
Defines functions tableSetSliceValue tableGetSliceIndex tableSlicePrim tableOp0 tableOp tableDiv tableMult tablePerm

Documented in tableDiv tableGetSliceIndex tableMult tableOp tableOp0 tablePerm tableSetSliceValue tableSlicePrim

## ###########################################################
#' @title Array operations (2007)
#' @description Array operations; created to facilitate the gRain
#'     package in 2007. Now largely replaceable by other (often
#'     faster) functions implemented in Rcpp.
#' @name api-array-07
## ###########################################################
#' @param tab,tab1,tab2 Arrays with named dimnames.
#' @param perm A permutation; either indices or names.
#' @param resize A flag indicating whether the vector should be
#'     resized as well as having its elements reordered (default
#'     TRUE).
#' @param op The operation to be made.
#' @param keep.class Obsolete argument.
#' @details `tableOp0` is brute force implementation based on
#'     dataframes. It is very slow, but useful for error checking.

#' @export
#' @rdname api-array-07
tablePerm <- function(tab, perm, resize=TRUE, keep.class=FALSE){
  # Like aperm() but perm can be dimnames
  if (missing( perm )){
    perm <- integer(0)
    return(aperm.default( tab, perm, resize ))

  if (is.character( perm )){
    perm <- match(perm, names(dimnames( tab )))
    if ( any( is.na( perm )))
      stop("Invalid permutation...")
  ans <- aperm.default( tab, perm, resize )
  if (keep.class){
      class( ans ) <- oldClass( tab )

#' @export
#' @rdname api-array-07
tableMult <- function(tab1, tab2){
  tableOp(tab1, tab2, op="*")

#' @export
#' @rdname api-array-07
tableDiv <- function(tab1, tab2){
  tableOp(tab1, tab2, op="/")

#' @export
#' @rdname api-array-07
#' @param op The operation; choices are \code{"*"}, \code{"/"}, \code{"+"}, \code{"-"}.
tableOp <- function(tab1, tab2, op="*"){

    if (!is.array(tab1)) {stop("'tab1' is not an array")}
    if (!is.array(tab2)) {stop("'tab2' is not an array")}

    i <- which(inherits(op, c("function", "character"), which=TRUE)>0)
    if (length(i) == 0) stop("'op' is illegal operation (I) \n")
    if (i == 2){
        j <- match(op, c("+", "-", "*", "/"))
        if (is.na(j)) stop("'op' in illegal operation (II)\n")
        op <- c(`+`, `-`, `*`, `/`)[[j]]
    di1 <- dim(tab1)
    di2 <- dim(tab2)
    dn1 <- dimnames(tab1)
    dn2 <- dimnames(tab2)
    vn1 <- names(dn1)
    vn2 <- names(dn2)
    idx <- match(vn2, vn1)    ## location of variables in vn2 in vn1:
    idx.na <- is.na(idx)      ## logical of variables in {vn2\vn1}
    if (any(idx.na)){         ## If there are variables in {vn2 \ vn1}
        aug.vn <- vn2[idx.na]   ## Find those variables
        aug.di <- di2[idx.na]   ## - and their levels
        aug.dn <- dn2[idx.na]   ## - and their dimnames
        ## Create "augmented" table defined over (vn1, vn2\vn1) by repeating tab1.
        pot1      <- rep.int(as.numeric(tab1), prod(aug.di))
        vn.new    <- c(vn1, aug.vn)
        di.new    <- c(di1, aug.di)
        dn.new    <- c(dn1, aug.dn)
        dim(pot1)      <- di.new
        dimnames(pot1) <- dn.new
    } else {
        pot1   <- tab1
        vn.new <- vn1
        di.new <- di1
        dn.new <- dn1

    ## Find indices of vn2 in augmented table (vn1, vn2\vn1)
    vn2.idx    <- match(vn2, vn.new)
    ## Create perumation indices; first variables in vn2; then vn1\vn2
    perm  <-  c(vn2.idx, (1:length(vn.new))[-vn2.idx])

    pot1 <- op(as.numeric(aperm.default(pot1, perm, TRUE)), as.numeric(tab2))
    if (identical(op, `/`)) 
        pot1[!is.finite(pot1)] <- 0

    dim(pot1)      <- di.new[perm]
    dimnames(pot1) <- dn.new[perm]

