# new function to fit different distributions
# Authors Mikis Stasinopoulos and Vlasios Voudouris
# i) should allow for multiple k (OK)
# ii) need paralell programing (Partly Ok it works
# but I am not sure what happends when use widows)
# iii) cat() can be better (OK) but it does not works for parallel
# vi) output should be a matrix (OK)) with some functionality (see odrered function)
# v) create new list for fitting all possible distribution with different
# parametrizations (OK)
# this grouping was checked on the 27-4-18
# the grouping of distributions
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------# this
# Group of distribution with interval ranging from -infinity to +infinity
.realline <- c( "NO", "GU", "RG" ,"LO", "NET", # 2 par
"TF", "TF2", "PE","PE2", "SN1", "SN2", "exGAUS", # 3 par
"SHASH", "SHASHo","SHASHo2", # 4 par
"EGB2", "JSU", "JSUo", # 4 par
"SEP1", "SEP2", "SEP3", "SEP4", # 4 par
"ST1", "ST2", "ST3", "ST4", "ST5", "SST", # 4 par
# Group of distribution with interval ranging from 0 to +infinity
.realplus <- c( "EXP", # 1 par
"GA","IG","LOGNO", "LOGNO2","WEI", "WEI2", "WEI3", "IGAMMA",
"PARETO2", "PARETO2o", "GP", # 2 par
"BCCG", "BCCGo", "exGAUS", "GG", "GIG", "LNO", # 3 par
"BCTo", "BCT", "BCPEo", "BCPE", "GB2") # 4 par
# Group of distribution with interval ranging from 0 to 1
.real0to1 <- c("BE", "BEo", # 2 par
"BEINF0", "BEINF1", "LOGITNO", "SIMPLEX", #2 par
"BEOI", "BEZI", # 3 par
"BEINF", # 4 par
"GB1") # par
# Group of distribution with interval ranging from -infinity to +infinity (.realline) or 0 to +infinity (.realplus)
.realAll <- union(.realline, .realplus)
# .realAllALL <- c( "EXP", # 1 par
# "GA","IG","LOGNO", "LOGNO2", "WEI", "WEI2", "WEI3", "IGAMMA",
# "PARETO2", "PARETO2o", "GP", # 2 par
# "BCCG", "BCCGo", "GG", "GIG", "LNO", # 3 par
# "BCTo", "BCT", "BCPEo", "BCPE", "GB2",
# "NO","GU", "RG" ,"LO", "NET", # 2 par
# "TF", "TF2", "PE", "PE2", "SN1", "SN2", "exGAUS", # 3 par
# "SHASH", "SHASHo","SHASHo2", "EGB2", "JSU", "JSUo",
# "SEP", "SEP1", "SEP2", "SEP3", "SEP4", "SEP", # 4 par
# "ST1", "ST2", "ST3", "ST3C", "ST4", "ST5", "SST", "GT") # 4 par
# Group of distribution for counting
.counts <- c("PO", "GEOM", "GEOMo","LG", "YULE", "ZIPF", # 1 par
"WARING", "GPO", "DPO", "BNB", "NBF", #
"NBI", "NBII", "PIG", "ZIP","ZIP2", "ZAP", "ZALG", # 2 par
# Binomial group of distributions
.binom <- c("BI", # 1 par
"BB", "DBI", "ZIBI", "ZABI", # 2 par
chooseDist <- function(object,
k = c(2, 3.84, round(log(length(object$y)),2)), # for the AIC
type = c("realAll", "realline", "realplus","real0to1","counts", "binom", "extra" ),
extra = NULL, # for extra distributions to include
trace = FALSE,
parallel = c("no", "multicore", "snow"), #
ncpus = 1L, #integer: number of processes to be used in parallel operation: typically one would chose this to the number of available CPUs
cl = NULL, # An optional parallel or snow cluster for use if parallel = "snow". If not supplied, a cluster on the local machine is created for the duration of the boot call.
