
genos2numeric <- function(file.ped, dir.ped, dir.out="", num.nonsnp.col=5, num.nonsnp.last.col=0, letter.encoding=TRUE, remove.bad.genos=FALSE, file.dat="", dir.dat="") {
# Categorizes genotype data into 3 levels, 1, 2, 3.
# Genos with two different Alleles are encoded as "2". 
# Other genotypes are encoded as "1" or "3", where most frequent geno is "1". 
# No missing values allowed, must be done after imputation.
# Geno values should use letters A, T, C, G.  
# Example run:
# For MaCH1 output format:
# genos2numeric(dir.ped="/home/briollaislab/olga/curr/data/mach1in/result", dir.out="/home/briollaislab/olga/curr/data/mach1out", file.ped="last25CASE.200.mlgeno", num.nonsnp.col=2)
# For PLINK format:
# genos2numeric(dir.ped="/home/briollaislab/olga/curr/data/output11", file.ped="shortie.ped", dir.out="/home/briollaislab/olga/curr/data/output11", num.nonsnp.col=6)
# For MaCH1 output format, with last column as disease status:
# genos2numeric(dir.ped="/home/briollaislab/olga/curr/data/mach1in/result", dir.out="/home/briollaislab/olga/curr/data/mach1out", file.ped="last25CASE.200.mlgeno", num.nonsnp.col=2, num.nonsnp.last.col=1)
# file.ped: the name of file with genotypes, after imputation. 
#   Entries should be either tab or space separated.
# dir.ped: directory where file.ped can be found.
# dir.out: output directory to which resulting file should be saved.
#   the file will be named "Num.<file.ped>".
# num.nonsnp.col: the number of leading columns that do not correspond to geno values.
#   Ex. for MaCH1 input file format there are 5 non-snp columns; 
#       for MaCH1 output format .mlgeno it's 2;
#       for Plink it's 6.
# num.nonsnp.last.col: the number of last columns that do not correspond to geno values.
#   Ex. If last column is the disease status (0s and 1s), then set this variable to 1.
#       If 2 last columns correspond to confounding variables, set the variable to 2.
# letter.encoding: whether or not the ecoding used for Alleles is letters (A, C, T, G).
#   if True, then does additional check for Alleles corresponding to the letters, and
#   prints out warning messages if other symbols appear instead. 
# remove.bad.genos: do you want to remove a geno if at least one of its values is not
#   valid (ex. "2" when only letters are expected, or "NA", etc). 
#   Warning: set this to TRUE only if the CASE and CONTROLs have been merged into the file.ped,
#     (otherwise we do not want to remove some SNPs from CASE but not from CONTROL
#      and generate two different .dat files)
# file.dat: If remove.bad.genos=TRUE, then the corresponding .dat file is necessary to update.
#   This file should be tab separated, and no header.
# dir.dat: directory where file.dat can be found. Defaults to dir.ped.
# Note: in case of any bad values in the file.ped (ex. "NA", "0/0", "0", "1 1", etc),
# the output file Num_<file.ped> will still be produced, with '2' encoded by default
# in the place of bad input values, if remove.bad.genos=FALSE. Warning messages will be printed.
# If remove.bad.genos=TRUE, then these SNPs will be entirely removed, along with their 
# names in the .dat file.
# Result:
# Num.<file.ped> - in dir.out directory, the resultant binary file, 
#      the SNP columns + last columns (but no user IDs will be recorded).
# Num.<file.dat> - in dir.out directory, the corresponding .dat file, if remove.bad.genos=TRUE. 
# Returns:
# Num.<file.ped> filename - the name of the output file.

# Check that .dat file is provided, if we are asked to remove bad SNPs:
if(remove.bad.genos == TRUE){
	if(file.dat == "") {
		print("Since you wish to remove bad SNPs (if they exist), you must provide the .dat file")
	if(dir.dat == "")
		dir.dat <- dir.ped

	# Check that file actually exists.
	full.dat <- paste(dir.dat, file.dat, sep="/")
	if(!file.exists(full.dat)) {
		print(paste("Error: the .dat file: ", full.dat, " does not exist.", sep=""))

	dat <- read.table(full.dat, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
	if(ncol(dat) <= 1) {
		print(paste("Error: the .dat file: ", full.dat, " is either empty or not tab separated.", sep=""))

