
Defines functions ReadGem Lines2Matrix unwrap

Documented in ReadGem

ReadGem = function(nums = 0:9999, path = '/media/jake/SD/', alloutput = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, requireGPS = FALSE){
    preamble_length = 4

    ## find the relevant files
    fn = list.files(path, '^FILE.*TXT$')
    sn = paste('000', nums, sep = '') 
    sn = substr(sn, nchar(sn) - 3, nchar(sn)) # sn elements are zero-padded numbers 0-9999
    fn = fn[fn %in% paste('FILE', sn, '.TXT', sep = '')]
    fn = paste(path, fn, sep = '/')

    ## set up output list
#    OUTPUT = list(t = .POSIXct(character()), p = numeric(), header = list(), metadata = list(), gps = list()) # that's how you make an empty POSIXct...
    empty_time = Sys.time()[-1]
    OUTPUT = list(t = empty_time, p = numeric(), header = list(), metadata = list(), gps = list())
    ## loop through files, processing each individually and appending to OUTPUT
    for(i in 1:length(fn)){
        if(verbose) print(paste('File', i, 'of', length(fn), ':', fn[i]))
        L = list()
        R = readLines(fn[i])
        # check whether file is empty; skip if necessary
        if(length(R) == 0){
            warning(paste('Skipping empty file', fn[i]))
        body = R[(preamble_length+2):length(R)]
        linetype = substr(body, 1, 1)
        wg = which(linetype == 'G')
        if(length(wg) == 0 && requireGPS){
            warning(paste('Metadata only for file with no GPS', fn[i]))
        wm = which(linetype == 'M')
        wd = which(linetype == 'D')

        # if we don't have any data, skip the file
        if(length(wd) == 0){

        L$SN = substr(R[preamble_length+1], 3, 6) # read the serial number
## Make data matrix
        if(!(requireGPS && length(wg) == 0)){
            L$d = Lines2Matrix(body[wd], 3) # custom function defined below
            if(length(attr(L$d, 'na.values')) > 0){
                warning('Skipping ', length(attr(L$d, 'na.values')), ' corrupt data lines in file ', fn[i], ': could cause timing errors')
                wd = wd[-attr(L$d, 'na.values')]
            L$d = as.data.frame(L$d); names(L$d) = c('millis', 'pressure', 'millisLag')
            ## Make GPS matrix if data are available
            if(length(wg) > 0){ # only do this if there are GPS lines to draw from
                L$g = Lines2Matrix(body[wg], 10)
                if(length(attr(L$g, 'na.values')) > 0){
                    warning('Skipping ', length(attr(L$g, 'na.values')), ' corrupt GPS lines in file ', fn[i], ': could cause timing errors')
                    wg = wg[-attr(L$g, 'na.values')]
                L$g = as.data.frame(L$g); names(L$g) = c('millis', 'millisLag', 'yr', 'mo', 'day', 'hr', 'min', 'sec', 'lat', 'lon')
                                        #            L$g$sec = L$g$sec - 1 # this is really ugly but necessary: the Gem firmware assumes the PPS refers to the following string.  tests with the datacube reveal it actually refers to the preceding string. ### UNSURE ABOUT THIS.  WHICH IS IT?!  Reventador work disagrees.
                L$g$td = getjul(L$g$yr, L$g$mo, L$g$day) + L$g$hr/24 + L$g$min/1440 + L$g$sec/86400
                L$g$tf = 0 + strptime(paste(paste(L$g$yr, L$g$mo, L$g$day, sep = '-'), paste(L$g$hr, L$g$min, L$g$sec, sep=':')), format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS', tz = 'GMT') # %OS allows fractional seconds.  tz='GMT' is their format for UTC. 0 is to force it to be in format POSIXct (which works with lm() ) instead of POSIXlt

        ## Make metadata matrix if data are available
        if(length(wm) > 0){ # only do this if there are metadata lines to draw from
            L$m = Lines2Matrix(body[wm], 10)
            if(length(attr(L$m, 'na.values')) > 0){
                warning('Skipping ', length(attr(L$m, 'na.values')), ' corrupt metadata lines in file ', fn[i], ': could cause timing errors')
                wm = wm[-attr(L$m, 'na.values')]
            L$m = as.data.frame(L$m); names(L$m) = c('millis', 'batt', 'temp', 'maxWriteTime', 'minFifoFree', 'maxFifoUsed', 'maxOverruns', 'gpsOnFlag', 'unusedStack1', 'unusedStackIdle')
            L$m$t = NaN + L$m$batt

        if(!(requireGPS && length(wg)==0)){
            ## Make the millis vector
#            millis = 0*1:(length(wd)+length(wg)+length(wm))
	    millis = 0*1:length(body)
            millis[wd] = L$d$millis
            if(length(wg) > 0){
                millis[wg] = L$g$millis
            if(length(wm) > 0){ 
                millis[wm] = L$m$millis