## get the type of distribution
type <- match.arg(type)
DIST <- switch(type, "realAll"= .realAll,
"realline"= .realline,
"realplus"= .realplus,
"real0to1"= .real0to1,
"counts"= .counts,
"binom"= .binom,
"extra"= extra)
if (type=="extra"&&is.null(extra)) stop("extra is not set")
if (!is.null(extra)) DIST <- unique(c(DIST, extra))
m0 <- object
klength <- length(k)
AiC <- rep(NA, klength) #matrix(NA, nrow=length(DIST), ncol= klength, dimnames=list(DIST, as.character(k)))
#--------------- PARALLEL-------------------------------------------------------
#----------------SET UP PART----------------------------------------------------
parallel <- match.arg(parallel)
have_mc <- have_snow <- FALSE
if (parallel != "no" && ncpus > 1L)
if (parallel == "multicore")
have_mc <- .Platform$OS.type != "windows"
else if (parallel == "snow")
have_snow <- TRUE
if (!have_mc && !have_snow)
ncpus <- 1L
# -------------- finish parallel------------------------------------------------
# define the function
fun <- function(dist,...)
m1 <- try(update(object,family=dist, trace=FALSE,...), silent=TRUE)
if (any(class(m1)%in%"try-error"))
m1 <- try(update(object,family=dist, trace=FALSE, ...), silent=TRUE)
for (j in 1:klength) AiC[j] <- AIC(m1, k=k[j])
if (trace) cat(dist, "\n",AiC, "\n")
c(AiC) # autput of the function
# -------- parallel --------------------------------------------
MM <- if (ncpus > 1L && (have_mc || have_snow))
if (have_mc)
{# sapply(scope, fn)
matrix(unlist(parallel::mclapply(DIST, fun, mc.cores = ncpus)),
ncol=klength, byrow = T, dimnames = list(DIST, as.character(k)) )
else if (have_snow)
if (is.null(cl))
{ # make the cluster
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(rep("localhost", ncpus))
clusterEvalQ(cl,pacman::p_load(gamlss)) = paste0(object$call$data)
clusterExport(cl, c(ls(envir = .GlobalEnv),
} else cl <- parallel::makeForkCluster(ncpus)
if (RNGkind()[1L] == "L'Ecuyer-CMRG")
res <- matrix(unlist((parallel::parLapply(cl, DIST, fun))),
ncol=klength, byrow = T,
dimnames = list(DIST, as.character(k)))
else parallel::parLapply(cl, DIST, fun)# use existing cluster
}# end parallel -----
else matrix(sapply(DIST, fun, ...), ncol=klength, byrow = T,
dimnames = list(DIST, as.character(k)))
for (i in 1:length(k)) cat("minimum GAIC(k=",k[i],") family:",
names(which.min(MM[,i])), "\n")
getOrder <- function(obj, column=1)
if (!is.matrix(obj)) stop("the object should be a matrix")
out <- obj[,column][order(obj[,column])]
name <- colnames(obj)[column]
cat("GAIG with k=", name, "\n" )
