Introduction to genBaRcode


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Table of Contents

[1. genBaRcode Package][]

[2. Barcode Extraction][]

\hspace{0.5cm} [2.1 Parallelization][]

\hspace{0.5cm} [2.2 Manipulating the BCdat data type][]

\hspace{0.5cm} [2.3 Reading and Converting other data formats][]

[3. Error Correction][]

\hspace{0.5cm} [3.1 Error Correction Approaches][]

\hspace{1cm} [3.1.1 Standard][]

\hspace{1cm} [3.1.2 Graph based][]

\hspace{1cm} [3.1.3 Connectivity based][]

\hspace{1cm} [3.1.4 Clustering][]

[4. Visualizations][]

\hspace{0.5cm} [4.1 Fastq Quality Plots][]

\hspace{0.5cm} [4.2 Plotting Barcode Frequencies][]

\hspace{0.5cm} [4.3 Plotting Barcode Relations][]

\hspace{0.5cm} [4.4 Plotting Error Correction Results][]

[5. Generating and plotting Time Series Data][]

[6. genBaRcode Shiny-App][]

[7. Miscellaneous Functions][]


1. genBaRcode Package

The genBaRcode package is intended to be a comprehensive toolbox for the analysis of genetic barcode data after next generation sequencing (NGS). It combines the necessary functionalities needed for data extraction, analysis and error-correction, in combination with a variety of visualizations. Furthermore, there is an ancillary shiny-app available which provides a graphical user interface for all the basic functions in order to also make the package usable for less programming experienced users.

Since the CRAN installation routine does not support the automatic installation of Bioconductor packages and if you have not installed the necessary Bioconductor packages already, you have to install the packages Biostrings, ShortRead, S4Vectors and ggtree manually.\newline

  if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) {

  BiocManager::install(c("Biostrings", "ShortRead", "S4Vectors", "ggtree"))

After loading the package with the require("genBaRcode") (or library("genBaRcode")) command, the entire functionality of the package can be accessed.


2. Barcode Extraction

Normally, every analysis starts with an NGS file, in our case a fasta or a fastq file. In order to extract the genetic barcodes present in the respective file, you have to start with the processingRawData() function.\newline


  source_dir <- system.file("extdata", package = "genBaRcode")

  BC_data <- processingRawData(file_name = "test_data.fastq.gz", 
                              source_dir = source_dir, 
                              results_dir = "/my/results/directory/", 
                              mismatch = 0, 
                              label = "test", 
                              bc_backbone = bb, 
                              bc_backbone_label = "BC_1", 
                              min_score = 30, 
                              min_reads = 2, 
                              save_it = FALSE, 
                              seqLogo = FALSE, 
                              cpus = 1, 
                              strategy = "sequential", 
                              full_output = FALSE, 
                              wobble_extraction = TRUE, 
                              dist_measure = "hamming")

First, you have to choose a NGS file (in our case, as already mentioned, a fasta or fastq file) and assign the name to the parameter file_name of the processingRawData() function. Two other essential input parameters are called source_dir and results_dir, here you have to assign a character string describing the path to the chosen file and the path to the directory where you wish to store your results. To make the vignette examples replicable for everybody, we chose the system-specific path to the installation-directory of the package and the included example file, called test_data.fastq.gz. \newline Optionally, you can assign a sample specific label to the parameter named label. This character string will internally be used as data-object label, as directory name for all the result-files created and furthermore as discriminator within the generated file names. Depending on the specific parameter choices, the function will first of all read the declared data file. If the min_score parameter was assigned a numeric value greater than 0, all NGS-reads with an average score smaller than this value will be dismissed. The next step is the extraction of all barcode-carrying sequences. In order to do so you have to either provide one or several barcode-backbone structures or the character string "none" which will lead to a simple clustering of every sequence present in the respective NGS file. The mismatch parameter offers the possibility to define the number of allowed mismatches between the backbone and the matching nucleotides. No atter if only the clustering should be performed or a barcode-backbone was provided, you can also choose between different distance measures (dist_measure) on which the clustering or the backbone matching shall be based on and the mismatch parameter will then be interpreted as the maximal allowed difference between either two sequences in order to be clustered together or between a sequence and the respective backbone. The default method is the Hamming distance (dist_measure = "hamming"), another common choice would be the Levenshtein distance (dist_measure = "lv") but there are also further methods available (type ?'stringdist-metrics' in the R-console for further details).