	    ## set millis that are not data, metadata, or gps (e.g., raw gps lines for debugging)
	    wn = which(!((1:length(millis)) %in% c(wd, wm, wg)))
	    if(length(wn) > 0){
	      millis[wn] = millis[wn-1] # set these millis equal to the one previous, to avoid any timing errors

            ## Fix the millis counts: they're currently saved as 16-bit unsigned integers and need to be unwrapped.  To do this, make a big millis vector so that every millis is in the proper context, unwrap them, then insert them back into the list elements.
            millis_unwrap = unwrap(millis, 2^16)

            ## replace data millis
            L$d$millis = millis_unwrap[wd]

            ## replace GPS millis
            if(length(wg) > 0){
                L$g$millis = millis_unwrap[wg]

            ## replace metadata millis
            if(length(wm) > 0){
                L$m$millis = millis_unwrap[wm]
            ## Timekeeping: since we now have frequent GPS strings, relate true time to millis
            if(length(wg) > 1){ # Only do this if GPS strings are available

                ## first: detect errors in GPS strings
#                browser()
                n = length(L$g$tf)
                time_min = 0+strptime('1776-07-04 00:00:00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', 'GMT') # happy birthday, america
                time_max = 0+strptime('9999-12-31 23:59:59', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', 'GMT') # the real end of the world, for timekeeping
                wna = (L$g$yr == 2000 | L$g$sec != round(L$g$sec) | L$g$lat == 0 | L$g$millisLag > 1000 | L$g$yr > 2025 | L$g$yr < 2014 | L$g$mo > 12 | L$g$day > 31 | L$g$hr > 23 | L$g$min > 59 | L$g$sec > 60 | L$g$tf[1:n] > c(L$g$tf[2:n],time_max) | L$g$tf[1:n] < c(time_min, L$g$tf[1:(n-1)]) ) # lines where the year is 2000 generally have bad year/month/date and bad lat/lon.  time might be ok but might as well just toss it for now to be safe.  I suspect timing errors are high for L$g$sec with non-integer values. ## eliminate L$g$td[1:n] > c(L$g$td[2:n],Inf) | L$g$td[1:n] < c(-Inf, L$g$td[1:(n-1)])  because of new year possibility
		wna = wna & !is.na(wna)
#                wgood = !(L$g$yr == 2000| L$g$sec != round(L$g$sec) | L$g$lat == 0|  L$g$millisLag > 1000 | L$g$yr > 2025 | L$g$mo > 12 | L$g$day > 31 | L$g$hr > 24 | L$g$min > 60 | L$g$sec > 60) # again, cut L$g$td[1:n] > c(L$g$td[2:n], Inf) | L$g$td[1:n] < c(-Inf, L$g$td[1:(n-1)])
                wgood = !wna

#                browser()

                ### check for new year
                wgood_ind = which(wgood)
                wgood0 = wgood_ind[2:length(wgood_ind)-1]
                wgood1 = wgood_ind[2:length(wgood_ind)]
                wny = which(L$g$yr[wgood0] == (L$g$yr[wgood1] - 1) & L$g$mo[wgood0] == 12 & L$g$mo[wgood1] == 1 & L$g$day[wgood0] == 31 & L$g$day[wgood1] == 1 & L$g$hr[wgood0] == 23 & L$g$hr[wgood1] == 0) # wny is the last point in the old year
                if(length(wny) == 1){ # happy new year
                    wchange = wgood_ind[(wny+1):length(wgood_ind)]
                    L$g$td[wchange] = L$g$td[wchange] + floor(L$g$td[wny]) - floor(L$g$td[wny+1]) + 1 # change the integer part of the date to be the day following the starting day
                }else if(length(wny) > 1){ # this would be a problem
                    warning(paste('Multiple new years detected in', fn[i]))
                ### outliers can be a problem in the next step, so weed them out here.  Outlying residuals are 3*sigma.  Toss them and recalculate.  Do it here in case we lose all the data somehow (probably not possible, but be safe)!
                if(sum(wgood) > 1){
                    l = lm(L$g$tf[wgood] ~ L$g$millis[wgood])
                    l$residuals = as.numeric(l$residuals)
                while(any(abs(l$residuals) > 3*sd(l$residuals)) && sum(wgood) > 1){
#                    print(which(abs(l$residuals) > 3*sd(l$residuals)))
                    wgood[which(wgood)[abs(l$residuals) > 3*sd(l$residuals)]] = FALSE
                    wna = !wgood
                    l = lm(L$g$tf[wgood] ~ L$g$millis[wgood])
                    l$residuals = as.numeric(l$residuals)
                ## replace bad GPS data with NaN
                    L$g[wna,3:11] = NaN
                    wg = wg[wgood]
                    L$g = L$g[wgood,]
            ## calculate clock drift with best fit line, using corrected L$g (bad values removed)
                l = lm(L$g$tf ~ L$g$millis)
                l$residuals = as.numeric(l$residuals)
                timecorrected = c(empty_time, l$coefficients[1] + millis_unwrap * l$coefficients[2]) # empty time is to make it the POSIXct class
                L$g$t = timecorrected[wg]
                L$d$t = timecorrected[wd]
                if(length(wm) > 0){
                    L$m$t = timecorrected[wm]
            }else{ ## No GPS data available, so set "true times" as NaN
                if(length(wm) > 0){
                    L$m$t = L$m$millis + NaN
                L$d$t = L$d$millis + NaN
        ## error-checking: give a warning if any samples are missed or delays too long [NO LONGER USED--DELETE EVENTUALLY]
#        samplediffs = abs(((diff(L$d$sampIndex) + 64) %% 128)-64) > 1
#        if(any(samplediffs > 1)){
#            warning('File', fn[i], ': ', sum(samplediffs > 1), ' missing samples')
#        }

