
Defines functions generate_cov_str simulate_mfd sim_funcharts

Documented in sim_funcharts simulate_mfd

#' Simulate example data for funcharts
#' Function used to simulate three data sets to illustrate the use
#' of \code{funcharts}.
#' It uses the function \code{\link[funcharts]{simulate_mfd}},
#' which creates a data set with three functional covariates,
#' a functional response generated as a function of the
#' three functional covariates,
#' and a scalar response generated as a function of the
#' three functional covariates.
#' This function generates three data sets, one for phase I,
#' one for tuning, i.e.,
#' to estimate the control chart limits, and one for phase II monitoring.
#' see also \code{\link[funcharts]{simulate_mfd}}.
#' @param nobs1
#' The number of observation to simulate in phase I. Default is 1000.
#' @param nobs_tun
#' The number of observation to simulate the tuning data set. Default is 1000.
#' @param nobs2
#' The number of observation to simulate in phase II. Default is 60.
#' @return
#' A list with three objects, \code{datI} contains the phase I data,
#' \code{datI_tun} contains the tuning data,
#' \code{datII} contains the phase II data.
#' In the phase II data, the first group of observations are in control,
#' the second group of observations contains a moderate mean shift,
#' while the third group of observations contains a severe mean shift.
#' The shift types are described in the paper from Capezza et al. (2022).
#' @export
#' @references
#' Centofanti F, Lepore A, Menafoglio A, Palumbo B, Vantini S. (2021)
#' Functional Regression Control Chart.
#' \emph{Technometrics}, 63(3), 281--294. <doi:10.1080/00401706.2020.1753581>
#' Capezza, C., Centofanti, F., Lepore, A., Menafoglio, A., Palumbo, B.,
#' & Vantini, S. (2022). funcharts: Control charts for multivariate
#' functional data in R. arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.09321.
sim_funcharts <- function(nobs1 = 1000, nobs_tun = 1000, nobs2 = 60) {

  datI <- simulate_mfd(nobs = nobs1)
  datI_tun <- simulate_mfd(nobs = nobs_tun)
  datII_ic <- simulate_mfd(nobs = nobs2 / 3)
  datII_oc1 <- simulate_mfd(nobs = nobs2 / 3,
                            shift_type_x = c("0", "0", "A"),
                            d_x = c(0, 0, 20),
                            d_y_scalar = 1,
                            shift_type_y = "D",
                            d_y = 0.5)
  datII_oc2 <- simulate_mfd(nobs = nobs2 / 3,
                            shift_type_x = c("0", "0", "A"),
                            d_x = c(0, 0, 40),
                            d_y_scalar = 2,
                            shift_type_y = "D",
                            d_y = 1.5)
  datII <- list()
  datII$X1 <-
    rbind(datII_ic$X_list[[1]], datII_oc1$X_list[[1]], datII_oc2$X_list[[1]])
  datII$X2 <-
    rbind(datII_ic$X_list[[2]], datII_oc1$X_list[[2]], datII_oc2$X_list[[2]])
  datII$X3 <-
    rbind(datII_ic$X_list[[3]], datII_oc1$X_list[[3]], datII_oc2$X_list[[3]])
  datII$Y <- rbind(datII_ic$Y, datII_oc1$Y, datII_oc2$Y)
  datII$y_scalar <- c(datII_ic$y_scalar, datII_oc1$y_scalar, datII_oc2$y_scalar)

  datI <- list(X1 = datI$X_list[[1]],
               X2 = datI$X_list[[2]],
               X3 = datI$X_list[[3]],
               Y = datI$Y,
               y_scalar = datI$y_scalar)
  datI_tun <- list(X1 = datI_tun$X_list[[1]],
                   X2 = datI_tun$X_list[[2]],
                   X3 = datI_tun$X_list[[3]],
                   Y = datI_tun$Y,
                   y_scalar = datI_tun$y_scalar)

  return(list(datI = datI, datI_tun = datI_tun, datII = datII))

