
## ----echo=FALSE, include=FALSE----------------------------------------------------------
options(width = 90, prompt="> ")
knit_hooks$set(fig.mar=function() par(mar=c(5.1,4.1,3.1,2.1)))
opts_chunk$set(out.width='0.4\\textwidth', fig.align='center', highlight=TRUE, comment=NA, fig.height=6, fig.width=6)

## ----prompton, echo=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------
opts_chunk$set(prompt=TRUE, continue = " ");

## ----promptoff, echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
opts_chunk$set(prompt=FALSE, continue=" ");

## ----echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------------------
opts_chunk$set(prompt=TRUE, continue = " ");

## ----desc, include=FALSE, echo=FALSE----------------------------------------------------
desc <- packageDescription("gaston")

## ----eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  data(AGT)
#  x <- as.bed.matrix(AGT.gen, AGT.fam, AGT.bim)
#  # Compute LD
#  ld.x <- LD(x, c(1,ncol(x)))
#  # a color scheme
#  cs <- function(ld) rgb(1, 1 - abs(ld), 1 - abs(ld))
#  # opening pdf file
#  pdf("example-plot.pdf", width = 6, height = 4)
#  # a layout to divide the plot in two
#  layout( matrix(1:2, nrow = 1), widths = c(8,1) )
#  # plotting the LD
#  LD.plot( ld.x[1:20,1:20], snp.positions = x@snps$pos[1:20],
#           polygon.par = list(border = 1, lwd = .4), color.scheme = cs,
#           write.ld = NULL )
#  # plotting the colour scale
#  m <- 0.2 # margin
#  par(usr = c(-m, 2+m, -m, 1+m))
#  s <- 0.1
#  S <- seq(0, 1-s, by = s)
#  for(i in S) {
#    polygon( c(0,0,1,1), c(i,i+s,i+s,i), col = cs(i+s), border = cs(i+s) )
#    text(1.5, i + s/2, labels = sprintf("%.1f", i + s), cex = 0.5)
#  }
#  # closing pdf file

## ----fig.mar=TRUE, fig.width=14, fig.height = 7, out.width='0.55\\textwidth'------------
x <- as.bed.matrix(AGT.gen, AGT.fam, AGT.bim)
standardize(x) <- "p"  # needed for matrix product below

K <- GRM(x)
# SNP effects, drown in a normal distribution
u <- rnorm( ncol(x), sd = sqrt(1/ncol(x)) ); 
# Simulated phenotype 
y <- (x %*% u) + rnorm( nrow(x) , sd = 0.7)
# fiting the linear model (note: above simulation is 
# done with tau = sigma2 = 1)
fit <- lmm.diago(y, eigenK = eigen(K), verbose=FALSE )
# retrieving BLUPs for u
BLUP_u <- fit$tau * as.vector(fit$Py %*% x) / (ncol(x) - 1)
# comparison with true effect values
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
plot(u, BLUP_u)
abline(0, 1, col = "red", lty = 3)
# these values allow to recompute the BLUP of omega
plot(x %*% BLUP_u, fit$BLUP_omega)
abline(0, 1, col = "red", lty = 3)

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
x <- as.bed.matrix(matrix( rbinom(1000*5, 2, 0.5), ncol = 5))
x@snps$chr <- 1  # needed to compute the GRM

## ----fig.mar=TRUE, fig.width=7, fig.height = 7, out.width='0.55\\textwidth'-------------
x <- as.bed.matrix(AGT.gen, AGT.fam, AGT.bim)
standardize(x) <- "p" 
p <-x@p # save the frequency of alleles A2

u <- rnorm( ncol(x), sd = sqrt(1/ncol(x)) );
y <- (x %*% u) + rnorm( nrow(x) , sd = 0.7)
# training set : 403 first individuals <- 1:403 <- x[, ] <- p # use allele frequencies computed on whole sample <- GRM( <- y[]
fit <- lmm.diago(, eigenK = eigen(, verbose = FALSE)
BLUP_u <- fit$tau * as.vector(fit$Py %*% / (ncol( - 1)
# prediction on remaining individuals
x1 <- x[,]
x1@p <- p # use same allele frequenciesa
# predicted values for y
BLUP_y <- x1 %*% BLUP_u
# compare with simulated value
plot(BLUP_y, y[])
abline(0, 1, col = "red", lty = 3)

## ----fig.mar=TRUE, fig.width=7, fig.height = 7, out.width='0.55\\textwidth'-------------
K <- GRM(x)
BLUP_y1 <- fit$tau * K[, ] %*% fit$Py
plot(BLUP_y, y[])
abline(0, 1, col = "red", lty = 3)

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
x <- as.bed.matrix(AGT.gen, AGT.fam, AGT.bim)
standardize(x) <- "p"  # needed for matrix product below

K <- GRM(x)
# SNP effects, drown in a normal distribution
u <- rnorm( ncol(x), sd = sqrt(1/ncol(x)) ); 
# Simulated phenotype 
y <- (x %*% u) + rnorm( nrow(x) , sd = 0.7)

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# fiting the linear model (note: above simulation is 
# done with tau = sigma2 = 1)
fit <- lmm.diago(y, eigenK = eigen(K), verbose=FALSE )

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gaston documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:33 a.m.