Man pages for genotypeR
SNP Genotype Marker Design and Analysis

binary_codingCode genotypes as binary
COWhere crossovers occur per individual with 2 ways to deal...
convert2qtl_tablewrite out table for import into rqtl
count_COInternal function to remove search and remove columns based...
genotypeR-classClass genotypeR.
genotypes_dataGenotyping data from the sequenom platform from markers...
GoldenGate2iCOM_designOutput GoldenGate markers for assay development with illumina...
grep_df_subsetInternal function to remove search and remove columns based...
Heterogametic_Genotype_WarningsHeterogametic warnings
illumina_Genotype_TableMake genotypeR Alt_Ref_Table
initialize_genotypeR_datainitialize_genotypeR_data; must provide warning allele
make_marker_namesMake genotypeR compliant marker names from the output of...
markersMarker data produced with genotypeR
read_in_illumina_GoldenGateRead in Illumina GoldenGate AB tab delimited text file
read_in_Master_SNPs_dataRead in GrandMasterSNPs output
read_in_sequenom_dataRead in Sequenom Data
Ref_Alt_TableMake reference/alternate allele table from make_marker_names...
SequenomMarkersR wrapper script to run Sequenom Marker design pipeline
sort_sequenom_dfSequenom Data frame Sort
subsetChromosomeSubset genotypeR object by chromosome
zero_one_two_codingCode genotypes as 0, 1, 2
genotypeR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:25 a.m.