#' Simulate a data set for funcharts
#' Function used to simulate a data set to illustrate
#' the use of \code{funcharts}.
#' By default, it creates a data set with three functional covariates,
#' a functional response generated as a function of the
#' three functional covariates
#' through a function-on-function linear model,
#' and a scalar response generated as a function of the
#' three functional covariates
#' through a scalar-on-function linear model.
#' This function covers the simulation study in Centofanti et al. (2021)
#' for the function-on-function case and also simulates data in a similar way
#' for the scalar response case.
#' It is possible to select the number of functional covariates,
#' the correlation function type for each functional covariate
#' and the functional response, moreover
#' it is possible to provide manually the mean and variance functions
#' for both functional covariates and the response.
#' In the default case, the function generates in-control data.
#' Additional arguments can be used to generate additional
#' data that are out of control,
#' with mean shifts according to the scenarios proposed
#' by Centofanti et al. (2021).
#' Each simulated observation of a functional variable consists of
#' a vector of discrete points equally spaced between 0 and 1 (by default
#' 150 points),
#' generated with noise.
#' @param nobs
#' The number of observation to simulate
#' @param p
#' The number of functional covariates to simulate. Default value is 3.
#' @param R2
#' The desired coefficient of determination in the regression
#' in both the scalar and functional response cases,
#' Default is 0.97.
#' @param shift_type_y
#' The shift type for the functional response.
#' There are five possibilities: "0" if there is no shift,
#' "A", "B", "C" or "D" for the corresponding shift types
#' shown in Centofanti et al. (2021).
#' Default is "0".
#' @param shift_type_x
#' A list of length \code{p}, indicating, for each functional covariate,
#' the shift type. For each element of the list,
#' there are five possibilities: "0" if there is no shift,
#' "A", "B", "C" or "D" for the corresponding shift types
#' shown in Centofanti et al. (2021).
#' By default, shift is not applied to any functional covariate.
#' @param correlation_type_y
#' A character vector indicating the type of correlation function for
#' the functional response.
#' See  Centofanti et al. (2021)
#' for more details. Three possible values are available,
#' namely \code{"Bessel"}, \code{"Gaussian"} and \code{"Exponential"}.
#' Default value is \code{"Bessel"}.
#' @param correlation_type_x
#' A list of \code{p} character vectors indicating
#' the type of correlation function for each
#' functional covariate.
#' See  Centofanti et al. (2021)
#' for more details. For each element of the list,
#' three possible values are available,
#' namely \code{"Bessel"}, \code{"Gaussian"} and \code{"Exponential"}.
#' Default value is \code{c("Bessel", "Gaussian", "Exponential")}.
#' @param d_y
#' A number indicating the severity of the shift type for
#' the functional response.
#' Default is 0.
#' @param d_y_scalar
#' A number indicating the severity of the shift type for
#' the scalar response.
#' Default is 0.
#' @param d_x
#' A list of \code{p} numbers, each indicating the
#' severity of the shift type for
#' the corresponding functional covariate.
#' By default, the severity is set to zero for all functional covariates.
#' @param n_comp_y
#' A positive integer number indicating how many principal components
#' obtained after the eigendecomposiiton of the covariance function
#' of the functional response variable to retain.
#' Default value is 10.
#' @param n_comp_x
#' A positive integer number indicating how many principal components
#' obtained after the eigendecomposiiton of the covariance function
#' of the multivariate functional covariates variable to retain.
#' Default value is 50.
#' @param P
#' A positive integer number indicating the number of equally spaced
#' grid points over which the covariance functions are discretized.
#' Default value is 500.
#' @param ngrid
#' A positive integer number indicating the number of equally spaced
#' grid points between zero and one
#' over which all functional observations are discretized before adding
#' noise. Default value is 150.
#' @param save_beta
#' If TRUE, the true regression coefficients of both the function-on-function
