genomicLocsToProteinSequence <- function(inputLoci, CDSaaFile) {
loci_0 = inputLoci
if(! {
loci_0 = data.frame(loci_0, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
loci_0[,1] = as.character(loci_0[,1]);
loci_0[,2] = as.numeric(as.character(loci_0[,2]));
loci_0[,3] = as.numeric(as.character(loci_0[,3]))
# make sure that the original loci were named by their row index.
rownames(loci_0) = 1:nrow(loci_0)
# removing those loci which don't have a proper location.
kk =[,1:4]); kk = rowSums(kk)>0; loci = loci_0[!kk,]
if(nrow(loci)==0) {
return("there is no valid loci!!")
exonsPep = read.table(CDSaaFile, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, sep='\t')
kk = exonsPep[,1]
if(sum(grepl('^chr', loci[1,1])) > 0 ) {
kk[kk=='MT'] = 'M'
kk = paste('chr', kk, sep='')
exonsPep[,1] = kk
exonsPep_gr = GenomicRanges::GRanges(exonsPep[,1],
IRanges::IRanges(exonsPep[,2], exonsPep[,3]), strand=exonsPep[,4])
loci_GR = GenomicRanges::GRanges(loci[,1],
IRanges::IRanges(as.numeric(loci[,2]), as.numeric(loci[,3])),
# the overlap of the loci with CDS, kk000433[[n]]
kk = GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(loci_GR, exonsPep_gr, minoverlap=1)
kkt1 = S4Vectors::queryHits(kk)
kkt2 = S4Vectors::subjectHits(kk)
kk01 = cbind(kkt1,kkt2)
if(length(kkt1) == 0) {
kk = rep(NA, nrow(loci)*5)
kk = t(matrix(kk, nrow=5))
colnames(kk) = c('transId', 'dnaSeq', 'dnaBefore', 'dnaAfter', 'pepSeq')
loci_re = cbind(loci, kk)
} #return a NULL if there is no overlapping.
# for each locus, the index of overlapping CDS, kk0004330[[n]]
kk02 = tapply(kk01[,2], kk01[,1], sort)
# the index of the loci in the overlapping
kk021 = as.numeric(names(kk02))
# now checking the exons overlapping with one locus and get the DNA and
# AA sequences from those exons
DNASeqL = list()
ProteinSeqL = list()
DNASeqBeforeL = list()
DNASeqAfterL = list()
for(locId in 1:length(kk021)) {
lociNow = loci[kk021[locId], ]
exonsNow = exonsPep[kk02[[locId]],]
DNAseqNow = vector(length= nrow(exonsNow))
AAseqNow = vector(length= nrow(exonsNow))
DNAseqBeforeNow = vector(length= nrow(exonsNow))
DNAseqEndNow = vector(length= nrow(exonsNow))
# initialising the start and end with the exon's one
startNow = exonsNow[,2]; endNow=exonsNow[,3]; strandNow = exonsNow[,4]
# get the DNA and AA seq from each exon for the current locus
for(ind in 1:nrow(exonsNow) ) {
# first get the start and end positions of the locus relative
# to the 5' side start of the current exon.
if(strandNow[ind]=='+') { #for the forward strand
stCur = startNow[ind] # get the start of exon
if (lociNow[1,2] > startNow[ind]) stCur = lociNow[1,2]
endCur = endNow[ind] # get the end of exon
if(lociNow[1,3] < endNow[ind] ) endCur = lociNow[1,3]
stCur = stCur - startNow[ind]+1
endCur = endCur - startNow[ind]+1
} else { # for the reverse strand, everything is in reverse now.
stCur = endNow[ind] # get the start from the exon
if (lociNow[1,3] < endNow[ind]) stCur = lociNow[1,3]
endCur = startNow[ind] # get the end
if(lociNow[1,2] > startNow[ind] ) endCur = lociNow[1,2]
# get the relative distance to the start of the exon in
# the reverse strand.
stCur = -stCur + endNow[ind]+1
endCur = -endCur + endNow[ind]+1
# DNA sequences is straightforward
DNAseqNow[ind] = substr(exonsNow[ind,8], stCur, endCur)
#now for the protein sequence, which is a bit tricky.