#' @export
#' @rdname api-array-07
#' @param restore Not so clear anymore.
tableOp2 <- function (tab1, tab2, op = `*`, restore = FALSE){

    if (!is.array(tab1)) {stop("'tab1' is not an array")}
    if (!is.array(tab2)) {stop("'tab2' is not an array")}

    vn1  <- names(dimnames(tab1))
    vn2  <- names(dimnames(tab2))

    ## indices of vn2 in vn1:
    vn2.idx   <- match(vn2, vn1)

    if (any(is.na(vn2.idx)))
        stop("Varnames in tab2 must be contained in varnames in tab1\n")

    ## Create perumation indices; first variables in vn2; then vn1\vn2
    perm <- c(vn2.idx, (1:length(vn1))[-vn2.idx])
    pot1 <-
        if (restore) {
            zz    <- op(aperm.default(tab1, perm, TRUE), as.numeric(tab2))
            newvn <- c(vn2, vn1[-vn2.idx])
            perm2 <- match(vn1, newvn)
            aperm.default(zz, perm2, TRUE)
        } else {
            op(aperm.default(tab1, perm, TRUE), as.numeric(tab2))
    if (identical(op, `/`))
        pot1[!is.finite(pot1)] <- 0

#' @export
#' @rdname api-array-07
tableOp0 <- function(tab1, tab2, op=`*`){

    if (!is.named.array(tab1)) {stop("'tab1' is not an array")}
    if (!is.named.array(tab2)) {stop("'tab2' is not an array")}
    vn1 <- names(dimnames(tab1))
    vn2 <- names(dimnames(tab2))
    d1 <- as.data.frame.table(tab1)
    d2 <- as.data.frame.table(tab2)

    isect <- intersect(vn1, vn2)
    jj <- merge(d1, d2, all=TRUE, by=isect, sort=FALSE)

    jj$Freq <- op(jj$Freq.x, jj$Freq.y)
    jj$Freq.x <- jj$Freq.y  <- NULL
    out <- xtabs(Freq ~ ., data=jj)

## #' @export
## #' @rdname api-array-07
## #' @param restore Not so clear anymore.
## tableOp2 <- function (tab1, tab2, op = `*`, restore = FALSE){

##     if (!is.array(tab1)) {stop("'tab1' is not an array")}
##     if (!is.array(tab2)) {stop("'tab2' is not an array")}

##     vn1  <- names(dimnames(tab1))
##     vn2  <- names(dimnames(tab2))

##     ## indices of vn2 in vn1:
##     vn2.idx   <- match(vn2, vn1)
##     ## Create perumation indices; first variables in vn2; then vn1\vn2
##     perm <- c(vn2.idx, (1:length(vn1))[-vn2.idx])
##     pot1 <-
##         if (restore) {
##             zz    <- op(aperm.default(tab1, perm, TRUE), as.numeric(tab2))
##             newvn <- c(vn2, vn1[-vn2.idx])
##             perm2 <- match(vn1, newvn)
##             aperm.default(zz, perm2, TRUE)
##         } else {
##             op(aperm.default(tab1, perm, TRUE), as.numeric(tab2))
##         }
##     if (identical(op, `/`))
##         pot1[!is.finite(pot1)] <- 0
##     pot1
## }

#' @export
#' @rdname api-array-07
#' @param margin Index or name of margin.
#' @param level Corresponding level of margin.
#' @param impose Value to be imposed. 
tableSlice <-  function (tab, margin, level, impose)
    if (is.null(margin))
    if (is.null(dimnames(tab)))
        stop("'tableSlice' requires a structure with a dimnames attribute")

    dn    <- dimnames(tab)
    vn    <- names(dn)

    if (is.character(margin)){
        mar.idx <- match(margin, vn)
        if (any((z<-is.na(mar.idx))))
            stop("Variable(s): ", margin[z], " do not exist in table...")
    } else {
        mar.idx <- margin

