fungibleR: Generate Fungible Correlation Matrices

View source: R/fungibleR.R

fungibleRR Documentation

Generate Fungible Correlation Matrices


Generate fungible correlation matrices. For a given vector of standardized regression coefficients, Beta, and a user-define R-squared value, Rsq, find predictor correlation matrices, R, such that Beta' R Beta = Rsq. The size of the smallest eigenvalue (Lp) of R can be defined.


fungibleR(R, Beta, Lp = 0, eps = 1e-08, Print.Warnings = TRUE)



A p x p predictor correlation matrix.


A p x 1 vector of standardized regression coefficients.


Controls the size of the smallest eigenvalue of RstarLp.


Convergence criterion.


Logical, default = TRUE. When TRUE, convergence failures are printed.



Any input correlation matrix that satisfies Beta' R Beta = Rsq.


Input vector of std reg coefficients.


A random fungible correlation matrix.


A fungible correlation matrix with a fixed minimum eigenvalue (RstarLp can be PD, PSD, or ID).


Scaling constant for Rstar.


Scaling constant for RstarLp.


Vector in the null space of vecp(Beta Beta').


Left null space of Beta.


Frobenius norm ||R - Rstar||_F.


Frobenius norm ||R - RstarLp||_F given random Delta.


An integer code. 0 indicates successful completion.


Niels Waller


Waller, N. (2016). Fungible Correlation Matrices: A method for generating nonsingular, singular, and improper correlation matrices for Monte Carlo research. Multivariate Behavioral Research.



## ===== Example 1 =====
## Generate 5 random PD fungible R matrices
## that are consistent with a user-defined predictive 
## structure: B' Rxx B = .30

## Create a 5 x 5 correlation matrix, R,  with all r_ij = .25
R.ex1 <- matrix(.25, 5, 5)
diag(R.ex1) <- 1

## create a 5 x 1 vector of standardized regression coefficients, 
## Beta.ex1 
Beta.ex1 <- c(-.4, -.2, 0, .2, .4)
cat("\nModel Rsq = ",  t(Beta.ex1) %*% R.ex1 %*% Beta.ex1)

## Generate fungible correlation matrices, Rstar, with smallest
## eigenvalues > 0.

Rstar.list <- list(rep(99,5)) 
i <- 0
while(i <= 5){
  out <- fungibleR(R = R.ex1, Beta = Beta.ex1, Lp = 1e-8, eps = 1e-8, 
                   Print.Warnings = TRUE)
    i <- i + 1
    Rstar.list[[i]] <- out$Rstar

## Check Results
cat("\n *** Check Results ***")
for(i in 1:5){
  cat("\nRstar", i,"\n")
  print(round(Rstar.list[[i]], 2),)
  cat("\neigenvalues of Rstar", i,"\n")
  cat("\nBeta' Rstar",i, "Beta = ",  
      t(Beta.ex1) %*% Rstar.list[[i]] %*% Beta.ex1)

## ===== Example 2 =====
## Generate a PD fungible R matrix with a fixed smallest 
## eigenvalue (Lp).

## Create a 5 x 5 correlation matrix, R,  with all r_ij = .5
R <- matrix(.5, 5, 5)
diag(R) <- 1

## create a 5 x 1 vector of standardized regression coefficients, Beta, 
## such that Beta_i = .1 for all i 
Beta <- rep(.1, 5)

## Generate fungible correlation matrices (a) Rstar and (b) RstarLp.
## Set Lp = 0.12345678 so that the smallest eigenvalue (Lp) of RstarLp
## = 0.12345678
out <- fungibleR(R, Beta, Lp = 0.12345678, eps = 1e-10, Print.Warnings = TRUE)

## print R
cat("\nR: a user-specified seed matrix")

## Rstar
cat("\nRstar: A random fungible correlation matrix for R")

cat("\nCoefficient of determination when using R\n")
print(  t(Beta) %*% R %*% Beta )

cat("\nCoefficient of determination when using Rstar\n")
print( t(Beta) %*% out$Rstar %*% Beta)

## Eigenvalues of  R
cat("\nEigenvalues of R\n")
print(round(eigen(out$R)$values, 9)) 

## Eigenvalues of  Rstar
cat("\nEigenvalues of Rstar\n")
print(round(eigen(out$Rstar)$values, 9)) 

## What is the Frobenius norm (Euclidean distance) between
## R and Rstar
cat("\nFrobenious norm ||R - Rstar||\n")
print( out$FrobNorm)