\pagebreak Since the package is closely related to several different established genetic barcode constructs, there is also a function which offers all those backbone sequences, it’s called getBackboneSelection().\newline


  bb <- getBackboneSelection(1)

  bb <- getBackboneSelection("BC32-eBFP")

The shown example backbones consist of 16 and 32 wobble bases (coded by Ns) interspersed by fixed triplets in a defined order (Cornils et al., Thielecke et al. 2017). \newline As mentioned above, it is also possible to provide more than one backbone at once, therefore we would recommend to also define backbone-specific labels (bc_backbone_label), since those labels will also be part of almost everything related to the analysis of those particular backbones, e.g. the names for the created directories and file (if you provide no label at all a numericlabel will be created automatically). After a barcode-extraction based on the hamming distance, the resulting sequences will have exactly the same length as the corresponding backbone pattern(s), since all flanking sequences will be dismissed. Additionally, if you just want to end up only with the so-called wobble bases (coded by Ns), you have to set the parameter wobble_extraction to TRUE. Furthermore, if you are only interested in barcodes with a certain minimum number of read-counts, you can define such a threshold utilizing the min_reads parameter and all barcodes with less reads will be dismissed.

Within R, the resulting data object will be a S4 data-object of type BCdat which consists of the extracted barcode sequences, their corresponding read counts, the assigned results directory, the used barcode backbone and the assigned label.

Here you can see the resulting data structure, if only one backbone was provided and the wobble_extraction parameter was set to TRUE.\newline

  source_dir <- system.file("extdata", package = "genBaRcode")

  # if no results_dir is provided the source_dir automatically also becomes the results_dir
  BC_data <- processingRawData(file_name = "test_data.fastq.gz", 
                              source_dir = source_dir, 
                              mismatch = 0, 
                              label = "test", 
                              bc_backbone = bb, 
                              bc_backbone_label = "BC_1", 
                              min_score = 30, 
                              min_reads = 2, 
                              save_it = FALSE, 
                              seqLogo = FALSE, 
                              cpus = 1, 
                              strategy = "sequential", 
                              full_output = FALSE, 
                              wobble_extraction = TRUE, 
                              dist_measure = "hamming")
  methods::slot(BC_data, "results_dir") <- "/my/results/dir/"

Here, two backbones are provided and wobble_extraction was set to FALSE. Besides the longer sequences you can see that it will result in a list of BCdat objects.\newline

  # if no results_dir is provided the source_dir automatically also becomes the results_dir
  BC_data_multiple <- processingRawData(file_name = "test_data.fastq.gz", 
                              source_dir = source_dir,
                              mismatch = 0, 
                              label = "test", 
                              bc_backbone = getBackboneSelection(1:2), 
                              bc_backbone_label = c("BC_1", "BC_2"), 
                              min_score = 30, 
                              min_reads = 2, 
                              save_it = FALSE, 
                              seqLogo = FALSE, 
                              cpus = 1, 
                              strategy = "sequential", 
                              full_output = FALSE, 
                              wobble_extraction = FALSE, 
                              dist_measure = "hamming")
  methods::slot(BC_data_multiple[[1]], "results_dir") <- "/my/results/dir/"
  methods::slot(BC_data_multiple[[2]], "results_dir") <- "/my/results/dir/"

Now, you can see that if no backbone but the phrase "none" is provided the wobble_extraction parameter will have no effect. And the mismatch parameter was increased to 4, since this will now define the maximal number of nucleotide differences for the clustering of the raw sequencing reads.\newline

  # if no results_dir is provided the source_dir automatically also becomes the results_dir
  BC_data_2 <- processingRawData(file_name = "test_data.fastq.gz",
                              source_dir = source_dir,
                              mismatch = 4,
                              label = "test",
                              bc_backbone = "none",
                              min_score = 30,
                              min_reads = 2,
                              save_it = FALSE,
                              seqLogo = FALSE,
                              cpus = 1,
                              strategy = "sequential",
                              full_output = FALSE,
                              wobble_extraction = FALSE,
                              dist_measure = "hamming")
  methods::slot(BC_data_2, "results_dir") <- "/my/results/dir/"

If you assign a TRUE to the save_it parameter, the barcode-list will be saved as a csv-file within the stated results directory (results_dir). Additionally, by setting the seqLogo parameter to TRUE, a sequence logo of the entire input file will be generated and also stored in the provided results directory.