# If the tab separator is not working, then try to load file using space separator.
D <- read.table(paste(dir.ped, file.ped, sep="/"), sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
if(ncol(D) <=1) {
	D <- read.table(paste(dir.ped, file.ped, sep="/"), sep=" ", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
	if(ncol(D) <=1) {
	        print(paste("File ", dir.ped, "/", file.ped, " does not seem to have proper format", sep=""))

ncols <- ncol(D)
# Remove the first num.nonsnp.col columns from the data, and the last num.nonsnp.last.col.
#frontD <- D[, 1:num.nonsnp.col]
endD <- NULL
if(num.nonsnp.last.col > 0)
	endD <- D[, (ncols-num.nonsnp.last.col+1):ncols]
D <- D[, (num.nonsnp.col+1):(ncols-num.nonsnp.last.col)]

nrows <- nrow(D)			
ncols <- ncol(D)
newD <- matrix(2, nrows, ncols)
genos.to.keep <- rep(TRUE, times=ncols)
j <- 1

# Iterate over all the columns. 
# For each column, determine the unique set of geno values that repeat.
while(j <= ncols) {

	a <- unique(D[,j])
	if(length(a) > 4 && !letter.encoding) { # if too many geno types are present in one column
		print(paste("Warning: file ", file.ped, " on SNP ", j, " has more than 4 different geno values:", sep=""))

	# Sort the unique array, s.t. most frequent genos appear first.
	counts <- rep(0, length(a))
	for(k in 1:length(a)) 
		counts[k] <- length(which(D[,j] == a[k]))
	ordering <- sort(counts, decreasing=T, index.return=T)$ix
	a <- a[ordering]

	# Process the genos
	next.val <- 1
	for (k in 1:length(a)) { # 1 <= k <= 4
		# Determine whether the value is a palindrome or not
		status <- pali(a[k], letter.encoding)
		if(status == 0) { # in case if unlikely geno values are encountered
			print(paste("Warning: file ", file.ped, " on SNP ", j, " has a geno with illegal value: ", a[k], sep=""))
			if(remove.bad.genos == TRUE) 
				genos.to.keep[j] <- FALSE
		if(status == -2) { # in case if bad Allele value is detected if letters are expected
			print(paste("Warning: file ", file.ped, " on SNP ", j, " has a geno with unexpected value: ", a[k], sep=""))
			if(remove.bad.genos == TRUE) 
				genos.to.keep[j] <- FALSE
		if(status == 1) { # if the value is a palindrome, assign it 1 and then 3.
			num <- which(D[,j] == a[k])
			newD[num, j] <- rep(next.val, length(num))
			next.val <- 3
		# if value is not palindrome, do nothing: the encoding of "2" is already default of newD array.
	j <- j + 1

# Only keep genos that are good. Also crop and save the .dat file
if(remove.bad.genos == TRUE) {
	newD <- newD[, genos.to.keep]
	dat <- dat[genos.to.keep, ]
	out.dat.file <- paste(dir.out, "/Num_", file.dat, sep="")
	write.table(dat, file=out.dat.file, col.names=F, row.names=F, quote=F, sep="\t")
	num.genos.removed <- sum(!genos.to.keep)
	print(paste("Removing: ", num.genos.removed, "/", ncols, " = ", (num.genos.removed/ncols * 100), "% SNPs.", sep=""))

# Append the last columns to the file:
if(num.nonsnp.last.col > 0)
	newD <- cbind(newD, endD)

out.file <- paste(dir.out, "/Num_", file.ped, sep="")
write.table(newD, file=out.file, col.names=F, row.names=F, quote=F, sep="\t")

return(paste("Num_", file.ped, sep=""))


pali <- function(word, letter.encoding) {
# Checks the geno 'word':
# Returns 1 if two Alleles are the same, ignoring the symbols in the middle, (ex "AA", "A/A", "A A", "C C", "GG"...)
# Returns -1 if the two Alleles are different, (ex "G/A", "A/G", "TC", "G T"...)
# Returns 0 if the Allele is invalid, (ex one letter long, NA, "NA", "0 0", "1 1", "0/0")
# Returns -2 if letter.encoding=T and either of the Alleles is not a valid letter (not one of "A", "C", "T", or "G").
	len <- nchar(word)
	if(len <= 1)
	if(is.na(word) || word == "NA")
	first <- substr(word, 1, 1)
	last <- substr(word, len, len)

	if(first == "0" || first == "1" || first == "N")

	# Check for palindrome:
	# - if we're not expecting letters, or
	# - if we are expecting letters and these letters are valid
	valids <- c("A", "T", "C", "G")
	if(!letter.encoding || (!is.na(match(first, valids)) && !is.na(match(last, valids)))) {

		if(first == last) 
	} else 

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