#' and the scalar-on-function models are saved.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @param mean_y
#' The mean function of the functional response can be set manually
#' through this argument. If not NULL, it must be a vector of length
#' equal to \code{ngrid}, providing the values of the mean function of
#' the functional response discretized on \code{seq(0,1,l=ngrid)}.
#' If NULL, the mean function is generated as done in the simulation study
#' of Centofanti et al. (2021).
#' Default is NULL.
#' @param mean_x
#' The mean function of the functional covariates can be set manually
#' through this argument. If not NULL, it must be a list of vectors,
#' each with length equal to \code{ngrid},
#' providing the values of the mean function of
#' each functional covariate discretized on \code{seq(0,1,l=ngrid)}.
#' If NULL, the mean function is generated as done in the simulation study
#' of Centofanti et al. (2021).
#' Default is NULL.
#' @param variance_y
#' The variance function of the functional response can be set manually
#' through this argument. If not NULL, it must be a vector of length
#' equal to \code{ngrid}, providing the values of the variance function of
#' the functional response discretized on \code{seq(0,1,l=ngrid)}.
#' If NULL, the variance function is generated as done in the simulation study
#' of Centofanti et al. (2021).
#' Default is NULL.
#' @param variance_x
#' The variance function of the functional covariates can be set manually
#' through this argument. If not NULL, it must be a list of vectors,
#' each with length equal to \code{ngrid},
#' providing the values of the variance function of
#' each functional covariate discretized on \code{seq(0,1,l=ngrid)}.
#' If NULL, the variance function is generated as done in the simulation study
#' of Centofanti et al. (2021).
#' Default is NULL.
#' @param sd_y
#' A positive number indicating the standard deviation of the generated
#' noise with which the functional response discretized values are observed.
#' Default value is 0.3
#' @param sd_x
#' A vector of \code{p} positive numbers indicating the standard deviation
#' of the generated noise with which the
#' functional covariates discretized values are observed.
#' Default value is \code{c(0.3, 0.05, 0.3)}.
#' @param seed Deprecated: use \code{set.seed()} before calling
#' the function for reproducibility.
#' @return
#' A list with the following elements:
#' * \code{X_list} is a list of \code{p} matrices, each with dimension
#' \code{nobs}x\code{ngrid}, containing the simulated
#' observations of the multivariate functional covariate
#' * \code{Y} is a \code{nobs}x\code{ngrid} matrix with the simulated
#' observations of the functional response
#' * \code{y_scalar} is a vector of length \code{nobs} with the simulated
#' observations of the scalar response
#' * \code{beta_fof}, if \code{save_beta = TRUE}, is a
#' list of \code{p} matrices, each with dimension \code{P}x\code{P}
#' with the discretized functional coefficients of the
#' function-on-function regression
#' * \code{beta_sof}, if \code{save_beta = TRUE}, is a
#' list of \code{p} vectors, each with length \code{P},
#' with the discretized functional coefficients of the
#' scalar-on-function regression
#' @export
#' @references
#' Centofanti F, Lepore A, Menafoglio A, Palumbo B, Vantini S. (2021)
#' Functional Regression Control Chart.
#' \emph{Technometrics}, 63(3), 281--294. <doi:10.1080/00401706.2020.1753581>
simulate_mfd <- function(nobs = 1000,
                         p = 3,
                         R2 = 0.97,
                         shift_type_y = "0",
                         shift_type_x = c("0", "0", "0"),
                         correlation_type_y = "Bessel",
                         correlation_type_x = c("Bessel",
                         d_y = 0,
                         d_y_scalar = 0,
                         d_x = c(0, 0, 0),
                         n_comp_y = 10,
                         n_comp_x = 50,
                         P = 500,
                         ngrid = 150,
                         save_beta = FALSE,
                         mean_y = NULL,
                         mean_x = NULL,
                         variance_y = NULL,
                         variance_x = NULL,
                         sd_y = 0.3,
                         sd_x = c(0.3, 0.05, 0.3),
                         seed) {