2.1 Parallelization

Finally, the function offers a possibility to make the necessary calculations in a parallel fashion. The entire process is based on the R-package future, therefore you have to state the number of available CPUs (cpus) and the appropriate strategy (strategy). The default strategy will be sequential (meaning only one cpu will be used) but also multisession can be chosen (meaning more than one cpu will be used). You can either follow the link or consult the package internal help pages of the future package (by just type ?future::plan() into the R-console) for more detailed informations.

2.2 Manipulating the BCdat data type

In order to allow for an easy workflow and to reduce the likelihood for ambiguity errors, the data type contains all important sample-specific data. The specifically adjusted show() function will provide you with a quick overview of the data set including metadata (number of barcode reads, read count distribution and sequence lengths, an excerpt of the most abundant barcodes, the path to the results directory, the used barcode backbone and the associated label).\newline



The different elements of the data format can easily be accessed via the names of the particular slots.\newline





Also modifying or swapping the slot-specific data is easily possible.\newline

  BC_data <- setReads(BC_data, data.frame(read_count = c(1:5), barcode = letters[1:5]))
  BC_data <- setResultsDir(BC_data, "/my/test/folder/")
  BC_data <- setBackbone(BC_data, "AAANNNNGGG")
  BC_data <- setLabel(BC_data, "new label")

2.3 Reading and Converting other data formats

There is also the possibility to re-analyze already stored barcode-lists via the function readBCdat(). You just have to define the path to the particular file of interest and the corresponding file name. And of course you can also provide a label and a barcode-backbone to complete the stored metadata. And if, for some reason, the stored data file is no standard csv-file with a semi-colon as separator, there is another parameter s which allows to specify the actual field separator.\newline

  BC_data <- readBCdat(path = "/my/test/folder/", 
                       label = "test", 
                       BC_backbone = "AAANNNNCCCC", 
                       file_name = "test.csv", 
                       s = ";")


3. Error Correction

After extracting the barcode-carrying sequences, you can apply the list of detected barcodes to one of the available error-correction approaches. Since all the necessary analysis steps beforehand (like PCR and NGS) are naturally error-prone and therefore susceptible to small changes within the original nucleotide sequences, we recommend to cluster highly similar sequences together. Conveniently, you can use the BCdat object which was already created by the processingRawData() function as input for the errorCorrection() function.\newline

  BC_data_EC <- errorCorrection(BC_dat = BC_data, 
                               maxDist = 4,
                               save_it = FALSE, 
                               cpus = 1,
                               strategy = "sequential", 
                               m = "hamming", 
                               type = "standard",
                               only_EC_BCs = TRUE, 
                               EC_analysis = FALSE, 
                               start_small = TRUE)

Therefore, you have to provide a BCdat data-object (BC_data) and a numeric value (maxDist) specifying the amount of differences tolerated in order to cluster two barcode sequences together. Depending on the choice for m, which defines the distance measure (per default it’s the Hamming distance), the maxDist value defines the maximum number of deviating nucleotides allowed. After we did a sensitivity analysis of the effect of the chosen Hamming-distance threshold and given the initial Hamming distance differences of the type of barcodes we are working with, we decided to use one fourth of the total barcode-length as a conservative Hamming-distance limit. The definition of such a threshold accounts for a successively increasing amount of single-nucleotide mutations due to several applied PCR-cycles, a potential loss of sequences due to the fact that only a part of the PCR-material will finally be sequenced and errors finally introduced by NGS. The exact value of this threshold should be adapted according to the used barcode construct, the number of initially marked cells and the particular complexity of the used barcode-library.\newline Another reasonable choice could be the Levenstein distance (m = "lv") in which case the maxDist value will be interpreted as the maximum number of allowed edit operations. There are also further methods available, since this piece of the function is based on the stringdist R-package. A documentation can easily be found via ?'stringdist-metrics'. All of the available error-correction approaches are based on an interative algorithm, therefore they are hardly parallelizable. Parallel computations are only feasible, if a list of BCdat objects is supplied. The function will then automatically initiate a parallel execution depending on the number of data-äobjects and the cpus available. The resulting data-object will then be a list of BCdat objects (in the same order as the backbone-sequences). Optionally, the final list of corrected barcode sequences can also be saved as a common csv-file (save_it = TRUE) in the previously specified results directory. The parameter type identifies the chosen error-correction approach (see the following section).\newline