    if (is.character(level)){
        lev.idx  <- rep(NA, length(level))
        for (kk in seq_along(margin)){
            lev.idx[kk] <- match(level[kk], dn[[mar.idx[kk]]])
        if (any((z<-is.na(lev.idx))))
            stop("Level: ", level[z], " do not exist in table...")
    } else {
        lev.idx <- level

    idx          <- vector("list", length(dim(tab)))
    idx[]        <- TRUE
    idx[mar.idx] <- lev.idx
    ans <-do.call("[", c(list(tab), idx))

    if (!missing(impose) && is.numeric(impose)){
        ans[] <- impose
    ans <- array(ans, dim=sapply(dn[-mar.idx], length), dimnames=dn[-mar.idx])

## tableSlicePrim: Works only with margin and level being indices
#' @export
#' @rdname api-array-07
#' @param mar.idx Index of margin
#' @param lev.idx Index of level
tableSlicePrim <- function(tab, mar.idx, lev.idx){
  idx         <- vector("list", length(dim(tab)))
  idx[]       <-TRUE
  idx[mar.idx] <- lev.idx
  do.call("[", c(list(tab), idx))

#' @export
#' @rdname api-array-07
tableMargin <- function (tab, margin, keep.class = FALSE)
##   cat("===== tableMargin =====\n")
##   print(as.data.frame.table(tab));   print(margin)

    if (!is.array(tab))
        stop("'tab' is not an array")

    at <- attributes( tab )
    di <- at[['dim']]
    dn <- at[['dimnames']]
    vn <- names( dn )

    if (length(margin)) {
        if( inherits(margin, "formula")){
            margin <- unlist(rhsf2list( margin ), use.names=FALSE)
        if (is.character(margin)) {
            margin <- unique( margin )
            marg.idx <- match(margin, vn)
            if (any(is.na(marg.idx)))
                stop(sprintf("Variable(s): %s not in table ...\n",
                        toString( margin[is.na(marg.idx)] )) )
        else {
            marg.idx <- margin
        rest.idx <- (seq_along(vn))[-marg.idx]
        nr <- prod( di[marg.idx] )
        nc <- prod( di[rest.idx] )

        z <- rowSumsPrim(
                aperm.default(tab, c(rest.idx, marg.idx), TRUE),
                nrow=nr, ncol=nc, byrow=TRUE))
        attributes(z) <- list(dim=di[marg.idx], dimnames=dn[marg.idx])
    } else {
        z <- sum(tab)
    if (keep.class)
        class(z) <- oldClass( tab )

#' @export
#' @rdname api-array-07
tableGetSliceIndex <- function(tab, margin, level, complement=FALSE){
    di <- dim(tab)
    dn <- dimnames(tab)
    vn <- names(dn)
    nidx <- match(margin, vn)

    if ( any((z<-is.na(nidx))) ){
        stop(sprintf("margin %s not in table\n",

    sidx <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(nidx),
                          function(i) {match(level[i], dn[[ nidx[i] ]])}),
                   use.names = FALSE)

    if (any((z<-is.na(sidx)))){
        stop(sprintf("level %s not in table\n", toString(level[z])))

    out <- slice2entry(sidx, nidx, di)
    if (complement){
    } else {

#' @export
#' @rdname api-array-07            
#' @param complement Should values be set for the complement?
#' @param value Which value should be set
tableSetSliceValue <- function(tab, margin, level, complement=FALSE, value=0){
    idx <- tableGetSliceIndex(tab, margin=margin, level=level, complement=complement)
    tab[ idx ] <- value

## .tableOp <- function(tab1, tab2, op="*"){

##   if (!is.array(tab1)) {stop("'tab1' is not an array")}
##   if (!is.array(tab2)) {stop("'tab2' is not an array")}

##   op <- switch(op,
##                "*"={`*`},
##                "/"={`/`},
##                "+"={`+`},
##                "-"={`-`})

##   di1 <- dim(tab1)
##   di2 <- dim(tab2)
##   dn1 <- dimnames(tab1)
##   dn2 <- dimnames(tab2)
##   vn1 <- names(dn1)
##   vn2 <- names(dn2)