  if (!missing(seed)) {
      "argument seed is deprecated; ",
      "please use set.seed() before calling simulate_mfd() instead."),
      call. = FALSE)

  if (!(R2 > 0 & R2 < 1)) {
    stop("R2 must be between 0 and 1.")

  if (!(toupper(shift_type_y) %in% c("A", "B", "C", "D", "0"))) {
    stop("only shift types A, B, C, D and 0 are allowed.")
  if ((toupper(shift_type_y) %in% c("A", "B", "C", "D")) & d_y == 0) {
    stop("If there is a shift, the corresponding
         severity d must be greater than zero.")
  if (toupper(shift_type_y) == "0" & d_y != 0) {
    stop("If there is no shift, the corresponding
         severity d must be zero.")

  for (jj in seq_len(p)) {
    if (!(toupper(shift_type_x[jj]) %in% c("A", "B", "C", "D", "0"))) {
      stop("only shift types A, B, C, D and 0 are allowed.")
    if (toupper(shift_type_x[jj]) %in% c("A", "B", "C", "D") & d_x[jj] == 0) {
      stop("If there is a shift, the corresponding
         severity d must be greater than zero.")
    if (toupper(shift_type_x[jj]) == "0" & d_x[jj] != 0) {
      stop("If there is no shift, the corresponding severity d must be zero.")

  ey <- generate_cov_str(p = 1,
                         P = P,
                         correlation_type = correlation_type_y,
                         n_comp = n_comp_y)
  ey$values <- pmax(ey$values, 0)
  e <- generate_cov_str(p = p,
                        P = P,
                        correlation_type = correlation_type_x,
                        n_comp = n_comp_x)
  e$values <- pmax(e$values, 0)
  x_seq <- seq(0, 1, l = P)

  b_perfect <- sqrt(ey$values / e$values[seq_along(ey$values)])
  b_perfect_sof <- rep(1 / sqrt(sum(e$values[1:10])), 10)

  vary <- rowSums(t(t(ey$vectors^2) * ey$values))
  w <- 1 / P
  optim <- uniroot(function(a) {
    b <- pmax(b_perfect - a, 0)
    var_yexp <- rowSums(t(t(ey$vectors^2) * (b^2 * e$values[1:10])))
    R2_check <- sum(var_yexp / vary) * w
    R2_check - R2
  }, lower = 0, upper = 1)
  a <- optim$root
  b <- pmax(b_perfect - a, 0)
  var_yexp <- rowSums(t(t(ey$vectors^2) * (b^2 * e$values[1:10])))
  vary <- rowSums(t(t(ey$vectors^2) * ey$values))
  R2_check <- sum(var_yexp / vary) * w
  dim_additional <- n_comp_x - length(b)
  B <- rbind(diag(b), matrix(0, nrow = dim_additional, ncol = 10))
  eigeps <- diag(diag(ey$values) - t(B) %*% diag(e$values) %*% B)

  csi_X <- rnorm(n = length(e$values) * nobs,
                 mean = 0,
                 sd = sqrt(rep(e$values, each = nobs)))
  csi_X <- matrix(csi_X, nrow = nobs)
  csi_eps <- rnorm(n = length(eigeps) * nobs, mean = 0,
                   sd = sqrt(rep(eigeps, each = nobs)))
  csi_eps <- matrix(csi_eps, nrow = nobs)
  csi_Y <- csi_X %*% B + csi_eps

  fun <- function(x, par, r, m, s) {
    a <- par[1]
    b <- par[2]
    c <- par[3]
    r <- par[4]
    dnorm_vec <- Vectorize(dnorm, "x")
    function(x) {
      norm_dens <- dnorm_vec(x, mean = m, sd = s)
      sum_term <- if (identical(s, 0)) 0 else colSums(norm_dens)
      a * x^2 + b * x + c + r * sum_term

  grid <- seq(0, 1, length.out = ngrid)