3.1 Error Correction Approaches

3.1.1 Standard

The standard error correction refers to, per default, a Hamming-distance based approach. Starting with the least abundant barcode BC_small, the Hamming distances to all other barcodes, in an increasing order of read counts, are calculated. If there is a highly-similar barcode (BC_similar, according to the chosen threshold maxDist and the distance measure m) the read counts of BC_small are added to those of BC_similar and the sequence of BC_small is dismissed. The list of barcodes will be sorted again for read counts after every "merging-event". The error-correction will always be applied starting from the least to the most abundant barcode. If there is more than one highly similar barcode present, the one with the smallest amount of read counts will always be selected first.\newline

  BC_data_EC <- errorCorrection(BC_dat = BC_data, 
                               maxDist = 4,
                               save_it = FALSE, 
                               cpus = 1,
                               strategy = "sequential", 
                               m = "hamming", 
                               type = "standard",
                               only_EC_BCs = TRUE, 
                               EC_analysis = FALSE, 
                               start_small = TRUE)

If, in combination with type = "standard" also the parameter start_small was set to FALSE, the algorithm will now in case of more than one highly similar barcode, select the most abundant one first.\newline

  BC_data_EC <- errorCorrection(BC_dat = BC_data, 
                               maxDist = 4,
                               save_it = FALSE, 
                               cpus = 1,
                               strategy = "sequential", 
                               m = "hamming", 
                               type = "standard",
                               only_EC_BCs = TRUE, 
                               EC_analysis = FALSE, 
                               start_small = FALSE)

3.1.2 Graph based

The graph based error-correction is based on a graph-theoretic approach. Firstly, for each and every barcode the distances to all the other barcodes will be calculated, all distances > maxDist will then be set to zero and all distances =< maxDist will be set to one. Secondly, the resulting matrix serves as an adjacency matrix for which existing connected components can be identified. And finally, all of the member-barcodes of each of those components will then be clustered together, with the most abundant barcode as the respective cluster-label.\newline

  BC_data_EC <- errorCorrection(BC_dat = BC_data, 
                               maxDist = 4,
                               save_it = FALSE, 
                               cpus = 1,
                               strategy = "sequential", 
                               m = "hamming", 
                               type = "graph based",
                               only_EC_BCs = TRUE, 
                               EC_analysis = FALSE, 
                               start_small = FALSE)

3.1.3 Connectivity based

The connectivity based error-correction is very similar to the standard approach but instead of ordering the available barcodes by their read count values and starting the clustering with the least frequent one, it now will be ordered by the amount of highly-similar analogues for each barcode (again depending on the chosen distance measure m and the threshold maxDist). Consequently, the clustering will now start with the barcode possessing the lowest number of highly-similar counterparts.\newline

  BC_data_EC <- errorCorrection(BC_dat = BC_data, 
                               maxDist = 4,
                               save_it = FALSE, 
                               cpus = 1,
                               strategy = "sequential", 
                               m = "hamming", 
                               type = "connectivity based",
                               only_EC_BCs = TRUE, 
                               EC_analysis = FALSE, 
                               start_small = FALSE)

3.1.4 Clustering

The error-correction type called clustering takes the most abundant barcode, then identifies all highly-similar counterparts (again based on the method m and the threshold maxDist), adds up all corresponding read-counts to the most-abundant one and finally dismisses all of those added up barcode sequences. Then, the procedure continues with the second most-abundant barcode until all barcodes are processed.\newline

  BC_data_EC <- errorCorrection(BC_dat = BC_data, 
                               maxDist = 4,
                               save_it = FALSE, 
                               cpus = 1,
                               strategy = "sequential", 
                               m = "hamming", 
                               type = "clustering",
                               only_EC_BCs = TRUE, 
                               EC_analysis = FALSE, 
                               start_small = FALSE)


4. Visualizations

After extracting and preprocessing the barcode sequences, there are a variety of visualizations available.

