View source: R/fusedest_source_code_linear_reg.R
A function for computing linear regression estimation with the fused group lasso penalty function
Return a list of output, e.g. the solution, runtime and iteration error, for the block splitting algorithm. For more details, please see the example below.
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####### Functions for data generation #########
generating_normal_data <- function(beta.true, N, m, sigma2.y){
p <- dim(beta.true)[2]
M <- dim(beta.true)[1]
label.list <- sample(c(1:M), m, replace = TRUE)
n.list <- rpois(m, N)
X <- matrix(rnorm(sum(n.list)*p, 0, 1), nrow = sum(n.list), ncol = p)
ind.strt <- c(1, cumsum(n.list[1:(m-1)])+1)
ind.end <- cumsum(n.list)
label.dc <- rep(c(1:m), n.list)
y <- as.numeric(unlist(sapply(c(1:m),
X[ind.strt[i]:ind.end[i],]%*%as.numeric(beta.true[label.list[i],]) +
rnorm(n.list[i], 0, sqrt(sigma2.y))
label.true <- rep(label.list, n.list)
results <- list(X, y, n.list, label.dc, label.true)
names(results) <- c("X", "y", "n.list", "label.dc", "label.true")
generatingEdgelistID03 <- function(m, deg){
c1 <- NULL
c2 <- NULL
if(deg < m-deg){
c1 <- rep(0, (m-deg)*deg)
c2 <- rep(0, (m-deg)*deg)
for(i in 1:(m-deg)){
ind.i <- c(((i-1)*deg+1):(i*deg))
c1[ind.i] <- rep(i, deg)
c2[ind.i] <- c((i+1):(i+deg))
if(deg > 1){
c3 <- rep(0, deg*(deg-1)/2)
c4 <- rep(0, deg*(deg-1)/2)
l <- 0
for(i in (m-deg+1):(m-1)){
c3[c((l+1):(l+m-i))] <- rep(i, m-i)
c4[c((l+1):(l+m-i))] <- c((i+1):m)
l <- l + (m-i)
RcppInvGram <- function(X, w, lambda) {
.Call('_fusedest_RcppInvGram', PACKAGE = 'fusedest', X, w, lambda)
RcppXtwy <- function(X, y, w) {
.Call('_fusedest_RcppXtwy', PACKAGE = 'fusedest', X, y, w)
RcppWolsSolver03 <- function(invXtwX, Xtwy, b) {
.Call('_fusedest_RcppWolsSolver03', PACKAGE = 'fusedest', invXtwX, Xtwy, b)
############ Setting true parameters ########## <- 10
beta.true <- t(matrix(
rep(c(-1,3),, nrow =, ncol = 5
N <- 100
m <- 10
p <- dim(beta.true)[2]
########## Generating data ###################
strt <- Sys.time()
mydata <- generating_normal_data(beta.true, N, m, sigma2.y = 1)
end <- Sys.time()
difftime(end, strt, units="sec")
y <- mydata$y
X <- mydata$X
label_dc <- mydata$label.dc
label.true <- mydata$label.true
n.list <- mydata$n.list
###### Run simulation #########################################
no.cores <- 1 <- 10
m.list <- 10
ind.strt <- c(1, cumsum(n.list[1:(])+1)
ind.end <- cumsum(n.list)
no_lambda <- 1
lambda_list <- 0.01
u <- 1
H <- generatingEdgelistID03(m = m.list[u], deg = 2)
q_H <- sum(degree(graph_from_edgelist(H, directed = FALSE)))/2
max_iter <- 10
tol_err <- 10^(-100)
rho <- 1
set.seed(2, kind = NULL, normal.kind = NULL)
##### Computing initial values ####################################
beta_ini <- t(parallel::mcmapply(function(i){
W <- rep(1, n.list[i])
inv_XTX_i <- RcppInvGram(X[ind.strt[i]:ind.end[i],], W, 0)
XTy_i <- RcppXtwy(X[ind.strt[i]:ind.end[i], ],y[ind.strt[i]:ind.end[i]],W)
RcppWolsSolver03(inv_XTX_i, XTy_i, rep(0, p))
}, c(, mc.cores = no.cores))
beta_ini_norm <- sqrt(apply(beta_ini^2, 1, sum))
####### Running the proposed method ##########################
result.uv <- fusedest_normal(X = X[ind.strt[1]:ind.end[m.list[u]],],
y = y[ind.strt[1]:ind.end[m.list[u]]],
label_dc = label_dc[ind.strt[1]:ind.end[m.list[u]]], H = H,
rho = rho, no_lambda = no_lambda, lambda_list = lambda_list,
beta_ini = beta_ini[1:m.list[u],], max_iter = max_iter,
tol_err = tol_err, no.cores = no.cores)
result.BS <- result.uv$alg.matrix
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