  if (!is.null(mean_x)) {
    if (!is.list(mean_x)) {
      stop("mean_x must be a list of length p if not NULL")
    if (length(mean_x) != p) {
      stop("mean_x must be a list of length p if not NULL")
    if (!all(vapply(mean_x, length, 0) == ngrid)) {
      stop("mean_x must be a list of length p if not NULL,
           each element of the list must be a vector of length ngrid")
  } else {
    par_m_x_list <- list()
    mm_x_list <- list()
    ms_x_list <- list()
    mean_x <- list()
    for (jj in seq_len(p)) {
      if (correlation_type_x[jj] == "Bessel") {
        par_m_x_list[[jj]] <- c(-20, 20, 20, 0.05)
        mm_x_list[[jj]] <- c(0.075, 0.100, 0.250, 0.350, 0.500,
                             0.650, 0.850, 0.900, 0.950)
        ms_x_list[[jj]] <- c(0.050, 0.030, 0.050, 0.050, 0.100,
                             0.050, 0.100, 0.040, 0.035)
      if (correlation_type_x[jj] == "Gaussian") {
        par_m_x_list[[jj]] <- c(0, 4, 0, 0)
        mm_x_list[[jj]] <- 0
        ms_x_list[[jj]] <- 0
      if (correlation_type_x[jj] == "Exponential") {
        par_m_x_list[[jj]] <- c(-10, 14,-8, 0.05)
        mm_x_list[[jj]] <- c(0.075, 0.100, 0.150, 0.225, 0.400, 0.525, 0.550,
                             0.600, 0.625, 0.650, 0.850, 0.900, 0.925)
        ms_x_list[[jj]] <- c(0.050, 0.060, 0.050, 0.040, 0.050, 0.035, 0.045,
                             0.045, 0.040, 0.030, 0.015, 0.010, 0.015)

      mean_x[[jj]] <- fun(par = par_m_x_list[[jj]],
                          m = mm_x_list[[jj]],
                          s = ms_x_list[[jj]])(grid)

      if (shift_type_x[jj] == "A") mean_x[[jj]] <-
        mean_x[[jj]] + d_x[jj] * grid^2
      if (shift_type_x[jj] == "B") mean_x[[jj]] <-
        mean_x[[jj]] + d_x[jj] * grid
      if (shift_type_x[jj] == "C") mean_x[[jj]] <-
        mean_x[[jj]] + d_x[jj]
      if (shift_type_x[jj] == "D") mean_x[[jj]] <-
        mean_x[[jj]] + d_x[jj] * grid^2 + d_x[jj] * grid


  if (!is.null(variance_x)) {
    if (!is.list(variance_x)) {
      stop("variance_x must be a list of length p if not NULL")
    if (length(variance_x) != p) {
      stop("variance_x must be a list of length p if not NULL")
    if (!all(vapply(variance_x, length, 0) == ngrid)) {
      stop("variance_x must be a list of length p if not NULL,
           each element of the list must be a vector of length ngrid")
    if (sum(simplify2array(variance_x) <= 0) > 0) {
      stop("variance_x must contain only positive numbers if not NULL")
  } else {

    par_v_x_list <- list()
    vm_x_list <- list()
    vs_x_list <- list()
    variance_x <- list()
    for (jj in seq_len(p)) {
      if (correlation_type_x[jj] == "Bessel") {
        par_v_x_list[[jj]] <- c(0, 0, 1, 0.1)
        vm_x_list[[jj]] <- c(0.075, 0.100, 0.125, 0.150, 0.400,
                             0.650, 0.850, 0.900, 0.925)
        vs_x_list[[jj]] <- c(0.050, 0.060, 0.075, 0.075, 0.075,
                             0.075, 0.045, 0.045, 0.040)
      if (correlation_type_x[jj] == "Gaussian") {
        par_v_x_list[[jj]] <- c(0, 0.02, 1, 0)
        vm_x_list[[jj]] <- 0
        vs_x_list[[jj]] <- 0
      if (correlation_type_x[jj] == "Exponential") {
        par_v_x_list[[jj]] <- c(-40, 150, 30, 2)
        vm_x_list[[jj]] <- c(0.075, 0.100, 0.150, 0.225, 0.400, 0.525, 0.550,
                             0.600, 0.625, 0.650, 0.850, 0.900, 0.925)
        vs_x_list[[jj]] <- c(0.050, 0.060, 0.050, 0.040, 0.050, 0.035, 0.045,
                             0.045, 0.040, 0.030, 0.015, 0.010, 0.015)