4.1 Fastq Quality Plots

Besides visualizing the extracted barcodes, their frequencies and sequence similarities, there are also plot-functions for checking the quality of the initial fastq-file. The function plotNucFrequency() allows an overview of the nucleotide frequencies over the entire raw data file.\newline

  s_dir <- system.file("extdata", package = "genBaRcode")

  plotNucFrequency(source_dir = s_dir, file_name = "test_data.fastq.gz")

It is also possible to create a histogram of the mean or median quality-score distribution over all reads within the fastq-file, using the function plotQualityScoreDis().\newline

  plotQualityScoreDis(source_dir = s_dir, file_name = "test_data.fastq.gz", type = "mean")
  plotQualityScoreDis(source_dir = s_dir, file_name = "test_data.fastq.gz", type = "median")


Furthermore, the function plotQualityScorePerCycle() allows for a read-position specific visualization of the mean or median sequence quality.\newline

  plotQualityScorePerCycle(source_dir = s_dir, file_name = "test_data.fastq.gz")

Additionally, there is a sequence logo function available providing the opportunity to visually inspect all NGS reads at once.\newline


  plotSeqLogo(BC_dat = BC_data, colrs = NULL)

It is also possible to adjust the color selection for each nucleotide.\newline

  # color order correlates to the following nucleotide order A, T, C, G, N
  col_vec <- c("#000000", 
               RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(6, "Paired")[c(5, 6)], 

  plotSeqLogo(BC_dat = BC_data, colrs = col_vec)

4.2 Plotting Barcode Frequencies

The function generateKirchenplot() offers the possibility to explore the barcode frequencies of the analyzed sample.\newline


  generateKirchenplot(BC_dat = BC_data)

In certain cases, if you are particularly interested in previously known barcode sequences, you can provide those sequences woth the function call and therefore introducing an additional color-coding visualizing sequence (dis-)similarities.\newline


  generateKirchenplot(BC_dat = BC_data, ori_BCs = known_BCs)

  generateKirchenplot(BC_dat = BC_data, ori_BCs = known_BCs) + ggplot2::theme(legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 6),
                                                                              legend.key.size = ggplot2::unit(4, "mm"),
                                                                              legend.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = 7))


Furthermore, if you have two different barcode sets, e.g. a barcode white-list and known contaminations, both of those sets can be provided and will then automatically lead to separate plots.\newline


  generateKirchenplot(BC_dat = BC_data, ori_BCs = known_BCs, ori_BCs2 = contaminations)

This function also offers the possibilities to change the scale of the y-axis (loga), the distance measure (m), the color palettes (col_type) and of course the corresponding labels (setLabels).\newline


  generateKirchenplot(BC_dat = BC_data, 
                      ori_BCs = known_BCs, ori_BCs2 = contaminations, 
                      setLabels = c("known BCs", "stuff", "contaminations"), 
                      loga = TRUE, col_type = "wild", m = "lv")

\pagebreak Another interesting feature of a data set concerns the read-count frequencies. The following function offers the possibility to plot read-counts as absolute numbers.\newline

  plotReadFrequencies(BC_dat = BC_data)

...or as log-values or the corresponding density.\newline

  plotReadFrequencies(BC_dat = BC_data, log = TRUE)
  plotReadFrequencies(BC_dat = BC_data, dens = TRUE)

Also the width of the bins (bw) or the number of the bins (b) are adjustable.\newline

  plotReadFrequencies(BC_dat = BC_data, bw = 30)
  plotReadFrequencies(BC_dat = BC_data, b = 30)

