## partition FX models based on normal loglik
## (wrapper to the currently unexported gbreakpoints)
fxregimes <- function(formula, data, ..., hpc = c("none", "foreach")) {
if(missing(formula)) formula <- colnames(data)[1]
if(is.character(formula)) formula <- as.formula(paste(formula,
"~", paste(colnames(data)[colnames(data) != formula], collapse = " + ")))
rval <- gbreakpoints(formula, data = data, = time(data), hpc = hpc, ...)
rval$formula <- formula
rval$data <- data
class(rval) <- c("fxregimes", class(rval))
print.fxregimes <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
cat("\nFX model: ", deparse(x$formula), "\n\n",
paste("Minimum", x$icname, "partition\n"),
"Number of regimes: ", length(x$breakpoints[!$breakpoints)]) + 1, "\n",
"Breakdates: ", paste(breakdates(x), collapse = ", "), "\n\n",
sep = "")
index.fxregimes <- time.fxregimes <- function(x, ...) index(x$data)
lines.fxregimes <- function(x, breaks = NULL, lty = 2, ...)
abline(v = breakdates(x, breaks = breaks), lty = lty, ...)
## obtain FX models for each segment
## (plus standard extractor functions)
refit.fxregimes <- function(object, breaks = NULL, ...) {
if(is.null(breaks)) breaks <- time(object$data)[object$breakpoints]
else if(length(breaks) == 1 & is.numeric(breaks) & !inherits(breaks, "Date"))
breaks <- breakdates(object, breaks = breaks)
breaks <- breaks[!]
if(length(breaks) < 1) {
sbp <- start(object$data)
ebp <- end(object$data)
} else {
sbp <- c(start(object$data), index(object$data)[sapply(breaks, function(z) min(which(index(object$data) > z)))])
ebp <- c(breaks, end(object$data))
rval <- lapply(1:length(sbp), function(i)
fxlm(object$formula, data = window(object$data, start = sbp[i], end = ebp[i]), ...))
names(rval) <- paste(as.character(sbp), as.character(ebp), sep = "--")
coef.fxregimes <- function(object, breaks = NULL, ...)
t(sapply(refit(object, breaks = breaks, ...), coef))
fitted.fxregimes <- function(object, breaks = NULL, ...) {
rval <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(refit(object, breaks = breaks, ...), fitted)))
rval <- zoo(rval, index(object))
residuals.fxregimes <- function(object, breaks = NULL, ...) {
rval <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(refit(object, breaks = breaks, ...), residuals)))
rval <- zoo(rval, index(object))
confint.fxregimes <- function(object, parm = NULL, level = 0.95, breaks = NULL, meat. = NULL, ...)
## parameters: level, breaks
a2 <- (1 - level)/2
if(!is.null(parm) & !is.null(breaks))
warning("`parm' and `breaks' are both specified: `breaks' is used")
if(!is.null(parm)) breaks <- parm
## extract estimates
bp <- breakpoints(object, breaks = breaks)$breakpoints
if(any( stop("cannot compute confidence interval when `breaks = 0'")
## set up intervals
nbp <- length(bp)
upper <- rep(0, nbp)
lower <- rep(0, nbp)
bp <- c(0, bp, object$nobs)
## fitted models
rf <- refit(object, breaks = breaks)
cf <- lapply(rf, coef)
Q <- lapply(rf, function(x) solve(bread(x)))
Omega <- if(is.null(meat.)) Q else lapply(rf, meat.)
## utility functions
myfun <- function(x, level = 0.975, xi = 1, phi1 = 1, phi2 = 1)
(pargmaxV(x, xi = xi, phi1 = phi1, phi2 = phi2) - level)
myprod <- function(delta, mat) as.vector(crossprod(delta, mat) %*% delta)
## loop over breaks
for(i in 1:nbp)
delta <- cf[[i+1]] - cf[[i]]
Oprod1 <- myprod(delta, Omega[[i]])
Oprod2 <- myprod(delta, Omega[[i+1]])
Qprod1 <- myprod(delta, Q[[i]])
Qprod2 <- myprod(delta, Q[[i+1]])
xi <- Qprod2/Qprod1
phi1 <- sqrt(Oprod1/Qprod1)
phi2 <- sqrt(Oprod2/Qprod2)
p0 <- pargmaxV(0, phi1 = phi1, phi2 = phi2, xi = xi)
if(is.nan(p0) || p0 < a2 || p0 > (1-a2)) {
warning(paste("Confidence interval", as.integer(i),
"cannot be computed: P(argmax V <= 0) =", round(p0, digits = 4)))
upper[i-1] <- NA
lower[i-1] <- NA
} else {
ub <- lb <- 0
while(pargmaxV(ub, phi1 = phi1, phi2 = phi2, xi = xi) < (1 - a2)) ub <- ub + 1000
while(pargmaxV(lb, phi1 = phi1, phi2 = phi2, xi = xi) > a2) lb <- lb - 1000
upper[i] <- uniroot(myfun, c(0, ub), level = (1-a2), xi = xi, phi1 = phi1, phi2 = phi2)$root
lower[i] <- uniroot(myfun, c(lb, 0), level = a2, xi = xi, phi1 = phi1, phi2 = phi2)$root
upper[i] <- upper[i] * phi1^2 / Qprod1
lower[i] <- lower[i] * phi1^2 / Qprod1
## collect results
bp <- bp[-c(1, nbp+2)]
bp <- cbind(bp - ceiling(upper), bp, bp - floor(lower))
a2 <- round(a2 * 100, digits = 1)
colnames(bp) <- c(paste(a2, "%"), "breakpoints", paste(100 - a2, "%"))
rownames(bp) <- 1:nbp
RVAL <- list(confint = bp,
nobs = object$nobs,
npar = object$npar,
call =,
index = index(object))
class(RVAL) <- "confint.fxregimes"
breakdates.confint.fxregimes <- function(obj, format.times = FALSE, ...)
data.frame(lapply($confint), function(x) obj$index[x]), check.names = FALSE)
print.confint.fxregimes <- function(x, ...)
nbp <- nrow(x$confint)
cat("\n\t Confidence intervals for breakpoints")
cat(paste("\n\t of optimal ", nbp + 1, "-segment partition: \n\n", sep = ""))
cat("\nBreakpoints at observation number:\n")
print(x$confint, quote = FALSE)
cat("\nCorresponding to breakdates:\n")
print(breakdates(x), quote = FALSE)
lines.confint.fxregimes <- function(x, col = 2, angle = 90, length = 0.05,
code = 3, at = NULL, breakpoints = TRUE, ...)
nbp <- nrow(x$confint)
x <- breakdates(x)
if(breakpoints) abline(v = x[,2], lty = 2)
if(is.null(at)) {
at <- par("usr")[3:4]
at <- diff(at)/1.08 * 0.02 + at[1]
if(length(at) < nbp) at <- rep(at, length.out = nbp)
arrows(x[,1], at, x[,3], at, col = col, angle = angle, length = length, code = code, ...)
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