      variance_x[[jj]] <- fun(par = par_v_x_list[[jj]],
                              m = vm_x_list[[jj]],
                              s = vs_x_list[[jj]])(grid)

  if (!is.null(mean_y)) {
    if (!is.numeric(mean_y)) {
      stop("mean_y must be a vector of length ngrid")
    if (length(mean_y) != ngrid) {
      stop("mean_y must be a vector of length ngrid")
  } else {

    par_m_y <- c(0, 30, 0, 0)
    mm_y <- 0
    ms_y <- 0

    mean_y <- fun(par = par_m_y, m = mm_y, s = ms_y)(grid)

    if (shift_type_y == "A") mean_y <- mean_y + d_y * grid^2
    if (shift_type_y == "B") mean_y <- mean_y + d_y * grid
    if (shift_type_y == "C") mean_y <- mean_y + d_y
    if (shift_type_y == "D") mean_y <- mean_y + d_y * grid^2 + d_y * grid


  if (!is.null(variance_y)) {
    if (!is.numeric(variance_y)) {
      stop("variance_y must be a vector of length ngrid")
    if (length(variance_y) != ngrid) {
      stop("variance_y must be a vector of length ngrid")
    if (sum(variance_y <= 0) > 0) {
      stop("variance_y must be a vector with only positive values")
  } else {

    par_v_y <- c(0, 8, 1, 0)
    vm_y <- 0
    vs_y <- 0

    variance_y <- fun(par = par_v_y,
                      m = vm_y,
                      s = vs_y)(grid)


  X_list <- list()
  for (jj in seq_len(p)) {
    meig_jj <- e$vectors[1:P + (jj-1)*P, ]
    meig_jj_interpolate <- apply(t(meig_jj),
                                 function(y) approx(x_seq, y, grid)$y)
    X_jj_scaled <- csi_X %*% t(meig_jj_interpolate)
    X_jj <- t(mean_x[[jj]] + t(X_jj_scaled) * sqrt(variance_x[[jj]]))
    X_list[[jj]] <- X_jj + rnorm(length(X_jj), sd = sd_x[jj])

  ndigits <- floor(log10(p)) + 1
  names(X_list) <- paste0("X",
                                  fmt = paste0("%0", ndigits, "d")))

  eig_y_interpolate <- apply(t(ey$vectors),
                             function(y) approx(x_seq, y, grid)$y)
  Y_scaled <- csi_Y %*% t(eig_y_interpolate)
  Y <- t(mean_y + t(Y_scaled) * sqrt(variance_y))
  Y <- Y + rnorm(length(Y), sd = sd_y)

  vary_scalar <- 1
  b_sof <- rep(sqrt(R2 * vary_scalar / sum(e$values[1:10])), 10)
  R2_sof_check <- sum(b_sof^2 * e$values[1:10])

  var_eps_scalar <- vary_scalar - sum(b_sof^2 * e$values[1:10])
  eps_scalar <- rnorm(n = nobs, mean = 0, sd = sqrt(var_eps_scalar))
  y_scalar <- as.numeric(d_y_scalar + csi_X[, 1:10] %*% b_sof + eps_scalar)

  beta_fof <- beta_sof <- NULL
  if (save_beta) {
    beta_fof <- 0
    for (kk in seq_along(diag(B))) {
      beta_fof <- beta_fof + diag(B)[kk] *
        outer(e$vectors[, kk], ey$vectors[, kk])
    beta_fof_list <- list()
    for (jj in seq_len(p)) {
      beta_fof_list[[jj]] <- beta_fof[1:P + (jj-1)*P, ]

    beta_sof <- as.numeric(e$vectors[, 1:10] %*% b_sof)
    beta_sof_list <- list()
    for (jj in seq_len(p)) {
      beta_sof_list[[jj]] <- beta_sof[1:P + (jj-1)*P]

  out <- list(X_list = X_list,
              Y = Y,
              y_scalar = y_scalar)
  if (save_beta) {
    out$beta_fof <- beta_fof_list
    out$beta_sof <- beta_sof_list