4.3 Plotting Barcode Relations

You can also have a look at the sequence (dis-)similarities of the detected barcode sequences in a graph-like plot. Those plots can be used to identify false-positive barcodes and also to help visualizing the actions of the chosen error-correction approach. The underlying idea is again based on some kind of similarity/distance measure. Therefore, every barcode sequence will be compared to all other sequences and based on the chosen similarity measure the distances will be calculated, per default the Hamming distance will be predefined. The nodes within those network-plots represent the detected barcode sequences and (per default) every edge symbolizes a distance between two barcodes of exactly one nucleotide difference (adjustable via the parameter minDist). There are different functions available, which basically do the same but are based on different R-packages. The plotDistanceIgraph() function is based on the igraph package and therefore will also return an igraph-object whereas the ggplotDistanceGraph() function offers the possibility to create an ggplot2-object which than can be further customized. The plotDistanceVisNetwork() function is based in the visNetwork package and will consequently return a visNetwork-object which allows for an interactive exploration of the resulting plot. For instance, you can adjust the layout by clicking and dragging specific network nodes or by hovering the mouse-arrow over a node it is also possible to retrieve the underlying barcode metadata. Additionally, it is also possible to zoom-in and out and see all the corresponding barcode sequences at once.\newline

  plotDistanceVisNetwork(BC_dat = BC_data, minDist = 1, loga = TRUE, m = "hamming")
  plotDistanceIgraph(BC_dat = BC_data, minDist = 1, loga = TRUE, m = "hamming")


  ggplotDistanceGraph(BC_dat = BC_data, minDist = 1, loga = TRUE, m = "hamming")

Also, there are additional parameters available. You can provide a list of particular interesting barcodes (ori_BCs) which will introduce a similarity based color-coding. The parameter called lay allows for the selection of different layout algorithms or, instead of providing a name of the layout algorithm, you can provide a two-column matrix with as many rows as there are nodes in the network, in which case the matrix is used as layout node-coordinates. Default value for lay is fruchtermanreingold, but possible are also circle, eigen, kamadakawai, spring and many more. Additionally, you can choose a custom color palette (rainbow, heat.colors, topo.colors, greens, wild - see package grDevices). And finally, the parameter legend_size allows for an adjustment of legend size.\newline


  ggplotDistanceGraph(BC_dat = BC_data, 
                      minDist = 1, loga = TRUE, m = "hamming", 
                      ori_BCs = known_BCs, lay = "circle", complete = FALSE, 
                      col_type = "topo.colors", legend_size = 2)

For further customization possibilities the function createGDF() will create a gdf-file which then can be used as input for an open-source and free software called Gephi.\newline

  createGDF(BC_dat = BC_data, minDist = 1, loga = TRUE, m = "hamming")

There is also the possibility to use the same conceptual approach but not visualizing the barcodes as nodes in a network but as branches in a tree.\newline

  plotClusterTree(BC_dat = BC_data, tree_est = "UPGMA", 
                  type = "fan", tipLabel = FALSE, m = "hamming")
  plotClusterGgTree(BC_dat = BC_data, tree_est = "NJ", 
                    type = "rectangular", m = "hamming")

4.4 Plotting Error Correction Results

Furthermore, the package comes with a variety of functions solely designed to inspect the "insides"" of the error-correction approaches. Each error-correction basically clusters the input sequences based on slightly different “assumptions”. To retrospectively inspect the resulting cluster compositions, e.g. the function error_correction_clustered_HDs() will visualize the sequences similarities in the respective clusters. In order to do so, you have to set the EC_analysis paramter of the errorCorrection()-function to TRUE.\newline

  BC_data_EC <- errorCorrection(BC_dat = BC_data, 
                                 maxDist = 4,
                                 save_it = FALSE, 
                                 cpus = 1,
                                 strategy = "sequential", 
                                 m = "hamming", 
                                 type = "standard",
                                 only_EC_BCs = FALSE, 
                                 EC_analysis = TRUE, 
                                 start_small = FALSE)

  error_correction_clustered_HDs(datEC = BC_data_EC, size = 0.75)
  BC_data_EC <- errorCorrection(BC_dat = BC_data, 
                                 maxDist = 4,
                                 save_it = FALSE, 
                                 cpus = 1,
                                 strategy = "sequential", 
                                 m = "hamming", 
                                 type = "standard",
                                 only_EC_BCs = FALSE, 
                                 EC_analysis = TRUE, 
                                 start_small = FALSE)

  error_correction_clustered_HDs(datEC = BC_data_EC, size = 0.75) + ggplot2::theme(axis.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = 8))