## RstarLp is a random fungible correlation matrix with 
## a fixed smallest eigenvalue of 0.12345678
cat("\nRstarLp: a random fungible correlation matrix with a user-defined
smallest eigenvalue\n")
print(round(out$RstarLp, 3)) 

## Eigenvalues of RstarLp
cat("\nEigenvalues of RstarLp")
print(eigen(out$RstarLp)$values, digits = 9) 

cat("\nCoefficient of determination when using RstarLp\n")
print( t(Beta) %*% out$RstarLp %*% Beta)

## Check function convergence
if(out$converged) print("Falied to converge")

## ===== Example 3 =====
## This examples demonstrates how fungibleR  can be used
## to generate improper correlation matrices (i.e., pseudo 
## correlation matrices with negative eigenvalues).

## We desire an improper correlation matrix that
## is close to a user-supplied seed matrix.  Create an 
## interesting seed matrix that reflects a Big Five 
## factor structure.

minCrossLoading <- -.2
maxCrossLoading <-  .2
F1 <- c(rep(.6,5),runif(20,minCrossLoading, maxCrossLoading))
F2 <- c(runif(5,minCrossLoading, maxCrossLoading), rep(.6,5), 
      runif(15,minCrossLoading, maxCrossLoading))
F3 <- c(runif(10,minCrossLoading,maxCrossLoading), rep(.6,5), 
      runif(10,minCrossLoading,maxCrossLoading) )
F4 <- c(runif(15,minCrossLoading,maxCrossLoading), rep(.6,5), 
F5 <- c(runif(20,minCrossLoading,maxCrossLoading), rep(.6,5))
FacMat <- cbind(F1,F2,F3,F4,F5)
R.bfi <- FacMat %*% t(FacMat)
diag(R.bfi) <- 1

## Set Beta to a null vector to inform fungibleR that we are 
## not interested in placing constraints on the predictive structure 
## of the fungible R matrices. 
Beta <- rep(0, 25)

## We seek a NPD fungible R matrix that is close to the bfi seed matrix.
## To find a suitable matrix we generate a large number (e.g., 50000) 
## fungible R matrices. For illustration purposes I will set Nmatrices
## to a smaller number: 10.

## Initialize a list to contain the Nmatrices fungible R objects
RstarLp.list <- as.list( rep(0, Nmatrices ) )
## Initialize a vector for the Nmatrices Frobeius norms ||R - RstarLp||
FrobLp.vec <- rep(0, Nmatrices)

## Constraint the smallest eigenvalue of RStarLp by setting
## Lp = -.1 (or any suitably chosen user-defined value).

## Generate Nmatrices fungibleR matrices and identify the NPD correlation 
## matrix that is "closest" (has the smallest Frobenious norm) to the bfi 
## seed matrix.
BestR.i <- 0
BestFrob <- 99
i <- 0

while(i < Nmatrices){
  out<-fungibleR(R = R.bfi, Beta, Lp = -.1, eps=1e-10) 
  ## retain solution if algorithm converged
  if(out$converged == 0)
    i<- i + 1
  ## print progress  
    cat("\nGenerating matrix ", i, " Current minimum ||R - RstarLp|| = ",BestFrob)
    tmp <- FrobLp.vec[i] <- out$FrobNormLp #Frobenious Norm ||R - RstarLp||
    if( tmp < BestFrob )
      BestR.i <- i     # matrix with lowest ||R - RstarLp||
      BestFrob <- tmp  # value of lowest ||R - RstarLp||

# CloseR is an improper correlation matrix that is close to the seed matrix. 

plot(1:25, eigen(R.bfi)$values,
     type = "b", 
     lwd = 2,
     main = "Scree Plots for R and RstarLp",
     cex.main = 1.5,
     ylim = c(-.2,6),
     ylab = "Eigenvalues",
     xlab = "Dimensions")
       type = "b",
       lty = 2,
       lwd = 2,
       col = "red")
	   abline(h = 0, col = "grey")
legend(legend=c(expression(paste(lambda[i]~" of R",sep = "")),
                expression(paste(lambda[i]~" of RstarLp",sep = ""))),
       x = 17,y = 5.75,
       cex = 1.5,
       text.width = 5.5,
       lwd = 2)

fungible documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:28 a.m.