Man pages for fungible
Psychometric Functions from the Waller Lab

ACLAdjective Checklist Data.
adfCorAsymptotic Distribution-Free Covariance Matrix of...
adfCovAsymptotic Distribution-Free Covariance Matrix of Covariances
alphaRGenerate random R matrices with a known coefficient alpha
AmzBoxesLength, width, and height measurements for 98 Amazon shipping...
BadRBYImproper correlation matrix reported by Bentler and Yuan
BadRJNImproper R matrix reported by Joseph and Newman
BadRKtBImproper R matrix reported by Knol and ten Berge
BadRLGImproper R matrix reported by Lurie and Goldberg
BadRRMImproper R matrix reported by Rousseeuw and Molenberghs
BiFADBifactor Analysis via Direct Schmid-Leiman (DSL)...
bigenGenerate Correlated Binary Data
Boruch70Multi-Trait Multi-Method correlation matrix reported by...
Box20Length, width, and height measurements for Thurstone's 20...
Box26R matrix for Thurstone's 26 hypothetical box attributes.
cbCudeck & Browne (1992) model error method
cfiCalculate CFI for two correlation matrices
CompleteRcvxComplete a Partially Specified Correlation Matrix by Convex...
CompleteRdevComplete a Partially Specified Correlation Matrix by the...
CompleteRmapComplete a Partially Specified Correlation Matrix by the...
corDensityGenerate the marginal density of a correlation from a...
corSampleSample Correlation Matrices from a Population Correlation...
corSmoothSmooth a Non PD Correlation Matrix
cosMatCompute the cosine(s) between either 2 matrices or 2 vectors.
d2rConvert Degrees to Radians
eapCompute eap trait estimates for FMP and FUP models
eigGenGenerate eigenvalues for R matrices with underlying component...
enhancementFind OLS Regression Coefficients that Exhibit Enhancement
erfUtility fnc to compute the components for an empirical...
faAlignAlign the columns of two factor loading matrices
faBoundsBounds on the Correlation Between an External Variable and a...
faEKCCalculate Reference Eigenvalues for the Empirical Kaiser...
faIBInter-Battery Factor Analysis by the Method of Maximum...
faLocalMinInvestigate local minima in faMain objects
falsUnweighted least squares factor analysis
faMainAutomatic Factor Rotation from Random Configurations with...
faMAPVelicer's minimum partial correlation method for determining...
faMBMultiple Battery Factor Analysis by Maximum Likelihood...
fapaIterated Principal Axis Factor Analysis (fapa)
faregRegularized Factor Analysis
faScoresFactor Scores
faSortSort a factor loadings matrix
faStandardizeStandardize the Unrotated Factor Loadings
faXFactor Extraction (faX) Routines
FMPEstimate the coefficients of a filtered monotonic polynomial...
FMPMonotonicityCheckUtility function for checking FMP monotonicity
fsIndeterminacyUnderstanding Factor Score Indeterminacy with Finite...
fungibleGenerate Fungible Regression Weights
fungibleExtremaLocate Extrema of Fungible Regression Weights
fungibleLGenerate Fungible Logistic Regression Weights
fungibleRGenerate Fungible Correlation Matrices
FUPEstimate the coefficients of a filtered unconstrained...
gen4PMDataGenerate item response data for 1, 2, 3, or 4-parameter IRT...
genCorrGenerate Correlation Matrices with User-Defined Eigenvalues
GenerateBoxDataGenerate Thurstone's Box Data From length, width, and height...
genFMPDataGenerate item response data for a filtered monotonic...
genPhiCreate a random Phi matrix with maximum factor correlation
get_wb_modFind an 'lm' model to use with the Wu & Browne (2015) model...
HS9Var9 Variables from the Holzinger and Swineford (1939) Dataset
HWSix data sets that yield a Heywood case
irfPlot item response functions for polynomial IRT models.
itemDescriptivesCompute basic descriptives for binary-item analysis
Jackson67Multi-Trait Multi-Method correlation matrix reported by...
kurtCalculate Univariate Kurtosis for a Vector or Matrix
LedermannLedermann's inequality for factor solution identification
Malmi79Multi-Trait Multi-Method correlation matrix reported by...
monteSimulate Clustered Data with User-Defined Properties
monte1Simulate Multivariate Non-normal Data by Vale & Maurelli...
noisemakerSimulate a population correlation matrix with model error
normalCorCompute Normal-Theory Covariances for Correlations
normFCompute the Frobenius norm of a matrix
obj_funcObjective function for optimizing RMSEA and CFI
OmegaCompute Omega hierarchical
orderFactorsOrder factor-loadings matrix by the sum of squared factor...
plot.montePlot Method for Class Monte
print.faMainPrint Method for an Object of Class faMain
print.faMBPrint Method for an Object of Class faMB
promaxQConduct an Oblique Promax Rotation
r2dConvert Radians to Degrees
rarcRotate Points on the Surface on an N-Dimensional Ellipsoid
RavgrGenerate a random R matrix with an average rij
RboundsGenerate random R matrices with user-defined bounds on the...
rconeGenerate a Cone of Regression Coefficient Vectors
rcorGenerate Random PSD Correlation Matrices
rellipsoidGenerate Uniformly Spaced OLS Regression Coefficients that...
restScorePlot an ERF using rest scores
RGenGenerate random R matrices with various user-defined...
rGivensGenerate Correlation Matrices with Specified Eigenvalues
rMAPGenerate Correlation Matrices with Specified Eigenvalues
rmsdRoot Mean Squared Deviation of (A - B)
rmseaCalculate RMSEA between two correlation matrices
RnpdMAPGenerate Random NPD R matrices from a user-supplied...
rPCAGenerate a Correlation Matrix from a Truncated PCA Loadings...
SchmidLeimanSchmid-Leiman Orthogonalization to a (Rank-Deficient)...
seBetaStandard Errors and CIs for Standardized Regression...
seBetaCorStandard Errors and CIs for Standardized Regression...
seBetaFixedCovariance Matrix and Standard Errors for Standardized...
semifyGenerate an sem model from a simFA model object
simFAGenerate Factor Analysis Models and Data Sets for Simulation...
skewCalculate Univariate Skewness for a Vector or Matrix
SLiConduct a Schmid-Leiman Iterated (SLi) Target Rotation
smoothAPASmooth a NPD R matrix to PD using the Alternating Projection...
smoothBYSmooth an NPD R matrix to PD using the Bentler Yuan 2011...
smoothKBSmooth a Non PD Correlation Matrix using the Knol-Berger...
smoothLGSmooth NPD to Nearest PSD or PD Matrix
summary.faMainSummary Method for an Object of Class faMain
summary.faMBSummary Method for an Object of Class faMB
summary.monteSummary Method for an Object of Class Monte
summary.monte1Summary Method for an Object of Class Monte1
svdNormCompute theta surrogates via normalized SVD scores
TaylorRussellA generalized (multiple predictor) Taylor-Russell function.
tetcorCompute ML Tetrachoric Correlations
tetcorQuasiCorrelation between a Naturally and an Artificially...
Thurstone41Multi-Trait Multi-Method correlation matrix reported by...
ThurstoneBox20Factor Pattern and Factor Correlations for Thurstone's 20...
ThurstoneBox26Factor Pattern Matrix for Thurstone's 26 box attributes.
tklOptimize TKL parameters to find a solution with target RMSEA...
TREstimate the parameters of the Taylor-Russell function.
vcosCompute the Cosine Between Two Vectors
vnormNorm a Vector to Unit Length
VolElliptopeCompute the volume of the elliptope of possible correlation...
wbWu & Browne model error method
fungible documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:28 a.m.