You can also visualize the cluster composition in a more graph-like plot and if you are only interested in the final outcome of the error-correction procedure, it is possible to set the only_EC_BCs parameter to TRUE. Otherwise, all initial barcodes and the iterative nature of the error-correction procedure will be part of the additional metadata.\newline

  error_correction_circlePlot(edges = BC_data_EC$edges, vertices = BC_data_EC$vertices)
  error_correction_treePlot(edges = BC_data_EC$edges, vertices = BC_data_EC$vertices)

But you can also choose the already presented ggplot2 and visNetwork based plots to have a look at the subsumed barcode sequences during error-correction.\newline

  ggplotDistanceGraph_EC(BC_dat = BC_data, BC_dat_EC = BC_data_EC, 
                         minDist = 1, loga = TRUE, m = "hamming")


  plotDistanceVisNetwork_EC(BC_dat = BC_data, BC_dat_EC = BC_data_EC, 
                            minDist = 1, loga = TRUE, m = "hamming")

And here again, you can define a barcode list of interest to limit the amount of color-coding.\newline


  ggplotDistanceGraph_EC(BC_dat = BC_data, BC_dat_EC = BC_data_EC, 
                         minDist = 1, loga = TRUE, m = "hamming", ori_BCs = known_BCs)


  plotDistanceVisNetwork_EC(BC_dat = BC_data, BC_dat_EC = BC_data_EC, 
                            minDist = 1, loga = TRUE, m = "hamming", ori_BCs = known_BCs)


Or you can just limit the number of regarded barcodes by defining how many of the most abundant barcodes you would like to inspect (in this example, we limited it to the two most-abundant once, BC_threshold = 2).\newline


  ggplotDistanceGraph_EC(BC_dat = BC_data, BC_dat_EC = BC_data_EC, 
                         minDist = 1, loga = TRUE, m = "hamming", BC_threshold = 2)


5. Generating and plotting Time Series Data

The package also provides the possibility to analyze time series data. Let’s assume there are different fastq-files for different points in time, you have to start with the analysis of each file separately. After that, all the separately generated BCdat objects have to be arranged in a list in the time-correct order. If you already provided all of the fastq-files to the processingRawData() function at once, the resulting BCdat-objects will already be arranged in a list. Now, you just have to use that list with the function generateTimeSeriesData(). The resulting output can then be visualized utilizing the plotTimeSeries() and the plotVennDiagram() function.\newline

  # path to the package internal data file
  source_dir <- system.file("extdata", package = "genBaRcode")

  BC_data_tp1 <- processingRawData(file_name = "test_data.fastq.gz", 
                              mismatch = 10, 
                              label = "tp1", 
                              bc_backbone = getBackboneSelection(1), 
                              bc_backbone_label = "BC_1", 
                              min_score = 10, 
                              save_it = FALSE)
  BC_data_tp1 <- errorCorrection(BC_data_tp1, maxDist = 2)

  BC_data_tp2 <- processingRawData(file_name = "test_data.fastq.gz", 
                              mismatch = 1, 
                              label = "tp2", 
                              bc_backbone = getBackboneSelection(1), 
                              bc_backbone_label = "BC_1", 
                              min_score = 30,
                              min_reads = 1000,
                              save_it = FALSE)
  BC_data_tp2 <- errorCorrection(BC_data_tp2, maxDist = 4, type = "clustering")

  BC_data_tp3 <- processingRawData(file_name = "test_data.fastq.gz", 
                              mismatch = 0, 
                              label = "tp3", 
                              bc_backbone = getBackboneSelection(1), 
                              bc_backbone_label = "BC_1", 
                              min_score = 37, 
                              save_it = FALSE)
  BC_data_tp3 <- errorCorrection(BC_data_tp3, maxDist = 8, type = "graph based")