# chooseDistPred <- function(object,
# newdata = NULL,
# rand = NULL,
# type = c("realAll", "realline", "realplus","real0to1","counts", "binom", "extra" ),
# extra = NULL, # for extra distributions to include
# trace = FALSE, ...)
# {
# ## get the type of distribution
# newData <- if(is.null(newdata)) FALSE else TRUE
# type <- match.arg(type)
# if (is.null(rand)&&is.null(newdata)) stop("rand or newdata should be set")
# if (!is.null(rand)&&!is.null(newdata)) stop("only rand or newdata should be set NOT both")
# DIST <- switch(type, "realAll"=.realAll,
# "realline"=.realline,
# "realplus"=.realplus,
# "real0to1"=.real0to1,
# "counts"=.counts,
# "binom"=.binom,
# "extra"=extra)
# if (type=="extra"&&is.null(extra)) stop("extra is not set")
# if (!is.null(extra)) DIST <- unique(c(DIST, extra))
# ##
# m0 <- object
# tgd0 <- getTGD(m0, newdata=newdata)
# AiC <- NA #matrix(NA, nrow=length(DIST), ncol= klength, dimnames=list(DIST, as.character(k)))
# # define the function
# fun <- function(dist)
# {
# m1 <- try(update(object,family=dist, trace=FALSE,...), silent=TRUE)
# if (any(class(m1)%in%"try-error"))
# {
# aic <- NA
# }
# else
# {
# tgd1 <- getTGD(m1, newdata=newdata)
# if (trace) cat(dist, "\n", tgd1$TGD, "\n")
# aic <- tgd1$TGD
# if (TGD(tgd1) < TGD(tgd0))
# {
# m0 <<- m1 # saving the best model according to k[]
# }
# }
# aic # autput of the function
# }
# #----------------------------------------------------------------
# # should be parallise
# MM <- sapply(DIST, fun)
# #----------------------------------------------------------------
# ## save it in the final model
# m0$TGD <- MM[order(MM)]
# #----------------------------------------------------------------
# #----------------------------------------------------------------
# return(m0)
# }
# #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
chooseDistPred <- function(object,
type = c("realAll", "realline", "realplus","real0to1","counts", "binom", "extra" ),
extra = NULL, # for extra distributions to include
trace = FALSE,
parallel = c("no", "multicore", "snow"), #
ncpus = 1L, #integer: number of processes to be used in parallel operation: typically one would chose this to the number of available CPUs
cl = NULL, # An optional parallel or snow cluster for use if parallel = "snow". If not supplied, a cluster on t
newdata = NULL,
rand = NULL,
## get the type of distribution
newData <- if(is.null(newdata)) FALSE else TRUE
type <- match.arg(type)
if (is.null(rand)&&is.null(newdata)) stop("rand or newdata should be set")
if (!is.null(rand)&&!is.null(newdata)) stop("only rand or newdata should be set NOT both")
DIST <- switch(type, "realAll"=.realAll,
"extra"= extra)
if (type=="extra"&&is.null(extra)) stop("extra is not set")
if (!is.null(extra)) DIST <- unique(c(DIST, extra))
m0 <- object
tgd0 <- getTGD(m0, newdata=newdata)
AiC <- rep(NA, 1)
#--------------- PARALLEL-------------------------------------------------------
#----------------SET UP PART----------------------------------------------------
parallel <- match.arg(parallel)
have_mc <- have_snow <- FALSE
if (parallel != "no" && ncpus > 1L)
if (parallel == "multicore")
have_mc <- .Platform$OS.type != "windows"
else if (parallel == "snow")
have_snow <- TRUE
if (!have_mc && !have_snow)
ncpus <- 1L
# -------------- finish parallel------------------------------------------------
# define the function
fun <- function(dist)
m1 <- try(update(object,family=dist, trace=FALSE,...), silent=TRUE)
if (any(class(m1)%in%"try-error"))
m1 <- try(update(object,family=dist, trace=FALSE, ...), silent=TRUE)
tgd1 <- getTGD(m1, newdata=newdata)
if (trace) cat(dist, "\n", tgd1$TGD, "\n")
AiC <- tgd1$TGD
# if (TGD(tgd1) < TGD(tgd0))
# {
# m0 <<- m1 # saving the best model according to k[]
# }
c(AiC) # autput of the function
# -------- parallel --------------------------------------------
MM <- if (ncpus > 1L && (have_mc || have_snow))
if (have_mc)
{# sapply(scope, fn)
unlist(parallel::mclapply(DIST, fun, mc.cores = ncpus))
else if (have_snow)
if (is.null(cl))
{ # make the cluster
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(rep("localhost", ncpus))
clusterEvalQ(cl,pacman::p_load(gamlss)) = paste0(object$call$data)
clusterExport(cl, c(ls(envir = .GlobalEnv),
} else cl <- parallel::makeForkCluster(ncpus)
if (RNGkind()[1L] == "L'Ecuyer-CMRG")
res <- unlist((parallel::parLapply(cl, DIST, fun)))
else parallel::parLapply(cl, DIST, fun)# use existing cluster
}# end parallel -----
else sapply(DIST, fun)
names(MM) <- DIST
## save it in the final model
#m0$TGD <- MM[order(MM)]
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