# ==========================================================================================================
# Master function to manage the optimization of hybrid-input models
# ==========================================================================================================
setHypers_SF <- function(sMs, fMs, sOut, kerType, var.known, ls_s.known, ls_f.known, n.starts, n.presample, spoints.usr,
nugget, par.clust, trace, pbars, control.optim){
# if all the length-scale coefficients are known, skip optim and compute var analytically. Else optimize
if (all(!is.null(ls_s.known), !is.null(ls_f.known))) {
# 1. estimation of the correlation matrix <- length(sOut)
R <- setR(ls_s.known, sMs, kerType) * setR(ls_f.known, fMs, kerType) + diag(nugget, nrow =, ncol =
U <- chol(R)
# 2. estimate the a priori process variance
if (trace) message("** Computing optimal variance...")
sig2 <- analyticVar_llik(U, sOut,
# 3. merge hyperparameters and return
return(list(hypers = c(sig2, ls_s.known, ls_f.known), convg = as.numeric(NA), nllik = as.numeric(NA)))
} else {
# 1. set hypercube for solution space
if (all(is.null(ls_s.known), is.null(ls_f.known))) { # case 1: all ls coefficients are unknown
bnds <- setBounds_SF(sMs, fMs)
} else if (is.null(ls_f.known)) { # case 2: only the functional ls coefficients are unknown
bnds <- setBounds_F(fMs)
} else { # case 3: only the scalar ls coefficients are unknown
bnds <- setBounds_S(sMs)
# 2. set up variance function
if (is.null(var.known)) { # the variance is computed based on the analytic formula for optimal var given ls with loglikelihood
varfun <- analyticVar_llik
} else { # the variance is set fixed at its known value using a closure
g <- function(var.known) function(...) var.known
varfun <- g(var.known)
# 3. set starting points
if (trace) message("** Presampling...")
spoints <- setSPoints_SF(bnds, sMs, fMs, sOut, kerType, varfun, ls_s.known, ls_f.known,
n.starts, n.presample, spoints.usr, nugget)
# 4. Perform optimization
if (trace) message("** Optimising hyperparameters...")
optResult <- optimHypers_SF(spoints, n.starts, bnds, sMs, fMs, sOut, kerType, varfun, ls_s.known, ls_f.known, nugget, par.clust, trace, pbars, control.optim)
if (trace) message("** Hyperparameters done!")
# ==========================================================================================================
# ==========================================================================================================
# Function to set the boundaries for hyperparameters optimization - hybrid inputs
# ==========================================================================================================
setBounds_SF <- function(sMs, fMs){
# lower and upper bounds for length-scale hypers linked to scalar inputs
mxs <- sapply(sMs, max)
ll_s <- rep(10^-10, length(sMs))
ul_s <- 2 * mxs
# lower and upper bounds for length-scale hypers linked to functional inputs
mxf <- sapply(fMs, max)
ll_f <- rep(10^-10, length(fMs))
ul_f <- 2 * mxf
# grouping
llims <- c(ll_s, ll_f)
ulims <- c(ul_s, ul_f)
wholeLims <- rbind(llims, ulims)
# ==========================================================================================================
# ==========================================================================================================
# Function to set the starting points for hyperparameters optimization - hybrid inputs
# ==========================================================================================================
#' @importFrom stats runif
setSPoints_SF <- function(bnds, sMs, fMs, sOut, kerType, varfun, ls_s.known, ls_f.known,
n.starts, n.presample, spoints.usr, nugget){
# recover lower and upper limits
ll <- bnds[1,]
ul <- bnds[2,] <- ncol(bnds)
# generate random uniform points to test
allspoints <- matrix(runif( * n.presample), nrow =, ncol = n.presample)
allspoints <- ll + allspoints * (ul - ll)
# compute fitness of each starting point
fitvec <- apply(allspoints, 2, negLogLik_funGp_SF, sMs, fMs, sOut, kerType, varfun, ls_s.known, ls_f.known, nugget)
# get the best n.starts points
spoints <- allspoints[,order(fitvec)[1:n.starts], drop = FALSE]
# if starting points were provided by the user, use them in place of the worst randomly-generated ones
if (!is.null(spoints.usr)) {
n.sp.usr <- ncol(spoints.usr)
n.toRep <- min(n.starts, n.sp.usr)
spoints[,(n.starts - n.toRep + 1):n.starts] <- spoints.usr
# ==========================================================================================================
# ==========================================================================================================
# Function optimize the hyperparameters of hybrid-input models
# ==========================================================================================================
#' @importFrom stats optim
#' @importFrom foreach setDoPar %dopar%
#' @importFrom doFuture registerDoFuture
#' @importFrom doRNG registerDoRNG %dorng%
#' @importFrom future plan cluster
#' @importFrom progressr with_progress progressor
optimHypers_SF <- function(spoints, n.starts, bnds, sMs, fMs, sOut, kerType, varfun, ls_s.known, ls_f.known, nugget, par.clust, trace, pbars, control.optim){
# if multistart is required then parallelize, else run single optimization
if (n.starts == 1){
optOut <- optim(par = as.numeric(spoints), fn = negLogLik_funGp_SF, method = "L-BFGS-B",
lower = bnds[1,], upper = bnds[2,], control = control.optim,
sMs = sMs, fMs = fMs, sOut = sOut, kerType = kerType,
varfun = varfun, ls_s.known = ls_s.known, ls_f.known = ls_f.known, nugget = nugget)
} else {
if (is.null(par.clust)) {
if (trace) message("** Parallel backend register not found. Multistart optimizations done in sequence.")