##   idx <- match(vn2, vn1)   ## location of variables in vn2 in vn1:
##   idx.na <- is.na(idx)      ## logical of variables in {vn2\vn1}

##   if (any(idx.na)){         ## If there are variables in {vn2 \ vn1}
##     aug.vn <- vn2[idx.na]   ## Find those variables
##     aug.di <- di2[idx.na]   ## - and their levels
##     aug.dn <- dn2[idx.na]   ## - and their dimnames

##     ## Create "augmented" table defined over (vn1, vn2\vn1) by repeating tab1.
##     vn.new    <- c(vn1, aug.vn)
##     di.new    <- c(di1, aug.di)
##     dn.new    <- c(dn1, aug.dn)
##     tab1           <- rep.int(as.numeric(tab1), prod(aug.di))
##     dim(tab1)      <- di.new
##     dimnames(tab1) <- dn.new
##   } else {
##     vn.new <- vn1
##     di.new <- di1
##     dn.new <- dn1
##   }

##   ## indices of vn2 in augmented table (vn1, vn2\vn1)
##   vn2.idx    <- match(vn2, vn.new)
##   ## Create perumation indices; first variables in vn2; then vn1\vn2
##   perm  <-  c(vn2.idx, (1:length(vn.new))[-vn2.idx])

##   ttab1 <- op(aperm.default(tab1, perm, TRUE), as.numeric(tab2))
##   if (identical(op, `/`))
##     ttab1[!is.finite(ttab1)] <- 0
##   dim(ttab1)      <- di.new[perm]
##   dimnames(ttab1) <- dn.new[perm]
##   ttab1
## }

## .tableOp2 <- 

## #' @export
## #' @rdname api-array-07
## #' @param op The operation; choices are \code{"*"}, \code{"/"}, \code{"+"}, \code{"-"}.
## tableOp <- function(tab1, tab2, op="*"){

##   if (!is.array(tab1)) {stop("'tab1' is not an array")}
##   if (!is.array(tab2)) {stop("'tab2' is not an array")}

##   di1 <- dim(tab1)
##   di2 <- dim(tab2)
##   dn1 <- dimnames(tab1)
##   dn2 <- dimnames(tab2)
##   vn1 <- names(dn1)
##   vn2 <- names(dn2)

##   idx <- match(vn2, vn1)    ## location of variables in vn2 in vn1:
##   idx.na <- is.na(idx)      ## logical of variables in {vn2\vn1}

##   if (any(idx.na)){         ## If there are variables in {vn2 \ vn1}
##     aug.vn <- vn2[idx.na]   ## Find those variables
##     aug.di <- di2[idx.na]   ## - and their levels
##     aug.dn <- dn2[idx.na]   ## - and their dimnames

##     ## Create "augmented" table defined over (vn1, vn2\vn1) by repeating tab1.
##     pot1      <- rep.int(as.numeric(tab1), prod(aug.di))
##     vn.new    <- c(vn1, aug.vn)
##     di.new    <- c(di1, aug.di)
##     dn.new    <- c(dn1, aug.dn)
##     dim(pot1)      <- di.new
##     dimnames(pot1) <- dn.new
##   } else {
##     pot1   <- tab1
##     vn.new <- vn1
##     di.new <- di1
##     dn.new <- dn1
##   }

##   ## Find indices of vn2 in augmented table (vn1, vn2\vn1)
##   vn2.idx    <- match(vn2, vn.new)
##   ## Create perumation indices; first variables in vn2; then vn1\vn2
##   perm  <-  c(vn2.idx, (1:length(vn.new))[-vn2.idx])

##   if (op == "*") {
##     pot1 <- as.numeric(aperm.default(pot1, perm, TRUE)) * as.numeric(tab2)
##   }
##   else {
##     pot1 <- as.numeric(aperm.default(pot1, perm, TRUE)) / as.numeric(tab2)
##     pot1[!is.finite(pot1)] <- 0
##   }
##   dim(pot1)      <- di.new[perm]
##   dimnames(pot1) <- dn.new[perm]

##   pot1
## }

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