  BC_list <- list(BC_data_tp1, BC_data_tp2, BC_data_tp3)
  BC_matrix <- generateTimeSeriesData(BC_dat_list = BC_list)
  plotTimeSeries(ov_dat = BC_matrix)
  plotVennDiagram(BC_dat = BC_list)

As usual, also those two visualization functions come with a variety of layout options.\newline

  # choose colors
  test_colors <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(12, "Set3")

  plotTimeSeries(ov_dat = BC_matrix[1:12, ], 
                 colr = test_colors, tp = c(1,3,4), 
                 x_label = "test data", y_label = "test freqs")

  plotVennDiagram(BC_dat = BC_list, alpha_value = 0.25, 
                  colrs = c("green", "red", "blue"), border_color = "orange", 
                  plot_title = "this is the title", 
                  legend_sort = c("tp2_EC", "tp3_EC", "tp1_EC"), 
                  annotationSize = 2.5)


6. genBaRcode Shiny-App

There is also a shiny-app included within the package, allowing the user to use all main functionality of the package without typing any line of code at all. Or if you are well capable of programming you can also use it as a convenient method to learn about the possibilities of the package. There is an app-internal help and also an option to inspect the source-code necessary to redo all in-app done analysis. You can start the app with the genBaRcode_app() command and if you already have a data file which you are dying to analyze you just need to provide the path to the directory (dat_dir) of this particular file in order to choose it from within the app. If you have none and no path is provided the package`s internal example file will be available for exemplary analysis.\newline

  # start Shiny app with the package internal test data file  

  # start Shiny app with access to a predefined directory
  genBaRcode_app(dat_dir = "/my/test/directory/")

For more detailed information’s please consult the app-specific vignette.


7. Miscellaneous Functions

Since the package is closely related to several different and already established genetic barcodes, there is also a function which offers all established barcode-backbones, its called getBackboneSelection(). This is a convenient way to directly input those, sometimes lengthy, barcode backbones directly into the processingRawData() function.\newline


  bb <- getBackboneSelection(1)

  bb <- getBackboneSelection("BC32-eBFP")

If you would like to revisit some already analysed data-files you can just read the already stored csv-files via the readBCdat() function. The function will read the file and return a BCdat-object. And since there are different csv-like file formats out there, it is also possible to state the file-specific separator symbol via the parameter s.\newline

  BC_data <- readBCdat(path = "/my/test/firectory", label = "test_label", s = ";", 
                       BC_backbone = "ACTNNGGCNNTGANN", file_name = "test_file.csv")

But you can also just transform a data.frame() into a valid BCdat-object.

  test_data_frame <- data.frame(read_count = seq(100, 400, 100), 
                                barcode = c("AAAAAAAA", "GGGGGGGG", 
                                            "TTTTTTTT", "CCCCCCCC"))

  BC_data <- asBCdat(dat = test_data_frame, 
                      label = "test_label", 
                      BC_backbone = "CCCNNAAANNTTTNNGGGNN", 
                      resDir = "/my/results/directory/")

Furthermore, in case there is a need for a direct comparison of two BCdat-objects and you have no clue how to do that you can try the com_pair() function.

  test_data_frame <- data.frame(read_count = seq(100, 400, 100), 
                                barcode = c("AAAAAAAA", "GGGGGGGG", 
                                            "TTTTTTTT", "CCCCCCCC"))
  BC_data_1 <- asBCdat(dat = test_data_frame, 
                      label = "test_label_1", 
                      BC_backbone = "CCCNNAAANNTTTNNGGGNN", 
                      resDir = getwd())

  test_data_frame <- data.frame(read_count = c(300, 99, 150, 400), 
                                barcode = c("TTTTTTTT", "AATTTAAA", 
                                            "GGGGGGGG", "CCCCCCCC"))
  BC_data_2 <- asBCdat(dat = test_data_frame, 
                      label = "test_label_2", 
                      BC_backbone = "CCCNNAAANNTTTNNGGGNN", 
                      resDir = getwd())

  test <- genBaRcode:::com_pair(BC_dat1 = BC_data_1, BC_dat2 = BC_data_2)

Try the genBaRcode package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

genBaRcode documentation built on March 31, 2023, 11:02 p.m.