# set up progress bar
if (pbars) {
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = n.starts, style = 3)
## cat("\n")
optOutList <- list()
for (i in 1:n.starts) {
modeval <- tryCatch(
optim(par = as.numeric(spoints[,i]), fn = negLogLik_funGp_SF, method = "L-BFGS-B",
lower = bnds[1,], upper = bnds[2,], control = control.optim,
sMs = sMs, fMs = fMs, sOut = sOut, kerType = kerType,
varfun = varfun, ls_s.known = ls_s.known, ls_f.known = ls_f.known, nugget = nugget)
error = function(e) e
if (!inherits(modeval, "error")) {
optOutList[[i]] <- modeval
if (pbars) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
## cat("\n")
if (pbars) close(pb)
} else {
if (trace) message("** Parallel backend register found. Multistart optimizations done in parallel.")
# register parallel backend
oldDoPar <- registerDoFuture()
on.exit(with(oldDoPar, setDoPar(fun = fun, data = data, info = info)), add = TRUE)
# registerDoFuture()
# registerDoRNG()
# plan(cluster, workers = par.clust)
oplan <- plan(cluster, workers = par.clust)
on.exit(plan(oplan), add = TRUE)
if (pbars) p <- progressor(along = 1:n.starts, auto_finish = FALSE)
optOutList <- foreach(i = 1:n.starts, .errorhandling = "remove") %dorng% {
o <- optim(par = as.numeric(spoints[,i]), fn = negLogLik_funGp_SF, method = "L-BFGS-B",
lower = bnds[1,], upper = bnds[2,], control = control.optim,
sMs = sMs, fMs = fMs, sOut = sOut, kerType = kerType,
varfun = varfun, ls_s.known = ls_s.known, ls_f.known = ls_f.known, nugget = nugget)
## cat("\n")
if (pbars) p()
# check if there are usable results
if (length(optOutList) == 0) stop("All model optimizations crashed!")
# extract fitness from usable results
fitvec <- lapply(optOutList, function(sol) sol$value)
# recover best solution
optOut <- optOutList[[which.min(fitvec)]]
if (isTRUE(control.optim$trace)) message("The function value is the negated log-likelihood")
# recovering length-scale hypers linked to scalar and functional inputs
ds <- length(sMs)
df <- length(fMs)
if (all(is.null(ls_s.known), is.null(ls_f.known))) { # case 1: all ls coefficients are unknown
thetas_s <- optOut$par[1:ds]
thetas_f <- optOut$par[(ds+1):(ds+df)]
} else if (is.null(ls_f.known)) { # case 2: only the functional ls coefficients are unknown
thetas_s <- ls_s.known
thetas_f <- optOut$par
} else { # case 3: only the scalar ls coefficients are unknown
thetas_s <- optOut$par
thetas_f <- ls_f.known
# recovering relevant information for the estimation of the process a priori variance <- length(sOut)
R <- setR(thetas_s, sMs, kerType) * setR(thetas_f, fMs, kerType) + diag(nugget, nrow =, ncol =
U <- chol(R)
# estimation of the variance
sig2 <- varfun(U, sOut,
return(list(hypers = c(sig2, c(thetas_s, thetas_f)), convg = optOut$convergence, nllik = optOut$value))
# ==========================================================================================================
# ==========================================================================================================
# Function to compute the negative log likelihood - hybrid inputs
# ==========================================================================================================
negLogLik_funGp_SF <- function(thetas, sMs, fMs, sOut, kerType, varfun, ls_s.known, ls_f.known, nugget){
# recovering length-scale hypers linked to scalar and functional inputs
ds <- length(sMs)
df <- length(fMs)
if (all(is.null(ls_s.known), is.null(ls_f.known))) { # case 1: all ls coefficients are unknown
thetas_s <- thetas[1:ds]
thetas_f <- thetas[(ds+1):(ds+df)]
} else if (is.null(ls_f.known)) { # case 2: only the functional ls coefficients are unknown
thetas_s <- ls_s.known
thetas_f <- thetas
} else { # case 3: only the scalar ls coefficients are unknown
thetas_s <- thetas
thetas_f <- ls_f.known
# Estimation of the correlation matrix <- length(sOut)
R <- setR(thetas_s, sMs, kerType) * setR(thetas_f, fMs, kerType) + diag(nugget, nrow =, ncol =
U <- chol(R)
# Estimation of the a priori process variance
sig2 <- varfun(U, sOut,
# compute loglikelihood
llik <- -0.5 * ( * log(2*pi*sig2) + 2*sum(log(diag(U))) +
# ==========================================================================================================
# ==========================================================================================================
# Analytic function for the optimal variance parameter in log likelihood - hybrid inputs
# ==========================================================================================================
analyticVar_llik <- function(U, sOut, {
UInvY <- backsolve(t(U), sOut, upper.tri = FALSE)
# ==========================================================================================================
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