
test.calcpower <- function() {
	if (gMCP:::tests("extended")) {
		# Here we can write down extended tests that will only be used if
		# the environment variable GMC_UNIT_TESTS is set to "extended".
	.tmpGraph <- BonferroniHolm(3)
	gMCP:::calcMultiPower(weights=.tmpGraph@weights, alpha=0.05, G=.tmpGraph@m, muL = list(c(0, 0, 0)), sigmaL = list(c(1, 1, 1)), nL = list(c(10, 10, 10)),sigma = matrix(c(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1), nrow=3), nSim = 10000, type = "quasirandom")

test.api.compatibility <- function() {
  graph <- BonferroniHolm(4)
  weights <- graph@weights
  G <- graph@m
  alpha <- 0.05
  mean <- rep(0,4)
  sigma <- corr.sim <- diag(4)
  # Old API:
  suppressWarnings(result1 <- calcPower(weights=weights, alpha=alpha, G=G, mean = mean,
                                        sigma = sigma, cr = NULL,
                                        nSim = 10000))
  # New API:
  result2 <- calcPower(graph=graph, alpha=alpha, mean = mean,
           corr.sim = corr.sim, corr.test = NULL,
           n.sim = 10000)

test.rqmvnorm <- function() {
	if (gMCP:::tests("extended")) {		
		# Check whether the correlation is correctly processed
		# (especially in the right order)
		R <- kronecker(matrix(.3,2,2)+diag(.7,2), matrix(1/2,3,3)+diag(1/2,3))
		checkTrue(all(round(cov(rqmvnorm(1000000, mean=1:6, sigma=R)),2)==R))
		# Singular matrix (min eigen value -1.562001e-16 on my system):
		x <- multcomp::contrMat(rep(10,5), type="UmbrellaWilliams")
		R <- t(x) %*% x
		checkTrue(all(round(cov(rqmvnorm(1000000, mean=1:5, sigma=R)),2)==round(R, 2)))
	} else {
		cat("Skipping checks for rqmvnorm.\n")

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gMCP documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:37 a.m.