#' @noRd
generate_cov_str <- function(p = 3,
                             P = 500,
                             correlation_type = c("Bessel",
                             n_comp = 50) {

  if (length(correlation_type) != p) {
    stop("correlation_type length must be equal to p.")
  if (!all(correlation_type %in% c("Bessel", "Gaussian", "Exponential"))) {
    stop("correlation_type admits only values
         \"Bessel\", \"Gaussian\" and \"Exponential\"")

  x_seq <- seq(0, 1, l = P)

  get_mat <- function(cov) {
    P <- length(cov)
    covmat <- matrix(0, nrow = P, ncol = P)
    for (ii in seq_len(P)) {
      covmat[ii, ii:P] <- cov[seq_len(P - ii + 1)]
      covmat[P - ii + 1, seq_len(P - ii + 1)] <- rev(cov[seq_len(P - ii + 1)])

  cov_fun <- function(x, cor_type) {
    if (cor_type == "Bessel") {
      ret <- besselJ(x * 4, 0)
    if (cor_type == "Gaussian") {
      ret <- exp(-x^2)
    if (cor_type == "Exponential") {
      ret <- exp(-sqrt(x))

  w <- 1 / P

  cov_list <- list()
  cov_mat_list <- list()
  eig_list <- list()
  eigenvalues_mat <- list()
  for (jj in seq_len(p)) {
    cov_list[[jj]] <- cov_fun(x_seq, correlation_type[jj])
    cov_mat_list[[jj]] <- get_mat(cov_list[[jj]])
    eig_list[[jj]] <- RSpectra::eigs_sym(cov_mat_list[[jj]], n_comp + 10)
    eig_list[[jj]]$vectors <- eig_list[[jj]]$vectors / sqrt(w)
    eig_list[[jj]]$values <- eig_list[[jj]]$values * w
    eigenvalues_mat[[jj]] <- eig_list[[jj]]$values

  if (p == 1) {
    e <- eig_list[[1]]
    e$values <- e$values[seq_len(n_comp)]
    e$vectors <- e$vectors[, seq_len(n_comp)]
  } else {
    eigenvalues <- rowMeans(do.call(cbind, eigenvalues_mat))

    corr_mat <- vector("list", p)
    for (ii in seq_len(p)) {
      corr_mat[[ii]] <- vector("list", p)

    for (ii in seq_len(p)) {
      for (jj in ii:p) {
        if (jj == ii) {
          corr_mat[[ii]][[jj]] <- cov_mat_list[[ii]]
        } else {
          V1 <- eig_list[[ii]]$vectors[, seq_len(n_comp)]
          V2 <- eig_list[[jj]]$vectors[, seq_len(n_comp)]
          lambdas <- eigenvalues[seq_len(n_comp)]
          sum <- V1 %*% (t(V2) * lambdas) / p
          corr_mat[[ii]][[jj]] <- sum
          corr_mat[[jj]][[ii]] <- t(sum)
      corr_mat[[ii]] <- do.call("cbind", corr_mat[[ii]])
    corr_mat <- do.call("rbind", corr_mat)
    e <- RSpectra::eigs_sym(corr_mat, n_comp + 10)

    e$vectors <- e$vectors / sqrt(w)
    e$values <- e$values * w
    e$values <- e$values[seq_len(n_comp)]
    e$vectors <- e$vectors[, seq_len(n_comp)]

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