
Defines functions pfc

Documented in pfc

#' Probability of familial clustering of disease
#' @param famdata collective information of sib size, number of affected sibs and their frequencies.
#' @param enum a switch taking value 1 if all possible tables are to be enumerated.
#' @details
#' To calculate exact probability of familial clustering of disease
#' @export
#' @return
#' The returned value is a list containing (tailp,sump,nenum are only available if enum=1:
#' - p the probabitly of familial clustering.
#' - stat the deviances, chi-squares based on binomial and hypergeometric distributions, 
#'  the degrees of freedom should take into account the number of marginals used.
#' - tailp the exact statistical significance.
#' - sump sum of the probabilities used for error checking.
#' - nenum the total number of tables enumerated.
#' @references
#' \insertRef{yu01}{gap}
#' \insertRef{yu02}{gap}
#' @seealso [`kin.morgan`]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # IPF among 203 siblings of 100 COPD patients from Liang KY, SL Zeger,
#' # Qaquish B. Multivariate regression analyses for categorical data
#' # (with discussion). J Roy Stat Soc B 1992, 54:3-40
#' # the degrees of freedom is 15
#' famtest<-c(
#' 1, 0, 36,
#' 1, 1, 12,
#' 2, 0, 15,
#' 2, 1,  7,
#' 2, 2,  1,
#' 3, 0,  5,
#' 3, 1,  7,
#' 3, 2,  3,
#' 3, 3,  2,
#' 4, 0,  3,
#' 4, 1,  3,
#' 4, 2,  1,
#' 6, 0,  1,
#' 6, 2,  1,
#' 6, 3,  1,
#' 6, 4,  1,
#' 6, 6,  1)
#' test<-t(matrix(famtest,nrow=3))
#' famp<-pfc(test)
#' }
#' @author Dani Zelterman, Jing Hua Zhao
#' @note Adapted from family.for by Dani Zelterman, 25/7/03
#' @keywords models

pfc <- function(famdata,enum=0)
  cat("Family frequency data read in:\n")
  for(i in 1:famsize)
     cat(famdata[i,1], "\t", famdata[i,2], "\t", famdata[i,3], "\n")
  cat("Probability of this table: ",z$pobs,"\n")
  if(enum==0) list(p=z$p,stat=z$stat[1:5])
  else list(p=z$p,stat=z$stat[1:5],tailp=z$tailp,sump=z$sump,nenum=z$nenum)

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