# the DNA from the beginning of exon to the start of locus
dna2St = substr(exonsNow[ind,8], 1, stCur)
# the DNA from the beginning of exon to the end of locus
dna2End = substr(exonsNow[ind,8], 1, endCur)
# get the DNA which are the remaining of the preceding exon
prevDNA = gsub(' ', '', exonsNow[ind,9])
# adding the preceding DNA
dna2St = paste(prevDNA, dna2St, sep='')
dna2End = paste(prevDNA, dna2End, sep='') # similarly
# how many of the bases in front of the current base are needed
# for the start base to form an AA.
kkt01 = (nchar(dna2St)-1)%% 3
# how many of the bases after the current one are needed for
# the end base to form an AA
kkt02 = nchar(dna2End)%% 3;
kkt02 = 3 - kkt02;
if(kkt02==3) kkt02=0
if(kkt01==0) {
} else {
DNAseqBeforeNow[ind] = substr(dna2St,
stCur +nchar(prevDNA)-kkt01, stCur+nchar(prevDNA)-1)
if(kkt02==0) {
} else {
DNAseqEndNow[ind] = substr(exonsNow[ind,8],
endCur+1, endCur+kkt02)
# get the start of the AA in the current AA sequence
kkt03 = ceiling(nchar(dna2St)/ 3)
# get the end of the AA in the current AA sequence. Note not
# using the end base if it have to borrow bases after it.
#kkt04 = floor(nchar(dna2End)/ 3)
#if using the end base
kkt04 = ceiling(nchar(dna2End)/ 3)
AAseqNow[ind] = substr(exonsNow[ind,12], kkt03, kkt04)
# now need to put together the DNA and protein sequences belonging
# to one transcript.
exons2transNow= tapply(1:nrow(exonsNow), exonsNow[,5], function(a) a)
DNASeqL[[locId]] = sapply(exons2transNow, function(a)
paste(DNAseqNow[a], collapse='') )
ProteinSeqL[[locId]] = sapply(exons2transNow, function(a)
paste(AAseqNow[a], collapse='') )
DNASeqBeforeL[[locId]] = sapply(exons2transNow, function(a)
DNASeqAfterL[[locId]] = sapply(exons2transNow, function(a)
seqLst = list()
for(ind in 1:length(kk02) ) {
seqLst[[ind]] = cbind(dnaSeq=DNASeqL[[ind]],
dnaBefore=DNASeqBeforeL[[ind]], dnaAfter= DNASeqAfterL[[ind]],
pepSeq= ProteinSeqL[[ind]])
seqLst_unique = lapply(seqLst, function(a) {
kkt00 = tapply(rownames(a), a[,1],
function(a1) paste(a1, collapse=';'))
kkt = names(kkt00);
names(kkt00)=''; kkt01 = match(kkt, a[,1]); kkt02=a[kkt01,];
if(is.matrix(kkt02)) {
} else {
kkt02 = matrix( c(kkt00,kkt02), nrow=1);
colnames(kkt02) = c('transId', colnames(a)); kkt02
} )
#get the loci that have a matching protein sequence.
kk03 = loci[as.numeric(names(kk02)),]
#then get the augmented loci for the protein sequences
kk = sapply(seqLst_unique, nrow)
kkt = rep(1:length(seqLst_unique), times=kk)
kk031 = kk03[kkt,]
kk = lapply(seqLst_unique, function(a) t(a) )
kkt = unlist(kk)
kk032 = t(matrix(kkt, nrow=5))
colnames(kk032) = rownames(kk[[1]])
kk032 = cbind(kk031, kk032)
# get the other rows in the original list
kk = rownames(kk032)
kkt = as.numeric(kk); kkt = floor(kkt)
kkt01 = setdiff(rownames(loci_0), as.character(kkt) )
kkt02 = loci_0[kkt01,]
kk= cbind(kkt02, matrix(nrow=nrow(kkt02), ncol=5) )
colnames(kk) = colnames(kk032)
kkt = rbind(kk032, kk)
kk = rownames(kkt)
kk = as.numeric(kk)
kkt01 = kkt[order(kk),]
lociExt = kkt01
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