
Defines functions fsl_version_gt5 fslversion fsl_version

Documented in fslversion fsl_version fsl_version_gt5

#' @title Find FSL Version
#' @description Finds the FSL version from \code{FSLDIR/etc/fslversion}
#' @param full provide the full version, versus the numeric version
#' @note This will use \code{fsldir()} to get the directory
#' @return If the version file does not exist, it will throw a warning, but 
#' it will return an empty string.  Otherwise it will be a string of the version.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' if (have_fsl()) {
#'  fslversion()
#'  fsl_version()
#' }
fsl_version = function(full = FALSE){
  fsldir = fsldir()
  version_file = file.path(fsldir, "etc", "fslversion")
  if (!file.exists(version_file)) {
    warning("No version file exists, fun fsl to see version")
    version = ""
  } else {
      version = readLines(version_file)
  if (!full) {
    version = strsplit(version, ":")[[1]]
    version = version[1]

#' @rdname fsl_version
#' @aliases fslversion
#' @export
fslversion = function(){

#' @rdname fsl_version
#' @export
fsl_version_gt5 = function() {
  package_version(fsl_version()) >= package_version("6.0.0")

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fslr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:31 a.m.