            ## check for wrong sample intervals (0.0025 s errors)
            sampledelayerrors = abs((diff(L$d$t) - 0.01))
            if(any(sampledelayerrors > 0.0025, na.rm = TRUE)){
                warning('File ', fn[i], ': ', sum(sampledelayerrors > 0.0025), ' samples with time errors > 0.0025 s; max time error ', max(sampledelayerrors))
        ## append all the data from the current file to the output list
        OUTPUT$t = c(OUTPUT$t, L$d$t)
        OUTPUT$p = c(OUTPUT$p, L$d$pressure)

        ## append metadata if present
        if(length(wm) > 0){
            OUTPUT$metadata = rbind(OUTPUT$metadata, L$m)

        ## append GPS data if present
        if(length(wg) > 1){
          OUTPUT$gps = rbind(OUTPUT$gps, as.data.frame(cbind(year = L$g$yr, date = L$g$td, lat = L$g$lat, lon = L$g$lon))[!wna,])

        ## append header info: each item is a vector with each element corresponding to a file
        OUTPUT$header$file[i] = fn[i] # file name
        OUTPUT$header$SN[i] = L$SN # serial number
        if(!(requireGPS && length(wg) == 0)){
            OUTPUT$header$lat[i] = mean(L$g$lat, na.rm=TRUE) 
            OUTPUT$header$lon[i] = mean(L$g$lon, na.rm = TRUE)
            OUTPUT$header$t1[i] = min(L$d$t) # start time
            OUTPUT$header$t2[i] = max(L$d$t) # end time
        }else{ # if no gps data, don't attempt to include time/location in header
            OUTPUT$header$lat[i] = NaN
            OUTPUT$header$lon[i] = NaN
            OUTPUT$header$t1[i] = NaN
            OUTPUT$header$t2[i] = NaN

        ## return all output if wanted
            OUTPUT$header$alloutput[[i]] = L

        ## warn the user if there's no GPS data (common if recorded inside)
        if(!requireGPS && length(wg) == 0){
            warning('File ', fn[i], ': No timing/location info available from GPS')

        ## warn the user if there's no metadata (rare--should only happen for very short files < 10 s)
        if(length(wm) == 0){
            warning('File ', fn[i], ': No metadata available')
        print(c(length(L$d$t), length(L$d$pressure)))
        ## done with current file; move on to the next
#    OUTPUT$t = as.POSIXct(OUTPUT$t)
    ## return the output

Lines2Matrix = function(x, n){
    ## function to read a series of lines as strings and parse them
    ## ensures that line separations are preserved in case a line is corrupted
    ## if any parts of a line are NaN, the whole thing is suspect so make it all NaN
    NaNcheck = function(x){ # NaNcheck scans a vector of numbers, checks for NaNs, and if any NaNs exist, make everything NaN.  otherwise, return the line.
        q = as.numeric(x[1 + 1:n])
        if(any(is.na(q))) rep(NaN, n) else q
    y = t(sapply(strsplit(x, ','), NaNcheck)) # split the string by commas and check for NaNs
    w = is.na(y[,1])
    y = y[!w,]
    if(length(y) == n) y = matrix(y, 1, n) # necessary when only 1 metadata line exists
    attr(y, 'na.values') = which(w)

unwrap = function(x, m){
    cumsum(c(x[1], (((diff(x)+m/2) %% m)-m/2)))

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gem documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:45 p.m.