Gene: The representation of a gene in a chromosome for genetic...

Description Usage Arguments Class Fields and Methods Author(s) References See Also Examples


Represents the behaviour of a gene in a chromosome for the genetic algorithm. The default properties are supposed to be used in the variable selection problem for microarray data. However, they can be used for any other problem. In addition, any other wanted variable can be added.

See references for Genetic Algorithms.


Gene(id=0, shape1=0, shape2=0, generateFunc=runifInt, ...)



To identify the object.


Parameter for a distribution. Used to generate a random value for a gene (mean, minimum, alfa, etc).


Parameter for a distribution. Used to generate a random value for a gene (sd, maximum, beta, etc).


Function that generate a random value for a gene using the above shape parameters. This function would be used to get an initial value and to mutate a gene. The default is a random uniform integer with shape1 as minimum and shape2 as maximum (either inclusive). The parameters used in the call are object, n, shape1, and shape2. The random value generated is not saved. If future values depends on the previous, you must save it explicitly in the object.


Other user named values to include in the object.


Package: galgo
Class Gene


Directly known subclasses:

public static class Gene
extends Object

Fields and Methods


as.double Converts the gene parameters (shape1, shape2) to its numerical representation.
as.matrix Converts the gene parameters (shape1, shape2) to matrix.
generateRandom Generates a random value from the defined function.
mutate Mutates a gene.
newCollection Generates a list of cloned objects.
newRandomCollection Generates a list of cloned objects and random values.
print Prints the representation of a gene object.
reInit Erases all internal values in order to re-use the object.
summary Prints the representation of a gene object.

Methods inherited from Object:
as.list, unObject, $, $<-, [[, [[<-, as.character, attach, clone, detach, equals, extend, finalize, getFields, getInstanciationTime, getStaticInstance, hasField, hashCode, ll, load, objectSize, print, save


Victor Trevino. Francesco Falciani Group. University of Birmingham, U.K.


Goldberg, David E. 1989 Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning. Addison-Wesley Pub. Co. ISBN: 0201157675

See Also

Chromosome. Niche. World. Galgo. BigBang. runifInt.


  ge <- Gene(shape1=1, shape2=100)

galgo documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:20 a.m.