large", "very.large")		
		else if (num.labels[1,ncol(num.labels)] == 7){
			fuzzy.labels.outvar <- c("vv.small", "v.small", "small", "medium", "large", "v.large", "vv.large")
		else {
			num.out.var <- num.labels[1, ncol(num.labels)]
			seq.out.num <- seq(from = 1, to = num.out.var, by = 1)
			fuzzy.labels.outvar <- paste("c", seq.out.num, sep = ".")
	return(list(names.fvalinput = fuzzy.labels.inpvar, names.fvaloutput = fuzzy.labels.outvar))

# This function is used to calculate the implication function
# @title A implication function
# @param antecedent a degree of antecedent part
# @param consequent a degree of consequent part
# @param type.implication.func a type of implication function
calc.implFunc <- function(antecedent, consequent, type.implication.func = "ZADEH"){
	if (type.implication.func == "DIENES_RESHER"){
		if (consequent > (1 - antecedent))
			temp.rule.degree <- consequent
			temp.rule.degree <- (1 - antecedent)
	else if (type.implication.func == "LUKASIEWICZ"){
		temp.rule.degree <- min(1 - antecedent + consequent, 1)
	else if (type.implication.func == "ZADEH"){
		if (antecedent < 0.5 || (1 - antecedent) > consequent)
			temp.rule.degree <- 1 - consequent
		else {
			if (antecedent < consequent)
				temp.rule.degree <- antecedent
				temp.rule.degree <- consequent
	else if (type.implication.func == "GOGUEN"){
		if (antecedent < consequent)
			temp.rule.degree <- 1
			temp.rule.degree <- consequent / antecedent
	else if (type.implication.func == "GODEL"){
		if (antecedent <= consequent)
			temp.rule.degree <- 1
			temp.rule.degree <- consequent
	else if (type.implication.func == "SHARP"){
		if (antecedent <= consequent)
			temp.rule.degree <- 1
			temp.rule.degree <- 0
	else if (type.implication.func == "MIZUMOTO"){
		temp.rule.degree <- 1 - antecedent + antecedent * consequent
	else if (type.implication.func == "DUBOIS_PRADE"){
		if (consequent == 0)
			temp.rule.degree <- 1 - antecedent
		else { 
			if (antecedent == 1)
				temp.rule.degree <- consequent
				temp.rule.degree <- 1
	else {
		temp.rule.degree <- min(antecedent, consequent)
	return (temp.rule.degree)

## It is used to change linguistic term to be unique for inference process
# @param type.model a type of FRBS model: "MAMDANI", "TSK", etc
# @param rule a set of fuzzy rules
# @param varinp.mf a matrix of membership function of input variables
# @param varout.mf a matrix of membership function of the output variable
# @param num.varinput the number of input variables
# @param num.labels a vector of the number of linguistic labels
ch.unique.fuzz <- function(type.model, rule, varinp.mf, varout.mf = NULL, num.varinput, num.labels){	
	if (type.model == "MAMDANI"){		
		num.labels.input <- num.labels[, -ncol(num.labels), drop = FALSE]	
		if (!is.null(rule) && rule[1, 1] == "IF"){
			k <- 1
			new.rule <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(rule), ncol = (2 * num.varinput + 1))
			for (i in 1 : num.varinput) {
				new.rule[, k] <- paste(rule[, (4 * i), drop = FALSE], i, sep=".")
				#new.rule[, k + 1] <- "and"
				# A bug when the boolean operator "or" (solved)
				new.rule[, k + 1] <- rule[, ((4 * i) + 1)] 
				k <- k + 2
			new.rule[, (ncol(new.rule) - 1)] <- "->"
			new.rule[, ncol(new.rule)] <- paste(rule[, ncol(rule), drop = FALSE], num.varinput + 1, 
			rule <- new.rule
		else if (!is.null(rule)){
			i <- 1
			k <- 1
			while ( i <= ncol(rule)){
				rule[, i] <- paste(rule[, i, drop = FALSE], k, sep=".")
				i <- i + 2
				k <- k + 1
	else if (type.model == "TSK") {
		num.labels.input <- num.labels[, -ncol(num.labels), drop = FALSE]	
		if (!is.null(rule) && rule[1, 1] == "IF"){
			k <- 1
			new.rule <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(rule), ncol = (2 * num.varinput))
			for (i in 1 : num.varinput) {
				new.rule[, k] <- paste(rule[, (4 * i), drop = FALSE], i, sep=".")
				# new.rule[, k + 1] <- "and"
				# A bug when the boolean operator "or" (solved)
				new.rule[, k + 1] <- rule[, ((4 * i) + 1)] 
				k <- k + 2
			new.rule[, ncol(new.rule)] <- "->"
			rule <- new.rule
		else if (!is.null(rule)){
			i <- 1
			k <- 1
			while ( i < ncol(rule)){
				rule[, i] <- paste(rule[, i, drop = FALSE], k, sep=".")
				i <- i + 2
				k <- k + 1
	## Change the linguistic values on input data
	seq.names <- rep(1:num.varinput, num.labels.input)
	names.fvalinput <- paste(colnames(varinp.mf), seq.names, sep=".")
	colnames(varinp.mf) <- names.fvalinput
	## Change the linguistic values on output data
	if (type.model == "MAMDANI"){
		seq.names <- rep(num.varinput + 1, num.labels[, ncol(num.labels)])
		names.fvaloutput <- paste(colnames(varout.mf), seq.names, sep=".")
		colnames(varout.mf) <- names.fvaloutput
		names.fvalues <- c(names.fvalinput, names.fvaloutput)
	else if (type.model == "TSK"){
		names.fvaloutput <- colnames(varout.mf)
		names.fvalues <- c(names.fvalinput, names.fvaloutput)
	return (list(rule = rule, varinp.mf = varinp.mf, varout.mf = varout.mf, 
	           names.fvalinput = names.fvalinput, names.fvaloutput = names.fvaloutput, 
			   names.fvalues = names.fvalues))

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frbs documentation built on Dec. 16, 2019, 1:19 a.m.